Library OFFICIAL PAPER Subscription Reduced Subscription Reduced $2.00 Per Year. $2.00 Per Year. 1'ortlaad FIFTEENTH YEAR SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. PUBLISHED Tuesdays and Fridays BT TOE PATTERSON PUBLISHING' COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man. At (9.0) per year, 11.00 for six monthe, COots. tor three monins, striotly in advance. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. THIS PAPER is kept on file at K. C. Hake's Advertising Agency, M and 65 Merchants ICxohangs, Ban Francieeo, California, where oou raota for adverUeinR can be made for it. LP. FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVERTI8 . ing agent, 21 Merohants' Exchange Build ing, Ban i'rancisoo, is onr authorized agent. Thie papar is kept on file at his office. 0. R. & N.-L0CAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 9:80 p . m. daily exoept Sunday arriving at Heppner Junction 1206 a. m. Leaves Heppner Junotiou 8:30 a. m. and ar rives at Heppner 8.-00 a. m Hpokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:00 p. m . and arrives at Heppner Junction 7:50 p. m. and Uma'illa 8:60 p. m. Portland Express No. 8. from Spokane, arrives at Umatilla 0:00 a. m. and Heppner Junction 7:00 a. m. and arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m. Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 8:25 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 8:25 a. m. and at umacma t:ou u- m. Fast Mail No. 1 leave? Umatilla 11:10 n. m nH arrives at Heppner Junction 12:25 a. m. and at jroruana i a. m. For further information inquire of J. C. Hart, aawi v. a. a, a. , jieypnw, ure. United States Officials. President.. WUliam McKinley Vice-President Garret A. Hobai Secretary of State John Sherman beorotary or Treasury Lyman J, Gage beoretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss Secretary of War ...Bnssell . Alger Secretary of Navy John D. Long Poetinaster-Qeneral., James A. Gary Attorney-Uensral Joseph McKenna Secretary f Agrioulturs James Wilson State of Oregon. Governor W. P. Lord Secretary of Stats H. K. Kincaid Treasarer Phil. Metschan Snpt. Publio Instruction G. M. Irwin Attorney General C. M. Idleman ft-jfcsaa rn..m.. 5 Binger Hermann i w. K. Ellis Printer W. H. Leeds I K. o. Keen, Supreme Judges F. A. Moore. f C. E. Wolverton Sixth Jndlolal District. Circuit Judge ....Stephen .Lowell Prosecuting Attorney H. J. Bean Morrow Count Officials. Joint Senator.. . ... .....A, W. Gowan Kept ontatlve. J. N. Brown ilnanty Judge A. G. Bartholomew ' (VmmtMioners 1. It. Howard J. W. Beckett. Clerk J.W.Morrow Sheriff E. L. Matlock " Treasurer Frank Oilliam Aseeeaor. ...... ....A. C. Petteys Surveyor... J. W. Hornor rtohool Sup't Jay W. Shipley l;oroner , u. r. Vangnaa HBPPNBB TOWK OVFIOBRB. Minor Thos. Morgan (Jounnlltnen Geo. Conser, Frank Gilliam. Arthur Minor, t. J. Ulooum, al. Liehtenthal and J. B. Simons, t. . ur mAKKWiUM. n Hiuruni .... if. ,im.m... Treasarer L. W. Briggs Uarshai A. A. Roberta Precinct OIBoerf . Jnatine of tha Psaee W. K. Richardson (onetable. N. 8. Whetstone United Bute Land Officers. TBB DAXXXS. OB. J. t. Moore Register A. 8. Bucks Ueoeivar LA OBAMDB, OB. B. F. Wilaon Reglter J. R. Hobbina Receiver SSOBZT aOCIZTTXO. HAWLIN8 POST, MO. IL 0. A. B. Paete at Leimatno, Or tha Uat Batorday of arb month. All veterans are invited to Mu. O. W. Hmith, C. G. KlyU. Adlatant, tf Commander, Dr. P. B. McSwords, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Officio la tbe City Drug Store, near City Hotel. tf D. J. McFaul, M. D. . HEPPNER, OREGON. Offioe boar), 8 to 10 e. m., and 12 to 2 p. to,, al residence, W. A. Kirk's prop erty, ul of M. E church, Sootb, aod 10 to 12, a. to , to 2 to S p. m., at offioe ia tbe rear of Borg's Jewelry etore. Brown & Redfield, Attorneys at Law, Office In tbe First National Bank Baildiog. Ilimu, : : On soon. tf W. A. RICHARDSON, Justice of the Peace and City Recorder. ornet at COWMCII. CMsMIIRI Melts sad bays real estate, evnta bonees, taape, daoe enfiveratirliia and will saris reu IS ay way ta bM Una. at reasonable Bgurea. ti First National Bank UE1TNER C. A. rtMCA, . rVweUUltt T. A. RMCA. - Vie Preeieent OtO. W. CONIC, Ceebler 8. W. SrCMCt), . Aee'i CoeMer Truarti t Gtotrtl Buliig Itmtn 33XCI-IA.2Sr03i: Oi all barn mt U world Bought and Sold. Cetlertlone sd am all Batata n ble Tsrtn. lNirlne e4 4lt.d Motta, ttl.wit) M TV Oae4te will take potato, a (plea, ejg or batter oe etbeerfptka axtroenta. Amy oee oir Ibie effioerao eule tbeir trooaale ta Uue eiaafter si J ao't do it cm tooei m Going East? IP YOU ARE, DO NOT FORGET Three Important Points. FIRST Go via. St Panl ho- caaee the lines to that point will afford jou the verv best RBrvinH. beyond St. Paul reads via. the Wisconsin Central because that line makes close ftnntiAftf.inna with all the trans-continental hneB en tering the Union Depot there, and its service is first-class m every particular. THIRD For information, call on your neighbor and friend the nearest ticket agent and ask for a ticket reading via. the Wisconsin Central lines, or address Jas. C. Pnnd. Gen. Pas. Agt., Milwaukee, Wig. or Geo. 8. Batty, Geueral Agent, 246 Stark St., Portland Or. H W. Fall, PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO, ILL., Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. & Q., C. M. & St. P., C & A., P. ft. W. AC., and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads. RATBH a.oo PISR DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts., cmcAao, ILL. The WEEKLY MONTHLY Outlook Published Every Saturday 13 Astor; Place New York Tbe Outlook will be in 1897, aa it baa been during each of ita Uenty-aeven yeara, Hiatory of Oar Own Titnee. In its various editorial departments Tbe Outlook srivea e compact review of the world'e progress; it followa with care all tbe importaot philanthropic and in dustrial movements of the day: baa a complete department of religious news; devotee muoh space to the intereats of tbe home; reviews current literature: farnisbea cheerful table-talk about men and things: sod, io short, aims to Rive fresh information, original observation, and reasonable) entertainment. Beginning with tbe fifty fiifth volume, tbe paper will Ana time tbe regular maga zine aiae, wbiob will add greatly to iti ooDTenienee and aUlractiveoees. Tbe Outlook Is published every Saturday fifty-two iaauea a year. Tbe first issue In each month is an Illustrated Megasine Number, containing about twioe as many pages as tbe ordinary issued, together witb large Bomber of pic tn res. Tbe prioeof Tha Outlook is three dollars a year in advance, or leas Ibso a cent a day. Reed for a specimen onp and Illustrat ed prospectus to Tbe Outlook, 13 Aetor riare, New Totk Oltv. STOCK BRAND!). While foe aeeo roar enbeerlDtlae neid o eeakeeB roar brand la rreeof harse. Bore. P. O., Heppoer. Ot.-H.wm, P B ct left sboakUn eatUe, m oe left hip. Ilenk, A J..LMa.Or. Harass, BHoa rishtshoul 6m aiUe, sane a rtattt klpt ear atark saoars "'P oB left and milt ia rvshU rnlae. W. M , Oallcnrar. Or.-Cattla, R Dan rlaht i.U.swailnw-fwrk U saoh sari aores, at 1) ee left hip. f ly, Rm Dn.iUOr.-H-ne braadad ELY ea imtx shoaklar, eskUie Basse oa Ufttiip. bole is nakt ear. nimnaa. L. A.. n rw'u ft tiaaiaiBt bswsae F wil bar aa4ar oa rlahl sbaablar. JcMMa, rtarry. Reppewr. Or Hones Wmuimi risht nip, alau atxWtxt is left ear. Kane la inlinsoa. F.I 1 1, teaa, Or.-Wiriu, atroleT a left UBt eaute. earae oa Hht kip, ute keif Srue la n an4 s&Ut left m Kanar.Miks Heppner, Korea braaiM INI ee iart b.b earn aa4 srop ofl Ml sari eaiier abipe oa ue rlabt . Ueb. J. W. Heppner Or.-HoraMl brandMl kip, waute enr nkt eye, lore elite la r.M Miaar, Oaner, napftoer Or. ertle. II D MJ rlabt bipt buna. Mew -ct ehooM-r. Mnfau. H. Hep peer. Ar.-Horeat, Bt 1 ea Ut Wei'U mmtum mum oe Ut kip. ""ra. 1. W., Dnafiae. ,., O oa let sboalderi settle saaae oa rlcbt hip, Parker A Olaasma. Bantatea.Or,-Borsa If oa M saoeiibir. P1lr. . iMlnetea. itr.-H.nm. IK ena. sa-4.4 atilefteti.Wi eeMie,aaaMea kef bi. SW bit la ena aer. t. W.. Hmsw. Or.-Harsaa. JO el l- is O ea rlebt kith auwy. K. ft. HepeeMT. tr. - rattle tl!a lert Nip. en aT en,4 enaWtnt la Uft year. eui ka WCmWI elmkkw. , Ibowpw. 4 A.. Hper ' 'i tt rial, I us kvti MaW law, miiI HUA MmlWr. , Tre-r It. His peer, t v.-aU aapMe) t m kin ,. eetUs Suae ea left kls witb aplil ie bulk en. wer mtrm 4 w mm rii ml4r rmtn mnmnfmmiw na rtsrht kip eeH nrMstra, .rnewll.Mi.Mlar. sUeaa la bWfww ea4 I detaltiksewealMB. HEPPNER, MORROW Hotel HejiinLer (Formerly the GRAND CENTRAL.) HEPPNER, OREGON. MBS. L. SMALL, Manager, NowOpen. New Methods. New Manage ment. Strictly First Class. Rates, $1.00 Per SPECIAL RATES BY fiA first-cl " vvuuvumvm JL A CD I) ut) IUU 11 and from all trains. We solicit your patronage. 587-nov.l2 McClure's For SEVEN GREAT SERIALS A Ne(iranLt,e've?,Duf.nhtJy ?&&k12JX flnt "oritative and adequate Life of RudVard KlDllna's first Amftrfnun arlftl PUnraina pAnMAI.. i n . v-pmiUB wmofjoum, vDUI1 1U noveiuDor.j """"(Begtas1 in Mi?V)nSOn'" 'I81, Ives-" The only novel of 8tevenon' unpublished Chrve;,P,n.V ,Mr.- Dana wa for three of the most critical if ?i3 ?k the Clvll wr practically a member of Lincoln's Cabinet, and is probably better ?inih,RnlnytheriDan".vingt0 Klveau authoritative history of this period from his recollections and correspondence. ' p Portraits of 6reat Americana. Many of them unpnbliihed. In connection with this series Pictures of Palestine. Bpeclally taken under the editor's direction. Stories of Adventure. A serial by CONAN DOYLK, in which he will use his extraordinary X'besTPoe aud oXriaS: WbiCh h' 10 th9 "6hetlwk Uolm"" ."'"enhl'i TEN FAMOUS WRITERS IAN i?A-5E.1!iu l1 flctlon that he will write during the coming year, with the exception XpXtaBwl WhiCh eree"a8l u him long agofwlll ,0ELRCaDbi?KhSM ,n the flel1" th "B' R0DIS ofVstJ 0ntrihut8 to Mo' OCTAVE THANT Is preparinir for the Maoazimb a series of short stories In which the same characters will appear, although each will be complete iu itself. ""'" Anthony Hope Brat Hart Robert Barr Frank R. Stockton Stanley Weyman Clark Ruaaell will all have stories in McClcbb's for the coming year. lMu '0atUre, ' McCtUM' ' One Dollar a Year The new volume begins with November. Subscriptions should start with this number. The S. S. McClure Co., New York. A Campaign Of Education How to Get It A1V UNPARALLELED OFFER aummate skill. such a paper la a great popular home. The subscription price of Leslie's W. ... Ik. ... 1 1 -1 . . CT hi, uuiaraiieieq onvr oi a copy 01 X Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi- KJ mm a a m - . weeKiy one year lor only $.50. No such offer wss ever mads before. No suro offer will tvrr bs mads again. These two papers make a most acceptable Chrl.tmai or blrlhrtsy gilt, and will be constant reminders of ths giver's kindness Remit by postal order or check to ths ft Hoppnor, Oretron. W Thi lloaa Tttn Takd William Oor don baa moved hie feed yard from He former loeelloa to Jones eld ataod where be will be pleased to have all bis frirada aad patrooa to eall oa him. Mr. OorJoa la aoeemmodatioa, baa a Rood yard and almedsot !acilitia to take ear of stock la first olaas shape. Hie pi loee are very reaeoe able. He baa bay aodirala for sale. Has lately ad Jed a ear hai4 0 balnt timothy. tf. Tbe Oaaelta dote not qaralioa the boDeetyoftny pereoa, bat It la eoav pelted to Insuit epoo the aeab-la advsoo plea of eabaoriptioa, . whetb tbe snb eerilwr be Cornelloa VaadVrbilt or tbe man a bo earae hie bread by boaeet toiL We eaoBol raa tbe paper aa aay other plea. tf ljoa flock stage leaves Ueppner at Te'eloek, a. nu, Teaedaye.Tbaredaye, and Halordays; arrivee at 0 a'lok, p. at., Uoadaya, Wedeeedsys aa4rridaa Will make eoaaeetMra with braaektrala beo deeired. Kare tl taoh way. Freight ) sel per poood. J. U. Dal Us brock, rrop. OQa at Harry Warrea'i dru( etore. tl. " II... . '"' - COUNTY, OREGON, Day and Upwards. THE WEEK OR MONTH. Magazine 1897 !U4.50 To be educated on must rrad the best literature. Ths best literature Is expensive. Leelle'a llluetrated Weekly. Pubtlaned at 110 KKth Avenoe, New York, la fuU of thebest things, lie Illustrations are superb; Its stories charming) and lu literary detiartinatit are eHibul with .win. educator. II should be In every U 4 pa nnum. . & T.-M.: Tbe eity aonnell bas certaloly levelled good business saaeity in ao ceptinf tha bid of the rarrott-Laoaea-berg Co fur lighting tbe city. Few allies ea tbe aoaat get tbeir lights at soea a rate, and aa ao aity cea afford to be io darkeeee.Tbc Dal lee eaa be roograia. leied epoa bavlag bero able to eon tract for GO ligNU l I.rjg0 e year, or at the rate of per light, a little lees taaa d'lable tbe price of aa aro light for a moalb. Ortalnli yoo doe't st to etiffef alb dyepepeta.oooelioatkia. etek beadaebee, ksllow ekia aad I'M of apprliU. foa bars never tried D Witt's little Early Kieere fur tbeaa enmnleltite or yoa wonld bsvs beea aored. Tbey are email pills bat great regulators, tot sale by IV ar aed Drot k. Tba regniar eabaoriptioa prma of tbe ( Weekly Osteite le 12 .00 aad Iba reeratsr prioa oi tba Weekly Or egos lea la 11. W. Aeyoee saharnMag fnf tbe Oeaetle aad paying for oaa year is edreaee eaa g-4 both tba Oaaelta aad Weekly Orrgoalea for ll.oa All old eat. enters paying tbeir sabaeriptione ft I oaa year laadfaaea atll be ealitted fa tbeeaaae. e TUESDAY, NOV. 9, HOW TO FIND OUT. Fill a bottle or common glass with arioe and lei it etaod twebty-fonr hours; a sediment or settling lodioatel an un healthy oondition ot the kidneys. When urine stains linen it ia evidence of kid ney trouble. Too freqnent desire to uri nate or pain in the baok, ia also con vino. ing proof that the kidneys and bluddor are oat of order, WHAT TO 1)0. Tbero is Comfort 1n the knowledcre n often expressed, that Dr. Kilmei'a 8wamp-Koot, the great kidney remedy fulfils every wiHh io relieving pain tn the baok, kldneye, liver, bladder and every part of tbe urinary passages. It cor rects inability to bold nrine and eoald ing pain in passing it, or bad effects fol lowing use of liquor, wine or beer; and overoomee that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to get up mnny times daring the bight to urinate. The mild and the extraordinary effect Of Swamp root is soon realized. It atanda tba highest fur ita wonderful oures of the most distressing oaaes. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists, price fifty oonta and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and pamphlet both sent free by mail. Mention the Heppner 3r,6tte aud aend your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., E:ti hampton, N. Y. The proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness of this offer. Some Spuds. Rev. J. T. Galloway oalled at this of. flee on Friday evening and left us a few pointeraio regard to bis ranch a few miles northeast of Heppner. Lnet epriug before leaving for the upper country to apend the aummer, Mr. Galloway "ploughed iu"t acre of potatoes, spenl ing no time whatever ip cultivation of the land. He returned about a week ago to dig his spuds, tba aforesaid half acre yielding him 13.500 pounda of ex cellent potatoea, the majority of which are of the Early Rose variety. Among some speolmene brought to town, Mr. Galloway bad two very large potatoes, one weighing 5 pounds and the other meaauring 11 inobea around. Mr. Gal loway's ranoh joins the Billy Morrow ranoe on Black Horse, and be expeots to prove np on it in tbe spring. Whs Ur. A. E. Haltrr Says. Buffalo, H. Y. Gents : From my personal knowledge, gaioed in observing tbe effect of your Shiloh 's Cure io oases of advanced consumption, I am prepared to aay it ia the most remarkable remedy that baa aver been brought to my atten tion. II has certainly saved many from consumption. Sold by Ouueer ft Brook. A Hplfsdld Pap r. "The Wool Reoord." Dnblishad at New York, while one of tbe very newist, baa leaped Into the front rank of Amiri. oan industrial newspapers. It is Na tional, oon-aeotinnal and oon-nartiaan. and is devoted Io the Intereats of the wool industry in all its brsnehea. Ita mission is tbe correction of abnsea, ths Chsmplonshtp of fairurws and tbe eetsb liabment of jtisties Ihroogbnut Ibe en lira wool trade. It espouses patriotism and ia LleJed to promote, and is identified witb ot.e of America's favorite aud IvdIobI imlns. tries. Ita editorlala are broad, progressive, lot resting sod profitsbls. Kagle: V. R. MoOonolnal. of Hion- oer, was io lbs city Toeaday. sod while bars pail lbs Eaglo office a vi-it. Ha informed the Eagle reporter that the object of bis visit to Ibis section wm to parobaso borsrs for ths Li do ton Tan nery, Tbs prioe be Is offering is tl 60 per bead and bs bas already seenre.1 a number le Iba neighborhood of Hitter, at that flgare. He la, however, derirona of scouring several ear los ls. Hit is also an i ions Io purchase a large bend of sheep if be aaa soon re tb-tn at pries anywhere wilbla reason. Karl's Clover Root Tea, f .r Conelipa tion It's Iba beat and if after oeing it yoo don't aay so, return package and get your money. Hold by Gooarr A Urock. , Con Ion (Hobs I BherlfT Matlock of Heppber, was over io this seeth last Wedoesdey looking for a yoong mao named Jobneoe, who ia wanted aver In Morrow eoanly fir elealiog wheal, or somelhlnc of Ibal sort, lie loet traea of tha fugitive la Ibis ooouty and re turned bums without bira. The "liieysllet's Beet Friend'' la a familiar same for DeWitt's W iieb llsiel Halve, alaajs reedy for eu.srganmre. While a epeciflo f piles, it also instant ly relieves and rnrea sots, hraisee, salt rLutn, enema sad all effeetkms of lbs skin. never fails. For Mala by Coaeer A Brook. e O.od. Globe: Hie, Elsie Hi org HI -H Iba asms of tba yoong lady wbo beoeme ho wife of Jay P. Loos oa Ool. Utn at ber bona in ll.ker City. Jay Iblaks bs III vleit bio friends ia Oilliam eonetr this fall. Ha and bis wife bow leehle at N,ftb Yakima lor Constipation take Karl's Clover Tea, the great UI1 I'srlStr, oorrs tieadeelioe, Nervooeaeaa, Eroplioos oa Iba fane, ea 1 ajakee the bead as elear as a tell. Hold by Cesser A Broak. g 1897. A Nameless Grave. From Victoria Daily Times About five years ago Miss MaoDuofee, a member of Nat Goodwin's company, died at the Florence Hotel, in Missoula, Montana, and was buried there, the members of tbe company meeting all expenses. There is no word of death or birth Above this nameless grave- Above the narrow mound of earth, Where tall, rank (trasses wave: No mark, no sign to tell who lies, In calm, untroubled sleen. Where never, as the daylight dies. A mourner comes to weep. Yet there the first white daisies blow, The early primrose springs; In pine boughs, solemnly aud low, The thrush at twilight sings. O'er monarchs dead no loftier sound E'er rose In stately fame; No sweeter flowers spring around The tomb of Charlemagne. Did this poor silent heart meet death Unwatched, unwept, alone? Did loved ones watch each struggling breath, And hear that dying moan? Did death come aa a friend might come, And bid earth's cares depart, And kiss the poor Uds. Dale and dumh. And still ths aching heart? ' We may not guess: we onlv know The tall pine's shadows pass At evening, lovingly and slow, Above the flower-flecked grass That here the irolden sunheama ni. The thrush chants by her nest, That underneath Montana's clay A heart finds peace and rest. Lue Vernon. ; This Tells Where Health Hay be Found, And that ia more important than makino money. If your blood ia impure. Hood's Saraaparilla is ths only medicine for you. It oures sorofula, salt rheum, rheumatism, catarrh and all other dis eases originating in or promoted by im pure blood and low state of tbe system. Hood's Fills are eaey to take, easy to operate. Cure indigestion, headache. In the gloaming, while we rest, love Do not think it strange of me, If for all meals I suggest, love, That hereafter we ute tea. Tea we know to meals gives sest, love Fragrant, grateful, cheering tea; But It must be Schilling'! Best, love, Best for you and Best for ms. The world is going to be bad, The pessimistic say; ' But when It goes for Bchillliig'i Best, It doesn't go that way ; Then optimism shouts with glee, 'All s for the Best," That's Schilling's. Beol Tha Mitchell road is now open and being traveled. II was mads a oouoly road, which insnrea ili halni lim . - - . mvyw wyvu and In good repair. Ws bopa tba open log of this road will prove to be of soma advantage to Ha nnner in the wa bringing trade to the town, as muoh of oar good money was spent to make tt. 8bilob's Consumption Cure oures wbero others fail. It is (ho leading Cough Cure, and no boms should be without it. Pleasant to take and aoeo righl to the spot. Bold by Ooueer A Brook. x Attorney John Lyons will leave Con don for Juneau, Alaska, shortly, Io join bis brother, T. R, and witb bltn will engage in the practloo ot law. Mr. Lyons is si present the postmaster ot Condoo, whlcb position bs has reeigoed io favor of one of Condon's prominent republicans. The Hicks I Hit. Alaiaaaa aaa Paper, Wo are informed that tba 1R98 alma' nao of I'rof. Irl K, Hicks m now rsady, and judging from Ita past history, il will not be many weeks la finding its way Into homes and offices all over America. It is moch larger and floor tbao aoy pre vious issue. II aootalna 118 pages, is splendidly printed and illustrated on floe book paper, baring tba floeal por trait aver given ot Prof. Ukka. It oan no longer bo denied tbal the publieatioea of Prof Hieksbsvo become a necessity Io tbe family and commercial life of Ibis ooootry. Hi journal, "Word aad Worka," aside from ita storm, weather and aetrooomleal features, bat takes rank with tha beat literary, soteetiflo aad family magsiloea ot tbs ago. Do not belie va hearsay aod reports. Bee the llioks almsoao aod paper for yoor aelf. Yoa will then koow why tney ore so popular. Tbey are ad orators of the millions, and nnrivaled safeguards to ptiperly aod bamsn life. It ia matter ot simple reoord tbal l'rof. Hioka baa foretold for many years all greal storms, Hoods, drootbe aud tornadoes, eveo Ibe reoenl terrible drouth over all the oooo try, Tba aimaoao alone la X cents a oopy. Tbe paper is It U) a rear witb the elroeeae as a premium. Heed Io Word aud Works Pub. Co , 74)1 Loouel Bt. ML Loots, Mo. Eagle: Koharff Bros, ot Mooamsot, this oouoly, delivered Betarday of last week al Ilspposr, 4XX) bead of sheep to A. Hraitlie, for shipment east. Tbey made a tret a of oiileea ears, wbiea was loaded and left al booa Booday, Catarrh aored. A elear bead aad sweet breath secured witb hhllob'l Catarrh Itemed) sold ea a loarsotaa. Naeal injector free. Mold by Cvaeer A Brock. B Heppner to Pendleton via Hrtmaer- Febo Mega line. Psreooe deeirooa of vUiliug I'sedletua oan sate lima and money by taking I hie toale. Br aa qoeltitioa Ibe sauU the previoee even leg Ibe etage will make eonneetioa wild 1 v'clofk train at Hi hn f.. I'mi.. I l-j.. Offlee al Oily frog More. W. D. Ud, rvpriesiir. e NO. 595 POVDEn Absolutely-Pure BRIEF MENTION. Fair, Opera bouse, . Tuesday, Nov. 16. Ladies ot Episoopal ohurcb. Supper 5 to 9, for 25 cents per head . Hi TaBh was down from Hardman Saturday. Ed Rood was in from his Eight Mile ranch Saturday. Frank Rogers returned Sunday morn ing from Sumpter. Ranous is still on the turf doins a lit. tie Carpenter business. tf jat, Carty and Jas, Kinney were visit ors to Heppner Friday. Mai Cburoh was up from the Matloo k horse ranoh over Sunday. Hon. Henry Blaokman spent Sunday ith bia family in tbia city. Geo. Bowman, of Fex Valley, waa in Heppner Friday, outfitting tor tba winter. Frank Merrill is in from a summer's slay In the mountains looking after a band of sheep. Ed Farnaworth baa departed for Porl. land where be will attend business col lege tbia winter. Lincoln Oradiok, Robt. Warren and A. W. Saling, Eight Mils farmers, were in Heppner Friday. Remember tbe date of tha fair at tha opera bouse by tbe ladles ot the Episco pal ohurch. Tuesday, Nov. 16. 2t A sooial danoe was given al the onera house on Friday evening whloh was qntto liberally attended. Charley Royse waa in town Saturday. Charley ia teaobing In the Uooaberry neighborhood thia winter. Johnny Kilkenny was in Heppner Friday after a hard summer's rustling with a band of sheep in tbe mountains. Arlioglon will soon have eleolrin lights. A plan la now being Installed by R. H. Robinson, ths bead ot tbe enter, prise. Born Io this oity oo Sunday. Nov. 7. to tba wife of Cbas. Mai lory, a son. weight 7j pounds. Charley Is able Io be around. Tbs people io the neighborhood of tba Justice school bouso participated io a pleaaanl dance on Friday bight A good time is reported. Heppner preeented a lively abear ance on Saturday, many people being In from tbe oouutry, beoce trade was good among tbe merchants. C. E. Ilsnons has nearly comnleted the addition to Hotel Heppner, and will oommenoo work oo tbo Rock ererk bridge In about 10 days. Btop tbalooogbl Take warning. II may lead to consumption. A 2So bo I. tie of Sbilob's Cure may eavo your life. Hold by Conser A Brook. i 0, B. VaoDoyn has disponed of the bowling alley to Cbas. Msllory aod con templates going Io Hpokane, where bo will put io another alley. Rev. 0. R. Howard preached a e-ood ssrmoo Booday evening to a large and appreciative audience from tba auhjeoti "Wbat Hball Man Dj to be Saved." Remember tbo prioe of the Osteite Is oow reduced to l-'.OO a year. For Ibis mooey, paid io advaoco, tbo paper wilt make 104 visile to your borne daring tbo yesr. Wby not eoms io and subscribe U. I Barlletl, traveler for Dr. J. 0. AysrAOo.. of Lowell, Mass., was io Heppner Batorday distributing adver tising matter for bis firm. This office acknowledges a pleasant eall from tbo geolleman. Vawter Crawford' new reaidena la rapidly Bearing eomplslioo, the con tractors, Rogers A Roberta, eipeoting to get through tbe eerpenter work Ibis week. Theea boys ars posbers aod do good work. II.V. Uefee, president of Heppner Light sod Weter Co., arrivtd Io town Halordar, leaving I sal bight for bis borne al HUlshnro. Mr. Galea baa beeo oo a visit to Baker Ctly, I'd too aod Bparta, wbero be bas business Interests. Dr. King's Nsw Dleeevery for CeneerriBtlen. This is tha beat msdioloe Io Iba world for all forms of Coagho aad Colds aad for Consumption. Every bottle u guar antee.. It will euro and not diaappciol. II bas do equal for Whooping Coogb, Asthma, Hay Fever, Poenmooia, Broo ebitte, ta Grip,, Cold la tbo Head and lor Consumption. It is safe fur all ages, pleasant to take, and, above all, a sura tl'. 'I,4 J", ' 1. K'f " -' Tine laeonneotnio witb Dr. King's New IXeOovary, aa they regulalo aad tooe tba etotoerh and bowela. We guarantee perfect eetisfis. lion or return money. Free trial bottles at Coaeer A Brock's drag store. Regular tie 60 tenia sad ft 00.