I7T. .Tn fiiTXTT TO the; jb or QIVB8 THX OHOICK Of Two Transcontinental GREAT OREGON NORTHERN Ry. SHORT LINE. VIA VIA Spokane Salt Lake MINNEAPOLIS DENVER St. Paul Omaha AMD J AMD Chicago Kansas City LO W RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. fcteamers Monthly from Portland to Yokohoma end Hong Kong; via, The Northern Paoiflo Htaarnsbip Oo. In con nection with O. II A N. For fall detail! call on O. R. A N. Agi-Dt al Heppner, cr address W. EL HURLBURT, Oen. Pass. Agt. Portland. Obeooj. ME YOU fill, EflST? If oo, be inr and see tbat your ticket reads via Ke Koiiteieio Line ....Till.... CHICAGO, 8T. PAUL, MINNKAPOLM, AND OMAHA RAILWAY rata is rn Great Short LiQe IIKrWEKS UULUTII, Kt. PAUL, CHICAGO AKD A IX POINT KAHT AND BOUTH. TUrit MtnHnnl Trerk, IWrlreS VMtlt)Ulel iMnl' f and u-iliig cr Italia, ml Moiui: "always on time" has site ! me-l national reputation. AH riimliHliil iif-n rmH mi Ill vcatillllliul li.x.. iiifxil n.i. Milji jpour freight antfaoi 9i UiU hmm Una. All agent w ii Mttn, r r.M vajk. ue ,.nl Tr. F. A P. Agt. I a eMincm a , rortiaiiu, ur. CIIIOAUO mitti & si. Paul it's This Hallway Co. Ol-wl lie IraiD so tha famnns block fefcesa; light Ha IraiM by electricity tliroug Il eal; tM lb awMxaUd eleelne) berth read ing Uw liens (M.l.tf i( - I ferigir Iraina 4t a4 tt HI. Panl e4 tXie, ee4 Una La an J Chicago; ti.e Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul A lan rtpeeate at.af-t.aaUj veetibnlexl Irate, rat'tittf latent private a(riMMl eara. library burTr! snook- t , e4 Jar draeing mom I. a I Vt-f raa. (a t.iraf chair carp, eat la txy tel tliairig chair oar Mav f. !- I (at. U any point in the t'aiUl Make r fane-la, apply to e'.l a) I'Mca u J. i:iDY. J M,t'M r. tt.n-ral Agrot. Tia, l aw At'. Portland, Ur. o IHC 111 v .v s ur ru. am'SFAI'OLIS I t I I' til t A IU l I vt i t riK III UNA Ttt ,-l M i l ...! ,a United )au a I Cia-la. grin tmr.Tii. A! lkf f OfeJAMA (4a U ) Kaa ClTI i hr. Jiwara a. ! j Nr. liiX'ia aaifcat Iw-rva l.ae t a tx4 aaatHs la M imi'I, tkaa-aaa t Nat.t HI. l aa. tfear pn ml se4 aaM N aatMall llruajal, to oWatinalion 4 tMa T is. ! I ;ini al Cblua. via fka-MB.aaa4 wa I'm ifU htaatn- t f f W f t Ma-a fai lf a.taa shs Ja, roapa, , sa, aeit m n write Vt I Ausetl. 4 l t'l.t. 1 r i A art ! Taaai. At. iWlf.tfi 'rtlatid, Or 2000 The contest ends Schilling's Best baking powder mid tea are What is the missing word? Powder and tea are safe. not Get Schilling's Best baking powder or tea at your grocers'; take out the ticket (brown ticket in every package of baking powder; yellow ticket In the tea); send a ticket with each word to Until October 15th two words allowed for every ticket ; after that only one word for every ticket. If only one person finds the word, that person gets f 2000.00 ; if several find S jacoo.00 will be equally divided among them. Every one sending a brown or yellow ticket will receive a set of cardboard creeping babies at the end of the contest. Those sending three or more in one envelope will receive an 1898 pocket calendar no advertising on It These creeping babies and pocket calendars will be different from the ones offered in the last contest. Better cut these rules out. Address: MONEY-BACK, SAN FRANCISCO. mmm THE CHBONICIA raoka wllfe Hat araataal awapapara In tha United Htataa. TUB CHHONIOLK has no equal on ti.e Paolo Coast. It laadi all In abllltr, enterprise and newa. THB OHBONICLIPS Telegraphic Report are the latest aud most reliable, Its Local News the fullest and spiciest, and Its Kdllorlais from the ablest pens la the euuntry. THE CHI10NI0I,B has always been, and always will be, the Mend and ohamplon ef tha people as aaralnat combinations, cliques, corporations, or opprosslon of any kind. It will be Independent . weryuunf neutral in noutuaj DAILY Br Mall, roalate I'ald. Oflly$6.70aYeiF. The Weekly Chronicle The Greairst Weekly In the Coujtry, $1.50 a Tear (luoludlnf pote) to any part of tha United Hiatus. Canada and Me loo. THK WKKKI.Y CMHONICI.R, the brightest and most eomideta Weekly Newspaper In the world, prints mnilarly 84 columns, or twelre paee,or News, Literature and (leneral Informa Uun; al a nis-nlnc.nt Agricultural Deuartmeol SAMPLE COPIES SENT FREE. DO YOU WANT THE chronicle: HOWINO The United States,' Dominion ol Canada and Northern Mezioo OK ONK SI I D1C, Q And the Map of tho World ON TJIM OTHKn BIDS. Hend a and ni tha Map and Wurkly ( hronlcl ttr One Trar, poatado prtpaltl on Map and Vpn, ADIinEaa) " " " "" M. It. rte YOTTWO. naaataaar A W. fawsaliila. aA raAjauiavu cak NOHTH lACIrlO Rural Spirit (E8TABI.I8I1KD IN Publishcil Weekly at l'ortland, Or. I'KVOTKD TO Agriculture, Dairying Live-Stock and Turf. Worth ita waight in gold to vry farmer and breeder in Oregon. BUllHCHIPTION : li.igl TER YEAR. iHample Copies free.) Rjral Hpirit aaJ Oatotte both for -1.ou,eab, al this oftine. WANTED-AN IDWS'S thing to patent f I'mtert y.Hir Lie. ; tbey may !".V'f..'"tt wwillh. WrllaJilltN V. Hiliglu hyiiS i in., l-aient Aitonirva, Waaluurtoa. U CM lr tUair w, .r? ' liitlll The Chronicle Bnlldlsa the: Reversible Map? December 31st. because they are money-back. SAFE, although Schilling's Best baking address below before December list. sou EI.Y'8 CREAM BAIM Is a positive enro. Apply into the nostrils. It is quickly absorbed. fiO cents at Drat'KistB or by mnll : samples 10c. hy r-tuil. RLY BKOTIIKIIS. 66 Warren Bu. New York Civ- Timber Culture Final Proof. United Status Land Office, The Dalles. Oresron. Hnt,. lath 1H07 OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT JAMES H.Allen has Hied nntlnn of Intention m make final proof before J. W. Morrow, rvnintir Clerk, at his office In Heppner, Oremon, on Wed nesday, the Hth day of December, 1897, on timber culture application No. 2978, for the NE(i of sen tlon No. 2;i, In township No. 4 south, raiiRe No. 24 east W. M. He names as witnesses: James C. Keithley, Oscar Keithley, Ed Moreland, and Jesse M. HoKiic, nil of Hardman, OreRon, J AS, F. MOORE, B3-804 " Keulster. GUARDIANSHIP SALE. "NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER out a i ami ny virtue oi an order Of sale, Issued oi tne uomity court of the Htate of Orefton, Morrow ('nillll V. the linderalirned as irnar. for man oi Yvuiniireo Hiiiiam, Archer M. Ollllam aim i-oster E. uilllam, minors, will on and after Wednesday, the 1st day of December, 18SI7, proceed to sell at private sale for cash in hand all the riiflit, title and interest of the above named minors in and to the following de scribed real estate, situated in Morrow couniy, Oregon, to-wit: The east half of the northeast quarter, and the east half of the southeast quarter of section thirteen, in township four, south of range ! east W. M., together with all tho tenements, hereditaments aud appurtenan ces thereunto belonging. Dated Heppner, Oregon, November 1st, 1897. M-Wtt ANNIE Oil, LI AM, Quardlnn of the above named minors. Notice of Intention. Land Orrict at Tub Daixis, Oreoon. . October 4. NW VTOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVKN THAT ThI i.1 following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of inn i inmi, mm uint saiu prooi win be made before J. W. Morrow, county clerk, at Heppner, fii.,,,.,., uu i.tjvciuuer iiu, iny, VIS; FRANK ENQELMAN, JJd. ENo. TAW, tor the 8W! ot Bee. 15, Tp. 1 8. R. 'it E. W. M. he names tho following witnesses to prove ui , oiimmoui resilience upon ami cultivation ol said land, vis: Chilton (V WM.oi, M i Williams, A. B. Terry and 8. P. Wilson, allot iuho, .nurrow county, uregou. J A3. F. MOORE, WW. . Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. 1 AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES. OREOON. 1 J )ct. ai, 18117. Notice is hereby given that tne loiiow ing nainea settler has Bled notice of his Intention to make Htial proof in support of his claim, and tbat said before J, W. Morrow. Coin iroof in support of roof will lie made ii prooi win lie made inty Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on November !29, 181)7, vis: ALBERT T. WOOD, Hd. E. No. KVtl, for the NW HE1, Wt4 NElf, and NE'i N WW See. 12. Tn. 1 8. K il. 11 V? M no names me pillowing witnesses to prove urn viiiioiiiiimi reamtmcH iiiMin aim ciiitivuiinn "i " mini, vis: jonn t.oe iran. Kdwarri 1, Padherg, Waller 8. Casson and Hiram Thorn ton, all of lone, Oregon, JAB. F. MOORE, 5H0-SO2. Register. Timber Culture, Final Proof. United Btatii Land Orrica, The Dalles. Oregon, October 1.1. IwrT. NOTICE 18 HEREBY UIVKN THAT HENRY V. Tulle, of Hardinen, Oregon, has tiled notice of intention to make final proof liefore J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at his office III Hei.micr. Oregon, on Wednesday, the 21th nay in riovemiier, IW7, on timber culture appli cation No. 814. for H' NW'4 and lots 1 anil got cio. a, in lownsnin no. tkiuth range No. 24 K. W M. lie names as witnesses: Rriwln Tt Pml Jacob 8. Young, Wesley W. Brannan, and Cltf- loru a. Jones, all OI Klglit Mile, Oregon. J AH, F. IKKIRK, KeglsWr. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Orrica at Tmb Palms. OaanoN. HctolM-r il. Imi7. 'OTICK 18 HEREBY IVKM THAT THE fiilliiwlng-naineil aettler has nlel notice of bis Intention to make rlnal nnml In support ol his claim, and that said proof will lie made before J. VY. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on December a, 1 '.'", vis: JIWKPH W. 8V RINGER, Hd. K. No. 4277 tor tha NEV, Bee l Tp I 8 R JH K VY M . lie naniee tbe following witnesses tn prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: Francis H. Wllann, Frank Kiialeinan, both of lone, Oregon, Rolwrt Haver and Hey moil r P. Wilson, both of lMiuglaa, Ore gon. J As. F. MOORE, t-m , Keglster. Notice of Intention. Land Orru a at Tni Dli i. Orioon. VtoMr , liw7. OTICK 18 HEREBY I1IVKN 1 HAT THE AN lollowlug namr.1 aettler has filed nolle of his Intention to make dual proof In siipKrt of Ills claim, and that said proof will be made he fore J. W. Morrow, Comity clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on November IV, INV7, ill: FRANK A. Lt'NDELL. II I K No. -rtl for the 8Kl 8ec. Tp I R s K W M . He names the following wjtiieeaes In prove Ills Ciiiillmious real. lent e upnn and eultlvalloa ol eald laud, vie John K. Veleriu, Charles J. Aadrraou, Andrew Carlson, ami Andrew M, I'eteraon, all ol (luoaebvrry, Oreg.iu. J AS. F. MOORK, Keglster, Notice of Intention. I ANDOFFICK AT THK DAI.I.K8, OREGON, I J (VI. 4, 17. Nolli- la herebv given thai the following namiH ariller has nied liolli'eot his Intention to make dual proof In support of his rial in, and that aald prnol will be made helorej. W. Morrow. County Clerk. al Hcppuer, tregon, on Noveiulier 17th, IsvT, vis: CHILTON C. WILHON. Hd. K 4irt lor the H( ot Nee. Tp. t , H. B a. w . M. He names the following Itiieaece to pm Ma roiiliiiiions residence iiain and cultivation ol aald laud. l krauk kuaeluian, M J. M 11. llama. K.laar.1 Kngelman and A. B. Terry, ail ol loue, Mwirww county, Oregon, . A. F. HVE. kaialer. LOCAL BQCIBS. Thos. Winn, an acquaintance of Jas. Hager, is down from Adams on a visit. Born On Nov. 1st, to the wife of Geo. Shick, of Clark Canyon, a daughter. Aleo Cornett was in town Wednesday from Felix Johnson's, on Batter Oreek. Jake Rasmus is .over from Walla Walla on a visit with the family of John Raamos, of this oity. Attorney C. E. Redfield has removed to the offioein the rear of the First National bank. D. E. Oilman now oc cupies the office vacated by Mr. Redfield. John Turley returned home from the Valley on Wednesday, Mrs. Turley hav- iug spent the summer with her parents who reside near Eugene. John reports times good down there. No man or woman can enjoy life or aooomplish much in this world while suffering from a torpid liver. DeWitt's Witch Hezle Salve. It soothes, strength ens and heals. Ii is the great pile cure. For tale by Oonser & Brook. A slight change took place in the time table on the Heppner branoh, the train leaving an hour sooner in the evening and arriving a few minutes earlier in the morning. The change is of no special importance. See the Diamond Dye ad in this Issue. Any reader of the Gazette oan secure those valuable books by cutting out the ooupon and forwarding it with address, to Wells, Eiohardson & Co., of Burling ton, Vt. Tom Davidson and Clyde Sperry oame together in a little sparring match down the street Wednesday. Both were pret ty much under the "influence," henoe their unseemly conduot, which the judge compromised by accepting $7.50 from each. If you have ever seen a little obild in a paroxysm of hooping oough, or if you have been aonoyed by a constant tick ling in the throat, you oan appreciate the value of One Minute Cough Cure, which gives quick relief. Sold by Con- e r ft Brock. Married At the residence of John Rasmus, in this oity, on Tuesday even ing, Nov. 2d, L. V. Gentry and Miss Alice Donaboo, Judge W. A. Riobardeon officiating. Bat a few of the relatives and friends of the oontraoting parties were present. How to Cure Rllions Colic. I suffered for weeks with oolic and pains in my slomaoh oaused by bilious ness and bad to take medioine all tbe while nntil I need Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy whloh cured me. I have sicoe recommended to a good many people. Mrs. F. But ler, Fairbaven, Conn.- Persons who are snbjeot to bilious colio oan ward off the attaok by taking this remedy as soon as the first symptoms appear. Sold by Conser & Brock. Holy Moslc. Dr. Rasmus, of Grace M. E. oburob of Portland, last Sunday preaohed a good sermon on "The Triumphs of Song." In conclusion be said: "Mnsio was not born on the top of a mountain, as the old Russian fable has it; it was not born on the billowy cloud upon wbiob tbe angels stood celebrat ing oreations morn; it was not born in tbe place tbat John saw as tbe soene ot tbe text flashed upon him; but was born in tbe heart of God. All mnsio is divine. We have been thinking the conquerors of this world as being Alexander.Charle magne and Napoleon. But these are not the greatest oonquerots of tbe earth. If I were oalled upon to name the great est viotor next to tbe Bon of God, I should lay tbe wreath npoo tbe shrine of amnio, upon tbe altar of song. "Remember that the song has oon- quered tbe dread ot the last hour. It has been beautifully gjJ that Mozart wroie bis own requiem, and, handing it to bis daughter, Emily, be said: 'play that.' And as she played that requiem, tbe eoul of tbe great oom poser went out on the waves ot his own aong to glory. "Tens of thousands have oome down to where tbe day was far spent, to where they knew that nut a dewdrop opon tbe grave oould be a tear ot repentance, and they have asked for the old songs tbat bave thrilled them, throngb tbe years mac naa passed, and on ibe wiogs of those aongs they went peacefully out to glory and to God " "The worst cold I ever bad in my life was oured by Cbamberlalo's Congo Remedy," writes W. n. Norton, of Hatter Creek, Cel. "This oukl left me with oongh and I was expectorating all the time. Tbe remedy oared me, and I want all of my friends when troubled with a congb or eold to naa it, for it will do tbem good." Bold by Oonser Brock. UTERAHY NOTES. The Overland Monthly is advertising etteoslvely aa interesting "Missing Word Coolest." The aeoteooe they give is: -Tbe bad tied away from theae two waoderera." Thie is taken from New England elaaaio by a writer whoe name Is a bouaehold word. The prise is II.OJO, to be giveo to the person flodiog the correct answer, or divided among the fortunate Coders if there are more than one. The only condition ia tbat tbe gueas shall be accompanied by one dollar as aanbaeriptioo to the Over land, a! its reduced prioe. Tbia eoodi tion ia bo hardship; for the Overland at a dollar tail itself great big prii. Tan coots aeol Ita publishers al Han Francisco will bring a sample copy aod full particulars of tbe oontest. lUoeet com bare are filled with beautiful pic I ores aod InUreatiog articles. Tbe Tennyson Memoir ia reviewed al length io tbe American Monthly Review of Reviews for November. 1. A. Currar, formerly ol Peodietoe. baa opened OP a 15 Cool barber al.mt la a. .ii .- .. .. . . r usi om nana n ine Work strictly fret els Mai look corner, i k Call on bim. 111 ' Commuwioaers Court. The November term of commissioners court ooovenei oo Wednesday with all members present. No business of great importance was brought up and the term proved to be a very short one, tbe commissioners praotioally finishing np their labors in one day. in detail the business transacted by tbe court ia as follows BILL8 ALLOWED. J. W. Matlock, deputy sheriff salary 1166 E. L, Matlock, sheriff salary 400 OS J. H. Wyland, stock inspector salarv 4 on- Frank Gilliam, treasurer salary 83 33 A. G, Bartholomew, county judge salary. . 150 00 J. W. Morrow, county clerk salary 400 00 G. W. Wells, deputy county clerk salary. . 166 66 J. W. Shipley, school supt salary 126 75 a, A. Yocum, pauper acct 20 00 John Zollinger, pauper acct 21 00 Luther Hamilton, road and bridge 24 03 A. T. McNay, road and bridge 5 00 T. R. Howard, pauper acct 97 ss A. G. Bartholomew, road and bridge 6 26 O. 8. Hodson, tax rebate... 15 25 Rhea & Mathews, pauper acct 2310 G. W. Vi ells, road and bridge acct 13 30 James Wren, " 14 25 W.J. Davis, ' oom 0. E. Holland, fuel acct 8 00 W. L. Mallory, road and bridge acct 135 21 C. H. Ham, pauper acct An on Heppner Gazette, printing 3340 Gilliam & Bisbee, road and bridge acct. . . 47 34 Boys and Girls Aid society, donation 10 00 Gilliam & Bisbee, road and bridge acct. . . 51 45 J. W. Beckett, commissioner salary 13 00 J. L. Howard, " 13 00 In tbe matter of petition of Inland Telephone Co. for right of way along oounty roods. Petition granted. in the case Stale vs. Fred Tolle. bill of costs, 812.85; allowed in full. State of Oregon vs. Albert Rea, bill of costs, $9.75; allc wed in full. State vs. Oilman, bill of costs, 819.60; allowed in rail. In the matter of delinquent taxes, cierlt was ordered to issue warrant for collection of all taxes up to and includ ing 1896. Tbe contract for oounty physician was awarded to Dr. Hunlook at 8100 a year. Miscellaneous bills allowed; J. W. Morrow, $3. Dearnees Cannot be Cured by local applications, as tbey oaonot reach tbe diseased portion of tbe ear. There is only ooe way to cure deafness, aod that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of tbe mucous lining of tbe eusta chian tube. vYhen this tube gets in flamed yoa have n rmubliog eoand or imper'eot beariog, and when it is entire ly clcsed deafness is the result, aod un less tbe inflammation can be takeu out BDd this tube restored to its normal con ditior, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out i f ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing Lot an in flamed oondition of the mucous surfaces. We will give Ooe Hundred Dollars for any oase of deafness (caused by Catarrh) that oannot be oured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send forciroulars free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. tSSold by druggists, 75o. GRANT COUNTY MATTERS. From the Eagie. Born To the wife of Ivac SloaD, Mon day morning, the 25th inst., a bouncing nlne-ponnd boy. Ivan has been beard oalliug himself papa a number ot times since tbe advent of bis soo aod beir. Burtis W. Johnson, editor ot the Cor vallis Gazette, baa been appointed post master at Corvall is, Benton county. Now it be oould be eleoted justice of tbe peaoe, hs could be a "side pord" of the Arizona Kiokar. A new muslo box in tbe shape ot a floe organ arrived at the editor's man sion this week, and it dnriDg the ab sence of tbe editor and the other mem bera of bis household, tbe denizens liv ing in tbe neighborhood of tbe aforesaid mansion should be aroused from their slumbers some night al tbe dead hour of midnigbl by the sweet atraios of music emitting from that direotion, don't jump at I' e oooolnsioo tbat Fad erewBky has arrived in town, for snob will not be tbe oase. It will only be tbe Eagle "devil" practicing his oborda and diaobords in order to be io praotlee to render a grand overture by tbe time the editor returns. The three-year-old bod of J. A. John son, of Lynn Center, 111., ia subject to attaoks of cronp. Mr. Jobuaoo says be is satisfied that tbe timely use ot Cbam- berlalu'a Cougb Remedy, during a severe attack, saved bia little boy 'a life. He is io the drug business, a member of the firm of Johnson Bros, of tbat place ; and tbey handle a great many patent medi cines for tbroat and lung din eases. Da bad all tbese to cbooee from, and skilled physicians ready to respond to Lis call, bul selected tbia remedy for nee io bia own family at a time when bia child's life waa io danger, boatise be knew it to be superior Io any other, and famous the country over for ita curea of croup. Mr. Johnson aaya this ia the beet selling oongb medicine tbey handle, and that it gives splendid satisfaction in all casts. Sold by Oonser A Brock. C. Sam Smith and wife, of rnneville, airived Wedneaday aod will remain a fewdaje. Mr. Smith came over to see aboo H) bead of oattle tbat will soon arrive here from M. Siobel & Co. 'a band J. W. Blake, of Coodon, purchased them for fcaatera partlea. Il Is tha intention, to load at Heppner, if poaaible. A Hare Tklag fw Yea A traus'Ction io whloh vou ean not lose ia a aor thing. Uiliooanm. airk headache, furred topgoe. fever, pilea aud a thousand other ills are reused by conatipaliosi and sluggish liver. Cae earets Caody Cathartio. Ibe wonderful new liver stimulant and intestinal trnio are sold by all druggists and guaranteed Io enre or money rvfnoded. C. C. C. are a sure thing. Try a box today ; Joe., 25, 6 . Sample and book lei free. If I J. LUiarriuaa aod f-.co.ily have moved from UlnWk to Heppoev, where 7 r"M'u '" -luler. The first vt after arriving hue wat la aoUe ibe 'or Ibe Oi He. .i . . , . THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE LUNG TROUBLES AND CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED. Aa Eminent New York Chemist and Scientist Hakes a Free Offer to Oar Headers. The distinguished ohemist, T. A. Slo cum, of New York City, demonstrating his discovery of a reliable oure for Con sumption (Pulmonary Tuberoulosis), bronchia, long and ohest troubles, stubborn ooughs, catarrhal affections, general deoline and weakness, loss of flesh, and all conditions of wasting away, will send THREE FREE BOT TLES (all different) ot his New Dis coveries to any amicted reader ot this paper writing for tbem. His "New Scibntifio Treatment" has oured thousands permanently by its timely use, and he considers it a simple professional duty to suffering humanity to donate a trial of bia infallible onre. Science daily develops new wonders, and this great chemist, patiently experi menting for years, baa produoed results as beneficial to humanity as can be olaimed by any modern genius. His assertion that lung troubles and con sumption are curable in any olimate is proven by "heartfelt letters of grati tude," filed in his American and Euro pean laboratories in thousands from those oared in all parts of the world. Tbe dread Consumption, unintnr. rupted, means speedy and certain death. oimpiy write to x. A. SJooum, M. C, i Pine street. New York. office and express address, and the free medioine will be promptly sent direct from bis laboratory. Batterers should take instant nrlnn. tage of his generous proposition. Please tell the Doctor thnt von com this in the Gazette, published at Hepp ner, Oregon. . Jnly 9.7.1 ,r THREE VALUABLE BOOKS GIVEN AWAY. 'Art and Fancy Work," "Nursery Rhymes," "Home Dyeing." Mrs. Nella Daggett, editor of The Home, has published a new edition of her popular book, 'Fancy Work and Art Decorations," that gives practical instructions for making dolles. table covers, scarfs, tray cloths, pin cushions, etc.' etc., with fifty illustrations. This book, togeth er with "Nursery Rhymes" (a 16-page pamphlet with a handsome colored cover design of the Old Woman who Lived in a Shoe), and "Suc cessful Home Dyeing," will be sent free to any reader of the Gazette who forwards the follow ing coupon to WeUs, Richardson & Co., Bur lington. Vt. COUPON. ThU mtilla any reader of the Heppner Ga zette to one copy of "Fancy Work and Art Decorationt," "Nurtery Shymei" and "Suc eeesful Home Dyeing." The above liberal offer is made to advertise the old reliable Diamond Dyes and to get their book upon home dyeing into the hands of women who want to dress well by making their old clothing look like new. Dymond Dyes have special dyes for cotton. different from those that are used for wool, and e the only package dyes on the market that can be relied upon to give colors that will not fade or crock. The fact that Diamond Dves hsve been the standard home dyes for nearly twenty years and that their sale Increases from year to year, Is proof positive that they have never had an equal. Walt. Thompson runs stage between Heppner and Monument, arriving every day except Monday and leaving every gsuw w Eastern Oregon State Normal School, ONLY STATE SCHOOL IN EASTERN OREGON Located on tbe O. R. k N. Railway midway between Pendleton and Walla Walla. Students admitted al all times of tbe year. First-Class Training School for Teachers. Vocal and Instrumental Musio taught by oompetent ioalroctors. A gradu ate ot tbe Boston Conservatory baa charge of the instrumental depart ment. Tlie Iadies Boardlnc Holl Is thoroughly quipped and offers ex. oellenl acoommodationa at reasonable rates. Send tor catalogue. Addaeae M. G. ROYAL, Prealdant of Faculty or P. A WORT Ml Nr. TON. Secretary Baaed af R iLl-?: "THING. TFmlT nTT 3CS cCc Attorneys at Law, All basioeM attended to lb t prompt aod aatiafactorv manner. Notarie. Pnblic and Collector.. "FICE IN NATTER BUILDING. BEPPNER, t t 1 . WHITE COLLAR LINE. Columbia R ivor n rum md Stmtn nUTDO.M, BAILET Leaving Alder Street LXck, Portland for Astoria ti... Park and N.bcotta. liSLu AlJ'; road; also ., Toon,'. Bay -lib Beborl 1UT! TBliUpnONl . TT a "sBl stl. A Itl M w Uarjs Portland P. at Inuiy. .tr. e,rl... ali to A. M.,ept Sunday and Lvee rVrtland and tr m 11. -Mlsvaad T,f,i.T- , . Lmrm 11-eo ed,M-la, ami Friday at 7 7. H. l-JLJZL a m I I 1 n 1 ...... . "' . itd. Comfort, rwra. Travel e. THE PALACE Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. F01lYOU! Now Prepared to do Any Kind of Printing- Don't Send Your Orders Away 'Till You Get the Gazette's Estimates Heretofore tbe Gazette's job depart ment has tried to do no work other than plain printing. However, this shop ia now prepared to tackle anything in any line and will meet prioes of any person under tbe sun in the line ot druggists supplies, blank books, bank work oounty work, or any sort of book bind ingwork that yoa bave heretofore sent away to get done. The Gazette shop is not a oharity concern but if yoa will give us a ohanoe we will see that you are satisfied in every particular. Buy your goods at home. Remember that Abe Linooln said that when one bought goods away from home tbe foreigner got the money and we got tbe goods. But when tbe goods were bought at borne we had both money and goods. This la good doctrine. Wa are willing to abide by it. When the printing drummer comes to town, re member it and call op 'phone No. 8. 660-tt "Tie Wir Line" The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co. STSAUSBS,.,,,, "DALLES CITY" AND "REGULATOR" Leave The Dalles daily (exoept Sunday) at 730 a. m. Leave Portland at 7:00 a. m. When yon go to Portland, stop off at The Dalles and take a trip down the Columbia; yoa will enjoy it, Bni save money, W. O. ALLAWAY, General Agent. QUICK TIMB J TO San Franoisoo And all points in California, via tha Ht, Hhasta route of the Southern Pacific Co Tha mat highway through California to all points East and Sonth. Grand Heenio Route Of the Paoifio Coast. Pullman Buffet oleecera. Seoond-olasa Bleepers Attached to express trains, affording- superior accommodations for seoond-olaaa pasaengera. For rates, tickets sleeping oar reservations, to,. mll npon or address R. KOEHLER. Manaaer. P.. TT umrniu Gen. F. 4k P. Agt.. Portland. Oreiron ' Tbose who desire to build should not forget that O. E. Ranous, the con tractor, is ready to make estimates al aoy time. eotf Every new aubsoriber of tbe Gazette from this date, May 25, 1897, will receive aa premium a book worth alone tha price of the subscription. tf Oome in and subscribe for tbe "Gazoo." Now ia lha lima. Ynn Ann .a - "On - Weston, Oregon. " - ww wwwnt vrf, l IE3HTmTT asxevey OREOOM jn..in i it Co 6ATZET AND OCEAN WAVE. .. . -T . Muad.y'. aVai., aiiat. I P." 4l0 the Telephone, c.tr, .M f HOTEL IUlt WD Y (