Portland Library OFFICIAL sV PAPER I Subscription iv ' Reduced Subscription Reduced I to $2.00 $2.00 Per Year. m Per Year. TO FIFTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOV. 5. 1897. NO. 594 SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. FTJBLI8HBD Tuesdays and Fridays BY THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man. At $8.0 per year, $1.00 for six months, 50 ota. lor three moncne, strictly in advance. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. THIS PAPER is kept on file at K. C. Dake's Advertising Agenoy, 64 and 65 Merchants Exohangs, San Franoiaoo, California, where cou raota for advertising can be made for it. LP. FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVERT18- ing agent, 21 Merchants' Exchange Build ing, Ban Francisco, Is onr authorized agent. This papar is kept on file at his offioe. 0. R. & N. '-LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 9:30 p. m. daily except Sunday arriving at Heppner Junction 12:05 a. m. Leaves Heppner Junction 8:30 a, m, and ar rives at Heppner 6:00 a. ra Spokane Express No. 1 leaves Portland at 2:00 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Jnnotion 7:50 p. m. and Urn a' ilia 8:50 p. m. Portland. Express No. 8, from Spokane, arrives at Umatilla 6 Xa. m. and Heppner Junction 7 HO a. m. ar.d arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m. Fiuit Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9:25 r. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 8:25 a. m, and at Cmatilla 1:30 a. m. Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 12:25 a, m. and at Portland 7 :2C a. m. For further information inquire of J. C, Hart, Agent O. R fc N-, Heppner, Ore. Going 9 Hotel HejjanLer IF YOU ARE, DO NOT FORGET mportant FIRST Go via. St. Paul be cause the lines to that point will afford you the very beet Bervice. SECOND See that the coupon beyond St. Paul reads via. the Wisconsin Central because that line makes close connections with all the trans-continental lines en tering the Union Depot there, and its service is first-class in every particular. Formerly the GRAND CENTRAL.) ' HEPPNER, OREGON. MRS. L. SMALL, Manager. ' Now Open. New Methods. New Manage ment. Strictly First Class. , Rates, $i.oo Per and Day Upwards. SPECIAL RATES BY THE WEEK OR MONTH. r-TtX 1 jH . i. 1 J J 1 i THIRD For information, call , urst-cmss leeu earn run in connection. ui j t:.j ... and from all trains. We solicit your patronage. on your neighbor and friend the nearest ticket agent acd ask for a ticket reading via. the Wisconsin Central lines, or address Free 'Bus run to 587-nov.l2 Jaa. C. Pond, Gen. Pas. Agt., Milwaukee, Wis. or Geo. 8. Batty, Ouaeral Agent, 246 Stark St., Portland Or. OrFICIAL DIKBCTOBT. United States Officials. President William McKintey Vice-President Garret A. Hobart Secretary of State John Sherman secretary of Treasury Lyman J. (4an e Secretary of Interior Cornelias N. Bliss Secretary of War Russell Alger Secretary of Navy John D. Long Postmaster-General James A. Gary Attorney-General JoBeph McKenna tjooretary f Agriculture James Wilson State of Oregon. Governor W. P. Lord Secretary of State H. K. Kincald Treasurer Phil. Metsohan Hupt Publio Instruction G. M. Irwin Attorney General C. M. Idleman . (O. W.McBride Senators 1j, H. Mitchell 5 Binger Hermann Congressmen jy .R. Ellis Printer. . . . . - w H- Leeds ( R. 8. Beau, Supreme Judges F,A. M. I C. E. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. nirnnit Jndse Stephen . Lowell Prosnoutiniz Attorney H, J. Bean Morrow County Officials, Joint Senator Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B Q., C. M. & St. P., C. Si A., P. Kt. W. & C, Kenresentative I imn ty J ade " Commissioners. J. W. Beckett. " tUerk " Bheriff " Treasurer Surveyor... School Sup't. A, W. Rowan ...J. N. Brown ft. Bartholomew .... J.K.Howard ...J. W. Morrow ,.E. L. Matlock .. Frank tiilliam ....A. C. Petteys ... J. W, Hornor .Jay W. Shipley Coroner B. F. Vsughan u.DVWT. mwM OTFlcrKS. Mor Thos. Morgan i...nnu.nm, (Uo. Oonser, Frank Gilliam. Arthur Minor, E. J. Blooum, M u '" ' ' . "W. A. Richardson Treasurer." ;t .WnBri"'" u.r.h.1 A. A. Roberts Precinct Officer. . . . M - W V Wi.)irt .n JU1UM oi vum rumxi.. ......... ... - - , - Constable 8. Whetstone United State Land Officers. ma nif.T.n. OB. J. . Mmn Restate A. 8. Bigg B.F. Wilson. J. H. Kobbina.. Ul obahdb, oi. , Bsoeiver , . Register .Reoeiver BECBST SOCIETIES. KAWUN8 POST, NO, II. Q. A. B. wata at Laixinirton. Or., the last Saturday of sch month. All veteran are Invited to Join. a. W. Smith. CO. Kdda. Adjutant. tf Commander, Dr. P. B. McSwords, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, tbe City Drag Store, Offioe) in City Hotel. near tt D. J. McFaul, M.D. 1IEPPNEB, OREGON. Offioe hoar. 8 to 10 . m.. and 12 to a n. m.. at residence. W. A. Kirk'i prop- artv. east of M, K cbnrrb. South, aod 10 tn 12. a. m . to'i loS p, m., t.t office io tba rear of Borg'a jewelry store. Brown & Redfield, Attorneys at Law, Offla In tba First Netiooel Dank Baildiog. Hbffkbb, : : Obmo. W. A.. RICHARDSON Justice of the Peace and City Recorder. orricc AT council cm am a ins Kali and bay reel estate, rents hnum. pa1 Use. doM convyin-ln anrt will ssrvs you ny war la his Uu, at reaaouabl Sguraa. First National Bank OF HEPrNER C. A. RHtA, T. A. RHCA, Gf O. W. CONSCR. 8. W. SPCNCIR, - Preside Viae President Caahle Aaa't Caartier Tnasafls I Grwril Btalic? Imrrs. 11) C C EEa. NOE I ' Oa all pert of the wnrl.l : iught and Sold Collection lns-1 om all points oa rsesuneble Tsrm. Say oa Kn4 aodivMed rroBia. ilj OO. V: OaMtla will take potato, a fj.Ua bttr ea obee-rip4to aaroant Arl oiag ILla fHfcao astlla tbetr act ,m ia tbia taaanar enJ ain't do it tol o to a ait o. H W. Fal PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable ault House, CHICAGO, ILL.. and the C. St. L, & P. Rallroadi. HATKH SS.oo PBR DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sti., CECIC-A.OO. IliXu McClure s Magazine For 1897 SEVEN GREAT SERIALS A New Life of 6rant by Hamlin Garland. The first authoritative and adequate Life of ui.uk evtjt puuiisueu. dukii1s u uecemoer.j Rudyard Kipling's first American serial, "Captains Courageous." (Begun in November.) Robert Louis Stevenson's "St. Ives." Tbe only novel of Stevenson's still unpublished IDegiuv. iu may.; Charles A.Dana. "Recollections of War Time." Mr. Dana was for three of the most critical years of tbe Civil War practically a member of Lincoln's Cabinet, and is probably better fitted than any other man living to give an authoritative history of this period from his Portraits of Great Americans. Many of them unnuhliihed. In connection with this nerini oi portraits it is inteuiled to publlrh special biographical studies under the general title of MAKERS OF THE UNION from Washington to Lincoln. Pictures of Palestine. Specially taken under the editor's direction. Stories of Adventure. A aerial by CONAN DOYLE, in which he will use his extraordinary uncut iur uivaiery auu ingenuity wnicu nave, in tne "sneriocz uoimes stories, given mm k piaue uvBiue rue auu uaDoriau. WEEXLY The MONTHLY IAN MACLAREN, TEN FAMOUS WRITERS Outlook Published Every Saturday All the fiction that he wl',1 write durlnir the cnmlnor veur with the nxronMnn of two contribution! to another publication which were engaged from him long ago, will appear In McClubb's Maoacink. JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS. A series of new snlmal stories in the same field as the "Brer ksduu" ana tne "Little Mr. Thlmblennger" stories. RUDYARD KIPLING. Besides "Captains Courageous," Kipling will contribute to McCloee's an ui vne iimrv suiries ne win write aunng tne coining year, OCTAVE THANET is preparing for the Maoazins a series of short stories in which the asm cnaraciers win appear, situougn each will be complete in Itself. Anthony Hope Frank R. Stockton HOW TO FIND ODT. Fill a bottle or common pines witb urine bad let it stand twenty-tour hours; a sediment or settling indiontes an un healthy condition ot the kidDeye. When urine stains linen it is evidence of kid ney trouble. Too frequent desire to uri nate or pain in the back, is also convinc ing proof that the kidneys Bud bludder are out of order, WHAT TO DO. Tbere is comfort iu tbe knowledge so often ei pressed, that Dr. Kilmet's Swamp-Root, tbe great kidney remedy fulfils every wisb in relieving pain io tbe back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of tbe urinary passages. It cor rects inability to bold nrine and soald- ing pain in passing it, or bad effects fol lowing use ot liquor, wine or beer, and overoomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to get up many times during the night to urinate. Tbe mild and the extraordinary effect ot Swamp root is soon realizad. It- stands tbe highest tor its wonderful cures ot the most distressing oases. It you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists, price fifty oenta and one dollar. Yon may have a sample bottle aud pamphlet both sent free by mail. Mention tbe Heppner Gazette aud eeud your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Biog- hampton, N. Y, The proprietors of this paper guarantee tbe genuineness of this offer. IDLE TIME. No woman sleeps so soundly tbat tie twang of a guitar will not bring her to tbe window. A salvation army warrior told the peo ple of a Tacoma street corner that he bad been five years on the way to heaven, and some weary waggles in the crowd told him if be had been that long on the way and had not got no further than Tacoma be bad better turn baok and try to hit a new trail. Do you pay for poems? asked the au thor. We do, replied tbe editor. Eaoh poem ooita us at least six subscribers. A man once saved the life of a rattle enake tbat evinoed the livliest kind ot gratitude, and finally took up its abode in hi cabin. One night be heard a oommotfon on tbe ground floor. He ran down and found tbe rattle enake hold ing a burglar in its coils, with its tail out of the window rattling tor a policeman. I would rather be up in the Klondike oountry, living in an ioe dugout, fish ing cold and hungry with a true woman beside me and a dear little ohild around me, than live in Chioago with a fashion plate for a wife and a poodle dog for a child. POWDER Absolutely Pure BRIEF MENTION. Robert Barr Clark Russell 3 Astor Place New York The Outlook will be Id 1897, as it has been during eaoh of its twenty-seven years, a History of Onr Owo Time. Io ts various editorial departments Tbe Outlook gives a compact review of the world's progress ; it follows witb care all tba important philanthropic sod in dustrial movements ot tbe day; baa s complete department of religious news; devotes much apace to tbe interests of tbe home; reviews current literature; furnishes cheerful table-talk about men and things: and, in short, aims to give fresh information, original observation, and reasonable entertainment. Beginning witb tbe fifty fiifth volume, tbe paper will aaaume tbe regular maga zine size, wbiob will add greatly to its oonvenienoe and attractiveness. Tbe Outlook is published every Saturday fifty-two i as ties a year. Tbe first issue io eaob month is an Illustrated Magazine Number, containing about twice as many pages as tbe ordinary issue?, together witb a large number ot pictures. Tbe prioeof The Outlook is tbree I dollars a year In advance, or lest tbao s cent a day. Bead for speeimeo copy and illastrat- e project us to Tbe Outlook, 13 Astor Place, New Tot k Oltv. Bret Hart Stanley Weymen will all hsve stories in McCldbe'I tor the coming year. These are only a small fraction of the great and important features of McCluks'i Mauazini ioji, ma auuBcnpuuu price ox wmcn is only One Dollar a Year The new volume begins with November. Subscription! should start with this number. The S. S. McClure Co., New York. tor A Campaign Of Education HOW to Getlt (Tj ETA -For lP's JJ Use Too Much Salt, The use of salt as a condiment is so general and so universally believed in as necessary that we rarely hear a word against its exoessive use, but a multitude of persona who eat far too macb Bait eat it on everything; on meat, fish po tatoes, melons, in butter, on tomatoes. turnips snd sjubbd, in bread and on a host ot foods too numerous to mention lo so great an extent is it used that no food is relished which has no salty taste, and tbis bides more or less the real taste, which is often very delicate, Now, the amount 1 1 salt required in tbe system is comparatively small, and it tbe diet has been rightly compounded very little is neoeasary. Some go so far as lo disoard its use altogether, but whether tbis is wise or not, wa will not here consider. What are some of tbe evils of tbe exoesbive use of salt? They are to parulyz j tbe nerves of taste or to pervert tbein so tbey cannot enj iy any thing which hns not a sully flavor, and io addition tbere is a direct tax on both tbe akin and tbe kidneys in removing it from the blood. Whether tbe skin is harmed by this tax we do nut know. Possibly it ia not greatly injured, yet we know that few people loeeess a healthy skin, but it is now pretty well settled that an exoessive use of salt does over hi the kidneys io its removal aod thft the greater number of cases of derutige ment and disease of these organs la due to this us. It takes only a little lime to learn to ei.J y many kiudt ot food without salt and we advise onr readers tnd others to look into tba matter and to try and diminish tbe nie of tbis con diment go fur as possible. We believe they will bo better for it. J uiroul of Hygieue, UNPARALLELED OFFER sum mats skill, Such a pspsr is a great popular educator home. The subscription prii-s of Lealle'a M P Vt s msks ths unparalleled oner of a copy of To b educated on must resd ths best literature. The best literature ts expensive. Leslie's Illustrated Weekly. I'uli1 lined at 110 fifth Avsnue, New York, ts full of the best things. Its Illustrations are superb; Its stories charming; and Its literary departments ars edited with con- It should tie In every r: IsTOCsV BRANDS, Wbll rue aaap soar aboriptioa paid as rra aakasp roar brand ia frMnf chairs. Bora. P. O.. Ml'rmr. Or. Hnraat. Ptu Uft six al lar-, eatua, aaiaa on ton Dip. Conk. A. J..Lana.Or. Hnraas. Woa rishtahnal dor. ( uttU, aamaoo riant hip: sar Bark sqoars up on ti4 ua ipm ia nnu Doulasa. W. tt . ftalltiwas. Or.-4'atila RDm riht uil. swatlow-f ork la aaoh sari aoriai, U I en len nip. Kir. Dm. Dnoalaa. Or.-Hursaa hrandsd f f.V o loft slxmklar, oatUa aam oa Uflhip. hut u nhi ear. Florsnoa. la. A- Ratitmar. Or. 4 aula. I V na rtsM hip: bursas W srilbj bar andW aa riaht saowoar. Jnnsa, Harry, Hapfmnr, Or Hums braadad rtht hip. aian eniarba ia laft sar, lianaa la Slurrow euaaiy. Jnfcesna. 'alia. Iaa. Or. Huts as. siiolsT oa loft HilUn aaula. aam oa riht kip, aadar half arup la rtaaa ms soil I M lart sar Konar, Sfika, Happaar, . Hofws brandod KM oa UTt bip aauia earn and arup oS Ml sart ml alnfia oa Uia rlabt Uahsy, t. W. Maprmar Or Hons branda I. and 4 na lart Ulwci eaMU MM aa lTt kip, srauiaevar riant sya, thras silts la rihl 4, I t Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi- Weekly one year (or only $4.50. 4 p. No such oftVr was ever mad before. No such nftsr will vrr b made again. These two papers make a most anwptabl Chrtstmsa or blrthdsy gift, snd will b constant reminders of the giver's kindness Remit by portal aMsr or check lo the T -w-w . Heppner, Oregon. Th horn faco Ysao William Gor don Las movd bis feed yard from its former location to Jones' old stsod wber b will be plsaasd to hats all bis friends and petroo to call oo tilso. Ur. Oordon Is eeeotnmftdatfn', bas good yard and ahnodsot facilitiea to Uk ear of tork ia first clssa shape. His pile srs vary reasonable. II bas bsy aod f rais for sal. Das lately edJed a car Uxul of baUd timothg. tf. Minor, rtshtalp; rtarpnar Or. atua, Norma, M. N a lart aauaOdai M D ua haft aboaioar. rlappaar. Or. Hmi oa Urt hip. fahnra. 1. W IVmlsW ttr.i Kona, U ua laf shuawar: aartls saata ua riant hip. ftvkm 4 Qlaastaa. llardaaaa.Or, Huoms IF oa art abfrnktar. Ptpar. 4. H . Itlntruw. (V.-Rma it sswaS on Vmt ah.ml.Wi HI a aa. ua laf hip. now aw la am aaw, Hari, i. W.. H-vpaar. itr -W.wm, JO lar aouakkar. taiua, t) um rtM klt. Hiarry. K. ti. Itatmaar. Or. - fattls W t' aa lart hip. amfi osT nst.t and anaarbit la Mt taar, Valavi bur i W Ci Urt aaoaUlar, Tfcuaipaua. J A.. tivnmr, Or-Hnnaa, o Ut ahualaVar-, Mlk I m Ufl sfcuakiaf. Tsraar H. W Hvt-ar 1 r.aawiil aafMal T UA sa-aid . I t i aatta saat aa Ufl kip wiia avfii ia wmwm ajtm. Wsaahargar. t . Otlowf. fif.i boTM wanar rtftm 4 aj oa rrtt akoabtari aaitta ara rrru J W aa rit bip awt ntt . rr. and Iwrfa ia laft aar. Haoaa M M'rfTva a4 Vaiatula Tbe Oasstte do out audition tb booastyofaay parens, bo I it is eo ni ps 1 lad lo instat spoej tb saali-ia advance plaa of sabaaHpUiiB, whsltxr lb ttb soribar b Coroliu VsaJsfhilt or lb o wbo aro bis bread by boasst U.iL VY ano4 rnu tb p(Kr oa aay other pUo. f Io fWk st sea lasras llsppnsr at Ts'oloek, a. trw, Tsaaday, Tboraday, aod Halardays; arrive at e'lk, p. a., Moadaya, Wwlorada; aeaFridaja, Will aaak cortsaeiioe with brsnebtrsio ban deslrati Kar ab way. Freight , east per poaoL J. II. Ballaobmck, Prop. Offln at l!arr Warrao's drag stars. tf. Tom Williams, of Long Cresk, arrived from Portland Wdnday moroiD. Jo eompaoy wiib bis wit aod family b d srtd for their bom at Iog Creak yesterday. M. M. Hrlarly aod Tom went below witb fhsriff Livlogsbio, wbo bad io cbarg tb prisoner, Uiakl tod Hull, lb former sen I op from Orsnl Co. for manslaugbter and tb latter t it rob bibsT shrapherdsr. Tbe "Hicyollat's ll.st Friend" is a familiar oama for DeWiti's Witch Hazel Salve, always ready for enierg. noi-s. While a specific for piles, it also instant ly relieves and cures outs, bruises, suit rheum, eczema and all affxetiona rf ths skin. It never falls. Fur Hale by Coraer A Drook. A newspaper man told me tbe other day tbat be bad a leading citizen on bis list who for 18 years bad withstood threats and entreties alike. Even a column notice of bis daughter's mar riage or the publication of a set of sew ing society resolutions aa long as tbe Durant trial, when bia first wife died, bad tailed to melt a single dollar out of his rapacious grasp. The dear old de linquent bad fulled to make a credit mark witb either cash, cord wood', rqnash, potatoes, cabbage or dried ap ples, and no amount of flattery would induoe tbe old biokory-splitter to offer me e saok ot oats or a bale of bay to ballaooe the account. He bad plsoed an X opposite bis name and placed tbe aooount in tbe bands ot the constable; he had notified him of bis arrears on a Postal oard and dunned him in church: he had threatened to drop him from tbe list and bad done everything except bit him over tbe besd witb a fence rail after ark and tnke the money away from him, still tbis leadi 0,8 Jitizen was as oblivious to bis debts as a tramp ia to work or an anarchist Is lo snap. Do boga pay? is tbe question. It seems from careful investigation among those in swine onlture that tbe Poland Chinas far well. While tba great American Anglo-Saxon hog won't pay a cent. A young man went to Ban Francisco to sea tb sights. He evideotly saw tbe "tiger" and went flat broke, and sent the following telegram to bis wealthy father: Borne skins are blue, Home skies are dark, Bend me "fifty" Your son, Mark. 1 be fattier sent the following In an swer to the one from bis son, Mark. ' Home skies are blue, Home skies are pink, Send you fifty I don't tbink. Tbe reason a fight ia called a "scrap' is beosuse it is a "broken pesos," Lib Vihnon. Mrs. C. A. Itbea, acooiiipanied by bar daughter, Mrs. Ada Curtis, departed oo Monday evening for Humptar, the boms f Mrs. Curtis. After a abort viMl with another daogbtnr, Mrs Newt Junes, Mrs llhea will return to Weston, whers sb will visit tlber relatives be for coming home. Lail'ra, tak the brat. If yon are Iroublsd lib constipation, sallow skin and s tired fueling, tak Karl's Clover Tes, it is pleasant to take. Hold by Oooser k Itrork. y Tb Heppner bills wrra visitad by shower of rain Tuesday evening. It did not last long, boaster, aod lesva tbia part of tbe ooutitry badly io need of rooistnre. Fall sown grain mnst receive more rsio lo amount to run oh. Certainly yon don't waot lo suffer with dyspepsia, oooalipstion, ick beailacb, sallow skio and has of appetite. Ifoo bsv osvsr triad D Will' Ltiti Early Kiasr for tbsa aomplatala or yoa would bsv bean ar). They srs small ptlll bat treat rrgalators. For sal by OiO Br aad Itrork. Tbe regular subscript pruw of tba Hami-Weekly Uaatt is 1 2.00 sad tbe ratnlsr prfcw of lb Weekly Oregon iao is 11.60. Anyoo saWnblog for tb Oasetl aod paying for oo year if advance caa l both tbe Osteite aod Weakly Orrgonlaa for 13.00. All otd soh erfibars paying (heir sobenrinltoas fcr ewe year in ad f an aa will he entitled at tb Dyspepsia cured. Hbiloh's Vitlizr irnmadislely relieve oor storaacb, com log op of food distress, sod Is the grea kidney aod liver remedy. H ild by Con- r A fir ck. y Hsmusl Eon, broibsr of I a, lh litbt ar,il water rose, ebo spent last winter and th past snamar lo Heppner is attending sobrxil at Moiimoulb tbia winter, preparing himself to Wars i. Karl's Clover Koot lea I a pleasant Isistive, Itagolala tb tmaala, porlBr the bliMHl. Clsar tb completion. F.ay to niak and pleasant to tak. itficts Hol.l l.y Cooser A iirotk. y M. Hmliel, of tb oil Pflosvill firm, b it now s reaideol of I'ortlaad, I in town oo boslna. Mr, Hiohsl is napbsw of Hon. Hi Illrsch, o well an favorably knows In nil Oreg otilsns. Htaleojienl for tba Faoinnf Himpl 4woanl filt prluteJ at tb Uss-tl .f fie. If Kverjrbnriy Hay Ha. Gasoareta Candy Catbartio, the most wonderful medioal discovery of tbe age pleasant and refreshing to tbe tasle, aot gently and positively on the kidneys liver and bowels, cleansing tbe entire system, dispel oolds, our beadaohe, fever, habitual constipation aod bil iousness. I'less buy and try a box of C. C. C. today; 10.62, CO cent. Hold and guaranteed to onr by all druggists, If Pretty I'lals. While it is perhaps never an honor to be indicted by a grand jury, it certainly cannot be considered muob of a disgrace lo be indicted by a grand jury, aa in the ease of tb on which baa recently caaaed from its labors io tbis oonoty, member of which wa triad, convii te aad fined a fw years ago for Iba larceny of a U) gold piece aud two y psper bill, ssys th Pendlstos Itepahlicso Tb srsnd jaror rsferred to know bl own nsm and would no doubt answer promptly if lb roll of Cmatilla county thieves war to b called. W. H. Oalwell is up from Arlington. Oscar Sobaffor is siok at Ibe Palace hotel. James Doherty and wife weie in from Black Horse yesterday. Banous ia still on the turf doing a lit tle carpenter business. tf Lost A bluok silk mitten. Finder will please leave at Gazette oflioe. It . Frank Kogers is over at Sumpter this week looking after some business mai lers. D. P. Ketohum, of Tbe Dalles, repre senting the Union Meat Co., is in tbe city. Arthur Hodson has just completed bis Pine City school, tbe term ending last Friday. W. H. Daughtrey is over from Taooma in oonneotioa with the Siohel oattle shipment. Tom Howard has a big stook of botb lined aod unllned gloves in all grades. Pricea 'way down. tf CbBs. Hales was in from Galloway on last Tuesday. Mr. Hales ia one ot our urge sbeep owners. Mr. J. L Yeager left Monday for Port- laud to buy fall stook. He will return tomorrow or Sunday. George Lund got back Wednesday from Portland where he had been for a tew days' recreation. J. M. Hager's Cmatilla oounty ranch will return $5,500 for tbia year's crop. How is that for 100 acres? . . y Han Clar'- and family are oVer from Camas prairia, this week to visit rela tives and to trubnaot business. Sheriff Livingston, i Grunt county, returned from Salem Wednesday Dom ing, leaving for home yeeterday. J. W. Blake arrived yeeterday to re ceive the M. Siobel & Co. cattle. The bend arrived Wednesday evening. Wanted A good boy wbo wants to go ' to school, to earn bis board doing chores nigbl and morning. Apply at Gazotte office. A large number of interior freighters have been in town tbis week taking oot merchandise for merchants at different points. Tbe Pendleton Republican makes mighty interesting reading just about oow. Tbe man wbo head off McManua is worthy being culled a daisy. Geo. Noble, jr., who Is now proprietor of the lone saddlery shop, was op to Heppner Tuesday, Us is meeting with fair success io his new venture. II. J. Bean was oalled over from Pen dleton Wednesday to prosecute Clyde Hperry on tbe oharge of seduction. The examination occurred yesterday. John Johnson, wbo works for C. A. Hbea, got afoul ot a oayuss Tuesday which fell oo bim, badly bruising bia ankle. "Yon" ia undergoing repairs. Charley Clark, who was formerly at Heppner in the oapacity of a tinner when tbs editor ot the Gsxsite was wrestling with stoves and pots for a living, baa located In Hpokaoe. He not deceived! A t ;'t, hnsrsness or oronp ar not to b- ' ied with. A do io titns of Hluloh i Curs will save yoa much trouble. Hold by Conner A llrork. y Tbs semi annual Morrow County Hun day School convention meals at Hepp ner on next Thursday afternoon. Tbe opening session will be held at the M. K. obortib. A. Henderson, of Gsston, Or., arrived Toaaday morning on a visit to relative her ami will remain aome time. Mr. HeoJeraon is a cousin of W. E. Brock, the druggist. Irreadfally Nervosa, (ienlt: I was drsadfolly nervous, and tor rslief took your Karl's Clover Hoot Ts. It qolelad my oervs aod strength eoed my wbol nervou system . I ass troubled witb eonsllpalioD, kldoey and bowel trouble. Your Tea soon fllesnsed my system so Iboroogbly tbat I rapidly regained health aod strength. Mr. H, A. Hweel, Hartford, Goon, Hold by Cotiser A Urock. y llepprjar lo Pendleton via Heppner F.f bo Htsg Line, Persons deairoos of Visiting Pendlaloa Osn sv lima and Oioney by Isklug Iht root. Ily o lalutinT lb sut th pravma vn lug lb elsg will ask connsenon wnb 'J ti'i lork train at V bo for I'sndlaloo, OtDo at City Urag btor. W. D, Uau, rroprletor. Hrnsll precaution often prevent great mischiefs. DaWilt's Little Early .Users are very small pills io size, but are most effaotivs in preventing ths luosl serious form of liver troobl and stotnaoh Irooblea. Tbey our ootiitipation aod hesdai he and regulate Ibe bowel. For sal by Cooser A Brock. Ikey Ar tb 'Hs'tsis ' Maaduw A Hsltsu, lb pioneer black smith, bav mad some elegant im provements lo their establishment aod added a larg stock of iron, bnraeabuts snd other material essential to lb bsppinrss ot tboaa who nes l qnlt-k re pairs on their wsgous, tiuggls or any kind of machinery. Tbey bavs ex tended their room so aa to sennmmmtate everybody in lh oountry who is Is need of repair. When yon waot bora shod, machine repaired, tir set or any thing tin iu their line, you wilt find Meadow A Usttso lo b tb boy tbat esa do ll-euj d' tt light la short OfJsr. tf