Oh. How Thankful PLAYFUL PEiNKa Pain Was Maddening and Hope Had Been Abandoned -Wonderful Results of Purifying the Eloocl. "A very severe pain came ia my left knee, which grew worse and wono, and finally a sore broke out above I knee. It discharged a groat deal aiJ t'9 pain from my thigh do'.va was r.ia.kictiing. Large, hard, purple spoJs appeared oa lny leg. I suffered In thLi way for yoars, and gave up all hops ot ever beiaj cared. . My wife was reading of a case like mine , cured by Hood's Sariapar'.Ua, and she advised me to try It. I bejan taking it and when I had used a few bodies I found relief from my suffering. Oh, how thankful 1 am for th!3 relief I I am stronger than I have ever been In my life. I am in the beat of health, have a good appetite and am a new man altogether." J. P. Moors, Lisbon Falls, Maine. Sarsa- pariita Is the best-In fact the One True Blood Purifier. Hood's Pills cure all liver ills. US cents. Enjoy Hood's 'Take Notice. L rae sum of five cento per line will be charged for "cards of thanks," "resolution! of respect," lists of wedding presents and donors, and obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and notices of special meetings for w hatever purpose. 2. Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate Of five cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher e 1 to in every instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. A GOOD CLUBBING LIST. The Gazette can offer the following olubbiDg rates: The GAZETTE 12.50 and Club Rate Weekly Oregonlan, $1.60 13.50 " 8. F. Examiner, $1.50 8.75 " N. Y. Tribune, $1.00 ' 8.00 ' " Inter-Ocean, 11.00...... 8.25 " B. F. Chronicle, $1.50 8.75 Thrlce-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00. . . 8.25 Webfoot Planter, 50c 2.50 Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 5.00 Rural Spirit, $2.00 8.50 New York Wool Record, $2.00... 8.50 HETH. EPISC. CHDUUH. SERTIOE8. Sunday 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school 10 a. m, classes no. 1 and a at 12:10 p. m. Epworth League Devotional meeting at 1 p. m. rreyer meeting, i nursuay, s p. m. 'The Hpibit and the bri v. Coma." The pastor may be found at tba parsonage ad joining the ehnroh, where he will be glad to meet any who may desire to consult him on religions, sotial. oivio, philosophio, (durational, or any outer subjects. J, W. KLESIIElt, Minister. Youthful Residents of HeDDner Halloween in the Old Style, Weary pedestrians returning home ward Saturday night were surprised to find things where tbey oueht not ba on the streets and elsewhere, while more than one Bate was missina Snodnv morning was ooonpied by a good many Heppnerites in restoring order out of obaos The flan pole on tbe First Na. tional bank comer was also observed to have at its top a figure which, at a. glanoe, looked not unlike oar erstwhile printer, Sammy Teed- It is supposed that this was intended as a "diu" at Marshal Sager, but for what purpose tbe Gazette cannot say. Must people were at a loss to know what all this was for, bat on looking np their almanacs, the oooasion proved to be Halloween, or as near it as one could get at it without observing it on Snuday. Hallow-even, or Halloween, is tbe name popularly given to the eve or vigil of All Hallows, or festival of All Saints, wbiob being the 1st of Nov , Halloween is the evening of the 31st of Oo. In England it was long oustomary to crack nuts, duck for apples in a tub of water, and perform other harmless fireside revelries. While tbe same thing can be said of Scotland, tbe Halloween oere moDies of that ooantry partook more of a superstitious character', taking, among rustics, tbe form of a charm to discover who should be bis or her partner for lite. Of these now almost eiploded ous wine, toe Desi summary is that con tained in Burns' well-known poom "Halloween." We refer to Brand's Popular Antiquities for some notice of Hallow-even praotioee. DO YOU SUFFER? WHAT A PHYSICIAN HAS TO ABOUT THIS SEASON. BAT AUTHORITIES SAY RHEUMATISM IS UNUSUALLY DANGEROUS. Here and There. Sea M. Lichtenthal for shoes. Lawrence Sweek is over from tbe Jobs Day. Andrew Neal was over from Lone yesterday. Cbai. Repass was in from Eight Mile yesterday, Fine celery, fruit, oigars and tobaoooa t Matbews'. tf. Milt Powell it suffering from to attack of rheumatism. Jerry Broenan and wife were in from Butter creek yesterday. Submit your plans to Ranoui before giving out jour oootraot. tf M. Liobtentbal for shoes. Exclusive shoe store. Handles tbe beet. 83 if Tbe Orange Front te sow prepared to serve freab oysters in sny it lie. 92 tf LIdd Msttesoo is etill in jail st Baker City swsitlog lareties tor $500 boode. Born To tbe wife of D. Cox, on Oct 25tb, oo Hiotoo oreek, s 9 pound girl Floe home-made taffy st tbe Orange Front. A clean, freab etook of goods- leave your orders. tf. Oirl wanted to do booeework. Oood vtgee. None bat tbe beet need apply, Cell at Quells offlos. 83-tf Te arrive toon st llttbewe'-tweet potatoes, ersoberries, Or and pi's soap sod other oeoeeesries. U . Aor one deeirina to bnild either s booae or bars will make none; by eall lug oo lbs OesetM offtoe. 07 1( For eale residence property. Barn end good ootbooeee. Will Nil cheap on easy terms. Calletoffloe. 83-tf. Beet soeommodatioo snd eonrteooa IrMtoMol st tbs Imperial Hotel, Seventh sod Wash. Bit., Portland, Orrgoo. There te sloe lot of Cnoolnrbsa kferioo bock I for sale st Tbompeoo k Blnoe' steble. loqoJreof W. C. Brows. fcOtf. Will Move to Portland. Conductor Wm. Dunn has deoided to leave tbe Heppner branch and accept a freight run between Tbe Dalles snd Portland, making tbe latter plaoe his headquarters. Mr. Dunn and family have lived in Heppoer several years snd during their eoj iurn bere have won an enviable plaoe In the hearts of Heppner people, and they will be sadly missed . Mr. Dunn has held tbe position of con ductor on tbe Heppner branch muoh longer than any of his predecessors, and now leaves it entirely at bis own sugges tion, as tbe night work was exceedingly wearing on him. In bisoapaoity aa con ductor he has always been pleasant and obliging, yet ever solioiluus concerning tbe welfare of bis employers. It goes without saying that Mr. Dunn snd family have tbe best wishes of all for oontinned enooess, in their new Iocs tion. Tbey leave tor Portland thia week of J. L Utbeoa bss tekeo tbe Jonee' brb stand sod does good work St nuDolar orime. IS eeoti shaving sod cants beifruttliia. 74-tt Mongols ere dmIm it trilled swst; sad tbey art dangorously wasUd it eon qomJ bt dslar la eaare bre One Mloote Cough Curs wosld btisg tin 4iaU raliaf. For eale b Coster k Uroek. Dick Mslbtwe sod V. Oestry, ooder lbs firm oeme of Mslbtwe A 0otry, ere satoeleUd togtther lo tbe barbae boainsa is the be etesJ. lo donre sooth of lbs poetofflee. Tbey solicit si elL Bbavieg, IS smU. tf. Oeorge Doffifd bss sums floe ball breed CWr! barks, oot of HVrlso wbkb be lehe to tll st ras eble figure. He will be el E L. Mat' leek's sorrel oo shoot rVpt. 2". Ceil e bim. Dr. Jobs W. Kteate. of the "IUd libl." ever so lbs eUt ir soelbiBg Hf. ets tsrottb lbs Intel ewk- tailo la lbs lasl-HenbaHes, Jray, Y.,m.oth af flia-BlsJe bf SS sHItt to lbs boeiseee. Drop ' Ute oot of tear esootb. tf Conser & Brock have s display qaartg that "takes tbe cake." Frank Farosworth is rapidly recover ing from an attack of fever. M. L. Warren, of Big Butter oreek, who bat been very ill, is improving rapidly. Marion Evans snd brothers are just finishing the eowing of tome 330 sores of wheat. A fight yesterday belweeo two email boys, down on Main street, created more exoitement than s fire. Tom Morgan recently ret timed from e trip to Idaho where be disposed of a lot of floe books for Ed Day. ' Mr. J. J. O. Barber, of Portland, rep resenting tbe Mutual Life Int. Co., of New York, wae In Heppner last week. Cbea. Jones wiitee down from Juneau that bo ie doing well at ble trade. He ill leave for Klondike lele tble winter. Mrt. Cbae. Jonee has returned from Hamilton's mill, where tbe bat been tor several weekt, snd will tpend tbe winter In Heppner. F. J. Crawford snd Johnny 8tevensoo srs over from feodleton. Johnny ie learning tbe bsroeee trade with Mr. Crawford, hie brotber-ln law. Eastern Oregon snd Wsabingtoo are experiencing an extraordinarily long tiegt ot dry westher. Tall sowing" needs some moisture badly. Dr. W. A. Roberto, of Portland, a ritlng young dentist, ie lo Heppner, hiving arrived Bonis; last and bat decided to locals bere about Dec. lit. Tbe managers ot tbe Hotel Heppoer srs sdding sn sdditioo lo tbeir hotel building. When eompleted it will materially Increase tbe number ot rooms. Dr. MoHwords was sailed oot to Eight Mile leal week lo slteod J as KnigbUo, wboweebedlr hurt by s estate otep. ping ioto a bedgar bole, falliog with him. Word bss some from Jack Lake el 8ecrseMolo where be went to look after s position. II ie hitherto onei plained obeenos ceued Sootidrreblo oo easiness. J. U. Kieherdeno, maoager ot tbe Hotel Deppoer, Is orlppW to soms ex- teat by bevisg etoppad oo a oeil oee day leal week. He is elile to be eroood, however. Mr. AeJrew M. Petareoo, ot Oooao- berrf,deirs lbs OitotU lo tbaak all bo eaaistad in the building of lbs Heedlsb Lulbarae ebsreb St Oooe. berry end bleb was dtdieeUd oo lbs 34ib alt. Significance of Its Alarming Increase Dur ing This Fall. There has beeu . so muoh disoassion recently about tbe alarming increase of rheumatism in this section, that a Ga zette man was instructed to investigate. A member of the board of health said: "Do not quote me as saying that rheu matism is necessarily a mortal disease. It isn't. But there are often times when it leads to heart oomplioation or distur bance of the brain, and results in death. "And, whether dangerous or not, tbe Buffering is always intense. Anxiety and care, mental shook, and iojaries lead to rheumatism, bat tbe prevalence of this disease at Ibis time in Heppner and vicinity is undoubtedly owing to the damp, oold weather of the fall months. ' Tbe usual treatment of rheumatism is unoertain, inefficient, and disappointing, as is acknowledged, by many physicians. Henry 0. Robe, who resides at No. 1 Sycamore St., Buffalo, and who is a prominent G. A. R. man, reoently creat ed considerable stir by going before J as W. Chstmao, a notary public, and swear ing to the truth of the following state ment: "Early last full, I bad a severe attaok of rheamatism, aoo'impaoied with great weakness, exhaustion, and indigestion. I was incapable of anything like work, but my health was fully restored by the use ot thai vegetable medicine, Paioe's celery compound. It has brought joy to our household, and the physician who discovered it may truly be o ailed tbe Good Samaritan." Inquiry among our druggists shows that this compound has been used by quite a number in Heppoer, and no case of rheamatism or neuralgia has failed to yield to its oorative powers. Arrested for Seduction. Near midnight laat night, Sheriff Mat lock arrested Clyde Sperry on a oharge of seduotion, preferred by Miss Ida Ritchie, ot lone. Tbe girl is in a deli- oate condition, all this being charged op to young Bpeiry. He was immediately released on on $250 bonds, R. O. Wills snd Milt Powell beoomiog his sureties. His examination will come off to-morrow before Judge Richardson, of this place. Tbe young men who gave tbe "projeo- toscope" exhibition bere last week forgot to settle tbeir "power" bill with Ike Ea rns before leaving town. A oonatable called npon the gentlemen at lone, but tbey would do nothing as there was no warrant In the hands ot tbe officer. Tbey proceeded oo their way to Arli ng ton where tbey will doubtless be called npon to pay. rneir enow is a good one and they oannot afford to do business in tbii miDner for tbe purpose of evading the payment of tbe small sum of $10, F. P. Vaughn was in from Eight Mile laat Saturday. Oeo. F. Roberts, one ot the live travel ing men, was in town over Sunday. Mr. Norman Myers bas returned from below, aooompanied by bis bride. Mrs . W. F. Raark and son, Exie, are over from Silver, Waab. , to visit rela tives. Chas. Cunningham is over from Pilot Rook ia oonneotion with bis back busi ness. Mrs. Fred Bartholomew's father, a Mr. Adams, is very siok at bis home at Gales burg, Ills. Braoe Haines and Ed. Aahbaugh were among Eigbt Mile's visitors to Heppner Saturday. John Durham has opened np a saloon on Willow street which be oalls tbe "M. &. M." Mr. Miller, justioe ot the peaoe at Wallula, was killed by the oars near bis home last Sunday. W. G. Bogart came In from Pendleton and bns aooepted a position as mixolo gist in John Durham's saloon. W. E. Morford, J'., better known as "Ginger," is in town after a brief so journ in the Blues as a mutton monarch. E. B Stanton was In from Eight Mile yesterday, and to our scribe be expressed sn opinion that rain must fall soon if Morrow. oonnty expeoted a crop next season. Mr. Theo. Nelson, ot Ohioago, a cousin of Mrs. Herbert Bartholomew, arrived this morning from Seattle, where he had been on business. He leaves tomorrow for his eastern borne. . Tbe Gazette has the most obliging fe line in tbe Heppner hills. Though en cumbered with a family of six, she has adopted two more waifs and seems con tent to take all that o me her way. Henry and Otis Weleh are under ar rest at Monument oharged with bntober ing beef cattle not their own. Their exami nations will come off tomorrow. The Gazette knows nothing as to tbe trnth ot the charges. Frank MoFarland bas been appointed special agent of The Equitable Life As- suranoe Co., of New York, tbe strongest in the world. Cash Burplus to policy holders of over 43 millioc dollars. Don't take insurance without seeing tbe new plans of the Equitable, Insures both sexes at same rates. . 77tf Canton Flows Canton Harrows Canton Gangs Canton Disks ior Drills Seeders SoDeri Soperi Studebaker Waoons and Hacks o GRAIN and FEED 1 P esttUt 1 s Main Street , Next door to Falaoe hotel, HEPPNER, OREGON Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat ent business conducted ior MODERATE FEES. Our Office is Opposite. U, 8. patcntOffice and we can secure patent ia less tune tliaa uosc remote irom w usmnKiuu, Send model, drawing or pnoto with descrip tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. I a B.uouir-r " How to Obtain Patents," with cost of same in the U. & and foreign countries sent tree. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. Opr. Patent Office, Washington, d. C ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. F' STATU OF WM. C. AKER9, DECEASED. J Notice 1b hereby Riven, that letters of aclminlHtrtttion on the estate ot Wm. C. Alters, deceased, were granted to the undersigned on the ii'Jth day of October, 1897, by the County Court of Morrow County. All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them to me for allow ance, at my home near Gooseberry, Morrow County. Oregon, within six months after the date of this notice or tbey shall be forever barred. This 29th day of October. 1807. BENJAMIN 1,. AKERB, 2-9 Administrator. To Cure Constipation Forever. Take Oascarets Candy Oathartio. lOo or 25o. If C. O. O. fail to cure, druggists refund money. tf Any person who is interested in British Columbia shonld write to W. H. Hurlbnrt, general passenger agent ot tbe O. R. & N., for a copy of Pat Donan's lit tle "booklet," "The New Bpnanzaland." It is well worth tbe trouble. 60-tf. What 1s Hop Gold? Beet earth, bee ad. elsewhere. beer on Bncklen't Arnica Salve. Tbe Beat Salve in ths world for Cuts, Bruises, Hores, TJloert, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, UMibleint, Uorns, sod all Hkio Erup tions, ana positively cures riles or oo psy required. It is guaranteed to give nerfect satisfaction or money refunded. rnoezo rests per box. For sale by uooser & Brook. Baths down at the Jones' barber shop, 25 cents. Or villa Jones manager, tf Tetter, Salt-Kheuni and Eczema. The intense Itching and smarting, inci dent to these diseases, is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases have been permanently cured by it. It is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite remedy for sore nipples, chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites and chronic sore eyes. 25 cts. per box. Dr. Cady's Condition Powders, are just what a horse needs when in bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. Thev are not food but medicine and the best in use to pnt a horHe in prime condition. Price 25 cents per package. STOCKMEN, FARMERS, . EVERYBODY ! You Don't Expect Goods for Nothing! BUT YOU DO WANT LOW PRICES to suit ths times. Yon want fresh groceries snd supplies ; yon want sub stantial gents' furnishings. Yon osn find what you want at T. R. Howard's. MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED I 3 Howard Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. THE ART OF BREWING Was Perfected by the ro duction of.... To trade A good heating stove, for cord wood. Call at ofTioe. tf HEPPNER RACKET STORE . e Mr. Homer Hellook sod wife, ot Pen dleton, have been called over by ths ee- riant Illness ot Mr. Ballock'e mother, at the borne of her daughter, Mrs. W. P. Dutton, below town. Mr. Qallook is a well-known newspaper man and coo- dooled tbe Heppner Times during its ! lifetime, lie Ie at praeeot editor and manager ot the Pen Jletoo Tribune. Rrgsidtd at s Duty. "I lost my appetite sod beostns weak At last I was takea very eick. My at tention wee called to Hood's Sarea- parilli tnd I took a bottle and it made me feel better. I have taken five bot tles tnd tm now well. I (eel it my duty to tell what HooJ'e Hsrtaparilla bae done." Mrt. A. Evertoo, Wedderburn, Oregon, Hood'i Pille srs tbe favorite family esthtrtio. Easy to takt, easy to operate. 25oentt. THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN MORROW COUNTY TO BUY NOTIONS AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. FEW PRICES QUOTED BELOW. 1 paper full oount pint 2 cents. 1 paper good needles 2 oenlt. I spool linen thread.... 3 oents. 1 oard hooks sod eyes 1 cent. 1 ball knitting cotton... 3 oeott. 1 gents tape border bkf 5 oents. 1 Misses colored border handkerchief 2 cents. OTHER GOODS SUCH AS UUSLElir. 10WELS, HANDKERCHIEFS, $a, AT LOWEST PRICES. OUR 5 AND 10 CENT COUNTER IS ALWAYS FULL OF BARGAINS. CROCKER Y AND GLASSWARE IN ABUNDANCE. A FULL STOCK OF GROCERIES AT PRICES AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. NO TBOt'BLS TO DHOW GOODS WK WANT YOUR TRADE. .... J. W. VAUGHAN. And now the entire world Knows this nerfect vroduct As the Star Brewery beer On draught at all popular saloons STAR BREWERY COMPANY, 203 Washington St., Portland, Or. BIG CROPS BIG PRICES Notice to ftkufpaea) Don't overlook those floe Cunningham hooks tt Thompson k Diane' etable. Inquire of W. C. Brown, st Pelace bolt-1, or Ed. Bishop. WO-tf. ,.- for' QPVlARj vPRAGTICAli floras fallow, that bas oo fear io bit soul of the hereafter, etole M. D. Hay. man't ibona out ot the Pelaoa lintel omoe, wiiiie me old man was taking s little Dtp it so early boar yesterday morning, Herman bet very poor opinion ol the eolprit. To bral tbe broken sod diseas! tie- tuee, to tooths lbs irritated eurfacee, to lotttotly relieve sod to pertnsastttly ears it the mission of DeW ill's Witeb llstsl Halve. For Hale by Cooeer Broek. Ratsatkiaf te 1914 as. Mr. Jtrnae Joe, of the drag Irh tt Jonee k Hub, Cowdo, lilt., Is epeeklng of Ir. Kieg'e N Dieenvery, oaye that laat wtetof tike wife was stlaokad witb La Ori p. end ber ease grtw so ertoos that pbreteleee at Gowdas ssd I'eos ensld do sothlnf lor br. tt eee1 te devalnp talo UaHy Oetemptit. titv me ). Kme'e New lharovary ia etnro, nd atllinc of be Inuk bolOe boma, and to the eorprnw nf ell the ba sts e et t-ur rrnm nri no, aei kalf dne-a Hollar Mn eared bet enand snd 11. I. Kms'e Lhwy f' Ooiuisiitiaa. Omtbe end OMt m soar, eeteed lo da be gnod work. Try It. Vre trial bottles at Coeeof A Broek't iwaf Htore. lttooue It tlill ob the turf doing a tie etrpttUr bosiDeea. m m uisiiii v f fj m i" aBtsi tw r. u i. - 4 K w - v v , Hi taW M -1 Vi iiur . mri 1 LI L Bill CM Y: ,TtV W - aW Q VHmtHtt I tit mm m iiks mm. tout wife bas stood by you faithfully in your advertity. Now, let her ebare In your prosperity by buying ber a new sewing maobins from O- TIIOMI7SOST oo., New stook jott received. Prices from 115 to 50. Call sod Inspect their lines. "Dat Co'n Juice Is Found at F Welcome f1 i hi I i J I 1 VTt TSt STwoaTHT lt) ArT1V I i t,fe- JXiTTi, m(, 1 sm., h-t km.- i ifoa M.H.ihiir M ,) Ml! fcvm I !-- wd'.a 1r UK-. I l J w ft- f 1 - ! wlill4nswllltIM.l.u. toh vfitniisV. Mtv Oo Main Htreel, in City Uotel Duilding. The Best of Everything Always on Tap Oourteone treatment to all. Nioo club roome. rope FRANK ROOERS J. I. ROBCRTS Hotict of Intention. Use Orm s av Tns Dali.s., Oaanoc. NOTIcr.lt HIHlBr OIVKN 1 M AT T Is St I 1' Inllnvlnt Hum' sIU.r baa Slari notlm ol I J U IS Inlriitlna i aiaka b'il rxl la i,rl ul I I Msialn,. sn4 ihat said .t'".( 111 mwU b I 1 I hf islin. sn4 ihat sai'l fffl ' r.r J m. Murmv, f,nntf l lrrt, at Hcpuar, yjrt'm, on smiaiar is, kn, via: rAM A. LITDKLL, n t Ki r lot the sin k. To t 1 1 v a w a. lUnsnuMht NiDnvtrtt witn.saia In prnr blssonuiiootn nal'lmira upn aixl rnltlraUnn ol s14 tana, vis John R. rilnnn, (harl J. Anri.r,, niro I ariatm an4 A HI raw M. r.wrsrm. aUol WuuaaMrrf, nti. JAM. t. afOOKC. (7H aU later. en tm es.. ri -a J aV Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? Now Is the time to get lbs Weekly Oratrnnitn, u,a a-raaiMit aeepapr of the Wtat With tbeOar'tu.U.tb etriet ly Ie edaniv noe ar, t-l.fio. .No bHUr aobtetliiiB ot beat popera oas b msvls All thee can be procured at ThompKn A Uinu, Lower Maio Streef, neppner, wregou. rnt)rmn am wall aft)ialntoi1 with Drant, llarnry, rrMk. fill! lam and other fount!. and can aara mwtrj anJ tliua In maSlu tbaao twtluus with traTlln men. rrlrco In kapln( wltk tbe tlma. THOMPSON fc 131 NNS, xa-VJCTratJKr. xxrnrza, Rogers & Roberts, Contractor! and Builder. Plans and Estimates Given on snort Notice. All Kinds of Repair Work Done OFFICE HOUKS-Day and Night Leave yuur orders "Any 011. .'lace" and Kog. or Jim will net 'em. o o o o o o o B O0TS AND SH0S. Ss THE PLACC TO OCT THCM l AT II has aurtliliif In tbit line tint ynu Bias daslre and jnn ran depend oa II yos al a fnxl art U: la nn Mat uaranla It, SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. . Ole3 Stanel, Main Street Resalrlsi a Specialty The GAZETTE, $2,50 A Year for CASH. IB lite elate.