fl 131 FM TO THE GIVES IE! OHOICB Of Two Transcontinental GREAT OREGON NORTHERN Ry- SHORT LINE. VIA VIA Spokane Salt Lake MINNEAPOLIS DENVER St. Paul Omaha AND I AD Chicago Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Oaean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. 2000- Oooi Avlc. More iwindlera in tba country. Last week came to light the fact that severe! of oar eabsteotiel farmers bad been 'done op" for $25 or $50, so reports the Genesee News, whioh adds: "A year Your money back at your grocer's if you don't oihv pehased elegant range stoves think that Schillings Best is the cheapest of all the cago house and would give their notes baking powders that you ever knew of. , rSaT " But," yOU may Say, "I Can get baking powder made a sale of a stove and would en- Lir mr " dowa same on the back of the note. 80 for half the money. fsr very nioe Now it tranBpirei thBt Yes, but Schillings Best is WOrth more than twice the endorsements were made on a dupli- as much, because it does more work and does no EZTJ?Z2 harm as alum and other cheap bakiner powders do. and had witnesses t0 prove his claim. LOCAL BQU1B3. H. Buckley, of Weston, was in Hepp oer yesterday. A. 8. Haines, of Eight Mile, was in town yesterday. 22M luABillS OF THE. iCIFIC COAST Steamers Monthly from Portland to Yokohoma and Hone Eons; via, The Northern Paoiflo Steamship Oo. in con nection with O. R. & N. For fall details oall on 0. R. A N Agent at Heppner, or address W. H. HURLBURT, Oen. Pass. Agt. Portland. Oregon, QUIOIX FZ3VCXI I THK OHKOmCLI ranks wtta- Ik STsataat sewspapars In tba TJalUd Stataa. THE CHRONICLK haa Do squal an tin FaetA Coast. It leads all In ability, ntarprtu and nawa. TUB OIIRONIOUFS Telagraphto Raporta an lb latast and most reliable, lu Looal Kaws to fullest and spiciest, and tU Kdrtortals from UM ablest pen In the oonntry. THK CHRONIOLB has always baea, and always will be, the friend and champion of the people aa agalnat combination!, clique, corporation!, 01 oppirmlom of any kind. It will be ladependeal In everything neutral la nothing . k San Franolsoo And all point in California, Tia the Mt Hhaita route of the Southern Pacific Co The great highway through California to all point Kaet and South. Urand Boenlo Route Of the Paolfio Coast. Pullman Hnffot Weepers. Heoond-olae Ulenpere Attached to expreee traine, affording auperior aoaommodHtiona for eeoond-oUm passengers, For ratee, tickets, Bleeping oar reaerrauona, at.. Mall nrum f.f aHdrfUie R. koEHLEK, Manager, C. H. MARKIIAM, Oen. F. r. Agt., rortlana, uregon DUE YOU GOING EAST ? If so, be snre and see that yoor tioket reads via Tie HoitiiwesteR Line ....THE.... CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY this is THB Great Short LiQe BETWEEN DULUTIT, St. PAUL, CIIICaQO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH Tholr Magnificent Trark, Peerless Vestlbuled illning ana mopping v-ar Trains, and Motto: "ALWAYS on time has given thli road a national reputation. All itlaaamof paaaeiigeri rarrlod on the veallltulmt tralm without extra charge, rlhlu your freight In Wavne, Nebraska, the other day three former husbands of the same wife met and called upon her and her present spouse. A plensant reunion followed and it was deoided to hoi 1 an annual convention henoeforth every fall. A Bare Thing for Yon. A transition in whioh you oan not lose is a snre thins. Biliousness, sick headache, furred, tongue, fever, pile and a thousand other ills are caused by constipation and sluggish liver. Cas- oarets Candy Cathartio, the wonderful new liver stimulant and intestinal tonio are sold by all druggists and guaranteed to oure or money refunded. 0. 0. 0. are a sure thing. Try a box today ; 10c, 25 50o. Sample and booklet free. If Born: To Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Lon- rlall. nf ftnnfieherrv. October. 24th. a 11 nnnnrt boy. Mother and child, includ ing "papa" doing well. No man or woman oan enjoy life or Booomplish muoh in this world while suffering from a torpid liver. DeWitt's Witch Hszle Salve. It soothes, strength ens and heals. It is the great pile cure. For sale by Oonser A Brook. The collector now in the oountry is not the Bgent who sold the stoves and of oourse claims to have no knowledge of shady transactions. Moral : Buy from borne merobants." Fine celery, fruit, cigars and at Mathews'. tobaooos tf. J3EF0KE THE ENGINE. Animals That Meet Death on th Railroad Track. A Veteran Locomotive Engineer Re late Ilia Experience The Ani mals He Most Dreads to Encounter. "Away With Melancholy, And bid dull oare avaunt," sounds very well in verse, but it you have a oaee of the "blues" caused by indigestion, with biliousness added on as an extra horror, you cannot say hey! presto! und thos in sure toe departure of those abominable twins. The "proper caper" when thus troubled, is to seek the aid of Hostet ter's Stomach bitters. Thereafter you will speedily digest with ease and eat with appetite, and your liver will re as Bert its right to regularity. Not only this, you can retire without a horrible dread that the Washington monument will in dreams impose itself upon the pit of yoor stomaoh. It you feel pre- monitary symptoms of chills and fever, kidney tronble, or rheumatism, summon the Bitters to the rescue without delay, "lest a worse thine befall yon." A fee ble condition of system is more speedi ly obanged to a vigorous one by this fine tonic than by any other medioinal agent in existence. A wineglassful lh,AA fimoa a rlntf THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE LONG TKOCBLES AMD COfiSl'MFTION CAN BE CUBED. As Emtaeat New York Chemist and scientist Hakes a Free Offer to Oar Headers. , A battle between the Ute Indians and game wardens io Wyoming took place Wednesday, in which two Indians and two whites were killed. Farther trouble is feared and troops have been ordered to tbe scene to quell the disturbance. Come in and subscribe for the "Gazoo." Now is the time. You don't want to miss a whole lot of good, hard reading that is now being published in our "Only." The Chronicle Bnlldlaa. the: daily Br Mall, Postage raid. $6.70 alcar. The Weekly Chronicle Ho Greatest Weekly ia the Comtrj, S1.50 a to (Including postage) to any part of the United HtaMa. Canada and Mexico. THRWKKKLT CHROMIUMS, the brightest and most complete Wsekly Newspaper In the world, prints regularly Hi columns, or twelve pafna.of News, l.lturaliire and (teneral Informa tion ; also a magnificent Agricultural Department. SAMPLE COPIES SENT FRcE. This Is 'onr Opportunity. On Twifiint of ten cents, cash or stands, . ... . , .1. . , penorous wimpie will tie nmuoa 01 me iracK. "Of all animals that wander along th railroad track," declared a veteran loco motive engineer to a Washington Stai reporter, "goats are the most irritating. It's next to impossible to kill them, and that's not the least tantalizing feature about them from the standpoint of oui profession. No matter how fast you may be running or how quietly you steal down upon him, Mr. (oat will see you out of the corner of his eye and manage to get away just in time to miss the cowcatcher as the engine rushes by him at lightning speed. Cows and horses are generally disposed of with ease, though sometimes they get under the wheels and cause a bad wreck. Bui they're so large that the pilot gets under them and throws them off to one side. The goat, though, nearly always suc ceeds in getting us worked to a high pitch of nervousness and then contrives to get off without a scratch, and that't what wc don't like. "Speaking of striking animals on the rail," continued the engineer, "the one thing we most dread to meet on the track is a hog. Nine chances out oi ten the hog'U throw you. He is tough and greasy, you know, and if an engi neer has any show at all it's best for him to stop the train as quick as it can be done and drive the animal off the Fink Eye In Sherman County. So many horses have been affected by what is oommooly known as pink eye in Sherman county, says The Dalles Chroni cle, that 0. P. Hulse, who is an expert on such oases, has given tbe matter some consideration. He thinks the disease is not pink-eye, but oaueed from overfeed irg. The bay this fall oontains about twice as much wbent as nsual, hence overfeeding is eaoily done. Hot and dusty drives with irregular watering, baa muoh to do with bringing on the disease. Dreadfully Nervoas. Gents: I was dreadfully nervous, and for relief took your Karl's Clover Root Tea. It qoleted my nerves and strength ened my whole nervous system. I was troubled with (.obstipation, kidney and bowel trouble. Your Tea soon cleansed my system so thoroughly that I rapidly regained health and strength. Mrs. 8 A. Sweet, Hartford, Conn. Sold by Coneer & Brock. y Tbe distinguished chemist, T. A. Slo- 00m, of New York City, demonstrating bis discovery of a reliable oure for Con sumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis), bronohial, long and ohest tronbles, stubborn coughs, oatarrbal affections, general deoline and weakness, loss of flesh, and all conditions of wasting away, will send THREE FREE BOT TLES (all different) of his New Die ooveries to any afflicted reader of this paper writing for them. His "New ScibDtifio Treatment" has oured thousands permanently by its timely use, and be considers it a simple professional duty to suffering humanity to donate a trial of his infallible oure. Soienoe daily develops new wonders, and this great chemist, patiently experi menting for years, has produoed results as beneficial to humanity aa can be ol aimed by any modern genius. His assertion that lung troubles and con sumption are onrsble in any olimate is proven by "heartfelt letters of grati tude," filed in bis Amerioan and Euro pean laboratories in thousands from those cored in all parts of tbe world. Tit a duAail Onrtonivinl'trkri nninta. A UO uieau wi4u u . avue uuiu 1 rnpted, means speedy and certain death! Simply write to r. A. Biocum, 11. v., I Pine street, New York, giving post- office and express address, and the tree medicine will be promptly sent direot from his laboratory. Sufferers should take instant advan tage of bis generous proposition. Please tell tbe Dootor that you saw this in the Gazette, published at Hepp oer, Oregon. J my v-l-i r. FOR YOU! Now Prepared to do Any Kind of Printing Don't Send Your 'Orders Away 'Till You Get the Gazette's Estimates most popular Cutnrrh and Hoy Fever Cure (Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon strate the grent merits of the remedy. ELY BKOTHKl'S, ' CO Warren fcit., Kcw York City. Itev. John tteid, Jr.. of Grnt Falls, Mont., recommended Ely's ( ream Balm to me. 1 can emplinmze his statement, "It is a posi tive cure for catarrh if used as directed." Hev. FranciH W. Poole. Pastor CentralPres. Church, Helena, Mout. "When the pilot of an engine hits a hog it usually knocks him down, and then rolls him for a few yards before the trucks strike hini;; and when they do there's great danger ol their leaving tho rails. The drivers aro almost certain to follow the trucks, and you're lucky if you don't go down the bank, bo yon see what havoc one pig can make with a railroad. Another disagreeable thing alxmt a pig is that Ely's Cream Balm i the acknowledged ho never stops squealing from the time cure for catarrh and contains no mercury he lg hit until he l(j htono (lea(L nor any injurious ". u" "Sheep are the most nitiful of all ani- mals to run down. They seem to re- l : 1. . .1 .. .1 1 : ii 1 .1 1 NUHTII PACIFIC u) ura uBiigi-r uiy to in nuuuuuuit ath. Their innocent eyes stare at you so mournfully and sadly that they haunt you for days to come. A loco motive seems to take a savage delight in destroying sheep. 1 1 throws them in every direction und will kill a whole flock in an Instant, to Rural Spirits 1 mo at a nl travel over this lamoui Una. All agents have tickets. W II. MEAD. t. C. 8AVAGK, U011. Agent. Trav. If. A H. Agt Uln Washington Ht., I'ortiaml, or. OIIIOAQO iram & st. Paul B'y This Railway Co. Operates its trains on the fsmons bloek system; Lights Its trains by eleotrioily through out ; Uses the celebrated electric berth read ing lamp; Rons moodily equipped paaaenger trains verv dav and night between Ht. Paul and Chicago, aud Omaha and Chicago; the Chicano. Milwaukee & St. Paul Aim) operates stam-heated vestibuled train, carrying the latent private oompertment oars, library buffet amok Ing cars, and palace drawing room sleepers. Parlor oars, free reclining chair cars, and the very best dluiug chair oar service. For lowest rates to any point id the United HI ales or Canada, apply to agent or address C. J. EDDY, J. W. CAHEI, Oeneral Agent. Trav. Pass. Agent. Portland, Or. DO VOTJ WANT THE CHRONICLE Reversible Map? SHOWINO The United States, Dominion ol subscription Canada and Northern Meiico ON OMR BID1C, J A4 Map of the World ON TUB OTHKn SIDR. "end $a and Oat the Map an4 Weekly hronlcl f' One Tear, postage prepaid en Mtp and rape (ESTABLISHED IN 1869.) Published Weekly Portland, Or. DEVOTED TO Agriculture, Dairying, Live-Stock and Turf. One of tbe greatest Klondike exped tions yet organized made a preliminary etart from Yakima, Monday, throngb tbe shipment of 19 carloads of horses, nam bering 245 bead, and 23 men, headed by J. W. Cameron. Tbey go to Seattle and will sail from Victoria by the btrk Colo rado, which has been chartered and es peoiully fitted for this purpose. Those who believe ohronio diarrhoea to be inourable should read what Mr. P E. Qrisbam. of Gears Mills, La., has to say on the subjeot, viz.: "I bave been sufferer from chronic diarrhoea ever since tba war and bave tried all kinds of medicines for it. At last I fonnd a remedy that effected a oure and that was Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di arrhoea Remedy. This medioine oan always be depended upon tor ooho, obolera morbus, dysentery and diarrhoea. It is pleasant to take and never fails to e&eot a oure. 26 and 60 cent sizes tor sale by Conser A Brock. Heretofore the Gazette's job depart ment bas tried to do no work other than plain printing. However, this shop ia now prepared to tackle anything in any line and will meet prices of any person under tbe sun in tbe line of druggists supplies, blank books, bank work oonnty work, or any sort of book bind ing work that you bave heretofore sent away to get done. Tbe Gazette shop is not a charity concern but if you will give us a chance we will see that you are satisfied in every particular. Buy your goods at home. Remember tbat Abe Linooln said that when one bought goods away from borne tba foreigner got the money and we got tbe goods. But when tbe goods were bought at home we had both money and goods. This ia good doctrine. We are willing to abide by it. When the printing drummer comes to town, re member it and call np 'phone No. 3. 660-tf The Boss Feud Yabd. William Gor don has moved bis feed yard from its. former looatlon to Jones' old stand where be will be pleased to bave all bis friends and patrons to oall on him. Mr. Gordon Is accommodating, has a good yard and abundant facilities to take oare of stock in first olaes shape. Hie prices are very reasonable. He baa bay and grain for sale. Has lately added a car load of baled timothy. tf. Blankets ! Blankets I 1200 Pairs Now On Sale at.... Minor & Co. Cotton Blankets 90c a pair. Cotton Blankets, Better, $1.25. We also have a line of Eastern blankets called wool, at $3.00. Bat the Only Blanket On Earth is the...... We are sole agents for those, having bought our entire line in June, it enables ns to sell those celebrated goods at tbe same prioes asked tor inferior brands. Oall and examine. mm BLANKET Worth its weight in gold to every farmer and breeder in Uregon. $2.00 PER YEAR. (Sample oopiea free.) Spirit and Gazette both for R.iral 13.60, oasb, at this office. 11 mm ADDRKM Ma XI. Am YOnNO, marlota m V ClHMtnlSk sua raVANctmiu caw Ji u MIC RT. Notice of Intention. Land Drrn i it The Dai' is. Oatuon (H loIxT 41. lw7. XTOTICK I lir.HKHY (HVKS THAT THK il lolliiM tux nnuie.1 sotllvr lias flli-l notice ol his liilniitlnn in mshs tliisl priMif in iiixirt ol lilsrlslm. and that ulil tinmf will he mailt) Ix- nr J. W. Murrnw, ( oiinljr clerk, at lluer, On-gun, oil Motomlnir IV, lwii. vu: KHAN K A. l.l'NUKtl, Mil T. Nn. TT.t (or tilt HKV Brc. S5 Tp 1 B R XI K W M II naiiu-s 111 (i Intliiwlng witm-aava to prova his ronllmiims raMiM'f upon ami cultivation ol salil land, John K. VeliT.ot', t harloa J. Aiiilrraoit, Amlrrw Carlson, ami Ainlrm M. lvi.ia.iii. all nl UiMiaflHirrv. Ori'tfon. JAM. r. MIHIKK, ? W Rplslr. s THROUGH CARS- TO Ht. PAUL MtNNKAPOLIS DUI.UTll KAH(K) BUTTE IUELKNA Tickets issued to all points In the United Htatrs and Uaneua. QUICK TIME TO. Ciiioaoo "1 All other Notice of Intention. 1AKD Of FIcR AT Til K PAM.f ORKttOM, J Mr i.t II. I nil. N.ill.a la h.rrl.r lirn thai th lollnalni nam! antllvr haa Itloit liotlrc I hla Int.'iitlnn lo niaka Snal front lu suilrt l his rlalm. ami Dial salil i.fool alll I mail livlora t- . Morrow, ('mint)! t Ink, at llrfl'iisr OriK'in, on Ih loiwr t", ): MAHY OtJUlM, M. f. Do. 4fi4, lor Iht SWW tVc. W, Tp. I R -24 K W at. II namrw lha following wltniwa li pntta Ma nitlnos rwonr tin ami rnlllralton nl, aalil laml. U J awl, 1 . Yonnf, W. Ilraiinaii, l-ilh ol tat.tmn, Orra-ii. lo( Hr. Strom ami krk Brff.troui, lth ul Uo,lrtr, Vn"m' jAi.r.Mmit. TJ aVtlaWir. Ilic Regulator line" The Dalles, Portland i AslorU Naviptiou Cd a3TSUk.VXXXtal in.i.rA y,.ull i.btfstll J flio" Iave Tbe daily (etoept Hunday) I7ul0a.m. Leave PorlUoJ at 7 .'00 a. m. When yon go to Portlaud. ft"P off at The IHHcs and take a trip down I lie Colombia; yoa will enjoy it, anJ save nioney. W. C. AI.LAWAT. Oeoeral Agent Every e sobaoriber of tbe Uaaett from Ibis date, May 25, Wn, will receive a a premium a book worth alone the prkre of the subecrlplion. It Tbiwa who desire to build ahould not forirat that O E Ilanou. tbe eoa- Iraotor, is t j to B aka eallroatee at gay time, O1' WASHimiTOM Maltimohb N Yoai RvrfAUO polota in tbe East and Southeast Omaha Kakias Citt Ht. JoaiPH T. LiOOIS UoeToa Union IVpot coooeotioDS at Ht. Paul, Miooeapolia, Kansas City, Omaha, HU lxiole and other promi nent points Deiia-aie checked through to destination ol ticket. Through lii-krte to Japae and Cblua.via Teonma and Northern i'acino eteam ship Company 'a line. For full Information, tiros cards, maps, ticketa, etc., call oo or write W. O. Au aw At, A. I. CALToii, Agt. N. P. Ry. Aset. Oen Peea. Agt. Tbe Dallee.Or. Portland, Or Notlct of Intention. tl'AKTf t TRt'STWlRTH Y ASP AcTlVI f tiitlmn or la.ll"S io lral lof rraiit' stM. MlaUll.loxt holla III tlraniMl. Monthly a, uu ao.l (tpanara. 1'iwltloa .loa.lT Klr mn. m k ortiia aril a Irwaanl staalri ll 1 v n low. Tin ItuinlMonlomi-atir. liil. ' WANTED-AN IDEAr.lS i.ih ia iMi.nl f Ini4ai'l viMir IiIinu tHr may Ibrlntf r.nt wllh. Vkrltw Juli.S W KlA.lV- UIL'KH . I'atnl AHnrt, V aliiUUa. AND Of f ICS AT Tt DAI. IK. (IRROON. ii-i imil. Nntliw la hrh il.an that ha loilnwlnc namat an itlr has Slad Mtli ol his InlrnUoo to make anal proof In snpport of hla rlaun, aim ina aa.i i pnn w,u vm an. rwhirai. W. Morrow, C'onntT Clark. al HtppttM, lti'gou, on Kuriutar ITth, ia7, ls; rillLTi! C. wilon. Hit. I. 77 ht the RI ul Ps. K Te. 1 , R. S a VS M Ha namaa lha lollowlns Itnaaaa to pmn hlaMiitlinosrl t- ijw ami rnlllaailna rM sli laml. H- l"n KiiIBvail, M t. W II. llama, a.loanl KnavtuiaBl and A. B. IrTJ. all ol lone, Hofivw ff, W" MtKiRf n. ' Riaec, "I struck a flock of geese once," pro ceeded the entrinecr. "Well, I never thought there were ho many feathers in the world. I conUlu't see anything but feathers for ten uiiuutoit, and when we reached the stutlon my engine looked its if bhe hud received u coat of tar and feathers." Hero the engineer's eyes began to sparkle, and he stopped talking to hold his fat riiileK, KlmWeii with suppressed laughter over a funny recollection. "Mentioning1 feathers," he explained after a paiiHC, "rovalU to my mind a comical experience 1 luul a few years ago in running a fut limited passenger train over the I'ennsylvania main line from Pittsburgh to i'liiladelphia. We'd gone through the town of Huntingdon, on the Juniata, without slacking up, and bad whirled aufely around the base of the ridgo east of there, when we struck a little strvteh of Btralght level between high dirt bunks, known, as Snyder's cut. I cast my eyes on ahead aa we ttcuildcd along to a wagon road crossing near the lower end of the cut. Just as we approached it a two-horse tram was driven down from the turn pike at the right side, apparently with the intention to orosa. Hut instead of crossing the teitm stood still. Two men were in the wagon, and they seemed to be having an altercation (. to whether they shmild cross or go back. As a compromise thty just Ktood thereon the track. I revvmed the engino and whirled down brakes, but it was too late. We struck the team square in the mltldlc, and then O, my!" Here the engineer laughed without restraint. Then he resumed: "The men in the wagon were evidently farmer returning from town in a bois terous humor after a day's market ing, carrying homo a queer cargo of 'store goods,' Curious to relate they weren't hurt In the least, nor were the horse. The wngvn, until we cut it clean In two, contained a feather bed. a keg of nails and a barrel of whisky. "Now we struck them all at the same Instant. The nulls (lew 'way up in the sky, aa it aeeincd, and came down with a peppering rattle over the roofs of all the coaches In the train for at least fite minute. The feather scattered far and wide through tho nir like a driving snowstorm and ace hum I to conic from a thousand burstcd feather beds Instead of one. The whisky pot mixed with the feather, and spurted high up la every direction, falling in a flue spray principally over the engine, the tender and the rlrst couple f coui'he. The whisky and feathers clung to the tp and sides of ti e ear and against the window panes for tho remainder of the trip, and the passenger, as I was told afterward, all got thirsty with vain longing front i.ilf.ing tho rum-soaked atroosphew. It was altogvther the fun niest mesa I ever w as in, nnd the strang est combination. Think of it nails, whisky and feather all flying through the air and following ns for mile and mile. O, my! ' And the Jolly engineer laughed again ami again, until he actually crM, at the picture tH had Is ilnd. K. ef P., Attentloa! The members of Dorio lodge, No. 20, K. of P. are requested to be present at the next regular convention, Tuesday, Nov. 2id, at 7 o'oIook sharp. Business of importance. Visiting Knights will also be interested. By order of the O a W. M. Sxrad. Hotel Heppner Formerly the GRAND CENTRAL) Oerlainli you don't went to suffer with dyspepsis, constipation, siok headaches, sallow skin and loss of appetite, fou bave never tried DeWitt's Little Early Risers for these complaints or you would have heen cored. Thev are small pills but greet regulators. For sale by Con- MOW Q pen. NewMcthods. Np.W MnnntTP mcnt. btnctly r irst Class. HEPPNER, OREGON. MRS. L. SMALL, Manager. ,er and' Brock. The men on tbe steamer Novelty, which arrived at Aberdeen, Wash., from Alaska, Monday, ridioule the idea of vnnns nana beina aooointed aa BOVeroor 1ZZE32X2dFrtBt $1.00 Per Day and Upwards. water, and tbat be is looked oo as a I standing joke around tbe country where he is kuowa. SPECIAL RATES BY THE WEEK OR MONTH. Small precautions often prevent great mischiefs. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are very small pills io siie, but are most effective in preventing the most serious forms of liver trouble and stomsoh troubles. Tbey cure oonstipstioo and headache and regulate tbe bowels. Kor sale by Conser & Brock. B?A first-clas feed barn mo in connection, and from all trains. We solicit your patronage. Free 'Roe ran to 587-noT.12 Miss Msrv Olsoo, of Gooseberry, was io town Wednesday and made final proof of her homestead before County Clerk Morrow. Erek and O. Bergstrom were here also as her witneesess U mak ing the aboye proof. Attorneys tit Low, All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory s manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATTER BUILDINO. HEPPNER, OREGON It yoa bave ever eeeo a little child in a paroxysm of hooping eongh, or it too have been annoyed by a constant tick ling in tbe throat, yoa oen appreciate tbe value of One Mioate Congo Care, which gives quick relief. Bold by Con ser k "Brock. WHITE COLLAR LINE. Columbia R 1 T Mill 1 lion to in iiT ii Sinatn TELETDONE, BAILEY 61TZERT i.D OCEAS WAVE Lesvinf Alder 8treet D!k, rortlsad, for Astoria. Hwaeo. Loo- Ooea. Park and Nabcolta. Ihrjcl eonneetio. with ilw.oo slsamar. ,Dd r'.iN road; alee at Yoang's Bay with 8eaebore Railroad! THIiBP II ONH U.VM rortland T A. M. D.lly. ,I0tpt Suod.,. Ls. AtUww , p. Mwp HAILiBT OATZBnT Ltavst Portland I P. M. Pallv, eipn Similar. SatnMaT nthL II P M - St4:tt A. St., escwpt Uoda, and Mood.,. ' JiJ a" ht, iTT! OOBAN "W-iWn ma,b trouble. Sold by Conae, k "L.sd rT,'?;'! Zl'ltf"k ' ' t,mn n,.A .X tn T.1n.J Turf..l. D It A I B . . Per Bslety. f4. Coavlwt. measure, Trmral ea the T.lepbo. BatUy Oalatrl aad Oea W.v B. P. Dherty, the sheeprasn from Gallowsv, was in town Wednesday aod made lbs Oasette rffloe a frieodly and floaooisl visit. Be not deceived I A cough, hoersoeee or croup are Dot to be trilled with. A de in time of Mhilob's Cure will save yon Bro A woman tn Lewreno, Kaeaaks for a diveree oe tbe groand that her baa band "earn to bis pocket the left bled toot of a biter eat, and Ibne boodoos everf body be meets." Dyspepsia cured, hlilob's Vitalise Imniedislely relieves nnr einaeh, eom- ieg op of food dblresa, and is tbe great i kidney and liver remedy. Hoi J I m Pi tk. THE PALACE HOTEL BAR, J. O. BOIIOPI3SHS, Prop. o-1 Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.