Take Notice L The mm of Are cent per line will be respect, lists of wedditiff nnmnti nd obituary notice. foth?hin th."1 ? S'nfw" ' matter of and notices o special meetings for whatever punas -3- .Ntice 01 $rch and society and all other ?.jT.lnl?,e fm hlcn revenue U to be oe rived, ihall be channui n .h edntoiVevery ta.toVc'e!e,WUlb''tricUT dhe" Advertising rates reajmnahla ni n,.w upon application. - - uwU A GOOD CLUBBING LIST. The Gezette can offer the following dabbing rates: The GAZETTE $2.50 and Club Rate Weekly Oregonian, 1.60 13.50 " B. F. Examiner, $1.50 3.75 " N. Y. Tribune, U.00 8,00 " Inter-Ocean, tl.00 8.25 " 8. F. Chronicle, 11.50 8.75 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World, 11.00 8.25 Webfoot Planter, 50o 2.50 Leslie's Weekly, 14.00 5.00 Rural Spirit, 2.00 8.50 New York Wool Record, 12.00. 8.50 METH. EPISC. CBUKCH. BEHVI0K8. Sunday 11 a. m. and g p. ra. Sunday School 10 a. m. Classes No. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m. Epworth League Devotional meeting at T p. m. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8 p. m. 'The Bpikit and the brHe say. Come." The pastor may be fonnd at the parsonage ad. joining the chnroh, where he will be glad to meet any wo may desire to consult nhn on religious, social, civic, philosophic, educational, or any other subjects. J, W. 1LE8HEB,- Minister. Here and There.. See M. Liclitenthal for shoes. a. ' . Sharff is in from Monnment, Cbas. Bell is in from the Eagle saw mill. D. Bergman, of Fossil, was in town Wednesday. M. L. Warren is down with an at taok of fever. Al Roberts returned from Pwodleton yesterday morning, J. W. Engelhardt oame op from The Dalles this morning. Gid Hatt returned from Portland, Wednesday morning. J. W. Pratt, of Walla Walla, was in Heppner Wednesday. Frank Farnsworth is suffering from a case of mountain fever. Submit your plans to Banous before giving out your contract. tf Bert F. Smith, of Brownsville, was in Heppner during the week. E. Sawyer, jr., of the Eight Mile neigh borhood is on the sick liet. John Doberty, of Butter oreek, is re ported to be on the siok liBt. M.M.Brierly was over from Monu ment the tore part of the week. M. Liobtentbal for shoes. Exclusive shoe store. Handles tbe best. 83tf Mrs. Barratt, of Oregon Oity, is visit ing friends and relatives in Heppner. The Orange Front is now prepared to serve fresh oysters in any style. 92 if A.. F. Ranney, of Eight Mile, was re gistered at Hotel Heppner, Wednesday. Fine home-made taffy at tbe Orange Front. A clean, fresh stook of goods leave your orders. If. Girl wanted to do housework. Good wages. None but tbe best need apply. Oali at Gazette office. 83-tf To arrive soon at Mathews' sweet potatoes, oranberries, Grandpa's soap and other neoessaries. tf . Any one desiring to build either 1 house or barn will make money by call ing on tbe Gazette office. 67 tf For sale residence property. Barn and good outhouses. Will sell obeap on easy terms. Call at office. 83-tf. Best aooommodation and oourteous treatment at tbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh and Wasb. Sts., Portland, Oregon. There is a oioe lot of Cunningham Merino bucks tor sale at Thompson k Binns' stable. Inquire of W.O.Brown, 690-tf. J. L. Gibson baa taken tbe Jones' barber stand and does good work at Dooular price. 15 oenta shaving and 25 cents haircutting. 78-tf. Miss Altha Leach has just received nioe line of sample bat. She invites tbe ladies to see them and get prices be fore Dorebssing elsewhere. 85-93. Momenta are nseless if trifled away nd they are dangerously wasted if 000 anmed by dslay in oases where On Minute Cough Cur would bring imme diate relief. For sal by Corner k Brock. Hiok Mathews and V. Geo try, under the firm nam of Matbew k Oeoiry, ar associated together in the btrber business io tbs new stand, two doors south of lb postoffloe. They solioit 1 call. Shaving, 15 oenta. If. George Hofford baa aoms On half breed Cotawell bucks, out ot Merino we wbicb b wishes to sell at reasoo ahla flo-nra. H wil. O at E. L. Mat- Inflk'a corral on about Bept. 20. Call on him. 79tf Com to tbe Oaisttt offlo and get decent lot ot envelop printed Government envelop look cbp, and rxuide von cannot get your boaine card printed tbereon. Everyone desires la keep informed 00 Yukon, tb Kloodik and Alaskan gold field. tVnd 10. for larg Compendium of vat loformatio and big color map to liemiltoo Tub. Co., Iodianspoli. Ind 83-ra Dr. John W. Rasmus. 6t tb "Red lifht." ever en tbe alert tor something w, can furnish you tb finest cock tail ia lb laod-ManbalWiB, Jersey, Vermouth or Oia mad by aa artist io ha ttnalsea. Droo la and tak th test out ot jour mouth. If I J Bwt ,mh fc,ra. i.-'L Vm f I HENRY GEORGE DEAD. Special to the Heppner Gazette. New York, Oot. 29.-Henry George, candidate for mayor of New York City, died of PPlJ Union Square hotel. at 4:40 this morning. AN ON EXPECTED RENCOUNTER. A. A. Roberts Come Face to Face With an Escaped Prisoner. A. A. Roberts, of Heppner, who at times has acted in thecapsoity of deputy sheriff in Morrow oonnty, says the Pen dlelon Tribune, while in this oity yes terday oame faoe to face with a young fellow known in Heppner by the nick name of "Irish" who some time ago fled from Heppner when he was permitted to leave the custody of tbe Bberiff to seoure bonds for his appearance before tbe justioe on a charge ot disorderly conduct. "Irish" bad a quantity of bologna sausage, half enveloped in paper, under bis arm when he met Mr. Roberts and the paroel almost slipped from his hold as tba recognition became oomplete. Mr. Roberts notioed tbe man's nervous condition and promptly assured him that be had nothing to fear as he did not want him. This same man "Irish" begged for work in Mr. Carl's barber shop and was given a obair yesterday but at the noon hour Mr. Carl was obliged to let him go. ' A Saperb Entertainment Tbe Edison Projeotoscope Entertain ment given at the opera house last night was attended by a large number of our people, and was pronounced one Of tbe finest exhibitions of its kind ever given in Heppner. The moving lite pictures oould not have bean more real had tbe actual scenes at the time they ooourred been enacted before you. The Corbett-Fitzdimmons fight for the world's championship was as real aa it you bad seen it in reality. The "fast mail" train which sped aoross the plains (and the audienoe) with tbe swiftness of an arrow was simply grand, and the Spaniel bull fight was as natu ral as life itself. Performances will be given tonight and tomorrow night and those who have not attended will find tbem a rare treat. The prioe ot admis sion has been reduoed to 25 cents general admission and 35 ceuts fur reserved seats. Those who attend this popular entertainment will never regret it. The New ' Long Distance." OoDstruotion on tbe new "long die tanoe" telephone line between Heppner and Arlington has begun and a large foroe of men will push tbe work to com pletion in a very abort time. When thiB line will have been completed, Heppner, tbe metropolis, will be in connection with the outside world in almost every direction. Now for a hue leading into the southwestern portion ot tbe iuterior via Condon and other inland points and the system will be completed. Quite a large number of Heppnerites went up to tbe Willow creek mines Sun day and staked off claims. Thus far everyone wbo has investigated tbe newly discovered mines have an abiding faith in them, and it every olaim wbiob has been staked off turns out as rich as tbe rock already tested, tbere will be suob a boom in mining oiroles in this county that bad never been seen in Oregon be fore. Tbe chances thus far ars favor able for extraordinarily good reaulta in that direction. Clarenoe Johnson, ot tbe firm of W. H. Johnson k Sons, sheep oommlseion merchants, of John Day, says tbey have ust dolivered ta Dan Murphy, for Smytbe, of Arlington, 8400 bead of lambs, and to Sigflt Bros, and V. M. Templeton, 2500 bead, whiob they brought out of the mountains this fall, with 7900 head of lamb. Mr. Johnson says tbeir sheep are bealtby and in fine oondition. Jo LaCbappelle and Fsonie Poppin wbo were indioted at Pendleton last week on a obarge of lewd cohabitation and were given one diy in wbiob to get married before eentenoe was passed, re fused to eoter into a matrimonial 000 traot, and each was fined $50. Io de fault tbey ar to serve on day io jail tor each 2 ot tb fine. Linn Matteson, wbo was arrested hers last week and taken to Baker City, ebarged with th theft of sbeep from Aody Tlllard aod Asa Thompsoo, his bad a preliminary bearing and was bound over in tba sum of $500. Several of th wi loesses wer lso required to give bood for their appesrano when th trial come off. Th "Bieyollet's Best Friend" t a familiar name for De Witt's Witoh Dstl Halve, alway ready for emergencies While a specifio for pile, il also instant ly relieve and cure eou, braises, salt rbeum, eoaema and all sffeotinns of tb skin. It never fail. For Sal by Consr k Brook. 1 A recently returned Kloodikar says that lb length ot tb pnUt night is on hundred aod forty-two day. What heavenly plao thai woold b in which in Ml a man with a bill to call around day after tomorrow aod get bis money, Mr. Frank Ralstoo, of Lon Rock, was la town a fw day tbi week getting a stock of goods for bla Loo Rook tor. II baa but rsoeotly opened op for bust cms at tbst burg, but report a good trad, lie departed for boms yesterday Karl's Clover Root Tea I a pleasaol Isxstiv. Regulate tb bowel, purine lb blood. Clears lb comi.leiloa. Easy in mats and bUasant Io tak. 25 el Sold by Cooer k Brock. 7 Al'AJnfO-TlirsTworrnT nn ,! iftn.n or tn tfl lof fT""- Mlalill.hxl bouM III Mtrtnn M'miniv (V, w an. pn fiatttnn tMr. K-lr ,lf 1 ittmH nvUp. 1 Cvmpeuj, Uryi. 1 PENITENTIARY POPULATION. There are 819 Prisoner la tbe Oregoa Pea at the Present Time. There are 319 prisoners in tbe Oregon penitentiary. Of these nine are United States prisoners, 124 from Multnomah oounty, 24 from Marion, 16 eaoh from Douglas, Baker and Union oounties, 10 from Clatsop, 11 from Washington, 9 from Jsokson, 8 eaoh from Umatilla and Wasco, 7 from Josephine, 6 eaoh from Crook, Grant and Malheur, 5 each from Ulaokamas, vV allows and Yamhill, 4 eaoh from Harney, Lane and Polk, 3 eaoh from Gilliam, Klamath and Linn, 2 eaoh from Coos and Lake, 1 eaoh from Curry, Columbia and Morrow oounties and none from Benton, Lincoln, Sher man and Tillamook. About two-tbirds ot these prisoners are regularly employ ed, 150 ot them being under contract in tbe store works in tbe prison yard; forty-one doing trusty servioe in fields and barns; ten are doing bouse service as cooks, messengers and gardeners; five are at work on tbe wood piles in tbe yard; 20 others are grading the low spots in tbs yard along Mill creek's banks, and two, "wbo were indisposed, are in the hospital ward. Tbe balanoe are exercised regularly at tbe oirole gang walk io Ibe prison yard, under the keen surveillance of Yard Guard John Stapleton. There are also small orews of men in fairly continuous service in the tin shop, blacksmith shop, carpentry and laundry, and at present not a few are assigned to various sorts of labor under ContraotorR. D. Holman, on the big, new pumping station. The editor ot tbe Gazette arrived home on tnis morning s tram and tbe fellow who baa been playing the "devil" with the paper makes his exit. Ta, tal Arlington Reoord: A gentleman from down tbs road was in town last Wednes day io quest of bis wife, whose frailties led her to elope with a traveling man No doubt ibe traveling man will bring her or send her back within a iew weeks, and tbe husbuod oan have her back it he wants ber. Arlington Reoord: O. A. Rhea, prominent sheep man of Morrow oounty, and vioe president of the Heppher bank, was an Arlington visitor Friday. Mr. Rbea informs us that Heppner is not only doing a good business at present, but that it is improving. The latest victim ot tbe folding bed is Fred Bengaline, a looal politioiao ot Warsaw, Indiana. Tbe bea shut up aud tbe next morning the politician was found done up. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Uloers, Salt Rbeum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Prioe 25 cents per box. For sale by (Jonser & crook. Kdtsou's Latest Projeotoscope. Tbe latest Edison Projeotoscope, ex hibiting 1000 feet of moving life soenes (fac simile) Oorbett-Fitzsimmons fight Spauisb bull fight and other soenes For ladies and gentlemen, at Heppner Opera house, Thursday, Friday and Sat urday, Oot. 28, 29, 30. General admiss ion 35 oents. Reserved Best 50 cents. unuaren zo oents. Beats on sal al us ual plaoe. 591 92. Frank McFarland has been appointed speoial agent ot Tbe Equitable Life As suranoe Co., of New York, tbe strongest in tbe world. Casb surplus to policy holders of over 43 millioc dollars. Don't take insurance without seeing tbe new plans ot tbe Equitable, Insures both sexes at same rates. 77 tf Notice to Sheepmen I Don't overlook those fine Cunningham books al Tbompsoo k Binns' stable, Inquire ot W. C. Brown, at Palace hotel or Ed. Bishop. 690-tf. & .Nebraska man wbo bad a oar or two of horses to sell wrote Io a triend io Washington, D. C, asking If it would b advisable to Iry to sell tbem tbere Hi friend replied, "Tb people ot Wash iogton rid bicyoles, th street oars ran by leetriolty, and tb governmenl ruo by jackasses. No oed ot horse her." $20 0022 Schilling! Best baking pow der is such baking powder as you would ask us to make i you knew the facts. SckiUUf k (MMy a t rt ft . . - . r. a. uenner s siore ana rrara war. boos, opposite tb O. R. AN. depot, burned at Baker City yestarday. Los 1 12,000. Robt. Carsner, of Carsner k Hsyden tb Wsgner merchants, wa doing busl oe io Heppner several day Ibis week To beal tb brokeo and diseased tit ans, to sooth lb irritated aorface, to instantly reliev od to permsoeotly cur i lbs mission of DeWilt's Witob Haaal Sal vs. For Sals by Cooser Brook. Koy rosier, or uouag urov, was aotographed at Hotel Heppoer Wsdoe day. lao'si, ia in dmi, ir you ar troubled with constipation, sallow skin od a tired failing, tak Karl' Clover Tea, il ia ptaot t take. Sold Looser broet. y IUooos I still oa tb larf dolog lit tl Carpenter bosinea. If Baths down al lb Jon' barber shop, 25 et. OrvilUJoae manager, tf To trad A good htatieg slove, for ordwood. Call at offi e. tf CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS. Elder J. W. Jenkins, ot Hood River, will be ia Heppner on Sunday, Oot, 31, and will preaob at the Christian ohuroh both mormog and evening. You are invited to these eervioes. Beginning on Tuesday evening, Nov. 2nd, at tbe Christian ohuroh, Elder J. W. Jenkins will preach a series ot ser mons, continuing . over tbe following Sunday. It is especially desired that tbe members ot tbe congregation be present to assist in condooting these services and tbe invitation is extended Io all others. The following snbjeots will be taken up and disoussed, wbiob will prove Io be of special interest to ohuroh goers: "The Basis of Christian Conduct." "Camping on tbe Edge of Forsaken Sin." "Walking Worthy of our Vocation." "Oregon for Christ." "Good Citizenship." "The Liquor Power." "The Bible and Children." "Something About Lying." " The Dimensions cf Christian Char acter." Th Tru Remedy. W. M. Repine, editor Tiskilwa, 111., 'Chief," says: "We won't keep bouse without Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. Ex perimented with many others, but never got tbe true remedy until we used Dr. King's New Discovery. No other remedy oan take its place in our home, as in it we have a certain and sure cure for Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, etc" is idle to experiment with . other remedies, even if tbey are urged on you as just as good as Dr. King's New Dis covery. Tbey are not as good, beoause this remedy has a record of oures and besides is guaranteed. It never fails to satisfy. Trial bottles free at Ooneer fc Brook's drug store. vvasu xnorapson, who bas opened a new meal market, bas reserved a spaoe the Gazette, so he oan tell the people what kind ot a market be is going to run. To Cure Constipation Forever. Take Cascarets Candy Cathartio. lOo or 25o. It C. C. C. fail to oure, druggists refund money. tf Cure that cough with Shiloh's Cure. Toe best oongb oure. Relieves oroup promptly. One million bottles sold last year. 40 doses tor 25ots. Sold by Con- ser & Brock. y What is Hop Gold? Best beer on artb. See ad. elsewhere. OrillS SPACE A A A FOR A A A WASH: THOMPSON PROPRIETOR OF THE NEW - MEAT HEPPNER RACKET STORE . THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN MORROW COUNTY TO BUY NOTIONS AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. A FEW PRICES QUOTED BELOW. 1 paper full couot pioi 2 oents. 1 paper good needles 2 oools. 1 spool lineo thread. ...3 oents. 1 card hooks aod eyes 1 oout. 1 ball knitting cotton... 3 oents. 1 gents tape border bkl 6 oot. 1 Misses colored border baodkerohiet 2 cents. OTHER GOODS SUCH HANDKERCHIEFS, a, OUR 5 AND 10 CENT FULL OF BARGAINS. GLASSWARE IN A FULL STOCK OF GROCERIES AT PRICES AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. NO TROUBL3 TO SHOW OOOD8- Do Don H 1 11 ill il vstibu y s m wi in - w t t-t o . SB SB I'l BTVBLr Bt BF r2 ISSlUIIIllIIIIIin. All thrw) can le procured at Thompnn A Kinns, Lower Main (Street, Heppner, Urfgon. Tfcw ntlmn are er.lt syqiielnte'1 1lh Orant, llemr, rrnk. Ollllam tnt olh.r eounltas ami ran tare srumoy aud lira, la making Ibwm smUuiii .lib Ifavalliig suau. rrtr la kpltf wltk Ui. HmM. THOMPSON & 33TNNS, Canton Plows Canton Harrows Canton Gangs Canton Disks Super Super or Drills or Seeders StudeDaKer Waoons and Hacks D Caveats, aod Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat ent business conducted for Moderate Fees. Our Offici is Opposite U, S. Patent Office and we can secure patent ta leu tuae than, uok remote from Washington. i Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We advise, If patentable or not, free of charge. Our fee not due till patent la secured, 1 a cianirr " How to Obtain Patents." with cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries sent tree. Address, C.A.SNOW&.CO. Opp. Patent Office, Washington. D. C. $ mvi ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ST ATE OF WM. C. AKERS, DECEA2SD. J Notice la hereby given, that letters of administration 011 the estate of Wra. C. Alters, deceased, were granted to the underslfrmd on the 2Uth day of October, 18U7, by the County Court of Morrow County. All pcrBom having claims anaiist. said estate are required to exhibit them to me for allow ance, at my home near Gooseberry, Morrow County, Oregon, within six months after the date of this notice or they shall be forever barred. This 29th day of October, 1897. BENJAMIN L. AKERS, 2-9 Administrator. Dyspepsia cared. Sbiloh's Yitnlizer immediately relieves sour stomach, com ing op of food distress, and ia tbe great kidney aod liver remedy. Sold by Con ser & Bnck. y IS RESERVED - MARKET. AS HOSIERY. TOWELS. AT LOWEST PRICES COUNTER IS ALWAYS CROCKER Y AND ABUNDANCE, WE WANT VOt'n TRACK. .... J. W. VAUQHAN. RAGTICAL irOfiBlUiTW You Want a Rig ? t You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddl orsc I . STOCKMEN, FARMERS, EVERYBODY ! You Don't Expect Goods for Nothing! BUT YOU DO WANT LOW PRICES to salt tbe limes. Ton want fresh groceries end supplies ; yon waot sub stantial gents' furnishings. Yon osn find what you went at T. R. Howard' MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED ! Main Street. Heppner, Oregon. THE ART OF BREWING. And now the entire world Knows this verfect nrodusi As the Star Brewery beer..... STAR BREWERY COMPANY, 203 Washington St., Portland, Or. At tbe old stand, have the usual spring outfit of FARMING UTENSILS, HARDWARE AND CAMP OUTFITS, Besides tbe thousand odds end ends that are too numerous to mention Ccall on- GILLIAM Nsxt Door to rirst "Dat Co'n Juice" Is Found at F Oo Mais Htreel, in City The Best of Everything Always on Tap Courteous treatment to all. Nio club room. IOW TlIylvAIiiD, Prop. FRANK R04ERS Rogers & Roberts, Contractors and Builders. Plans and Estimates Given on snort Notice. All Kinds of Repair Work n OFFICE HOURS-Day and Night Leave your orders "Any Old. 1 lace ana Kog. or Jim will HOOTS AND SH0S. OTHK PLACE TO OCT TMIM It AT H. ka anrtLIni la IhU lln. lhal ynn mar 1nlr. aiut ynn ra d.pn4 oa II to s.I uol artkMli.n Mat iiaraiilM.IU SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. 011 Stan1, Main Strt Rslrlra a 8ellty The GAZETTE, $2.50 A Year for CASH. GRAIN and FEED 8. P. Main Street , Next door to Falaoe hotel, HEPPNER, OREGON Was Perfected by the roduction of.... On draught at all popular saloons & BISBEE, National Bank Building. Welcome HoUl Duildlnjr. i. $. ROBERTS net em. o o 00000 t