rfrtE INDIAN ; 'S ft eT to A. a Q SQ 5? Vb a q ?o ?a W paigo, His word is law. Editor McLean's ambition to get into the senate is said to be in bis desire to protect bis Washington gas and railroad interests. Tbese are val ued at from tbree to five million dollars. Tbe gas companies and street railways may cbarge such prices iD Washington as are de termined by congress, and if Mr. McLean could get an eight years' seat m the senate through this year's Ohio election, it would be of great value to him in protecting bis personal interests. A special from Washington says that Senator McBride had reached there and is looking after Oregon's affairs. On bis arrival be called at the white bouse. He did not see the president, but will see bim before he leaves tbe city, Oregon appointments, including the recommendations of the dele gation, will be considered. Senator Platt was in Wash. in g ton a few days ago, but be said that bis visit bad no special polit ical significance. He spent bal an hour with President McEinley and told bim and bis ether WaBh ington friends tbat tnings were looking more favorable every day for the election of Gen. Traoy to be the first mayor of greater New York, and that he was absolutely certain he would win by a plural ity of between ten and twenty thousand. Woolen goods manufacturers report demand brisk, prices steady. and an unwillingness by makers to accept Lew orders at present quotations. Advances are reported for Bessemer pig-iron and stee billets with quick sales, but, prices are firmly held. Some steel mill are not able to keep up with orders. The domestio cod sump tion ot pig-iron last month was extraordinarily heavy and prom ises to greatly stimulate produo tion. Bradstreet's. Capt. Charles O'Neil, chief of the bureau of ordinance of the navy department, is opposed to the establishment of a government plant for the making of armor plate for our fighting vessels. He says in his annular report to Sec retary Long: "The bureau is of the opimou that the government can purchase armor more cheaply than it can make it The bureau regards the making of armor as a GLOOMY OUTUJOK IN KLONDIKE. A Hvsteriona Disease, Famine and Death HUriDK Maay la the Face. A special from Viotoria under dale of Oot. '26 gays that miners wbo oame down on tbe Faralloo from Dyea and wbo left Dawaon Uity about 40 day ago, aay (bat tbe day before tbey left Hansen, one ot tbe managers of tbe Alaska Commeroia! company Brrived in oaaoe and told of the abandonment of tbe efforts to get food up tbe river. Fully 400 mioers at onoe made prepara tions to start oat over tbe trails, bat tbe oitizeus' oommittee refused to allow them sufficient provisions for tbe journey, so, save those who bad already started, all wiil have to femaiu and share in tbe privations at D'tweon. Cbarles Fries, of Taooma, wbo came out with Bert Woods and Arobie Burns, says that besides the famine, a mysteri ous disease has broken out which is oarryiog off five men daily. Twenty- four hours after the victim is attaoked be turoa blaok from tbe waist to tbe throat, and in two days, in a mnjority of cases, is dead . On the way over tbe Dalton trail, GENERAL NEWS NOTES. SHOD WITH SNOWSHOES. Horsefc of the Sierras That Wear Strange Footgear. They Are Compelled to Poll Hear? Loads Across the Mountains A Traveler's Interesting Description of BU Trip. . Residents of New Orleans are leaving for tbe North by tbe score on account ot tbe yellow fever plague. Several new oases of yellow fever have been reported at Memphis, Tenn., and all who oan get away are leaying that oity for northern points. An .rnh.n.. tU.i k .1 " ri I HWaII T Bntr Vi T'm lodn wool and ranoh values of tbe United vps Kw w. tv fir, rr.Pm do the States have inoreased $100,000,000 with- next thing to it use snowshoes and do in tbe past nine months, ( their work with them on just as well as Dun's trade review shows that the "ey didn't have them on, or nearly . , , ., . .. .. so," said a gentleman from California number of failures for the three months 0 toaNew York Herald ending September, 30 is the smallest man. ever recorded for that length of time. "This is the way it was: About the Tbe report that General Castillo, tbe middle of April a year ago, I had busi- insurgent leader, had been killed in an nelf W in Plumas county, California, . , , , and went by stage running from Oro- engagement is confirmed. Tbe body ar- viUe to Quicythe central point in rived at Havana, Monday afternoon. piuma8 county. We left OroviUe at Large crowds visited the morgue to look seven in the morning in a four-horse at the remains. 'jerky,' a sort of stage wagon specially in pni;.u 1 . . built for rough mountain work. For AnEoghsh newspaper asserts that in first six h nr8 the road was as dry Eastern Australia 100,000,000 sheep now a8aboardbut after the noon change fiod sustenance in a region wbioh thirty 0f teams we struck patches of snow years ago was a sandy desert. Tbe which soon merged into bond and deep sheep gradually trampled the soil into snow going. Tom, our driver, had which in many places runs along the firmness, so that it now produoes a dense paUed my attention tc .the new team as Yukon's bank, Fries' party met many mass of vegetat.on. 7". jTsn boats bound down. He estimated that Tbe $14,000 package sent by registered have to leave the wheel and take the about 300 boats are going down the river mail to tbe State Savings bank, Butte, "uledders" when we get further up th with from four lo seven men each. Mont., by the National bank of the Re- road. The Fries party was the last to leave publio, of Cbioago, has been given up "Though I had ridden behind and At Five Finger rapids they for lost. The Union Marine Insurance UP?" may . 01 m WT' proper adjunct to a great commer cial steel plant Foreign practice n.-. confirms this view, and even mi in with th- nrtv hBftlid hv kv Lr n- Tnrk .m, h,h h n-wai, J yet 1 ha.d neTe' bfen mtro,d"c?d ,th! . . . ' " ' " 'snow' Dreea oeiore, ana 1 looKea at, soouia me aeparimeni acquire a Stuart, ot new lork, wbiob lert fire days was insured, baa notined tbe bank that them very closely, plant Of its own, the chances are oerore, and caught up with tbe party it would pay tbe loss. ft.et if nnnlri Via ot ,Dt made up of Jobo Fry, F. L. and J. Trippe and O Holden, of New York, What tbe Shakers of Mount Lebanon any advantage ownership. "They were all four white or gray, whether from age or natural disposition I couldn't tell, but I was much im pressed by their tremendous self-consciousness, their extremely slow mo tions, the deliberate way in which they stepped, straddling their legs as fai apart as possible, and their reluctance to raise more than one hoof off the Every one of the lot Notice of Intention. Laud Orrici atl hi Dalle, Oregon, October, 8, 197. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler ha filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of bia claim, and tbat said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, uregon, on rnasy, aovemDer is. ihw, ra: JOHN E. PETERSON, of Gooseberry, Oregon, Homestead No. 4083 for the 8E of Sec 31 Tp 2 S K 24 W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Frank A. Lundell, Charles 1. Anderson, John Johnson and August Carlson, all of Gooseberry, Oregon. JAS. F. MOORE, 87-98 Kegister. Notice of Intention. Land Orrici at LaGbandk, Oregon, 8ept. 20, 1897. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TBE following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore County Clerk, Morrow county, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on Oct. 30th, 1897, viz: COMMODORE P. BOWMAN, Hd. E. No. 6155, for the NW!4 Sec. 22 Tp 2 N R 27 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: W.H.Wilson, A. J.Davis, William McCarty, all of Echo, Oregon, and M. 8. Corrigall, of Galloway, Oregon. B. F. WILSON. 82-93 Kegister CITATION. IN THE COUNTY OOTJRT OF THE STATE of Oregon, tor the County of Morrow. In the matter of the estate of E. O. Sperry, de ll? James B. Sperry, administrator of the above-named estate greeting: in the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby cited and required to. appear in the County Court of the state of Ore gon, for the County of Morrow, at the court room thereof at Heppner, In the County of Morrow, on Tuesday the 16th day of November. 1897, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then and there to show cause, if any there be, why you should not be removed as such admin istrator and your letter revoked. WitneBS, the Hon. A. G. Bartholomew, judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Morrow, with the seal of said court affixed, this 14th day of October, A. D. 1897Attest: J.W.MORROW 888-98 Clerk. Din1 4l-iat TTT-1 1 ! llA i -1 1 -V 1-inni with on Indian guide. Tbe parly ran know more about than anybody else, is me lime ana inus Buner greal gbort 0f food and for four days none had the use of herbs and how to be healthy, deterioration, and that the expense any food save an owl which tbey shot They have studied the power of food. and difficulty of operating it, when an( 8ome S0UP ma,e t'om a rawhide Thsy nearly all live to a ripe old age nftftrlprl wnnlrl mnra than nffaot 8lrflD wbiou tbey were using tn packing The Bbaker Digestive Oordisi is pre- ' 1 lL.: a I , , i , r,. . . , l. - l 1 1 i , . .i lueir iruuuB. Darea dv ine nnaxeri rrum neros buu k"j"" ok a uuic, gained by BUCn Th B..rHltn hrnj.t j... v,n. Linta ,tv, . .nn.ai tnn,n nnr r was old enough to vote, and at a rough nniwii. ,,, u estimate twenty dollars a head would WV,WU IU KU1U. I IUO 5IMUJ.UU . . , , . J11M - I ... . . . . . . I Have uccu pjuuuu uivccu uvuui a viv 1 be passengers ot the ITarallon also it helps tbe stomacb aigest its rood, thni At the end of the trio I AT the lisk of causing pain to bring the news of a murder oommitted and digested food is the strength-maker, thought twenty dollars apiece was fully tlio traa AraAa oirnotao inkn linvo I near Lake TsBish, Ootober 1. Two man Strong muscles, strong body, strong nine hundred and eighty dollars less from Seattle, named Henderson and brain, all oome from properly digested than they were reauy worm Peterson, quarreled over a trival matter, food. A siok stomaoh can be oured and Don t think much ol em, do you? and HnHrnn nfinr ai.hhino P-tAr.nn L;n,0n mua hv Hhator T)ian.i asked the driver of me as he started ... . , . , . . ,. . them up with a click. 'No,' he contin wnu o uuwio auiio eevcmi nuieg, urew b uoraiai. . , rtt ,,,. - wl, t thm It cures the nausea, loss of appetite, fnrola hide nackers. but the comtmnv insisted that the adoption of a pro tective system would destroy our foreign market for American man ufactures, tneir attention is re- revolver and beat bis viotim's bead into BDeotfullv called to the fact that 8JflIly- Peterson died soon after. pain In the stomnob. headache, giddi- wouldn't trade that lot for the best tl.o Otot;.-,n nt AnmnaU r neuoerson was arreBted ana Doona 10 ness, weauness ana an ine otner symp- eigm nyers in me cracKeai, uvery siauie iue exportation or, aomesuo manu- . .., t. ,.. ..,:..,:., aji. nar in Sacramento. But for those invalua- factures from the United States in tbeOanadiao mounted police, wbo took maoently. ble critte.M the mails wouldn't get thefirstmonth under the Dingley him to Dawson for trial. Sold by druggists. Trial bottle loots. ESS are! law was nearly two million QOliars and when they strike the snow higher up more than in the corresponding wiw8 newspapisb war. OLD buttons. they'll puttheirsnow moccasins on and month Of the proceeding year Un- Editor McM.nn. Indicted for His Attack Uenrloo. Shop round in .London Bid. Aow you yalley people how they earn der the Wilson law. When to Upon Editor Haiiock. ,i,:.:.JlJlui:.la.la.0.. rromtnejs.u. mm io ouuou iuo mvu mat tuo oo Komor followod rumor on the streets tember exportation of domestic Sunday and today that the grand jury merchandise of all kinds were hd wound up its series of sensations twAntv millinna m-nrPr nndflr the, t tue lndiotment Of John V. MoMttnus. j. i i it ,i f a i editor of the Pendleton Rspublioau. street. their oats, In one of the by streets of a crowded I "That old gray quartette plodded and ihoroughfare in the north of London worked its way along very wearily to ;here is an old gentleman who carries us until we got into the deeper snow jn a very curious trade. His shop is a and drew up to a large sleigh standing Parlor, and on the window pane is a alongside the road. ooard which says: "Buttons sold in- ' 'Change cars,' called out the driver, ide; any button matched from a d. 'and gents will please shift their own to 2d." Inside this room are thousands traps or they'll get left.' Unhitching Notice of Intention. Land Offici at Tub Dalles, Oreuon. Sept. 30, 1897. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE -L following-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, county clerk, at Heppner, uregon, on rov. tela, ibui, viz: THOMAS J. MERRILL, Hd. E. No. 6234 for the N'Z NEK 8EK NEM 8ec, on .1 cttr, mum n .. on m r nil . 1 1 t n at, nuu o T ; i. ii cw, oo, iji. ti, on u, r, yt at. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Benjamin Parker, Frank Ward, Reuben Allen, Albert H. Allen, all of Hardman. Oreson. JAS. F. MOORE, 81-95 Register. SUMMONS. N THE JUSTICE COURT OF THE SIXTH District of Morrow County, State of Oregon. D. E. Oilmen, Plaintiff, vs. R. W. Bearden. Defendant. To R. W. Bearden, Defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear before tbe under signed, a justice of the peace for the District, aloresaid, on the 17th day of November, 1897, at 10 o clock , a. m., at ine omee oi saia justice, in said district, to answer the above named plain- tin in a civil action, ine aeienaani win late notice that if he fail to anBwer the complaint herein the plaintiff will take judgment against him for $248.95 and the costs and disbursements of siid action. This summons Is served upon you in pursu ance of an order made and entered In said court on the 5th day ot uctoDer, imi. W. A. Richardson, Justice of the Peace, 6th Dis. Morrow Co.. State of Oregon. 85-98. NOTICE OF INTENTION. SPOKANE FALLS 4 NORTHERN NELSON & FORT SHEPPARD RED MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS The Only All-Bail Route Without Obange of Oars Between Spokane, Rossland and Nelsoo. Also between Nelson and Rossland, daily exoept Sunday : Leave. Arrive. 800 A. M Spokane 6;40 P. M. 110) A. M Hossland 8:40 f. H. 9:10 A.M Nelson 6:45 P. M. Close connections at Nelson with steamers for Kaslo, and all Kootenai Lake points. Passengera for 'Kettle Kiver and Boundary Creek connect at Marcus with stage daily. The whiskey tbat old Jim Grow made, tbat Henry Clay drank, tbat Andrew Jaok son loved, tbat William Henry Harrison went into ecstasies over, can be found at Low Tillard'a. It ia "de rals ol' oo'n jnice." tf. Wanted-An Idea Protect vonr Ideas! thev mar hrlnv vnn wuh. Write JOHN WHDDERBCRN CO., Patent Attor neys. Washington, D. C, for their ai.Sju prise offer aa ii "i two nunaroa inventions wanted. Who can think of some simple thing to patent? nftrnnnn nntli ber, 1896, Under the Wilson law, ing Ooulj be learned authoritatively 0f f buttons In little heaps pearl, glass, his team from the 'jerky,' Tom lined up The resignation of Gen. W. W Duflield as superintendent of tbe coast and geodetic survey has been asked for on tho ground of bis general incompetency to fill tbe position into which Mr. Claveland put hind for no othor reason than to please Don Dickinson. Charges against Gon. Dufliold were filed early in the present administra tion, and lie would doubtloss have been asked to resign before, bad it not been for the influence of his brother, who is a prominent Michigan republican. it will be seen that the dismal predictions ' ol the loss ol our foriign mrrfSIS the enactment of a prutW. tariff are not being rapidly realized. PltEHIDENT McKltJLEY will not begin the vctk it writing bis an nual message to congress until after be returns from Ohio, where he will go the last of this week, to remain until be casts bis vote for tbe republican ticket, but be is spending considerable time just now in obtaining information from members of the cabinet and in dis cussing with them matters tbat will be treated in tbe moHsago, All of the members of the cabinet have furnished bim with the tub. lance of their annual reports, none of which ate yet completed. WHAT OUR EXCHANGES SAY. An exohange says; "A gentleman very iienr tbe throne says there wont be special session ot the Oregon legia the matter. Sheriff Houser was then asked directly: "Are the reports trua about the in dictment of MoMaoim? 'He has been indioted," was the sheriff's answer. Further than Ibis Mr looser said nothing. The olerk of tbe court declined to show tbe iudiotment on the ground tbat tbe defendant had not yet been ar- aonc, jet, shell, brass, cloth, silk and his horses in pairs in front of the lorn buttons in fact, every variety ol 1 sleigh and then took out of it a couple button made. I of srunnv sacks, from which he pro- "You see, sir," he said, "it Is often 1 duced sixteen pieces of wood having the ;he case that women only buy enough appearance of flat dishes, which he said buttons for their dress, and when they were the snowshoes used by the four ose one it is often diflicult to get it horses. I examined the 'shoes' with matched at the draper's. Those who much curiosity. itnow mo come along here, and I can "The 'shoe' was made of a stout, sea- Jivariably do it from my stock. I have aoned, one-inch plank of tough hickory ?ot my regular customers, for most WOO( fourteen inches square, strength- iradcspeoplo about here who know mc ened on one side by a covering of oil- I ill ure." Another says: "If current re ports be true Qovernor Lord will call a raigned. Therefore its natnre oan only end their customers to mo when they ciotn two one-inch wide strips" of be guessed at. It is reported there are lre unal)lo to suit them, und they sel- hickory wood screwed on to the main two counts, one for criminal libel, th. torn go away without flntlinjr the very plate. Bo 8ituated that when adjust- lorn go away without finding the very l.!n. lirt if n,-ii nftrkr Wliorn An T rr.'t other for using words classed ssobsoone, . 4 ' , Vrlr,rrrvm -ci,0 fat IllA I . 1 MivlM IIWMH Wt"J vviuuiiu a at, iiw'u special ie-sion oi me legislature uunug mesa are "cocknej" and "nuukey," or on tha riurs sold are often bul ine coming winter." isse wnion you torati lng of the sort. Ions, plossa. It lithe very latest from Halera. The Indictments arise from an edi- "I make a rounA of the various ma Meanwhile we folks who are not poll tioiani don't oaie a pioaynne if the legii I at ore neer meets. If tbe neit one Is Tribune, in reply to a paragraph in the to be like tbe last it would be a good latter's paper. In this editorial tbe .1.: . . . i. .. 1 1 - u I . u -1 1. n - u I .... . . wiiug u buuii.u i .iiujrjiuci.-urous inoune ediior was aoousou oi onoe County Journal. conducting gambling house at Port land, and other things Ull It luck or wbst yoa will yet II re- Editor MoMsnus. when seen by a re mains true that dollar wheat and repub- porter, had oot yet been arraigned, al- ed a horse's foot would be right in the center of the shoe were three holes clear through the cwood and oilcloth underneath. One of the holes waa The Indictments arise from an edi- "I make a rounA of the various ma-1 iar(ro enough to let the heavy and very torial In tbe Hpublico strongly al- rine wres ami bargain lor them at so high toe calk of the horse's shoe past tsoking Homer H. llallook, editor of the much a pound. Another way 1 obtain throutrh. while the two other holes at them is vihiting the dressmakers, who readily permitted the two hind calks oi men nave uuiuins leii, over, mm meir shoe to enter and come out as die lodv customers seldom ask for them, the toe calk. Then a wrought iror band, separated in the center, swung on a hook and eye on either side of tht horse's hoof after he had been fitted with the snow shoe, by passing th and by virtue of an execution and order I calks through, was brought together lr SHERIFrS SALE. XTOTICE 19 HKREBV GIVEN THAT UNDER IT I '" -nic 1MI 1,1 V II O V. 1 1 1 1 1 1 , , Ml r I III I II C M . M . , V- , M I I. 1 1 IV. lioan snooesi seem to go band In band, thouuh tbe indiotmenta were returned su,,e ' ron lor the county of Morrow and m as uwi w T-1HH9 nw1p Arilmr nrina LT . inuioimenii were reioroeii tome dlrtH and delivered, upon a Jndment onet, and then tightly joined by a screw Iol, tinder Arthur, the average pr e. Saturday, and ..id h. had heard th. and nut passed through hole, bored iB of wheat w.a 91 O.nt. a bushel. During rm0ri bat bad reoeived no official 'iV .1, ''"Ji.. 2-...'n.u':or' ' pr!: w.i .h. J ,- hA P. Ol.vel.ni'a first .dmlolstr.tion th. ?liit. H. .eemed in no wis. oast down, mtssionera for th. a,i of si hooi and nniTarsity erything fitted as snug as possible, and .......... tu i. , I .... . ' lands and lor the Investment ol funds arlsln. . , . , , f . ' iiiw wm un udui., nuvu uBinaiiu I and SU Oil p.p.r ml. a praotloe 01 I therelmra. plaintllts, and ajralnst Henrietta K. I wneu tue screw won ugubeucu up m wMpre.ld.Dtth.pric. varied form M priot.og .olhiog th.l l was oo.W. to 1 or kicking coulc "Those who, at tho dictation of their own eueniios, disregarded their old friends and attempted to revolutionize the creod of their old party will justly txi bold re sponsible for all the results that have heretofore followed or shall hereafter follow their departure from domocratio principles and traditions, and we wbo have re fusod to desert the old standard and coalesce with the advocates of fiatism, socialism, protectionism can well afford to stand where we are and wait for dolivoranro which is sure to oom." Kx-Sfcrotary Carlisle in Han Francisco Call. SKNATon Hanna, Ciovr-ruor Itiihli cell and Senator ForaVer .jxike together from one stand in Ohio the other day, thus giving fre.h evidence of the falsity of the domo cratio claim of diH.i'ii.ioti in re publican ranks b that state. Noth ing has two heard of any similar co-operation on the part of Me laan, ctiapmaa and Urice, or others of the democrats there, and McLean is paying no attention to anybody but hitn.elf, and as be puts up the money ia the cam to Oil oenti. Daring Cleveland', second prove term Ih. prlo. tumbled to 40 oentt Hlno. MoKiuley took tb. rein, ot power wheat b.i .gain reached tb. dollar mark. W. commend tbi. parallelism to tb. pr.y.rlol eon.ideration of IboM wbo v.iuly imagined Ib.r. w an affin ity between wheal and ailv.r. Crook County Journal. . . . . . Hlllllllll f ami A mmm LA If. I t. lnrthr an in nf fwanlv.thrM aiM fw.U To have bi. chub of a oeph.w o.med rrhraraLwS ?Xr!Z after bim, knowing that It. fond parent. ld county nn the Mh day ol October, wn, and I V h.h,. . I, mma I.. ..I... I 1 . .. .1 A A ripeet that tber. will be a good thing to the court that the iitnrtcd property to-wlt: m I 1 n iionn rast quarUir nf section twelve (121 DBU1. I l ,..h In n- ll nn,lk -n ..,(. To b. told th.l h. i. getting old, bald ai..JfJS SSSSi inrriMia I will, on Klnii?. th. 1st d dollars with inu.rt thereon fmm tho Mr, d. loosen w irom a norse sioou inesnow of October, iw7. at the rat. of eight per cent per I team understood the business perfectly ... ......... ...... r, . im, ... . i j i, i . mntfnP nf mnru thai Land Officb at The Dalles, Oregon, October 8. 1897. NOTICE Ifl HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on Friday, November 19, 1897, viz: CHARLES J. ANDERSON, of Gooseberry, Ore., Homestead No. 3734 for the NW!i of Bee. 81 Tp 2 BR24KWM. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Frank A. Lundell, John E. Peterson, Emil Lundell ond Andrew M. Peter son, all of Gooseberry, Oregon. JAB. i. Muutin, 87-98 Register. ' CITATION. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATS of Oregon, for Morrow Countv. In the matter of the estate and guardianship ui nuiiuirea uiiuam, Arcner M. Ullllam and Lester E. Gilliam, minors. It aDPearinsr to the court from the affidavit and petition of Annie Gilliam, guardian of the above named minora, tbat it is necessary, and would be beneficial to said minors, and their estate and all persons Interested therein, to sell in ine manner proviaea oy law the following described real estate, and all Interest of said minors therein, to-wlt: The east half of the north-east quarter, and the east half of the south-east quarter of section 13, township 4, south of range 2A east W. M. It is therefore hereby ordered that the next of kin of said minors and all persons interested in said estate, appear before this court at the County Court room in Heppner, Morrow county, Oregon, on Monday the 1st day of November, 1897, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., and then and there show cause if any exist, why a license should not be granted for the sale of the above de scribed real estate. It is father ordered that a copy of this order be published once each week for four successive weeks belore said day ap pointed, in the Heppner Gazette, a newspaper of general circulation, and pupbllshed at Heppner, Morrow county, Oregon. A. G. BARTHOLOMEW, 83-92. County Judge. In it for Business- AVVts. J. M. H AGER. GENERAL MERCHANDISE WILL CARRY A FULL STOCK OF Groceries, Dry Goods, Ladies', Gents' and Children's Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, Notions, Etc., At prices as low as they can be sold in this market. Congressman Ellis, of Oregon, tel- hr-adml and gray. Of ooorssooly lh women ohjsot to that sort ot thlous. GitftVe with grounds enough for ili. iirriMta I will, on Wednesday the 1st day ol llrremher. IW, at J o'clock, p m.. ol said day. at the front door of tha court tioiiae In llrpiinrr. Morrow county, Oregon, sell all the right, title and Intern of the said Henrietta K. IWk.T, . W. lHs ker and K. K Hughes In and to the above rii-arrlbed pmtwrtr al public auction to the hlhrl and beat bidder for run In hand, the nrormxls lo be annllrd tn the antlk- To ait belli ml an array nf blir hata at I 'action nf said erutloa and all coals and cost mm.t of tb raoiflo rallroa.l'i indebted- u .... ' accrue. graphed tb New York World regarding I TOrc. and tea m strong m campaign tbtaaltot tb Voloo l aoiflo railroad: I b. "If th goyerbtneut can foar full pay t. in nw aroarily, eerUlol worth bjm ,ht ,h, pUy WM ,.oot of (,BhC par .u ... ro.r.c... 4 woum .uPP.r in. To gM p , ,b morn,og 0(1 flnj prwident in uob ao rr.ng.m.ot." lh.. hli h... rn riil4 hv 1 1 J.I. a a . I . I uuDiirtui or pongrcmea n.v. fcm on. ho Kni.UrM il -all in Ih graphed th world to tb am "0' I family " .... i. ma. Wl I !,. I i. 1 ana l reaicieoi aioriioiey win uuuounv- I. U VAT1CK. Sheriff of Morrow county, Oregon, CaUxl th dar ol Oct,, HW7. Vi-ml 0 VtAM XMRItMOI. Ktly tak inch ctioo will prevent jodlfat from robbing th government of 'J0,iH)O,O(X) io eoDOotion with lb torecloear proceeding now pending galosl th Union rclna.-E, O. Fre nil. Bond jroor a,ldrra to 11. E. lluekleo k Co., Chicago, and get free tnile tx.i ot Dr. King' New Lit Till. A trial will ooovlore yoa ol tbelr merit. Thte pill ere ey la ectiiws n.l re particularly elT-clive in the flare of l)o- tinaiion aud biok lUadach. For Ma laria and Liver troubles that Lav beeo proved lutaluable. Tbey ar gtiarao, I Mil In tie perfetulr free trotti every deleteriou wbelanee and to be palely vegetable. Tbey tin Dot weaken by tbeir ct ion, tml by giving ton to ttom-n and bowel greatly invigorating th yslera, ttrgnlar ! 'iNi. iief boi. Hold by Coaser A Urock, draggUl. To paoetar t tiro eigbl mile from home and bv enmebody ak, iso'l tbat loo bad. To go to ebnrob fair with a goodly am of money and go boru with aa as sortment ot pin enshiona, daylie and penwiper. To be a horrid man nn all occasions when he dir not MaHlv ,nit bis femin ine rrlativi and aoquaiutanre. To ani'le emit Imly friend' riperl- rnenlal rooking and perjor bitnaelf by eying it wa tb beat I. ver lasi I. i VMM x av TIADI sasara. ,,f' COfVIOMT . a. Anmna sMMttn a lal'-li an4 Swrlpiinfi mar iitlfMa, fnMk hMbM an Iiivmiiiim, k fcrtvh,.!, iwlemalM. t'lMBnuiimtlima Hri.ll, CwR.laiitl!. ill,la( marl ,wmnn xiU' la Aifira, Ha hat ahoat,.a ufllr. '" ' ibruvah Maua a tu. nmn aprnal W4IM is, tha SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. full? ItllMtralaat. UrmS Mrrnlallna n an; MillV..uriMl. w.it. iwrnai ,n vMn 1 Months Hmmi.1 huua Any p'eon who I intereeled in llritisb Columbia shoolj wrile lit W. H. Horlburl, general passenger agent ot tb 0. 1L . N.. for a eopy of I't IV. an lit- II "booklet," -Tb New lU.ean. aland." II I well worth tb trouble. 00 tf. UK l'atT mui trr. Aoorwa MUNN A CO., 901 0rwav, Dew l ark. Notlci of Intention. they should be thus decorated. "They actually eoemed to know little more about it even than Tom did. Indeed, one old plug held up hi oft bind foot and knocked Tom on the arm with bia ahoe aa a hint to have the nut acrewed a little tighter on the Iron band. Though I never before un horse so queerly shod and apparently anchored with these strange gearings, the animals accmed to consider It quiu the proper thing to have the shoes on. "The paiwongvrs having by this tlmi piled all their traps into the sleigh w made another start for Qulncy, but at a snail's pore aa far a speed wa con cerned. After we got underway found the anow getting deeper every yard, until In places. Judging by thi treea, It must have been at least fifteen feet deep. I became quite Interested In the sagacity of the four horses and their singular cleverness in handling themselves on their unusual looting, found out why they were so slow to moving and why they straddled ar wkl. Their alownea waa to prevent sinking too deep in the anow from th heavy treading and the atraddling V keep them from skinning their leg ot cutting a tendon with the edge of tht 'bnowshoea.' "A month later, on my return, whet tha road were clear ot anow, It onlj took twelve hours to make the trip fruit Qulncy to Oruville, though in coraln. up nearly thirty-aig hours were quired." D. A. Hcrren Building, HEPPNER, OREGON. Tetter, 8U-Hheum and Ik-tema. The Intense Itching and smarting, Incl dent totlirwedlneaj", la Instantly allayed hv applying Chamberlain' Eye and Tb tlaiall doe oot attawtion lb booesly ot any pertoe, bal II I eom pll to losiat apoo lb esab ia sdvsne plso ot ahaoriptloa, whetlur lb tb eorlUr h Cornetiu Vsndrrbilt or tb f AJtnornoi at the pali.kn, oRKaoM, sUn tnntment. Many very bai case t J .!. 4, I;, Nntlea Is hrrh, ln thai I hava hntti rman,Tillv f nrl br It It Ih. followltif nam.! artllrr has AIM m.tlr of ? ,. 1 W i bi itiu-nuon Ui mill Bnal nmil In miiin ni ia equally eiiinenv ,.ir iiciiinz I'lie auu Wa rirlnt "Himnla Aeennat V'lln" I BU claim, and that ani.l mnl.iil ha . fuvnH ramu.lv t,,r uni tilrUa Ufmeol. wilb your nam Mdb.low ISVa'iiM n'"u- cni'Wmi. frost lltet Ibereon. C-a.ll al ofDo. T AXTrrt-THi irrwimTBY and Arrtvt f iitimn n, ladlr to lral fiw mm,.. ratal, it.lirtt hiniH In Om'm. Monthly i-iiiiiii ftiaa.iv. itpivr- , ... ... loin, tl,il.li. h man wb faro bi bread by botieel toll a,., ,u ,,i W'a M.i.i.,,1 lu 11, a i.aiir nB sal olhuf t1' " a-l.lr.n. iUiH tnli osuuoi ruu lb apr on any wtner 1b i.,,,, lViiiir. lit. tbur., plan. it ? ClltLTtlSC. WIUW!, E1Wt'lTa ,h l"t' " " T ' " H iim the Mlnwlnc wltnuaars In mrt bis ronllmiou, mildriie uiun and rultliailon l said Innd. lt rrmiik Ii,( Iman. M I. w II. Hams, s lard Knimaa an.1 A. B l"rry, all ot loua, Morrow cuiiulr. (n-"n, M JA4. F. eniat. tUfkaivr. and chrxnlc sore eye. 25 ct. per bo. !r. fafly CemdilloN I'e-idrra, are mnt what a horse nnlt when In ha. ooii'llilon. TonU', blood purifier ami vermifuge. They ar not fooJ but nmlU Ine and the beet In ne to put horse In prime condition. Pries Eastern Oregon State Normal School, Weston, Orcflon. ONLY STATC SCHOOL tASTCRN OREGON Located on tb O. R. A N. Railway midway between Tendletna and Walla Walla. StoJenta admitted al all time ol lb year. First-Class Training School for Teachers. Vooal and Instrumental Mosio laogbt by eompolenl lostrortor. gradu al ot tb Boston Conservatory baa charge ol tb instrumental depart ment. Tlio IciclloK33ofirtllntr HtiU It thoroughly eqnlrpad and offer ei. oellant aeeommodation al reaaooabl rate. Bend for eetalogne. Aid M. G. ROYAL, President f rwlty r P. A WORTUiNri .a,t xme. 6elU, feam (16 Kip. rNrrU, frem $5.bo U. II yew d4 a witter nit or oyareoat, gir u call and e.i a (it f.-. . . ia City hotel boildUf. -tJ-sateltnt, Man.trt, ceuta per pax kae.