" Take Notice.' L The mm ol fire centa per line will to charged (or "cards of thanks," "resolutions of respect," lists of wedding present and donors, ad obituary notice, (other than those the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and notices ol SDeclal meetings for whatever nnrma J. Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of Ave cents a line. Theae rules will be strictly adher el to in every instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. A GOOD CLUBBING LIST. The Gezette ceo offer the following dabbing rates: The GAZETTE 12.50 and Club Rate Weekly Oregonian, (1.50.. ' 13.50 . " 8. F. Examiner, 11.50 3.75 " N. Y. Tribune, $1.00 8.00 Inter-Ocean, $1.00 8.25 , " 8. P. Chronicle, $1.50 8.75 Thrlce-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 8.25 Webfoot Planter, 50c. 2.50 Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 5.00 Rural Spirit, $2.00 8-50 New York Wool Record, $2.00 , 8.50 HETU. EPISC. CHURCH. SERVICES. Sunday 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school 10 a. m. Classes No. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m. Epworth League Devotional meeting at 7 p. m. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8 p. m. 'The Bpirit and the bne say. Come." The pastor may be found at the parsonage ad joining the church, where he will be glad to meet any wo may desire to consult Tiiin on religious, social, civic philosophic, educational, or any other subjects. J, W. t'LESXIEB, Minister. Here and There. MEW TELEPHONE LINE TO BE BUILT. Arlington And Heppner Will 8ooa be Cob- aected by Telephone. Spokane Spokesman-Review. Manager C. B. Hopkins, of the Inland Telephone and Telegraph Company, re turned yesterday from a trip over the 50 miles of country that asperates Arling ton and Heppner, Oregon. It is the in tention of the oompany to immediately constrnot a telephone line ounoeotiog those two places. "We will pat two big gangs of men into the field at onoe," said Mr. Hopkins yesterday. "We ex pect to have the Hoe completed within 30 days. The ooontry through wbioh it will pars is a prosperous and rioh reg ion, and is well settled." WHAT IS RHEUMATISM? More Prevalent than for Many Years. Sudden Change of Temperature . an Immediate Cause. Come to Oregon. A wagon passed through Northern Kansas, recently, bearing this inscrip tion: "Colorado and irrigation; Kansas and stagnation; Pop alia tic administra tion and damnation. I'm going to my wife's relation end make no demonstra tion.'' Tbey ought to oome to Oregon, where apples, pears and prunes do grow, and a man with education oan engage in speculation, bring along his wife's re lation, have good times and free salva tion, with no danger of starvation. This is worth consideration, See M. Liclitenthal for shoes. a. Oid Hatt is visiting in Portland. W. H. Sloper, of The Dalles, arrived yesterday. Hon. Henry Blackman is up from Portland. J. . Gillespie, of Haystaok, oame in yesterday. Dan McDonald, of Arlington, was in town Sunday. A. B. Chapman was in from Batter creek Friday. H. L. Copple, of Hamilton, was in town' Monday. Walter White, of Hamilton, was in town yesterday. T. E. Sweeten came no from Arling ton this morning. H. R. Shawness and Frank Brooks are tip from Portland. Joe Fisher, of Salem, is stopping at the Hotel Heppner. J. F, Willis and wife were up from Lexington Saturday. Submit your plans to Ranous before giving out your oontraot. tf To trade A good beating stove, for oordwood. Call at office. tf. U. S. Smith and Nat Halvorson, of lone, were in town Saturday. The Orange Front tor fine fruit, cigars, tobaoooa and fancy groceries. tf. M. Lioblenthal for shoes. Exclusive shoe store. Handles the best. 83tf Frank Moreland and James Allen, of Hardman, were in town yesterday. R. J. Carsoer, the lending merobant of Wagner, was doing business in Heppner yesterday. Fine home-made taffy at the Orange Front. A clean, fresh stook of goods leave your orders. If- Girl wanted to do housework. Good wages. Nona but the best need apply. Gall at Gazette office. 83-tf To arrive soon at Mathews' sweet potatoes, oranberriee, Grandpa's soap and other neoessaries. " Any one desiring to build either a house or barn will make money by call ing oo the Gazette office. 67 tf For sale residence property. Barn and irood outhouses. Will seil cheap on easy terms. Call at offloe. 83-tf. Best accommodation and oourteous treatment at the Imperial Hotel, Seventh and Wash. Sts., Portland, Oregon. There is a nice lot of Cunningham Merioo bucks for sale at Thompson k Binne' stable. Inquireof W. C. Browo. 690-tf. J. L. Gibson bas taken the Jones' barber stand and does good work at popular prioes, 15 centa shaving aod 25 cents beircuttiog. 78 -tf. Miss Altha Leach bas just reoeived a oioe line of sample bats. She invites tbs ladies to see them and get prioes be fore purchasing elsewhere. 85-92. ' MomeDte are useless it trilled away, and tbey are dangerously wr:ted if con sumed by delay in oasee where One Minute Cough Cure would briog imme diate relief. For sale by Conser k Brook. Hiok Mathews and V. Gentry, under the firm name of Matbewe k Oeniry, ere associated together in the barber business in the new stand, two doors south of the postoffioe. They call. Shaving, 15 cents. George Hofford bee some fine half breed Cotewell bocks, out of Merioo ewes wblcb be wishes to sell at reason able fiiioree. He will be et & look's corral on about Sept. oo bim. Come to the Gazette offloe and get e tDt lot of envelope printed. Government envelope look cheap, and besides you cannot gel your bosineee card printed tbereoo. Evt ryooe desires to keep loformed oo Yukon, the Klondike and Alaskan (old fields. Send 10c. for large Compendium of vast toformatioo aod bit color map to Uaroiltoo Pub. Co., Iedianapol nr. John W. Rasmus, of the "Red light," ever oo the alert for eotbetbloff ew, can farnltb yoo the ftoeel enrk tails io the land MaafceAtea, Jersey, VermoothorjOB-X!JBle by artist In thWsieMS. Drop lo end lake the taele out of your mouth. What an Editor says. Lives of poor men oft' remind us hon est toil don't stand a ohanoe; more we work we leave behind us bigger patches on our pante on our pants onoe new and glossy, now patohed up of different hue, all because subscribers linger and won't pay us bat is due. Then let all be up and doing; send your mite how ever small, or when the snows of winter strike us we shall have no pants at all 1 After Longfellow a long ways after. Free Pills. Send your address to H. E. Buoklen & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will oonviuce you of tbeir merits. These pills are easy in aotion and are particularly effective in the oure of Con stipation aud Sick Headache. For Ma laria and Liver troubles that have been proved invaluable. They are guaran teed to be perfeotly free from every deleterious substanoe and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigorating the system. Begular size 25o. per box. Sold by Conser & Brock, druggists. Remedy For Consumption. Several people bare been cured in New York city of rapid consumption by the injeotion of the serum whion bas made the name of Prof. Marsgliano, its disooverer, famous the world over. New York pbysioians deolaie that the effeots of the serum is miraoulous. Sinoe the noted Italian first made publlo bis dis covery, several years ago, tests of the serum have been attempted at many of the leading European and American hospitals but these experiments have been surrounded by professional seoreoy. The result of late tests are now being made public Edison's Latest Projectoscope. The latest Edison Projeotoscope, ex hibiting 1000 feet of moving life soenes; (fac simile) Oorbett-Fitzsimmons fight, Spauisb bull fight and other soenes. For ladies and gentlemen, at Heppner Opera bouse, Thursday, Friday and Sat urday, Oct. 28, 29. 30, General admiss ion 85 cents. Reserved setts 50 oents Children 25 oents. Seats on sale at us ual plaoe. 591 92. A traveling medium who recently gave a seanoe in a Georgia town began by saying: "I have been requested by some of the men preeent to recall the spirits of tbeir wives, who have gone be fore. Keep perfeotly quiet, friends in one moment tbey will be with yon." "John," whispered an old man in the audienoe, "Gimme my bat quick! I don't mind meetin' Molly io heaven, but I'll be duroed ef I want ber to resume busiuess on earth." A." Dartmouth Professor .Finds an Unfailing Oure for the Ailment. Rheumatism is more prevalent in Heppner than for many years. When this disease fastens on an indi vidual, be generally knows what is tbe trouble. The inflammation, soreness, and pain, in combination with chills, coated tongue, loss of appetite and swel ling of the joints, tell plainly that this is rheumatism. To quote the Medical World, "the patient becomes a pitiful objeot of suffer ing, helpless and inoapable of move ment; and possibly an eventual martyr to a obronic state of the disease, which will shatter bis usefulness, though it snares his life. Perhaps, though, the heart and its belongings are fatally in volved, as not infrequently happens." But what is rheumatism? Physician's opinions vary. Some say one thing, and some another. Yet all agree that a poison gets iuto tbe system, and rheumatism results. The immediate causes are cold and moisture, snd sudden changes of tem perature, aoting upon tbose who are weak or especially disposed to tbe dis ease. It shonld be regarded as a warn ing intioation of a low state of bealtb, and tbe first twinge of pain or stiffness of tbe muscles ought to be carefully placed under treatment, Rheumatism can be relieved by Paine's oelery oompound, a pure vegetable ex tract whose emoacy in rheumatism was discovered by Prof. Phelps of Dart month. This oompound strengthens the system, restores vigorous nerve power, and regulates tbe oironlation, thus driving nut tbe rheumatic poison. The best proof of its value is tbe good it has done. Though known for a com paratively ebort time, there probably is not a oitv or town in this state where it bas not effeoted a oure. That it is all that is olaimed for it, is being daily demonstrated. Many have thrown away their orutohes, and uow walk briskly and ereot, without pain or suffering, solely through tbe use of this celery compound. All lovers of tbe good of humanity will rejoice that at last there Is ' a posi tive and reliable way to oure rheuma tism and relieve suffering. What reason then bas one tor suffering with rheumatism or neuralgia, or allow ing a friend to limp with pain? Distinguished Guests. , A special train oame in over the O. R. & N. at 8:30 last night, carrying several distinguished gentlemen. Tbe train was in charge of Gen. Supt. J. P. O'Brien; who, witb the three railroad commiss ioners are making their semi-annual tour of mspeoiion over tbe roa l. They looked into tbe affairs of tbe road here and from what we oan learn everything had been oonducted in I satisfactory way, alluougu some improvements aiong the line will probably be ordered as the road bed is said to be in very unsatiBfaot ory condition, iney iei tnis morning and will continue their journey over the main line. - S. C. Lewis aud B. F. King, were in from lone Sunday. G. D. Anderson, of tbe Butter creek section, was in town Sunday. W. O. Bayless, of Hardman, was doing business in Heppner yesterday. E. A, Sullivan and J. S. Brooks were over from Pendleton this week. Baths down at the Jones' barber shop, 25 oents. Orville Jones manager, tt ' Jno. F. O'Connor and Geo. W. Ryan, of Pendleton, were registered at tbe Hotel Heppner yesterday. J. P. O'Brien, J. B. Eddy, G. W. Harris and J. Hazell, of Portland, were among the arrivals yesterday. E. Eskelson, of Lexington, was in the city today and bad bis name enrolled on tbe Gazette's subscription books. T. W. Ayers has bought the Fell resi dences now oooupied by 'Gene Glllman and H. J. Strickfaden. Consideration 83,500. ' The True Remedy. W. M. Repine, editor Tiskilwa, 111., "Chief," says: "We won't keep house without Dr. King's New Disoovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, Ex perimented witb many others, but never got tbe true remedy until we used Dr. King's New Disoovery. No other remedy oan take its plaoe in our home, as in it we bave a oertain aod sure cure for Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, etc" It is idle to experiment with other remedies, even if tbey are urged on you as just as good as Dr. King's New Dis oovery. They are not as good, because this remedy has a record of cures and besides is guaranteed, satisfy. Trial bottles Brock's drug store. Canton Plows Canton Harrows Canton Gangs canton disks or Drills or Seeders Stodebaker Waoons and Hacks...... va we- w i Super Super GRAIN and FEED c p ssssvt 1 t Main Street, Next door to Palace hotel. HEPPNER, OREGON The Southern PaciBo railroad company bas deoided to sell tiokets from all stations on its lines in Oregon, at one fate for the round,1 rip. In view of tbe f aot that our people have been favored with abundant crops, it is confidently expeot- ed that the state fair at Salem will have a better attendance tban ever before, and in order to give all an opportunity to visit this great institution of whioh tbe people of tbe entire state have rea son to be proud, this popular line of rmlroads has reduoed tbo fare so as to enable all to see one of tbe grandest displays ever exhibited at Salem. The Fair open Sept. 30th and closes Oct. 8th. 670-tf S!4 It never fails to free at Conser & Notice to Sheepmen I Don't overlook those fine Cunningham buoks at Thompson & Bions' stable. Inquire of W. C. Brown, at Palace bote), or Ed. Bishop. 590-tf. Ranous is still on the turf doing a lit tie carpenter business. tf 9 STOCKMEN, FAEMERS, EVERYBODY ! Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all fat-' ent buiinesa conducted for Moocratc Fees. OUR Orrict is OrrosiTC. U, 8. paTiNTOrrier. and we can secure patent in leu time tnaa tootc Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip-' tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of; charge. Uur lee not aue mi patent n tecurtu. , A Pamphlet " How to Obtain Patent," with coat of aame in the V. S. and foreign countries sent tree. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. Op, patent Ornct. Washington, D. C You Don't Expect Goods for Nothing! B TJT XOU DO WANT LOW PRICES groceries and supplies ; you want sub stantial gents' furnishings. Yon oan find what you want at T. R. Howard's. . . MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED I Main Street. Heppner. Oregon. i? Wbat is Hop Gold? Best beer on sarth. See el. elsewhere. School Items. Tbe question for debate last Fridy was "Resolved that tbe Barbarian is more happy than the oivilized raoe." Miss Hastings has resumed her posi in the sohool. having been absent for tbe past week on aocount of ill bealtb. It is our earnest desire that the rooks will be cleared off the grounds in froot of tbe eobool bnildiog, snd that tbe grounds will also bs fenoed, wbioh would improve the appearanoe of tbe surroundings great deal. The monthly examinations will take plaoe oo Tbursdsy aod Fridsy of tbis week. We are very much pleased witb the work wblcb has been done tbe paat two months. Duo. HEPPNER RACKET STORE THE BUY FEW CHEAPEST PLACE IN MORROW COUNTY TO NOTIONS AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. Andrew Allen, of Portland; W. U. Humphrey, of Salem, aod Geo, C Round, of Walla Walla, were among tbe arrivals on this morning's train. Jsmrs C. Keitbly, of Uardmao, was in town yesterday and made final proof btfore County Clerk Morrow on bis timber oultore claim. Pit IOES QUOTE D B E L.O W. 1 paper full oouut pios 2 oents. 1 paper gool needles 2 oeuts. I spool linen thread. ...3 cents. 1 oard hooks aod eyes 1 cent. 1 ball knitting cotton. . .3 cents. 1 gents tape border bkf 6 oants. 1 Misses oolored bonier hanilkerohiet 2 cents. OTHER GOODS SUCH AS HOSIERY. TOWELS, HANDKERCHIEFS, $c, AT LOWEST PRICES. OUR 5 AND 10 CENT COUNTER IS ALWAYS FULL OF BARGAINS. CROCKER Y AND GLASSWARE IN ABUNDANCE. A FULL STOCK OF GROCERIES AT PRICES AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. HO TKOl'BLK TO HIIOW OOOW) E WANT VOt'R TRADE. J. V . VUGrI-1-A.N. THE ART OF BREWING. Was Perfected by the Production of.... HLOI? GrOM3 And now the entire world Knows this verect product As the Star Brewery beer..... i . I." V solicit If. L. Ust- 2a Call TOtf A Burns woman, says the Canjon City News, cured ber busband of staying out late at night by going to tbe door when be oame borne and wbtsperiog through tbe keyhole, "Is that you, Willis?" Her husband's name is Jobn aod he stays at borne every night now, aod sleeps witb ooe eye open aod revolver under bis pillow. Tbe Taooma Mews quotes from an Eastern paper the followiiK oolioe: -Married: At Fliotstoos, br tbe lUv Wiodstone, Mr. Nebemiab Waiteetooe and Miss Wilbelminab Haodstooe, both of Limestooe" aod remarks "There will be other pebbles on the baoh." Mrs. Otis Patterson end daughter, Mies Z'e. retorne I Ibis morning from a two weeks' visit to Portland, Bakrr City aod Walla Walla. Mr. Pttreon, wbo waa detained oo eeoonot of some busi ness mattsre. Is expected to return to morrow. Joseph LCbsplle end Faonie Pup- pin, wbo were arraign! et PeodUtoa recently for violating tbe aevantb com- rnendoietit, eacb entered a plea of gailiy in tbe circuit court at that piece yester day, but tbe sentence wsS eltbheld QOtil today. A young mea im Hi. Psnl, says .o et change, wee fioed fl'i "for kUefoe girl in the fare of ber proteat." rWryed Ma right. D should t.vs Uel ber to tbe good old way aod ibe woald eot bave made ttf omplaioi. LL J. Htrk kfedoa, foremea of tbe Oal tlte office, reoeived the sad Intellieeeee this morning that hie ettr, Mrs. Mary Tuolni, died of typhoid few et br home io tVieiaville, Ky., the 19 b. tnat. A Plit leJH ble use estl Mait..e ie the father of sii yoaeg chilJree ee l be aleays epee of tbe.a ee tbe "hit Dailne Kite." E. B. Thompson, A. J. I'elffer, Oeo. A. Bbepperd, Met Mosgrove, Loyd Coobreo and i. S. Short were arrivals on tbis morning's train. Billr Gordon baa moved bis feed stable to Jones' old stsod bre be will enntlnne to serve bis '.msoy friends aod patrons. acklee'i Tbe Beet Halve I Broieee, Horee, Paver Horee. Tr Chilblains, Gorm. tiuna, end pneit nit rsanirscL iMirlixit salisfsoUoe or money Muedd. Price 25 rente par boi. For eele by I Cooser A Brook. lsk Oal rer Mtalse at Mrs. L. J. Fates' Mlllioery store. Sm sloek of nole Hal arrived from the East ; oomprMtof lUt etytec "cow. boy" bete, trlsmsd sailors, tame, etc blob, will be eld et Baiw prion. Ovate and sm. 1 Te t'ere rMtleall Parevtr. Take Cee"arele Ceedy CalLsrt.fl. 1M or afta. If C. C. C fall to coie, dfeigiete rfnoJ otoeey. M The OaiMte d et e,etli the boRMtv of any pereee. bet II le STrtAr-Tif-JM. fort9tiRES5lVE wW On draught at all popular saloons STAR BREWERY C0A1PANY, 203 Washington St., Portland, Or. BIG CROPS BIG PRICES GOOD HIRES GULLY. Toor wife bas stood by yon faithfully in your adversity. Mow, let ber share In yonr prosperity by buying ber a new sewing maobine from j I t !i .."i-iM'" :. V Oa Ti?iiOMi?sosr 00., New stook Just received. Prices from 126 to $50. Call aod Inspect tbeir lines. BISHOP SCOTT ACADEMY. ycvvrrxiD, 1070 A Boarding and Cay School for Boyt under Military Diidfilmi. Tm W r It ..al lit fry. M. I" fl.. .(94 -a iiIi) .-i.mi-,I "Dat Co'n Juice" Is Found at THE Welcome Oo Mala Street, In City Hotel Building. Tho Best of Everything Always on Top Courteous ireetmeal to alL Nloe club rooms. LOW T1 lVTvA KI Prop, r rank ftoaens J. I. ROBERTS plld to lesiet epfa tbe esa-.e edveeee plaa of eotjaeripUoe, wbetb tbe enb soriUr be Creelim VeedtUI or the ao wbe eeree bis tr l by toeet ML We cannot ru the paper oa eey at her lae. " lt.v frx.B aba ltrM RrttMb CwlemUe sbeald write l W. II llarlbart, general paeerefet i4 the O. It JM Pf Iea lit tle "book let." "Tee !w tt"eeeslead.a It is wll worth e tmabU. a-W. We prtet "HtPe Aerweel file" sutemeate, Willi ywir a ease ae4baieee IrfaoO. Cell el r ffW. I I 1 l I r r 1 1 mt.A mmi t'.i. r 0 .4 IT tiS. rlH.4 iintta.ii.ai Irwa4 .1. ,MltHt4 tfclH1, t Mln,MJ (i.l..i.a Ur a, - U aaal"4 mJ M"mII )Httt w-.m Uil... f.. ii II mum 4 iit ,a. mn.m t-..,..,i i m. nii4 ii,t-iia4. I o ).... 11 at is . n i i i hi i . .' i -iSi-nirti Tin-f'ttTrfT n ""''" ' . I 1 a i r" T" c-1 t v.i .ni ..r-- r.i. i '" 1 Uj 1 - ".r i ii fcn S s i am M M I aw Do You Want a Ritf ? Don't You Want a Place Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Sacldl I Iorsc ? to Main Hlreet All lb cQ U J frjcareJ at Hmnf.a"0 l!iite, Uiwer lleti'fier, Orrgfio. . .n W4 .Ilk W.t .-l llll. s1 Wll. f.Ml.H SM t t e-4 Urn ! ! la.M. aw. THOM PKON ' HINNS, Rogers & Roberts, Conlracton Mil BuilJera. nans and Estimates Given on Snort (iotloe. All Kinds of Repair Work Done OFFICE HOURS-Da? and Night Leave your orders "Any Old. Iticc" and Ro. or Jim will cct 'em. o o o o o o P00TS AND SHOES'.. D THC eLACC TO OIT THCM It AT IVI. 11011X151X11 l( hrvrllj.ii (n UtU llithail ym mt fim tmn 4&4 eft It yu1 7 SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLE5 Oia- i4. Mala Street PUealrlea a teeeleliy Tho GAZETTE, $2.50 A Year for CASH,