Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 26, 1897, Image 2

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    far f y
' 5? AT Vb
There was no surprise at the
publication of the tender of Justice
Field's resignation from the U. S
supreme court, and of President
McKinlej's acceptance thereof, to
take effect Dec. 1, 1897. The fact
is generally known that Justice
Field would have retired during
the last administration he has
been eligible for retirement under
the age limit nearly eleven years
but for his disinclination to give
Mr. Cleveland an opportunity to
appoint his successor, and he an
nounced last year to his friends
his intention to retire early in the
present administration. His health
is quite feeble at this time. There
seems to be little doubt that At
torney General McEenna will be
named for the vacancy as soon as
congress meets.
what manner he can best help
Gen. Tracy and the regular repub
lican ticket, and he will have that
support in whatever he may do in
the campaign. President McKin
ley does not intend to write a per
sonal letter for use in New York,
any more than one for use in Ohio,
not because of any lack of sym
pathy with the republicans en
gaged in the campaign iu both
places, but .because he doesu't
think that the president of the
United States should personally
engage in a political ctunpaigD,
but he is going to Ohio to cast his
vote for the republican ticket, and
it is no secret that he will think
more of every republican voter m
any state who follows his example.
There is nothing surprising in all
this; it would have been surprising
to those who knew the man, had
President McKinley indicated any
intention of acting otherwise.
Cure Catarrh.
Nothing but commendation has
been heard -of President McKin
ley's selection of lion. John A.
Kasson, of Iowa, to be a special
commissoner of the U. S., with
plenary powers to negotiate reci
procity treaties with other govern
Those who started that story
about President McKinley intend
ing to stop the sale of the Union
Pacific railroad overlooked the
fact that the sale was ordered by
a decree of the circuit court. The
only thing that could have stopped
the sale would have been an ap
peal to the U. S. supreme court,
and that the government decided
some time ago not to take.
Every sufferer from Catarrh should
know that it is impossible to cure the
disease with sprays, ivashes, inhala
tions, etc., which are universally used.
In fact, the experience of growing
worse all the while is proof that the
treatment is all wrong. Many
who have been under treatment for
years and met with disappointment in
stead of benefit are willing to doubt
that there is any cure for Catarrh.
The trouble is that all of the treat
ment tbey have received has been mis
directed, and has not touched their
trouble. Catarrh is a stubborn deep
seated blood disease, and everybody
should know that to simply treat the
surface, .that is, the local irritation,
does not reach the disease. A blood
remedy is needed, but it must be a good
one; remedy which goes down to the
very bottom of the trouble and forces it
out. S.S.S. (Swift's Specific) is the only
one which can nave the slightest, em.
upon Catarrh, for it is the only one which
goes to the seat of the disease, and per
manently gets rid of it. This is the only
reasonable way to treat tjatarrn.
riad You Thouciht
2l-J 9
of It?
If you have not, we desire to call your attention
to a few oi the extensive lines of merchandise
carried by
i r I I i f l I I ill
The appointment of B. W. Johnson to
the Corvallis post office, very plHin.lv in
dicates that fix-Senator Jobu II. Milol'.
ell is somewhat of a nominating force
yet; and it would also indioate that he
has an influential ally or two on the
delegation. Tbe Gozotte, (if which Mr
Johnson is editor, has been a jealous ad
vocate of Mitohell and seems to liftve
played a winning game in its "flirta
tione,' policy od the money quotum.
Stranger things than this have hup
pened. Eugene Register.
;; .....Trade Leaders of Heppner....'.
They have greatly enlarged their capacity for
doing business, and 'don't forget that they are
rustling for it.
Bii A'-zr ea as wn sa jasyr. s
" Price cuts no ice" with us. We will meet all legitimate competi
tion and are doing it every day..
We carry a full stock in these goods, made from Oregon wool by
the Eagle Mills, of Brownsville. The prices range from $1.00 up.
We also have a splendid line of quilts of several grades and can
outfit you veay cheaply.
Have just received a large line the past week in sizes 10x14 and
10x16. These goods are of heavy Duck. Prices, very low.
Ladies' and Gents' Underwear
In the above lines our stock is very complete in both heavy and
light grade woolens. Come in and see our full line of fleece lined
goods at $1.50 per suit. Just the thing for winter wear.
The Oregon Oity Enterprise
staaoob, solid, repubhoan pat-er, for by relnedieg wuich oniy reached the
ments, in accordance with the pro- Ler of Clackamas conuty, and it is and the results were gratifying, for
v.monsor the Dmgley tariff act only one of many ...oh in the state which r
iuii iinoouu oui ten iu iuuicsb lui I " -------- ...w... ...w ing lo iukc iuc rcmcuji iuc uincasc was
many yoars, where, as a member faoU ',aUa ,fora ,ime ,0 tilue io the "-ced out of my system, and a com-
J 9 ' -w4jfcw I rri.- 17. l : rilotm n nd rtfrinniifii nii'P wart t MP
ii I I xriuuue. j uo cuiirrurinw hhvv r-. , , - -
of the house ways and means com- ,.T. a , t. ,,.,, result, i advise .1 who have this
,'l l, ...l ki, " r dreadlul disease to abandon their local
""" " aiuuou iuuio ci- party backed np by the Ore(j..uian, that treatment, which has never done them
pericnce, ant his diplomatic Career is bent on rule or ruin, as was demon any good, and take S.S.S. (Swift's Spe-
I I . v i . i . I. i
has been brilliant and enviable. the, made an allinnoe with eu 't "
lie wa firat miniHtpr kn Ari.tr.i;. 169 P0Pn'18t W"1 holJ np the To r()11tinue wrone treatment for
.. . . n : uregoo ie(iitiiiire, ana ibis uhbk saw Catarrh is to continue to suffer, bw tit's
then rniniBtor to Germany and in Mr, QeHr , CU(lDCe to advglice tlleir Specific uever faita .. to ure evon
mitsi v. .o. uuiuujiBMiouer o lue 1 1, .... , ..; ...... :.... ti . the iiiont aj't'ravatea cast s. it is a
ltirlin tAtifavaima tliistti n nnA.l I ... . . ....
v.u.., "U.vu ...0uBUu repuunoao party, aud lie was iiiouam- Rhplltnati(im( ContaKion Blood 1'oiron,
l lie present government OI oamoa. less enoniib tu fall tuto tneir trap. I'czcma, Cancer, b -rofula, and til other
Tbo Country muv rout n.Rnnrpl tlmt Wbon this umiis bad an opporlanily to blood diseases, b. b. . u Kuurauttod
Mr. Kasson will sea that its inter- Mr. (leer, they fl,tly dcalined aud f rci'c?P
. i i i tnrned him dowo with as little com- JL ULly V ;.vtGyi.t'
esls are properly taken care of in .
i . . pnncti in as they woold the mot insiB- p , ...nUe.i fo ... ,i i,c ilV
anv rocinrocltv (rAafv I. a nnnn. , ... . . r.oo.i mniiei lue to n n ,i . .ium ny
. b imuoMi man in me pany. n la um I p.wift bpccific Cotnjnn, Ali'iiitii, Cia
uau'B. ixeizoiiauona wiui trance sine the st slate e eo m that Mr
have bpAn unilor unv anma timn Ueer was tamed down, three times iu I
" "J uuuaw liuiv. I . n . , . , . ..nrvwv
..I il .1 !. ii . llrniminn h fi.rn..r I. nr !,.. m , BASHCUL tUJ UUKUtllt.
buu luui country is, imeiy 10 liave , , . ' , ."7 .
.!, 1 r.m . . ., applifd for the Sllpfriuteadeucy of the One Tlm Wh.n llio IlimiorUt Vu
iiiu uuuui in iuo niBv reciurociiv . . ... . ......
, . . i peniieuiiarj nu ine niieriuieuiivnry oi . .'t . m,
treaty UUiler the Dingley law. the reform school and the clerk ot the I hoard a ..d and nit i. thcr now
Auatralin and Oormanv liavn rrivnn Ut.U Un.l Im.r.l n.ilh.p n. f ti.. Mory of !:..! Itnrd.-ttc and the Into
.. ,i . . .. . ,.i i ... . . . ...,, Tlniiiias A. Ib'inli ii'l.s. h;:v n writer in
nonce oi inoir inienuous to open "" w"k iunu i .o". t,io ,-iltls.lh ( ii v i ,
... a II.... .....a . .t
nOPotllltinnn f.ir m lur trnnltr "uw ,ur" urrni
" i' k.ii i.;. . .1. m
liiK $:I.(MH) per year,
8ENATOU GOIIMIN'U latost bluff. "Mr.Uwr will one.. llioee .lays flu.l
1 a, I - I . I . w . I .
CC T XN lr-- 4
Mr. B. P. McAllister, of Ilarrodsburg,
Kv.. had Catarrh for years. lie writes:
iiiWfteSj Overshoes, Felts and Rubbers
inhaling remedies in fact, I could feel
that each winter I waa worse than the
year previous.
"X'inaiiy u was urougui io my uuute
that Catarrh was a blood disease, and
after thinking over the matter, I Baw it
was unreasonable to expect to be cured
friends are." l'ort land Tiil uiie.
iiiiis. vcntl yt-ars
ago, whilo tin' lamcnti d lnili.inian was
tourinir this wi-st, iiiiUlti! was the
funny limn of tlm HurliiiKton llinvkoyc
In that cuparity !' wrote n (Moil many
ftutlricul vtm-h (Mii.'. iniii:; Mr. lira
ilrii'ka. lhi' day Hurdi'tl w:ih at a
ruilroud Imti'l lit luwu fity when the
proprietor railed him.
"Seo here, llnti, k.ii.1 the r.onif.irp,
"there's ii in. tu ill tlio ili;iin' nKiin
Id atroo to $t1 l"ee'J'"l and coneidernbl whom you're Jm.t dyiiirf t meet, t ome
i i i i iolluenoe with the adminiiitratloa in
d.topfighU ,lBtefwlninilwuo.UMl,,U6 ,,.,, l0 "Who N it?" u,Ued the humomt,
The biggest line in town. Now is the time to buy these goods
and be prepared when the bad weather sets in. We are sure to
please you.
The above are but a fe.v of the lines cirried by this house. Come in when you visit Heppner and get our
prices. We will treat you right.
o5 OCD)
Eli-st ISTrvtioiinl 2EStiilc JSullcllne.
Notice of Intention.
Oetotier, H, 1X'.I7,
(iiHnliiK-i'Hjul nettler luil tlliil unties
if in iiileiiHim to in h k c II tin I iirnnf In niipiiort
ef lil cliilfui nnii tlmt mild proof will tiu nmile
lii'iore J. W. Morrow, (Joiinty (. lerK. at Heppner,
(m tron, on Friilny, No.veml)er I'.i, Ih'.i", vl.:
JOHN E. I'ETKiMON, of (ioimetierry, Oregon,
Ilium nVfel No. for tliu Sli'i of .See "1 Tp 2 S
H '1 K W M.
He mi '.ilea the foliowlnn wltnoBUPS to prove
tliu eontiiiiioim riihtenee HI on ami I'liltlvaliou
ot milil liiiui, vi.: Kriink A. I.uii'lrll, Charlea J.
AihIithoii, Jolin Jnluimiii hiiu AiiK'unt lurmoii,
nil of llooselierry, llrenwn.
JA, 1'. jiuiii.r.,
H7-1W Hi'ninti-r.
Sale Of
and 30C8e3GBa
tlrllil.IT X, 1 I7.
1 fulliitt inn iinine.1 m iller linn llleil nolli e
of 111 Intention tii.iiiHk tinnl proof In mipport
of lil e nl'ii, inl tliut mM iroof will lie minle
lii fo e J. W. Morrow, Comity Clerk, Ht Heppner,
i iri ifon. on r rllny, November p.i, mi7, viz ;
I'll A KI.Krf 3. ANlKU!i).N, of (ioon lierry. Ore.,
II ini.'.'i..t No. .17 II for the N of Hue. :il Tp 2
h K 1 K W M.
He nn mi a Ilin fotlowtnif wllneimi'ii to prove
din i'oiiiliiuon reai'li'iieu upon Btul eulth ullon
of 1,1 liiu. I. vi.: Ith nil A. I.ninli'il, John K.
I'el. t .hi, I mil l.niioell mill Ainlruw M. I'eter
hill, ill! ot l md In try, Oreiion.
J.s. K. iiii:k,
" '."( ICiu Inter.
Nntiep'h Tieidiy Riven that the urnlemlRncil
nnsiL'iiee of the eslnte of Cox Bros., Insolvent
tli Morn, M ill on Sntnnhiy the liilh ilny of Oc
tober, 18117. at tins Court Hotme iloor in Hepp
ni'r, Oregon, nt the hour of 2 o'clock, p. m,, on
milil "lay, Hell to the hlp;het blililer for cbbIi
lit hii tnl, till t lie notrK anil accounts of mild in
folvent entitle, rcimi 1 1 1 1 n if nnpalil on Bitiil (late.
The approxttniite Inco vnltit! of miiit notes and
nccotttilH Ih $ I, Jim t), and a till Inspection of
sii'ite can I n Inul nt tlie ollico of Kiln iV l'helps
at any time before snhl sale.
W. P. Kfu,,
Aculi'tiee of Cox llros., Insolvent Debtors.
711- M.
In it for
Notice of Intention.
I.ami mm k at I.AiiiuNiir, titp io(,
-vet. -n, lvi7.
1 1 foilowniK iiiiim-l MliUr tins lili-il iiutli e ot
Inn Inl. tillon I imilie liinil proof In support of
hlm Uiin. and thul tiild priHif will be innile be
l.ne County Uitk, Morrow inttiity, ureicon,
at lU'pliiicr.'dri Koii nn Oi t. .'Hh, ln'7, Vl:
( uMMOlulliE V. HtiWMAM.
Mil. V No. i.l .i, lor the NiV, Kee. .i Tp 1 N It
K M.
Hetmne sth follow Ins; wltnr.sei to prove
lit. i iiiilliiiious rciiletie"' uiioti slid eii!il nlion
ol.nl.l Inn. I, vt: W. M. nllsoii, A J. i:ni,
M iliuil Mi l arty, nil of r'cho, Urci;on, an. I M.
. i t.rilnall, of loUin y, OriK Ui.
' H. K. Wll.ui!.
...I lu'Kiiiter.
I.I I I II4H V Mitin
"I Inl. I.tit I
"l t tin'
ninll atr,i!iiiN '
An.l Mi- II ti
citt the w ! .! i.
nnotln-r ,uul i,
h tor.
t M .11 nll'l l'
" (fllt ill th
It r,.n I. If til.
I'lii' j: i.l
.t .1 -
(late for reelection and to give up
tbe loatlcmuip of tlio Maryland Horn pim.( r uuder th lmpr-iioo
democrats, if tbo rmMiHhcr of the h'11 i-Hmmtur Cirbett will Uveaiuob
llultiinoro Bun would
take the Icadcrtihip ami
ine tb (lornian nihchiuou in nnl. v .i.a .i him'i'intr -u U
. Viriiu, i vw i. urn o iii nm crai nun. .... livtl rl .1,1 " i.l lb.
ii,.i,..nni ii. .t .t r : i ... i .. .. ... .. ....
...Ur,iii.iui ia u unm I ui u Ihll.lU I lli.O. sir, utirm-H Will Del Uo.11,1 D h(,.t ,.,, ,,. .v.t:, tU .t :,u.l. tte vmu
nothing but amuemeut for the l. lirJ, bnJ rrnptHtrulljr io tijr i'rcaiJeut Imatleil li.tn the euttn x room.
Jiuhlicati. (1 or 111 a u kuows that ' n"1 M "Mr. II-mlrii Us Mr. lUml. tte," mih!
II. ... l I I I ! I i , I vllllfu DlnlPI BFuntOr iroill Urfon, Wnl inf pniju i. tor, imm. ii .,ni ,i ii.iiniMiiiie.
tbe next Maryland IcginUturo U .1.- r,. u Lmiuir .,,, .-..... iro,at.,i,ie.ut.,i. ex-
almotit bound to be republican. L.iw 1. n.. h..,.i. ..1 . , I temiin i,u itot..i t. the m..u (mm liur
ntnl lin in nntiona rt nnU.I l.-l u ,.n. ... i ..!..-. . lilK'ton, M.i.l:
.v, uu,n1 uiiuiiiiiuirii7, suii nn niaiej in null .. . , .,. , ... i.,.-,!....,, l-il-"
"t 'I. m . I.... ... . I
rcnxuiiiiiiiiy iur ucleal on mnie. i'onn tnoagti 10 mro u.n r-Mntr 1 ..y V( Hi- ,,.,, ,.,! llu, ,v (oi;iuiii
IxKly, aud lie preferred Mr. AIm I, MounJl.ir ninn wlio may nut le rmmoriKt
..1 11,. ii. 1 i, . . 1 ' MBnktr. Noo Def.l fear ny t tlirr rn- 'Vuu'iv the m ni h 1.1 I
vl the huo, ho ha. for year, boon n lmo ,U h- oufi m,,0l,7M1.lli, , Ia , , , ,, , ,,,.
ii. uiunv lu.iupnuai rnrwy mmae ibOr.oB iMrii..n ill ! il ..tic
tbe (lotnocratio party, to antlKkly M ioiiti tr ! t-rml lrnt - r rli.llrlun
ln. Mr. Abel Laa Ihm'd filttiu ltputlloo.
Uormaniani too long to be caught
by iuch a tlirme; he knowe aa
wi ll aa (lornian (Ua that ihirno. Tfc' ' innwr.
... I TI.. .- Tl.. L . i ..
rr.l m 1 1. a.l U ..M ll. ,.: " "inorr antut. l ..,,;l.i is ,:i rt.i :n
.n..i.....n.wn.. V.ltm II. I.l. .., ... . . .1.
I iii- 1 I iwihi 10 iuia aounirf ln limnlrril in-en iim-. i, .1 ,1, ,1 1 i 1 im
..... a,.ur. .... lln,K-r 10 el." M4Mtolf.o. ira Wimooih. "I ... , r .. 1 1 1 . I . " 1 W.
in the credit for lirtocinir ilmul Umi th i..id.. ...... i.i it- : ... .1 m w
I,. 1 .i..f...i 11.1. . . : . I ..... i . 1 . . .. . Ihn. 'l'i i
mi" iieieai, iuis jrsi, Jim mm 11 i""i iwi.'n.roij mri, .i.iir ,. .
! . . ... ... I Ml.. I.. I. II.. I ...k I . . ... WO.lUI
uia in ine carrying oi me atate lor ' - ."r ... u.t. ui l!. i
i..i. ...,, ... ,hd HWHIM ,w ,h, N,,,, ,. f Th u.alll..rrt'Ur.lr-n..I..IA.lr.-.J.r.
will! touch poiuical aliretrilucaa, Illra' ll..m Journal. Hrrn In liatu I .. Im-I. t'nt illiam llcnrv Hint-on
I'Ul llA Will llKVe to pt Up a cltor " ! t l-Krttirr ti tb vPnUitti rti al ter, . Ik Ii in I nt
nrliAtuft ir man mill ll.i. k ll .l l. UIiIm it in Hi iaii,t. m.J rri ii.J lb. I.i Tiiluf.r, Il la ' e rt)" nl' ro'n
' I ... 1 . . . . . I. . . '
I.. . I . ,. ., I. 1 I i f.-i miirr, iiwiiagM, run BIMiWilnr. ilii. 11.
Dili, in.l, ra k en, rmil ami i.lt.rf ilill. .
r". I i 1 ..1 1. ...... ii r m
- . 1 rm mm 1u.11, wmm iiiib i,i.i.iriA ,'ri; lie i iiii' I iiiiiii'i! .. ........ . ... .......
M II t 11 1 .Al-ii Ii. r lil llf ti"'' n.n .on.,- ...
illunnr Ihnt Ikn flr.t n..l.. ... ....1 I i k., ,,,,M. .. n. ,. i.i"i m.'l r- it ''"
Tu . i. I'....! I. ..I l.l.'t. I. J.. . in. n i I'.mr ii'iMiitin IH ui.l l'"l to Jn.t. Voni. Wi--i.iV
..... ......vu. Mmiuiri io iu I llinlilualmti.iotdttl.nnrli. In (lu i.r- .M.LM.A I It!,, I ,. I ,,l I i, .,, i.'Ih..ih.iimi. il, ,......( i..,e
fsfnr fif lUa Trti ...... I l II,. ISI... l.,l.... ,.,,, ..! I ira II, ra.n.mi. l-nh ol t,.il..r.
: i ........ nil vit ti i' i: ii '!. .
1.. ....,!.! ... .... IM. I. f .. . I .."'.ii .i. r. MKt
I . eiii an i aui.niaiv im uiajur I I t ,,i ke.t.trr
. il nnm mi I A sn s a.n Kmi.in I is in I .n, i,.'i ..itne " n.
I liialrlet of Morrow County, State ot Oregon,
D. 1. (iiltneii, i'lnlutilt,
R. W. Heiinlen. I'efeinbiut.
To K V Hcarilen. Hefemlatit.
I n tbe iinine of tin! Htiite ot OreKoit, you arc
ncreiiy rcimlreil In appear neioro I tie tiinler'
stuiieil. a ln.ilee of the pi'iice for the District.
at'ori-Miiid, on the 17th day of Nove.nl.er, lH'.'T, at
Itt o i'Iih k , a. n.., at 11. i" otTlce ol said Justice, Hi
.nlil ilii-trh t, to niiKwer tl.u above iiiuned plain
till to a civil action. The defendant will take
notice II. nt if be full to answer th complaint
herein the ptultttlit' will take Jiulirinent auiilnst
hint or'tK iCind Ihe costs and disbursements
ol a, id ai'tloti.
i bi hi. unions Is served upon yon In pursu
ance of nn order Made and entered in saiil court
on tbe itli day of Octolicr, lh.'T.
W. A. I(n H vKiimin, Justice o( the Peace,
ii Ii Ida. Morron Co., Kluteof lircKoti.
1 1. 1, h pr '
. in, 'I ii,
it'l. r, re.
,. Ii .if i. i
I. l t i ro-
l.-,-, lie, I
, -. life.,
i ll of t.ll
lb .1 I, ...I
. I
(7 7t77().V.
I n tii.'k-iii.. lor the County ol Vorronr,
In the ., miter el tbt estate ol K. ti l rrjr, dc
, ... .I
To Jb.iu- M fttr. adinliil.trator uf the
atwop nsilH-t cslate cfc-liOK'
lii tin" tin. in- id Ihe Mute ol nrck'on
. in an- b.'i riled and rv.iitr-d In
I 'tli-iir HI III- I iiiiiiiv . nun im . or .mi. .-I . 'il
ia ii. . lor lli I on ili id Morron. al I lie court
j i .iin ilwr.of al lli'iipin-r. In the Coimiv uf
. v, ttiis.im lu.s li.y the p ill iiay oi .n cim-cr
il".-: it I'lHi-iik In tbe loreuooi. ot llott d'V
I!'.-., ai.d tlo-re to how caosc. if any lli.'te be.
w hi ion .ti'iiil-1 i-nl rc.iioird as i'.i 11 a lu.lii'
i.ii ,',.i ami loot Ii-tu-r r-ii'lu-l.
ill., .., llu- lion, A i. Ilarlbolomi', Jndie
of ttit ii'lli.l l ioitt .'( Hie "lat.'ol Kli . O r
lb,, ion tv M,,ri-.w. i (Ih ttia seal ol an!.!
... .it attit.'.l, tb lllli ly ut IVlolier. A. I.
' ah. .1 J. W. Mii;liW.
I Icrk.
Notice of Intention.
Bl'pt. JU, IM".
. toll. m Inn uaiiicd settler lias filed notice
of his Int. i.iliiii to ii, nice tii.n! proof tu support
of ho. i Inl ii and thai snld proof will la! made
b.toieJ. . Morrow, county cturit, at iiepuner,
orckott, on fur. 1 itli, l-.ii, vi.:
ltd. K. No. .i .1 for Ihe S', NK1 KK SY. See.
nml !W , N W , See )U. 1 p. ... 8 K 1!. K W M.
Ho naiiics Hie Inllowlni: witnesses to prove
Ills coiilii.no. la realile.ice iinin and riiltlvatlon
ol .iii.l land, vi: Hcnjunlti I'nin-r, rrank
War I, U. iiIh'U All. Il, AlU rt II. AI.eii, oil ol
Hiinliiii.il, uri'Xi'li.
hi '3 livglster.
Groceries, Dry Goods, Ladies', Gents' and
Children's Furnishing Goods, Boots
and Shoes, Hats, Caps,
ft Notions, Etc.,
ft At prices as low as they can be sold in
lllld lllcllKCL.
D. A- Herren Building, HEPPNER, OREGON.
Notici' ot Intention.
V 11 HHI. r. K 1 HK I' VI t V ol.K'K'S.
hit t!,t follow tii liaoo-il ttli f lis IHcl ti. il
,( I n i 1. 1, on I., m.ke rtisl priH-l In s .pi-irt
.1 I I. . I .1 n. and H al .al l pl'.l Will li.ade
,,. J M...r.. . oiinty I lt.at II, ner,
i ,.i, oil is ..i.-r , I"'.. l
M AKV I'IjmiM,
I1 1 ? 1,1. lot l:,o W V !. e. Ji, T IKK
I id tircifoit. for Morrow County.
Iu ttn itiitttcr i f tliii eit.li sitil guardianship
of VMiiiiliri. r illlbim. An her M. Ullllain and
1 ctcr k itrt"ii., minors
It sp'H'Mr! ia to tha court front tba aflldavll
and mi Iti.iii of Intde ..til'.ttni. K'lar.llaii of Ibe
alio e tmir.cd titliiors. Ibal It la neecssarv. and
.h:i. .... I. , li. -I i nl to s-l'l tiil'iora. an l ih. lr
.ttile and all pet-,nis Inter, stcd tticr'-li., to sell
In in- 1 1 . i r pruitdcd ly law tba follow Ins:
d,. i til ed r.-n I rs.ale. and all lulercst of said
iiil.iira ! rHn, town Ibe rumt lialf ol C.e
north .-'..I uioirb r, and tbe ea.t half of the
B4,itb i-m.i uunri.-r ol sc. t ton It. township I.
anulh of fa' ue '.' i ea.t A . M. It la thcrelore
l.itv'-v otd.-r.-. that tbe He'll ol kin nf aabl
tin. mis a'id ail H-r,,tis tulere.l.'.l In satd estate,
at (cur U't.ir.. this i oorl . ti,a Coiiulv Courl
too.. i In II, . .pi.. r. Morrow coif.ilv, .r.-ioii. on
MoinlRY Itii. l.t day of No. .-.iiU.'f, nl Hie
boor .-l ti. o link a in. ai.'l Ihen and then.
boi. laosi. If am ehl.t, WtiV n lli-Cps. should
ii"! t.' a.at f.-d for Ihe sale of the atm. do-
x r'tn l t, ... t Is I'.I In r or.,T,-l thaln
.--i- of t it. or,t, r u- piibli.ti, . in... rs.'h yrc.-fc
lor t-i'.r . '..ua w.-, ks Iw-iori. aa'd dny ai
illit,'d. In I:.. II, pi.r I.. o-fte. a iiewpar
ol if.'!i,.fwt i tf, i,::(.,!t, m,d iiiibllsbcl ttl
II. p I-'i f. v,,-c-"i!itv, f r- .','t.
A I. UMil HillJ.Ml
' ' I'l.i.i.'.y Ju't;.!.
tttn flral in.lnllii.nt.l ..f l blln 4. l)fi.n M'tiana. if t'a'a lla.m i . I. ,n. ,
4'a . t i f a i i n
of New York oil jr. in not known to
nil 1 1.. ..,..1 I .. U ... 1.. .
, i i i i I KfiHlotofmeno of Met nn,! Krei.U . f ltnt l m i t 'i ...
eorrwukni.ui l)a Im tola tour tu.n.i . Thw t..i. iau. n.u ni i; .u.
ro l.ro tlmt tlfU tl.O runA. BoI lulvmnltpf miin. hfhl Int.. i,i ii '
Hftorctftry UliM lnv Ih upjHil of
rrrniilpct MrKii.lcy Lr-o i nt
Ih ftt lrng InttiT rttiWiiog (len.
Troy tn l nuking erery rppttl.lifu
l ott far Lira. Im !. Ida nun.
v.r of th rMi.ir. in n.ln l t.i b.. nn.. I... ... V., Im. ' '
Notica vf Intention.
flnl.fl nn Ihn .., ,.1 i..,f.....i.i... ..ill
- . . ti
IJOrulO nn.l hlnuloaj, rnlnlf f 'I'llpiK. I I ti k M
l nmarn nn,l limum (,.t lull ....I .... . I "' "
I I t-- e. f.
rni (lrvaloa, nn ut.il.r lnati(.lii,(
! ln onlblnc in (Icanl rcan liitu.
niinnr Io or k.,miils.Ust
l-k ,!
I. .. I
V -
l S. I ,n
.-.a I t ' a. "l.. I .... .. .I I
r. -. i . I al w,t i ' t
t i.i
i . r i
I, ... all,.. f.,
l ...... and alt K.
.1 '.I
NVw Y.
"oik f'if tt. liurtxin ttf ti!- "U"ntf!llroi Inn nrntl
l.l.rn . ..I .ii , .nftvl .ff.. rm
Wmtli Otll il ftiUlog ju UVtiZ
n.pl. i' I
af tii.
tt i . ..(.! iiv on a. m r
., ,.. . t ,, l., a .-, t .
..!...,'. , h'OI. t' '! " W 'I '' T
a, . . a- 1 . - I -i ". ,i..
. ... I ... fc- f I t !- I .ij. ii . I p!r" .
If. I...., in .a I ocfa . i"i-l 1 l.i.a I
I at. I..... it I.ia IH.t o
nrnr t itHiihY i.ivni itliT inr
m O: , . I til. I f'!!' I f. 't. . l
i,t. t-.t. ,,!,..,. ,, in..,- ii .mI .."( t-t :o ot el
I'.i i '. a-. I C.l .id pf l 1.1 l i. . i
I.,., I a , r-. i ...i'.' I 'ol. al H-tp'or.
in, ..ot, on S ... r i', !'. ti.
iKkMi A. I t M' I.U
111 r t ; -i ..f li.e rV.U ,r. A, Tp 3 R H
. I. a M
t- !! .- "- It e ft ..I... t'f . ,!,,... -t .f ...
t, I. , . .i I ,, i, . r. .' I. in , n( - i.t a ' I r . ' f l '-!
..i t t t l- J, 'In . . . t f .. .., a I.
I ., t. l,,.l-s ..(., and A f. w X.
I . . i . ad " f - -. uf .
J l, I al''b,
a m I. .-. f .
''Vilify OlflCMlp
COPtmcMT Ae.
ft lkrh M .loor.r-LH. mmt
H" '1 n ,-i' an titt'm t
I ",', ' 1 l 4 I'lumuiii. J i. ti r 4 1
i4 ftaeiM t f a, tt't lltaat'
11 r.
KMW.il.fa illn,...,. r(,-.,lWMW ,
. wiv - i.r.i.1 , .,,. a.
. w. ..i. ua it
iHAn VI i'.n t s.nl ftw 4.v
9l Vmnnwni, lk,
Eastern Oregon
State Normal School,
Weston, Oreflon.
LncnUd on tbt 0. R. k N. R.ilwnj
mlilwny bntwnnn IVmJIeloo nod
Wnlla Well. Ktoilfotn nJfnitted at
II timei of lb yr.
First-Class Training School for Teachers.
Voenl nnd Inalroamolnl Uaiio Itogbt
by eompot'nt loitracton. A f rtula.
In of Ibe Bontoa Ooonr?ntory b
chnrgn of tbo intlramroUl dfptrl-rofDl.
Tlio XnclIeM' Oonrtlliiir ITcill
It thnmngblj Kinirpnd tnd offnrt tt
etllttit ivooraiooiUiinnt tl rtttootblo
rnle. Heod fur etttlrftat.
Add.... M O. ROYAL. Prttldtnt of rooolty or f. A WORTHING.
u..n i' nvfonta, wttton, Or
a a... . .1,1,1.1,
k.a l,rv Mm A l rwaair
I. ,, I .Ml
BXoiTir Yorli. Tailor's.
Syitt, from $18 Uo. Ptrtu, from $3.60 Uo.