Portland Library OFFICIAL sV PAPER FIFTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCT. 26, 1897. NO. 591 SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE FtTBXJBHKO Tuesdays and Fridays BY THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. rTIC DiTTCOCftkl rj!. I n... i At M.50 per year. 11.25 for six months, 75 ots. or three moncns, strictly in advance. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. " THIS PAPER i kept on file at E.C. Dake's Advertising Agency, M and 65 Merohants Exohangs, San Franoisoo, California, where oou raota for advertising can be made for it. 0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 11 p. m. daily except Bnnday arriving at Heppner Junction 120 a. m. Leaves Heppner Junotion 3:40 a, m. and ar rives at Heppner 6:10 a. m: 1 Bpokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:45 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 8:15 p. m. and Umatilla 9:15 p. m. Portland Express No. J, from Spokane, arrives at Umatilla 5:05 a. m. and Heppn r Junotion 6:10 a. m. and ar ives at Portland 11:45 a. m. Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9 p. m. and ar rives at Heppner Junction 8:80 a. m. and at Umatilla 4:40 a. m. Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 12:40 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junotion 1:47 a, m. and at Portland 7 :GC a.m. For farther information inquire of J. C, Hart, I Ageni v. n a, neppner, Ore. OFTICIAIi BIEEOTOHY. United Btates Official. Ptesident William McKinley Vice-President Garret A. Hobart Secretary of Htate John Sherman Beoretary of Treasury Lyman J, (iasre Beoretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss Beoretary of War Russell . Alger Secretary of Navy John D. Long . Postinaster-Qeneral James A. Gary Attorney-General Joseph McKenna Beoretary f Agrioulture James Wilson State of Oregon- Wovernor W. P. Lord Secretary of State H. R. Kinoald Treasurer Phil. Metsohan Bupt. Public Instruction G. M. Irwin Attorney General C. M. Idleman H.t, J W. Moiiride Senators.. J T H mtKii (G. W. Mo U. H. Mi Singer Her W. ft. Ellis ....W. H. Congressmen J Dinger Hermann ( W. ft. Ellis Printer. w. a. ueetu ( R. 8. Bean, ttaDreme Judires F. A. Moore. I C. E. Wolverton Blith Jadleial District. Cironit Judge ....Stephen .Lowell Prosecuting Attorney H, J. Bean Borrow County Officials. Joint Benator - A, W. Gowan Representative. J. N. Brown County Jodge A. G. Bartholomew " Commissioners J. R. Howard J. W. Beckett. ... . " Clerk J. W. Morrow " Bheriff $. L. Matlock " Treasurer Frank Gilliam Assessor A. C. Petteys Boxveyor.. J. W. Horn or School Bup't Jay W. Bhipley ' Coroner v B. F. Vaoghan HIFPSBB TOWH OFFIOBRB. Mayor Thoe. Morgan Un'innllraen Geo. Conner, Frank Gilliam. Arthur Minor, E. J. Blooura, U. Uchtenthal and J. R, Simons. - , Kwurder W. A. Richardson Treasurer ws Briggs Marshal A. A. Roberts Precinct Officer. Justice of the Paso W. E. Hiohardson Constable. N. U.WheUtoo United State Land Officer. TBI DALLES, OB. I. F.Moor ..Register A. 8. Bigg Receiver UL OBABDB, OB. . B. F. Wilson Register J.H. Bobbins Reoeiver BXOItXT OOXIBTZSaB. UAWLIN8 POST, NO. IL G.A.B. Vaets at Lexington, Or., the last Saturday of -ech month. All veterans ar invited U Join. Q. W. Smith, m CO. KnotiA. Adjutant, tf Commander. Dr. P. B. McSwords, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Offlo in tbe City Drag Store, near City Hotel. tt D.J. McFaul, M. D. 1IEPPNER, OREGON. Offloe hoar, 8 to 10 e. m., uu 12 to 3 p. m., el reaideooe, Mr. II. Welch's property, aod 10 to 12, e. m , to 2 lo 6 p. m.,at offlo lo the rar of Borg's jewelry itore. Brown & Redfield, Attorneys at Law. Offlo In lb First National Bank Building. IIirrRM, : : Omooh. W. A. RICHARDSON, Justice of the Peace and City Recorder. orncc at COUNCIL CMaetetM Bell ami buy reel eatat. rente houses, rs tales. 4m ronveyeiK-lrig and will serve you In any way In hi llu.alrasonshl figure, if First National Bank OF HEITNER C. A. RHCA, PresleeM T. A. PlHCA, Vloa Prweleerit OCO. W. CONtCR, Caahler S. W. SPCNCCR. Aee't Cashier Trisarii l Ctoeril Biding Btiinta - on all n of tlx or i.i Bought and Sold. Collet-lion asad o all point ) re nnsbl Term. u rj.lt a4 nlvUed froSt, MI.OU0M. U IWk it I llppnr t 7n'elok, . Toly. Tbarriay. Bod (Utaideye; efHfM bI 4 e'lo!, p. m., MoadBy. WedasolByt aa4 Frx!). Will at aa coaatioa wltb brr.btfla hti 4r4. rr IX tech aat p poaai. J. H. ock, Two. Offl"e at Barry East? IF YOU ABE, DO NOT FORGET ImDortant FIRST Go via. St Paul be cause the lines to that point will afford you the very best service. SECOND See that the coupon beyond St. Paul reads via. the Wisconsin Central, because that line makes close connections with all the trans-continental lines en tering the Union Depot there, and its service is first-class in every particular. THIRD For information, call on your neighbor and friend the nearest ticket agent and ask for a ticket reading via. the Wisconsin central lines, or address Jas. C. Pond. or Geo. 8. Batty, General Agent, 216 Stark St., Portland Or. Gen. Pas. Agt., Milwaukee, Wis. H W, Fall, , PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO. ILL,, Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. & Q., C. M. & St. P., C. 4 A., P. Ft. W. & C, and the 0. St. L. & P. Railroads. MA. TEC a,oo PER DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts., CXEXC-aVO-O, ZXiXi. BT0C& BRANDS. While joa aeep yonr sabsoription paid np jrn eankeep joar brand in free of charge. Borg, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B cn left shoulder; oattle, same on left hip. Cook, A. J.,Lena,Or. Horses, 90on rightshonl der; Cattle, same on ripht hip: ear mark square orop off left and split in right. Douglass. W. M Galloway. Or. Cattle. B D en right side, swailow-tork in each ear; horse, B D on left hip. Ely, Bros., Donglas, Or. Horses brnded ELY on left shoulder, oattle lam on lefthip. hoi in right ear. Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or. Cattle, LP on right hip; bones, F with bar under on right shoulder. Jones, Harry, Heppner, Or Hone branded rij on the left shoulder; oattle branded t on right hip. also underbit in left ear. Range in Morrow county. Johnson, Felix, Lsna, Or. Horses, nirnleT on left stills; oattle, same on right hip, uader half orop in riaht and solit a left ear Kenny, Mike, Heppner, Or. Horses branded KNV on loft hip oattl sara and orop off left ear; under slop on the right ' Leahey, J. W. Heppner Or. Horses branded L and A en left shoulder; oettle same on left hip, wattle oyer right eye, three alita in right ear. Minor, Osear, neppner, nr. t attle, M D on right hip; hurts. M on left shoulder. Morgan. H. N., Heppner. Or. Hone, M ) on left shooldei oattl earn on left hip, Osborn, J. W., Douglas. Or.; hone O on let shoulder; oattle saws on right hip. Parker ft Gleaaon, Hardman.Or, Horse IP on left shoulder. Pi Der. J. H.. Lexington. Or. Hotbm. JR Ann. n anted on left shoulder; oattl, sens on lef hip, under bit in anon ear. Keotor. i. W Heppner, Or. Horse. JO OS left shoulder. Cattle, o right hip. Rnerrx. K. G. HenDner. Or. Cattle W m lett hip, orop off right and underbit in left year, dewlaps horses W Con left shoulder. Iliompeon, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horse, g on left shoulder; eel tie, SI on left shoulder. Tamer K. W.. Heppner. Or. 8msil capital T left shoulder, bones; oattl sain on left hip with split in both ears. Wattenhnrgnr. W. J.. Galloway. Or.: hnnuw quarter circle JW on right shoulder; oattle quarter circle J W on right hip and right side, crop and hole in left ear. liang in Morrow and u mauua ooonuae. Notice Of Intention. Laud Orm-B at La Qbakpr, Out on, Hcnt. 17. lwrr. NOTlfK 18 HEI.f.BY OIVEN THAT THE folluwliig-nained settler has Aled notice of his Intention to msk Itnal prMf In support of his claim, and that said proof will be mad before County Clerk. Morrow County. Oregon. at Hepiiner, Oregon, on Oct. SOtn, Ixsi, ls; 8AMLEL M.WILSON, H. E. Ko.n?ofor the BWU BWU Hec. 77, Nu N and NWit Ht'i ere 31 Tp. a. R. 2 K. H. name Ih following witnesses In pro his rou 1 1 ii nous MliliTice upon and rultlvatlon of sain lann, tii; r.llliu lyier, Henid W. Herk-It-y, David O. Justus, Jsmes I), brown, all of ueiipuer, ureguu. B. f. WILSON, 11 Heglsler. Notice of Intention. Laud Orn b At Thb luu s, Obboon. (rUlT 4, l7. VOTK R I HEREBY OIVKN THAT THE A follnwlllf namrd settler ha fllisl notlr l tit Intention to make Dual proof In support ol hlsrlalm, and that amid proof will he mad brlor J. w. Motrow, rouiity rlrrk, at li.ppner, Oregon, ou tiovriiilier 17th. Im7, vis; EH A NIC ESUELMAM, lid r. So M7, f( the WW of Bee. 15, Tp. I . R 1H. W. M. he namn the following wIIums! to prove his ronttnuous residinf'e ufon and cultivation of Mid land, vln: I'hllUin t:. Wilson, M. 1. H llllams. A B ferry and a P. lisua, all of loita, Morrow county, Oregon. JA.r. M'tORR. W n. rU-glster. Tba regular Bobsxjript too pnow of lb Heni-Waekly UbbMU ia 12.60 and tba regular prica of tba Weekly Oregon !bb iall.W. Anyeot goWribiof for tbt O a sett and paying tor ona year ii svlvaaea caa gel both Iba n axe I la and Weekly Oregon laa for t3.Sa All old ot annban paylof tbalr oUcrlplloni (or on yar lo adyan will b olitlel fa Ih seme lletitioer In Pendleton via Tlrpposr- F.ebo HUge line, i'eraoo deeirno of villin l'adlka ea ? tlm and money by Ukinf Hi root, lif qnltitlng Iba moU ha prtoas a- laf Ui .fair will tnak rnK with 1 u'ckwk train ai tbn tut I'erMlHon Offiea at City lra htora. W. II. Innr, I'mpnesor. Walt. Tbmnpeoa run staff Letwewe IUtipser aad Monnnxot, arriving tvwrv day fipt ftfosda sad Usrisff rj day at ept Road. Hbort! and cbep- eat roata In tba latstrWr. E. 3. Pkaaoaj, BfMlL I Going The Lancashire Insurance Co. Ok? MANCHBSTBR BNGLAN J OTIS PATTERSON, AGENT. oq q the Be.t tA McClurc's For 1897 SEVEN GREAT SERIALS A New Life of 6rant by Hamlin Garland. The first authoritative and adequate Life of Grant ever published. (Begins in December.) Rudyard Kipling's first American serial, "Captains Courageous." (Begun ih November.) Robert Louis Stevenson's "St. Ives." The only novel of Stevenson's still unpublished . (Begius in May.) Charles A. Dana. "Recollections of War Time." years of trie Civil War practically a member of Lincoln's Cabinet, and Is probably better fitted than any other man living to give an authoritative bistoiy of this period from his . recollections and correspondence. Portraits of Great Americans. Many of them unpublished. In connection with this series ? .19I,t!?i'tB 14 ,s intended to publirh special biographical studies under the general title of MAKERS OF THE UNION from Washington to Lincoln. Pictures of Palestine. Specially taken under the editor's direction. Stories of Adventure. A serial by CONAN talent for mystery and ingenuity which have, in the "Sherlock Holmes" stories, given him a plaoe beside Poe and Gaboriau. TEN FAMOUS WRITERS IAN M ACLAREN, All the fiction that he wl'.l write during the coming year, with the ezoeption of two contributions to another publication which were engaged from him long ago. will appear in McClurb's Maoazinb. JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS. A series of new animal stories in the same field as the "Brer Rabbit" and the "Little Mr. Thimbleflnger" stories. RUDYARD KIPLING. Besides "Captains Courageous," Kipling will contribute to McCltjrk's all of the short stories he will write during the coming year. OCTAVE THANET is preparing for the Maoazinb a series of short stories in which the same characters will appear, although each will be complete in itself. Anthony Hops ' Brat Hart Robert Barr Frank R. Stockton Stanley Weyman Clark Russell will all have stories In McClurb's for the coming year. These are only a small fraction of the great and Important features of McCldbi's Maoazinb tor 1SU7, the subscription priee of which is only One Dollar a Year The new volume begins with November. Subscriptions should start with this number. The S. S. MoClure Co., New York. A Campaign Of Education How to Get It f r nn -For Mtltim, UNPARALLELED OFFER suinmate skill. Such a paper I bom. great popular The subscription price of Laalle'a We make the unparalleled odor of a Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi- ! Weekly one year for only $5.00. No such ofTer was ever made before. No such offer will ver he mad ' again. These two papers make most aoceptabl Christmas or birthday ! gift, and will be constant reminders of the giver s kindness j Remit by postal order or check to th '! GAZETTE, ! Heppner. Ore con. The WEEKLY MONTHLY Outlook Published Evary Saturday 13 Astor Place New York Tba Outlook will ba la 1K7, it Las been darlnf aaob of Ha twenty evD yasri, a Uiatory of Onr Owe Time. lo it Tsrlou editorial department Tbe On t look fives a oompact review of tbe world' progre; it follow wilb rare all ibe important pbilanthropio and id dostrlal rooverneol of tba day; baa a complete department of fsligioi) etas; devote mnch space to tba inlereel of lb bornej revtawi correot liUratare; foratcbe rbeerful table-talk about oi aad thing: aod, la tltort, aim to glv fresh lnlrrnalloo, original olwerT alios, aod raaaonable oUrtalnment. feglonlni with tba fifty flifth volom. Iba paper will am tba rf alar mg in sic, vbtob will add greatly to II eoovvoiooee aad at iracti vo. Tbt Oatlook la patliehed vry Htnrdy fifty to ln a year. Tba first isu la eaob moaia ia as tllatrtd M f esis NoroUr, aoataittlnff abnat tir a niaay page tbe ordinary ieeaee, Inge I tier lib o larg an in fief of ptrtnrwa. Tbe pno of Tba Otttkw.li I lb re dollar a year ia advsnaa, or le lba tt a day. Brad for a rtB -py a J lntrl 0 ptrv.pel, to Tb Ootbxik, II Aatnf I14W, SiswTuikCitv. World Magazin e Mr. Dana was for three of the most critical DOYLE, In which he will use his extraordinary ) JXJ.UU To ba educated one must read the best literature. The best literature Is expensive. Leslie's Illustrated Weekly. Pubtisned at 110 fifth Avenus, New York, is full of the best things.' It Illustrations ar superb; It torle charming; and Its literary department ar edited with con- educator. It should be In every I 4 p copy of nnum. NOTICE OF INTENTION. f and rrrr at thr nAU.r.H.nRKOon, I Orl W, imn. Notlre la hereby given that th followlugnamed settler has filed lint Ire ol his Intention to msk Onsl proof In support of f i kith, ann mat asm proof will l belnrej. W, Mormw, oiinlv Clrrk, at Hei Oregon, on November ft, wn, vis: I Heppuer, ALRIKT T. W(K)I), Fd. T. No. ,71, for the Wi HRt., Wu Nlu and KKH N Wl Hre. li,Tp. 1 H, K U. I M. He name (he lollnwli g siIiimm m prove hlsrnntliiuoiM n-slprr ntMn ai.d rulilvatlnn olseld lend, ls: John (or I, ran, r,.rrt U, 1-adl.erg. Mailer H. Ceaxm and illraia Thorn Ion, all of lone, Oregon. Heglsler. SL'MVOSS. 1 N TlfR irrricit ftrt'KT raj TIIR SRrOKD I Dlstrlrt, nut of Ontn, far Morrow Coua- .a. Insksxp, IlalnUIT, i I. f Miller. Defendant. To I It. Miller. Ih shove named flvf'fldant. lo the name of the etale til O'e.on Yna are hereh rviulr4 in appmr bH,ne the uii'i-r-slsned, Jusilre n it, -ese. In e-...i,i ils tiU'tlnul,rnuiily end (., on the tnd ilef nt la ilr, at Ihe hour ol one o r l k In th aftertmnfl of said dsf al my oftir In Mid district to answer the niinflalnt uf t M lue ke founded iipnn ail Ineiruntenl of wrlil'ii and hrln he deeomlt T (tullara iji) lib tnlenw rnira Mas . I"), el the rale nf lii i ram ii annnn and Ih r.wu and die biirsinetita of this arlinn ll dlriKlanl will lake entire that If Be falls fa anseer them- piaini nrrvitt ina eiainiir; use inlfm aealnat him i..r Teenlv IMIare t"l InUrnK thertxm al Ihe raleol Us tr renl mt anaota ''" Maf M, and dulmnsitlill n n,a ariinri, I'ahiltliad by otdat of Juatlr of Ih Pear far Ihe Barond luatrvl la ImvI pt. ath, mn. hT asl I). A. Otirrar, formerly of re.lltoa, baa opened np a IS oral barber shop Ibaaldelaed on tba Matlock eeraer Work trW-ily first eta. Call oa biro. B II Tbe OasMte will tab poUUt, rpl, ffg it bolter oa soliMribttoa aaroooia. Any oa awing lb I ofti ran oeiile Ibeir areoant la Ibis tsaaeer d aaa'l do It too arma to soil oa. Hlatement f.if lb famna Htajipl Aoaoaat fil prlnUd at Iba Oaaelt Aa. IL HOW TO FIND OCT. Fill a bottle or common glass with mine sod let it stand tweoty-fonr hours; a sediment or settling indicates an on healthy condition of the kidneys. When urine stains lineo it is evidenoe of kid ney trouble. Too frequent desire to uri nate or pain in the batik, is also convinc ing proof that the kidneys and bludder are out of order. WHAT TO DO. Tbere is oomfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, tbe great kidney, remedy fulfils every wish in relieving pain in the haok, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passages. It cor rects inability to bold urine and soald ing pain in passing it, or bad effects fol lowing use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to get up many times daring tbe night to urinate. Tbe mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp root is soon realized. It stands tbe highest for its wonderful oures of the most distressing oases. It you need a medicine yon should have tbe betjt. Sold by druggists, price fifty oents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and pamphlet both sent free by mail. Mention tbe Heppner Qazette and send your address to Dr. Kilmer k Co., Biog- bampton, N. Y. Tbe proprietors of this paper guarantee tbe genuineness of this offer. They Are the "Mnstard." Meadows Si Hatten, tbe pioneer black smiths, have made some elegttut im provements in their establishment und added a large stook of iron, horseshoes and other materials essential to the happiness of those who need quick re pairs on their wagons, bngsies or any Rind 01 maoniuery. They nave w tended their room to as to Booommodato everybody in the country who is in need of repairs. When yon want a horse shod, machine repaired, tire set or any thing else in tbeir line, you will find Meadows k Hatten to be the boys that oan do it and do it right in abort order. if Timber Culture, Final Proof. TJhitbd States Land Orrics, The Dalle Oregon, October 13, 1I7. NOTICE IH HKRKBY GIVEN THAT HKNKY F. Tolle, of Hardman, Oregon, haa died ! notice of Internum to make final proof before J. W. Morrow, Coontv Clerk, at his ottire in Heppner, Oregon, on Wediiesdar, the V4th day ol November, l!7, on timber culture appli cation No 814)1, for tt'4 and lots 1 sn.l a of section No. 4, In township No. 4 Huutb range No. 'A K W M. He names as witnesses: Edwin D. Rood, Jacob B. Young, Wesley W, Rrauuan, and Clif ford a. Jones, all uf Kight Mile, Orcirmi. JAS. F. MtMlRR, 8-100 Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. UNDOrrti B aT Tub Dauii, Obsiiok, Ortober !ll, IW7. NOTICE !R HEREBY fllV'KN TH T THE followlng.iiained settler hss filed notice of his Intention to inaka nnal proof In support of his claim, afid that seld proof will he maris before J. VY. Morrow, t'ouulv i:lrk. at Heppner, Oregon, on Iteremtmr S, vis: JOHKI'H VV. 81 RINGER, .-'o S- 4in7 ,or ,h VK Bee n TP 1 8 R a W M. He nsme the following wltneeses In prove his continuous realileuee nimn ami riililv.il,.,, of said land, vis: Frauels H. VYIIenn, Frank Klisirmsn, liolh of lone, ir.-Kon. Robert Hayer and Heymour Y. Wilson, both of iHiuglas, Ore gon, JAS. F. MOORE, MtUKIl Register. SHERIFFS SALE. NOTICE M IIKRERY OIVEN THAT I NDKR end lir virtue ol an eieeulmn luinwt .,l el the Circuit Court of Ihe Hule of )r. nn for the County of Morrow and to in dlreelrd and delivered, upon a Juilirinent retulered and en- term in earn court on Ihesth day nt Mrplrmher, 0, In favor of w . H. Uird, II. R. Kin. aid. I'hll Melai'han, the board ol rommlaaliinere lor lha Sal ol school and uulvrraliy lamia and for Ihe liireauneiii of In mis ailslug then-fmtn, plain, lifts, and asalnal Sim kainUi and Mar Hamhn ili li'ii.UMa, far Ihe sum ol Xrven hmulrrd seven and i Hi dollars with Interest thereon Irma said rlslilh day of evplarnlmr, Ir7. at Ih rale of s pvr cent per annum, and fitly dollars attor ney's leM, and tbe further sum of thirty flv and Ml lm dollars poals. and whereas II was Further er-lererj anil r)erreet hy Ih etiiirl thai Ih niurlgaired nrnia-iiy dearrllwl as fullowa South east iiiiert-r of a lli.n thirty I (u In fawn- hlleo(7 mirlh rant twenty lour Hi) eaal n niamriie meriuiaii, in Mormw munly, lire g'n, I sold lo set laty said Judgment, tumtm and s-rming ru. I will on Wednesday, th rth day of (Vfalier, lr?, at twonVli. k. p. m., oi aald day. at the front dmirnllhe court huiiae In llri.nuer. Morrow county, iireg'in, a.-1 1 all lha rlar 1,1 . Idle and In- tereal ol Ihr aald Nye RamlKt and Mary Kamhn In and In the almva dearrllie.1 pci,frly el trtibllr aurllon U lha hlsheat and Imt Mddrr of ruh In hand. Ihe tnee.s lo lie applied in Ihe tells ariK.n id aald eierutlou and all rata, and niat that may arrrue. K I. MIIIrK. eherlfrnf Marrow t ounly, irrrsnn. faled hrpleiolier U, l. V J HIIEHIFKH SALE. Norn e i urMrHY t.ivrt tiut iki.kr end hy virtue of an esnrullon leaned mil of lha I In nil I niirl of Ih male of i ir.. l,,r lha rouiity uf Morrow and lo re dire. uA and 4allvvr.1, uiH,n a Jii'liniatil rendered end en u-ri in aal.l nniri mi i,a mh ilay ol vi,tlnlor. In ta...r ,W W F. lwd. II It Klmeld. Fhll Materhan, lha lewrd of ri,mmlaw,nrrs lor Ihe eale of - hl lan-la, etc , pialulliTs. and asalnet J R. "-rry, H I.. f f r,, lha Oregon Katleey nd haileailnn company, and F I, 7bnmpa.n. dcfrManta for lha sum of 1o IhnttaaiKt elfhl hub.lrad Iwetily nlnaand Bl lit) dollar wilt, liur.at l,af.,n frm II,. aald rt.l.th day nl t-yKmmht. wr,, al Ilia rale i'( ilfl.l Mr ri.l par annum, and one hnndrad fitly dollars aiirtnT l end lha further turn of forty all end u i dollara nau and ihm aelleaa furihet oidarad and drad fy lha win iriai toe wii,rieasH1 errrty drlhed as Mines, fa ell 1 1, a aalt hall nt Iw.Hh eael M,r end rorrllt half nt .nih maai ,. tartar M act torn laaoif efniih half of ...ill, aaai i,arier U atlon la.t.lr. lha waet half .4 Ihe amlh weal ..,anl M mm Hon Ivanty H,e, Srmlh weal nnanarei Kf.nn -al nnarw rd allon.u ly nine, enrth a nerw of mih eaal ejtter UrtdeafdHdl Ihirty, rvpllh half l.f tth aa quarter end a.iUi aeat fiiartr i,l norlh tml q-rr id ail'Ht . a,n,lhaS qnarlef id n" enn Rin-ia hall d eo'ilh al narler ,d aarlloq lealily ain, and lw1h eaal o,ew nf amtheael u'la-taf .f aarti..a ll-IHy, all e l......l ll,r. a.,lh rsnea laeiiiyais. eeei wuiaeurl anennian, ft lhr, aa tttay he In iiiary. he ar.id u, aaiia'i aald JulgBMl. and .ruli. cuaia. I alii, e ednee1ay. Ik rth day of la lba. last, lanitnt. p m.id aald day, al Ih fmal '"( I'-e it ho',a la fli i.nr, M"rnw nty. .. eaoaii M.e ni., Hue end I tenet -d ll.a aald i II !-' r. B I -'tf ! 7 at al. In end fa II. s'awa da itld eoMiiy l bnhiie a-.-ooe fa ll.a w,M a.d 111 Md'la It rwh la hand, lha f.r In l aivd W the iailaia.-ii.Hi J aaul esarethes nd all aM. aad waxetfeat way a. I. SIIIKI Bhang t Mntfnw luvuly, Unt i iaiM Bafdeashat 4ik, (. at GRANT COUNTY MATTERS. From the Eagle. Robt. CBnnon, of Pine creek, passed through town Sunday with a six-horse team enroute for Heppner, after a load Of freight for our merchants . Ben Burt, of Prairie City, oasied tb rough Long Creek the latter Dart of last week on bis return from Heppner, where be has been looking after cattle sb ipments. R. A. Knighton, : of Parker's Mill paused through the latter part of last wee on bis way to Baker City, where be was going to seoure the services of a Chinese physician for an old eentlaman by the name of Com peon, who was quite ill. Geo. Utt and father, of Heppner. who came over last week with a watron and oamping outfit for tbe purpose of enjoy ing a little recreation on tbe tbe waters tbe McDnffee hot SDrinss. of this county, passed through town on their return home tbe latter pari of last week, claiming the weather in that looality was a little too oool for oamping at this season of tbe year. The head rnle over the top of the first page of tbe paper of our last issne was not intended lo indioate that the paper 'as in mourning on aooouot of the ab- senoe of Ibe editor. Obi no. It was only a little bit of ingenuity on the pari if tbe assistant "devil" who was assist ing os with the make up, and thought it would improve the appearanoe of tbe paper. Catarrh Cannot be Cared With looal applications, as they cannot reaoh the seal of the disease. Catarrh is t blood or constitutional disease, and in order to oure it you mast take inter nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Oure is taken internally, and acts directly on tbe mucous snrfaoes. Hall's Catarrh Oure ia not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by oca of tba best physioians in this oountry for years, aod is a regu lar prescription. It is composed of tbe best tonios known, combined with tbe best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mnooua sarfaoes. The perfect oom. binstioa of tbe two ingredients is what produces snoh wonderful results 10 our log Catarrh. Bend for testimonials, free. P. J. Cheney k Co., Props., Toledo, O. Bold by druggists, prioa 75a. Canyon City News: Tba remains of Michael Chiara, who bas been missine? sinoe last spring, were f oool near Clif ford las! Saturday. Tb deoad for merly lived al Long Creek, where it is ald be bas a wife and children. Croap Quickly Cared. Mountain Olen, Ark. Our children wer suffering with croup when wa re- osived a bottle of Cbamberlsio'a Ooogb Remedy. It afforded almost ibstaol re- litf.-K. A. Thornton. This celebrated remedy is for sale by Conser A Brook. Itev. W. E. Potwiaa, of Pendleton, preached al lha Episooyal cboroh in iMa olty Bunday. Karl's Clover Root Tea, f.r Constipa tion It's lbs beat and it after using ii you don't say ao, return package and gt your money. Bold by Conser A Lirock. i - Editorial rooms ar called aanrlam boo as of tba soripttiral language oaed Iberain when tba editor opens a letter nppod lo oootaio money and Bods a poem. Every body nay a. Caaoareis Caody Cathartic lha moat wnodarful medioal dicovrv of.tba as. pleasant and refreshing to the tsti. act gently aad positively on tba kidooys llvr and bowel, oleansln Iba an lir a ayaUm, din pel cold, cure headache, fever, bsbitnal constipation aod bll- Ioosobm. I1 bnv and trv a I mi nt 0. CO. today; 10,62, &0 cnls. Bold aad gasrsotsad to cor by all droggUt. tf T. U. Rsllslao. Nat HoolL Jno. W Msldmeot, Oaorg prry aod T. A. Cokt man, all uf Lone iiocb, wara regiatarad al Iba PbIbo Monday. Teller, Hall-llheam mod V-rm. Tlia IntrruM Iti hlnw an1 imirllna tnM. dnntUitheadlawuird), UlnsUntly allayed t.y siiplying C'haiiiWrUln's Eya and Kk In I rtlitnu.nl kfanw .... t.l . .... , .7 . v i m have Wn permanently enred by it. It s tNjnaiiy rmrioni ror iu hing )illi- and a favorite) rwinadv for aura nipt lew, Chsmwd hand. rhllhUina. tnmt l,itai and cbnitilc aura rye). 8.1 eta. per lioi. Dr. Cad;! ('ndlUon I'ewdcra, ar j')t wbai a hor) nesxla when In bad erudition. Tttilc, blood tuirificr and veriiilfug. Tttey are) not food but rttlM Irm and Um brt In a a to put a bora In primn eoodition. 1'rUa ii cemU per psM. kaw. . M. Hprr earn over from Ilsksr Oty anndsy. Is a LOCAL DISEASE h) th eseaal f aeM ead ssssi saewii ai II tea k eacad hy faxdy wk Is ettta4 d l"y Uaiwm.i Be. efJJW'' C'es Ely's Cream Balm I Mkaxwtadyed fa to the leea IhMMMd) f foe aaai I eiena, t ad t Head ee4 Ilay I "at af a. I eaiailiaa, It naea aad ilnia SVa eeal ( ( a, Siar yeia ed atwaaw. haeas the earaa, laxelM aiaajiiaM f,-m aV ml iiiimiim a f i NV MtniiWlMMli U.I aaKaUaBa,Warraavsrlea (AalBMIB F0WDER Absolutely Pure . IIThoronghbred Merino Backs, W. C. Brown, tbe well known breeder. is over from Pendleton with a fine lot of Merino bnoka whinh ha nfTora tnm. ..I. Tbe bncks are high grade and need nn speolal recommendations. The faot that Ibey are here for sale is suffiolenl. Thev may be seen al Thompson & Binns' slablee, where all tbe information one may desire can be bad. Mr. Brown, Who is stopping at the Palaoe hotel, win do pleased to have neraonal Inter. views with intending purchasers. jKJtf All a fellow has to do to run a news. paper, says ao exchange, is to be abla to write a poem, discuss tbe tariff and money question, umpire a base ball gsme, report a wedding, saw wood, beat a lawyer, describe a fire so that the read ers will shed their wrens, maka on dollar do the work of ten, shine at a soiree, address horticultural sooietiea, test whisky, abuse tbe liquor habit. measure oalioo, subscribe to oharity, go witbout meals, atlact politicians, defend the national platforms.' sneer al snoh. bery, wear diamonds, invent advertise ments, overlook soandal, praise babies, delight pumpkin raisers, heal the- dis gruntled, fight to a finish, publish doctor's resolutions denouncing a law yer, set type, mould opinion, sween lha office, speak at prayer meeting, and stand ia with everybody and eyerything. A few weeks ago tba editor was taken with a very severe oold that oaused him lo bo in a most miserable sondition. It was undoubtedly a bad case of lagrippa and recognizing it as dangerous ba took immediate steps to bring about speedy care. From the advertisement of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy and tba many good recommendations inolnded there in, wa concluded to make a first trial of tba medicine. To say that it was satis- faatorv in ll raaulla ia kniii la a... . m mildly, Indeed. It aotsd like magio aod tbe result wss a speedy and permanent oure. Wa have no hesitancy in recom mending this excellent Cough Remedy to aoyona afllicted with a cough or cold in any form. The Banner of Liberty, Libertylown, Maryland. Tba 25 and 60 ceo t sizes for sale by (Jonsor k Broo k , Orsnts Pass ia posing as a world's record breaker. Tbey bava ora-anls! a law and order league whose chief pur pose, aaya tb Journal, "is to stimulsta tbsoity officers in Iba enforcement of the oily laws." Officers wbo do nol "stimulate" themselves both before aod after enforcing laws are too good for aa earthly polio force, and should at once be traoafered to petrol doty on the gold eo streets of a more fitting eoviromeot. Orants Pass Is to bs Congratulated. Tba "Bloyollst'e Best Friend" is familiar name tor D Witt's Wltoh Hatel Halve, always rsady for emergencies. While a tpecifio for piles, it also instant ly relieves and enree out, bruises, sslt rbsnm. ecaema aod all affections of lha kin. It never fails. For Bale by Cooear Drock. For Constipation take Karl's Clover Tea, Ibe great Blood Pnriflsr, cures headaches, Nrvonn, Eruplioos on lha taoe, aod make lb bead as clear aa a 111. Bold by Cooser k Brock. x This is bow Iba editor of Ibe Cordate, Oa., Hotiol talks about the Cuban qoeeilon: "Throw down Ihe gage of Utile to the bloody montr aod let na be qoiok to oraak tba life oat of tbe foal viper with liUrly's beat. Ll os bear tbe echo of Columbia's goes poorlng bsr fiery miaaite Into Mnro eaails; the tasty boot of Cabs Libre, ed the angels will make the walblo of havn rlog as tty laoe tbeir her pa lo sweUr lays, and liberty will bow br while bead to' reeelva one more jw In br crows. Eel pro patria marl." Catarrh eared. A clear Ul gad sweet braatu eecoraj with Hbllob's Calarrb lUmedy; sold on a gnsrsnl). Nssal In Jailor free. Hold by Cooser k Brock, i The price of wool , says Ibe Eocene IUglet', ow svsrag aver twoly . uia I'uueil, IIIIIKI Ol Sign! 001 I wilbia lb yr, whtnb Is another "In' , dieation" wbkh can nil be nttrtbatsxl to rviiua m cirop, on I 10 too dlraet rnlle of lb tariff, Farmare have no reaeoa n ooiu plain, even with Ibe etar vatKia lbory on I of Ibe calnnlation. Now I tba lime in gl Ibe Waekly OfwsToatan, lha greatest espper of lha WeeC U ilb lb0MKble) strlcl. ly la B-Jverwa, nee year, H.BU. No bttr eowblBBiioa uf iiwsf'rs ean be ma!e In lb lu. l'iTf-TBtTwotfiif in Ar-nvn 11 n.a ii Unliaaj in tia.-l r r i-e. so.la, aaai,iiahad lHiaa In lr a M'"ihly Ir ' end ai..aj .Mli.,n au.ly, Halar eve ..'!. a, II eddnee-d aiaw I enaake, la aanalM leyu, I d. i !)