TO V OTVBB TH OHOICB ; Of Two Transcontinental , r - NORTHERN OREO SHORT i 2000M Baking powder at 25 cents or 30 cents a pound never ought torhave been sold, because good baking powder is cheaper does more for the money. But now as the good times are coming back as the newspapers say the excuse for cheap baking powders is even less than ever. LOCAL BQU1B8. SHARPS AND FLATS- Wm. Crank, of Bitter, waa her Wed nesday. R. Barefoot wm up from Arlington Wednesday. W. B. Bbafer, of Waitaburg, Wash., was in town Wednesday. "Away With Melancholy, And bid dull oare avaunt," sounds very well in verse, bat it yoa have a oase of tbe "blues" caused by indigestion, witb biliousness added on as an extra horror, you cannot Bay bey! preeto! und thus in- Your money back if you don't like Schillings at your grocer s. VIA VIA Spokane Salt Lake MINNEAPOLIS DENVER St. Paul Omaha AND J AND Chicago Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leaue Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For full details oall on O. R. A N. Agent at Heppner, cr address W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. FOBTLANO. OBBOON. QUXOKTIMBI TO Snn Hran.oisoo And aU rwinU In California, via th Kit. Shasta rout of the Southern Pacific Co Tha great highway through California te all Dointa East and South. Grand ttoanlo Kout of tha Paolfto Coast. Pollraan Buffet bleepers. Baoond-olaaa Bleepers Attached to express trains, affording superior accommodations for senond-olaaa passengers. For rates, tickets, sleeping oar reeerratlona, eto oall npon or address ....., R. koEHLKH, Manager, C. H. MARKHAM, Gen. F. A P. Agt., Portland, Oregon IEAD BtlGPAPEra THK CHRORICLB raaika wMk aewspepers la Uia U at tad Statea. THK OHRONICLK baa bo equal ea the Pacta Coast. It leads all In anllttr. enteiprtss and newa. THK CHRONICLKU Talajraphlo IU ports are (he latest and moat reliable. Its Local Newt the tallest and spiciest, and Its Kdlktriala troia toe ablest pens In the eoantiy. hMalavr a, aoa1 always will be, the friend and champion of the people as against oombtnatlona, cliques, eorporatlons, Of oppressions of any kind. It arm t In everything neutral Is not hi agt Googreesman Tuesday night. Ellis left for Portland proper oaper troubled, is to seek tbe aid or Hostet ter's Stomach bitters. Thereafter yoa will speedily digest with ease and eat with appetite, and your liver will reas sert its right to regularity. Not only this, yon can retire without a horrible dread that the Washington monument Ladies, take the best. If yoa are troubled with constipation, sallow akin, and a tired feeling, take Karl's Glover will 10 dreams impose itself upon tbe Tea, it is pleasant to take. Sold by pit of yoor etomaob. It you feel pre' y monitary symptoms of onius ana iever, . .. . kidney trouble, or rheumatism, summon Oooaer & Brook. J. W. Beckett, of Eight Mile, Heppner Wednesday. 0. W. Garrison, of Hillsboro, town yesterday. I l Iff !l ill II pit lip A Bare Thing (or Yon A transaction in wbiob you oan not lose is a sure thing. Biliousness, aick beadaobe, furred; toogue, fever, piles and a thousand other ills are caused by constipation and sluggish liver. Cas oareta Candy Cathartio, the wonderful new liver stimulant, and intestinal to Die tbe Bitters to tbe rescue without delay, "lest a worse thing befall you." A fee- was in ble condition of system is more speedi ly changed to a vigorous one by this quaioted with bim as yoa thought you fine tonic than by any other medioinal were? . BY LCI TIRSOW. Gross examination of Mr. Sausage in Cbioago as beard by a reporter on tbe Slabtewn Index: , Yoa say you know Mr. Bologna Pork? Tea sir. Yon swear you know him? Yes sir. You mean that yon are acquainted with Mr. Bologna Pork? Yes sir. - You don't know bim, yon arc merely acquainted witb bim. Remember that you are on oath, sir. Now be careful. Yon don't mean to tell tbe oourt that yoa know all about Mr. Bologna Pork and everything be ever did? I suppose Never mind what you suppose, please answer my question. Do yon or do yoa not know everythinathat Mr. Bologna PorK did. . - No. That'll do, air. No, you do not. Very good. Bo you are not acquainted witb all bis aote? Of oourse Stop there; Are you, or are you not? No. That is to say yon are not so well bo- THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE LUNG TBOCBLKS AND CONSUMPTION CAN HE CURED. Aa Eaalacat New Tark Chanist aad scientist JUkes a Free Offer to Oar Headers. agent in existence, three times a day. wineglassf ul At Goburg assizes, Canada, recently, ). F. Hendricks, a white-haired man, aged 76, was sued for kissing bis pretty niece, Mrs. Effie Pilkey, a school teach- nr. Tha Irinaincr nrnnrr.rl at midniuht. are sold by all druggists and guaranteed he driving he. ,0 faer mof,her. hoU8e after a visit. Tbe suit was for $20001 to oure or money refunded. fJ. U. V are a sure thing. Try a box today ; 10c, 25- 50o. Sample and booklet free, tf Gome in and subscribe for the "Gazoo." Now is the time. You don't want to miss a whole lot of good, bard reading that is now being published in our "Only." hie you m mi ISSmSm If so, be fln re and see that your ticket reads via He nwestem Line ....THE.... CHICAGO, BT. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IS TUB Great Short LiQe BETWEEN DULUTfT, 8t. TAUL, CIIICAQO AND A1X rOINTS EAST AND SOUTH Thulr Magnificent Track, Teerlnaa Vestlhuled , inning ana murium ir Trains, and Motto: "ALWAYS on time' has given this road a national rvnutatlnn. All rlasstis nf iiasMiiiKera rarrlod on the vratlhulral trains without nitre rlisrira. Hhlu vnur Ireiuht ami travel over till! fatuous Una. All agents have tlckuls. W. H MRAD. F. f!. BAVAQK. Oou. Aiii'iit Trar. K. A C. Agt. llta Washington St., I'oruaml, or. The Chronicle Bnlldla Tbe judge said that a man had a right to kiss bis relatives without bia charac ter being suspected, and evidently with no improper intentions as in this oase. Tbe jury awarded 20 oents damages. Those who believe ohronio diarrhoea i i V 1 . i I j .1 t a. T- This la Your Opportunity. l ne mouraoie nnouia reau sum mr. jr. rtti .aini nf ten cents, cash or stamps, E. OriBham, of Gaars Mills, Lia., has to a Dfinflroua samnle will be mailed of the gBV on the anhieot. viz.: "I have been a moat popular Catarrh and Hay ever Cure (0gerer from chronic diarrhoea ever (Elv's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon- . . , . , yvij o v.ou ., ainne tha wnr and have tried all kinds strata tne oreat meriia oi uie reiuoujr. - - - tt.v Rim imwa of medicines for it. At last X found a DO Warreu Bt., New York City. Eev. JohnReid, Jr.. of Great Fnlla, Mont., reoommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. 1 can emjihRHizo his statement, "It is a posi tive cure for catarrh if used bb directed." Rev. Tranois W. Poole. PaBtor CentralPrea. Church, Helena, Mout. ti.'. rftm nnlm ia tbe .cknowledBed effect a oure. 25 and BO cure for catarrh and contains no tueroury gUe by Conser & Brock nor any injurious drug, race, ou oents. remedy that effected a cure and that was Chamberlain's Colic, Obolera and Di arrhoea Remedy. This medioine can always be depended upon for oolio, obolera morbus, dysentery and diarrhoea. It is pleasant to take aad never fails to oent sizes tor SPOKANE FALLS 4 NORTHERN NELSON 4 FORT SHEl'PARD RED MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS The East Oregonian quaintly and very j truthfully remarks: Tbe Portland Ore gonian talks glibly about 'tbe saorifloe of prinoiple on the altar of shameless spoilsmen,' and this in tbe face of the fact that tbe Portland paper is on speak Possibly not. Just bo. Now we begin to understand eaob other. If you don't know anything about Mr. Bologna Pork's acts when you are not witb bim, you can't swear that you know bim, can you? If you put it that way Gome, sir, don't seek to evade my question. 1 will put it to you again. When you say you know Mr. Bologna Pork you don't mean to say tbat yon know everything be does? No sir, of course not. Just so; of oourse not. Then you were not correct when you said yon knew Mr. Bologna Pork? No sir. Now isn't it a fact, think, sir, of what I say. Remember tbe state prison gaps you in tbe face if you swear falsely. Now, sir, I ask yon, in point of fact, you don't know Mr. Bologna Pork at all, do you, sir. No aitr You solemnly swear that you never saw this gentleman before? I do, sir. Ab, I thought so. That'll do, stand down. Yes sir. Muoh ory and little wool those eight dollar suits. Softly her fingers, wandered o'er The yielding planki of the Ivory floor; For days she hammered, fearless and bold, Trying to warble "Take back your gold." The distinguished ohemist, T. A. Slo cum, of New York City, demonstrating bis discovery of a reliable oure for Con sumption (Pulmonary Tnberonloeis), bronobial, lung and ohest troubles, stubborn ooughs, catarrhal affections, general deoline Bod weakness, loss of flesh, and all conditions of wasting away, will send THREE FREE BOT TLES (all different) of hie New Dis coveries to any afflicted reader of this paper writing for them. His "New Scibntifio Treatment" has onred thousands permanently by its timely use, and be considers it a simple professional doty to suffering humanity to donate a trial of his infallible oure. Soienoe daily develops new wonders, and this great chemist, patiently experi menting for years, has prodnoed results as beneficial to humanity as can be olaimed by any modern genius. His assertion tbat lung troubles and oon sumptiob are onrable in any olimate ia proven by "heartfelt letters of grati tude," filed in his American and Euro pean laboratories in tbousands from those onred in all parts of the world. The dread Consumption, uninter rupted, means speedy end oertain death. Simply write toT. A. Sloonm, M. 0., 98 Pine street, New York, giving post office and express address, Bad the free medioine will be promptly sent direct from his laboratory. Sufferers should take instant advan tage of bis generous proposition. Please tell the Dootor that yoa saw this in the Gazette, published at Hepp ner, uregon. duiyy-Myr. FOKYOU! Now Prepared to do Any Kind of Printing Don't Send Your Orders Away 'Till You Get the Gazette's Estimates Heretofore the Gazette's job depart ment has tried to do no work other than plain printing. However, this shop ia - now prepared to tackle anything in any line and will meet prices of any person under tbe sun in tbe line of droggiata supplies, blank books, bank work oounty work, or any sort of book bind ing work tbat you have heretofore sent away to get done. The Gazette shop ia not a charity concern but it you will give us a ohanoe we will Bee tbat yoa are satisfied in every particular. Buy your goods at home. Remember tbat Abe Lincoln said that when one bought goods away from borne tha foreigner got the rooDey and we got tbe goods. But wheu tbe good were bought at home we had both money and goods. This is good dootrine. . W are willing to abide by It. When the printing drummer comes to town, re- I member it and call up 'phone No. 3. 560-tf Thb Bobs Fbed Yabd. The first feed yard tbe . teamster strikes in Heppner is that conducted by William Gordon, next door to the Heppner : Gazette raDoh. Mr. Gordon ia accommodating, ubs a good yard and abundant facilities to take oare of stock in first class shape. His prices are very reasonable. He baa bay and grain for sale. Has lately added a car load of baled tivwthy.' Blankets! Blankets! 1200 Pairs Now On Sale at.... Minor & Co. THB DAILY By Mall, Foataga Paid. $6J0afcar. The Weekly Chronicle Tha Greatest Weely in the Coaitry, $1.50 a k (iDoludtns postaca) to any pan ol Uia Called MUU Canada and Msxloo, THK WBRKLY GHKONICI.K. tha bright and most eoinilU Won HI 7 Nawspapar In tha world, prints rug-til art? Hi columns, or twslra Niws, LIMratura and (Mnaral Inform Hun; also a inagaincsnt Agricultural Dapartmaal. SAMPLE COPIES SENT FRiE. Food, undigested is poison. Digested, The Only All-Rail Route Without Da BCauaintanoe with Joe Simon, who it is life ar,d strength. Millions of us In this day and age happens to be sup- suffer from Indigestion, porting the 'principle' that the Oregon ian admires. Tears, tears, tears." , We Change of Care Between Hpokane, Roasland and Nelson. Also between Nelson an1 Rossland, daily ezoept Sunday : iMm 8) A. M Mpoaane AitIt. ,...;40 P. M. 1UI) A. M H.weland :0 H. 0:10 A.M Nelson :5 P. M. Clnaa eiinnnclKina at Nelson with steamers for Kaalo, anil all Koolnnal lnks points. I'niwuiKKrs fnr'Knttle itlver and Pnurdarr Crook connect at Marcos with stags daily. CHICAGO DO YOU WANT THE CHRONICLE Reversible Map? WllOWINU Tbe United States, Dominion of Canada and Northern Mexico ON ON1C aUpaC, A Asia is Operates its trains on the famous blook lUtU) Ul UlU If Ul 1U vuljarri I lmte& si. Paul R'y This Railway Co. NOHTII PACIPIO Rural Spirit (ESTABLISHED IN la9.) Published Weekly at Portland, Or. DBVOTED TO Agriculture, Dairying, Live-Stock-and Turf. Certainly you don't want to suffer witb dyspepsia, constipation, siok headaches, sallow skin and loss of appetite. 3fou have never tried DeWitt's Little Early Risers for these oomplainta or you would bate been oured. They are small pills but great regulators. For Bale by Con ser and Brock. but we often don't know it. We think it is some thing else. Even dootors often mistake tbe symptoms. Pale, thin people, who are overworked, who need strength, who seem in want of proper fond, should .take 8baker Diges tive Cordial. It is astonishing what! food will do, when properly digested. It will make you strong, revive von, refresh you, sustain you, make you fat, restore your color, make console, braio fibre, oourage, endurance, energy; in crease your power to throw off disease and keep yon healthy and happy. Indip eetirto does just tbe opposite, but indigestion oan be oured and prevented witb Shaker Digastive Gordial. Bold by druggists. Trial bottle lOo. Cotton Blankets 90c a pair. Cotton Blankets, Better, $1.25. also have a line of Eastern blankets called wool, at $3.00. Bat the Only Blanket On Earth is the...... m t m BIT LITEKARY MOTES. LlifhU its trains by cleotrioity through out; Uses tbe celebrated aleotrto berth read ing lamp; Until apedily equipped paaaenger trains evarv day and aiirht bntweon HI. l'anl and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago; the Chicacio. Milwaukee & St. Paul Also opnratM ttam-hetsn! vestibule J trains, carrying Dm lattwt private cotoparttnsot ears, library btinst itnok Ing rara, aod palace drawing room slerpars. I'srlnr ears, frse reclining chair ears, and the very bsst dining obalr ear servica. For lowaat rates to any point In lb Untied 81 at. or, apply to agsut or adJraaa O. J. EDDT. J. W. CASEY. Oenral Agent. Trar. I'aaa. Agent. Tertland, Or. ON T1IM OTHER aUDB. Mnd 92 and Oat tha Map and rerkly hronlcla for One Tear, postage pro pa ll en M ip and I'aSM. ADD. EN M. JI. ta YOUNO, fiasslsfs a F. ffcMa, avaa tsvawuiauot OAk N XUT1CE OF ISTESTIOS. l.!DOrri(i at las Dim as. oatuow. It lnWl JI. IWT. OTtl'K I IIKKCHV UWtS Tit f THK tiillnwliit-iiainiMl Sflllrr has ninl Holies nl tils tiilriitliin l.i niaka Snal iiriHil In support nl his claim, ami ttial aalil IiriHil will t insiia lirlnrs s. W. Mnrrnw, i ouiiit ' al llrnsr, ttrrton. nn lin-pnibrf a, Iwrj, l; JiKI'll W. HlKirtiJKR, II I T No. 4.T7 lor Hit NKV4 Hr It Tp R Ha nainra tha lulluitliif tllwMW to rm his niiilliniiMis rralil(iirs utMin ant riillhallnn at salil lan.l, !' Sranrla H. Wllsun, rraii gnsU-inan, both ot tuna, fiiri, Mi.hrrt Katar N-ynmur I'. M IIbiiii, both ol iNiug-laa, tlra- JAR. r. l'Rr,, Worth its weight in gold to every farmer aod breeder In Oregon. SUBHCRIITION: t'i.OO PER YEAR. (Sample copies free.) Rural Hpirit aod Oasette both for 13.50, oaab, at Ibis office. Mrs. Warren Garaoer, of tbe Haystack seation, died of cancer troubles Tuesday. Mrs. Carsuer was a very estimable lady sod a large oirole of friends and relati ves have tbe sympathy of all. She was tbs mother of Mr. Robert Caraner, of Wagner. Small precautions often prevent great misobiefs. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are very small pills in sise, bat are most effectivs in preventing tbe most serious forms of . liver trouble and stomaob troubled. Tbey aura oonstipatioo and headache and regulate tba bowels. For ssle by Conser & Brock. thrillios. tba trials aod hardships mar- Long Creek Eagle: The new tele- inn .h, mau , Morions one. The pboos hn, ooonectlog tba Long Creek wnoe itor,t beautifully Illustrated, will flouring mill witb lbs main Una, bas Just u giTen io be November issue of Tba been oompleted, aod ia in fine working Hom joorn,i under tha title, Tk Uraatrat Kids la History. A territory of 271.000 squire miles. oomprtsiog Wssbington Idaho and Ore gon as they are today, was saved to tbe Union by ons mao. lie bad tba oour age and heroism to rida on mnlebaok for I three tb msand miles. Tba ride was I We are sole agents for those, having bought our entire Una in June, it enables ua to sell those oelebrated goods at tbe same prioes asked tor interior brands. Oall and examine. MIKTOJK: 4& CO. Hotel H3;pi:o.3:r . (Formerly the GRAND CENTRAL.) HEPPNER, OREGON. MRS. L. SMALL, Manager. Now Open. New Methods. New mcnt. Strictly First Class. Manage- ordar. This oonoeotioa now gives tbe mill direct commuoleatloa witb all points in tha oounty. "When Dr. Whitmao Added Three 8 tars to Oar Flag," tbe closing and most io- MR n u s wm rum in It yon'bava aver aeea a little child in a paroiTem ot hooping ooogb, or if you have beeo annoyed by a constant tick ling in tbe tbroat. yoa oan appreciate tba value ot One Minute Cough Cure, bioh givea quick relief. Sold by Con ser k Brock. louurciag, me rnwm uu "" w- Unsely ioterrsting artiola in the Jour- HateS, S 1 .00 reT UaV and UDWards nal'a aoeoeaaful aeries ot "Oreat Per- ' r"u,MS' sooal Events." Tbs first women to orosa tbe Rockies figure in tba story. wbicb proves bayond a doubt tbat tbey prroeded Fremont, tba Tatbtinder," by ail year. SPECIAL RATES BY THE WEEK OR 310STH. TIlHOnOH CARS. TO Ht. PACI. MINNKArOLIS Dui.urii FAIUU) utrri'K VUKLENA Tickets Ist.ta,! to all pn'nts la the United that way. Htalrs and Canada. Coedoa Glolie: An enormous eagle, meaaoring about 7 feet across the "shoulders," makes its boma about two i I . . .... .1 fl.H.t.B '.ml An mil. ofOooke BnW ranch. It Is quite tame troubled !',,, k.dney and and frtqueotly aaea by paraona paaslog Prra4rally Jteryeaa. Gents:-1 was dreadfully oervnoa,aod for relief took your Karl's Clover Root Tea, It quisled asy aervea and streegicx road m whole nervous system. I was gajTA firat-clruc toed barn ran io connection, and from all train. We solicit your patronage. Free Rue mo to QUICK TIME TO. J7ff6er Cultunrinal Proof. rattan STtras l.san Orrn s. Ths Imlrs iii.m. apni, Hih liet. VOTK-r u nmmv t.wts Iiut jams IV -. I. h It r. llattian, orrgi.a. has nlM.1 rintil lati lilli a ih. dual t.N. t lra I i H..H..W, tuiiiiif ins. i iiia unwa in llfl.pitrr, orison, M.iifUv, lh '.ili 4ar ol I !: ..ii ittnU t riiimir .pi. II. allnn Kit 1, U tha at Ul i swlloa N !, In township riii tannin. rans nn, i rasi Ha i .iiix as ll"i-.. Vranl MnrrUmt. iif II aitj-n. k.l M'irrian4, aal taaar kattfc. II, all ul iiantuian, orrf m tkA t. MimiMR, T Hi-alaMr. "T lie lWalor Line" Tit Dilrt, MM 4 Mat' Siv'tfilifli C& Every as soU,ribr of tbe Oaaetlt from tuts daU, May 2&, lr7, will reLe as a premium a bmk worth alono tba prire et tbe subanrlptiou, tf TbM who deslr to builj sbeulJ aot forget ibat O. E. Raanns, tba eoa traoior, as reedy to rnaks eeltmatM at aay tloie. ntf iniiikw nil iwwiaiw,al(M "QALLlt CITf" A0 'KIGUUIM' LeavaThe Dalli datlv fipt flamlat) at 7 JO a. m. Iae l'ortlao.l at 71K) a. m. tthsi yoa go to rortUmt, Btop off at The Iallr and tats a trip down the Colombia; yoa will sajoy it, an J save rsnDar. W.a AI.LAWAT, Oeenral AgeaL VTrn.TatnT'RTMY r arnvi V T snllmn r la.1tra fai lrat lt Mptin Sittls, satsliiuhxl houa In ura.Hi Monllilf am a hi. in .iii..n hl.r snra rm liMMi aril at tr.a. .4 slaiii.t nw W. 1aWitln.atosaraHr.)-t. (! sn. CiiH'atto WaaniNnToti rULnaoaa Naw Yoa llvrrtui All other polata ia tbe East and rioutbeasl OMAN4 KlXits City 4 ht. Jonarai Ht, Lona HuarTOH IVrH.1 at Ht. rani, Mlaoaapoha, Kaosaa City, Omaha, Ht. lnte and other promt bent potute Uaggace ehecked through to destination ot Ikktta. Tbmnab tti keta to Japao and Cblua. via Taonma and Northarn 1 aclOo hlaant ship Couipaay'a Una. For full Information, time earda, maps, tickets, etc., eall on of write W. C. Au 4f, A. I Agt N. I'. Hy. AaakOeo. IW At. TbeIallM,Or. Portland, Or Frank McFarland bas be ee appoloted special agaot of Tha Equitable Life As suranea Co of New Tork, tba strongest la tbe world. Cash surplus to poliey holders ot over 43 millloc dollars. IWl lake iiMiaraae) without aeeiog tha sew plans tf tha Equitabla. Insures both rise at aatua rate. 77tf Kedflfld k Browa have saoved tbatr taw ofSee Into tba rear aod of tba bank id 'Of us Oillmao bow oconpiee tbe offlre vsalad by tbeaa. bowel trouble. Tour Tea soon cleaned my system so thoroughly tbat I rapidly regaiutd health aod strength. Mrs. 8. A. Sweat, Uarlfofd, Goon. Bold by CotiserA brook. J Attorneys at Ltixv, All businesa attended to ia a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notarise rnblie aod Onllectora. REPF3ER, CfriCE IN t t NATTER BCILDISO. OREOON Blarttae KHarasrcaM Oraaahars. Orsaabnppera are fast dissppearing from Umatilla county, California. It bas broa discovered that tba destruction of tbeea peete ia doe to tba Iage bias flira or blue botlfee, aa tbey se mora eonj- tuoelf eallad. As aiperlmeater fonad apoa naruinlog a auaber ot graaahop WHITE COLLAR LINE. Golnmbia River and i) ucetSound IV or rpnt li in ill 6 No maa or woman caa enjoy life or aoooropUah saueb in this world while IsufTsrlag from a torpid live. DsWitt's Witch II ssle Pair. It aootba, straogtb- ees and keala. It la the great p en re. For sale by Ooueer k Brook. outer shell but a mass ot maagota, wbiob ba t sprung iato Ufa from tba depoatls el Ihe bl nelly. lUanus Is still oa tba turf dning a lit tle earpenUr bualneaa. If uun( as ainir rnrtari fmtr 1't-s.a . Dirt i-.r lnti.a Km waallk. Hrlla JilMN WKIil aiU m'KM IX, l .wntl An.atwra, WiOlta, s l. iw mmti w yttm a Wbal is Hop IM eaftU. Mae a t, eUeaber, tef r-a Aag. IXppvl. rapraaaatiag tba cela- braled Rrtshford wagos. aa up from Portland Wednaaday . To beat tba brvkea aad diawaawl tia- Motlct of Intention. t amttirrn t T tig P4t,i , nton, I 4 IVt . last, rtmtra la hart. it.aa that lha h.llaaliis nanict ainf has Sl4 aol nl I aia InWiiUna Ui Sal w." la auranrtal his Maim, and thai sal. I r "Ul ba I u 0 SootbS tb Irritated SO r fat, to ii. TW0, .wr"w . m ........ , wi g'f.w.. immw I In. a7, lmm TQJTBOM, BAILET GiTZET AND OCEAN W.TE. pr that thr was oothlog aoir tbelftog Alder Street Dwk. Portlaad. for As torts, Io. Loaa ru... rw l ark ana fcsiveoua. Ursti aonoeettoa with Ilwseo aU.mara aadVaii road; ataa at Touag a Ray with 8.hora Railroad! 'X'Xir.tXrjxxxoTg'xi Uaraa forUB4 1 A, U. Dally, stcpp4 aaaxlay, Uar ArUwi.1 p. M. Dallr, sirp4 Saaita daixjHy OaA.rrsBart.'z Laarat Aytlao4 I F. al Imiir. aim Snnrtaf. aaiarta klm. 11 P l K al M A. at, aap Saaday a4 U4.f. " hv 7, OOBAN1 WAVm M.,. Las "WtlaM aad rana 4lrr la tlsaoa. TMHf a4 Tfearala at s A at a . U. II.m, 1U; a.4 rrvu, 7 aiT U. Zm atfa, ra!,U JSp'i M 1 K M 7 tOktHtMlksMhxfmitlrti:. Tti altlT of Bakar ormatt arrtrad tol forSaMf. Sraai. Coattert. rkaaiare. Travai tm laa, a.n . m i. h ' tr-i L" ' ' ,B4 a w.v a l' twvr a viaw awm i Earl's Clover Rmt Tea t a pleaaaal laiativ. Ragulaleatbbow4.partBV tbe blood. Ulaar tb comjilajios. Easy to toake and pUaaol to take, Hold by Cooaar k Brotb. v , oa l fr.t nnn iimM l?th, a7, a i rim,T!tc. witt!. n.i i m im u Tp I a, a. a I a a Ha Ma tha l.t I nsT Ht" Wt ptnn hia fva t t umm ami riitl.aiuMi .4 sal t laM. l '" knai-lMM. at ( ill. Itat.ia. S a.. I A. a lir)t,aU ul !, Miwrva; awuHtr, incun, j. r. A. HaaMat. lasUatly ra4kv aad U permaoeatly are ia tba w la Inn at Da Witt" Wlleb llatal Palv. For Hal by Cfsr k Brock. L. U. DkHtovM nJ E. L. U sBrooa, of Ilaystatk. wtr doisg taiaa ia nrpar. ytrJay. no day ni.ttr trala f r be, bsvteg ia abarg Lion Mtio. bo is rbargad with tbtfl of hp ta lUkar anonty. (' that fonah lib Blilh's Cur Tie bt sfh aara. rli ojp pfoSBpllf. Ou SbillMHi b4lla nld laa yaar. r) io f r 2'i. H. J4 by Cav 4 A Block. y THE PALACE HOTEL BAR, ' 1JUii(JII-It Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.