Taha Notice. I The tarn of five cento per line will be charged lor "card of thanks," "resolutions of "T'iV ltoU ' W1"R presents and donors, and obituary notice, (other than those the edi or shall himself give aa a matter of newt,) and notioes ot special meetings for whatever purpose. X Notices of chnrch and society and another entertainments from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of Ave cento a line. These rules will be strictly adher e.1 to in every instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. A GOOD CLUBBING LIST. The Oniette can offer tbe following dabbing; rates: The GAZETTE 12.50 and Club Rate Weekly Oregonian,l)50... $3.50 " 8. F. Examiner, $1.50 3.75 " N. Y. Tribune, 11.00 8.00 " Inter-Ocean, 11.00. 8.25 " 8. F. Chronicle, $1.80 8.75 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World, L0O. . ; 8.25 Webfoot Planter, 60c jj.50 Leslie's Weekly, W OO 5.00 Bural Spirit, 2.00 8.50 New York Wool Record, $2.00 8.50 HETH. EPISC. CBDRCH. SERVICES. Sunday 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school 10 a. m. Glasses No. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m. Epworth League Devotional meeting at 7 p. m. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8 p. m. " 'The Bpibit and the bn-e say. Come." The pastor may be found at the parsonage ad joining the chnrch, where he will be glad to meet any w"o may desire to consult him on religious, social, civic, philosophic, educational, or any other subject. J, W. FLK8HER, Minister. HEPPNEB BOO Ml NO. Cbarlei Caoniagtiaia Gives a Glowlnc Ac count of That City. Pendleton Tribune. Cbarlea Cunningham baa returned from Heppner where he went with a carload ot hia thoroughbred hooka He old a number while there and left the remainder with Ed. Bishop to aell. Mr. Cuotiingham oomee borne with the most enconraging tidiogg of boaioeaa oouditiona in that oitv. His deal ins there took him to tbe First National bank of which institution Mr. Cnnnino- ham has many good things to say. Per haps the beet of all is that, dormg the bard times of the last few years, which at intervals bordered upon a panlo, there waa not a single man or business firm doing business with the bank either olosed oot or sold out. This is partiou larly remarkable, thinks Mr. Cunning ham, when it is remembered that tbe sheep indnatry is carried on so exten sively in that part of the state. Tbe people of Heppner are in the highest of spirits, saye the Tribune's informant, whioh is to be aoconnted for in the fact that the town is enjoying al most unprecedented prosperity. O. E. Redfield, the attorney, formerly of tbis oity, he eavs, is doiog a land office business. . Here and There. ' a. . See M. Liclitenthal for shoes. a. A. W. Lundell.of Gooseberry, is in tbe city. O. W. Bea left last night for Baker City. Ed Day, of Galloway, is registered at the Palace. ' Fine celery, trait, cigars and tobaccos at Mathews'. tf, Little Bennie Honlook baa been quite sick the past week. Submit your plans to Ranous before giving out your oontraot. tf To trade A good beating stove, for oordwood. Call at office. tf. The Orange Front for fine fruit, cigars, tobaoooa and fancy groceriea. tf. M. B. Galloway is having a neat awn ing erected in front of hia gallery. M. Liobtentbal for shoes. Exol naive shoe store. Handles tbe best. 83tf Aaa Thomson, tbe Butter oreek ebeepman, was in town tbis week. Fine home-made taffy at tbe Orange Front. A olean, freeb stook of goods leave your orders. tf. Girl wanted to do housework. Good wages. None but tbe best need apply. Call at Gazette offioe. 83-tf To arrive soon at Mathews' sweet potatoes, cranberries, Grandpa's soap and other necessaries. tf. Any one desiring to build either a bouae or barn will make money by call ing on tbe Gazette offioe. 67tf For sale reaidence property. Barn and good ootboase. Will aell oheap on easy terms. Call at offioe. 83-tf. Best accommodation and oourteoua treatment at tbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh and Wash. Sta., Portland, Oregon. Heppner' publio school are moving . along in harmony and muob interest is shown by both teaobera and pupils. There ia a nioe lot of Cunningham Merino bucks for sale at Thompson k Blooi' stable. Ioqaireof W. O. Brown. 590 tf. Don't fail to give the new advertisi meat ot J. W. Taogbao a careful perusal. Ha baa something of interest lo impart to you. J. L. Gibson has taken tba Jones' barber stand and does good work at popular price. IS oenta shaving and 25 cents baircutting. 78 -tf. Miss Altba Leach' baa Just received a cics Una of sample bate. Bba invite tb ladie to aeatbem and get prion be fore parobesing elsewhere. 85-92. Momenta ar oseless if trilled away; and tbey ar dangerously wasted it con sumed by delay in eases wbere On Mioul Cough Cur would briog itnme dial ralief. For sal by Cosier k Brock. Htok Malhews and V. Gentry, under tb firm nam ot Matbew k Gentry, ar associated together In tba bvber basinet to tb Dew stand, two door aootb of lb poatoffloa. Tbey aolioit a ealL Bbaving, 15 oenta. tf. ' Oliver Pearson, of Eight Mile, was in town with a load ot Irish potatoes yes terday, He left a sample ot bis product at tbe Gazette office. The "sample" consisted of 30 potatoes, every one ot wbiob was large enough to make cam paign speeches. Tbis oollossal aggre gation of "spuds." collectively, tipped toe soaies at ou ponnas ana tbey were not culled from a large lot either. They were ot about equal size and were fat as thoroughbred Poland China pigs, with blue eyes, smooth faces and rosy cheeks. Mr. Pearson will please aooept thanks for tbia elegant and highly entertaining article ot diet. ' rBOU ALASKA. A Morrow Cosstylte Who was Successful 11 Crossing the Pass, Writes a Few laterest Inc Dots. Mr. Sam Ensley, who left Hardman some time ago, bound for . tbe Klondike region, writes bis wife, under date ot September 27, a vtry interesting letter oouoeruing his experiences, wbiob Mre. Ensley kindly famishes the Gazette for publication. Mr. Ensley says: ' "After a long delay I write to let you know bow I nm gettiug along and what I have been doing. I am now in camp at Lake Bennett. Have part of our supplies here, and the remainder within 10 miles ot here. Will get tbem all here inside of tix days if our horses bold oat. I am getting ready to saw lumber tor a boat. Think we will get ready to start down in about eight days. It ia freez ing very little at night and it is raining and snowing, but I hardly think it will freeze up eo aa to prevent us from pro ceeding into the Klondike. I am ex ceedingly strong and hardy, especially after going through what I have daring the past month. It anyone had told me before I started what hardships I bad to undergo, I would have said at onoe it ia impossible. I thought I bad gone through and had seen eights and bard times, bnt I never bofore in all my life saw auoh timeB aa I have seen the last five weeks, and may God grant that I never may be called to ezperieooe such a time again, but thank the good Lord be has atretohed forth hia strong arm and enabled me to aooomplieb a thing almost inoredible. I will not attempt to explain, for I oould not, even if I bad time. Two of my party gave it up and went back, leaving everything with us three in number. That left ua with a W. A. Fieber, a prosperous ranober over in Haystack, sends to tbe Gazette some apeoimena of potatoes which ap pear to be of a moat prolific variety. Among the assortment were found a number ot the tslue Chicago. Market, wbiob are large in size, nioely flavored and elegant iu appearanoe. Tbe speci mens oomparo very favorably with any we have seen tbis season. Judging by tbe number of new claims whioh are constantly being taken np, interest in me willow oreek mines is increasing. The result of tbe proapeot rook is suid to be turning ont muob better as work progresses in its down ward oourse, acd it will not be very long now until the exact amount of wealth stored in tf'ese "digginga" may be fully ascertained. Tbe Gazette is still in the haoda ot the "devil," tbe boss, up to tbis hour, having failed to return. Hia Satanic Majesty hopes that ere another issue oomea oat the "chief" will be here, as tbe brimstone ia getting short ani tbere are several fellows looking for a dark brown, balf bald-beaded scalp. CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS. . 1 Rev. W. . Potwine will bold Epiaoo pal serv'oea in tbe Christian oburob Sunday morning at 11 o'olook. Eveuing praper with aermon at 7:30. IONE ITEMS. Several new homes are being built this till. ' Oar saddler and harness maker ia em ploying two assistants, having a good supply ot order for harness. Wheat has gone up to 70 cents, and 50,000 bushels changed bands tbe other day. Rube Sperry will seed several hundred acres this lull, unos win be stnotlj "in it " Cars are being ripiilly loaded and grain shipped aa farmers are selling. J. A. Woolery is moving his merchan dise into the new store building, and Mr. Walker opens bia hardware store in tbe old building. Oar sobool is progressing nioely. We have tbe largest cttendanoe that was ever known at lone. Over 40 are en rolled and more will oome . OlnS's addition to lone has been com pletely sold out in lots and preparations are being made tor another addition. T. J. Allyn ia providing tbe lone neighborhood with winter apples. Preaobiog waa held Sunday morning and evening, with a good attendance. Without fail, unless otherwise an nounced, preaching is always held at lone on the first and aeoond Sunday ot each month. v ' Visitors from Heppner are announoed tor this coming Sanday. They are con nected with the Morrow County Sanday sohool association. Tbe postoffioe at lone baa increased its business during tbe present year. It is neoeesary, with the great amount ot business being done at lone, that we Canton Plows Canton Harrows Canton Gangs Canton Disks or Drills or Seeders Studebaker Wagons and Hacks Super Super big outfit. We left about a ton of stuff "uu'u " uluuo uru" vma" Bua " abont half sv over the nasa. Hava BeemB tna ere Bnotner " PSe8 it taken in a partner who had horses and we are now getting along better. We lost our first horses long ago, but bought five more for 8300. Have two of them left. I bought tour head day before yesterday for $100. With what tbe man had we took in we have now 13 bead on the trail. Tbe boy a with the train are due this evening, but I don't expect all ot the horses will get in. The trail is lined with dead boreea. I think our boreea will bold out to get us through, and then we will not have it ao bard. Flour ia $25 per saok ; baoon 50 cents per pound, ana everytning else in pro portion, exoept oats wbiob is worth from $75 to $100 per aaok. I paid $1 for 16 boreesboe nails, and a number of men paid 25 cents a pieoe. I haven't time to write much, a the man who takes the letter is ready to start back I do hope you are all getting along well, and I assure you that I do not re gret coming Dd am hopeful, stout and hardy. tear Dyea trail, but I was not on that trail I don't know bow many were killed, bat tbere were quite a number. It was a terrible affair. I will try and give full details of my trip wben I get into winter quarters. Good bye fo'r tha present. Yonra, Sam EnmBY." GRAIN and FEED S.P. Main Street , Next door to Falaoa hotel. HEPPNER, OREGON will be assured. The semi-annual convention will be held at Heppner on tbe aeoond Thurs day, Friday and Saturday, and all the Morrow County 8unday aobools ehould be represented . This ia not a oooven tion aimply for the officers and dele gates, bat anybody and everybody inter ested in tbe furtherance ot Sunday sohool work is cordially invited to be present and help to encourage and bring life and enthusiasm to the meeting. Our ooanty should not be behind tbe times and no time can be more fittingly spent than to exobange ideas in tbe oause ot converting onr future gener ation. A Citizen. Oct. 18, 1897. The Southern Pacific railroad oompany baa decided to aell tioketa from all stations on its lines in Oregon, at one fate tor tbe round,' 'ip. Id view of tbe tact that our people have been favored with abundant cropa, it is confidently expect ed that the state fair at Salem will have a better attendance than ever before, and in order to give all an opportunity to visit this great institution of whioh tbe people of tbe entire state have rea son to be proud, this popular line of railroads has reduoed tbo fare so as to enable all to see one of the grandest displays ever exhibited at Salem. The Fair open Sept. 30th aud closes Oct. 8th. 670-tf Notice to Sheepmen I Dou't overlook those fine Cunningham books at Thompson & Biuns' stable. Inquire of W. O. Brown, at Palace hottl, or Ed. Bishop. 590 tf. A Caveats, and Trade-Msrks obtained and all Fat-1 ent business conducted lot Moderate Fit. Oua Omen Opposite, U, 8. patent Office and we can secure patent ia less tuns loan tousc n.mnm from WafthlncrtorL. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. W advise, if patentable or not, free of charge. Uur lee not due till patent is secured. ( A Pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patents," withi cost of same in the U. 8. and foreiga countries' sent tree. Address, 1 STOCKMEN, FARMERS, EVERYBODY ! You Don't Expect Goods for Nothing! BUT TOU DO WANT LOW PRICES to suit tbe times. You want fresh groceries and auppliea ; you want sub stantial gents' furnishings. You osn find what you want at T. K. Howard's. . . MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED I C.A. Opp. Patent SNOW&CO. Office, Washinqton. I What is Hop Gold? Best ti tb. See a 1, elsewhere. y. I suppose yoa were uneaay for HFDDNFD DAPUFT QTfsDF I waa in tbe great disaster on tbe H-rfllL-tl MIVIAH sJ I UML iT. I. Howard ! Main Street. Heppner. Oregon. THE ART OF BREWING. Was Perfected by the Production of.... Did You Ever Try Eleotric Bitter a a remedy for your troubles T It not, get a bottle now and get relief. This medioioa baa been found to be particularly adapted to tbe relief and care of all Female Complaints, exerting a wonderful direct influence in giving strength and too to tbe organ. If you have Loss ot Appetite, Constipa tion, Headache, Faiotlng Bpell, or ar Nervous, Hlarpleea, Exoitable, Melan choly, or troubled with Dizzy Spell, Llectno Bitter is tba medicine ou need. Health and Strength ar guaran teed by it us. Fifty oeot and f 1.00 at Concer k Brook' drug (tor. Thoroacbbred Nrrlse Back. W. C. Brown, tb well known breeder. ia over from Pendleton with a fin lot of Mertoo back which he offer for sale. In back ar bigo grade and need no special recommendation. Tbe fact that tbey ar ber tor aal I soffloleot. They may be seen at Thompson Jc Bmn sistiies, wber an lb information on may daeire cao be bad. Mr. Browo, who is a'opping at tba Palao hotel ill b pleased to bar personal Inter view with intending porobaaers. OOtf Bsokles's A rales Bslve. Tb Beet Balv lo th world tor Cole, BroUea, Borea, TJloer, Salt Rheum, Fever Sore. Tetter, CbappeJ Head, Chilblain. Corns, and all Hkio Krop- tious, and positively cure Til or do pf required. It ia guaranteed to giv . norfftot aatlafaotioo or money refaouiKl. Irtc3S eeot per bog. For l by Cooaer k Brock. Oorg Bofford b otn fin hall rel Cotawell bark. 00 1 of Mrrioo wm wblrb b tiikM to cell at reoa abl flar. D will M at E. L. Mt lMk'a eorral on about Hoot 20. Call on bioa. Wi Com ia tba Gatott offie eed gel a dct l of eovelopa printed Govern meet ovr!np lock aheap, J hHiiU vnu cannot get your basin card prlUd tbereoa. " Evtryoa dwire to keep laformed o Tokoii. tba Klnadik and A Is We gold field. fUtid 108. fr larg Ootnp"iio t vat lofof malio sod big color map to Hamilton Tub. Co, Iadianapol lad Dr. John W. Kwro'i. of tb "Kl- liba. vr an tb ! f" aotaetblag . a famish oo tb 0ot 1.1U la th lsB5-Mnbalte, Jfy Vrrmoalh r Oia-4 by aa artist ixuk Oat Tot Itartalas t Mr. L. i. Ete' Millinery tor. New (took ot good Just arrived from tha East ; oomprlsiog alst style "cow boy" bats, trimmed sailor, lama, etc., wbiob will ba iJ at BauaocK prioea. Comodee. G'JO-1 T Car Cawtlpalloa Fnrever. Tsk CascareU Cand Cathartic lOfl Of 250. It C.C.C. fall toeara, droggiat refund money. tf Tb Oatrtt doe not qneation th booeaty ot any peroo, bat It ia 00m pelled to iestat upon tb eah 1 advance plea of abaeriptioa, whetlK tba 'ib scribe be Cornelia Vaaderbilt or tb ojo who earo bis bread by boaect ML W eannot ran th paper on any other plan. It Th wbUkey that eld JltaCrow mad, Ibat Henry Clay drank.lbal Andrew Jaek a loved, that William Ileary Ilarrium weal Into rsiaslovr, ran b foood at Low Ttllard'a. It I "d fl ol o n Jon." If $2 OO 02 Economy: save 10 cents on a package of "cheap" baking 0UR 5 AND powder and eat the cake. You couldn't do better for your doctor. Schilling's Best money-back baking powder ta at your grocer's. aachinini THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN MORROW COUNTY TO BUY NOTION? AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. A FEW PRICES QUOTED BELOW. 1 paper full oouot pio 2 cent. 1 paper god needle 2 oeot. 1 spool lioen thread. ...3 oent. I oard hook and eye 1 oeot. 1 bull knitting cotton. . 3 cents. 1 geuts tap border bkf 6 oent. 1 Missea colored borJer bandkerohiet 2 cents. OTHER GOODS SUCH AS HOSIERY. TOWELS. HANDKERCHIEFS, $c, AT LOWEST PRICES. 10 CENT COUNTER IS ALWAYS FULL OF BARGAINS. CROCKER Y AND GLASSWARE IN ABUNDANCE. A FULL STOCK OF GROCERIES AT PRICES AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. And now Uie entire world Knows this verect product As tlie Star Brewery beer..... HO TBOUBLK TO 8HOW 0OOD8 k Compear ranrl.ro 100 WK WANT YOUR TRADE. . J. W. VAUGHAN. THE CRUELTY OF FISHINQ. of KltUai v Wi r r uiec ( 1 i iuii iLr vtt; y j WWW On draught at all popular saloons STAR BREWERY COMPANY, 203 Washington St., Portland, Of. UkMd t'nto tha M.othtar of K1U.U , . . fr, V- !XX Jft.iuJ T Trill, t' t- .'I II i Itnti'H " or Ituttarlllfia. Shall I tell you what fishing 1 like) It I like an expedition of armed soldiers going out to (hoot kittens! Like a man of war, full-rigged, cruUing for butterflies. What I a fish? An armlcsa, lcgleaa, witless creature, weighing from a balf to a eouple of pounds on an average. What ia a man? A monster with band that control cunningly-devlaod and ba' tod hooks, an average one hun dred na forty-pounder in weight, with a (oottiaratively) keen Intellect and the strength of a linn. Oh, It Is grans sport" for him to lure tha little know nothings out of tha cool, green depths of tha water, mangle them with barbed tee It Impel them on sticks, cast them down anywhere to gasp and die, laughing tha while to aota their con dition,' writes "Amber," In tha Chicago Herald. Count ma out of such "sport," If yon picas! Call it a neorssitr and I will 'rsve myself to meet it, but while the world swings on it way Wmlng with ihances for Innocent laughter and fun I will aork my sport eUwher than In fishing. The flavor of cruelty spoils tha fnn fit ntivmrit tinr m. ' la T r. -w -w -v v ' -v isiist a a -w-v m i w i T I wont go sof as tossy .mat, la I I K I I I 11' ?S I I I I I A A K Y. At tbe old atand, have tbe usual priog outfit ot FARMING UTENSILS, HARDWARE AND CAMP OUTFITS, Beside: tbe thousand odds and ends tbat are too numerous to mention. Cnll - GILLIAM & BISBEE, Heit Door to First National Bank Building. In basis. Irop In test oat of f oar saoatb and In tsk th tf lay trsna aho I terrtel I Pritlah Oolnmbi snnald write to W. O llarlbnrt. general aott sgal of tb O. IU N .f' f s "py t Tst Uonsn' lu ll "bookUl," "Tb ! boaaasslaiwl." II I veil worth tb trouble. 60-tf. neceaaarlly a brute If ba lovea to fiah. It is man's drlight to control and ansstT everything, from a horse down. His emotional nature I hut littla devel oped as regsrds th gentler sympathies and tha mora drlicsl arnaibllitirs, but whra (foil woman, wlthkr finer feelings sijJ mora Under organisation. tails ua that flailing la gnod "sport," and shs enjoys It, I covrr my face with say apron and warp aloud. It la not aortllnf to natnre, my dear, to ae a woman bait a hk with lie bait, nor to her gloat ovec auflrring In any form. If pain most ba InfiM-lrd. tf aniruloh most m innmn- Wrvd In th world Inflict It and Bwt it I a a grim owrity, tmt for merry' take do not call anything that affaring a paatima. And In any war fsr. I prsy yoa remember th law that govvmrd yonr bfyhod's spurUs. r II it a fallow of vour own sIm " 1070. A Boarding and Pay School for Boy$ Under Military 0idf)lmt. "Dat Co'n Juice" Is Found at F Welcome Oa Main Hlreel, in Oily UoUl Bu.ldiog. The Dest of Everything Always on Tap Ooortaoa Irsetmea I to all. Nio dob room. JLrCWV mrrviVID, Prop. PRANK R04EB9 i. t. ROBERTS T T'Hh trw sn'l'f IU ii Tina lMtiial-a impw Sit -ii 1 1 t!. ii. tocKt mfrmit hrvins 14. IMt -tal. tj.t.lrsl stt.d Ktl trsmtiif .4 T)mK lft ! fr m-f r.'It ir nmnlifir ImliuIMM 1- l .l VI I'. ii I. Mamvl.. im It mm. .f t p. I i.i'fr, ei.in I M.iii. i.f shfiria )!, ' ri i.sina. iaafriit ar4 IIHnll Jlwrit ?v l(ir mm Insilii I) m t"t 'liw srrt .l.r nil..' ''l... mnitnm ll fir. I. i W. IIII.U M l . r.rrll.i d, IHt-m. f U df.w.f II. SI Nnil. IS n . . I, . m i mi iATrt .Tr-ToTitr r tivk 1 ZZ T 'Jxl.' V ls. i .1 ,..,n.n ne l-vl U" fi n- 1 " utiflna aJTii UJ. I KM.. Mhil.h Sm" ll M.nMMf taSI.,,r,"--'-rM !s. ,l I'.1M,. f. '!- W print fllmpi Aaroasl Fila" latam!, with year asm asd basiaea ll,ro. Call al offle. Wanted-Hn Idea 25 e m r- if pr si wm ;Ai l Mini. IWi ,1 mmmMmfUm, ii I lrt (I ftm ikjV ri ! isnsii 4 tasu asat 1 SS S i - . sJs Do You Want a Rig ? a t III Dont You Want a rlacc to Put up Your Team ? Arc You in Need of a Saddle II orsc All tlioa cao U procured at T limn .won k lliona, lxer Main htreel, llr'poer, Ure(jo. ftttm tanllMMi mn aalnwt HS (Inril. IU" f'f fill I Ism ai4 Hli romitUe M m aa iwMf a1 Um la msi( i sn tiis ana ira.siii'i mrm. rrkwa la ltrln( HS tha Mkms. THOMPSON Sr. IJINNS, U7XHTMIK. ttXTttTKH, Rogers & Roberts, Contractors aod Builders. Flans and Estimates Given on snort notice. Al! Kinds of Repair Work Done OFFICE HOURS-Day and Night Lcarc your orders -Any Old. ITacc and Kog. or Jim will get cm. o o o o o o o D00TS AND SHOES D a mm TMC FLACK TO OCT THIM It AT II kMsnriam Is this Una thai fnm mt tnA t"n eaa SuwM II tea act a ! artK i ali.a Mat fuaraaum It. SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Old lusi, Mala) Street ReaalrlMf a Saaalalty Tho GAZETTE, $2.50 A Year for CASH.