Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 22, 1897, Image 1

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    Portland Library
NO. 590
Tuesdays and Fridays
OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man.
At $9.50 per year, $1.25 for six month, 75 ots.
tor three moncna, strictly in advance.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
THIS PAPKB U kept on rile at E. C. Dake's
Advertising Agency, M and 85 Merchants
Exohangs, Ban Franoisoo, California, where oou
tacts for advertising can be made for it.
0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD,
Train leaves Beppner 11 p. m.
11 p. m. daily except
Ban day arriving at Heppner Junction 1:80 a, ni.
Leaves Heppner Junction 3:40 a. m. and ar
rives at Heppner 6:10 a. m.
k Spokane .Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:45
p. m. and arrives at Heppner J auction 8:15 p. m.
and Umatilla 9:15 p. m.
Portland Express No. 8, from Spokane, arrives
at Umatilla 5:05 a. m. and Heppn r Junoti ju 0:10
a. m. and ar ives at Portland 11:45 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9 p. m. and ar.
rives at Heppner Junction 8:80 a. m. and at
Umatilla 4:40 avm.
Fast Hail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 12:40 p. m. and
arrives at Heppner Junction 1:47 a. m. and at
Portland 7:51 a.m.
For farther information inquire of J. G. Hart,
Agent O. K & N., Heppner, Ore.
' United Btatea Officiate.
President William McKinley
Vice-President .... Garret A. Hobart
Secretary of State John Bherraan
secretary of Treasury Lyman J. Gage
Secretary of Interior CorneliuB N. Bliss
Secretary of War Russell A. Alger
Secretary of Navy John D. Long
Postmaster-General James A. Gary
Attorney-General Joseph McKenna
Secretary. f Agrioulture James Wilson
State of Oregon.
Governor W. P. Lord
Secretary of State H. K. Kinoald
Treasurer Phil. Hetachan
Bnpt. Public Instruction G. M. Irwin
Attorney General....... ..C. M. Idleman
, (G. W.MoBride
Senators 'lj. H. Mitohell
I Binger Hermann
Congressmen.... J w. ft. mm.
Printer W. H. Leeds
!R. 8. Bean,
F. A. Moore,
G. IS. Wolverton
Sixth Judicial District.
Circuit Jndge...".' Stephen . Lowell
Prosecuting Attorney H. J. Bean
' Harrow County Officials,
Joint Senator... ...
A, W. Gowan
J. N. Drown
.A. G. Bartholomew
J. H. Howard
Conntv Jndae..
. " Commissioners.,
J. W. Beckett.
" Treasurer
' Assessor
School Bnp't...
J. W. Morrow
E. L. Mat look
Frank Gilliam
A. C. PetteyS
J, W, Hornor
,.,...Jay W. Bhipley
B. F. Vanghan
Mayor The- Morgan
i! ...ilmn. Geo. Conser, Frank
Gilliam, Arthur Minor, K. J. Blooum. M
: -1. 1 1 -,! I It Kjmnnl.
. " ,,, . IJl-l l.
Kwuciter 1 w Mri.
Treasurer I u J2J"f
U.rahml A. A. BoberU
Precinct Officer.
t -: k. raua W. K. Bichanlson
VJZbi " N. S. Whetetone
United 8tats Land Officer,
www r a t .i.n. on.
J . Mxom Register
A. B. Bigg ...
B. F. Wilson.
.. Receiver
, la oahds, oa.
J. H. Kobbine.
.... t rw tha last fUturday
eeh month. All veterans are Invited to Join.
m-W. Smith. KO4D.
. Adjutant. tf
Dr. P. B. McSwords,
Offioe In tb
City Hotel,
Drag Store, near
D.J. McFaul, M. D.
OfBoe boon, 8 to 10 a. m., Mid 13 to
4 - at realriano. Mra. II. WrloU'l
property, nod 10 to 13. . m , to 2 to 5
rj- m. . al 0 III OS in tue rear i w'l"
Jewelry etor.
Brown & Redfield,
Attorneys at Law,
nffias) in . tbe Fir National Bauk
In. tbe Fire atioDl
... ButUieg. . -
Ilirmin. $ : Oaaoori.
Justice of the Peace
and City Recorder.
ernes at
Malls end burs reJ tal, rents hooeea. pa
Uim. oa conveyancing and will serve f on
any way In al Hue, al reesuuabl Bgurea.
First National Bank
C. A. HmCA.
T. A. HMt.
S. W. trtNCCR.
Vl Prals)nl
Trttrti l Ctstnl Eulitf Baha,
o tat pens ( u wid
Bought and Sold
Cntlsrtto aa4 m all flnm mm
SMMbK T.rma.
ftwrl ne4 n4lt4-4 m. 00,
amm Hark ft HPP '
T 'btfk, ft. T-yfc Toomlnr
M4 rMMnf; ftrrtm si 6 fk. I
. Uoajsy. W.IIJ t4 maaj
WiO k fnti Hh braftflb Irsi
-i. AL.t-X. Ymit fi ? war
iuuiImL Trot 0Si al Barry
Three Important Points.
FIRST Go via. St. Paul be
cause the lines to that point will
afford you the very best service.
SECOND See that the coupon
beyond St. Paul reads via. the'
Wisconsin Central because that
line makes close connections with
all the trans-continental lines en
tering the Union Depot there, and
its service is first-class in e.very
particular.' ,
THIRD For information, call
on your neighbor and friend the
nearest ticket agent acid ask for a
ticket reading via. the Wisconsin
Centra) lines, or address
Jas. C. Pond,
Gen. Pas. Agt.,
Milwaukee, Wis.
or Geo. S. Batty,
General Agent,
246 Stark St.,
Portland . Or.
H W, Fall,
Of the Old Reliable
ault House,
Half block west of the Union Depot of C.
y., U. M. !l at. r., U. dt A., f. jrt. w. & v..
. Ft. W
ana tne u. at. usr, Kaiiroaas.
Cor. W. Vadlson and Clinton Btn.a
' CiXXCUL&O. lajxZ ' ' '
While yon aeep your subscription paid up. yen
oankeep your brand in free of oharge,
Bora. P. O.. Heppner. Or .'-Horses. P B on left
snomaer; ontue, same on ien tup.
ok. A. J. .Lena. Or. Horses. BOon ris-h
der; CatUe, same on riphthipi ear mark
crop off left and split u right.
Donalass. W. M . Galloway. Or. Cattle. B Don
ridtit side, swailowfork in eaoh ear; horses, II 1)
on lutt nip.
Ely. Bros., Douglas, Or. Horses branded ELY
on left shoulder, cattle name on lefthip; hole
id right ear.
Florence. L. A.. HeDDner. Or. Cattle. LF nn
right hip: horses. F with bar under on risht
T TT U 1- XT 1 J J
rl J on the left shoulder: oattle braided J on
right hip, also underbit in -left ear. - Range in
morrow county.
Johnson. Felix. Lena. Or. Horaea. oimleT on
left stifle; oattle, same on right hip, under half
arop in nn ana sunt ji ten ear
Ren nr. Mike. Heppner. Or. Horses branded
KNV on lefthip oattle same and crop ofi left
ear; turner slope on tne rigm
Lsnhe. I. W. Hennner Or. Horsnsranll
L and A on left shoulder: eettle same on left
hip, wattle over right eye, three slits in right
Minor. Osoar. Hennner Or. ttla. M Dm
right hip; nurse, lion left aboulder.
Morgan, H. N., Beppner, Or. Horses, II )
on len snouioei oanie same on ten nip,
Oabnrn. J. W.. Don v las. Or.: horses O on lef
shoulder: oattle same on rlglit hip.
Parker ft Glaaaon. Hardman.Or. Horses IP on
left shoulder.
Pioer. J. H.. Lexlnston. Or. Horses. JB eon,
Dftnted on left shoulder: oattle. Sams on lef
under bit In each ear..
Hector. J. VY- Heppner, ur. Horaea, JU
lettskouldsr. Cattle, o tight hip.
Boerrr. K. G- Heppner. Or. Cattle W C on
left hip, orop on right and nnderbit In left yi
dewlao: horses W C on left shonlder.
Thompson, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, I on
left shoulder! eattle. 1 on left shonlder.
Turner K. W.. Heppner. Or. H mall eapltal T I
left thimlder, homes; oattle aame on left hip I
wiui split in Dotn sara.
Watrenharger. W. J.. Galloway, Or.: horses I
quarter eimle JW on right shoulder; eattle I
sjaarter circle JW on right hip and right side, I
crop and hole in left ear. lUnge in Morrow ana I
Notice Of Intention.
Lamp Orrics at La Gakdi, Oikqok,
following-named settler has filed notice of
his Intention to make final proof In support of
his claim, end that sa!d proof will be made
lief ore County Clerk, Morrow County, Oregon,
at Heppner, uregon, on ucl sutn, inn, tii:
H. E. No. e70 for the IIWU RWt, Hee. 27, N4
dwv and ' KE! SecMTp. I a. R. 2, E. I
He namei the following witnesses to prote his I
eontlnuous rreldcnre upon and cultivation nil
said land, vis: Kllliue Trier, Herod W. Berk
ley, Dartd u. J mi us, Jainea 0. Brown, all of I
Heppner, uregon-
SI 91 KrglsUsr.
Notice of Intention.
LiinOniti at Tmi f) alls'. OawinM.
Uilr 4. If.
11 lullimlng-naawal sotttrr has 0lr4 antle f
hat liiLrtiUV Stake sni f.rtn.1 In supeof t af
his claim, and that said proof will Iw made
bWore J. w. Mnrriiw, county clerk, at Heppner,
Oregon, on Movemiier mn. inn, vis:
Hd. E Vo VA?, or the MW of Hee. It, Tp. I .
k hk.w.n.
he names the folio Ing witness eg to Bme
Ills continuous residence upon and emurauon
nl ..! liii.l. vis: AJklllen V. Hllann. M. J.
Wllllsms, A Terry and R. P. Wilson, allot
lone. Morrow esmity, Oregon.
an. w. iiKe.r.,
si m. Keg itr.
The regular sabaoriptioB prirw of tb
H-rnl-WorsIr Uasrtta to 12.50 aad lbs
retruUr prica of tha Weekly Oregon laa
la 11.60. Asyoae ssWribisg for th
Oaawtta and fjing for oua year it
advsor raa 4 t"n tba OsaelU an.
Wskly Oreg'iiilaa for 11 fA All old sot-
acnbwra oarlec their soWrietions fir
ods tear la advaoao will b entitled m
the ene
lieppoer to PeodleWm ..via risppoer
Kebohiaga I auk I'araoea deeiroas of
vteilia I'eadletos sen safe lima and
BJtooey by tatlog IhN foal. Uf M
qualDtinc tba iioU hs brwvions en
Ing lb etage will naka cosovaunn lib
1 n'rlnrtj train St tsho fur l erlle4oiJ
OfTioa at Oily iag Morsv. W, D.
Walt. Tbuipua rnoa atag bwt
Heppner aad Mooatfifit, arriving every
day tirp4 kiijaday aad leaving overy
day atpt Muolay. Mbuftswt and tbsp-
sast roaU to tba latonor. E. J. rjlowoas,
Sf eoL
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
A New Life of 6rant by Hamlin Garland.
uraui. ever puuiisneu. (Begins in uecemoer.)
Rudyard Kipling's first American serial, "Captains Courageous." (Begun in November.)
Robert Louis Stevenson's "St. Ives." The
inegiua iu tfiay.)
Charles A. Dana. "Recollections of .War Time."
years of the Civil War practically a member
fitted than any other man living to give an
recuiieuuouB ana corresponaence.
Portraits of Great Americans. Many of them
of portraits it Is intended to publirh special
MAiLfliu ui inn uiij. iruni n asnmgcon
Pictures of Palestine. Specially taken under
Stories of Adventure. A serial by CONAN DOYLE, In which he will use his extraordinary
talent for mystery and ingenuity which have,
n. piauo uesiue i oo auu uaooriau.
IAN MACLAREN, All the Action that he will
of two contributions to another publication
JOEL CHANDI.BR HARRIS. A series of new
itauDu ' ana tne "jjitue Mr. rnimblennger"
RUDYARD KIPLING. Besides "Captains Courageous." Kipling will contribute to McCld'b
aii oi uie Buun stories ne win write auring
OCTAVE THANET is preparing for the Maoazini a series of short stories in which the same
onaraciers win appear, aitnougn eacn will
Anthony Hepa Brat
Frank R. Stockton Stanlay
will all hove stories in McClure's for the
These are only a small fraction ef the great and Important features of McCuint'g Maoaxink tor
1897, the subscription priee of which Is only . .
One Dollar a Year
The new -volume begins with November. Subscriptions should start with this number.
The S. S. McClure'Co., New York.
A Campaign
Of Education
HOW tO Get It (T IT A A
summate skill.
Such a paper Is a great popular educator. It should be In every
The subscription price of Laalla's U 14 pe nnura.
We make the unparalleled offer of a copy of
Leslie's illustrated Weekly and our Semi
Weekly one vear for onlv 55.00.
!, " -
v sucn oucr was ever mane oeiore. no sucn oner win ever be made
again. These two papers make a most acceptable Christmas or birthday
gift, and will be constant reminders of the giver's kindness
Remit by postal order or check to the
Heppner, Orccon.
Published Every Saturday
13 Astor Place New York
Tha Outlook still b la 1897, aa it baa
been during eaoh of its twenty vea
rrs, a History of Oar Owa Tlmea. Io
ita yarioos aditorlal departments Tba
Outlook gives a oompaot review of tba
world's pmgrMs; it follows with para
all iba important pbilanthropio sod in
dustrial movements of tba day; baa a
complete department of religions osws;
davotea moob Spar to tba Interests ef I
lbs borne; reviews earreat llteiatore;
fnraakbea rbawrfal table-talk about cao
acd things: aad, la short, aims to give
freab Information, original obaarvatioa,
aod reaaoosbla eoleriainmetit.
Beginning with tba lift flifth tolama,
tba papar will smdom tba regular mag a
tine sta, ,wbif)b . will add g really to its
eooTaoieAaa aad aitrativoaaaa. Tba
Outl'M'k la paUiebsJ avery HlorUy
fifty two lasoea a year. Tba first lee tie
la aaeb month is an Illtislraled Mag act oa
Nosabar, aoatatoiag abotitlwioaaa many
pages aa Iba ordinary laaqaw, togUt
wMk larga innWf of purlnrna.
Tba pfiaaaf Tba Outlimb la tbraa
dollar a yaar lo advanae, or lee tbaa a
t a day.
Head (of a stawnMO apy and illustrate
(hs proapaalua to Tba Oaltot, Astot
inaoa, 2twTokUit.
The first authoritative and adequate Life of
only novel of Stevenson's still unpublished
Mr. Dana was for three of the most critical
of Lincoln's Cabinet, and Is probably better
authoritative hlstoiy of this period from his
unpublished. In connection with this series
biographical studies under the general title of
to ijincoin.
the editor's direction,
in the "Sherlock Holme" stories, given him
write during the coming year, with the exception
which were engaged from him log , ago, will
animal stories in the same field as the "Brer
me coming year.
oe complete in itself.
Harta Robert Barr
Weyman Clark Ruasall
coming year.
To be educated one must read.
the beat literature.
The best literature Is expensive.
Laallo'a Illustrated
PubUsned at 110 Klfth Avenue,
New York, Is full of the best things.
Its Illustrations are superb; Its
stories charming; and Its literary
departments are edited with con
J Oct , xun. Notl la hereby given that
the following named settler has sled notice of
his Intention to make Bnal proof In siipsmrt of
hta claim, and thai sold proof will he ssade
before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner,
Oregon, on November ft, 1V7, vis:
Hd. E No. M1. for the NWi, HEU, Wu NEW,
and NK' N Wa hec. 12. Tp. H, H fl, E V? M.
He names the followlr g wiinesies to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
ol said land, vist John t .n-hrsn, Kdward I.
fa.ll.erg. Walter N.Caao and Ulram Thorn
ton, all of lone, Oreguu,
MO A02. Iteglsur.
a i'utrici. Mate 4 Oitwea. Ir Morrow Conu-
In.kerp, llalntlfr,
I. !. Miller, tMendanL
To I I). Miller, the soove named dsfendaot.
in the nauieof tlx nuts of eoa: Yoo are
hereby required to apyaar kefore the neder
slgnel, aJuallca of the feere, la Itecnnd tila
ttlrt In said comity and slate, on the lind day
of (k-Udaw, 1M97 at tne hwir ol onea clnrkla
the afternoon of said day al my office In said
district to ansver the complain! of J H li
keegftmnded upon an liiatriiment of writing;
and wherein he demands Twenty ullars lJ(
vltk IiiUmm! frtna Maf I. I1 at Ilia rale ol
lr rent ner annum and the costs and dls
imrsmentaof IMs action The dcl.n l.cit
ase nonce mal If he falls to answer the nm
pialni keeelsj the srialntia; n take Itidsment
mil him for Twenty In. Here atxl tntareel
iiMeenn al tae rata of ten tier cetil tmt annum
frwa May W, la), and raws and dtsfcurement
ol tnis action.
rublislMd by order of
c Jfixra
luatlrwrif the Peace for the eWmtd Inalrtcl In
sm e-wntv. aiaia of Oregon.
Ita kept Sill, If). ft 31
I. A. Ourrar, formerly of I'endleloa,
baa OMosd ap a IS swot barbar shop $
tbaoldstaad oa tba Mailoek coraar,
Work strictly Drat rlaaa. Call oa bim
Tba Oaaatis will Ma potato, apple,
fga or batter oa tuboariptloa aaroams,
Any oa owing It la (?! awtila their
acooanU la Ibis saaaaar 4 aaa't Aq II
too snoa to sail a.
BtstatArnt fr tb Famoo Kimpl
A anon I fil prluted al tb Uasatt of-
te, Be.t i r
6. tl.
Fill a bottle or common glass with
urine and let it stand twenty-four hours;
a sediment or settling indioates an un
healthy condition of. the kidneys. Wbeu
urine stains linen it is evidenoe of kid
ney trouble. Too frequent desire to uri
nate or pain in the back, is also ooovioo
ing proof that the kidneys and bludder
are out uf order.
Thero is oomtort in the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy
fulfils every wish in relieving pain in the
baak, kidneys, liver, bladder and every
part of the urinury passages. It or-
reota inability to bold urine and scald
ing pain in passing it, or bad effects fol
lowing use of liquor, wine or beer, and
overcomes that uupleasant necessity of
being compelled to get up many times
during the night to urinate. The mild
and the extraordinary effect of Swamp
root is soon realized. It stands the
highest fur .its wonderful cures of the:
most distressing oases. If you needs
medicine you should have the best. Sold
by druggists, price fifty cents and one
dollar.. You may have a sample bottle
and pamphlet both sent free by mail.
Mention the Heppner Gazette and send
your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing
hampton, N. T. The proprietors of tbis
paper guarantee the genuineness of this
They Are the "Mustard."
Meadows & Hatten, the pioneer black
smiths, have made some elegaut im
provements in their establishment and
added a large stook of iron, horseshoes
and other - materials essential to the
happiness of those who need qoick re
pairs on their wagons, buggies or any
kind of machinery. They have ex
tended their room so as to aooommodate
everybody in the oountry who is in need
of repairs. Wbeu yon want a horse
shod, machine repaired, tire set or any
thing else in their line, you will find
Meadows k Hatten to be the boys that
oao do it and do it rightin short
order. tf
Butbs down at the Jones' barber shop,
25 cents. Orville Jones manager, tf
11 nd by virtue of an execution and order
ol sale regularly Issued out of the circuit court
of the stale of Oregon lor the county of Morrow,
and to me directed and delivered. uiMin a
Judgment rendered and entered in said court
on the mh day of Heptember, 1H97. In favor of
on the mn d
The Oregon
Mortgage Company, limited, a oor-
poratlon, plalutlU and Herund Poipnga and
...1,1' -..A I ( .
hlla Poppemra, his wife, defendants for the
recovery 01 me sum of irm7a together with
nterest thereon from the sth dav ol Hontmnlirr.
1WI7. at the rate of K rtvr twnt inr aniiiuii. anH
for the sum of tw attorneys hws. and for the
runner sum 01 .ii.4u costs, anil whereas by as Id
udgmeiit It was ordered slid adjudged that the
ollowlngdMcrllied real nrorx-itv tn-wlt: The
south-west auarUir of the south-east quarter,
and the south half of the south west quarter,
and the north west Quarter of the sonth-west
nuarter of section 111, township 4, south of range
Li fast of Willamette meridian, all In Morrow
county, Oregon, lie sold to satisfy said Judg
ment, costs ana accruiug costs. 1 will on
Saturday, the VA day of October, 1K07.'
at two o'clock p. m. of said day, at the court
holism door In Hrnnuer. Morrow rmmtv Ore
gon, sell all the right, title and Interest of the
said dufendauts, Herend Hoppenga and Ella
roppeuga, In and to the above described nnin-
erty at iniblln auction to the highest and brat
Didder thrrufore, for cash In hand, the proceeds
thereof to be apiIUd to the satisfaction of suld
execution and all costs and accruing costs.
Hberlffof Morrow county, Oregon,
Dated 21st dsy of Hvit IW. ttnl-'JO
and by virtue of an elocution laauxl nut
ef that Irv ult Court of the Htata of Oregon for
the County of Morrow and to an directed trd
delivered, upon a Judgment rendered and en
tered In said court nn Hie Sth dsy of HerHemher,
n. In favor ol W. V. Lord, H. K. Klunald. I'lili
Mctachan. the laatrd of coitunlaalonera for tn
sale of school and university lands and for the
Investment of funds ailelng therefrom, plsln.
tills. and against Nye kamlmand Mary Ramlm
defendants, for the sum of Keren hundred seven
and m Hl dollars wllh Interest thereon from
said eighth dav of Hentxtnher. 117. at the rate
of a ter cent per annum, and fifty dollars attor
ney s ieea. ami ins lurtner auin nl thirty Ave
and wnm dollars najta. and whereas It wsa
further ordered and decreed by tha onurt that
he mortgaged prnfcr'T 4acrllMd as follows,
outli easl tiuartcr of section Ihlrlv I n In town
shlptarofi north range twenty lour (211 east
lamette meridian, In Morrow eounlv.fire-
gou. Urn sold to satisfy said Judgment, eusU and
accruing coats. I will on
Weilnsavlay, the 27th day ol OVtoUr, Iw7,
al two o'clock, p. m .nl said day. al the front
door of tba ciurt house In Heppner Morrow
county, lircgnti, sell all Ihe riaht, tills and In
ternal ol tlw aald Nye Hauilio and Mary Keinlm
ih Bin vi irte sirre neacrilNt bmarty at
piihllc auction l Ihe highest and beet bidder
for rash lit hand. Ihe proceeds to lie applied lo
Ihe Mtla'actinn of said ein ullon and all mn.
and coal that may accrue.
HherlfTof Mnrmw l .niiit itmn
Dated Heplemteir M, lav;. nj v
t)T K is HRRrar uivew that i ndfr
A' and by virtus of an esaciiiif.n laauerf m.i
rd tha circuit Inn ft of the Male of Oregon lor
me county m Morrow eixl lo ana Hire. Wd and
delivered, uiwu a Judgment rendered and en.
terad In aald court on I'-a h day of nepUmher.
In. la favor of W. r. Lord. II K. Klnceld, fhll
Meter l.an. the board of eommlaaloneti lr tha
sale rf si h'd lands, etc , btalHtlns. and aaali.it
"perry. 14 '. airrv, trrv. Ihe
',,, n Haliwavand havigatlan emnpany. and
f t Thoiiipeiin. defeildanla for IIm sura lit
Two IHouaand elhl hnndre.! twenty nine and
Ml dollars with Interest thereon fioia tha
said etl,ih dar of "ei.leii,lr, l7. al the rale
rf ethl pereenl ar annum, and one hii..dr-d
Buy .iaa 11U.1W11 feee. and Ilia f urn,. r mm
I l.irty sis and 4n l'P dollars n.u. simI where.
asllwaa furiher ordered and decreed by Ihe
eiHirt IliaS Ilia Mrr-d f.rty dwtllieid
aa h.. Ii. a. dealt 1 l,a m.iiII, halt of north ml
quarier and north half irf south east ituartar of
aa.toe Iwehtf . swilh half n with eat nuarlr
Id ee. ll.m Iweuly, the Weal half iM tha south
wear niMCiel n aerllon Iwenlv iik.!Ii weat
tuarterwl north weal qnarler ee. lion Iwen
It alne, rx.rUi eaet iiuarter of ewtkeiii tuai.
let wl wrtmn Ihlrty. north hail id North ewat
quarter and Sonih eaat quarter of hurth
iiuarter rj aerlhrfi g, smith raat ,la,ter uf
norm. weat quarter ana aMih half wt euih
weal iuarler vl arelb Iweoly l,w. sod wort t-
eaat i(uarlr f weilh east ajitartwr at eeell -M
tinny, an la umiemi Utraa. a-eita
twenty an. ewal w Mtaiwetiw meeeliaa, wt er
mnrh tl.ere.,1 aa Swf aw W.awiawey. fcw Sirid e
saiiaiy said jedgwtewt, easts e. e. ntlhg owl
aatwearlef. Ike TWh day tei OHuhwr, IsrT,
llaaarini, ,! amid dar, at h Icm.I
ennrv noiiaa la n.iiMi, Morn.
ewanty, r-e.,e M-ll ail ll.a risnl, Ulia and In
lerawt f tl, aald J h trit a t: a..rrt
"perry el al. In and tu Ihe e e 4a iim4
enferlf St Wwhlln amtloa tu ll.a Mt,aea4
rwet Mri iet lo rwah In hand, the r
applied to U.e taltalai ll.n, of M,d
aad all eaatta, ed e.eia that may a. r
Is to t
ei tit ll.a
H. a. M IIS a.
aS.er1rT .4 Mmhh, t'.r'.nty, lfreo'i
ta4a4 SerAawkw Ittb, vl, ti n
Union Paoiflo and Short Line Come to an
A dispatob from Salt Lake, under date
of Oot. 19th, says:
At a meeting today of the officials of
the Union Faciflo, Oregon Short Line
Oregon Railway and Navigation com
pany a mutually satisfactory agreement
was entered into between the three
companies. The agreement provides for
resumption of all trafiio relations be
tween the roads wbioh were in exist
ence prior to September 23d last, when
the cancellation of tariffs by the Union
Paoiflo took plaoe.
The agrement also provides for resto
ration of local traffic rates between the
Union Paoiflo and Oregon Short Line in
Utah, Idaho, Wyoming and Colorado. 1
The Oregon Short Line's several gats
ways will remain open to all roads. '
- The Cbioago and Portland train ser
vios via the Chiosgo A North western will
be resumed at ones. The through ser
vice to Portland via the Rio Grande will
be discontinued,
' President Mobler and party left to
night for Portland.
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
With looal applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to pure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Oatarrb Oure is
taken internally, and aats directly on
the mucous surfaoes. Bali's Oatarrb
uure is oot a quae mdtoine. It was
a"s..i. a m
prescribed by one of the best physicians
in tbis oountry for years, and la a rega
lar prescription. It is oom posed of the
beeltonios known, combined with the
best blood purifiers, acting directly on
the muoous surfaoes. The perfect oom
binatiou of tbe two ingredients is what
produces sooh wonderful results in our
log Oatarrb. Send for testimonials, free.
! F. J. Cheney k Co., Props., Toledo, 0 .
8old by druggists, prion 75o.
Harry Cummlngs
HardmHn this week.
was down from
Cronp Quickly Cared.
Mouutsin Glen, Ark. Our children
were suffering with croup wbeu we i
oeived a bottle of Chamberlain's Oougb
Remedy. It afforded almost Ipstant re
lief. F. A. Thornton. This celebrated
remedy is lor sale by Conner k Brook.
Inspector Bllnn, of Grant County, Talks of
Condition of Stock.
Earl Bllnn, stook Inspector for Orant
county, was in Long Creek Monday from
Monument, wbere be had been Inspeot
log sheep and cattle, says tbe Eagle.
II says hs found considerable "scab"
among lbs sheep, especially in this seo
tion of tbe oountry, but in moat ioslao
oes tba sheep have been dipped, and
that, together with the seasonable
weather, will most likely speedily relieve
them of tbe disease. lie aleo says that
be has besrd of several reported oases of
blackleg among cattle, bill ao far ba
oot seen a case. On Iba contrary, oattla
ar fat and Id a healthy oooditlou.
Emil Bobarff , a big sheepman of Ibis
oouoty, with headquarters la tb Moon
mmit valley, la busily engaged in receiv
ing aod sorting Into bsnds a large num
ber of sbep recently purchased by bim,
Three sheep bav beo pioked up from
all sections of tba oonotry, and ar now
being collected and Ihrowo together.
Mr. Bobarff ba invested baavlly in sbeep
tbis season, aod thinks it can be safely
said that ao far be baa bandied more
than any otber two men in Orsnt county.
Every bed y Hay le.
Gsaoarste Caody Cathartic tb moat
wonderful medioal discovery of.tb so,
pleasant aod refreshing to Iba taste, act
gently aod positively on lb kidney
liver and bowels, cleaasing tb entire
system, d lapel eolda, our headaches,
fever, habitual const ipalioa aod bil
iousness. Pleas buy and try a txi of
0. 0.0. today; 10,62. 60 cent. Hold
aod guaranteed to our by all drsggWIs.
T. K, Fall earn oyer
from Psodlttoo
TrHtrr, Rall-IUifsim aad tx-aetna.
Tba InUnaw Itching andaiuartlng. loci
dttnt to thewe tllaeaaeHt, I Instajitly allayed
y applying Cbn'tiWrlaln' ty and
kin Otntmmit. Many very b4 caste
have bewn permanently ctirc4 by It, It
la winally cf!L:iont fur Itching plW and
favoriu remwly rr Bur Dliit'lc.
chajijwvl bamla, rbllblalna, frrgtt UOn
and cbrtirtto aur rye, lo eta. pr boi
Dr. CadVs Ca4JUea I'ewdVri. ar
Just what a hora revU when In bad
ormdlttoa. T'mlc, blood purifier and
vwrmifng. Tbr ar axH fond but
rrewlii In and the beat In a in put
htrran In prim condition,
ctU per pv kag-e. ,
Prk M
aa Is Has easwe) el saAas 4
saateaa efcaawtie sha'sis.
It aae as rata ky a fa .a el
rasa r wkw a apiewaj St
rars let the aari.a rW
"jrahS iy tawiirtsS a gives
By'icreani Bain
atsrki miil,iHaMtssy1 th ayh ease far
haaall aAwri
a, tw4 ta Ilaa4 aw Hay geeas uu
endue. It
i tha.
yV JfrWww
wwta the aiawitiri.,a f r.ww awtda, iwtww IM a an
Sf taM se4 aef l frfe Sha at faraef teas Wf ai4.
Awl SM'lMAha, M srwaws4.ew lse
' " ill 1
Absolutely Puro
Two Men Are in the County Jail, Boand For
the Pen."
Wednesday ever ing, Deputy Sheriff
Frszter arrested Walter Stone at Comp
ton's lodging; house and the polioe caught
bis pal, Charles Stark,
Stona forged the name of J. C, ioh-
ols, gn imaginary person, to 28 qheoks of
$3 eaoh drawn on' the Pendleton Savings
bank and all signed with the false name
of Charles Foster.
This was Stone's part of the work, and
Stark did the rest. He managed to cash
bne obeok at Tall man's drug store and
another at Dial's drug alore before the
officers got on the track of tba two part-'
Ders in orime Bod put them behind the'
bars. , .
Tbe prisoners were arraigned and held
to appear before the grand jury." Stone
is the young man who stole Dr. Hen
dry x's bicycle . ' "
A few weeks ago the editor was taken
with a very severe oold that oaused him
to be in a most miserable condition. . It
was undoubtedly a bad case of lagripp
and recognizing it as dangerous ha took
immediate steps to bring about s speedy
oure. From tbe advertisement ol Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy, and tba many
good recommendations included there
in, we concluded to make a first trial of
tbe medicine. ' To say that it was satis
factory in its results, is putting it very
mildly, indeed. It acted like magic and
tbe result wag a speedy and permanent
oure. We have no hesitancy in reoonv
raending this exoellent Oougb Remedy
to anyone afflicted with a cough or cold
in any form. Tbe Baoner of Liberty,
Libertytown, Maryland. Tb 25 and 60
cent sues for sale by Conser k Brook.
Dan Oamers, of Deer Lodge, Mont. ,
arrived iu tbe oily yesterday.
Dyspepsia cured. Hbilub'i Vitaliier
immediately relieves sour stomach, com
ing up of food distress, and is tbe great
kidney and liver remedy. Bold by Con
ser k Br ck. y
. O: J. M. Leeser has gone to Depp
aer to attend bis brother, who la danger
ously sick.
Be not deceived I A cough, boaroes
or croup are not to be trilled with. A
doae in time of Hhilob's Oure will save
yon much trouble. Hold by Conser A
Brock. j
Will Oppnaa Asy Effott to Eirlsds Stork
Freei Theat ia Oregon sad Waahlagtes,
Land Commiaslonar Darrmaoo baa re
turned to Washington city, alter visit
to Oregoo, sara Tbe Dalles Time
Moontainer. ' IUfor leavlog Portland
h talked about tb forect rerv quee
lion, into wbiob b bad been looking.
0 thinks tbers will b a lively fight
over It at tb oomlog Mlooof aongr.
U purposes asking considerable ap
propriation to carry out tb plana of for
t protection. II deair to aatabluh
a complet patrol system against forest
Are aod tlprdatiooa. II laim that
sheep do eol hart tht forasU, while tb
so-called aoiaetisia Insist that lby do
This become a matter of importaoo
from tb taut that ia Oregon and Wash
iogton great bend ol sbeep are piatured
ia the f ureal. Tbeeoleoliat iaatsl tbey
ham tb growth of tb yooog timber
and per hap la eom caaes dry op tb
at reams, Oregon and Waahingtoa bav
bee isrcptaJ from tb provision
against isob paeturaga, lb climat bar
permitting the quick r prod oot loo of
undergrowth stampenl out by Iba bap.
Tb Mauissioiir llilsks Ibsr will b a
strong sffurt to atop this ismptioo, but
be will raaist IL lb geological survey
or r el work to dsUrtulo wbttbef
km of tb ecctlooa looluded ia tb r
der really com or, Car lb bead of sad
sboaU be (ranted a reserves. Their le
per! is to b mad by neit Marob.
Tb "Ricyellet' Dest Krieod" U a
InaUiar same for DeWilf Wlteb lltiil
Balva, alway rdy for anrgoolaa.
While tprclfi ft pilf, It aleo iostaat
ly relieve and enree cum, bruises, sell
fbeurn, sfitDi ,) 1 ffwttona of lb
skin. It ovver fail. For f al by Cvor
I A rt.uh a
v ai wm.
Mr. H. P. Miller, of
1 lleppaef Toeaxlay.
Moaameat, wa
Kow I tb tiro to gal tb Weekly
Ore" n ten, th gfaafawt awppr of
the West. With IheUetel ta.bidn strtrH.
Iy la edvsiww, year, No b4lr
oblktia) of be wi paper a b Bil
la lb ilii.
'4 VTVD -Tkt'sTWiigT PI T
ad iaiti
If gantle
letwea of te1laai su treiet lot raet-Ht-
Sli'le, aatwldtaha airwaa lit lron, Mimniy
Ma 4 etawiw loaHli.w stewlr. h-'a
e"W gweUww eetl a-tdraaai I etai.p I ewvaiopew
The Upesiwivsi t wi ca a , Aa4, t V hh a
T a
av '
Wama't 4rf