loML TO TUB GIVES Tflg OHOICX Of Two Transcontinental GREAT OREGON NORTHERN Ry. SHORT LINE, VIA . , , ,, VIA ; Spokane Salt Lake MINNEAPOLIS DENVER St. Paul . Omaha AND J AND Chicago Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leaue Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For (all details call on 0. R. 4 N. Agent at Heppner, or address W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland, Oregon, QUICIt TX3YH3 t TO Stirx FranolvSOO And all point In California, via the Mt. Bhaeta route or tii Southern Pacific Co The great highway through California to a point Kaet and South. Grand Hoenlo Route Of the Paoifio (taut. Pullman Buffet Bleepere. Beoond-olase Bleepera Attaohed to expres train, affording superior nocommodation for aooond-ola pwweniiera. For rate, ticket. Bleeping oar reservation, etc,, oall npon or aduree K. KOKHLKR, Manager, C. H. MAHKI1 AM, Hen. JT. A P. Agt., Portland, Oregon HRE YOU GOING ERST? If so, be sire and ee that your ticket reads via He HonnwESiern Line ....THE... OHIO AGO, ST, PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IS TUB Great Short LiQe BETWEEN DULUTfT, St. TAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Tliutr Magnificent Track, Poorles Veatltxiled Dining and Manning far Tralna, and Motto; t "ALWAYS ON TIME' haa given thla road a national ron jtstis of pa tralna without extra charge. reputation. All nlasss of paenitra carried on the vtiluled charge, mill) your freight and travel over thla famous line. All agunta have tlrketa. W. II, MRAD, F. C. BAVAflK, Uvu. Agiut Trav. K. V P, Agt. 2 Washington Hi., rortlanil, Dr. CHICAGO $2000- Brown ticket in every package of Schil lings Best baking powder. Yellow ticket in every package of Schil lings Best tea. Schillings Best baking powder and tea are hprausp. tkey are money-back. LOCAL BQUBS. W. J. Leeser is reported to be very low. H. L. Kinoaid came io from lone yes terday, , - What is the missing word? not SAFE, although Schilling's Best baking powder and tea are safe. Get Schilling's Best baking powder or tea at your grocers'; take out the ticket (brown ticket in every package of baking powder; yellow ticket In the tea); send a ticket with each word to address below before December 31st. Until October 15th two words allowed for every ticket; after that only one word for every ticket. If only one person finds the word, that person gets faooo.oo; if several find it, I2000.00 will be equally divided among them. Every one sending a brown or yellow ticket will receive a set of cardboard creeping babies at the end of the contest. Those sending three or more in one envelope will receive an 1S98 pocket calendar no advertising on it. These creeping babies and pocket calendars will be different from the ones offered in the last contest. Better cut these rules out. Those wbo believe obronio diarrhoea to be inonrable aboold read what Mr. P. E. Grisham, of Gaars Mills, La., baa to say on the eubjaot, viz.: "I have been a s offerer from ebronlc diarrhoea ever sinoe tba war and have tried all kinds of medicines (or it. At last I found a remedy that effected a oore and that was Chamberlain's Oolic, Cholera and Di arrhoea Remedy. This medioine oao lways be depended npon for 00I10, cholera morbus, dysentery and diarrhoea. It is pleasant to take and never fails to effect a onre. 25 and 50 oent sizes for sale by Con ser & Brook. Theodore Dor rant, convicted of the murder of Blanche Lamoot, whose fate depends npon the action of the United States supreme court, is reported to be breaking down. 2011 Address: MONEY-BACK, SAN FRANCISCO. mm mm SSSotic coast THE CHRONICA rank wtk Use greatest sewspspers In th United Bute. THK CilKONICLB baa no equal on th PaclBe Coast. It lead all In ability, enterprise and nwa THE CHKONICLB'S Telegraphlo Reports arej me iuuii ana mpst reliable, Ita ImmI New th fullest and splelesh and Its ttititorlala tram th ablest pen In the country. THK UHIIONIOI.B baa always beem, and always will be, the friend and champion of Hie people a aguinst combinations, clique, corporations, at oppression of any kind. It wlU be independent la everything neutral la nothing. liwaiiKee & si. Paul B'y This Railway Co. Operates its trains on the famous blook system; Lights its traius by eleotrlolty through out; Usee the celebrated eleotrio berth read ing lamp; Rons speedily equipped passenger trains ever day and eight between Ht. Paul and Cbioago, aud Omaha and Chicago the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul A I ho opwatee aleem-heated veatibnled trains, carrying the latent private ontnpartmeut oars, library bullet sraok lug rare, and palace drawing room eleepera. Parlor ears, free reclining chair oars, and the very beat diniug chair oar service. For lowest rates to any point 4b the United Htale or Canada, apply to agent or addrea C. J. EDDY, J. W. CAHEY, General Agent, Trav. l'uaa. Agent. I'orliaod, Or. IMT Si it 1' . 1 rst'jj ii i PlilMSI v rum " . e-ji. m. a u iu r cw fl-A Ti'i A Bare Thing for Yon. A transection in which you can not lose is a snre thing. Biliousness, sick beadaobo, furred', tongne, fever, piles and a thousand other ills are caused by constipation and sluggish liver. Cas oarets CaDdy Cathartic the wonderful new liver stimnlant and intestinal tonio are sold by all druggists and guaranteed to onre or money refunded. O. C. C. are a sure thing. Try a box today; 10c, 25., 50o. Sample and booklet free, tf A medical authority asserts that death caused by a fall from a great height is absolutely painless. The mind acts very rapidly for a time then unconsciousness ensues. They Are the "Mustard." Meadows & Hatten, tbe pioneer black smiths, have made some elegant im provements in their establishment and added a large stook of iron, horseshoes and other materials eesectial to tbe happiness of those who need quick re pairs on their wagons, buggies or any kind of machinery. They have ex tended their room so as to accommodate everybody in tbe oonntry who is in need of repairs. When yon want a borse shod, niaobine repaired, tire set or any. thing else in their line, you will find Meadows 4 Hatten to be tbe boys that can do it and do it right in snort order. . tf For Constipation take Earl's Clover Tea, the great Blood Purifier, ouree hendaohes, Nervousness, Eruptions on tbe face, and makes tha bead as dear ae a bell. Sold by Conser & Brook. x J. E. Luokey and W. J. Keller, two neighbors, met on the oouuty road, near Port Townsend, and in a quarrel which ensued Luckey was shot and killed by Keller. Certainly you don't want to suffer with dyspepsia, constipation, eiok headaches, sallow skin and loss of appetite. You have never tried De Witt's Little Early Risers for these complaints or you would have been oured. They are small pills but great regulators. For sale by Con ser and Brock, x The output of the Northern Faolfiu coal mines ut Roslyn for tbe mouth of September was a reoord-breaker, being nearly 45,000 long tons. Come in aod subscribe for the "Gazoo." Now is the time. You don't want t" miss a whole lot of good, hard reading that is now b 'ing ' published in our "Only." r mi The A shepherd named Uechard has been arrested near Lyons, France, for several "Jaok-the-Ripper" crimes. He oon teased to killing eight persons. Chrnnlrle Ralldlai THE DAILY By Mall, Poataue raid. Only $670 a Year. The Weekly Chronicle The Crtit"sl Wce!Jy la the Coiulrj, $1.50 a Tea (Including imsUg) to any part of th Dalted lla l anada and Meiloo. TRR WKKKI.Y OH HoMIOI.R. the brightest and most complete Wetkly Newspaper In the world, prlnu ranlarly Hi eolmnne, or twelve pagea.or Msws. Literature and (leneral Inform, lion; also a aiagnlllueiit Agricultural Department, SAMPLE COPIES SNT FfUE. DO YOU WANT THE CHRONICLE Reversible Map? MHOWINO The United States. Dominion oi Canada and Northern Mezioo ONK MIDM3, OK Timber CultureFinal Proof. t'airati Htitss l.n Orrn i, The I'sIIp. irpiti, iviit. Itti, XJOTH'R It lUKMlY lilVKX 1114 1' J A i M ii (', Ki-Uhly. of lUrtlmaii. or.-son. hs. hliit II, ili ,if ttibMiiinn to make dual proul ln.fnre ). W. Morrow, County Clerk, al hi ofhi In II "'l ' "n. on Mmi'Uv, th" Mh day of (. t.ilr. Ij; mi tlmln-r culture siplli atliiu So. Si ,J. fur the Ms of M lliiii No. 11. In toanatilti h.i i south, ran No, t east He Hem a wllnrsM rratik slnrelni1. Jame II ailrn, Hit Morvleiitt, ail t at kellh. I), all of llanlinaa, Oregon, JAM. f. MiKIKR, fl later. Evtry new subscriber of the (laiette from Una date, May 'id, l.r7, will receive a premium a lMik worth alone the price of the subscription, tt Map of the World ON T1IM OTlIKU asIDK. Hand 93 end Oat the Map ane Weekly hronlrl fur One Tear, loaiagn prf ial.l on Map and I'apves KXY'8 TRFAM BAt.M la a poaltWeenre. Apply Into the noatiila. It I quickly absorbed. Ml eenta at Una-vlsls or by mail : sample inc. by mall, KIT BIlOTIIMOt. M Warren KU. New York; t'lly. SPOKANE FALLS 4 NORTHERN NELSON 4 FORT SI1EITARD RED MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS The Only All-Rail Route Withont Change of Cars Between Hpokane Roeeland aud Nelson. Alao between Nelson anl Rosslaud, daily except fiunilay : leava. Arrive. Sin A. M hrxikane I. M Mm A. M Itomland. f. n :IU A M Neleon M r. M Cluee eoiineetiona at Nelxin with tearaer for Kuln. aikI aII KiMiti.net Ijtke tMiinta. 1'wuit.ninira tor 'Kittle hirer anJ BooniUrv ( rwk oounect at Marou with atage daily. THE OYSTER'S ENEMY. That tbe wayfaring man may not be misled they have ereoted a signboard at John Day , indicating tbe road to Klon dike and giving tbe distance thereto ae 8,400 miles. Small precautions often prevent great rajeohiefs. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are very small pills in size, but are most effective in preventing the most serious forms of liver trouble and stomach troubles. Tbey oure constipation and headache and regulate tbe bowsls. For sale by Conser & Brook. Great Deetractton lu tbe Delaware Bay Beds by the " Borer." The "borer," a pest about the size of a small strawberry, is working great fcavoc among the oyster beds in Dela ware bay and tributary streams, says the Philadelphia Ledger. Capt. Moses Veale, of the oyster schooner White Lily, says that the de structive powers of the "borer" have beer known to oystermen only a lew years. He had followed oyster digging for nearly thirty-flve years, and the first "borer" he saw was about ten years ago, but their ravages in the oys ter beds were comparatively unnoticed until last yjar. Capt. Vf ale said that "last year the number r t dead oysters with holes made by borevs in the shell became so great that '.ystermen were alarmed. This year the work of the borers has become a 'rave matter, and if it continues r.any bays will be depopulated of oys ters. From one bed we dredged on this trip we got twelve hundred baskets of oysters, but out of these only two hun dred were good, the dead oysters hav ing been killed by borers. A peculiar thing about the ravages of the 'borers' is their apparent selection of the best oyster beds. We have found this to be true several times this season. We have found a bed of small oysters al most entirely free from 'borers.' This bed will be separated from another bed of 'arger oysters by two hundred feet, but this latter bed will be so badly affected by the creatures that it will hardly pay to work it. "From what I can learn from oyster men the destruction wrought by borers is much more severe in Delaware bay than in other places. The work of the borer this year makes a double misfortune, for the oyster beds were badly damaged by the big storm in August and September. Very few people who are not in the oyster dredging business know any thing of the methods of the borer. When I first took notice of its work I secured several oysters just after the borer had fastened itself to the shell. When the borer fastens itself it holds on like a leech, and it is with difficulty that it can be removed with the fingers. "Sometimes the borer fastens itself to the oyster shell near the edge and then the oyster is not killed. When the hole of the borer is made near the center of the shell the oyster is at tacked in its vital parts and dies in three or four days after the hole is first made." Some of the bed-owners near Maurice river have lost large sums of money this year on account of the borer. All oystermen say there can be no way of taking away the borer without de stroying the oyster beds. FUTURE OF ALUMINUM. Teaaela THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE LONG TKODBLKS AMD CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED. , Aa Eminent New Tork Chemist and Scientist Makes a Free Offer to Our Headers. The distinguished chemist, T. A. Slo oam, of New York City, demonstrating hia discovery of a reliable oure for Con sumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis), broDobial, long and oh est troubles, stubborn oonghs, catarrhal affeolions, general decline aod weakness, loss of flesh, and all conditions of wasting away, will send THREE FREE BOT TLES (all different) of hia New Dis coveries to any nfflicted reader of this paper writing for them. Hia "New Scientific Treatment" has oared thousands permanently by its timely use, ajid be considers it a simple professional duty to suffering humanity to donate a trial of hia. infallible onre. Soienoe daily develops new wonders, and this great chemist, patiently experi menting for years, bas produoed results as beneficial to humanity as can be claimed by any modern genius. Hib assertion that lung troubles and con sumption are curable in any olimate is proven by "heartfelt letters of grati tude," filed in hia American and Euro pean laboratories in thousands from those oared in all parta of the world. The dread Consumption, uninter rupted, means speedy and certain death. Simply write to T. A. 8looum, M. Q, 98 Pine street, New York, giving post office and express address, and tbe free medioine will be prompt); sent direot from bia laboratory. Sufferers should take instant advan tage of bia generons proposition. Please tell tbe Doctor that yon saw this in the Gazette, published at Hepp ner, Oregon. July 9-7-1 yr. FORYOU! Now Prepared to do Any Kind of Printing Don't Send Your Orders Away Till You Get the Gazette's Estimates Heretofore the Gazette's job depart ment bas tried to do no work other than plain printing. However, this shop ia now prepared to tackle anything in any line and will meet prioea of any person under tbe son in the line of druggists supplies, blank books, bank work ooanty work, or any sort of book bind ingwork that yoa have heretofore sent away to get done. Tbe Gazette shop is not a oharity concern bat if yoa will give us a ohauoe we will see that yoa are satisfied in every particular. Bay your goods at borne. Remember that Abe Lincoln aaid that when one bought goods away from home tbe foreigner got the money and we got tbe goods. Bat when tbe . goods were bonght at home we had both money and goods. This is good dootrine. We are willing to abide by it. When tbe printing drummer comes to town, re member it and call up 'phone No. S. 560-tf The Boss Feed Yard. The first feed yard tbe teamster strikes in Heppner is that condnoted by William Gordon , next door to the Heppner Gazette ranoh. Mr. Gordon is accommodating, bus a good yard and abundant facilities to take oare of stock in first class shape. His prices are very reasonable. He has bay and grain for sale. Has lately added a car load of baled timothy. Blankets! Blankets! 1HSTT APJlESlSTrS Z 1200 Pairs Now On Sale at.... Minor & Co. WaitBbnrg, Wash., Times: Prof. J.I 3. Henry, for some yeara a member of tbe faculty io the Oregon Normal achool at Weston, la in tbe oity, and thinks strongly of locating here. He ia a thorough instructor in vooal and Instru mental muaio. If you have ever seen a little child in a paroxysm of hooping oough, or if yon have been aonoyed by a constant tiok- ling ia tbe throat, you oan appreciate the value of One Minnte Cough Cure, which gives quick relief. Sold by Con ser ft Brock. Tbe Dalles T. M.: Congressman W. R. Ellia and wife are visitor io the city today, having arrived on last eveoiug'i train from Portland. Mr. Ellia baa been in demand among oar local politioiaoa today, but aa be is bere tor pleasure to attend the distriot fair much of hit time bar been consumed in visiting tbe pavilion and grounds, ooufK'quently be baa bad little leisure to devote to bil frienda. ific iti. Frank McFarland baa been appointed ipeoial agent of The Equitable Life At nranoe Co., of New York, tbe strongest ia tbe world. Cash surplus to policy holders of over 43 millloc dollars. Don't take insurance withont teeing the new plane of the Equitable. Insures both texea at same rates. 77 if riiuouau cars TO Ht. PAUL MINNKAPOL18 Durum KAU(H) MTTTK lUKLENA Tirkete leaned to all points in the United Htalra and Canada. ADI'MEMS M. ii. tt you?c, Ftafrlew P. CWMS. 11 isvaaciaaxx OAJW n 10 lltgl j lulu I' Tb'Ke wbo deelre te bnild should not forget thai O. E. llanoae, the eno- Irector, I ready to make estimate at any time. mt The Dalles, 1'artliiil I Hum Niviptwa Co. MTXJLXXXXtm DALLES CITY" WO "KICVLATOR" UavaTbe Dalle dally (ainrpt Hundav) at 7:110 a. in. Leave I'ortlaod al 7.W a. m. When ton go to Portland, slop tiff at Tl.e Iallee ami take a trip down th OolnrutHa; yon will enjoy it, an l save money, W. C. AIL A WAY, (leneral Agent QUICK TIME TO. All other point a ia the Eaat and Southeast aW ClMl'AlU) WAeHlNOTON Hai.thiokb Nb Yohi llvrraui Omaha KAMaaa City Ht. JoakrK Ht. Lone MITOM (HT in, Union IV pot connect, on al Ht. Paul, Miuneapolia, Kanaaa Cily, Omaha, Ht. 1inl and fiber promi nent point Hagu age chicked tbroagh to deetinelion ol tirkela. Through ticket" to Japan and China, via Taooma and N or! hero IWiHo Meani abip Oompany'a Una. Boof for Houses and Hulls for Snre to Be Made of It. Aluminum, which itself possesses a high degree of specific heat, does not really absorb heat itself, and thus is not liable to the chief objection to iron buildings in hot countries. But apart from light decorative purposes, says the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, such as balconies, cupolas, finials and veran das, it is as a roofing material that aluminum should be most welcome to the builder. In plates or scales, two- thirds lighter than copper, uncorroded bv air and undimmed even by the aul phur of London smoke, it should mak a roof fit for a palace of romance. The humbler elements of health and comfort in the house hardly less im portant than its external defenses against the weather pipes, cisterns, taps and gutters, now made of iron which rusts, or lead which poison would be more enduring and far more healthy if made of this light and clean ly metal, which might also take the place of all water-holding venscls now made of heavy, brittle earthenware or painted tin. An aluminum bath la among the probable luxuries of the next century. But it ia not aa a mere accessory to comfort and convenience that real development of the new metal should lie. It la for use at aea that its most marked quality of light. nesa obviouhly fits it. The marine engineer and the naval architect, who are already looking in thia direction for a reduction of the weight which ia Inaeparable from loaa of efficacy, whether in speed or cargo, cannot neglect the poaalbilitica of a metal, which, when mixed in the pro portion of one to fifty, givea to alum tnum-bronze a haruneaa and tough- neas which makea It a 1 moat aa reliable aa ateel, and which, if the proportions could be rcveraed and the atrength pre served, would reduce the weight of U I pa and machinery alike by two- thirds. That la a problem which Cotton Blankets 90c a pair. Cotton Blankets, Better, $1.25. We also have a line of Eastern called wool, at 3.00. blankets Bat tbe Only Blanket On Earth ia the...... NDLE n TON BLANKET We are sole agents for those, having bought oar entire line io Jane, it enables as to sell those celebrated goods at tbe tame prioea asked tor interior brands. Oall aod examine. Hotel Heppner (Formerly the GRAND CENTRAL.) HCPPNER, OREGON. MRS. L. SMALL, Manager. Now Open. New Methods. New Manage ment. Strictly First Class. Rates, $1.00 Per Day and Upwards. avralta the metalliinrlet for solution. Hiok Malhewa and V. Geolry, nJ' The reduction la coat. Judging by an- the firm name ot Metbewe A Geolry, I alogy, can only be a question of time are associated together in th btrber I and research. SPECIAL HATES UY THE M EEK OR XOMTIt. buaioee in the new ataoj, two door aonlh of the Doatoffioe. They aolioit a oall. Shaving, 15 Oent. If. urrrtai Liar. IETTKR A t) V K Itl'lriK D J Ot., Oct. 1". IMI7. AT HSITNICR Berk. Jseob Kt'.laell, f A I in, L I Nnioraon, I a furran, Jainee lar. Owen llalheway, t heater (1) William, II T Mulkey, Bradley When railing lot theee letter plea advertised. J. r. William a, r. aaf M The Wat ateel now eoU little more than one-half penny per pound, while I aluminum ia fifty timra that prta. Hut aluminum exiata in far greater quantities than iron, la more widely distributed, and neither the linilta of time nor the history of metallurgy for bid us to conjecture that, a the world haa aeen it age of atone, it age of bronze and it age of Iron, no It may before loug have embarked wa a new and even more pruaperou age vf alum inum. tajA firat-claM food barn mo io connection. anJ from all trains. We solicit your patronage. Free Mini too to 5H7-not.l2 No man or woman ean enjoy life or accomplish much In this world wbil sutferiog from a torpiil liver. DeWill's Witch Usile Halve. II soothe, tragtb- en aod heal. Il is tbe great pile cure. For tale by Cooaer h Brock. THEY LOST THE WRONQ MEN. HKmmi. AttornevH tit Lcivv, All boaloesaa alUaded to ia prompt and tatiaftrWy aaaoaer. Notaries I'aMea and Collertor. OfriCE IN NATTLIl BCILMXO. i i l t ORrOOJ. WANTED-AN IDW5l.-!S thing In sntetil f Prtrfarl rmir I 'r. ; 1 n krlt.g sun wealth. Write JOHN WlMKI- H'KN r , l .t.nt Attornera, WeeUbtji a rer la.u aweuu tia , WsLMiltlt' W'ANTPO-TH.I'TvVOhTH Y AP ACTIVI v v siillemit r U'llva Ut trv litr re.iH.n .11.1.. Mletill.tivd hnliM. In llr..ll M.mlhlf tw.m sn.l ewiM. I'iKlllon . ire.lv Hrtrr em . furl,. Mil il.lrewt ala mt eti lope. 1 he l. minimi i uaia,iv, Ih-4. vhl'.rv . w ltaoou l anil to lie iMtf tlotug a lit tle rpnli btulo. II For full Information, time cards, map, ticket, etc., eall on or writ W.O. Ali awat, A. 1 Cm tatTow. Agt N. I". Uy. At.Oo !'. Agt. The Dalle, Or. Portland, Or Notict of Intention. i I A"PrriCt. AT T PALI., K)0l, 4 tvl. . IxMT. Mirtlee la herl-v given the! ll. Mltiolng named ai-itirl Baa flled B.Mtreuf hi. Intention to make anal pr.l in euimni hi. rl.im. end that aald enad will t made t-f,re J. VY Morn., Coiintv rlerk.al Heppner otvfun, on hmemliet I'th, vl. CIIILTO!C.HLi!, II I pry lor the " e Tp. I a, . O a M M It names Hi roilovMnf aimeaeee n pmve his eoiilliiiiniis reel.lenre iihm end elUaMoa ol aald lend. 1 ri,a ieselms", M I W II. It.,.,, r-.teshl Knarlmen sint A. l errv. all ol ue, M.rrue wwnty. trnn Ma . lloOBI. m hier. Two Clnoatneo, wbo bavabeeo mtoiot io lb Calar district, Britiah Colombia, arrived at Victoria a few da agn. They look not IIO.OiO, aod bave drafts oa lb Htlilaoii Bay Company to abow for it To teal th broken and diaeaaexl Ii. soaa, to oo Id lb irritated aorfacee, Io inalanlly relnv and Io perroaJenlly enr i lh miaaloo ot IV Will' Witch llael falve. For Hal by Cooaer A Itennli e When a Milton torn eel give aa o Urlaiomeol froo Ibe top of a wall, it iae't lb eat w ao roach objet to a II I lh wauU Kagle. ( xre trak like thai. Mr. Eagl aaJ vow will, to ns a nautical phraae, be"Hll dowa oo lb horli o.M Weeta Letter, Calarrb eored. A clear Lead aad eel breath ecor4 with Hbilob'a .Calarrb Remedy; ld ea a g?aeU. Naeal Inl-tl f free, &IJ by doser A I Bioak., a t Vu Only the uw4 Sat lor Wk ! eeeled Ik foeelf a Boa la. The numter of desertion that actu ally occurred while the foreign ahlp of war wrre here haa not Wen ntib- liahed, but ainc do complaint ha been heard from th commander generally the number cannot have been large. Ihwa at Old Point Comfort, Ju.l th ahlp were weighing anchor to move up to thla city, a reporter of the New York hot aUd the rapUia of on of th Kngliaa ahlp bow tuaoy men he lost la V irgiola. "tmly four, air," aald the capt I a, "lmt tht-y were th wrong four. When w dropped anchor her I railed op a nn miMrr of men that I ha.1 had my eya on for a long time, and I aald to them: 'UW here,' I aaid. "Ton re a 1 d lot. Your alway making Irout l atnaar.1 ahlp. 1 II tell yoa what I'll do with yoa. I'll give y eve ahllllng iplec tr you ii eat a4 roa woea yoa go ashore here.' "That what I aald to them, hm they're with m Jet. Yoa raa I get rUl cf 14 pennies, like thews. 'I hey rather tay and atir Up mlarhUL It th good men that w Lat, aad of them ta'a Freacti leaf U New York. Il'a the aotbiMoa. pah ahead fellow who think they'll ret io V Van. left. lit if they have halt a chaaee time) are tag rry tlanav WHITE COLLAR LINE. g Columbia River and Pugpl Sound Navisaf ion Co Skiiffi mxnm um umi and cats wivi LearlBg Alder rtlree-J !VI. PoHlaad, f.w Aatoeta. !!. Ui IWara. (W. l ark aad Siebeetta. iHreei o(iteeio vilb llo e d fall roadj alee al Yeweg'a ty wiib heaet,av tuur,. Uave rnflleed . U, 11. r. H ea4r, Uea A.wvi i p, tg lj, IlAXIiBT OATKBHT leave fnrti4 f M lllr .-H -. a.-if ai.L 11 p l . . . all A M.ir -! 4 Hh ,m, "m. 7 at OODAIV XVWVM Leave IVeliad a4 r4ier tali.ws Ttr e4 Tkeeel.t si A M t, Lea... la B-0.f 4 role, a ? at A. BJ lZLU"-uf2?'iU ' K Eif ivie4 . td"M !tin iui r.Tt if iv t4 Batoey, pa4, Cmhl, tWia, Trav m t.Ja- n;.t un ,M THE PALACE HOTEL BAR, . ".Itcl IKlts' l 1 i ii they has pan a roaaee i a e f they4 uat tar. keeps the iMncst Wines, Lnjuors and Gears cv