Take Notice. L The mm of Ore cento per line will be charged for "cards of thank," "resolutions oi respect," 1UU of wedding presenta and donors, and obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and notices of special meetings for whatever purpose. a. Notices of chnrch and society and all other entertainments from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five cent a line. Those rules will be strictly adher ed to in every instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. A GOOD CLUBBING LIST. The Goaette can offer the following clubbing rates : The GAZETTE ltf.50 and Club Rate Weekly Oregonlan, $1.50... .... 13.50 " 8. F. Examiner, L50 8.75 " N. Y. Tribune, $1.00. . 8.00 " Inter-Ocean, $1.00..... 8.25 " 8. F. Chronicle, $1.60 8.75 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 8.25 Webfoot Planter, 60c 2. 50 Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 5.00 Rural Spirit, $2.00 8.50 New York Wool Record, $2.00 ... 8. 50 METH. EPISC. CBUKOH. SERVICES. Bunday 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Bundny school 10 a. m. Classes No. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m. Epworth League Devotional meeting at 7 p. m. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8 p. m. 'The Spirit and the bne say. Oome." The oastor mav be fnnnd nt. tha nunuwnon joining me onnron, wnere be will be meet any wo miiy desire to consult lad to reliaious, soual, oivio, philosophic), educational, or any other subjects. .un on J, w. iXiUButtK, Minister. Here and There. , See M. Liclitenthal tor shoes. a. H. A, Murphy, of Monument, is in the city. - - O. . Jones was in from Eight Mile Friday. Ed. 8. Oox was down from Hardman Saturday. Frank Field oame in from Long Creek yesterday. ' W. B. Biddle, was in from Goosberry on Saturday. Fine celery, fruit, oigars and tobaoooe at Mathews'. tf. Cbas. Bosenfeld, of Portland, oame In Ibis morning. D. McDonald, of Arlington, wss in the city Saturday. w. vv. iveiiy, or Uaoyon Uity, wei here on Sunday. J . a., iroedaoo, ot Uonglass, was in town Saturday. Rufus Farrens,of Hardman, visited Heppner Sunday. u. w. wnue, ot (Joudon, was lu our Tillage Saturday. Geo. W. Crawford, of Coudon, was in Heppner Sunday. Mrs. J. A. Wooltry, of Iooe, was in Heppner yesterday. Submit your plans t Banous before giving out your oontraot. . tf To trade A good heatibg stove, for oordwood. Call at office. - tf. H. W. Holden, of Portland, was smong the arrivals this morning. H. A. and F. W. Cupper were over from Monument yesterday. George Vinoent was in from the But ter oreek country Saturday. W. E. Royse.of Goosberry, was reg istered at tbe Palaoe Friday. ' " The Orange Front for fine fruit, cigars, tobaooof and fancy groceries. . tf, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Ward, of Long Greek, Sundayed la Heppner. Otto E. Linn, of Douglas, waa viewing the sights id Heppner yesterday. M. Lloblentbal fcf shoes. Exclusive hoe store. Handle! the best. 83tf Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Taylor, of John Day, were guests at tbe Palaoe Sunday Chris aod Oscar Keithley, of Hard man, were doing business io the metrop olis Friday. Mrs. 8.J. Neal and Miss Mary Mur phy, of Arlington, were arrivals oo Ibis morning's train. Fine home-made taffy at tbe Orange Front A olean, fresb stook ot goods leave your orders. If. Girl wanted to do housework. Good wages. None bnt tbe best need apply. Call at Gat etle offloe. 83-tf Te arrive soon at Mathews' sweet potatoes, cranberries, Grandpa's soap and other necessaries, tf . Aoy oos desiring to bolld eitbsr a boose or bero will make monsy by call ing on tbe O alette oflloe. 67 tf For sals residence property. Barn and good oo t booses. Will sail ebesp oo asy terms. Call at offloe. . 83 If. Beet accommodation and courteous treatment at tbs Imperial Hotel, Seventh and Wash. Sts., Portland. Oregon. Gas Btelter, wbo is well known among ths "r sags" boys, came over from Pendle ton Betardsy, and will rsmalo tiers dnr icg Ibe winter. Tbe late frost soeras to have nipped all tbe local ai la tbe "bad," at least there seems to be nothing ot interest "to pot in the paper." Mies Allba Leech bee jost received a nice line ol sample bats. Hbe invitee tbe ladies to see them and get piieee be fore purchasing sUeebers. 85-92. 8. P. Fbolt and . M BhoH. of tbe Condon GWbe and Antelope Uereld, re- speeilvely, were in Osppner Hatorday and m1e tbe Osteite a pleasant visit. X. O. Mens, tbe dairy man. wbo took a bo o r ot bis floe cattle to the Port- lead aad The Dalles fairs, retoraed He a day morning, bringing with bins com bs ot bias ribbons bih bis floe stuck on for biro. JsJge KtoharJeo bs4 a sal.jswt be. Ion als aoart iswterday. II waa a ease wbere man had ledalg4 ! treev ly la a SaiJ tbet sens! paralysis is bis "pedal eitretneltsw," aad Ibe fx fel low wee arret4 en charge of bevies' Wa drank. t w. ' CHARGED WITH THEFT OF SHEEP. Una Matteeoa, a Caapteader, Finds Himself la tierioas Treable. Linn Mattesoo, a young man well known in this aeotion, waa arrested yes terday on a charge of larceny. Matte son had been in the employ of Andy Tillard and Asa Thompson for some time peat. A short time ago the owners noticed contraction in their band of sheep for which they eoald not aoooaot. They began to investigate the matter and a search of the country revealed the fact that the missing sheep had been disposed of in Baker county. A warrant was issued for the arrest, of Mattesoo and he is now in the hands of the sheriff. The sheep were supposed to have beon separated from the original bands in Grant eonnty, bat tbe yoang man bay ing returned to .this oouoty, was taken in custody on Tillard's rsnob on Batter creek. The saoused will probably be tried in Baker oouoty, w!ere the sheep are sup posed te have been disposed of. Found Her Husband. Mrs. E. M. Ayres, of Eugene, says Tbe Dalles Cbroniole, oame to Walla Walla a few days ago to meet her husband, who bad written to her to oome here as be bad seoared employment. Mrs. Ayres was surprised on her arrival to find no one to weloome her, and as the days went by and she found no trace ot ber husband she beoame alarmed and informed the police ot her trouble. Mrs. Ayres was almost dietraoted until today, when the mystery was cleared up. The woman made a mistake about the place, and instead of her husband writing from Walla Walla he wrote from Wallala. wbere be has been working for a Mr. Morgan. Mrs. Ayres left today with ber littld child for Wallula, greatly re lieved that ber troubles had been so quickly dispelled. Death ot Mr. Murphy. Tbe remains of Mr. Murphy , father of Henry A. Murphy, were brought in oo this morning's train from Portland, and were conveyed to their home at Monument for interment. Mr. Murphy went to St. Vinoent'a hospital at Port land some time ago for medical treat ment, but tbe disease with which he was affiioted bad gained such inroads that nothing oonld be done to relieve his sufferings. Saturday's Races. T r . . .. uasi oaiurnay ariernoon a norse race took place at tbe old raoe oourse be tween tbe handsome sorrel, Big Enough, belonging to V. Gentry, of Hoppoer, and tbe fine looking bay, "Too Big," belong tog to Otha Ward, ot trwe R ok. The distance was 400 yards for 850 a side. Too Big oarried off tbe laurels by about two links. Notice. Owing to ths extreme illness of Mr. Lerzer, I am.oompelled to discontinue bread baking for tbe present Thank ing my patrons for past patronage, and soliciting a ooniiooance or tbe same when I am able to resume, I remain " Yours truly, Mrb. W. J. Lkkzeb, Did You Ever Try Eleotric Bitters as a remedy for your troubles? If not, get a bottle now and get relief. Tbis medicine has been found to be particularly ad so ted to the relief aod cure of all Female Complaints, exerting a wonderful direct inflaenoe in giving strength and tone to tbe organs. II yon have Lose of Aopelite, Constipa tion, Headache, Fainting 8pells, or are Nervous, Sleepless, Excitable, Melan choly, or troubled with Duzr Spells, Electric Bitters is tbe medicine you need. Health and Strength are guaran teed by its nse. Fifty cents and $1.00 at Conser A Brook's drug stors. Wheat is quoted at 67 cents lo Hepp ner today. ueputy onsrin J. w. Matiook is on tbe "puoy" list E. L. Freelsod and family have re. turned from Portland. A. Smylbe will ship a train load ot sbsep to eastern markets in a fsw days. Four ears of wheat were shipped from tbis polo I a fsw dsye ago, aod several more will go out io a few dars. Franks A Draks shipped a train load of oattls to South Omaha 8alnrdar. There were 23 evloads about 600 bead and were gathered in Graot and Morrow counties. J. L. Gibson has taken tbt Jones' barber stand and does good work at popular prions, 15 cents shaving aad 25 ceote baireutting. 78 tf. la Iba sale ot cloaks, espes aod wraps, E. W. Rhea Co, bars led tbe trsde tbis season. They are eerrylog tbe correct styles at wiooln nrioes 7-2t Moments ars nseiess ir trilled awav; and tbey are dangerously wr :Ud if con sumsd by delsy io eaaee wbere Ooe Mlnuts Cough Cure woald Ixlog imme diate relief. For sale by Ooeser A Brock. e Tbe Osteite household, who have been attending tbe annual cession of tbe Orsnd Ledge, K. of P. at Portlasd aod Ibe Oregon Press eeeooUlion at Baker City Ibe past tea days, are sipectel boms tomorrow. Te fare reewflsaUas Fevever. TskeCssrarsts Caady Cathartic. 10 er I'm, If C. C. C fall to core, droggiets refuad ornery. tf Tbe Osteite does not question tbe boaeety ot any person, bnt It I pel Ixl io leeiet apoa Ibe eeeb'.s advsaa piaa of eobeeriptioa, whether Ibe tnb ecriber be Cornelius Vaaderbilt or Ibe saaa wbo earns bis bread by honest totL We eeooot ruu tbe paper oa say other plan. tf t'Trr-TiiriTwnTHY At f-riv V fntlMM m ladtae In (ravel nf rprrt. f .l, wkIiiUM Sxmim a tttwm'm Umtulf an I frmiHnn m1, nrm $.nUmm Til 41r i 4 H,miH 1U pt niaiva iuweir, l-i'V. ) (. Kr rM OCTOBER WEATHER. Rheumatism Just Now to be Feared. People Catch Cold and Suffer With the Prevalent Malady. Mr. S. E. Chase's Experi ence Very Simole Kemedy He Used. Rheumatism is growing more aod more prevalent here. And neuralgia adds its tortures to tbe disease that is making life a burden to many in Hepp ner. ' Tbe cold, wet weather, the careless ness about getting wet, or perhaps some indisoretion in the diet, result in tbe agonizing rheumatism. One part of Ihe system is attacked after another, and sometimes tbe vital organs yield to it, so that the increased mortality rate of Ootober is ohlefly due to Ibis disease and its complications. The methods of treatment are as (lit ferent and widely varying as there are physicians, but nothing baa yet been discovered that begins to equal the simple remedy used by S. E. Cbaee, a well-known G. A. R. man ot Waltham, Mass. He is "an old soldier, nearly seventy years of age, and was all run down with ohronio rheumatism, liver oomplaint, aod heart disease. In faot , he got s pension tor these troubles He was so low that ha thought be could not live long. Bat be used a vegetable ex- traot, called Paiue's Celery .Compound, which, as he puts it "did wonders for me, and made me feel like a new.msn." Mr. Chase is doing all he oan to spread the good news ot this com pound's wonderful effioaoy in rheuma tism, neuralgia, and nervous diseases. He already has ten of bis friends using it, and says be can oure any one. When suoh. a simple preparation as this is known, which appears to be so reliable, it is foolish for any one to suffer long. OUR PRESIDENT'S GRAVES. Burial Places or All Our Dead Cblef Execu tlves. Washington's tomb is a briok vault at Mount Yernon. J obn Adams and bis son , John Quinoy Adams, lie buried in a granite vault be neath the Unitarian church at Quinoy, Mass. Thomas Jefferson lies under an obe lisk io a little graveyard on the road from Charlottesville, Vs., to Montloello. James Madison rests on tbe old Msdi son estate, near Montpelier, Hanover oouoty, Virulnia. James Monroe's body lies beneath huge block of polished Virginia marble in Hollywood cemetery, Richmond, Vir ginia. Andrew Jaokson reposes under massive granite monument amid a grove of maguolias in a ooroer of the Hermit age, near Nashville, Tennessee. Martin Van Baren Is buried in tbe family lot in the village cemetery at Kiuderbook, N. H. William Henry Harrision sleeps at his boms in North Bend on Ibe Ohio river, an nofenced mound over tbe family vault marking bis grsvs. John Tyler's vine-covered grave lies within a few feet ot Monroe's, io Holly ood cemetery, Richmond. isuies i. folk is buried in tbe pnv ate garden ot the family homestead at Nashville, Tenn., a limestone mono msnt with Doric oolumos marking bis restiog place. Zaobary Taylor's asbss were Interred at Cave Hill oemetery, Louisville, Ky and subsequently removed to Frank fort. Millard Fillmore's grsvs is in Forest Lawn oemetery at Concord, N H. James Buobansn is burial at Wood srd Hill oemetery, Lancaster, Pa., simple block of Italian marble formlog tha beadstooe. Abraham Lincoln rests under a great pile of marble, granite and brooxe, in tbe Oak wood cemetery at SprinaOeld 111. Andrew Johnson lies on aeon shaped eminence near ureeoaiid. Teon.. on blob bis sons bare sreoted a mar bis monument with a granite base. Ulysses S. Grant sleeps in tbe magnl floeot temple at Riverside Heights. Rutherford B. Hayes is boried at Free- moot, Ohio. James A. Oerfltld rsposes? nnder towering mooomeot in Lake View oeme tery, Clsvelaod, Ohio. Cheater A. Artbor is burled In Rural cemetery, Albaoy. Them In Nothing an Gee. Tbers is nothing Jost as good as Dr King's New Dtsoovsry for Consumption Coughs and Golds, so demand It and do not permit Iba dealer to cell yon soma sobetitule. Ua will not claim there it anything better, bat in order to make more profit be may claim aomMbbg else lo be jost aa good. Ton waat Dr. Klag's New Discovery becsose yon kaow it to be sfe aad rrliabla, aad guaranteed to do good or money refaaJaJ. Yot Coogba, Ootda, Cvnaomption aad tor all affections of Throat, Chest aatf Lnogs, there is nothing so good as is Dr. King's New Discovery. Trial bottle free at Onnswr A Brock's. IUgrjlar alas SO aats aad ILrKX Tbe Hoolhsrq rsrIOc railroad eotnpeitf baa Avoided lo cell ticket from all stations on lie Usee in Oregon, at oae fete for Ibe ronad' Hp. In view ot Ibe fed tbet oat pl neve been favored Uh aboadsnt crops, II Is etfilolly stat ed Ibal tbe eteU f.lr at Helens will have a btr Mundane I ben ever before, aad la order to give all aa nppnrtaaity to visit line (reel HwUlaiion ot which lb people M Ibe settee stele be re ue to m peond, lite popnlar lie of reilrne-ls be rwdnsed Ibe far so aa lo eesl'l all to a one of lb grandest duplets ever rthib.Ud Si HeUfB. Tr fair open b and !' Ol Mb. GENERAL NKW8 NOTES. Tbe gold reserve in tbe treasury has passed tbe $150,000,000 mark. An artesian flow ot water has been struck at 46 feet depth opposite Vale. A flock ot 230 sheep will be shipped to Dawson, Alaska, to feed tbe miners. Tbe board of health has declared Gal veston free from the yellow fever plague. New York banks bold 814.613,000 in excess of tbe requirements ot the 25 per oent rule. The Lexington Hotel & Building O . at Cbioago has tailed. The liabilities are $130,000. Sanitary Inspector Brnnner, ef Ha vana, reports fourteen deaths from starv ation in that city. Fifzbugb Lee intimates thai he will enter Ihe race for the United States sen atorsbip in Virginia. . tl Edward Langtry, former husband ot Lily Langtry, died in an insane asylum in England Saturday. ,: Tbe New York ' girl who wedded a Chinaman is to be congratulated upon marrying above ber station. Scientists now claim that Siberia is tbe birthplace of the Indian. There is no doubt that Amerioa is bis burial place. Tbe American liner Paris Saturday night brought $4,000,000 in gold from Europe. About $2,000,000 more is in transit. Esther Clement, a 13 year-old child, died in Spokane Saturday of a broken heart. Her mother died two weeks ago, and sinoe then tbe child has grieved continually. NORTH PACIFIC Rural Spirit (ESTABLISHED IN 18f9.) Published Weekly at Portland, Or. DEVOTED TO Agriculture, . Dairying,-Live-Stock and Turf. Worth its weight in gold to every farmer and breeder in Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION: $2.00 PER YEAR. (Sample oopies free.) Raral Spirit aod Gazette both for s3.60, oasb, at tbis offloe. Ylfanted-An Idea Wbo eaa think of some simple thin to twtAntf Protect your Idea: titer mar bring too wealth. Write JOHN WKUDRKHCRN a CO., FatMtt Attor ners. Washington, D. C. for their ti.tuu prise oflar aad U two hundred InranUona wanted. We print. "8injpia. .,'Aoconnt , File", statements, with your name and business Ibereon. Call at office: Tbey Are tbe "Mustard." . ' 't 'V-' ' Meadows A Hatten, tbe pioneer black smiths, hove made some elegant im provements io their establishment and added a large stook ot iron, borseeboes snd otbsr materials essential to Ibe happiness ot those wbo need qoiok re pairs on their wsgons, buggies or any kind of machinery. Tbey bars ex tended their room so as to eooommodate everybody in the oonotry wbo is In need ot repairs. When you want a horse shod, maobins repaired, tire set or any thing else in their Hue, you will find Meadows A Qstten to be tbs boys that oan do it and do it right in short order. tf IN 'KT.lKe- 5 PJ A rem BISHOP SCOTT ACADEMY. A Boarding and Day Military Tie WN V t4l Ihe mum 1 III UlWll ! lUrftMukj, m. rl".ll -m4 rtotaM hM.nl l ',h. I. xm li -iii. f 1 Mai.tMi.niUHiif elifi'teia. iis. '' it e m r m.i( ft.. r,,j, s. w. HILU M It., I SI ftn.. is. All them cab b procured at Thrmpvii A Mona, Ixwer Main Btreel, Hejijioer, OrpijoB. TWe itcIImim mrt veil tPitt4 Oraet. Niiwf rm rMllleai see e4xt eaeelk ami mnpmf e4 Um la all Um tmtn eMk IretetlMf sw. rrkaa le HS Ibe Uewie. THOMPSON BINNS, Canton Plows Canton Harrows Canton Gangs Canton Disks . Mil VV Super Super or Drills or Seeders StudebaKer Wagons and HacKs...... NEW USE FOR CATS. Here ts a Man Who Extracts Electricity to Itaa a Factory. "I had a large cork and bung factory in Grand avenue, and I needed power to run my machinery," writes a Mil waukeean in Harper's Weekly. "You know, of course, that there is an im mense amount of stored up electricity in a cat. The problem for inventors has been to invent a way to extract it profitably. In the rear of my factory I constructed a one-story circular build ing, some sixty feet in diameter. On the floor of this I coiled a glass pipe six inches in diameter. Tho first coil ran around the outside of the room, the coils gradually growing smaller, till at last, in the center, it was no larger than a table. ' It gave me some thing like a mile of pipe. The top and sides of this pipe were lined with rather stiff hair brushes, the bristles being a little more than an inch in length. "At that time Milwaukee was over run with cats. It was impossible to sleep nights. I put a notice in the pa per that I would pay ten cents a dozen for prime cats, delivered at my factory. I got sixty dozen the first day and stored them in the basement of the power-house. The motor operated thus: Placing In the outer eud of the glass pipe an imitation rat made of rubber and propelled by a small inte rior storage battery, I would then ad just a cat immediately behind it. The rubber rat would start off at a terrific rate it waa made to go through the mile of tubing in from two to three min utesand the cat.of course, followed fu riously, thinking to catch the supposed animal throughout the entire diatance. Gentlemen, it was exciting to watch a healthy, active cat whip about those spirals, with the mechanical rat about a foot ahead and going like a cannon ball. The cat's back and sides rubbed against tho brashes and her electricity was thus extracted. With a storage battery, and by sending a cat through every five minutes, I generated enough electricity to operate my entire plant, light my factory and sell power to run neighboring passenger elevators and small machinery. It also took the yowl out of the cats and gradually the city became quiet At the end of a week a cat could be caught and used affaln." Hiok Mathews aod V. Gentry, under tbe firm name of Mathews A Gentry, are associated together in tha barber business in the nsw stand, two doors south ot ths pustoffioe. Tbey solloit a call. Hbaviug, li oeuta. If. . r at PRAGTiyUi 90RE53IVE mM 1 Is? ' ,i .A- : r School for BOyt Under Diidfjlint. s.eafavit Uim '4. 14. IW! . . "('lin " ei.ni.i. mmuu. LI. ru 1 t hiIiumiU, mv wvime 11 wtJ.4. Ofvm. t O SfO.rll. Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Arc You in Need of a Saddle orsc SxZ, STOCKMEN, FARMERS, EVERYBODY ! You Don't Expect Goods for Nothing! BUT IOD DO WANT LOW PRICES to sull tbe limes. Yon want fresb groceries and supplies ; yon want sub stantial gents' furnishings. You oan find' what you want at T. R. Howard's. . . . MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED! Is. Howard ; main aircci, neppner. Oregon. fta mm THE ART OF BREWING. HOP.GOIB And now Hie entire world Knows this verfect vroduct As Vie Star Brewery beer..... STAR BREWERY COMPANY, 203 Washington St., Portland, Or. BIG CROPS BIG PRICES Your wif baa stood by yon faithfully in yonr adversity. Now, let her share in yonr prosperity by buying ber osw sewing mscbin from O. THOMPSON Nsw stook just received. inspect "Dat Co'n Juice" Is Found at THE T On Mala Htrsel, in City Hotel Do.Idlng. Tho Best of Everything Always on Top Courteous treatment to alL Nio club rooms. XOW TirvXvVIO, Prop. FBANK RO CM Rogers & Roberts, -OoLtractora nnJ BoilJeri. Plans and Estimates Given on Short Notice. All Kindsof Repair Work OFFICE HOURS-Pay and Night leave your orders "Any Old. Ilacc" and Roc;, or Jim will cet 'cm. o o o o o o o BOOTS AND SHOES TMC UtCK TO OCT THIM It AT WCHTlDNTHArv'S Me kes erle la tale Hm lhl tmi .r 4ere eM fee ea CepeM ea II tea set a ami erili te kea Mel twrenieee li. SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Oi. .., Main ttrwet H.nnMa, ee,l.i, The GAZETTE, $2.50 A Year for CASH, GRAIN and FEED SP eeseVe 1 s Main Street , Next door to Palaoe hotel. HEPPNER, OREGON. Was Perfected by the Production of.... On draught at all popular saloons GOOD HIS GEHERHLLY. Prices from 123 to $50. Call and Ihelr lias. Welcome I. I. ROICRT1