flloIKL TO THIS 0IVK8 TUB OHOICB Of Two Transcontinental GREAT OREGON NORTHERN Ry. SHORT LINE. VIA VIA Spokane MINNEAPOLIS St. Paul Salt Lake DENVER. . Omaha AHD Chicago Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers' Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For (all details call on 0. R. A N Agent at Heppner, or address W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland. Obboon, Can't be done! Try to make some baking powder yourself. Buy the cream of tartar and soda, mix them in the . right proportions. Then imagine that you are the manufacturer, and have to make a profit, and besides, sell it to the grocer at such a price that 'he can make a profit too. Ask your grocer to sell you his best cream of tar tar, see what it costs, and see if you can make pure good baking powder for 25 or 30 cents a pound. It can't be done. Schilling's Best at your , grocer's is the best of the right-price baking powders. LCNO TK0CBU3J AND COMUMPTION CAN MB Cl'RKD. Of tbe finanoial condition of the County of Morrow, in the State of Oregon, oa the Aa Kmiaral Nw Vers. Chaariat aad Meleatlat Bakes a Free Offer to oar ooaurra. , 30tb day of September. A. D. 1897: LIABILITIES. To warrants drawn on the County Treasurer, and outstanding and un paid $32177 69 To estimated amount of interest accrued thereon 2000 00 Total Liabilities ". $34177 69 RESOURCES. By foods in bands of Conn ty Treasurer applicable to tbe payment of oounty warrants , o By estimated unpaid ourrent taxes applioable to tbe payment of oounty warrants..... . 18659 25 Total Resources $21084 57 tun Semi-Annual Statement Of the amount of taoney and warrants reoeived for taxes and money paid to the cured thousands Uounty Treasurer Dy the anerin oi Morrow oounty, uregon, ior me six monius ending on tbe 30tn day oi sept., A. v. itw. LOCAL BQU1B9. A murderous row took plaoe Sunday night, on tbe Grand Ronde reservation, in whiob about 20 Indians took part It is reported that the Indians broke into a bouse and seized a barrel of bard older, and went in for a "hiyu Skookum" time. It is supposed that tbey bad something stronger than oider at tbe outset, but it is not known for a oertainty. During tbe night a general fight tonk plaoe, In whiob clubs and axes were freely used. Jessie Wbeeler was struok on tbe head with a hatchet, and was rendered in sensible for hours. Jim Young was struck in tbe face by Joe Dowel, and died in less than 80 minutes. A num ber of others were more or less injured. WORK OF THE DELEGATION. of QUZOXC TI3VX33 I TO San Franolsoo And aU point In California, vie ths Mt. Bhaats route of tho Southern Pacific Co Tha grant hiahwar through California to all points Kant and South. Grand Hoenio Route of tha Paolfio Coaat. Pullman Hnflet Hleepera, Beoond-olaaa ttleepera Attaohed toaxpraaa traina, affording anpenor aooommodatiuna for aammd-olaM paasangera. For ratal, tiokata, almping oar raaanratlona, ato.. call npon or sdaresa K. KOKHLEK, Manager, C. H, MARKHAM, Gen. F. A P. Agt., Portland, Oregon ORE TOD GOING E0ST? If so, be sure and see that your tiaket reads via tub Korinvestern Line ....THE.... CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY this is THH Great Short LiQe BETWEEN DULUTfT, St. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Their Magninoont Track, PwrlcM Veatlhuled Those wbo believe obronio diarrhoea to be inourable should read what Mr. P. E. QriBbam, of Guars Mills, La., bas to say on the subject, viz.: "I bave been a sofierer from chronic diarrhoea ever sinoe tha war and hBve tried all kinds of medicines for it. At last I found a remedy that effected a cure and that was Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di arrhoea Remedy. This medioine can always be depended upon for oolio, obolera morbus, dysentery and diarrhoea. It is pleasant to take aod never fails to effect a onre. 25 and CO oent sizes for sale by Conser & Brock. The semi-annual Sunday sobool oon ventioo will be held in Heppner Nov. 11, 12 and 13. A very interesting program bas been prepared and a large attend ance is expeoted. John Fox Recommended For Collector . Customs at Astoria, A special from Portland to the Pendle ton Tribune under date of Oct. 11, says: Tbe Oregon congressional delegation bave made the following recommenda tions, which were given out today : B. W. Johnson, postmaster at Coryal- lis: John Fox. oolleotor of oustoms for the port of Astoria; T. J. Bufford, In dian agent, Siletz reservation. Tbe delegation will probably bold tbeir final meeting this week and will finish tbe work of recommendations. A postmaster at Pendleton and a register and receiver of tbe La Grande land office will be among tbe number. Senator McBride indignantly denies tbe report that be is taking a hand in fixing tbe oounty and legislative tickets of Marion and other counties, pronounO' ing tbe story wholly and absolutely un true. Should be be a candidate for re eleotion be desires to succeed on the record of bis services on behalf of tbe state of Oregon and bis past reoord and future ambition made bis bigb regards of tbe position of U. S. Senator such as not to wish to hold it, it to do so it would be necessary to traffic and barter appointments or seoure pledges in ad vance from those eleoted to tbe legislature. Date. 1897, TO AMOUNT RECEIVED. In coin and currency. In county warrants.. Total received. DURING THE MONTH OF Apr. 1612 95 (1199 33 May M592 19 S 591 36 June July $5657 90!2610 39' 11019 54 I 489 94 $7542 28 $5183 55 $6677 44 Aug. $5315 07 Sept. $2793 23 $3100 33 $5315 07 $2793 23 Date. 1897, BY AMOUNT PAID To County Treasurer. Total paid to Treasurer. DURING THE MONTH OF Apr. $7542 28 $7542 28 May $5183 55 June July $6877 44' $3100 83 $5183 55 $6677 44 $3100 33 Aug. $5315 07 $5315 07 Sept. $2793 23 $2793 23 88. State of Obboon, Conntv of Morrow, t I, E. L. Matlock, sheriff of said oounty, do hereby certify that the fore going statement is correot and true. Witness my band this 1st day of Oot. A. D. 1897. E. L. Matlook, Sheriff of Morrow County. By J. W. Matlock, Deputy. Tbe distinguished ohemiet, T. A. Bio com, of New York City, demonstrating bis discovery of a reliable oure tor Con sumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis), bronohial, Inng and ohest troubles, stubborn ooughs, catarrhal affections, general deolina and weakness, lose of flesh, and all conditions of wasting away, will send THREE FREE BOT TLES (all different) of his New Die ooveries to any afflicted reader of this paper writing for them. Bis "New Scibotiflo Treatment" bas permanently by its timely use, and be considers it a simple professional duty to Buffering humanity to donate a trial of his infallible oure. Soienoe daily develops new wonders, and this great chemist, patiently experi menting for years, bas produoed results as beneficial to humanity as can be claimed by any modern genius. His assertion that lung troubles and con sumption are ourable in any climate is proven by "heartfelt letters of grati tude," filed in bis American and Euro pean laboratories in thousands from those oured in all parts of tha world. The dread Consumption, uninter rupted, means speedy and oertain death. Simply write to T. A. Slnonm, M. 0., 98 Pine street, New York, giving poet- office and express address, and the free medioine will be promptly sent direct from bis laboratory. Sufferers should take instant advan tage of his generous proposition. Please tell the JJootor that you saw this in tbe Gazette, published at Hepp ner, Oregoo. July 9-7-1 yr. FORYOU! Now Prepared to do Any- Kind of Printing Don't Send Your Orders Away 'Till You Get the Gazette's Estimates Heretofore tbe Gazette's job depart- . meot bas tried to do no work other than plain printing. However, this sbop it now prepared to taokle anything in any , line and will meet prioes of any person . under the sun in the line of druggists . supplies, blank books, bank work oounty work, or any sort of book bind- , Ing work that yoa have heretofore send away to get done. , The Gaaette sbop is not a charity ooncern but if you will give us a chance we will see that you are satisfied in . every particular. Buy your goods at home. Remember, that Abe Linooln said that when one bought goods away, from home, the foreigner got the money and we got tbe goods, But when tbe goods were bongbt at borne we bad both money and goods. This is good doctrine. We ars willing to abide by it. When th printing drummer comes to town, re member it and call up 'phone No. 3. 560-tf Tbi Boss Fbbd Yabd. Tbe first feed, yard tbe teamster strikes in Heppner is that conducted by William Gordon,,; next door to the Heppner Gazette ranch. Mr. Gordon is accommodating, -has a good yard and abundant facilities to take care of stock in first class shape. His pridf a are very reasonable. He has bay and grain for sale. Has lately added a car toad of baled timothy. tt. Seml Annual Report Of the Conntv Clerk of Morrow County. State of Oregon, showing the amount and number of claims allowed bv tbe oounty court of said county, for what al lowed, amount of warrants drawn, and amount of warrants outstanding and unpaid, from tbe 1st day ot April, l'J7, to tbe autb a ay oi September, ios, oom inclusive: Blankets ! Blankets ! ON WHAT ACCOUNT ALLOWED. Certainly you don't want to euflur with dyspepsia, constipation, sick headaches, sallow skin and loss of appetite. Kou bave never tried DeWitt's Little Early Risers for these oomplaiuts or you would bavs been oured, Tbey are small pills but great regulators. For sale by Con ser and Brock. A Bare Thing for Yoa. A transection in whiob you oan not lose is a sure thing. Biliousness, sick headache, furred tongue, fever, piles and a thousand other ills are caused by constipation and sluggish liver. Cas- oarets Candy Cathartic the wonderfuH District Attorney's account new liver stimulant and intestinal tonio are sold by all druggists and guaranteed to ours or money refunded. C. O. 0 are a sura thing. Try a box today ; 10c, 25., 50o. Sample and booklet free, tf Jury aooount Expense aooount. Bailiffs' acoount. Assessor's account Criminal aooount, oirouit court.. Inane account Criminal aooount, justice court.. Stationery acoount Oounty Clerk, salary acoount... County Sheriff, selary account.. Road and bridge acoount Pauper aooount County commissioners' aocoont. IJeputy clerk aooount. Deputy sheriff aooount County Judge, salary account.... Stock inspector's salary ......... Sobool superintendent's account. County treasurer's salary Court bouae and Jail account.... it Dining ami HUwmiIiik Car Trains, aim Mono; ALWAYS ON TIME About eighty of Oregou'a bright Faber pushnrs" will be in attendance at the meeting of the Oregon Press association, whioh convened in linker City this morning. Small precautions often prevent great mischiefs. De Will's Little Early Risers are very small pills in size, but are most efftiotivs in preventing the most serious forms of livor trouble and stomaob troubles. Tbey oure constipation and headache and regulate tbe bowels. For sale by Conser A Brock. hm atvan tlila road a national mputatton. All '!' of uuMnixra currloil on Ilia VMtlbiilwl trains without antra charga. hhlp your IraUiht ami travttl over tills (anions Una. All aauuU hava tickets. W. II. MEAD. f. C. HAVAOK, Uen. A(nt Trav. K. A I. Agt. 2th WuliltiKlon HI., rorllaiKI, or. .oniOAao Iwiitee & su Paul B'b This Railway Co. Operates its trains on the famous block system; Lights Its trains by electricity through out; Usee the celebrated eleotrio berth read lug lamp; Kane speadily r-qaippad passenger trains vrv day and Blunt txttwesn HI. Paul and Chioago, aud Omaha and Chicago; the Chicano. Milwaukee & St. Paul Also orwrstee etaroheatd veatibnled traina, carrying the latoat private enmpart instil eare. library buffet smok ing rani, and palace drawing room sleepers. r Parlor ears, free reclining chair cars. sod tb verylbest dining chair oar service. Fr lowaat raise to any point In the Untied Hlatxa or Canada, apply to egant or address C. J. EPUT, J. W. OAHKY. General Ageol. Trav. 1'ese. Agnt. l'ortlaod, Or. Timber Culture Final Proof. t'MTrii Si ,i.a I. tan Orrn a. Th lailr, orft.ni. Ml. I l" Mike Marshall and Thos. Brsnnan left Wednesday for a trip to the monutaioe. Mr. Marshall goes out to look after his band of sheep and Tommy went tore few days recreation, which, after several months' hard hammering at the blaok smith trade, will do bim lots of good. If yoa bave ever eeen a little child in paroxyem of hooping congb, or if you have been annoyed by constant tick ling in tbe throat, you oan appreciate the value of One Minute Cough Cure, which gives quick relief. Sold by Con ser k Brock. FrHnk McFarland bas been appointed special agent of Ths Eqnitable Life As- surauoe Co., of New York, tbe strongest in ths world. Cieb surplus to policy holders of over 43 million dollars. Don't take insurance without seeing the new i,l una rf thn F.oaitable. Insures both sexes at same rates. 77tf At b big Salvation Army meeting in Albany Inst week, sys the Democrat, tbe statement was mads tbat there were 250,000 conversions in ths U. 8. an nually through the instrumentality of tbe army, and that 76 per cent, or Ibem are permanent. This Is probably as maoh as the ohurohes together. If so it presents fsot tbat should set the members ot churches to thinking. Total amount claims allowed and drawn . AMOUNT OF OUTSTANDING WARRANTS UNPAID. Outstanding unpaid county warrants on the 30th day of 8ep., 1H97.. Estimated interest accrued thereon Somebody gives tbe following antltheti osl advice. "Drink lees, breathe more; eat Ism, obew more; ride less, walk more; clothe less, bathe more; worry leas, work more; waste less, give more; writs leas, read more; preach leas, prae- tioet..re." Dyspepele enred. Pbilob't Vitaliter immediately relieves sour stomach, com log up of food distress, and Is tbe great kidney and liver ramsJy. Hold by Ooo- erAlW'ck. T Total amount of unpaid county warranta. Amount of Amount of war claims allowed, rants drawn. $ 276 30 $ 276 30 145 87 145 87 24 00 24 00 673 00 673 00 21 65 21 65 23 25 23 25 204 25 204 25 226 29 226 29 1200 00 1200 00 1200 00 1200 00 397 75 897 75 ' 1129 24 1129 24 86 00 86 00 94 50 94 50 499 98 499 98 499 98 499 98 4r0 00 450 00 138 00 138 00 481 19 481 19 249 99 243 99 29 25 29 25 t 8,050 49 S 8,050 49 PRINCIPAL. INTEREST. h . S 32,177 69 9 2 000 00 . S 82.177 59 8 2,f00 00 1200 Pairs Now On Sale at.... Minor & Co, We Cotton Blankets 90c a pair. Cotton Blankets, Better, $1.25. also have a line of Eastern blankets called wool, at $3.00. ' But tbe Only Blanket On Earth is the PEND L m -" - v" ' l mm County of Morrow, t ' I. J. W. Morrow. Couaty Clerk ot tbe County of Morrow, State ot Oregon, do hereby certify tbat the foregoing ia a true ajid correot statement of tbe number and amount of olaima allowed by the county court of saul county, tor tbe six months ending on tbe 30th day of Kept , 1897, on what aooount the same were allowed, and tbe a uonnt of warranta drawn, and tbe amount of warrants outstanding and unpaid as tbs same appear upon the reoords ot my office aud in my official ouatody. Witness my hand end tbe seal ot the county oonrt or said oounty ibis inn day ol Oct , A. U. 1H97. J. w. Kiokbow, uoanty UierK. We ere sole agents for those, having bought our entire line in June, it enables us to sell those oelebrated goods at tbe same prioes asked tor inferior brands. Call and examine. MINOR & CO. PATK. AMOUNTS RKCEIVED. FROM WHAT SOURCE RECE'D. 1897. To amount on band from last report amta. reo'd from (Sheriff GENERAL rUNL SCHOOL KUND, Thla la Vour li..orlunlly. S3Uim-k"iUUi muiVllAClll f)n rrwnlnt nf tun cents. Cnsh Or Sialics, I rVnl Tmihifm nf Mnrrna fVinnt flrmxin tnr tha air tnnntha anitinn I a e,onoroua sample will h mailed of the on t(je daJf o( Sep)t A jj, ign ( money reoeived aod paid out, from moat popuinr uturru aan nay vu,"l whom reoeived and from what sonroe, and on what aooount paid out: (Kly s t ream liaini) snincieu i strata mo greni nicrna in iu rauouj. ELY imOTHKHH. 66 Warrcu bt., w lorn vny. Ilev. John TMd. Jr.. of Gn at FaJ1a,Mont., recommended F.ly's t renin Halm lo me, J .... ...... i. i.; .i.i. .in. nt. '-Itisapnai tivs onra for raturrli It uu auirociu. ltav. FrancW W. Pxl, Pastor Central fa. Church, Helena, Mont. Elv's Cream Palm is tbe acknowledged enra for catarrh and contains no mercury nor any injurious drug. ITioe, 60 eewa. Ooonty Clerk . . . A. O. Bartholomew A.O. Pettey a D. Hobloeoa . . Hheriff W. A. KichardsonJ C. E. Jones.. Beo'lof State ' II. Wade faxes Coat on lax sales Feea earned... . Lumber sold .. Poll tsx, 1897.. Liquor lioense. taxes Pines fines Htate apport'nm't Hale ot astray., t 1990 84 19019 ST 98 18 683 96 81 S2 141 00 400 00 2G4 75 1 Hotel Hexj3MLer (Formerly the ORAND CENTRAL) HEPPNER, OREGON. MRS. L. SMALL, Manager. Now Open. New Methods. New Manage ment. Strictly First Class. 6316 72 4 R5 10 00 1 1469 62 2 25 $22364 85;$10445 00 11 u s PACIFIC III TIIROUOH CARe- DATE. 1807. '"The Regulator Lino" Hie Dalles, Tortlici i Lstorii Navigation Co. eTXJk.vcxn 'onus cm" aho -kcoulator" lAMK 1 NOTKH la llthlM tllr HUT JAM '. kniiiiir. 4 Haxliiian. itri-auif. ka S It. mi. ill hiiruiliin l.i mit. Sual i nMjl.n. J MiitK.w. tuiiHif lnk. al hi llpfiifivr. frgi,n, ,.n Mh'i'Ut, tt, .Ihtlaf M Ik I. .11 ! on llml.-t riiilnra 'Ui U.m N I .J. Ir Hi. Kr "I M ilit Nil, a, u l.lili hi, latHith. tmutm Hi,. H iiaiai M !! fmn Mnflan4, Imim II Alrn. t'l MM4aii.l, ati.) (af a.tlh. It, all nl ll.nl i, t'iiv. . . - . JS. f. WW. : n ai.it. Kry aw sutiaeriher ol tbe (Issette from Ibis data, Hay 25, KH, will rca4ve ee praiiilnm a Wk woitb alone the prkre el the eatworliitinn. If Leave Tbe Dallee daily (exnenl Hnnday) at7J)a.m. Leave 1'ortlaoJ at 7 DO e m. When yn go to Portland, etnp off at The iHtllre and take a trip down the Colombia; yon will enjoy it, anJ eave nrtey. . W. tt AI LAWAT, Oeoaral As'Dt. TO 8t. PAUL MlNNKAlLia DUI.UTU FA Kill) ntT-r-ri.' ,U ELENA Tickets iasnanl to all points In tbe United Hiatrs and Canada. QUICK TIME TO. AMOUNTS PAID OUT. By amount paid ont on Conntv Warrants By amount paid out on Bouool Bopt. Warrants. Ity balance general fund on band Uy balance eohool fund on hand OENKRAL rvxD, Rates, $1.00 Per Day and Upwards. SPECIAL RATES BY THE WEEK OR MOSTII. SCHOOL ffa?A firat-clasa food barn ran ia connection. and from all traina. We solicit your patronage. Free 'Rue run to G87-noY.12 $19939 oa 2425 82; 9046 72 1398 87 '$22304 80 $10415 09 1 ClIIOAOO WaaMINOToR lAtTiima Ntw ohi HvrrAto Tbiax who daalre to build should not fi.frf-l that O. K. lUaons, the eoe- Irariof, la rely to fttaka tsllmatee al aey time. "tf urauTrrt am mrit'Miitkit nrAH I tL rn iuuimmu.iiim thlna M nl t I'frt-l fr '- ' ? Iriu- . mhk. nt-i'n nl.aiu Iit'ltM Kl , l'aiM Aiiofa, Wefciatv. All other ( Omaha points I Kansas City in the Mt, Joesr Eaat and j r. Lotus Kontbeaat Uoeiwai By tmlaoce on band last report. By eaab ot eoeretary ot siaie..., To cash paid ool Boad rvau. 237 45 103.) 92 44 Attorneys nt Low, All business attended to ii a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Foblio and Oollectore. 29 BEFFNER, OFFICE IN t i NATTER BCILDINQ. i : ORF.OOS nm falls i northern NELSON 4 FORT SIIUTARD . F.FD MOUNTAIN IAILW1VS The Oi.lv All lUil lUiote Wllboot t!bante of Care IWIweeo Pp'kabe, lUxalaod and Nloo. Alee Iti-tweo Nalaon eat K.lauJ. daily tioept aadayi Mw Arrl .J A H Ht..awa ... ... ! P. JJ. Il.ii i U k...l , lul'. eie hotmurn F. at. I tia r.r al Nl-w ilK Maainaw ft Vat, ami all li"l U' .4 'Kitla hl.w a4 FnWiWrt l iwt VHiiaar at Nam ilS Aail. pot CO at Hi. raol, ItioDeaptdia, Kansas City, Omaha, Ht. liole 'and othrr promt' nent poiels Baggage ehpcked tbroetch to deetlnalioD ol In aela, Tbrongh tli kats to Jaoas and China, vie Taenma and Northern 1'arina Msam ship Company's line. For full loformation.tims eards.mapa, tirkrU, lc, call on or write W. C. A LI A WAT, A. I. CmaLTO!, Agt N. I'. Uy. AsaUOrn I'aaa. Agt. Tbe lallie,Or. Fortland, Or On band ' By balance on hand laat repo'l lly eaab rsoeived ot dcuooi nupsrioisnueni. To eaab paid oat t 20 50 1060 m 822 01 6 no 15 60 f 20 60 20 60 SCIOOt, DlHTStt TS. By balance oo hand laat report. By raab tf shsriff To eaab paid ent Balance on band.... 3HfW 39 247 12 131 84 ff.75 17 iAWTrt tm sTwoitTHt Ar activi V 1 ,v li. "..ii of l.ll- ' ll M ni". !''. MUIiil.ha.1 htm"- In ! Mni.'hlf anil ,IiiM 1'iWlllnll .lr(T H'l'' . aril a-LliM"-,! 1l'Wilitnt,HitHi.U4. i t K"- a ' ofc of Intention. t annorrtri aTTmi pai.i.ka. orkoo. I a iw.1 . !). Ki)ll.- la hrt. thai tha Mln ln nama.1 atllr kaa Slad Kllrnl hit liiuniu.B In Sual rtl In aii'p'H ot Ml claim, an-l thai a. ni lll ba md Ivloraj. 4nrr.'.l mini, i laia.ai nr"f (it(na. oa honili I'th, I""', l. riittn!c.ii!. tt .i i n m iM si "I'm j T i a, a. I a 11 H. p.mr tha (Wloxltig lln Wi m .lm.titii.nina -t.1M' nwi aiirt (II11I..U..U ..i i....t .1. Innh aiiarlwiaa.il J. tS II. Ii.ih. l"t anaiwaH an4 A. H. Itrry. all citt or Btrrnsa. By eaab of sheriff To eaah paid out To balanee on band By balance oo band.... By balance oo bani ... by terras Bv sash eiosae oa tai sale I SaHlBL kUIICK. By raaheteeeeoe) tea sale..... I CALIVuaMIA, IUARO ABU oatlh'B staos c . By sah eu-eae on tai aale I HCDOSALO BaTATS JCLire HAItBBT, IKS4SB, bbbv rrras 11M M 77 77 I 41u6 51 $ I no 61 I I 3 14 2i n IS 3S Stats ov Oaa. Cnnnlv of Murro I. Frank tlilliam, iln haraby e4rtiry h tt the forgoing Is a Iroa and eorreci alatrmantnf the inoonls rwaivl, paid out aad rvsaaiaiag oa band, ia lha eaaty treaaary nf tha said cotioly lor the e'l seihs soiling on tha Mb day ol Hrpt, A. l. 17, V)tpfef y tirl ,bl H'lJ !' r lt- ' fnrl.UUB, CwUfttv Tieeeqrer WHITE COLLAR LINE. Columbia River and PogetSound Navigation Co Stciaen TELD'UONE, BAILEY GATZERT AND OCEAN WIVE. Leavlnt Alder Rtreet IVok. Tortlaad, foe Astoria. Ilwaeo, Long j,eB rw.. Park and Nebootte. Dtret eonoaolioe wilb lUsoo sloamara and rail road; alee at Yoeog'a Day with Bearbore Railroal. TBZiZIPXXON B Jjaraa Portland 7 A. M. Daily, tarapt ennday. Uavra Ar turta I F. M. Dallv. ssrpt eaB4a Ya iS. T T- . mm m mnm-m. - - Laaras fortlaod I F.K lllr. atrot ann.ur. saiuMar ai.ht. n P , .. ... fc SIS 4ft A. ., aiPVpt S u nit a 7 and Monday, Buaua, BiM, tT. M OOBAN1 WAVH Uavas fnrtland and rnna dlwrt to llvam. THy and TtinrUr al S A M . . uaa tiaaco waaoaanair ana rrl.lajp at 7 A. M. On ihuutM eiaM f. fc. ' " Btfji CbfcW it Riitat4 Dtsiiutm M InAct Ym of Iijke ror saJaty. Rpat. Contort, riaaaore, Traal aa tbe T.l.phona. Kali,. Oatawt aad Omi r(V - THE PALACE HOTEL BAR. J. O. PO-pOHlgRS. Prop, Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. 10 ID IS 00