Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 15, 1897, Image 3

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Inherited blood diseases are much
more difficult to cure than those which
are acquired. One of the most common
hereditary diseases is Scrofula, which
the medical profession admit is most
obstinate and deepseated, and their ef
forts to cure it meet with little
A child afflicted with Scrofula is always
puny and sickly, and can never grow
into healthy manhood until the disease
is eliminated. Scrofula leads into con
sumption nine times out of ten, so that
11 is important ior tnis reason that im
mediate attention be given to all chil
dren who inherit the slightest taint.
Mrs. S. S. Mabry, 360 Elm St., Macon,
UB., writes:
. "My boy, Charlie, inherited a scrofu
lous blood taint, and from infancy was
covered with terrible sores, his sufferings
being such that it was impossible to
ores bus ior turec years.
H aiBlfcaBBav
a mass
' Bis head and body were
of sores, and his nose was swollen to
several times its natural size; to- add to
his misery he had catarrh, which made
him almost deaf, and his eyesight also
became affected. No treatment was
spared that we thought would relieve
him, but he grew worse until his condi
tion was indeed pitiable. A dozen blood
remedies were given him by the whole
sale, but they did not the slightest (rood.
I had almost despaired of his ever being
cared, when by the advice of a friend we
Leading Jonraals oa Both tbe Paeifle and
Atlantic Give Oar Band a Good "Send Off."
The Sao Fraooisoo Examiner, in a
recent issue, gives tbe famous Heppner
Ladies' Corcet band a splendid write-
up and the Washington (D. 0.) Poet re
produces it. That this band bas been
an excellent advertising medium fur
Heppner is a faot that no one can deny,
BDd the Gazette hopes that tbe good
ladies will continue to sustain the repu
tation they have acquired at borne and
abroad. .Following is wbat appeared in
the great journals above mentioned:
Heppner, Ore has a unique musical
novelty in the character of a ladies'
brass bnnd, made up of the maids and
matrons of the ni' ib t prominent families
in the town whose sooial standing is
pitobed with the bon ton. Tbe band
was organized a year ago, with the fol
lowing membership and distribution of
instruments: E flat cornet, Mrs, E. W.
Rhea; solo B fiat cornet, Mrs. J. D
Brown; first B flat cornet, Mrs. B. 0.
Wills; seoond B flat cornet, Mrs. 8. P.
Garrigues; solo alto, Mrs. 0. A. Minor;
first alto, Miss Amy Ourrin; seoond alto,
Miss Bertha Gates; first tenor, Mrs. 8
W. Spencer; seoond alto, Miss Dot Wnr
motb; barytone, Mrs. Geo. Conser ; B flat
bass, Miss Lena Rbea;E flat tubar, Miss
Maggie Adkins; snare drum, Miss Willa
Minor; bass drum, Mies Cora Rhea.
It was to be a self-supporting organi
zation entirely. As soon as organiza
tion was perfected ways and means were
canvassed by which fnnds could be
raised for uniforms and instruments. It
was decided to give a ooncert, whiob
proved a grand success financially, at
which the band made its first appear
ance in public The audienoe wildly
enthused over their playing it was so
mooh better than was expected. Tbe
Ladies' Band was a suooesB. Then when
the presidential campaign opened tbey
were at onoe in demand. The Ladies'
Brass Band became the fashion, and no
candidate ever thought of making a
speech in tbeir neighborhood without
first having aeon red their services as an
attraction. Tbeir popularity led them
into church aooials, picoios, etc, until
now they are famous tbronshout tbe
gave him S.S.S. (bwiffs Specific), and eutire Northwest
at nrst me innammation seemea to in
crease, but as this is the way the remedy
A True Nerve
Tonic and Blood Purifier
Restores Vitality, Renews Strength, Cleanses and Enriches the Blood,
Regulates the Liver, Bowels and Kidneys.
HTejxpiier, Oregon.
81-Oot 11
gets rid of the poison, by forcing it out
of the system, we were encouraged aud
continued the medicine. A decided im
provement was the result, and after be
bad taken a dozen bottles, no one who
knew of his former dreadful condition
would have recognized him. All the
ores on bis body nave healed, his skin
is perfectly clear and smooth, and be
bas been restored to perfect health."
Mr. A. T. Morgan, one of the promi
nent druggists of Macon, and a member
of the board of aldermen of that city.
says: "I am familiar with the terrible
condition of little Charlie Mabry, and
the cure which S.S.S. effected in his
case was remarkable, and proves it to
be a wonderful blood remedy."
S.S.S. is the only cure for deepseated
blood diseases, such as Scrofula, Rheu
matism, Cancer, Eczema, Catarrh, etc.
It is the only blood remedy guaranteed
Purely Vegetable
and contains no potash, no mercury or
other mineral, which means so much to
all who know the disastrous effects of
these drugs.
1 Valuable books mailed free to any ad
dress by the Swift Specific Company,
Atlanta, Ga.
Here and There.
School Items.
The debit Inst Friday was a great
suooess. Tbe affirmative side being tbe
Tbe school library was opeoed last
week by the librarians, Bertha Gate and
Mayme Farnsworth. We expeot to add
to our library, in the near future, a great
many new books. We have also de
otded to have a fhg wbicb will be raised
on holidays.
There will be rhetorical again on
Friday, Oct. 22, and another debate is
to tske place, but the question bas not
yet been decided.
Ganton Plows
Canton Harrows
Ganton Ganos
Ganton disks
or Drills
or Seeders
StudeDaker Wagons
and Hacks
The Batter Creek Skeleton Mystery.
James Nelson, of Butter oreek, who is
now serving upon tbe jury,. says that the
portions of a skeleton found Dear bis
bouse by Mr. Sullivan, about ten days
ago, were part o( tbe remains of an In
dian which bad been dog up some time
ago by a youog boy and carried to the I
plaoewbere Mr. Sullivan found tbeir),
says the Pendleton Tribune.
e n
ttteV I
Main Htreet ,
Next door to Pbloce bote!,
See M. Liclitenthal for sboea. a.
Fine celery, (rait, cigars and tobsooos
at Mathews'. tf.
To trade A good heatiog stove, for
cord wood. Gall at office. tf.
Submit your plana to Banons before
giving out your oontraot. tf
Tbe Orange Front (or fine fruit, cigars,
tobMOOS and fancy groceries. tf.
M. Llobteothsl (or shoes. Exolusive
boa store. Handles tbe beat. 83t(
Fin home-mad taffy at tbe Orange
Front A clean, (rash stock of goods
leave your orders. tf.
Oiri wanted to do housework. Good
wage. Mont but tbs beat need apply.
Call at Qszetts offloe. 83-tf
To arriv sooo at Mathews' sweet
potatoes, cranberries, Orandpa's soap
and other necessaries.
Any on desiring to build either
bouse or bars will mak money by call
ing 00 tb Oetett offlo. 67lf
E. W. Rhea k Co. nt your grocery
trade. Tbey bav oomptet stook'of
staple and (aooy grocerie. 7-2.
For sale residence property. Barn
and ffood outhouse. Will il obeap on
y Urme. Call at offlo. 83 If .
Beat aooommodatioo and eoorteoo
treatment at tb Imperial Hotel. Seventh
and Wash. Bt., Portland, Oregoa.
Mis Altba Lvacb ba just received a
Bin tin of sampl bat. Bb invite
tb ladiM to IN tbem aoj get plo be
fur purchasing laeber. 85-02.
la tb sal of cloaks, espe oJ
rap. E . W
Bis "Royal Nibs" our valuable Mr.
Boss Mrs. Boss and Miss Bossy, who
oompose tbe Gazette' household, were
doe to return from Portland this morn
ing, but tbey didn't put in their appear
ance. This leave tb Gsiett some
what in tbe "soap" so far a editorial,
local, state, foreign, domestic or general
news is oonoeroed. Bat tbe advertise
meuts of our live cosines men are all
tbere. Read them.
Tb bobo boed in tb potato patch,
bile another worked tbe kitchen Utah;
and the pot gang lived, a pot gang do,
00 potato maab and back door stew; but
tb frost baa com and they're getting
A Kansas small boy who swallowed a
coin asked that the minister be sent (or,
"beoanse pa ay a preaober can gel
money out of anybody.''
Llit of Officers Elected at Ih Annual Seailoa
at Portland.
Tbe 17th snonal convention of the
Knights of Pythias grsnd lodgs of tb
state, baa closed its very Interesting and
profitable session end elected an enthu
siastic oorp of officers (or tb ensuing
year. "Tbe Gsiett editor who baa beld
tb offlo of Grand vioe-obaooellor tb
pact year wa promoted, without oppo
sition, to tbe highest offie witbio tb
gift of tb order in tb slate, that of
Grand Chancellor. Tb following is a
list of grand officers for tbe eurrent year:
Supreme representative, E. E. 8baroo,
of Portland.
Grand chancellor, Otis Patterson, of
Grand vice-obaooellor, William M,
Ck. of Portland.
Grand prelate, J. P. Kennedy, of Port
Grand keeper of reoord and seal, L.
R. Stinaon, of Balem.
Grand master of tbe exobequsr, E. M
Sargent, of East Portland.
Grand master at arm, John R. Beegl
of 81. Uelen.
Training for the Klondike. 1
Cbilkoot pas is not going to dsunt a
barber of Ellsworth, Me., when he
strikes it next spring. He baa gone in
to training (or it, and if be survive tb
training he will probably be able to haul
hi pack into tb Klondike.
Hi oours of training is somewhat
novel. He takes a osstiron oogwbeel
eigbiog nearly 90 pounds and. tries to
carry it to Mount Desert bridge, nine
mile distance. When he is able to
earry tbe wheel to tbe bridge and back
before breakfaat be will Consider himself
In oondilioo foe tbe Klondike. Bo far
be and bis wheel have been oarried
home from various point along tb road
by au early milkman going in that
direollon. . 1
If a small boltl of Bbaker Digestive
Oordial doe yoa no good, don't bay a
large 00.
"Prove all things; hold fast thai whiob
is good." It' not good (or everybody
only for lb tbio, pal, sink, weak ana
weary. For tbo wbo ar starving (or
want of dlgeslsd food. For tboa wbo
cannot get fat or strong, beoaoae Ibelr
stomach do not work a tbey ongbt to.
The ar Ih people, millions of
tbem, whom Bbaker Digestive Cordial
will car.
Food makee sitsogib, muse!, brain.
blood, eoefgy-afu it is digested. If
not digested, It will do yoa do good l
Bbaker Digestif Cordial help yoor
Ifimacb to dig! your food and car
iDdinestioa twrmsaeolty. Wbeo you'v
Rbe k Co. bav Isd tb r(k, , mM Jon raB uu.
You Don't Expect
Goods for Nothing!
groceries and supplies ; you want sub
stantial gents' furnishings. You osn find
what you want at T. R. Howard's.
TT. Howard
Main Street, Heppner, Oregon.
Tbey Are ths "Montard."
Meadows & Hsttfo, tb pioneer black
smitb, have made some elegaul im
provements in tbtdr establishment and
added a large stock of irou, borseebors
and other materials essential to tbe
hnppiuess of those who need quick re
pairs ou their wsgons, baggies or any
kind 01 ii)schintry. Tbey have ex
tended their room so as to acoommodat
tver)hody io tbe oooutry wbo is In need
of repair. When yon want a bors
bud, maobin repaired, tire set or any
thing else in tbeir line, yoa will GnJ
Meadows k Hsttttn to be tbe boy thai
oao do it and do it riubt-io short
order. (
Was Perfected by the
Production of
And now the entire world
Knows this perfect product
As Hie Star Brewery beer.....
trsd tbl eeaeoa.
tb correct style
Tbey ar rryiog
at winning price.
Re not deoeWti! A coogb, boars
or croop ar aol to be trifled with. A
doe ia tint of Ht.iioh' Cur will af
yea morb trouble. Bold by Coor k
Brock. f
MoatU r oeelea it trifled wv
and ll.ev ar damrMously wUd if Ow
snmed by dslay In
Mloal Cough Cufwoald trleg im
diU rlif. For by 0if
by druggist. Trial boltl 10
Rises 1876 Oregon be beld a broaa
Biedal awarded at tb CooUoaiaj Ei
poMlioa (or lb bet 8 it flbrs prodaced
la tb world, say tb Eugro HegisUr.
Afut I'D tar of Utbargy obm of our
itila bsv ba arooewl lo lb blia(
that lb flat Industry sboolJ bt davsl.
T 7J I" Orto. Tbt BiMlal and lb
aniinna eu irw vi iwm, "
bsv promised to dt graat deal (or
Ut a go to Pari I 1 and Mar
soma mora mdl snJ find oot be w
tr. m amiabl and aatsll tull mncirt with lb raat f lb
ba,,wlll rtfa la ! day, n Wrll.
ill ba walron I oB back, bol ome-
bower other lk" mhiHm evnUe J, t Uitw be Ukaa tb Joo'
f blwv looted Httl greoi j barb tad a4 do go4 ai
le on wbo bt bd eiieieno anbelar btim. 13 nU bviag aad
Something to Know.
It may b worth ometbiog to know
that tb vary beat medioio (or restoring
that tired out nervoo system to a healthy
vigor if Eleotrie Bitter. Tbl medicine
la purely vegetable, ct by gWIng ton
to IS oerv Centre lo lb stomach
gently siiroolaUs tb IJverand Kidney.
and aid the organ la throwing off
imparitis io tb blood. Electric BiMer
Improve tb appetite, aid digestion, and
la pronoQooad by tbo wbo bat tried
it a lb very beat blood pari lis r and
narv Iobm. Try it Bold (or 60c or II.-
00 per boltl at Coo nor k Brock's drag
W. D. FrM will deliver (re lee
tor at tb Christian burcb loolgbt.
Botjact: "Tb divinity o( tb bib!
bowa by tb folflllmaol o( propbary e
eordina to IbflJal laellmoay." U will
Is (actor at tb sam plae tomorrow
nlgbl. Tbo Uetore will be Ulna.
Iratod from long chart and promise
I very iotrtig.
The tooner vou betrin to
use Sthillinf'i Bttt tea and
baking powder, the better your
opportunity to get tome of
that $200000.
AnI the more you will en
joy y'Mir cikf anJ eatinjj.
A Boarding and Day School for Boys Under
Military Discipline.
Tie 20th year omler Iha irant Bisnatroxot hetitii Kf-j t. 14. IMtl.
Ibia iiiMlluiloa -a tlxironalilr eUif tl l r (l.a D enial, torml, l lijuical
and Bx.tal Uatiiins of !' Tln.n.uth tiri anil on lr r r i.lli- ur
. eri-tilino Hi uul. (iia-lualaa at irmiil In lair, W eel I'oii.i. viw liu
ttm li .mule 1 1 1rlBoli, hii I bUfinli. ( ( kllloinia. I'mn,
l'i-B,)hiiia.Maafoiil and tlHiill. liurn.s varalum flelliim w lt
tKniVm li a p . tut calaliane ard mlitr iblumollidi. k flute lie
fnirual.J w. II ILL, St. I)., 1'oitlai.d, Ol.uu. 1 . 0. diaaer II.
SI ft. 1. IS.
A .1. ...
, j t vi fe "' -'W Li, J' A-i
On draught at
all popular saloons
203 Waahlngtan St., Portland, Or.
At tbe old stnnd, bftve tbe usaal
prins outfit of
Ueaidea tbe tbooiiand odd and and tbat are too nameroa to montion.
Oeslt -
Hsst Door la first National Bank Building.
? . r b . f r 1 nr ii .
-4 rcr.:aaiiPip
vi i tw.xAmy
"Dat Co'n Juice"
Is Found at
F Welcome
On Msia Htrssl, In City HoUl Building.
The Best of Everything
Alwoys on Top
Ooarteoo Ir sat asset to all. Nlo dab roora.
LOW TirvXvIO, Prop.
hen e.
25 fK fcirrBltin.
fe fees r lifMl faevvev.
Tk C-BTMeW CaaJr Calksrtie. 1
orr. If C. C. C fH I M'. 4rf fial
rl4 mote. '
IUboo I slltl tU tarf 4Anl III
II erpolt baalrtMa. If
I i'iri tii"TiTsr nn Tivt
Vm m.uiKM turn l Ittemn Bt'.-.'Mf
Bv. Mla'l etrt-a r in eta,.
, . V 1. . mA4 r.. 1 .l-a
Do You Want a Ritf ?
Don't You Want a Place to
Put up Your Team ?
Arc You in Need of a Saddle
Horse ?
Ntwi r ilaiu Htrert,
All tbrnie can m procured t Thotnj son k Hinna,
Tm tntmmn tn !! llk'it.nl , rn OMUira and Maer NMlM
eo4 raa aaa aowf a4 Sm la MIK'I irail( n
-rtr la tt4nf M U Unua.
S.1"V a. k
Rogers & Roberts,
Contractor aod Uuildera
Flans and Estimates Given on Snort notice.
All Kinds of Repair Work Pone
01 F1CU H0URSI)ay and Niht Leave ?our orders "Any Old.
Hacc" and Kou. or Jim will cct cm. o o o o o o o
i a
II lias aiifll.liii I Ik la Una ll a wf deatre sad ton eta 4er4 a It sl
f a'tkia Baa Mai uaraaias lb
O't VtaM, Mat atwrt lalrlii laity