In. I A Woman Talks on Wonan's Is. -b ft cf fa 1 ff & q z s b vV a np fri fo ??My tea wlig Free silver was the chief plank of the Ohio platform, but it mast have teen either dropped oat of the platform or else been dressed down from a regular inch plank to quarter-inch staff. The calamity howlers should take off their smoked glasses and look around. They will find that the factory smoke in the sky will protect their orbs from the too dazzling beams of the McKinley prosperity. It is about the time of year for "Professor" Wilson to make an other "explanation" on the inter esting question of tariff bills. He probably has not yet had time to examine the workings of the Ding ley bill, nor to compare it with his own effort in that line. The receipts under tne new tariff law are steadily mounting upward. For the second half of August, the first half of Septem ber, and the second half of Sep tember they were, respectively, in round numbers, $9,000,000, $10, 000,000, $11,000,000. Kditoii McLean is having vari ous styles of announcement pre pared for future use in stating his withdrawals from the Ohio Sena torial campaign. Complaint has been made that the last five an nouncements have all been worded practically the same. The Hex 8hn Publicity oa Their Owa Weak- aemti From Setae of False Modesty. From the Timet, Lot Angeles, CaL Women softer from certain diseases peculiar to their sex, and usually have great delioaoy in (peaking of grjch ills. Just why, we cannot say. There would seem to be do more reason for silence in such matters than there is about the ordinary every day ills. Occasionally, Dowever, a woman or strong sense is found, and is an exception to the rale. Such one is Mrs. Rosie 8. Thompson, of 319 East First street, Los Aoeelee, Cal. This ia what she says: "For five or six years I was seriooaly ill with female oomplaint. I could not go about, I suffered intense pain, and at times I was hardly able to raise myself op in bed. 1 wag then living in San Bernardino and I consulted a pbysioian woo thought be could core me. For seven months I was nnder bis care tak ing bis prescriptions, bat he did me no good at all, and I grew worse instead of better. Finally I tried another physi cian and I was nnder bis care for sever al months, bat be did me no more good than the first one. I tried all sons of remedies without BDy beneficial effects. "Finally I saw an advertisement of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills tor Pale People, and I resolved to try them. I began taking the pills. The efieot was won dcrfal. Almost immediately I began to improve. I bave taken these pills now for six or seven months and I am en tirely oared. I bad previously tried every sort of remedy that I could think of, besides consulting many dootors, and nothing helped me until I took these pills. ' They are the best remedy I ever need, and the only one I would recom mend. I am now as well as I ever was in my life and beve bad no return of my oomplaint. "I make this statement voluntarily and in tbe hope that it may lead others now suffering as I suffered to try these pills. "This statement is giver solely witb a view to helping others and directing their Btteution to tbe greatest medical discovery of tbe age Dr. W lliams' Pink Pills for Pale People. (Signed) Mrs. Knsie E. Thompson," 819 East First street. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11th day of August, 1890. J. O. Oliver, Notary public, in and for Los Angeles county, state of California. Dr. Williams' Pink Fills for Pale Peo ple ooutaio to a condensed form, all the elements necessary to give new lite aud riobuets to tbe blood and res'ore ghat tered nerves. They are an unfailing peoiflo for snob diseases as looomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus' anoe, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism. nervous headaohe, tbe after tffact of Ia tripe, palpitation of the heart, pale d sallow complexions, all forms of eakuesa either in male or fumitle. Pink pills are sold by all dealers, or will be seat postpaid on reoelpt of price, 50 cents a box, or six boxs for $2.50 (they re never sold in bulk or by the 100), by ddressiug Dr William's Madioine Co., Scheneotady, N. Y. to know tbe anguished sufferings which I attend that complication of ills, that for want ot better nomenclature, baa been denominated female "weakness." And now comes tbe miraculous part ot tbe story, just as she told it to tbe interviewer last night. "I ran down to 118 pounds," she said, "and suffered tortures from those tern ble headaches and from sleeplessness. My aunt persuaded me to try Dr. Wil liams' Pink Pills for Pale People. I bad uied nearly every kind ot 'prescription.' oould get no relief from them, and hoped for none from these pills. Bat to please auntie I began to take them. From tbe first day I noticed a beneficial effect. Tbe headaches' grew less severe; my ap petite gradually returned. 1 oould sleep oights aud began to get good and strong. " need to take one of tbem three timea a day. In two months I weighed 138 pounds, and was entirely well and bave been well ever since. Tbe winters at V erdi were very oold and severe, be sides, I bad beard bo maob about South ern California tbat I came to Los An geles. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People bave helped me more than any thing I bave ever tak no. I t ank them for my health and ability to enjoy life. I am living at No. 800 Hope street, Los Angeles, and shall be only too glad to re peat what I bave just said to anybody. either in person or by letter." So spoke young and attractive Maa Je Ledse, and no one who saw her big eyes soap as she said it conld doubt the earn estness and sinoerity of ber statements. And this is why we say tbe story of a miracle is floating throngb the air, al though now the miraole has beoome an established fact. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo ple oontain, in a oondeosed form, all tbe elements necessary to give new life and nobnass to tbe blood and restore shat tered nerves. They are an unfailing speoific for such diseases as looomotor .ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus' dance, sciatioa, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, tbe after effeot ot la grippe, palpitation of tbe heart, pale and sallow complexions, all forma of weak ness either in male or female. Pink Pills are sold by all dealers, or will be sent postpaid on receipt of price, 50 cents a box, or six boxes for 82 50 (tbey are nover sold in balk or bv the 100), by addressing Dr. Williams Medioine Co., Schenectady, N. Y. Had You Thought of It ? E W RHEA If you haye not, we desire to call your attention to a few of the extensive lines of merchandise carried by k COMPANY srir and As was to have been expected the canard about Senator For- eker's abandonment of the fight in Ohio was one of the "regulation" Democratic bullotins. Sod a tor Forakor smiled at the report, and said the republicans would win handsomely; also, that J. 1). For akor would be in at the death too. Toe two train robbers, Jackson and Williams, who hold np an O, 11 fc N. paanengrr train a few weeks ago, had tboir trial io Tort land the early part of this week and each was sentenced to a ItO years and 7 months term io the pouiteutiary. At the rata the ca"s of those two criminals were tliMHMied of, there will soon 1 an end to the hold-up industry. Tha Grandest Remedy. Mr. R. It. Ureeva, merubant, of Chil bo it, Y a., certifies that bs bad con nmptioo, in gives up to die, sought all medical treatment that money roolj prorore, tried all eoagh remedies hs oould bear of, bat f! bo relief; spent niaay aitftita silting ap ia a chair; was induced la try Dr. King's New lieoivery, and aa piired by nee of two bottles. For the taet Ibrea years baa beea elteadlo to liniiaeee, and says lr. King's New lha overt is the grandest remedy ever made as It baa dun so qjuoo lor Llm and a too for niLera In bis rommamly. lr King's New thMef la guaranteed. .f ('outfits, (.iil.le and evmtampiiouh A Young Woman Gains qo Pounds. ler Physician in Iowa Said She was Going Down, and that Her Lungs were Affected They Sent Her to Nevda. Hat to I'lght Lang Troahlra or any Want- ting lllaraae, Hnlld ap Your Klrali. from tl.s Empress, Lin Anielca, Cal. Tn years ago, back in Eastern Iowa. Mias Maode Leans began to go Into a decline. Hiis lost lleeb rapidly. Her appetita failed. Fearful headaches nearly drove her frantio. Hlie oonmlt ed Inoal physicians good, boneat prao til loner . They told ber tbat ber lungs vers alTerled; that tnediotoa might at leviale, tint a rbange ot climate waa tbe only remedy tbat offered a prospeot of Cure. Ill ami tiispnudeni she delayed as long as pnanibla ber departure, but at last it became imperative, and she cams to an annl at Verdi, Nevada, in lbs hops of Dnding health and atreogtb in the para air and among tbe pines of the Hierra Nevedaa. lint aha continued to tail, and to aJd to Iter miseries, learned don't fail. Trial Utiles A Urotk't drag store. It Ire at Cuneer (Vme In end taWnt fr tba Tie too." No ia I he lima. fua tlet steel mice bole kit of gnot, bard readies Hint la an beiag pahltabed IB oar "Only." Ta bal lb trvara and dieeed tie Sue, o anlhe tbe Irritated sarfaree, to tnslaatly relieve and Ia persaetieally ears is the rule ion of IWWiU'e Witeb Iteiel Kelts, Far Hale b Cuneer lime.. II. V. afiaov, mtm Las lea a. ).reis atn. etf relative and la lleppnef lbs i-eel tbrea nmelis, leaves lalt.t for Lit me ia ( hlf m . Ni anaa or tiiMts rti erj"f !( aaeorapliib aaueh la IbM aurll abils snfTertnt fri.ra torpid liver 1 WW ill vYiWU Utile Helta. It "4ba, etreealh- eat tad beats. Il la Ibe greet pile rare Fat sal by Coaeef A Itrwk. Tbe O.i.lls teams IUI I'r-.f. !tetry U ana latlraHw an 4 leader of Ibe lleptnef barn, lee ) ear, 111 retara aet eek sad May bln bis family aa leaks Ibis I heir pratet boat. Herlt Mtll.sw M.1 V. Oealry, under lb B' aerot t4 Malbeas A (leatr aa aeelate. IngMber la tba barber tuiMM la II. e te eland, te4 rt "'b of Ibe pt dee. Tt'ty aheil MIL Hbatlag. It eet.1. II. An Open Letter. From the Herald, Sauk Centre, Minn. The following ooniamnioation was re cently reoeived by the manufacturers of Dr. Willifms' Pink Pills for Pale People: I JJr. Williams Medicine (Jompany : "I was born io Germany and am thirty seven years old. I live witb my husband on a farm. For ten years I suffered with lenoorrboea so that I was a burden to iny friends and myself also. I bad tried a great many dootors and different kinds of medicines without seounog any benefits. My condition bad beoome so deplorable mat 1 Dad almost given up hope of recovery, when one day I saw in the Tiuik Centre Herald an advertise ment of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, and as 'a drowning person oatobes at a straw so I granped this chance uud purolisHfd from Ifalison & Emerson a box of Pink Pills. I oom- meniwl tHk'Dg them io March, 1896, and after taking one box I felt so much im proved that I txingbt more. After taking tbem tor a lime I round to my surprise tbat I was entirely cured. Ever since then 1 bave been as strong and well as I ever was, and am able to do the ardoona duties which tall to tbe lot ot a farmer's wife without feeling the leant fatigue or fnOonvemence. I hope this will be tbe means of plaoiog yonr wonderful pills in tbe hands of some sister sufferer, who may rejoice with me. 1 am satisfied tbat no woman need suffer aa I did, when such an flicient remedy is so olose at band." (Signed) Mrs. II Htenernagel Hnbncribed before me this l'Jtli day of December, 1H!HI Cubs. P. Hendry, Notary Pnblio, Minnesota, Dr. Williams' Fink Pills for Pale Peo pie oontain, in a condensed form, all tbe elements. necessary to give new lite and riobnens to lha blood and restore sbat tered nerves. They arc alto a speoido for troubles peouliar to females, such as suppression, irregularities and all forma ot weakneaa. Tbey build up lbs blood, aud rettore the glow of health to pals and sallow cheeks. In men tbey effeot a radical cure In all oases arising from menial worry, overwork or exceanes of whatever nature. Pink Pills are aold io boxes (never in loose hulk) at 60 oents a box or six boxes for $2 50, and may be had of all drngglals, or direct by mall from Dr. Williams' Medioine compaoy, Hobenaotsdy, N. X. .....Trade Leaders of Heppner They have greatly enlarged their capacity for doing business, and don't forget that they are rustling for it. ' . "Price cuts no ice" with us. We will meet all legitimate competi tion and are doing it every day We carry a full stock in these goods, made from Oregon wool by the Eagle Mills, of Brownsville. The prices range from $1.00 up. We also have a splendid line of quilts of several grades and can outfit you veay cheaply. vers Have just received a large line the past week in sizes 10x14 and 10x16. These goods are of heavy Duck. Prices, very low. Ladies' and Gents' Underwear In the above lines our stock is very complete in both heavy and light grade woolens. Come in and see our full line of fleece lined goods at $1.50 per suit. Just the thing for winter wear. Overshoes, Felts and Rubbers The biggest line in town. Now is the time to buy these goods and be prepared when the bad weather sets in. We are sure to please you. The above are bat a few of tbe lines o irried by this house. ,Come io when yon visit Heppner and gut our prices. We will treat you right. 3Elrst KTrilioiuil JHSnnlt Tii Hit 1 nf. 9 RICH 8TH1KE4. Kvtryoos desires Io keep informed on Yukon, Ibe Kloodiks and Aleekaa gold flelJs. Send 10c. for large Compendium of vast information and big color map to Hamilton Pub. Co , Iodianapolia, Ind. 83lri Oeorge lluffird baa soma flna half- breed Colewell backs, oot of Merino swea which bs withes Io sell al reason able figure.. U will M itC L Mat look's corral on about Kept. 'JO, Call on bim. 79tt Corns In the (laiettc office and gel a lereal lot of envelops printed. Government envelops look cheap, and beaidea yon rtnnol gel your ba tineas card prloled thereoa. If The wblekey thai nld Jim Crow made, tbat Henry Clay drank, Ibat Andrew Jack- ana loved, Ibat William lleary Harrison weal Into eralaais over, can lie found at Low Tillard a. It Is de rals ol' co n Juice," If. Ir. John W. Ktaaiua, ot Ibe Red- light." ever en Ibe alert for something sew, can faraltb oa lbs Dneal rork tads la the land alanbettoa, Jersey, Vermouth or Ota -mads by aa art it I to Ibe butiseee. prop ia and take the tails out of Bor atouib. If Nw la Ibe lima to get tbe Weekty Orea-oaten, lha (reelect aeaepeper of lha H eel. M lib Ibe tlatKbib strict ly la e.lttmv nee year, e-l fWl. Na better efbtael uf asaepapera Can ba tnal ia tbasUU. VYbel la Hop OoldT Iteel beer rn sartb. Hea at. sleeabera. Aey peraia aba la latereeled la ftniith tV.lait.Ua tboald write to W. 11. Ilarlbarl. general paeee get agent ot Ibe O IL A N,f"T a fopr of l et ltoaaa's III lie bilel,M "Tae Xw Itoaeaialaad.' Is well worth las trouble. rV tf. Timber Cutture.Final Proof. t'KITID 8TATBI LaHD OfH S Tka IWII. rita,..n k.l..K- II Itltn NOTKU M IIKKKHV UiVKN Til T A KN KY V. Tulle, ot lUMmtn. Omron. low fllert linllrr ol Intention ta moke final prnol before . W. Morrow, County I'lerk, al hit olMre III il'i'piitr, Ormoii. on Wxlneedty, the V4th iter of Novemlwr, Iii7. on tlmlirr rmtiire eppll ration ho tut, for Nl, im! loll I anil 1 of em tlon No 4, In lowntlilp Mo. 4 South ranic rn i a t. He iiaint at wttneeeet: Kdeln t). Rnnrl. Jiriih . ViMitii, Wrelry W. It ran nan, auil t'lll- loM Joiim, all ol Mhl Milt, (in-Kun. Jan. P. Mihirr, N HO KrgUU r. Report Cornea to Peadletoa of Diteoverlet That Beat the Klondike From the K. O. The East Oregonian ia informed by a reliable party of ai me very neb strikes Io the Ot acker' creelT' mining district. Tbe gentleman knows personally where of he speaks, and prediots a great future for Baker oonnty, already celebrated for its gold production. One strike ocourred this summer in tbs North Pole. . This mine baa a sixty foot ledge of ore that runs from $10 to 8200 to tbe ton. There was discovered In tbia ore body a small streak about eight Inches wide, thai paya tbe almost fabulous sum ot $12,000 to tbe ton. It is said now to bave reached a width ot over a fool. Tbe second exciting fiod waa made at the Climax, and tba Eaat Oregonian in formant was on the ground when the disoovery was made known . The ore asters 110.000 to tbe Ion. Tba extent of tbe body ha did not learn. Tbe Climax will build a first clats mill and smelter this winter and it is the intention of tbe California owners Io build a good mill at Cable Cove. smaller one will be erected there also by private party for bis own use and custom work. There will be aix or seven new mills in the Cracker country by next spring, according Io report. Assignee's Sale Of Accounts. Notes and Notice it hereby given that the underelarned Miinnee of the entate ot Cox Brot., tntolvent debtort, will on Saturday the 16th day of Oc tober, 1'J7, at tne court Mouse floor lu Hepp ner, Oregon, at the hour of 2 o'clock, p. m., on aid day, tell to the highest bidder for caah in nanu, nit tne notet ana account! oi tarn in solvent eilate, remaining unpaid on tald date. The approximate face value of tald notet and tccounu it 14,200.00, and a full Inspection of lame can be had at the office of Ellli & Fhelpt at any time neiore aula tale. w. r. ri.L, Assignee of Cox Brot.. Insolvent Debtort. T&-88. SUMMONS. IN THE JUSTICE COURT OP THE SIXTH District of Morrow County, State of Oregon. ii. t. utimen, minim, vt. B. W. Bcanton. Defendant. To R W. Beardnn. Defendant. ' In the name of the State of Oregon, yon are nereur requtrea to appear Detore tne nnaer tinned, a luitlce of the Deece for the District. aforesaid, on the 17th day of November, 1HU7, at iuo ciock , a. m.,at tneomce oi aata justice, ;u lata aiitnct, to answer tne anove naineo plain till In a civil action. The defendant will take notice that If he fall to amwer the complaint herein the plaintiff will take Judgment against him foe tJtH.Wi aud the coitt and disbursement! of Mid action. This summons is served upon you In pumi ance of an order made and entered In tald court on the 5th day of October, 1HH7. W. A. Rich Aanwie. Justice of the Peace. nth Uls. Morrow Co.. State of Oregon. CITATION. STATl NOTICE OF INTENTION. Orrii a T Tat Pt.t-i, Oasnoo, tirtolMr a. lwr7. 'OIICKIrt IIKKrnV fllVKN 1IIAT THE Inline In uaineil eetllrr hat flltl notice of his Intrullnii o make anal pnMif In lupairt ol hli rlahn, tint that aeld pnail will be made brtoie J. W Mi.rmw, County Clerk at Heppuer, tirraon. on fllay. nvenlller It, lew;, via, ( It A aim J. AMiKRHliN, ol Oooerlierry. Ore., ..mrtpat No. 1734 lor the H w 1 of Mee. St TP t IKIIM M He iiamre the following wllnratu to prove hit eoiitlioioiia real'leiM-e upon end cultivation t aald land, vts; (rank A. I.umlvll, John K lvtr"n. Rmll l.iin.loll mid Andrew M. l ettr aou, all of Uouerberri, Orvnn. J AS. r. MOORE, r at lieatater. 1VTHI OOIINTY JOt'RT OF THE 1 nf orMim. for the County ol Morrow lu the matter ol the estate of K. U. bperry, de ceeenl. , To Jamet B. "perry, administrator of the above-named ettate greeting: In the name ol the (Mate ot Oregon, you are hereby elted and required to apear In the County Court of the ilate ol Ore gon, lor the County nf Morrow, at the court room thereof et Heppner, In the County of Mnrmw, on Tuesday the lth day of November, n7, al in o'clock In the forenoon of lhal day, then and there to show cause. If any there be, why you should not be removed aa inch admlti latrator and your letter revoked, w ItiiMa. the Hon. A. U. Bartholomew, lodge of the County Court of the elate ol Oregon, lor Hie County ol Mnrrnw, with the teal ol tald court art) led, thlt 14th day ot October, A, D. I'- . Attest: i. W. JtUHKUW, Mt n Clerk. w Atl tl etW'iatMt At At TtVt art.v. n l-li m ftt h I1.!. r. .l.4 Imm I iv'M M.lhlf a. i . ,,... ,'u., MMttr. tu t -' t -lues I fifi I mmfivyl Im MM.iMtMMSi,Kft, I thee" ia at Nottct of Intention. Laaa Orrtf a r UUeis. Oaeoow, Kept Al, 11"?. NOTICE ta HERERT (IIVEN that the lollueing sssikI settler hat Sled notice of hiatiiieutlun to make goal mnl In tuppnrt of hiai laint. and lhat said pvHil elll he be U.rm l oonty ( Irtk, Mnrmw cnuntv, ttvegun, al ll''irt. Orn. ea (k-l. ath. Imrt, vis. l't)M MttlKlHE r. ROW AN, II I V lr the NW eee. a Tp I R 41 E M. N. simM the following witness to fonts tila mii ti Annus rvet-lnre titn and cultivation ..I Ml.l laml, sta ll.wilenn, A. i. Ivta. W llii.ia N.i artv. all ol K. ho, t)rfo, aud M. A t iMMiall, il l.eUoeef, tnnnn. B. r. w limits. 1 Ms Keg titer. Hot let of Intention. LateOrrna atlas Plii. oai...., VoTit E ta usarar oivim iiur the (..lU.alng seM. sMtiar hat tlxl ftntk-e mi la su.n i will OTH E t nl bit lntMtt.ui t wiaka tnal be sna.1e J W wmruw t ...nit. Clerk, al H'pfuar to.n. ea E't-lay, roveaatr It, Xofl, via JuM M R lEtlltMiw. 4 llonerberry. Ont"" M- r.' I Ha t M the SR of See St T I S km m, Hihws the lollnwliig Wilms. us ta ftfove bis r,ittoo.s fwa.tiw ua a. culttvatma oS aai.l U I vis A I u" I'll. I harm An-trx-Hi. J.-ba a4 August la'taua. ail ut teifty,tiri" JAa r. M.X'KE. I at asgieter. Notice ot Intention. Notice of Intention. Land Orrics at Ths Dam.ii, Orroois. sept, au, 1897. X-'OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE X following-named settler hat filed notice of hit Intention to make final proof In support ol his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, county clerk, at Heppner. uregon, ou rov. i.n, irai, vis: THOMAS J. MERRILL, Hit. E. No. 6234 for the N't NEVA SEVi NEta Rec UandSWta KW'i Sec. S3. To. MHU.IW M. He names the following witnesses to prove Kit eontliiuout residence upon ana cultivation nf said land, vis: Benjamin Farkar, Frank Ward, Ken hen Allen, Albert H. Allen, all of Hard man, Oregon. J A3. F. MOORE. 8196 Kugiiter. I AND OrrtCE AT THE DALLE OREGON, j arot. II. Iw7. Notice la hereby given thai lbs following ntnxwl settler has Bled notice ol hit Intention l nisks final proof Id tuppo nf hit claim, and that said proof will be before i. W. Morrow, County Clerk, al Heppner, Orrgita, on October i7, li, via; MARY OLHON, Nd. E. No. teat, lor ths IW14 Etc 9, Tp. Ilk M E W M. Hs names the following witnesses to nenrt hit contlninvus residence upon and cultivation ol, said land, vli: Jacob I. Young. Wesley W. Ilraiinan. both ol Psvntana, liregon, nun nerg Strom and Krek Bcrgstrosa, UHhol Ouosberry, tirvgua, TV-ate Regltler. Notice of Intention. Lass Orrtts at Tas Dalise. Oasooe OTtCE tS HERERY C.tVBN THAT THE Inllnwln tiame.1 settler a as Slal eotics of hit Intention ta snake Inal pmol la eupontl ot bis claim, an4 that aald proof will be made be lorej. IS . Mnrmw. County Clerk, at Ueppaer, Orroa,oa November It, Iav7, vis: FRANK A. Ll'NDELLa H.I E No. TT tor ths l Seo. St Tp t I B at E W M Heaamea the following witnims to prove kls ronunooua reslclanre upon and enltivailoa a4 said Iaa4, vis Joha E. l-ateraoa, Charles J. An.Urs.Hi, Arelrsw artaoe, aa4 Aadraw M. retsrwuw, all e4 Uooeebarry. Otwgne. JA. t. MOtlRE. ? as Register. CITATION. IS THE COUNTY COURT Of THE BTATE L of Oregon, for Morrow County. In the matter of the estate and guerdlanshl 01 winullre.1 itiuiam, An her M. Ullllam an letter E. Ollllem. minora. It appearing to ths court from the affidavit and petition of Annie t.tlllam. gusMlan ol the above named minors, that It la neevsasry, and would lie benenrlal to said minors, and thel estate and l persons tnten-stnt therein, to sell In ths pmvldeil by law the followlm described real estate, and alt Interest of sal minora therein, to-wit: The east half of the north east quarter, and the east hslf of the south-east quarter of section IA, township 4, south of ranis V eaat W. M. It It therefore hereby ordered that the neit of kin of aald minors and all peraont Interested In said estate. appear before thlt court at the County Court Monday the 1st day ol Novemlwr, Ism;, at the hour ol lu o'clock a. m., and then ana there show cause II any eilst, why a license should not be granted for the sale of the above d errthed real estate. II It Inther ordered that Copy of thlt order be published Once each week for mar lucceeslve weeks before laid day an pot ti tori, In the Heppner UsMla,! newspaper of general circulation, end pupbllahed at Heppner, Morrow county, tireeon. , I A.U. BAKlH()lOMEW, At Si. County Judge, t. In it for Business- J. M. HAGER, GENERAL MERCHANDISE WILL CARRY A FULL STOCK OF Groceries, Dry Goods, Ladies' Gents' and Children's Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, Notions, Etc., j At prices as low as they can be sold in this market. D. A. Herren Building, HEPPNER, OREGON. Eastern Oregon State Normal School. Weston, Oreoon. ON IV STATC SCHOOL IN EASTERN C7KOON . -. a VEAaa xPiaiEsjof. TRADE WASKSe osaiona, OOvvaiOMTS stew Aaenae seaAvng a ssasea sa4 sensiei an e-'.- 'f see. nat a, fraa, sSaaw aa lavsaaina ia prnaaM, esasiaMav t'waaiiiialifgs 9 r"Hi t lai. l ImS aeaarf f.eseana aalaa-a la a awca. tl i da. a vv aaoit. oawa. Passat ukaa theuask Maaa A Ve. raaatve) LncaUd es tba O. R. A N. Railwa; midway betveea reodletna aad Walla Walla, fjtadeots admittad al all timea of tba tsar. First-Class Training School for Teachers. Tvaal and tnatrumaMal 2sam taagbt b" aompaWnt tastiactora. A trad a ata ot tba Boston Ooaservatory baa ebargw ol tba iatl imental depar meoL Tlio I(ic11oh9 Boardlnc IIcill Is thoroobly equipped aad offers et. eatlsal aewinraodatrnoa al raaaoaabla rates. Bead for eat air-gas 1 JJ.... SI Sl aa SfeAMAI a. ... " e-ewaiaeiit ar raawlty ,. WORTHINQ. . avwwrw v nef ewta, weatan, Or anas irnnjLruuui.j 8CIEHTIFI0 AMERICAN, ttf-nAnrJ n lefnea Weeaaita inwMet, taeeM eteeatatwa af anted-An idea v.tzzz'srsjzi pi sast ynr t4Ma; k-y nay btiaa r waaiia. wva V iassrrs mm free, anisat snw Mhs Viwttsl II t lu, Naat tiw aaiiaias a ff a. a. W aiiawtaa. It iw a' u ea) sav aa a r srs munn am a.w. . Ml aWwe4a,, kese leek. "V. A.T XII Kaa Hew "SToirlx Tatlor'a. Swlta, team tit Ua. Paau, feom $8.60 Ua. If jos Ba4 a -Hataf toll ot avaraoat, itva as a rail aad aw4 a m u. . . la Citj bolel baildiat "ihumiwUI, If ata Mrs,