Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 15, 1897, Image 1

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    Portland Library
, . Vjagtx
1 ,L t " " ! sssata-a-a-a-a-a-a-a--,, . I I MW
Tuesdays and Fridays
OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man,
At 19.50 per year. 1 1.25 for iix months, 75 oU.
tor three moticne, strictly in advanoe.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
THI8 PAPEK is kept on file at K. G. Dake's
Advertising Agenoy, 61 and 65 Merohants
Exohangs, San franoieoo, California, where oou
raota for advertising oan be made for it.
0. R. & N. "Local card. .
Train leaves Heppner 11 p. m. daily except
Sunday arriving ar uoppner Junction 1:30 a. ni.
Leaves Heppner Junction 3:40 ft. m, and ar
rives at Heppner 6:10 a. m.
t Spokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:45
p. m. and arrives at Heppner Jnnotion 8:15 p. m.
and Dma'illa 9:15 p. m.
Portland Express No. 3, from Spokane, arrives
at Umatilla 5:05 a. m. and Heppn r Jnnotion 6:10
a. m. and ar ives at Portland 11:15 a, m.
Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9 p. m. and ar
rives at Heppner J auction 8:30 a. m. and at
Umatilla 4:10 a. m-'
Fast Hail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 12:40 p. m. and
arrives at Heppner Jnnotion 1:17 a, m. and at
Portland 7 :5C a. m.
For further information inquire of J. C. Hart,
United States Officials.
President. .... ". ..William McKinlnv
Vice-President ..Garret A. Hobait
oeeretaryoi mate .....John Sherman
beoretary of Treasury. ....... ....Lyman J. Gage
Seoretary of Interior Cornelias N. Bliss
Secretary of War HusaellS. Alger
Seoretary of Navy John D. Long
Postmaster-General Jumna A. (4nrv
Attorney-General Joseph McKenna
Secretary. I Agriculture James Wilson
State of Oregon.
Governor W. P. Lord
Secretary of State .-. H. ft. Kinoaid
Treasurer Phil. Metsohan
Kopt, Publio lnstrnction G. M. Irwin
Attorney General C. M. Idleman
S,.rtn i G. W. MoBride
8enBton' 7 J. H. Mitohell
pressmen . jff CSS"""
Printer W. H. Leeds
( R. S. Bean,
Supreme Judges IV. A. Moore,
( C. J. Wolverton
Sixth Judicial District. , .
Cironit Judge .....Stephen .Lowell
I'roBecuting Attorney....' .H. J. Bean
Morrow County Ofllcials.
Joint Senator... ... .- A, W. Gowan
Uepresentative J. Brown
Vjnunty Judge A. G. Bartholomew
' Commissioners... J.K, Howard
J. W. Beokett.
" Clerk J.W.Morrow
" Sheriff .....K. L. Matlock
" Treasurer Frank ttilliem
Assessor A. 0. Petteys
Surveyor J. W. Hortior
School Sap't Jay W. Shipley
" Coroner 11. F. Vanghan
Mayor i... Thos. Morgan
fjmnnllmen... Gep. Conser, Frank
Gilliam, Arthnr Minor, K. J, Ulooam, 11.
Lichtmithal and J. It, Simons.
K worrier W. A. Richardson
Treasurer..... L. W. Briggs
Marshal A. A. Huberts
' Precinct Offleerp.
Justice of the Peao W. K. Kinhardson
loustahla N. 8. Whetaton
United Btates Land Officer.
J. r. Moore?. ltegister
A. B. Biggs Keoaiver
B. P, Wilson.. Register
J. H. Kobbin. ..Reoeiver
O. A. -C '
"-eta at Letlnston, Or., th. last Saturday of
sen month. All veteran ar invited to Join.
G. W. Smith, C. G. FdqDA,
Adiatant, tf Commander,
Dr. P.B. McSwords,
Offlo in the City Drag Store, near
City llotel. tt
D. J. McFaul, M. D.
Office hours, 8 to 10 a. m., an 4 12 to
2 p. nx. at resident;, Mra. Li. Welch'
property, tod 10 to 12, a. m , to 2 to 6
p, m , at offlo in Ibe rear ot Borg'i
jewelry store.
Brown & Redfield,
Attorneys at Law,
Offloe In lb First National Babk
Building. .
Ilirrwia, ; : Obcooh.
Justice of the Peace
and City Recorder.
ornct at
council CMamaiM
Hells and bars real aetata, rent kotiM, pay
Ulrt. diM conveyancing and will r you In
any way In bis Hue, at reaauuahl figure, tt
First National' Bank
C. A. Rhca, rrslde.t
T. A. BMIA, Via Praaldent
S. W. SPCNCCR, Aea't Caahler
Triaarii I Grocrsl Batli&f, Ba Idcsj. '
Oa all rat of the world
Bought and Sold.
Collar Hon mad nn all point on
t wii liable Term.
Surplus atvt ttadlrkM front. IH.fXK) 00.
Loo ftork tac la IIppnr at
? e'elnok, a. Toe lj. Thiir-Ijf,
aod Hatardaye; arrive at 6 c'lnfl, p.
aa., Moadaya, Wedelaye aed Fri.l).
Will vake cnDDel!ua ith braneh train
ba deelre-L rre S3, -h way,
Frvigbl M ewal par poaod. J. U.
B.IUobro, a, rrop. OStt Bsrry
WwttB'f drpf ior, tf. ,
FIRST Go via. St Paul be
cause the lines to that point will
afford you the very best service,
' SECOND See that the coupon
beyond St.. Paul reads via., the
Wisconsin Central because that
line makes close connections with
all the trans-continental lines en
tering the Union Depot there, and
its service is first-class m every
THIRD For information, call
on your neighbor and friend the
nearest ticket agent and ask for a
ticket reading via. the Wisconsin
Central lin6s, or address
Jas. C. Pond, or Geo. S. Batty,
Gen. Pas. Agt., General Agent,
Milwaukee, Wis. 246 Stark 8t.,
, Portland Or.
:. H W. Fall,
Of the Old Reliable
Gault House,
Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. &
Q., C. M. & St. P., C & A., P. Ft. W. & C.
and the C. St, L. Si P. Railroads.
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts.',
While yon aeep yoar subscription paid dp rcn
oan keep Tour brand in free of charge.
Borg, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left
.uuuiuer; oaiue, same on iert nip.
Cook, A. J.. Lena, Or .Horses. flOnn risht.ahnnl
deri Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark square
muy uu wu buu .Jill, in ngnt.
Dourlass. W. M.. Oallowav. Or flat U RTi.
right side, swallow-fork in eaoh ear; horses, B D
uu init uip ... - . - . .
Ely, Bros., Oonglas, Or. Horses branded ELK
on left shoulder, oattl same on lefthip, hoi
id right ear.
Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or. Cattle, LF on
right hip; horse, F with bar under on right
Jones, Harry, Heppner, Or Horses branded
H J on the left shoulder; cattle bra ided I on
right hip. also onderbit in left ear. Range in
Morrow count.. 1 . ' v.
Johnson, Felix, Lsna, Or. Horses, oircleT on
left stiUe; eattle, same on right hip, under half
drop in rih. and sulit In left ear
Kenny, Mike, Heppner, Or. Horses branded
KMY on lefthip cattle same end erop oS left
ear; under slope on the right
r Leahey, J. W. Heppner Or. Horse branded
L and A on left shoulder; oettle same on loft
hip, wattle over right eye, three slits in right
Minor, Osear, Heppner. nr. ttle, M D on
right hip; horse. M on left shoulder.
Morgan. H. N., Beppner, Or. Hone, M )
on left (houldei eattle earn on left hip.
Osborn. J. W., Douglas. Or.; horses O on let
shoulder; eattle same on right hip.
Parker h Gleaaon, Hardman.Or, Horses IP on
I eft shoulder.
Piper. J. H.. Lexington, Or. Horses, JE con.
nented onleft shoulders oattl, Sam oa lef hip,
under bit in each ear.
Hector. J. W.. Heppner, Or. Horse. Jo
left shoulder. Cattl, O on right hip.
P perry, K. O, Heppner, Or. Cattl W 0 on
left hip, erop off right and underhit in left year,
dewlap; horse W C on left shonliler.
Thompetm, 1. A., Heppner. Or. Horse, t on
left shoulderi oattle. 'ion left shoalder.
Turner R. W.. Heppner. Or.-Hmall capital t
left shoulder, horses; oattle awn on left hip
with split infcotn ears.
Wattenhurger, W. J., Oalloway, Or. horses
quarter circle JW on right shoulder; cattle
quarter circle J W on Tight hip and right sHe,
crop and hole in left ar. Hang in Morrow and
Umatiila oountie.
Notice Of Intention. ,
Lino Orrica at La Galium, Orkook,
Hcut. 17, 1WI7.
1 lollowlng iiamed settler has filed notice ol
his Intention to make dual prim! in support o(
his claim, and that said priM.I will he maile
before Oiulity Clerk, Morrow County, Oregon,
at Heppner, Oregon, on Oct, 80th, ytft, trig;
II. E. No. (IO70 for the BWU gWU Sec. J7, N'4
and SW)t NE' Ueo. II Tp. 1 b. R. JH, E.
tie nme rh following witnesses to prove his
foiiiliioous residence upon and cultivation (
said land, vlt: Kllhu Tyler, Herod W. Berk
ley, Ihivld o. Justus, James D. Brown, all of
Heppner, Oregon.
Notice of Intention.
Lad Orrirg 4y Tua t, Oskiow.
t" torr , WiT,
I! fullnwing-tiemed setllet has riled nottrcof
his Intention to msk final priBif In support ol
his claim, and that said proof will I mail
belore J. W. Mnrrnw, county clerk, t Heppner,
Oregon, on November 17lh, tw7, vis;
R Ve "w M57' " 01 Tp-
he nm the fnlloelng witness to prove
bl enntlnuoiis mldenr umn and cultivation
ol said land, vis: Chilian C. wllsfin. M. i,
wllllsms, A B. Cerry and H. p. Wilson, allot
lone. Morrow eoanty, Orrgnn.
" M. Register.
Tb regriiar goboriptioa prtoa of tba
Hemi-Weekly Uaaelt ia S2.G0 and tba
regular prioe of tba Weekly Oreitoniao
111.60. Any od aalcribiof tor tut
Gazette aod paying for one year U
advance ran gel both tba OaietU aod
Weekly Orrro!a for 13.60. All old lot-
arnbera paying their eobecriptlona fcr
one year In alranne wilt ba entitled it
th earn
Heppner to Frodleion Via Ileppner
Keton Mlsge Llna. l'rraone deetroo of
Uiiing Ivndletiia eo save tltn aod
money by taking thi loot. By aa
qnalnllng th ageote the prvw evea
lg tb etajf ill make eoanii(ia with
2 o'clm k train at JVbo t IVnJIelon.
(HtlrteatOtty ir og Htora. W.V.Utuo,
Walt. Tbompwn mea etag betweea
lleppaar aad MonnaMat, arriving every
day eiowpl klnodey aad leaving every
day aieeptNoaday. Htrl end ebeap
t mole to h Ulfrtr, E. J, f loanm,
fit , ,
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
OTIS PATTERSON. AGENT. Qo of the Beat in. the World
McClure's Magazine
For 1897
A Ne0,H"0' 11?'itiy Hamlin Garland. The first authoritative and adequate Life of
tiraut ever published. (Begins in December.)
Rudyard Kipling's first American serial, 'Capthins Courageous." (Begun in November)
RObe(Begh,is"in Ma?V)en8n' "8t" Ive-" The 0nly novel 01 8teven8on' "u" unpublished
Charles A. Dana. "Recollections of War Time."
llflS ?i 6 Clvll War Practically a member
Portraits of ereat Americans. Many of them
MiBMOf TBVJS! "tUdie Und6r the eDal 01
Pictures of Palestine. Specially taken under the editor's direction. -J.
Storlf0,r,Adventure A,BeriBl y CONAN DOYLE, in which he will use his extraordinary
' aXVbe9Tdye8tKe latt WhlCh httV8 'Q th "ahM H'me'" torle'' Wen hlS
IAN oAkl1 th flcon that he will writeduring the coming year, with the exception
appear ta Mww" MSA1S.Pn",,, Wh'Ch were hl long ago, will
'ljd. ia thB 'ame fleW M the "BrM
RUDIflRo?thS -"" o MCCL,BK'S
OCTAVE THANET is preparing for the Maoazink a series of short stories in which the same
characters will appear, although each will be complete in itself.
Anthony Hop Bret Hart Robart Barr
Frank R. Stockton Stanley Weyman Clark Russell
will all have stories In McClure's for the coming year. " ,
One Dollar a Year
The new volume begins with November. Subscriptions should start with this number.
The S. S. McClure Co., New York.
A Campaign
Of Education
HOW to Get It (PP AA
aepartment are edited with con
summate skill.
Bueh a paper is a great popular educator. It should be In every
The subscription price of Leelie'a Isitpe nnum.
We make the unparalleled offer of a copy of .
Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Seml-
weemyone year for only $5.00.
No such offer was ever made before. No such offer will ever be made
again. The two papers make a most acceptable Christmas or birthday
gilt, and will be constant reminders of the giver'i klndnesi. ,
Remit by postal order or check to the '
V Heppner, Orecon,
Published Every Saturday
13 Astor Place - New York
Tba Outlook will be in 1W7, aa it baa
been dnrlog each of its twenty eeren
yean, a History of Oor Own Time. In
ita various editorial department Tba
Outlook give a com pact review of tbe
world' progress ; it follows witb cara
all tba Impottaot philanthrope and in
dustrial movements of the tiayj baa a
cotrjplele department of religion newe;
devotee much space to tba interest of
tba botne; reviews Current literature;
faroisbr cbeerfnl table-talk about men
and tblngs: aod, in short, aims to give
fresh Information, orlgioal otjeervetiob,
aod reeeonable entertainment.
Beginning witb tb fifty fliftb volume,
tb paper will aeenme tba regular maga
lina eis. wbicb will add greatly lo Its
eontrenietine and attrartiveoees. The
Ontlock la poblWIied every Saturday
fifty two iaeoee a year. Tba first lu
In taob aaoalaiaaa lllolraled Ifagasin
Namber, ooetaioieg about twlo as maay
page aa Ibe ordinary ieanee, together
witb a large number tf ptrtnree,
Tb prieof Th Outkxlb i three
dollars a Jf In eJvanee, of lea tbea a
cent a dy.
I Head for a spneimen py aad lllustrat
0 proepeetu o Tb Ualkwk, M Aa'of
Mr. Dana was for three of tiin.n h.i
of Lincoln's Cabinet, and is probably better
unpublished. In connection with thin haHah
To be educated one must read
the best literature, ; -The
best literature Is expensive.
Laslla'a Illustrated
Pub'lsned at 110 rifth Avenue,
New York, Is full of the best things!
Its Illustration art mperb; It
stories charming) and Its literary
,iJ . ,WJ7' ta ,,erl,r Klven thai
th following-named settler ha filed notlreol
h s Itiu-ntlon toniaksDual pr.f In supixirt of
his claim end that said proof will he ml
hrlortj. W. Morrow, Coimly Clerk, at llepuiier,
Oregon, on Octotwr It, IW, vis:
S'kwm'' 6101 th" "w" Tp a
He name th following witnesses to prov
hlsroiitlnuotis residence upon and eultlratlnn
of said laud, vis: Thomas K. Oraham, Andrew
Petlersoii, both of (xwwlwrrr, Oregon, Hyl-
IV'l'i J?,h '"'r wrlgbt, laith ol
Klght Mile, Orcgou,
... J AS. f. MOOKR
s,lw Rcgliter.
1 Mstrlct. Mala lit Orrifi.n l..r U. ,-.
. n - -, - -. .-r..v I, "
J. il. Inskeep, Ilalnttir,
I. n Miller, Defendant.
Tel . Miller the alv named defendant.
In III name of lbs atabi of (iie.on: You ar
harel.y r-..iird to sp-r Ulore the un.Ur
lgne.1 a Justice of il,, iva,, x.nll
til. ti,rl. enunfy and sUUt, nn th Z.'nd day
l o totwr, lw7, at tiis hour ot on oVWrk In
th afternoon of said day at my office In said
district to answer th complaint of J. H. Ins
kia Ion n.l a. upon sn Instrnmt nt of wrltln
and wheniln be demamls Iwruty iMillars ftjii
with IiiUimI Irmn kit It, lt, .1 th rale nf
(a per rem Mr auniiia and tu naia and 41s
bursinenta of Ibis action. The defendant 111
Uksnotlre that It k Mlitoants,, the rant,
plain! herrln th elalmig ll laka lulsniii
asalnat him for Twenty IMIar and Interest
then-mat the rate of r cent per ,
from May I. Isms, and oats and dlsburameut
of this action.
fuldishwl by ordr of
, . . r r JOKS, '
I ust lee of th Pear for ft,s fji.irvi n
Mormw ecxinty, mats of Orrgon.
irwvni fM-pfe Pill, mt.
I. A. Cnrrsr, formerly of raillloa,
be opened np a 15 6ot barber shop la
Ibe old stand on the Mating eeraer.
Work ttrirtly first else. Call on hira.
8 If
The flstet le a ill Uk potatoes, arplee,
egg (.r liotter oa alnriptir eateants.
Any one owing this uffloeraa eetlle lbu
areoaat la tbi mseaer td eaa'l do it
to enno to anil 0.
Hlstemenl frr U fatsoo HlmpI
Ao.cl f il prlpUd it tb Uaiell of-
Fill a bottle or ooromon glass witb
urioe and let it stand tweoty-four houre;
a sediment or settling Indicates an qd
healthy condition of the kidneys. When
urine staiDS linen it ia evidence of kid
ney trouble. Too frequent desire to uri.
nate or pain id the back, is also conviuo
iug proof that tbe kidneys and bludder
are out of order.
WHAT TO 1)0.
There is oomfort in tbe knowledge so
often expressed, tbat Dr. Kilmer's
Swnmp-Root, tbe great kidney remedy
fulfils every wiab ia relieving pain in tbe
back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every
part of tbe urinary passages. It. cor
rects inability to bold urine and so eld
ing pain in passing it, or bad effects fol
lowing use of liquor, wine or beer, Bud
overcomes that unpleasant necessity of
being compelled to get up many times
daring the night to urinate. Tbe mild
and the extraordinary effect of 8wamp
root is soon realized. It stands tbe
highest for its wonderful cures of the
most distressing oases. If you needs
medicine you should have the beet. Sold
by druggists, price fifty oente and ons
dollar. Ton may have a sample bottle
and pamphlet both sent free by mail.
Mention tbe Heppner Gazette aud Bend
your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing
hampton, N. Y. Tbe proprietors of this
paper guarantee tbe genuineness ot this
A rtnnviptftd murderer rt rtulrlorot
Calif., is holding revival meetings in tbe
county jan. xue warden soys it is re
markable how dpenlv intcriila.l lla
fellow prisoners grow and what indi
canons oi sinoerity are manifest.
The Oozette oalls attention to tbe
assignees' sale ot Dotes, Cox estate, to
ooour on Saturday, Oct. I6tb, 1897, at 2
o'olook, p. m at the court house door,
in this city. 87-88.
A baud of 2000 sheep belonging to Ol
Justice were brought through town
from the mountains yesterday, en route
to their winter quarters on Rhea creek.
Baths down at the Jones' barber shop,
25 cents. Orville Jonrs manager, tf
and by virtue of an execution and order
of sale regularly issued out ol Hie circuit court
of the state of Oregon for the county of Morrow,
and to me directed and delivered, upon a
Judgment rendered and entered In said court
on thenth day of Hoptenilier, HI7, In favor of
The Oregon Mortgage Company, limited, a cor
poration, plaintiff and Berend Popponga and
Ella I'lippenira, his wife, defendants for the
recovery of the sum of l.rvt 75 together with
Interest thereon from the Kth day olHepteinhrr,
1WJ7, at the rate of a per cent per annum, and
for the sum ol tyi attorneys fees, and for the
further auin of Lit in c,.ia uk...... ...i
judgment It was ordered slid sdjudged that the
following descrilied real propeity to-wit: The
south-west quarter of the south-east quarter,
and the south half of the south-west quarter,
and the north. vml nn.Fi., i. .. .
quarter of section IS, township 4, south of range
W east of Willamette meridian, all In Morrow
county, Oregon, he sold to satisfy said iudg-
niuiii, costs ana accruing costs. I will on
Haturday, the Sid day of October. lMT.
at two o'clork p. m. of said day, at the court
honsddoorln Heppner, Morrow county, Ore
gon sell all the right, title and Interest of the
said defendants, He rend I'opiient, aud Ella
I'oppenga. In and to the abov descrilied nrop
ertv at nulillc iwtin ti,. i,i..i, .4 '.
bidder therefore, for cash In hand, the proceeds
......... , m mipii.-ii mi toe saiisiaction ol Bald
execution and all cost and accruing coals.
. I. HA I i,m K,
' Hherlff of Morrow county. Oregon.
Dated list day of ttept,, 1'J7. Hal-uo
ii and bv virtue of
f the Circuit Court of the Htate of Oreann for
the County of Morrow and to 4inw ...h
delivered, main a Judgment rendered and eu-
M-rci in aaiii coun on loe stn nay of Heplcmlicr,
1W7, III favor of W. P. Lord, It. K. Klueald, I'hll
Metsehaii. the iKianl ol eoiiiinliafiura (.. 11..
sale of si'IiimiI aud university lands and for th
i iiniinniiui in now aiming therefrom, plain,
tills, snd aaalnst Nve kamlmanit M.P u....i.
deftmiWnt, tor the sum of Keren hundred seven
and ;i-lui dollars with Interest thereon from
said eUhth day of Heptuinher, Imn, at th rate
ol a n r cent r aiiiiiiin, and tlfly dollars attor
ney s fees, and th further sum ol thirty flv
and OH'll dollars corns and whereas It was
further ordered and de'reed by the court that
the mortgaged proerty descrllM-d a follows
south east uuarter of aw tliin ll.ln lain i.
ship two (1 north raua twenty. four 'ii .i
Willamette meridian. In Morrow miinii, i.
gon, lie sold to satisfy said Judgment, cost and
accruing costs, twill on
Wlns.lay. th 27th day of October. Ia!r7.
at two o'clock, n. m.. of said .i .. ......
dmtrof the court house In Heppner, Morrow
comity, Oregon, sell all the right, title and In-
mraaio njm nainiKi ami Mary Kamlm
In and to the atvive drscrllwd proiertv at
public auction U. tb hlsheat and lt bidder
for cash In hand, th tiro, .wis to tie applied to
lor caali In hand, th tiror
the talls'sctlon of said i
iitlun and all coats,
and costs that may sceru.
a r. uitiicv
atiarlrrnf Vnrm , .'
Dated Heptemlier 24, lKf7. ai vi
and by virtu of an aiM.nih,f, lu., f
ol the I Irrult Court of th Htate of Uresoii for
the miinlynf Morrow aud to me illrr. ll and
dfillverxl, ntHin a JudguiKiit rendrre.1 and en
t rl In said court no the si h dsy of Heptamlier
l7. In favor of W. H. I.rd, II. l( Klnc.id, I'hli
Mel ban, the hoard of eomnilHtoners for tb
ale ol school Isu.ls, eu plaliilllfs, aod against
1. H. foerry, H C. J.fry, Uperry. the
Oregon Hallway and Narlsallon coii,h.h,. and
V. C. Ihoinpaon, defemlauU for 'la sum of
Two thousand eight hundred twenty ulna and
IWJ dollars with Intern! thereon from the
said eighth day of rtepleiHher, lw;, at th rat
of eight percent per annum, and one hnnrird
flltr dollars attorneys' fea, and Hie furtlr sum
4 forty Hi and i list dollars roat. and where
as II was further ordered snd decreed by the
rourt that the moriaged properly itwrllied
aa follows, lewlt 1 ha Muth half of north eaal
quarter and north hell of aouih east nuart-r of
- torn twenty, south half ui south ! quarter
of s-clloa twenty, to weal hall id th south
weet quartet of section twenty one, soulh waat
quarter of north-weal quartet ol sm-IIoii twen-
r in iia, norm ai quarter of south east quar.
ternfsntion Ihlrly, ninth hslf of north eaal
quarter aid sou ih east quarter of north east
quarter of th.u mi, siiuth eaat quarter nf
north. quarter and mirth half ol sulh-we-
quarter of section Iweiitr im, and north
a quarter ol south eaat quarter ol an II .n
thirty, all In h,wnhlB lt,r. .mlh raoea
twaiitysis, eaat Wllla.a.ll. meridian, or so
much thereof as Kir la r.ae.n ha m.JA l..
saint said JuliMiit, nwta and aerrulng c.u,
I llf, on
Wednesday, the rth day of October. W7.
atlwsioHork, p. w .nf said day, at W. front
diBifoflha rourt house in Hci.pner, Morrow
e..nty, !,., a.l all the rilii, title and In
leraat A th. said t. R iry, a c. e,-rrr.
"perry ! al. In and to the slriire .1. nl.
prfrt, at public so l. m to ll.a hlsl.cal and
host hl..r ..r i.h , hmi4, II. ..., i
a .llx la iim falls'aclion ol aaid uUoa
aud all ruta, aiel eost that (nay a
., , - MaTIK'K.
iherlff af Morrow Couuir ,UrHrn.
!4 IvptemteM fHU, p7, " aJ
"Away With Melancholy,
Aod bid dull oare avsnnt," sounds very
well in verse, but it you have a ease of
the "bluee" caused by indigestion, with
biliousness added on as an extra borror,
yoffoannot say bay I presto! und thus in
sure tbe departure ot those abominable
twins. Tbe "proper oaper" when thus
troubled, is to seek the aid of Hostet
ter's Stomsch bitters. Thereafter you
will speedily digest with ease and eat
with appetite, and your liver will reas
sert its right to regularity. Not only
this, you can retire without a horrible
dread tbat tbe Washington monument
will in dreams impose itself upon tbe
pit of your stomaoh. If you teel pre
monitary symptoms of ohills and fever,
kidney trouble, or rheumalism, summon
tbe Bitters to the resone without delay,
"jest a worse thing befall you. A fee
ble condition of system is more speedi
ly changed to a vigorous one by this
Bpe tonic than by any other medioioal
agent in existence. A wineglassful
three times a dsy.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Freeland and
children left Saturday night tor a weeks'
visit to Portland. Mr. Freeland repre
sents Heppner lodge, Koighta of Pyth
ias, at the annual meeting ot the Grand
Lodtfe Which has bean in aaaainn tho.a.
the past few days.
The itate superintendent ot publio in
struction ot Washington has revoked
,he oertifioate of W. H. Btidham, of
Fieroe oonnty, for using tobacco on the
so boo I premises. He holds that a
teacher must praotioe what be preaobes,
and cannot teaoh his pupila tbe bad
effeots of tobacco so long as he uses it
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
Witb looal applications, as tbey cannot
reaob the seat of the disease. Catarrh
ia i blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it yon must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
tbe mucous surfaoes. Hall's Catarrh
Cure ia not a quack medtoine. It was
prescribed by one of the best physioians
in this oountry for years, and is a regu
lar prescription. It is composed of tbe
best tonics known, combined with the
best blood purifiers, acting directly on
the mucous surfaoes. The perfect com
bination of tbe two ingredient is what
produces snoh wonderful results in our.
ing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free,
F. J. Cheney A Co., Props., Toledo, 0.
Sold by druggists, prioe 75a
The first loe of tbe season, the thick
ness of a pane of glass, was notioed yes
terday morning. A heavy frost also fell
during the night.
Dreadfully Nrryons.
Genls: I was dreadfolly nervons, and
for relief took your Karl's Clover Root
Tea, It quieted my nerves and strength
ened my whole nervous system. I was
t roubled witb oonstipatmn, kidney and
bowel trouble, four Tea soon cleansed
my system so thoroughly tbat I rapidly
regained health and strength. Mra. 8.
A. Bwect, Hartford, Conn, Sold by
Conser A Brook. y
Fossil Journal: A Mr. Robinson,
from lone, was In town several days this
week. is looking for a good saloon
looation, and decided thai Foaail waa al
ready sufficiently supplied in tbia line.
From her he prooeeded to Arlington by
Cure tbat congh witb Rbiloh'i Curs.
The best congh on re. Relieve eronp
promptly. One million bottles sold last
year. 40 doses for 2Sota. Sold by Con
ser A Brock.
Harrison Cbspin. of Uardman. mads
lbs Oszetta offloe a plsaaaot eall Tues
day. Mr. Cbapln bas Just returned
from a two months' visit to old friends
In Chicago.
Totter, ftalt-Itlinum and Interna.
The Intense Iti-Hnir and imirllni, I net.
dent to thHse diaesuu, is instantly allayed
by applying Cbanitmrlulu'a Eye and
Hkin Ointment. Many verv bad raxes
have Wn permanently cnrwl by it. It
la equally efficient for Itching pile and
a f avoHlji ramwtw .,, ..I.,..l.a
chapped hands, chilblains, front bites
. i . , . .
uu curon io wire rye. v) eta. per box.
Dr. Cady'e Condition Powder, are
jnat what a horse pewds when in bad
condition. Tor.lc, blood purifier and
vermifuge. Tbev am not food but
medicine and th beat In use to put a
home tn prime condition. Price ii
cent per package.
Tber I great aetivity In mining cir
el In Boutbara Oregon. Bvral im
portant sale are oor consideration.
Tbr ws r 60 rw locations fll with
tb county elsrk is Jsoksonvlll, to Ibr
day last week.
as la Ik rwMrt sl saMt and
swM (Wawli skaaaea.
Il 'aa bsiwred by pleasant
mndy wale is ,iksd di
rMiy bite th BMMrlia, Ke
T"'1' iwfa4 It aivs
r t at ones,
Ely's Cream Balm
Is erkiMwtad4 la tv Ih tnnat tltero ewe fee
tuaaall atarrk, ( 4 la Haa w4 May revs ( aj
cMnedMi. Il t r'-sr ts Ii iss 1 1 ssam,
soar paia t.4 ItlMiawa. ham thasi na,
terta la HMaia-we fniwi soda, rastoeas tM sian
f iaaialsi,it Craakw at l ,iaww hi ma t,
lit PMOtialui, H rwia-Vl.aw t)-
no fyift
Absolutely Pure
Gold Discoveries at Wallowa.
J. B. Keeney, tbe Elgin stage man, ar
rived in La Grande Friday, evening and
brought news of a placer mining excite
ment in Wallowa county, says the La
Grande! Chronlole. The soene of tbe
strike is np Bear oreek, 20. miles from
Wallowa and, is said, to rival in richness
the Klondike.
i The find is said to be tbe result of a
searoh for "lost" diggings of early days
by a couple ot prospectors. The searoh
seems to have been instituted by the
men finding a sealed bottle in (Snake
river some time ago containing a de
scription of the diggings. The clue thus
obtained was followed up witb the re
sults above stated. '
Croup Quickly Cured.
Mountain Glen, Ark.-Our children
were suffering with croup when we re
ceived B bottle ot Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. It afforded almost instant re
lief. F. A. Thornton. This celebrated
remedy is for sale by Conser A Brook.
Married At the home of Mr. Gentry, in
tbia city, at 8 o'olook, p. m., Ool. 12tb,
Bamuel Wilkinson and Mrs. Martha A.
Bobbins. 0. R. Howard, ot tbe M. .
oburob , South, officiating.
Bnoklen's Arnica Salve.
Tbe Best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Bores, Ulcere, , Salt Rheum,
Fever Bores. Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and ail Bkin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
Prioe 26 cents per box. For sale by
Conser A Brook.
Y. O. Kelley left tor Long Oreek yes
terday with s heavy load of freight tor
tbe merohants at that plaoe.
A few weeks ago tbe editor was taken
witb a very severe cold that oaused biro
to be in a most miserable eondition. It
was undoubtedly a bad case of lagrippe
and recognizing it a dangerous he took
immediate steps to bring about speedy
onre. From the advertisement of Cham
berlaln'a Ooogh Remedy and tbe many
good recommendations ioolnded there.'
In, we ooocluded to msk a first'trial ot
the medicine. To say that it was satis
factory in its results, ia putting it very
mildly, indeed. It aoted like magio aod
tba result wss a speedy and permanent
oure. We have no hesitancy in recom
mending this eioellent Congh Remedy
to anyone afflicted with a conch or mid
In any form. Tbe Banner ot Liberty,
Libertytown, Maryland. Tba 25 and SO
cent aiy.es for sal by Conser A Brook.
A great gold strike is reported near
tbe revenue tunnel on Mount Snefrels.io
Uuray oonnty, Col. Testa run a high
as SAHj.uw lo th ton, and 11.000 bas
been taken out ot two eubio feet ot rock.
Everybody Rays So.
Caeoarets Candy Oatbarlio, Ih most
wonderful medical discovery of tb aa.
pleasant aod refreshing to the taste, as I
gently and positively on tba kidn
liver and bowels, eleansing tbe entire
system, dispel ool da, our headaches,
rvr, habitual constipation and bil
iousness. Pleas buy and try a box ot
0. 0.0. today; 10, 62. 50 oaots. Bold
aod guaranteed to ours by all droggiita.
M. J. Bisaall, ot lb O. II A N.: IL J.
A. 0Riley, of th IL U. W. aod E. B.
Duffy, of tb D. A IL O. railways, all of
fortlaud, arrived in Heppner this morn
Tb "Bioyollst's Best Friend" U a
fsmiliar name for DeWitt's Wltoh Httel
Halve, alwayi ready for emergencies.
v nil a speclDo fur piles . it also Instant.
ly reliva and cure out, bruls, salt
tbeuro, ectema and all affeetion of th
kin. It never fail. For Bel by Consr
local nws I oro as ,,bn's teeth''
witb fealber on tbea tbia week.
UJie. lake tbe beat, It you ar
tronbld with constipation, sallow skin,
snu s ur4 reeling, tak Karl' Clovsr
Tea, it i pUsssot to tak. Bold br
Co oeer A Brook.
Yellow fvr baa mad It atioaaranM
In n!vatoB,Tia.
Karl's Clover Root Ta Ua ni......
i""ivs. , Regulate the bowela, purifla
tb blood. CUar lb eompUtlos. Easy
an mak and) pleasant to take. 23 eta.
B.IJ t- n an
remj uj vuoswr i urofg. j
Mempht, Teas, has a eolotwd faaal
attorney. Joatle. belag blind, will st
nolle tb dlfTorear.
eti-nen or la.a Ut lraa lot raanoa.
b- In Hw.e. iKSTm.
' atul aspen. fiwltl m steady, HMmt.
Tb OvsilutM (.nuil'tny, Hl f t UiMtg," ' '