Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 12, 1897, Image 3

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    Take Uotmit
i. The ium o( five cents per line will ba
SL'i2S1..rJT1LS.' "resolutions ot
I6 "11,U ' ""ddln present! and donors,
n'Sf " i?0"1 (0&OT thn ho e edit
or shall himself matter of news,) and
notice, oi special meetings for whatever purpose:
.nteJi? ? ?huroh v.nd. ,00ie'T n Mother
Ji-TL ?,e?u ';om hlcl revenue la to be de
rlreA, Jlhall be charged for at the rate of Ave
cent Una. These rules wlU be itricUy adher.
fed to In every instance. ,
jSEffiSSS? w"onble ind "
"The Gazette can offer the following
'dabbing rates:
The GAZETTE 12.50 and : Club Rate
Weekly Oregonlan, 11.50 $3.50
" 8. F. Examiner, 11.50 8.75
" N. Y. Tribune, fjl.OO 8,00
" Inter-Ocean, l.oo 8.25
" 8. F. Chronicle, 11.50 8.75
Thrice-a-WeekN.Y. World, 100 8.25
Webfoot Planter, 50c 2.50
Leslie's Weekly, 14.00 500
Kural Spirit, 2.00 .- 3.59
New York Wool Record, $2,00 8.50
IBnnday 1U m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school
0 a. m. Classes No. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m.
j-pworth Leagne Devotional meeting at 1 p. m.
ffrayer meeting, Thursday, 8 p. m.
.The 8MMT and the brHe say. Oome. "
-. 7 fcastor may be found at the parsonage ad
joining the chnrch, where he will be glad to
meet any wo may desire to eonsnlt him on
religious, sotial, oivio, philosophio, educational,
tr any other subjects.
J. W. FLE8HEB, Minister.
Here and There.
Weather cooler.
Steve Lelande's baby is ill.
See M. Lichtentbal for shoes. a.
Roy Fareell is down from Milton, Or.
Fine celery, fruit, oigars and tobaooos
at Mathews'. tf.
Ben Mathews returned from Portland
this morning.
Ben Mathews was over from Rhea
creek yesterday.
A. G. Prink was over from Hamilton
on last Saturday.
Mr. King, of lone, is in Heppner for
medical treatment.
W. W. Smead was over to Pendleton
on business lost week.
Sidney , Blumenthal left Saturday
for Portland, bis home.
To trade A good heating stove, for
oordwood. Gall at office. tf
John Sbaw was up from Portland on
last Saturday and Sunday.
' Harvs Phipps and family are back
from the Greenhorn seotion.
The Orange Front tor floe fruit, cigars,
tobaooos and fancy groceries. tf.
Born To the wife of 0. M. Hague,
on the 8th inst., a 10 pound girl.
Dr. P. B. Mo8words oontemplatea a
visit to Ohio in the near future.
M. Liobtentbal for shoes. Eiolunive
shoe store. Handles the best. 83tf
Fred Augbbaugb, the MoEinney oreek
sheepman, was in town yesterday.
W. J. Brown was in town on last Fri
day, after a hard summer's rustling.
Wheat was 67 cents at Heppner
yesterday. II is moving np gradually.
Mrs. Walt Richardson and Mrs. Andy
Tillard are visiting relatives at Fossil.
Miss Eppa Wilson came in Saturday
last from a visit to Portland and Salem.
The streets of Heppner are dusty
very dusty. A good rain would be ap
preciated. Jake Young one of Eight Mile's pros
perous farmers, was in Heppner on last
Zimmerman's paokiog bouse, ot Port
land, was completely destroyed by fire
laet Friday.
Rooky D. Hodgkin, ot Salem, has
been appointed as a cadet to West Point
by Rep. Tongue.
Will Mellory ia down from bis Ruck
creek sawmill. He reports business
' good this season.
Fine home-made taffy at the Orange
Front. A olean, fresh stook ot goods
leave your orders. If.
Girl wanted to do housework. Good
wages. Moos but the best Deed apply.
Gall at Gazette offioe. 83-tf
To arrive soon at Mathews' sweet
potatoes, oranberTiee, Grandpa's soap
aod other neoeesariee. tf.
Aoy one desiring to build eitbsr a
bouse or barn will make money by eel!
log on the Qazette offioe. 67 tf
E. W. Rhea k Co. want your grocery
trade, Tbey bave oomplete stookof
staple and fancy groceries. 7-21,
For sale residence property. Barn
and good ootbooses. Will set! cheap on
easy terms. Call at offioe. 83-tf.
Beat aooommodation and eoorteous
treatment at tbs Imperial Hotel, Seventh
and Wash. Sts., Portland, Oregoo.
The ladies of the Episcopal ohnroh are
requested to meet at the home of Miss
Matlock Wednesday afternoon at
Tbe oolt abow on the 2od Inst, was a
good one, so far as represented. How
ever, very few oo'.te were brought la for
Statesman, 7lh loal.: W. F. Meilook,
tbe well known horseman, left for Loe
Aogelee, California, via Ibe overlaed
rein laet night.
liiae Allba Leach baa Just reeeived a
aloe line of earn pie bats. Rbe Invitee
tbe ladies to see tbem and get ptloee be
tore purchasing eleewbere. 85-92.
la Ibe eale ot cloak, eepee and
wraps, E. W. Rbea A Co. beve led tbe
trade tble season. They are earryiog
tbe correct style at winning prieee
Deary Blebm, wife and daughter an
Mrs. M. Lichtentbal and daughter de
parted eo lest Hsterdey evening tor tbe
"old country" to ej y a twit with
lativee after an ebaeeca of mey years.
The completion ot tbe organization f
The Blue Mountain Miuing A Milling
Go. was effected on laet Saturday at this
plaoe as follows: Geo. Conser, Free j
D. A. Curray, Vice Pree.; Ed.R. Bishop,
8eo. and Treas.; Thos.- L. La Forge.
8upt. and Gen. Man. The list ot direct
ore are T. A. Kbea and the above-named
gentlemen. This company has four
promising claims in tbe Willow creek
diatriot, and at tbe present has a day
and night shift working on a tunnel on
the Jumbo. The ore still continues free
milling and ie getting rioher as the tun
nel progresses. Tbe immense amount
of ore ot these properties, though tbey
may be of low grade, is what counts. If
worth anything at all the company has
millions in sight. Tbe tunnel is in the
ledge 30 feet and progressing at the rate
of a foot a day. While quartz assays
still oontinue to be good, the company
propose to make a mill test of three tons
in the very near future and will send it
over to Taooma. The objeot in making
this test is to ascertain tbe value of the
ore and also to learn the best process by
wbiob it oan be reduced. It the ore
continues good a mill will be erected in
the near future.
The ledge of the Jumbo claim is 300
feet wide and well defloed. It oan be
seen on the mountain for 3,000 feet down.
These are not the only good olaims in
tbe district. There are many locations
and most of them .are promising. This
diatriot has plenty ot mineral, and it
now remains to be seen whether it will
pay to work.
Thos.. L. La Forge, 8upt. and Gen.
Man. ot tbe Blue Mountain oomDanv.
was in town Saturday and is feeling
quite obeerful over tbe prospeot. He is
an experienced man and bis opinion
oounts for a great deal. Mr. La Forge
is easy to approach and be talked freely
to a Gazette reporter when seen by tbe
soribe last Saturday evening. He is
oourteous and obliging and no doubt
visitors will enjoy a trip up to his head-
quarters at tbe mines.
The Comstock Mining and Milling
Co. are pushing the work of organization
as fast as possible and are disposing of
considerable treasury etook. Tbey are
starting it at 1 cents per share and the
prooeeds will be used to develop tbe
olaims. It is tbe opinion ot Mr. Lib
Forge that this company has plenty of
good rook. Every , business man of
ueppoer should buy a few shares of
stock, at least.
Now that tbe evidenoe ot gold quartz
in tbe Willow oreek belt is in existence
beyond any question of doubt, enterpris
ing prospectors will keep on tbe lookout
for paying plaoer. Already ground has
been discovered that will pay fair re
turns per man.
Kind of a Story the Beml-Annnal
statement Telia.
In our next issue will appear tbe semi
annual county statement and it is well
worth tbe perusal ot our people. .Tbey
will see that Morrow county, under tbe
management ot Judge Bartholomew, is
prospering; that it is gradually getting
out ot debt.
For the year 1895-6 this oounty went
behind 85,000. For the year 1896-7 Ibe
county held its own and wiped out
$5,000 of Indebtedness. Tbie is indeed
oreditable showing and is pleasing to
our taxpayers.
One signiQoanl feature is thai our
merobants now take all oounty scrip
at par for goods at oasb prloss. Over in
Umatilla county sorip is worth its face
caeb, and the oiuoty is not in as
good financial oooditioo as Morrow. Il
is thought that io tbe very, near future
our scrip will go up to face value tor
oasb and remain there. It is well worlb
it now.
J Oast t H. nsv. Tm . Vm f I
A True Nerve
Tonic and Blood Purifier
Restores Vitality, Renews Strength, Cleanses and Enriches the Blood,
Regulates the Liver, Bowels and Kidneys.
be had ONLY AT'
V .fill
St llJ,
. a 1' 1 1 7
Canton Plows
Canton Harrows
Canton Cangs
Canton Disks
Superior Drills
Superior Seeders
Studebaker Wagons
and Hacks
6 RAIN and
Us 1 t
Main Street,
Next door to Palaoe hotel,
Mr. II. J. Btriokfaden will look after
the affairs ot the offioe during tbe
editor's absenoe.
Ufi and Lee French, and Chaa. and
Ad Mattesoo are down from flomolsr
where they have been 'tending camp
this summer.
Tbe editor ot Ibis paper is down to
Portlaoi this week enjoying the Orand
Lodge of K. ot P., ot which be la tbe
Grand Viee Chancellor.
Mrs. Olis Patterson departed for Port
land and Tbe Dallea 00 Fridav last.
Mies Zje, her daughter, joined ber at
Tbe Dalles 00 Raoday morniog.
The Otsstte calls attentioo to tbe
assigaeee' sale ot noire, Coi estate, to
oceor on Baturday, Oot. 18th, ltW7, at 2
o'clock, p. m al tbe oourl bona door,
iothieeity. 87-88.
Bberiff Tom Driver olaims l bave
evidence that will clear Wa Dare, now
io tbe "pen" for life, and Ricbard
inple, an acoomplioe In the murder ot
rieott, tbe book agent, In tbe Dearer
oreek oonn try.
momenta are nieiese 11 iriUed awar;
and tbey are dangerously wasted if con
sumed by delsy Io eases wbere One
Minute Cough Core woold trlng imme
diate relief. For sale by Conser k
Brock. e
Albert Ilea wee erreated, Saturday,
charged with eeaeultidg Joba Kerne, on
oomplaintot the latter, aod though Joba
is wearing one eye io moorsleg, be re
leased Albert yeelordey without trial
Albert bad nothing at all to do with
John's trouble, ot wbiob tbe latter be
came aware eooa after causing tbe
Tbe editor of Ibie great beattb-prodoo-
iog paper left laet eight fur Portland to
attend Ibe eoeual eetoD of Ibe Orand
Lodge, Kolchts of Pylblae. The (i
t fit contieaee to do baioe al Ibe old
tend, bovr, aod tf anyone shoal J be
diMtUfid with wbal appears la II
column, be will onefer fevor oa tbe
foree by going straigblwey Io tbe
A Party of Heppner People Enjoy tbe Hos-1
pltalltles of one of Hhea Greek's Promi
nent families.
Last Baturday evening a number of
tbe friends ot Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Rbea,
in response to invitations issued bv their
two daughters, Miss Helena and Mrs.
Chns. Curtis, gathered together at their
spacious borne on Rbea oreek aod took
Mr. Rbea and wife oompletely by sur
prise. A short time after arriving,
knowing that tbe distanoe was great, a
most sumptuous supper was served in
the dining room. After supper came
games, etc., until about 10 p. m., when
the floor was oleared for danoing, wbiob
wae indulged in nntil tbe bour of de
parting. Taken all In all, it was one of
tbe most enjoyable sooiel affairs of tbe
Among those who were preeent tbe
Qezette eporter noticed the following:
Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Rbea, Mr. and Mrs.
J. P. Rbea, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brook,
Misses Ella Mason, Helena Rbea, Emma
Welch, Cora Hart and Vira Hart, Mea-
dames Cbas. Curtis aod W. E. Bpenoer,
Messrs. M. B. Galloway. Bert Mason.
Jeeee Stewart, E. W. Rbea, J. E. Ad-
kins, F. O. Hart, Joba Bpenoer, Earl and
Carl Rbea.
Something to Know.
It may be worth something to know
that Ibe very beet medioioe for restoring
Ibat tired out nervous ey stem to a beallby
vigor if Elrotrio Bitters. This medicine
is purely vegetable, acts by giving lone
to the nerve centres In tbe stomach.
gently etirnolates tbe Liver and Kidneys,
snd aide Iheee organs Io throwing off
Impurities in lbs blood. Eledrlc Biltere
improves Ibe appetite, aids digest ion, and
is pronooooad by Ihoee who beve tried
it as tbe very beet blood purifier and
nerve tonic. Try it Bold for 50c or li
ft) pr bottle at Cooeer A Brock's drng
We Want SprinklluK.
Ooe of the oity boee carts was tskeo
out yeaterdey snd tbe water from the
large fire reservoir was nsedr for spriuk
ling purposes on Main street from May
street down. Tbe Gazette thinks that
this was a move in the rieht direction.
but il would like to know if there is any
pedal reason wby Main street between
Canyon and May streets should not
hare bad a wetting down? it tbe mat
ter of a few dollars stood in tbe wsy of
this much-needed sprinkling, tbe diffi
culty oould bave been removed. We
are "kicking" up our way.
Milt Maxwell was
mill 00 leal Saturday.
in from Parker's
Thfy Are the "Mntard."
MhrJows A Hatten, tbe pioneer black
smiths, have made some elegttnt im
provements in their establishment and
added a large stook of iron, horseshoes
and other materials essential ' to tbe
bnppinees ot those who need qnick re
pairs on their wagons, buggies or any
kind of machinery. Tbey have ex
tended their room so as to accommodate
everybody in the oountry who is In need
of repairs. When you want a boras
shod, uiaobins repaired, tire set or any
thing elite in their line, you will find
Meadows A Uatleu to be the boy that
can do it and do it rlght-in short
order. , if
You Don't Expect
Goods for Nothing!
. Io suil tbe limes. You want fresh
groceries and supplies ; you want sub
stantial gents' furnishings. You oan find
wbat you want at T. R. Howard's. . . .
IT. ItE. Howard
Main Street, Heppner, Oregon.
Was Perfected by the
Production of
fovxtmcd, 1070.
A Boarding and Day School for Boys Under
Military Discipline.
CTia th yrarnnilsr the present nianairiimrnt Wins ftipt. 14. 1HW7.
lliisinlitatifmtsUmiuiiliIj!Miiipnt I. r (ho nixnlsl, social, physical
anil moral traiiiins; of buy. I hon.UKli praparalion fur any iliua or
M-Mwtiho si'hixil. (lrliuits at prwtit in lais, WmI I'tunt, lIsMwrhu
wU Institute if Txnhnuitwy, Hints tnivnrsiur of California, Wrrtfon,
rtii)lrsiii, HUuiforii ami tloltiil. llurini taxation visitors wlo ma
fn,mVlo I'j a. m. Kor rstaioytis and otln r-n.lorinstion, aoilms (lis
I'm riil, J, VV. illl.U U. !., I'uitlaiiil, ti.iu. t. O drawnr 11.
Sl-Hrut. It,
Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Patterson and little
soe, Otis, asms Io from Loog Crak on
Saturday's stage and departed laal algbl
for Indiana, wbera Ibey will visit
tbe soenee of childhood dare at least.
for tbe elder members of Ibe family.
Torn Rbea exhibited a Has piece of
quarts, full of gold, yesterday to a crowd
down lowo as the latest strike' no Wil
low ereek. Tbe arowd waot wlU till
eome person lambled Ibat It wae Raker
City quart 1.
8 opt. I. F. Tobey, of lie Oregon Chil
dren's Dome Boeiety, spoks Boedsy
morning la the II. E. charob la behalt
of orphan cbildreo. A loeel advteory
board fur Morrow eouety was oti"is4
as follows: Pree., Jadje A. l. Iter-
tbolomew; Vloe Pree A. A. Wright;
Sea,, Vawter Crawfordi Treae., T. W.
Ayera. Perenos desiring ebildrea for
adnptloa nay apply to I hie board.
k mm
r .of'.'to6
1 . ? fiL.AlvTDAf.Tlf-AI.
f w. 1 l . at 1? niiiiiii: i.:iiii Ay- -w- i. j -w ar
8 :Jy',Am?rmeSiZ,lX'L1L
r(q Penman; p.;, WjifJ
K 1' Mftnf.nntAnfn
O U H HIM fAv?"1?
And now Die entire world
Knows this perfect product
As tlie Star Brewery beer.....
On draught at
all popular saloons
203 Washington St., PortlanaJ, Or.
Your wife baa stood by you faithfully
in your adversity. New, let ber share
in your prosperity by buying ber a new
sewing msobine from
Nsw stock just received. Prices from 125 to $150. Call aad
inspect their lines.
Te rem ('! ip IN fersvrr.
Take Ceererete Candy Catbertio.
or 1J.
refiid tnrt.rr.
lirD-Tltl "TWOIlTHr t-rivE
,:.i, ), iu'iH irntM In ir al. .., if
If C. C. C fall fo cuie, drag gists Mta ii Mmi t nKt4i
Do You Want n Uiff ?
Don't You Want a Place to
Put up Your Team ?
Arc You in Need of a Saddle
Horse ?
All the cn I proenred at Ttinmpetn h liinne, Iwrr Main Btret
Heppner, Oregon. '
Ti f.nli.wi.ii ar elt w'i'lnM Orsnl llim.f, fr., (ilillam m4 ofhsr (wuntla
Sl m sa swmt eu4 Mwe la ewSIng Ihew n Ht It tfaHri( m.
frlos I ti vita lb Urn.
MDat Co'n Juice"
Is Found at
Tf Welcome
Oo Main Htreel, la City Hotel Building.
The Best of Everything
Always on Tap
Courteous treatment to all Nice club rooms.
IOW riIIiVIX. Prop.
Rogers & Roberts,
-Contractorg and BailJera.
Plans and Estimates Given on snort Notice.
All Kinds of Repair Work n
OFFICE HOURS-Day and Night Leave your orders "Any Old.
Hace"aDd Ro,r.or Jim will eet 'em o o o o o o o
ea,M - yon a
I ? ts
I Olel 6tse Mala rtt. RiMlrlni i tlalt