Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 12, 1897, Image 2

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Hon. J. S.
1 Had You Thought of It ?
If vou have not, we desire to call your attention
to a few ot the extensive lines of merchandise
carried by
McCarthy Completely Cured h
Paines Celery Compound.
far zwmM v
K & o d 9
S-P 5? J" fr
vT a Q p A
jvda. is w uave a new yuveiuui,
Blanco. Weyler, the butcher, ia
to be recalled.
The Georgettes, of New York
City, are having a falling out over
the county ticket
The State Fair was a grand suc
cess in every particular this year.
Better times had its effect on the
fair, as it is having on every other
enterprise. It is a good one.
Tbe world seems to have decided
upon the gold standard. Peru and
Hayti have both decided to join
the majority. However, silver
will always be used as money.
Trade Leaders of Heppner
They have greatly enlarged their capacity for
doing business, and don't forget that they are
rustling for it.
"Price cuts no ice" with us. We will meet all legitimate competi-
tion and are doing it everyday
The Oregonian is opposing
Flatt, the New York boss, and
obeying the behests of Simon, a
worse boss. The Oregonian is the
catspaw of Simon; it cannot get
away from him, but it is free to
express itself on matters removed celery compound
from Oregon.
Department of Agriculture,
Division of Statistics,
Washington, D. 0., July 9, 1897,
Welle, Richardson & Co:
Gentlemen Something over a year
go I waa Bufferiug with nervousness,
lose of appetite and insomnia. I was all
run down, and nothing dii me any good,
until a friend advised me to try Falne'a
I took tour bottlea of
tbe compound, and I am more than
proud to testify that it eompletly oared
The Oreconian savs that Low I haven't bad an unwell day aince.
should be elected in New York fat ri Dd "l66? ,Iike ' bea,,h'
. baby. 1 ornsider Paine'a celery eonv
City, but it admits that Tracy is poond the beBt remedy mBI)uf(l0,Bred(
the candidate of the regular re- arj(j i mogt heartily reoommend it to anf-
publican organization. Facts are faring humanity the world over. 8io-
that the Oregooian sustains the cerely youra, Jamee. 8. McCarthy.
organization when it can run it
along Simon lines,
not, it bolts.
When it can-
Tbe Gazette cannot understand
why so many democratic papers
are so much disturbed over Mr.
Qeer's failure to secure the en
dorsement of the delegation. It
is "borrowed" trouble. It is feign
ed. No skin has been removed
from any portion of their anato
mies in this contest
Hleeplessnesa is tbe most oommon, aa
well aa the moet alarming, ailment
among those wbo toil with their brains.
Patient after patient repeats the aame
atory. Be goea lo bed at the usual
hour, fulls off to aleep very muob aa
usual, but, instead of Bleeping through
the whole night, wakes about three or
earlier and can get "no more sleep after
that time."
Carry home a bottle of Paine'a oelery
compound and see bow soon iusomnia
gives way to sound, refreshing Bleep.
Tbe best remedy in the world ia not
too much for any one to insist on get
ting. Every one, whether sick or well,
must know tbe immense good Paine's
oelery oom pound has done and is doing.
tired, half-Bisk, sleepless men and women
all over the country.
Tbe vague, half hearted attempt so
many people make to get rid of poor
health is pitiable. Rheumatism, head-
aobes, neuralgia, kidney troubles, akin
diseases and dyspepsia may be wholly
exterminated from tbe Byttem, never to
bother one again, if one will but cleanse
tbe blood and regulate the nerves with
Paine's oelery compound.
Get out of despondenoy, tbe "blues,"
or whatever name you give to these at
tacks of nervous depression. Don't
move around bait eiok. Persons wbo
thiafc that they are fairly well and "only
a little tired" need just tbe toning np
and refreshing that Paine'a oelery com
pound undoubtedly gives. Nothing
oonld be more auioidal than (or Biokly
men and women to shut their eyes to
tbe great opportunities offered by Pa ink's
celery compound. No remedy ever
called forth aoob vigoroua testimonials
and deoided opintona from every olaaa of
men and women.
We carrv a full stock in these goods, made from Oregon wool by
the Eagle Mills, of Brownsville. The prices range from $1.00 up.
We also have a splendid line of quilts of several grades and can
outfit you veay cheaply,
vers -
Have just received a large line the past week in sizes 10x14 and
10x16. These goods are ot heavy Duck, rnces, ftd.DU ana
Ladies' and Gents' Underwear
! In the above lines our stock is very complete in both heavy and
S light grade woolens. Come in and see our lull line of fleece lined
j goods at $1.50 per suit. Just the thing for winter wear.
Overshoes, Felts and Rubbers
The biggest line in town. Now is the time to buy these goods
and be prepared when the bad weather sets in. We are sure to
please you.
above are but a few of the lines oirried by this house. Come in when you visit Heppner and get our
prices. We will treat you right.
IF'irst Rational TRSnyilg IEStiilciiiig.
He Rrturns With Father-Will Leave Boob
for Honolulu.
John O. English, of Danville, Ilia.,
wbo formerly resided at Dardman and
waa connected with Ed. H. Ooi in tba
The Portland Chronicle is still
having spasms over the seating of
Corbott. Mr. Corbott might BUC- tbeep business a number of yeara ago, is
ceed in socuring his coveted seat in town, having arrived on last Sunday
thprniaalwavaaDoaaibilitvof sue from ou' of ,b 0DDer o"r.
cobs in any reasonable venture
but it is not likely that be will be
helped very much by Senator
McRride whom Corbott has assist
ed to discredit in the eyes of the
people of Oregon. In the face of
McKride's protest he will have a
bard fight And this is not the
aeoonipamed by hie father, Mr. John T.
English, a wealthy capitalist of Dan
ville. Tbe aoo is a member of a whole
sale grooery house of Danville and is
Both visited Itossland and other points
In D. O. during their sojourn in tba west
Tbey bave large Interests in tba La Itol
mine, holding atook that ia worth nearly
a bait a million dollars. Befora return-
Okeoon will be represented at
the Pam exposition in 1900.
Of the Fint National Bank at Hepp
ner, in the State of Oregon, at the
Close of Businesij Oct. 5th, 1897.
T-nanu nrwl dinnnnritta 1160.689. 71
Overd'fte eeoured anil unsecured 10,031.93
TT H ltnrwln in aeoittre Oircula-
w 1 4 n .An nn
tion L ia, w w.uu
Pvan.inma nn 17. S. bonds 875 00
StookB, aecuritiee, eto 19.2G9 26
Banking-bouse ruiffiure, una
fixtures .v 8,884.44
TViia fmm National banis (not
reaerve agents) f, Bi,rJO.ou
It Is Now Fannie Popples' Tare.
Tbe woman named Fannie Poppina
who flitured in the case it waa expected
would be established against Jo Lacb-
appelle has been arraigned on tba obarga
ot unlawful oondtict and will be given a
beariug befora Justioe Parkea today
She broke down wben aha became aware
that a Jail aentenca waa probably in
atore for bar, aaya the Pendleton Tri
only stumbling block in the way ling borne tbe party will likely visit the
of Mr. Corbott buying
the senate.
A spat io 1 BaodwUh I.UnJa.
Everyone demree to keep informed on
Yukon, tba Klondike and Alaskan gold
fields. Send 100. for large Compendium
of vaet information and big color map to
Hamilton Pub. Co., Indianapolis, led.
The Grandest Remedy.
Mr. R. U. O reeve, merchant, of Chil-
I I VT . i . I - I ....
t . 1 1 oowie. ii- ceniuee wiai u iiu wu-
ir lu a ouuimiaaiuuera auuv ., , . .
, . , sumption, waa given np to die, sought
abroad in the interest of silver do B.(Uotl lrMllI1.nt ,htt money could
Dot succoed in their missiou, the procure, tried all oongh remediea ha oould
day of silver, as A money of ulti- bear of, but got no relief; spent many
i- l , i: : .,. ti oiuhta sitting nn In a chair: waa Induced
ters not what one thinks might waa onred by use of two bottles. For tbe
have been done, It is of little con- p- ' ?' b lu"d,B 10
1 kna naaa Bk rt .1 a A aa I tap K I tl it Atl I IIBl .
Corn, if as a proof that legislation eovery is the grau.lwit remedy aver made,
ha. been one of the principal rea- Tt. Dr.
tons why Silver lias declined, One King's New Disoovary is goarantre!,
..n it. Ar lima a,1. 1 lot Conahe, Colda and consumption. It
vnu I"""" -- Trial oottlea free at 0.naer
verso action la taken by this or a Brock's dmg aton.
tli at. DnvnrnmenL The facta are
t ! tt i U t. .ntira! To beal tba broken and diaeaal tta
the equal ot goui, ana me wonu is ,,, j,,, ,nJ ,0 ra.o.ou,
set against it ?tow if tbe Id-eor. t tba mlaslon of DeWiit'a Witeh
Crease OI the JOIIOW metal is uaiei naiva. ror naia oy vonaur m
iofflciont for all demands none will Broek.
be the loser. Silver is convenient No maa or woman can enjoy life or
for subsidiary coins and will be aeoomplleh much to Ibia wiIJ while
thus used, iu any eveot, but it the "og from a torpid liw, HaWitt'a
chance for an international agree- 1 W.
tnenl is lei pass uy oar HWue,
that is the otily use that it can
have in the world of finance.
George Iloffird baa soma fine half
breed Cotewell bncks. out of Merino
ewes which be wishes to aell at reason
able figures. He will be at E- L. Mat
look's corral on about Hpt 20. Call
on him. ?9it
Due from State Banks , ana
Due from approved reserve agta. 36,371.93
Obeoks and other oash items.. 98.87
NoteB of other National IJanka 2,500.00
fc'mnlinnal ntnif flnn4n0V.
- r -1 "
niokela and cents..... 1UB.UU
Bpeola 86.07000
lADnl.landar notea ... 492.00
Ilvdemption fund wun i. b.
TMunrar id Dr cent. OI
nirnnlation) 602 50
Total S38l.785.43
Pnnit at ahwk naid in 50.000.00
- . " f 111 MU1 ikl
Hurpluafuna i4.wu.uu
Undividwl profits, leea eipen-
aea and tales paid i ... u,uo..io
v.ti.in.l tnk Notes out
standing 1- li.u-iw
Due to other National Baraka. . 4,865.43
Individual deposits eubjoci to
check.... '....268.66128
Demand oertiflcatea ot deposit 15.546.57
Sale Of
and m
Kotlce la hereby iriven that the underalKned
asaisnee ot the estate of Cox Bros., Insolvent
rinhtnn. will on Haturclav the 16th day of Oc
tober, lmrc, at tna conn Mouse aoorin uepp-
aid day, aell to the hleheat bidder tor cash I
In hand, all tne notea ana account oi aam in
solvent estate, remaining unpaid on aald date.
The annrnximate face value of .aid notea and
account ia at. iu uu. inu a iuii limueciiuit ui i
aame can he had at the office of Ellis & Phelps
at any time beiore aaia sale.
Assignee of Cox Bros., Insolvent Debtors.
District of Morrow County, Htate of Oregon.
1). E. Ullmen, flalutin,
R. W. Bcardon, Defendant
To R W. Bear-Ion. Defendant.
In the name of the Htate of Oregon, you art
hereby required to appear before tne under-
iRiieu, a ju.iu v ui 1.110 tHHa ui.nish i
aloreaald, on the l7tn aay ot novemier, mi, ai
10 o'clock , a. m., at the otHce of said Justice, lu 1
laid dlitrlct, to answer the above named plain-
till' In a civil action. Tbe defendant will take
notice that if he fall to anawer the complaint I
herein the plaintiff will take Judgment againat
him for tm.Vb and the com and dlaburaeinenU
of ald K tloti. -This
summons la served upon you In pu
anoe of an order made and entered In laid court
on the Mh dav of October. 1H-.I7.
W. A. Ki-H4BiaoM. Justice of the Peace.
ilth Dla. Morrow Co.. State ot Oregon.
In it for
Coma lo the Gaaette office and eel a
decent lot of envelope printed.
Government envelope look obeap, and
besides too raouot get jour bnai
card printed thereon. If
Total $381,785.43
Btati o Orhkw, I M'
Coi'HTT of Morrow, ) ,
I, George Conaer, Cashier of tbe
above named bank, do aolemnly swear
that the above statement ia true to tba
best ot my knowledge and belief.
Uao. UOMaro, teenier.
8ulaortbed and sworn to before me this
9tb day ot October, 18U7.
li. Lt. r Biiusu,
Notary I'ublio for Ore;on.
Correct Attest: G A. Hbea, T. A.
Rhea, J. B. Natter, Directors.
Tbe whlwkey that old Jim Crow made.
that Uenry Clay ilrank.tbat Andrew Jack,
aoa loved, that William Uenry Harrison
went into emtesi-sover, ran te found at
Low Tillard'a. It la "da rale o' eo'n
Dr. John W. Raamua. ot tba "Bed
light," aver on tba alert for eomethiog
new, ean furnish you the floeel cork
tails in the land Manhattee, Jersey,
Vermouth or Qia-made by aa artist in
tbe business. Drop la and take the
taate out ot four moulb. It
For sale by Oonser A Hrook.
Corns In and snhacrilte for theOaaoo,H
Now la the time. Ton doa'l waal to
mlas a whole lot of good, hard reallo
that la tow beiaa published in oar
Toe Wet iWtt that couU U r001'-"
bad to New lork would l0 tbe I Uick Malbewa and V. (leatry, nnder
ilctionof Ijow. After Low. the 1 the firm name of Mathews A Uentry,
t - t;.t. V W.rV are easoolel.! loaelbec in tba barber
would bo prfferablf. Tbj worat
result would Im tbo flection of
Henry UoorgA. Yet it tuay lie
nueation wbctLer TUtt'e man
I . . . m a. a
fclw.1.l .,rf..rrn,1 h Mm. .Ill DIIMt BtaBd B04 OOM fOOJ WOfB Bl
l-."" - .!...(.. ...1
businees la tba new aland, two doore
Booth ot tba poetofflo. They eolioit
call. Hbsvlog. 15 eeoU. If.
J. L. tlil'0 baa lake the Jonee'
the Orettorjlaa. TLie ia tb kind
i( a repullicto tb OroDiao j.
It llghta lKmlfrn-outiJ of Ort;
Dopnlar Drtoee. IS Cents
easts halrrnttlnf.
Hutuit your pUne te tapoaa before
Haw la the lima to ret tba Weekly
Or ronian. the sreateet ewepapev of
li, a WhI W lb ibeUaaMi.iMin etnei
I In advance,, one fear. 13.60. No better
oorrtbloatlon or yeaspapera ean o ronia
la tbe elate.
What ia Hop Uoldf Deal
ear lb. Hea ad. else nera.
beer ra
Any treon wbo la latereetril
Rrtlieh OolnmbiaboolJ write lo W. U
llorlbort. general paaeenger agent ot tba
O. It. A N.for a copy of I'at iHaan lit
tie "booklet." "Tba New Boaaaialaad
It la well worth tba trouble. 80-tf.
"The ltalator Line"
The Dalits, For'ki I Aslori KavigAlioi Co.
Notice of Intention.
Land Orrirs at Thb Dallbs. Oaaooa.
Hept. it), 1897.
fnllowtns-uame.1 settler has filed notice I
nf hii liitentlnii lo make final proof In support I
ol h i claim, and that aald proof will M mane
before J. W. Morrow, county clerk, at Heppner,
C-n-Koii, ou t or. linn, inn, via:
Hd. K. Nn. 63n for the NU NEla KU NEW Bee.
ii and 8M b N W'4 Hec. 8H, TP. a, 8 R , a W M.
He namra tne louowina; wuneneee m proii
hiaeontlnuoiis mldence upon and cultivation I
of aald land, vis: Benjamin Parker, Frank
Mard, Reuben Allen, Albert H. Alien, all oil
Hardinan, on (on.
J AS. F. awns,
81 96 KetUter.
Groceries, Dry Goods, Ladies', Gents' and
Children's Furnishing Goods, Boots
and Shoes, Hats, Caps,
Notions, Etc.,
? At prices as low as they can be sold in
this market.
D. A. Herren Building, HEPPNER, OREGON.
Leave Tba Dalles daily (eieept Rnnday)
at 7 JO a. n. Leave t'ortieod at Tin
a. in.
When von go to Portland, atop off at
The Dalles and take a trip aown me
Oolombiei yoa will enjoy it, aai savs
Oeoeral Agent.
T!t the rot'NTV corRT or the state
a nf Orrron. for Morrow Lonntv.
In the matter of the estate and guardianship
of Wlimtfrrd (illllam, Arcln-r M. Ollllam and
lMlr K. till tm. minora
It annrartnc to the court from the affidavit
and petition of Annie (illllam, (iiarnan of the
etwiv naniH minora, that It la nrceeeary, and
would be henrnrtal to aald minora, and their
eeute and all peraona Intervatrd therrln, to aril
In the manner provided hy law the follnwtns I
dparrlhed rral eatate, and all tnten-et of aald I
minora therein, to-wit: The eaat halt of the I
north-eul quarter, and the eaM half nf the I
aouth eaat anarter ol aection I.v lownanip .
outh ol renae eaat W. M, It la therefore
herehr ordered that the neit of kin of aald
minora and all peraona Interested In aald eatate.
epprar before ihla court at the ( ountr Court I
MondaT the 1st r of h'nvemh-r, lav; at the I
hour of 10 o'clock a. m., and then and there I
how raoee If anr ealat, whf a Up nee ahould I
not he sranted for the sale of the above da
trhhed real eaiate. It Is futher ontered that a I
eopv of tnla order he puhlliheil once each week I
for lour aucreeaive eeaa o-iore aal.l out ap
pointed. In the Heppner ( M. a newiti,er
of aeiieral rlreuiatlon, and pupbllahed at
Heppner, Morrow rminty, r.-eon.
A. U. SAHinUMflK",
spokane fills i northers '
nelson 4 fort suetpard
Tba Only AlMUil KooU Wttbool
Change of Care Delweea Mpokane,
Itoselaad aoj NeUoo. Also between
Velenti aai KoMlaaJ, daily eirpt
I roiii.n.M or la.tiee lu travel lor i-mi-,(lle,
eeel.lwh4 him" l "ie Blthl
I..HUU end ei" l'.-itu.n w.f.
,, , a-tl a, Irvee-d aUrnp-d envel.
Ipe tHniil.'B ol-nl tn't. lai
s.v A. M lp..koe el r M
IHt) A M H el res r.
a IK A. I- t
Cl.iae SnuwtaM at Heaaoei wltk ateaaeeei fuf
.-I.. ....4 .it H.-n.! Insha amaala.
I i in is f, ' Km lie silvae aad Fovedary
Cfeefe eoeneet el Mamie wite etaae aWl.
County Judge.
O Vtafta
Eastern Oregon
State Normal School,
Weston, Oregon.
lUnons Is still oa tba nrf ilolnf lit.
e f ar renter bosineea, M
Immii(ier aM ewnetioe atar
e a l t&mrtmt. rVaav .mm aa imii m
pmhHf ri.,taht t'aianm.lie elrwl,
eeia.ii,i4l i' twH ae-ocy f .. nms$
la Ht We ka.e a V. Mkinti otr.
rwMie lakaw ikruecb Btaa a Km. leeetvej
Ssseal autMw t the
keawlir.tte IHMtwed. eMVatloej rt
va fAtaarre aeu tree. Aetreia
f Hreaeee, a,w f art.
Located on tba O. R. A N. Railway
midway between Peodletoa and
Walla Walla. Btadtnta admitted at
all timea of tba year.
First-Class Training School for Teachers.
Voeal and Instrumental llnaio tangbt
by eompeteot ioetrnctora. A gradti-
ate of tba Boston Conservatory baa
ebarge ot tba Instrnt&eoUl depart
ment. -
IMio rcidlcN' Boardlnc Hall
Is thoroughly tqainped aod offera ra.
eelleal aoomoiodaitoiia at reaeoaabla
rales, beod for eaialogna.
Adaseaa M. Q. PtOYAL, Praaldent af Faealty ar f. A. WORTMINQ.
Ton, Bee rata ry Beerw af Regenu, Weatan, Or.
StilU, tram $18 U. Pa eta, frwnt $8.60 Ua.
'"Brt1 1 ,lBUf 10,1 ,?? CU It4 fw 8, Mill alraetf
ia City bole I bmlJief "
lvw oat nur toetract. t