Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 12, 1897, Image 1

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f V . . . . . ; - . .'.'. - " . Portland Library - 1 .; :
Tuesdays and Fridays
by .
OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man,
At JS.50 per year. $1.25 for nx months, 75 ate.
fir three moatne, striotly in advance. .
Aduertising Rates Made Known on
Application. '. A
J;kAdre18in Aeny, 64 ami tl Merchants
raoto for adTertaeing can be Bade tor it.
0. R. & N.L0CAL CAfid. ' v
- -.,'
Srni2 ief Heppner H p! m. daily exoept
wVr Sff"rin t Heppner Jnnotion 1:30. u
ri TV,1!1,9WBr Jaaouoa 8 A) a; m. and ar-
t Hpnffr a.m.- ...
D okane Kiptees No, 4 leavm Portland at 2:45
, y "I8 Happner Jnnotion 8:15 p. m.
fjnd Omaiillg : p. m. .
Pantland Sioresa No. 8, from Spokane, arrives
at Umatilla 6m a. m. and Heppn r Junction 0:10
-ives at Portland 11:45 a. m.
JB'ast Mil No. 2 leaves Portland 9 p. m. and bt
?SV9V? ,PPnf Jonotion :iWa. m, and at
'UmattUa 1:40 a. m.
!t Kiail No. 1 leaver Umatilla 12:40 p. m. and
1,mT8at Heppner Junction 1:47 a, m, and at
-rort'.and 7 :BC a. m.
"iwroi luuiiiuntiuii llTquiro Ol if. Vt xiaru,
BBit v na n., Aeppner, lire.
United States Officials.
President.. William McKinley
Vine-President Garret A. Hobart
Bocretaryof State John Sherman
Heoretaryof Treasury Lyman J. Gage
Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss
Secretary et War .....Kussell . Alirer
Secretary Navy John D. Long
PostMSMr-General James A. Gary
Attorney-General Joseph McKenna
oeereiary t Agnouture Jamea Wilson
State of Oregon.
Governor W. P. Lord
'Secretary of State... H. K. Kincaid
Treasurer Phil. Meteohan
'flnpt. Publio Instruction G. M. Irwin
Attorney General.. ...C. M. Idleman
( G. W. MoBride
1 J. H. Mitchell
J liinger Hermann
W. H. Leeds
( R. S. I
Supreme Judges.. I F. A 1
. ?C. E.
R. S. Bean.
, Moore.
. Wolverton
Sixth Judicial District,
Circuit Judge.... ..............Stephen . Lowell
rroeeoatrng Attorney...... n. i. Bean
Morrow County Officials.
Joint Senator A, W. Gowan
KepreeentatiTe J. N. Brown
(lonnti Judoe A. G. Bartholomew
' Commissioners. J . B.. Howard
J. W. Beckett. -
" Clerk J, W. Morrow
" Sheriff K. li. Matlock
" Treasurer Frank Gilliam
' Assessor A. C. Petteys
" Burreyor J. W, Hornor
School Bup't...v Jay W. bhipley
' Coroner B. F. Vanghan
Mayor Thos. Mnnran
llo'inmlmen Geo. Conner, Frank
Oilham, Arthur Minor, E. J, Hlooum, &1.
Lichtenthal and J. It, Simons.
KwvnW W.A. Richardson
Treasurer....' L. W. BriKirs
Uarahai A, A. Huberts
Precinct Officer.
Jnstineof the Peace W. K. Richardson
(instable N. B.WheUtone
United States Land Officer.
1. 1. Moore
.... Beoinver
A. 8. bugs ....
B. F. Wilson..
J. H. Bobbins.,
G. A. B.
Veta at Lezinirton, Or., the last Saturday of
srh month. All veterans are Invited tn Join.
Q. W. Smith, C. G. Fuuda,
Adlntant, tf Commander,
Dr. P. B. McSwords,
Offic in tba City Drag Store, near
City Hotel. t(
D. J. McFaul, M. D.
Offioe hours, 8 to 10 a. m., and 12 to
2 p. m.. at reeidenoe, Mn. H. Welch's
property, and 10 to 12, am, to 2 to 5
p. m., at offloe in tba rear of Borg'i
jewelry atore.
Brown & Redfield,
Attorneys at Law,
Offloe In tba First National Bank
Buildiog. .
Uippnir, : : Obbqon.
Justice of the Peace
and City Recorder.
OrriCI AT" esses
council CMaaiaa
Bells and bt;ys real eeUte. rents house pave
laies. does ennveranrlng and will serve you In
any way lo his Hue, at reasonable Djures. U
First National Bank
C. A. Rhca,
Vie pVaalslant
Aaa't Cashlar
Tnosarts I Gtteral BuLing Buiiccss.
all parts oi the world
Bought and Sold.
Collections made on all points on
reasonable Terms,
urn)" and andlvkled fronts. IH.IHWW.
Loo Rock (tira Heppner at
7'olok, . nv, To-elaya. Tbrslaye,
od Batardaya; arria at 6 e'lock, p.
a., Hoedaya, Wedaeadaya aad Frulaya.
' Will Bake connection with braneb train
ba deairaJ. rare tX tarb way.
Freight H Pr x"od. J. H-
B.llenbwck, Prop. OtDfw at Darry
Warrta'i dn iVora, tf.
I I 1 1 l 1 1 . '.H'JLTV
' FIRSTVGo via. St Paul be
cause the lirifs tA fhnt
afford joa the very best service.
SECOND-See that the coupon
beyond ' St. Paul reads" via. the
ViBCoDsin1 Ceutral because that
line rnakes close connections, with
all the trans-continental 1 innd on-
tering the Union Deppt , there, and
its service is first-class in every
-'' '. ' v.
THIRD For infnrmnh'nn Xnll
on your Neighbor and friend the
nearest ticket
ticket -reading via. the Wiscofisin
jjenirai lines, of address
Jas. C. Pond.
or Geo. S. Batty, :
General Arent,
" t 246 Stark St.,
, Portland Or,
, Gen. Pas. Agt.,
Milwaukee, Wig.
H W. Fall, -
- Of the' Old Reliable
Gault House,
Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. St
Q-. C. M. & St. P., C. & A., P. Ft. W. & C.
and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads.
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts.,
While yon aeep yonr subscription paid np'yon
can seep your Brand In free of charge. '
hBi?' ?" -.HBPl,ner Or.-Horses, PBon left
vuuvi vwtvavt eUB WM lUlli AUV '
aer; Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark auare
flPOn s-iflF luff mrxA sinKf in jnks
fVinnloasi W W IIII.m..' tm rt-Aa.1. n m
right eide, twailow-fork va eaoh ear; honat, B I)
on left hip. ' .
Ely, Broa.( Douglaa, Or.-Horee branded ELY
nn af MnnAn aftl as. - 1 1 1 ,
J"" iviuuoi, vavug MaiUfJ VU AOLLOip. UOia
in naht ear. . , - .
Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or, Cattle, LF on
tight hip; horaea, F with bar under on right
oones, narry, aeppner, ur Horses branded
n J on the left ehoulder; eat4le branded i on
IK. uuuoruib iu ieis ear. uange in
Morrow eonnty.
Ir.kr, ..... XT .. 1 1 T TT . , n.
.. .. nn., uctw, r. niinwi, oirtlie I On
left stifle; eattle, same on right hip, under half
u(i w uu buiii, m mil, ear
Kenny, Miker Heppner, Or. Hone branded
B.N 1 on left hip cattle same and orop ofl left
ear; under slope on the right
Leahey, J. W. Heppner Or Horses branded
L and A on left shoulder; eettle same on left
hip, wattle over right eye, three slits in right
Minor, Oscar, Heppner. Or. Cattle, M D on
right hip; horse. M on left shoulder.
' Morgan. H. N., Heppner. Or Horses. M)
on left shonldet cattle same on left hip.
On born, J. W Douglas, Or.; horse O on lef
shoulder; cattle same on right hip.
Parker 4 Gleason, Hardman.Or, Horse IF on
left shoulder.
Piper, J. H., Lexington. Or. Horses, JB eon.
Dented on left shoulder; cattle, same on lef hip,
andef bit in each ear.
Hector. J. W., Heppner, Or. Horse. JO 01
left shoulder. Cattle, O on right hip.
Bperry, B. G Heppner, Or. Cattle W C on
aft kin mnn ff fi) ..... 1. : . i
dewlap; horses W Con left Shoulder.
. Thompson, J. A., Heppner. Or. Horses, I on
left shoulder; rattle, i on left shoulder.
Turner K. W.. Heppner. Or. Small capital T
en. snonmor, norses; oatue sains on left hip
with split in both cars.
Wattnbnrger, W. ., Galloway, Or.; horses
qnarter circle JW on right shoulder; cattle
ntilkrtjip Aiml J W nn . ..I, , t, . . .1 .
crop and hole in left ear. Hangs in Morrow and
v waM aw vuuu blow. ,
Notice Of Intention.
Laud Orrtci t La Gbakdr, Orntoon,
Sent. 17, 197.
lollowlng named settler has died notice of
his Intention to make Uriel proof In support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made
before County Clerk. Morrow Connlv. I)riin.
at Ueppnsr, Oregon, on Oct. SOth, lMW, Tlx:
R. K. No. two for the BW!, WU Bee. 47, ttu
N and NW)t NE!4 Sec. It Tp. 8 8. R. , K.
He name the followins; witnesses to nrnve hi.
continuous residence npon and cultivation ol
said land, vis: Ellhue Tyler, Herod W. Berk-
iry, uavia u. Justus, James p. Brown, all ol
Ueppner, Oregon.
Notice of Intention.
Lako OrrK i at Tmi Dali . Okkioh.
I Nt-jtrr 4, I hmt
11 following. named settler has (lied notice of
his Intention to make final prool In support ol
disclaim, and that said proof will he msili
bi-lore I. W. Morrow, cniintv clerk, at lleninur.
Oregon, on Novemtier IT III, lsv7, vis:
KriE "w XT' th 8W,i 01 Beo Tp-1
He name th following witnesses to pmvs
hlseoiitlniious residence nixm and emtlvstlon
ol said lain), vl: Chilton C. Wiis.m, M. i.
nuiisms, a. B. rerry and a. P. Wllsun, allot
Ion, Morrow county, Oregon.
W Wt. Krgtstar.
Tb regnlar eabeonptkjo prioej of the
H-ml-Weekly Gasett ia 82.50 and tba
reenlar prioe ol tba Weekly Oregon laa
111.60. Anyone eabecribiof for tb
Oaxett aod paying for ona yearli
adeanea ran gel both tba Oatetta and
Wkly Oregonlao for 13 60, All old inb
aenbera paying their aoWrlpflotia for
ona year la adrenee will be entitled U
the cam
Heppner to Pendleton via flrppaer
Foho Htaga Una. Peranna desirona of
Wiling I'redleloQ ean aaea time and
mrmey by taking tin route. Br a
qnalnting tba atreota tba previooa aen
tng the slag will mak rnnneetion wilb
I f'rltwk train at Ki bo for IVo.IliMon
OHlow at Oily lrog tkra. W. V. lxao,
Walt. Tbompann rno ataga betwee
Heppner aad Monument, arriving every
day aioept Monday aod leaving every
day aioept Bnaday. Hborteel and ebeap
eet male to tb loterior, Z. J. lnoi,
gent, a
TheJEancashire : Insurance Gof V'f
OTIS PATTERSON, AGENT. - o tfa3 Bt in wor.d
McSIure's 'Magazine;-
A New LlfO Of 6rnt bv Hami.in fliitr Awn
. ..Grant ever published.' (Begins in December T . .
Dudvard K Inllnnii flnrt A marina n hawtni ' tnnAtn " ' . . .
...r....M ,.-wv- bcaac., yAfiAAUB upinnwui, loegun iu isovemDer.) 1
Re(Beg?in Ma?V)enS0n'8 Ive8v' 7h onlJ. novel . 'enw ittlLunpuWUIfed J
r h r I ft A Fia "PanAltaAHnn. Af nr.. sai. t t-v ' . .... . .. ... - I
?,r.! ?i e S,vlLWar pra?
" " e HwjujHjttiuiio Ul TT Ul A 1IUH.
Portraits of Great Americana. Many of them
M'2?2'Si"?,S S,Vile.,,1?,e.9.i? PUDll.r.P "Peoial
MAKE Rti OF THJtVlWsmmWMtmlInin
Pictures of Palestine. Specially taken under the editor's direction, : fc' . .
Stories of Adventure. A serial by CONAN D0YL8. In which he will Tise ,his ixtrRnrrtin.
apbMkfa Poe ta the "8h8rtock torJe. even him
' v TEN FAiVibllS - WRITFDSi
IAN MACLAREN, All the action that he will
SppeTrTMottUM'l M!Q,ASPbllCaU0I,
JOEL 'CH ANDLE R HARRIS. A series of 'View
Rabbit" and the "Little Mr. Thlmhlnflnror"
RDDYARD KIPLING. Besides "Captains Coiftaireous." Kin.lna- will ntrlhrn. t Mnrlrw..'."
allot the Bhort stories he will write dnrtniri.hAnmin ' . . p
WTAXETH ANET Is preparing-Wr the Maoazins a Series of short sWles in which theme
ciiaraoiera win appear, although each will
Anthony Hop Brat H arte).
Frank R. Stockton - r . .Stanley Weyman
Will all havnjtnrlo. In Mrrtn..'. ,.v,
One -Dollar a Year
The new volume begins with November. Subscriptions should start wlt! this nnmSir.. .,
The SI S. McClure Co., NeVv York.";
; I A. Campaign -r .
'I Of Education I:;
How to Get It
Minimi,,.- For
ocpartmenu are edited with con
summate skill. I
Buch a paper li a great popular educator. It should Ibe In every
The subscription price of Leslle'a Is ft pe nnum. (
We make the unparalleled oner of a copy of
Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi
Weekly one year for only $5.00.
Ho such offer was ever made before. No such offer will ever be made
again. Those two papers make a most acceptable Christmas or birtlidsy
gift, and will be constant reminders of the giver's kindness.,
Remit by postal order or check to the ,
Heppner. Oregon.
Published Every Saturday
13 Astor Place New York
The Outlook will be la 1W7, aa it baa
been daring each of Ita twenty seven
years, a History of Oar Owo Time. Io
ita variona editorial department Tbe
Outlook give a oompeet review of tb
world's progreaa; it follows witb eara
all tba important philanthrope aod id-
duatrial movement of tba day; baa a
complete department of religiooa news;
devotes much space to tba interests of
tba home; reviews ourreot literature;
faroisbe cbr(ul table-talk abont men
aod things: aod, io short, aima to give
freeb information, original observation,
aod reeeooabU entertainment.
Beginning witb tba fifty fliftb vol am,
tba paper will assume tba regular mage
cine lis, wbicb will add greatly Io Ita
eonveniroea and attrertivooete. Tbt
Outiook Is poblUhed every Bstarday
fifty two iaeuea year. Tba Drat Issue
la aaeb tnootb ia an Illustrated II agasiae
N amber, eootainiogaboattwioaas msey
page aa tba ordinary kwuee, together
witb a large aomber of pu tnr.
Tba prist of Tba Outlook tbrea
dollars a year In edvenee, or lea Ibsa a
Reed for a ;aoimB opy and illnetraU
tu prop-eto to Tba Ootlonk, H Atov
Plaoa, New Tuk Citv,
w .
TV. a flnt s.,knrit.'(in
Cabinet, and is probably better
.11 T. sIHIlH WU wl jkr InTOA rir inn Trlnaf asIHabI
unpublished. '-'lit r onnoctlon wttli this series
biographical studies Underthe general title of
WhlCh W8re eDgagel r0m ra lon o. 'ill
animal stories tn th .m m v.n.
.i),. v 1 "
be complete in Itself. i , ; ' '.
Robert Barr "
Clark Russell
, , . . .
lV a"'- Maoazinb for
f : '
To be educated one must ead
the best literature. i
The best literature 1 expensi ve.
Leslie's llluatrated
Weekly. ,
Publlsned at 110 Klftb Avenue,
New York, li full of the best things!
Its illustrations are superb; Its
stories charming; and Its literary
th followliig.n.med settler has (lied notice of
h a Intention to make fln, Pr..fln support nf
thmi r'1 f"' "'
belor i. W. Morrow, Unmty VMk, at Heppner.
Oregon, on October It, IW, vU: '
WlM."W0,,Or N'4 fcso. I Tp I I R
H name Ih follow I re; wltnesse to prove
hlseniitlniiniis resldenc nimn and cultivation
of ssld land, vis; Tl,om., '.. iiraham, Andrew
Pelierson, both nf tint ewrr, Oreg-on. Hvl-
t'!nK.,llur"t,,', bright, Iwth ol
Eight Mile, Oregon.
... JAS, t, M'MIRR
'n Register.
"rl",". iVtP( K!'nV RT r0R HKfOND
... n,w w urcgon, ior Morrow Coun-
H. Inskeep, Plaintiff,
I. D Miller, Defendant
111 I). Miller, th alinv named defendant.
In thsnaineor the Mlate of O.e.nn: You ere
berehv reiilrd to a.mir lelrs the under
Sigurd, Ju.tl,. ( o l,mmrm , ,,.
. i. .'k'',."'1n,l, mnl on Ih tiiid dsf
olo, u.lr, l7 . ,he hour ol oneovim sln
II. salierno.in of aald daf at mjr ortlr ,IH,
dlstrb-t Ui answer th ntinplelnt ol i. H
Sern luiindfd npon an Inelrnmrnt of wrlllnc
and wherein ha dema.uls Twenlv liellars Igjij
.lthl.,u.r-t Iron, Mev I. th,n"i
lee per ent per annum and Hie roais and d.e-
biimmiiuior this artlon Tl. delrndant will
Uke n.,tr that If be 1.11s U answer Ih.ro.n-
pislnt herrln tl. elelnllff will uke Judgment
as.luet him for Tw.nl. Hollers and li.uret
thereon allhent ol ten ,mt cent ft annum
,j, r.,'' '"." " dlsbursmenl
of ilils action.
rubllshed by order of
J..tlc nf th feey f.'.r Ih awoMUirM In
Hfirmai u.n i. s . m.i- ..i .
lUrf Dept. Stil', imn. '
V. A. Onrrar, formerly of IVadletos,
baa opened op a IS sent barbershop Is
Ih oi l stand on tba Matlock coraar.
Work elrktly Oral eleae. Call on bios.
Tba Ossetie will Uke potatoes, afplee,
egga or batter oo aaUarlptkm aoroonta.
Any oaa owing tLie offioeran settle tbwtr
areoanU Io this nnr nd eao'l do it
too ens tn anil o.
Htaivmenla for tba Famoat HimpI
Aeoooo! File printed at tba Osteite of.
r: e HOW. TO. FIND -OCT,
Fill a bottje or-ootnmon glass witb
rtrine and let it stand twenty-four noare;
a kediment orBettling lndioates ao.au
heslthy condition of the kidoeys.Wbeu
urine etaibs linen.it la evidenoe of "kid
ney trouble.7 Too frequent desire to .pri
nate or pain id the back, is also eonvfoo
ing proof that te kidneys Bod bludder
are out of qrder ; . f
T " " " WHAT TO DO. 4," ,,T -
There is oomfort ia the knowledge o
often, 'expressed, tbat Dr. KUmeT'B
8wamp.Hoot. tbe great : kidney temedy
fulfils every wish in relieving pain in ibe
baok, kidneys, liver, bladderaud every
part of t the urinary paesages; J' . ofer
reots inability to bo!d urine and soald-
in pain in passing it, or bad effects fol
lowing use of liquor, wine pr beer.and
overoomea that unpleasant necessity of
beip? compelled to get up many, times
during the bight to urinate, tbe. mild
and the extraordinary effect -of Swamp
foot is soon urealized. It standi tbe
highest ,fon its wonderful onres of the
most distressing oases. If you need a
medicine yon should have tbe best. Sold
ty draggists, price fifty onts and one
dollar. f Yon may have a, eamols bottle
and pamphle't both sent free by mail.
Mention tbe Heppner Gazette aud eeud
your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bio'g.
bampton, N. Y. ,The proprietors of this
paper guarantee the. genuineness of thia
offer. J
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. F. War'' name over
Saturday from Long Greek aud left at
once for Tbe Dalles. Mr. Ward will at
tend the Grand Lodge, K. oi P., at its
Oomiog session, which convenes today.
His oolleRgae is Peroy Kilbourne. He
goes to Portland via Pendleton. "
... ,
The Gazette does not aupntinn thfc
honesty of any person, but it is oom
polled to Insist upon tba oash-ln advance
plan of snbHOriptioo, wbethr.r tbe snb
soriber be Cornelius Vanderbilt or tbe
man who earns his bread by honest toil
We oannot ruu the paper on any other
plan. .. ((
- ,'. , '
Baths down at the Jones' barber sboD.
25 oents. . Orville Jones manager, tf
and by virtue o( an execution and order
of sale regularly Issued out of the circuit nourt
Bl lu " 'lun.iii n,r nie couiiiy oi Morrow,
and to me directed and delivered, upon a
Judgment rendered and entered In said court
on the Nth day of September, 18D7, In favor of
. .,o iiuriKiKs uompany, iiiniten:, a cor-
oratlon, plaliitill' and Burund Poppenga and
Ella Poppenira, his wife, defendants for the
. .,, .,,, ,M ,.,cj io uigeiner wun
tllterest thereon from IIia urh Av n) u...,..n.i..
lH'J7, at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, and
for the sum ol y attorneys fees, and lor the
further sum of 40 costs, and whoreashy said
illflirtnollt It. U'tt. nnloru.1 ..11. ..I 1 I ' . ....
following doscrllied real propeity to-wlt: The
l lll.U,,.., . , ' .1
. .l n me .oiiiii-eaHi uuarier,
in uiesouin ns 1 1 or the south-west uuarter,
anil the mirth. w,.at i.A t. I
- - h,,.,i ui .iiv tiuiii-weni
quarter f smtlon 111, township 4, south ol range
... ... n.MMuinua IIHTriUia II, ail Hi MOmiW
county. Oregon, he sold to satls'y said iudg-
m.m .b m.,A ........ i .- . ... m
v. ,u nvi;i,iiii costs. 1 Will On
Haturday, the ZH dav or Octn'ar. mn
at two o'clock p. m. of said d.y, at the court
hons.iUoorln Heppner, Morrow county. Ore-
ffotl. sll all thw rlviit illta....l I ....
siiid ileleudaiita, He re ml l'oppenga and Klla
,,. ..-. . i,u m, iii einive unai'.riiHs.l prop
erty at piil.llc auction to the hlglie.. n,l best
bidder therefore, for cash In hand, the proceeds
thereof U, be applied to the satisfaction ol said
execution and all uosU and accruing coals.
u "A I M K.
Hhcrl If or Morrow county, Oregon.
Bated 21st day ol 8cpt 1J7. snmio
and bv virtue ol an anviiiini, iu,.i
r the Circuit Court of the Htal ol Oregon ror
theCouutvof Morrow suit ti Ht.i..a ...a
delivered, upon a jmlgineiit rendered and en.
Icred In said court on theKth day ol Mnptemlier.
In, In favor of W. P. U,rd, It. II. Klm ald, I hll
MeUH'han, the board ol iiiiiimlulniiura t, ,.
sale olsi hool and university lands and lor the
iM.r-.M,inniin iiinna aiisiug iherelroin, plaln
tllls.and aitalii.t Nva kamlwi nil u... u.......
defendants, lor thssuin nlHeven hundred seven
and ai Inn dollars with Interest thereon Irom
aald eighth day ol Kepteinlwr, l.r7, at Ih rate
or s per cent per annum, and fllty dollars attor
ney's fi-ea. and the further sum of thirty live
and m-lno dollars coats, and whereas It was
lurlner ordered end decreed by th court that
the mortgaged properly deacrlhed as follows,
south-east iniarter of serlion thirl, i.n in
shin two fV) north range twenty. tour (H) east
'"t" T ii,i1, in nurrow county, tire-
gun, lie sold to anll.fr an Id ludirment. cii. .,,,1
accruing cosu. 1 will on
e.lneslay, Hi 27th day of Ot'tober. 1HV7.
at two o'j lork, p. m., of said day, at the front
door ol the court house In Heppner Morrow
county. Oregon, sell all the right, title and lit
teres! of the ssld Nv Raiiilm aod Mary Keiiitio
... in- einiT nrecriiHHi pmiierty at
public auction lo Ih hlnhest and beat bidder
lor cash In hand, the wormla in l, i.nii.ut
oi sain sievutloii and all c
and coal that may socru.
MherlATnr lfnM,.H ...... i.
Dated Heptember 2, lw7. ' ei vi
1 v and bv virtue ol
of the circuit Court of the Ntaia or Oregon hir
Ihecoiiiiiyol Morrow and Ul me directed and
dellvernd, nnn a Judgment rendered and en
tered In said court on the sth day ol H,t.wtilr
ij'i. til larorm w. r. Uird. H H Klncald, Phil
MeUw-han, the Iffiard ol mmmlMlinum I...
sale of school lamia, etc., pialnllirs. and against
i. II. S.rrv. M C Hrry. Hrry. the
Oregon Kail way and havlgallon eoiiiiaiiy, and
r t. 1homien, delendant lot Ihe sum ol
Two thotiaaiid eight hundred twenty nine end
i nil dollars Willi Internet llirrmn from Ihe
aid eighth dsy nf a-ptmtr, l7. at the rate
of eight percent mt aiitinm, and one hundred
flltv dollars stUtrnevs' !. slid th lurthtr sum
if forly si I and to lm dollars n-u. and where
as It was further nrdereil and decreed by Ihe
court that the mortgaged prniieriy diw rll.t
as follows, U. wit IhewMitn half of uurlli eaat
quarter and north hall rf anuth ea.t quarl.r of
sw'tlnn twenty, south hall of aonth eeat iinartet
of sertlon twenty, th weal hall id the south
weal iiiartef ,rf serlion twenty one, south-west
lusrterol north-weat iiiarter nl sm Uimi tweii.
ty nine, north l iiiarter of south east quar.
ter ot auction thirty. niHlh halt or north east
quarter and smith! uuarter nf northeast
quarter id ert.,n an, soulh eaet quarter of
nuHh.weat quarter and north hall nl south
quarter ol serlion twenty nine, and north-
quarter of south east quarter of sertl-n
Jhlrty, all In Uwnhlp three, south range
Iwenly .U. east Willamette men, Man. or eo
arli lliereol aa may Im herewaery. I a,,M to
tlafr ealil llliltf auent .,.t. . ...I , . .
Iwlll.ot, -
V ednesilsy, th f7lh dsy of OrUiher. IW.
stln ol.g.s, p m .of said day, at the front
ilo.rf nl II,. eon 1 1 hone In lli-i.pner. Morrow
eounty, Oregon, sell ail th rlgl.t, tills and In
Ureal of the mm J. ,.. a i:.
euerry et al. In and ki the alm.e d.r 1 1 t
nrofxrtvat inil.lte anetlon to the hi. I. --n and
lieat 1,11 ter lorre.h In hand tha bf,H Mil, tn I
apflleil lo the fallela-llirti of .aid eiarutloa
suil all eueta, and eusiathat may an ru.
. I. MAT Meg,
Mhertir ,J U,,r...
paled gt u-inif ittb, Iv7, ' u t
A Mama Skeleton found Near James Net
son Place on Batter Creek. , .-. ' '
J, P. Sullivan, who baa spent many
years apod the mountain ranges of tbia
county, came into town early 8unday
morning from Big Batter creek and re
ports laving found the skeleton of a
human being, last Friday, not more than
300 yards from the ranch of Jamea Nel
son and only about five feet from tha
road, says the Pendleton Tribnne. . The
skeleton appeared in tall sieht as be
rode-, along the road and this jit tbe
strange' part of it beoaase - every (foot ot
that ,pountry Jias been covered and re
covered. Mr. Sullivan himself has been
over the road many times and as be is
not aocustomed to travel with his eyes
closed, he is' still wondering how those
bones got to the plaoein which he found
tbem. Mr. Bollivan . will return to Bat
ter oreek iu a few days and baa promised
to piok, up the skull and thigh bones,
which era the only ones (hat .will stand
being moved, "and, bring them in to Drv
Smittf who ia anxious to make an ex
amination of them. - Mr. Sullivan ia
sure that they are the remaiot ot a
white person. , " - ' ". '
A tew weeks ago the editor was taken
with a very severe bold tbat oaused him
to be in a most miserable oondition. It
was'undoabtedly a bad case of lagrippe
and recognizing it aa dangerous ba took
immediate atept to bring about a speedy
cure. From tha advertisement ot Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy and tbe many
good reoommendationa iooladed there
in, we ooncladed to make a .first trial ot
the medicine. To say that it was satis
factory io ita results, is patting it very
mildly, indeed. It acted like maeio aod
the result was a speedy and permanent
oure. we have no hesitancy in reoom
mending this excellent Cough Remedy
'o anyone afflicted with a oooeh or cold
in any form. Tha Banner of Liberty,
Libertytown, Maryland. ' The 25 and 60
cent sizes for tale by Uonser & Brook."
Mn. Herb Bartholomew suffered a
slight relapse recently but ia now much
Cronp Quickly Cored.
Mouutain Glen, Ark. Our ohildren
were aulTering witb oroup when we re
ceived a bottle of Chamberlain. Cough
Kemedy. It afforded almost instant re
lief. V. A. Thornton. Tbia celebrated
remedy it lor tale bv Conser A Brnnk. e
Frank Vaughn aud wife, ot Eight
Mile, were among tbe visitors to Uepp
ner last Saturday.
he Generally Develop Into s Ceosorlons
OU Hraudal-Mong.r.
The extremely well-behaved young
girl who has never been tempted and
who cannot understand how another
could commit a folly ia certain to be
come the most censorious of old wom
en, saya Ella Wheeler Wilcox, in the
New York Press. If she does not de
velop Into a cruel, maliclous-tongued
scandal-monger it will be a wonder.
Nothing is so easy as the descent from
uncharitahlenoaa to malice. Aa a
younjr girl she prides herself upon her
iovc oi morality and good behavior; all
her friends speak of her aa uimhs
atrlct girl" in her Ideas. No one would
-t-fl A a.
vninic oi appealing lo her for sympathy
or advice in an hour of tamntatlon. hut
she is respected for her high ideas If
learea ior uer eeverity. Aa an old
woman aha ia simply held in abhor
rence, and her name becomea a neigh
borhood svnonvm for crue.1 lud irmptit.
Criticlsm of our frail fellow beings la a
vice which take Doseeaalon of us liUa a
atlmulant or ad nig, once we encourage
it. J i may begin in onr high moral
standard and onr hatred of sin, but
on it becomes a habit wo indulge la
it ior the pleasure It gives u. It Is a
bad habit in the vountr: In tha old it la
intolerable; fur nothing renders old
age Interesting or lovable aavo sympa
thy for the you no- and charitv for th
erring. It la strange that wo all do
not grow charitable aa we grow old; aa
wa learn more and mora of our frail.
tlea and more and mora ot tha tempta
tions ana illusions of Ufa wa ought to
become mora and mora tender and
pitying. One can he svmoathetln with.
out encouraging vlca and wrong doing
or cloaking sin.
Tetter, Hall-Ith-um and firma.
Hie Intense Itrtilna? anilainartlnir Inrt.
dint to tiieae dliw-aae. is instantly allayed
n7 applying uiatuueruiu'a Eye aod
Hit in Ointment. Many very bad case
hav hewn nermanentlv rnrul . It It
ia equally effklent for itching pllea and
a favorite) remedy for aore nipple,
chapie4 hands, chilblain, frost bitot
mun curonio sore eyes, no eta. per boi.
Dr. Cadr'i CertdlUan .'owdVra. are
just what a horse nemia when In bad
condition. Tonic, blood purifier and
vermifuge. They are not food bat
medicine) end the best In nee to pat a
horsei n prims condition, price 39
c rit per package.
I a
et I th esse! f es )
It eaase)rer4lypla.l.B
reaanty wke-k S(H.lia4 SI.
rHiy let the aneoiia Ka
teg iaUSly aiMG4ltvs
tin Cream Balm
srknarbaUed U be the yorl Ihorimr (i for
Naaal I a4arrk. Cold e la4 sad Hay Fevat ef all
e-nuauaa. it wm aa rieaaas the aaaal peeatfaa,
siiars pat an leaamsHUoa, haais th snrea, pr.
leruUie SMwiheeM fmaa awwi. naiiir.e the aaea.
afiaewawlaiMii. rwane al lmimli a,., I.
IU.I ItkllHakiS M WSraul,lkrw la
; T P . - jP , ' '-
S I i. . Skat f Mai "
Absolutely Fur
, They, Bre young married people and ,
have, gone " to houseVeeDinff and tha
neigbbore ; who assemble at their frotit i';
windows to witness the harrowing eight X
oMbeir parting for the day declare tbat
the .following ia a 8won,' aocoant of ; .
their crtiel reparation for-tha leneth of
timeatated above; ,4 Good by, Charley; ,
now be careful the street oars don't run '
off the traok with yen; kiss nj, Charley; !
there waa something I wanted to- tell
yoo, let me see. Werj, it belrpina? No, u '
I go( them. ;,What eould it have been? ?
ST S . . ' n.
a am one at tne offioe. net." aava nhnr.
ley," braoing np'and looking very hand- ,
soma and madly.. "Was. It aomethinff
to eat?'.' "Wby, of oonrse it waa; there ?
ia not a bil of ma'ahad riolTaln In th.'
... - u ,ua
house, nor a mouthful of bread and bat-
ter. We want half a yard of beefsteak,
see. and have it out hiaa an u a.ni k.
aw. " I .. WW
tender; and a loaf of eweet-bread, Char-
ley, Bnd a strawberry short-oake, dear,
ana anything else yon can think , of, -dear'
JBnt,'' my ...little wife," ssyt
Charley, looking very wise, "these
things mast all be made before wa oan '
eat them." "Mast theyt Oh, dear, and I
never learned to do tbat tanoy work . I
never orooheted a biscuit fit to eat, and .
I couldn't paint a tomato lo save my
life.'.Oh, Ohsrley, go lo tba reedy-made
ttore, do, there'a a darling." Ha did
and they bad a picturesque meal of lob
ster nod strawberries, with baker's rusk -and
lemonade, but Charley bat written
to hit mother to oome at onoa and make
them a long visit; they are ao delight
fully situated they can make it pleased
for ber now , be aaye. '
"We live to die,
., -.Wa di to Mve,"
-New York Dys House Portland,
While there 1 life there is hope,
Long as "Babbitt" live thore'll be soap.
Not many newspaper man bare
"watered paper," bul most of tbem have
Ibe "paper watered.
Lu b Vkbnon.
Catarrh Cannot be Cared
Witb local applications, aa they canool
reaoh the seat of tbe disesse. Catarrh
ia a blood or constitutional diseaae, and
io order to oar it yoa matt take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Oure ia
taken Internally, and acts directly oo
Ibe mucon aarfaoes. Haifa Catarrh
Oure It not a quack medloine. It waa
prescribed by ona of tbe best physicians
Iu this oountry for years, aad it a regu
lar prescription. II ia composed of lbs
besltonlos known, combined with tba
best blood purifiers, toting direotly oo
the mooons aarfaoes. The perfect oom
binalioa ol tba two Ingredients ia what
produces enob wonderful result id onr.
ing Catarrh. . Rend for testimonial, free.
r. J. Cheney A Co- Props., Toledo, O.
Sold by drnggists, prloe loo.
Mist Cora Rhea left Saturday ava nintv
for Portland to meet her sis tar. Mr
Johnny friend.
Itacglea's Arslra Halve.
Tha Best Salve in lha world for Hot.
Braises, Bores, Uloers, Sail Rheum,
Fever Bore. Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, aad all Htio Erup
tions, and positively cures Pile or no
pay required. It ia guaranteed lo give
nerleol satiefaotioo or money refooded.
Prlo 29 cents nar hoi Vnm I. h.
Conser k Brook.
We print "Simple Account Kile"
statements, with your namt and basinets
thereon. Call al offlot.
K very body Pays Bo.
Caaoareta Candy Oatbartle. lha moat
wonderful medio! discovery of tha ana.
pleasant and refreshing lo tha last, sal
gently aod positively on lha kidneys
liver and bowels, eleaosing tbe entire
system, dispel oolda. en re headaches.
fever, babitnal oonatipalion aod bil-
ioaanese. Please boy and try box of
0. 0. a May; 10.6'i, 60 etota. Bold
aod gaateoteed to ears by all droggitts.
Levi Haiter, a busioees mo of Port
land, and ao wool of Harry Hatter, of
Pendleton, died recently.
Tba "Bicyellat'e Best Friend" ia a
familiar oame for D Witt's Witeb Haaal
Balre, alwtt ready for amargnot.
While ipeciflo for piles, It alto inetaat
ly relievea and cure aula, bruise, sail
rhtnrn, eeaema aad all affetlnna of lha
tk In. It never f alia, for 81 by Coaser
A Brook.
Lsta reports from IbeJoho Dsy eon
Arms the etory of the tltuglur of IXKI
tUepfofPr ThompaoQ,
geulieman or ladle to Iraval to. eann.
Sllrls, eauhllahed houae In Oregon, Monihlr
Mist ami 1(.,m fosillon staady. Kel.r.
I.,.;. aa.'oem. envelob.
lu Omtiuioa lomuy, pr,d Lbkag..
.a a.
' t.
r '. i
7 '