a - I : ''.V 1 -.-P TaA Notice! " ' L The turn of Bye cent! per line will be charged for "cards of thanks," "resolution of respect," Hit of wedding present and donors, and obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and notices of special meetings for whatever purpose, 1. Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue Is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher ed to in every instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. U ELY SCENES. A GOOD CLUBBING LIST. Now that the great political campaign is oyer and the winter season again with ua, all will want an adequate supply of fresh and varied reading matter for the long evenings. Cognizant of this the Gazette has made clubbing arrangements with a number of periodicals and now offers the following to all new and renew al subscribers: The GAZETTE 13.50 and Club Rate Weekly Oregonlan.Sl.50 13.50 " 8. F. Examiner, 11.50 8.75 " N. Y. Tribune, 11.00 8.00 " Inter-Ocean, $1.00 8.25 " 8. F. Chronicle, S1.50 8.75 Thrfce-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 8.25 Webfoot Planter, 50c a. 50 Leslie's Weekly, $4 00 , 5.00 METH. EPI8C. CHUKCH. RERVI0E3. Sunday 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school 10 a. m. Glasses No. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m. Epworth League Devotional meeting at T p. m. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8 p. m. 'The Spibit and the brHe say. Come." The pastor may be fonnd at tbe parsonage ad. joining the chnroh, where he will be glad to meet any wo may desire to consult him on relimouB, social, oivio, philosophic educational, or any other subjects. J, W. FLE83ER, Minister. Here and There. See M. Liclitentbal for shoes. a. Neal Dow, tbe Main prohibitionist, is dead. Fine celery, fruit, cigars and tobaooos at Mathews'. tf. Mrs. E. W. Rhea Is visiting relatives near Baker City. F. O. Buoknum was in Heppner tor a tew days this week. Yolney MoHaley and Obas. Ooboe are over from Hamilton. Billy Boss got back yesterday from the Prairie City races. Ben Mathews left Tuesday for Salem to be present at the fair. To trade A good beating stove, for oordwood. Call at office. tf Byron T. Potter ha9 been appointed postmaster of Baker City. R F. Hynd returned from a visit to Portland Wednesday last. Mrs. W. W. Smead visited the Port land exposition last week. The Orange Front tor floe fruit, cigars, tobaooos and fancy groceries. tf. L. Blumenthal is in Portland spend ing a few days witb bis family. O. E. Famswortb and wife visited Portland's exposition last week. Tom Williams, the well known cigar man was in Heppner yesterday. M. Liobtentbal for shoes. Exolnsive shoe store. Handles tbe best. 831 f Geo. and Frank Greenwood were in from tbe Matlock ranch Wednesday, 8. 8. Barney, of Sohuyler, Neb., is baying sheep here and will ship and feed. Emery Leezer oatne up from Tbe Dalles Tuesday and is employed at tbe Palace. W. O. Van Sobnyver, of the well known Portland liquor firm, was in town yesterday. Editor Wheeler, of the Waitsbarg Times, is at tbe helm again. Suooess to Bro. Wheeler. Girl wanted to do housework. Good wagee. None but tbe best need apply Call at Gazette office. 83-tt Hon. W. R. Ellis has made bis Fen dletoo visit and is oow In Portland, ao- oompanled by Mrs. Ellis. Any one desiring to build either house or baro will make money by call log 00 tbe Gazette offioe. 67 tf For sale residence property. Barn and good ootboaces. Will sell obeap on easy terms. Call at offioe.' 83-tf. Best aooommodation and oourteons treatment at tbs Imperial Hotel, Seventh and Wash. Sts., Portland, Oregon. Tbe cheapest place In town to boy groceries, notions, house famishing goods, etc. to at Vaughen's Raoket Btore, 6-86. Miss Allba Leach baa last received a nice Una of sample bats, fibs invites tbe ladies to seetbem and get piioes be fore DorobMing elsewhere. 85-02. Albert Lovrgreeo and Will Allison have returned from their placer mining operations on tbe Nrtb Fork. Tbey report wages in their claim, bat nothing big. fltaans at the Ilea4. Aug. J. Bogel, tbe leading druggist of Bbreveport, La , says; "Dr. King's New Diaooverv la the only thing tbat euri-s my ooogb, and it is tbe best seller have." J. F. Campbell, (merchant of Bafford. Aria., writes: "Dr. King's New Discovery is all that is claimed for it; it never fails, and to a sure cure for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds. I canon ay enough for its merits." Or. King' New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is not an experiment. It be been tried for a quarter of a century and today stands at tbe bead. It never disappoints. Frew tr al bottles at Cotiser k Brock's drag store. Two Prisoners Give Marshal Hater Lee Bail and Get Away Not Beeaptnred. Out of an effort to keep minors out ot tbe Belvedere saloon Tuesday evening, trouble arose which culminated in the arrest of Chas. Manning and Cbas. Van Duyn. These boys, witb others under age, were ejeoted from tbe premises, and as they were drinking considerably were in a oondition to do almost anything. To vent a fanoied spite the rear door was kicked in. See DrisVell, who bad been employed to keep the boys out and to preserve order, at onoe opened tbe door and remonstrated with tbe young men, who responded with oaths, and with open knives offered battle. Dris- kell, who was armed, was with some difficulty restrained from taking up the challenge, but better oounsel prevailed. Manning was at once arrested. While the marshal was unlocking the door of the oity jail, Manning, taking advantage of the darkness and the orowd, ran away and could not be re-taken. Later on Van Duyn was apprehended, and though he resisted stoutly, was landed in the "oooler." Wednesday morning be was taken out for trial and asked to go borne to get his bat. Marshal Hager accompanied bim to the stairway, over the Garrigues May street store building. Van Duyn went upstairs but instead of coming baok crawled up on tbe roof aod went down tbe fire escape In the rear. When dis covered he was some diataooe sway and rnnnipg like a reoer. Marshal Hager followed him up on Chase street, and re fusing to stop, the officer took two shots at him. This seemed to put steam into his heels and he ran only the faster, turning into "August street, then into Main street, near the Gazette offioe, pale as a ghost, breathless, and with affrighted look be bounded into Gordon's stable and was lost to view. Mr. Hager appointed numerous deputies and with them he made a thorough search for his prisoner but be bad van ished from the earth, as it were, and could not be found. As serious obarges have been made against both Manning and Van Duyn, it is likely tbat they will not return to Heppner. The Manning boy has never been looked upon as a bad boy. His parents reside near town, bis father being at present in very poor bealtb. His con duot, however, is inexcusable and, while the sympathy ot the community is witb niB relatives, none will be wasted upon him for his part in this sorape, Young Van Duyn wss almost raised in Morrow ooanty. His parents were residents of tbe country years ego sod are highly esteemed. They, too, bave tbe sympa thy of tbe oommunity. These boys, as well as other young men ot our town, should not participate such difficulties. '"Tis human to err," but no one can make a encoess of resisting officers. If mistakes are made, the easiest way out of them is tbe best, The Gazette hopes tbat both boys will do better and tbat tbey will yet make osef nl men. At their present rspid gait they oancot expoot anyt' ing bot a bad end. LATER, Tbe Gazette learns today that an effort will be made to settle Cbas. Van Duyn's part in tbe affair by tbe payment of a floe. It is likely that this will be done and tbe young man given a chanoe to do better. CELERY KOLA GIVES REST AND SLEEP i . ... A True Nerve Tonic and Bipod Purifier Restores Vitality, Renews Strength, Cleanses and Enriches the Blood, Regulates the Liver, Bowels and Kidneys. NEW DISCOVERY;, BEST CELERY PREPARATION ON EARTH. Heppner, Oregon.- 61-Oet U The M.E. cburob, Booth, will nnite In a anion servir. to bo bsld la tbe M E. obaroh Bandar at 11 o'clock, a Sopt. L P. Tobey, of tbe Oregon Cbild rea'a Home Hocltty, will ejk at tbat boar. Regular rvit-e at 7:30 P Monday school at 3 o'tlw-k. r SCHOOL ITEMS. The following Is a list of the names of all those pupils who have been neither absent or tardy from school during the month of Septem ber: Room 1, Miss Jones; Lulu Campbell, Anna Friedrlch, Sybil Hager, Butha Hager, Zylpha Hager, Ceola Hornor, Mary Krug, Alma Mar latt, Juanita Matlock, Ida MoAtee, Bessie Os man, Sllva Shipley, Lorena Meadows, Amy McHaley, Albert Adklns, Kollo Casey, Earnest Clark, Harold Dunn, Joyce Flesher, Earl Oil- Ham, Bernlce Hughes, Clarence Hughes, Olenn Jones, Alva Jones, Victor McFarland, Ouy Mathews, Cash Mallory, Allen Strickfaden, Roy Yeager and Charlie Osmln. Room 2, MissSchofleld; Ralph Adkins, leala Campbell, Laura Clark, Mamie Dunn, Ray Emerson, Robert Gllmore, Zetta Hager, Argus Hughes, Emma Her, Leah Minor, Edith Mar latt, Harry Mallory, Etta Rogers, Walter Rood, Myrtle Tolbert, Mary Van Winkle and Dick Wells. Room 3, Miss Barker; Harvey Yeager, Lester Meadows, Lester Gilliam, Abe Wells, Freddie Elder, Olen Wells, Qussie Avers, Nelse Justus, Johnle Morgan, Irwin Basey, Clarence Willing' ham, Jlmmle Lalande, Nellie Wilkins, Len Gilliam, Stella Lalande, Maggie Erlckson, Flor ence Hughes, Vallejo McAtee, Cora Shipley, Eunice Briggs, Ora Yeager, Minnie Henderson, Nellie Howard, Gertrude Walbrldge, Eva Hughes, Blanch Estes, Edith Hager, Blauchte McNay and Iness Van Winkle. Room 4, Miss Hasting; Fay Bartholomew Cornel Depur, Boyd Erlckson, Ester Ford, Archie Gilliam, Laura Hughes, George Hughes, Nellie Lahue, Mary McSwords, Clara Morgan Klza Button, Elmer Wills, Mabel Ayers, Frona Llchtenthal, Marlon Smith, Ralph Thompson and Gleu Wllllngham. High School; Mimt Farnsworth, Bertha Adklns, Lulu Hager, Lissla Howard, Ltna Glasscock, Lillian McNay, Winnie Gilliam, Jen nie Kirk, Gertrude Bishop, Elsie Ayers, Vira Hart, Belle Hornor, Charlotte Shipley, Tbressa Flesher , Fannie Wood word, Mary Laser, Kssle Leeser, Floss Farnsworth, Bertha Cate, W, L. Smith, Ora Adkins, Louts Balslger, Frank Rood Clarence Kirk, Hanson Hughes, Roy Her, Percy Hughes, Oscar Borg, Chas. Hornor, Louts Bis- bee, Earl McFarland, Quasi Mallory, Ralph Swlnburna, George Ttllard and Geo. Vinson. NEW MINING ENTERPRISE. F. M. Courier is in today from Eight Mile. Albert Rea returned from Idaho this morning. L. Blumenthal returned from bis visit below Ibie morning. H. A. Murphy, tbe Monument mer- ohant, ia over on business. Fine home-made taffy at tbe Orange Front A oleao, fresh stock of goods- leave your order. If. To arrive loon at Mathews' sweet potatoes, cranberries, Grandpas soap and other necessaries. tf. W. S. Byera will gel the full amount ot his policy of 850,000 on the mill re oeotly deatroyed at Pendleton. Mr. Smith, a good representative of tbat numerous family and a drummer, ia circulating arouod among our busi ness men today. Bupt. 1. F. Tobey, ot tbe Oregon Chil dren's Home Society, will arrive tomor row morning and on Sunday will ad dress tbe people at tbe M. E. obaroh at 11 o'olock. Subject, "Orphan Children." Everyone desires to keep informed on Yukon, tbe Klondike and Alaskan gold fields. Send lOo. for large Compendium ot vast information and big ooior map to Hamilton Pub. Co., Indianapolis, Iod. 83-92 The wbiekey tbat old Jim Crow made, tbat Henry Clay drank, tbat Andrew Jack son loved, tbat William Henry Harrison went into ecstAisover, can be found at Low Tillard's. It is "de rsle ol' oo'n Juice." If. Week of Prayer. The "Week of Prayer" will be observed in the M. E. obaroh, South, beginning Monday evening, Oct. lltb, and continu ing over tbe 18th. A speoial program will be rendered eaoh evening of tbe week, except Saturday. Sunday, the 18th, will be "Missionary Day." All are cordially invited to attend these servioes. O. R. Howard George Qofford baa some One ball breed Cots well backs, out of Merino STOCKMEN, FARMERS, EVERYBODY! Tbe Fever I'nabated-New Claims Being De veloped- Promising Camp. Sinoe tbe first discovery of gold quarts in tbe blue mountains, nesr tbe bead ol Willow oreek, numerous olaims bave been taken, all on ledges apparently as riob as tbe first on which assays have been made as bigb aa $10 per ton. While Ibis is not high yet tbe immense amount of tbis quarts makes It a valu able find, if tbe ore proves to be as good below the sarfaoe aa it is at grassroots. Tbe Gssette notes tbs organisation of new mining oonoern, The Oomatock Mining and Milling Co., owning tbe olaima, Colorado, White Fir, Cog Dol lar and Auri Fioo. Tbese olaims origi nally belonged to t. W. Itbea, M. B. Galloway and Frank McFarland. Olber gentlemen of Heppner bave become in terested with them and tbey bsva de elded to oommeoee operations at ones. Tbe mine is capitalized at (1.000,000 and 1250,000 of tbis will be set aaida ae treasury stock for development par poses, and, it the claims prove good, for tbe erection of a mill thereon. The price ot this stock bss been flisd at two nJ one-half cents per share. Stock will no doubt go rapidly as tbe enter prise is a meritonoos one. The district as a whole looks aa well ae any yet discovered 10 me vi, u lbs opinion of old, experienced miners amounts to anything, and it it prove to be as valanbl as it appears, Ueppoer ill be tnooh the gainer, sod therefor every dollar Invented In that direetioe is well spent Not only will Ueppner be lb winner, but the entire Morrow county will feel tbe innuenoe or wcaiin at our doors. Next Fridajr. Oct. g, the first rhetortcals will j ewe which be wishes to sell at reason able figures. He will te at E. L. Mat- look's corral on sbout Sept. 20. Call on bim. 70if The Mootsna pacer, Cbehalis, is probably on of tbs fastest and gameat horses before lb Americau public to day" ssys th Turf, Field aod Farm. Just so, but w kiod'y claim bim down her in Oregoo, adds the Rural Ppirit. be given by the student of th high room. A debate will also take place, th question being Rttolwtd, That congress at It next session should proceed to ratify a treaty with England whereby all International difference should b settled by arbitration. Th leader are Charlotte Shipley and Orvllle Jones. Those on the affirmative, Bertha Adklns and Martin Anderson; on th negstiv, Gertrude Bishop and Lillle McNay. Class organization hav been mad by th tenth nd eleventh grades. Th officer ar a follow: Tenth grade. Pres., Annl McBrld; Vice Pres., LI I lie McNay; Bee.,Elsya Ayers; Traas., Lout Balslger; historian, Emma Farnsworth; soargeant-at-arms, Mao Rush. Eleventh grade, l'ree., Cora Hart; Vic Pre., Maym Farnsworth; Heo. Berth Cat; Traas.. Ethel Walbrldge; historian, Floss Farnsworth; rs porters, Cora Hart and III ya Aver. $200022 Schillings But tea it the Lest you can get for anything like the money it coin. Schillings to baking pow tier is the best you can get at any price. H Uiia-H -i 4 lis T r II I J Baal 1 uat ti vs M BEIZED WITH SCIATICA. Eatlsg Cbehalis, tbe Peudleton pacer, beat tbe world's reoord for two miles at Salem, Wedneeday, seconds, W. V, P. had held the record sinoe Ot. 81,' 1895, when at Lincoln, Neb., be msds the two miles in 422. Cbebalis' rec ord is4:19K- Jake Wells has resigned his position as deputy postmaster, and Mr. J. P. Wil liams has very wisely seleoled Miss Jen nie Bartholomew as bia snooessor. Mr Wells will embark in tbe second band furniture business. Dr. John W. Rasmus, of the "Red light," ever sn tbs slert for something new, oan furnish you the finest cock tails in the land Manbatten, Jersey, Vermouth or Gin made by sn srtist in tbe business. Drop in and take th taste out of your mouth. tf T. M.: CoL Sionott is gaining strength since being taken to the hospital In Portland, aod tbe physicians bavs de termined to perform an operation for bim next Saturday. Dr. Logan will go to Portland to be present when tbe oper ation ia performed. Moments are useless if trilled awgr; snd tbey are dangerously wasted if con sumed by delay in' oases where Ooe Minute Cough Cur would bring imme diate relief. For sale by Oonser k Brook. Shortly after 4 o'clock on lb after noon of the 4th Inst., just aa she was completing on of tbe fastest trsns-Pacific sailing trips on reoord, th big four matted German ship Peru orsabed Into th little ooaating schooner Orion, 15 mile off tbe mouth of th Columbia, cutting ber io two, and sending ber to tbe bottom Immediately. You Don't Expect Goods for Nothing! B UT IOTJ DO WANT LOW PRICES to suit the times. You want fresh groceries and supplies ; you want sub stantial gents' furnishings. Yon osn find what you want at T. B. Howard's. . . . MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED I 1 K. Hovaurfl Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. THE ART OF BREWING. Was Perfected by the Production of BISHOP SCOTT ACADEMY. . rovmzs, 1070. A Boarding and Day School for Boy$ Under Military Discipline. Hesry Blaeknaa rollep Wall Break fast la a UnUaraat. from th I. O. Parties fiom Hpokan report tbat Henry Black man, collector of Internal revenue, who baa bn attending lb fruit fair, met witb a moat pacoliar mle- fortnn Wednesday morning. Mr. Blsokmao h eatieg breakfaat la reataorant, and levliog in bie naaal good bealtb, when suddenly seised with so agonising pain in tbs bip. Us col lped oompletrly, and friend who wer summoned plseed him la a sarrlag aod conveyed bin to bia bolal, vbr medl eel si tent ion we at one obtained for th patient. The phyaieiaoa diagooesd th troobl aa eeiatioa, aod did abet tbsy ooold for bis relief, bat for several boors bis suf fering wa estrone. II grew betta later la thdy, anl we able to de part on Wedody tight' train for boD. 1 In, ln Haiti Uioriiuahfr r!tii.l for lh enmtal, awial, blirstoal and SMTal training t4 br. 1 UuriHub prot-aratlufi tat any rmr;a ur riontifte hhA. (inluatw at raai fi fl, Hnt I'limC Msarha. hi li dim of larhnnliarr, (Mala inivwiiiaa rf ( alifnima. Ufvo, I'.xn.ylvMiia, emnfiifil atl II r4 till, buring vamlua vullon waln-ma Inn 111 I J a m. Kur raialiwim ana mln-f lnlnrnialton, aiMlrtaai Dm l'niMJ. I. W. 1I11.L. H. I'urtlaiid, Urrf. V. O draw.r 11. tl tViiC IS. . 1 .! W f.-j!vi-.Al i ! :!a.iui !Ui! rtrit i a tn - I iim&) 1 via y, ViiWKvSs mm HOP GOBD And now the entire world Knoivs this verfect vroduct As the Star Brewery beer On draught at all popular saloons STAR BREWERY COMPANY, 203 Washington St., Portland, Or. At tbe old stand, bare tbe usual pricg outfit of FARMING UTENSILS, HARDWARE AND CAMP OUTFITS, Boaidee tbe thousand odds and ends tbat ere too numeroua to mention. Caall on- GILLIAM & BISBEE, Ksit Door In first Ma.inna! Rank Building. 1 v,r,; Tbey Are Ik "Master " Mados Ustteo, tb ptiir blank suilha, bave mad com elegael Im rovmnts I lhlr Mtsbltabrnvat sad sxlded a larg stuck of Iroa, koreeabo aod other maUnal eollal to lb bappineae of those who m4 sjeirk re pairs en Ibfir wagon, bog la ot any kind of luaebliMvy. Tbsy bat l teeded (h(it foora ao a to arajo4l very body la th soaalry wb te la a4 ot repairs. Woa yea wsat a bora shod, maehlo repfired, tir et or sey thing els to Ibetr line, yen will Sad afsadows A IltlU to b lb bn that aa d il-aaJ do U light -la abort order. II Wbat is Uu iUMJ timt ttm el eWeabafs. be r Emllf Ms'i, repreeeatieg Hilde- brsodt Poener k Co of Has Fraociaco, Mqnnr dalr, Is 1a lwn May. Mr Mart Is ooe of tb oljeet, if not ri,iiwi, la lb pntni or ? 10 ini fild, of all lb trsvllleg aa -hIi Io' .,A1?r,,Tai-.vwnavwv svt. -tiv Heppner, It bsrinf ht mora thsa ' ' ' r".i ii i. ittM m i-t thirteen years else b made b Bl m awl t-mtum .wit -' iail Vi Man La Baueroea friaad - si Mim" lmH"'wr vtll .. air. 31 kit sjSj aaraerns irweqs - j. . in,i. tou. I Uhu. 4 .'(. " , --Ji.u-ju. L;i.l.tbll.'a r,- . - - - ,u w . i.'t. . -i j PORTlAimOR; All Ihr-aa Do Yu'V.int .i Rijf ? N m 9 9 Uont You W.int a 1'lacc to Put up Your Team ? Arc You in Need of a Saddle II orsc can ! irJCurHl t TliArnjuar I'-inna, lr Mala Htrrft, iletior, urrgnn. riM stuiiMMi m 11 -iMii M H"t, '"" i'M,n ar4 mit.n .miniiM a4 Ma m awf aM Mm la MIIH l aS I,.pii- , rntisl, I myi r. f VMS U DM THOM LJSON Sr. IHNNS, Dat Co'n Juice" Is Found at THE Welcome Oa Mslo Htreel. In Cit Uotel Doildlog. The Best of Everything Always on Tap Coorteoas treatment to ell. Nioe clab rooms. XOW OriIIiVIr, Prop. rBASK no ED t. $. POtCBTS Rogers & Roberts, Contrtclore end Buildere. Flans and Estimates Given on Short Notice. Alt Kinds of Repair Work Done- 0MCE HOUKS-Day and Night Leave your orders "Any Old. lto and Kojr. or Jim will cct 'em. o o o o o o o ROOTS AND SHOES D TMg fLACC TO OlTTMtM It AT dpo4 e l yo set SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES, He ka anyttilnf la this Una that yon mtt Mtr M vnej eaa rm artiri vk.a Hat uarai)lM It. tiers to sr ! 's4 to p , I '