Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 08, 1897, Image 1

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    Portland Library
NO jwh
Tuesdays and Fridays
OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man.
At $9.80 per year. $1.26 for Biz mitoths, 75 ota.
tor three moncns, strictly in advance.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
Application. .
THIS PAPKR is kept on file at E. C. Uake'a
Advertising Agency, 64 and 65 Merchants
Exohangs, Ban Franoisoo, California, where con
not for advertising oan be made for it.
0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD.
Train leaves Heppner 11 p. m. daily except
Bnnday arriving at Heppner Jnnotion 1:30 a. m.
Leaves Heppner Jnnotion 3:40 a, m. and ar
rives at Heppner 6:10 a. m
t Bpokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:45
p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 8:15 p. m.
and Umatilla 9:16 p. m.
Portland Express No. 8, from Spokane, arrives
at Umatilla 5:05 a. m. and Heppn r Jnnotion 6:10
a. m. and ar-ives at Portland 11:45 ft. m.
Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9 p. m. and ar
rives at Heppner Jnnotion 8:80 a. m. and at
Umatilla 4:40 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 1 leavea Umatilla 12:40 p. m. and
arrives at Heppner Junotion 1:47 a, m. and at
Portland 7 :SC a. m.
For farther information inquire of J. C. Hart,
Agent u. nun., neppner, ore.
United SUtea Officials.
President William McKinley
Vice-President Garret A. Hobart
Secretary of State John Sherman
Beoretary or Treasury.... Lyman J. lage
Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. Jrtliss
Beoretary of War Russell A. Alger
Secretary of Navy ...John D. Long
PoHtmoster-General James A. Gary
Attorney-General Joseph McKenna
Beoretary f Agriculture James Wilson
State of Oregon.
governor W. P. Lord
Beoretary of State H. R. Kincald
Treasurer Phil. Metaohan
gnpt. Public Instruction 6. M. Irwin
Attorney General C. M. Idleman
co-- ir&:rEurann
Printer W. H. Leeds
( K. S. Bean,
8nDrame Judges F. A. Moore.
( C. . Wolverton
Sixth Judicial District.
Circuit Judge Stephen . . Lowell
froaeouhng Attorney 11. J. Bean
Morrow County Officials.
Joint Senator A, W. Gowan
UeDreeentative.. ...... J. N. Brown
County judge A. G. Bartholomew
' Commissioners..; J. H. Howard
J. W. Beckett.
" Clerk. .., J.W. Morrow
" Sheriff. E. L. Matlook
" Treasurer...... Frank Gilliam
' Assessor.... A. C. Petteys
Surveyor.s.i.i..r. J. W, Hornor
Bohool Bcp't .'Jay W. Shipley
' '' (nw. ....B. F. Vaugbaa
m. 1-1 Jt ,
mayor.... . iuw. nirKu
C mnnilmen Geo. Conner, Frank
Gilliam, Arthur Minor, K. J. Blooum, M.
Lich ten thai and J. li. Simons.
-Htoimler . W.A. Richardson
Treasurer L. W. Briggs
Marshal A. A. Roberta
Precinct Officer.
Justice of th Pesos W. K. Richardson
Constable N. 8. Whetstone
United States Land Officer.
J. t. Moore...
A. 8.1Jigis ...
B. F. Wilson.
.., lieoeirer
J.H. Kobbins.
G.A. R.
Mieta at Lexington, Or., tba last Saturday of
ark month. All veterans are Invited to Join.
G. W- Smith, C. G. KuyDA.
. Adiutant, tf Commander,
Drv P. B. McSwords,
Office in the City Drug Store, near
City Hotel. tf
D.J. McFaul, M. D.
Office boors, 8 to 10 . m., aod 12 to
2 p. m., al reaidenoe, Mrs. 11. We lob',
property, and 10 to 12, a. m , to 2 to 5
p, nv, t offio. io lbs r.ar of Borg'
jewelry .lore.
Brown & Redfield,
Attorneys at Law.
Office la tba. Fir.l National Back
Hirr-itsa, i : Obioon.
Justice of the Peace
and City Recorder.
orrici t
Sells end buy. real estate, rents houses, pays
tasae, dot conveyancing and will sarva you In
any way in bis line, at reasonable Be urea. tf
First National Bank
T. A. Rhca,
Gto. W. CONSf P),
Via President
Aea't Caahlar
Inmrb t GfDcnl Busking Bastoea.
i all par" ol Oie world-
Bought and Sold.
CollsrUon. aud o all point ea
reeaooehla Term.
Surplus and undivided fronts, SiS.OUO (JO.
Loo. fWk .tags Uavea Iippn.r at
7 o'oloek, a. Bt, Taeedaya, Thursdays,
and Haloid ay a ; arive, at a e'loek, p.
as., Monday a, Wedaeadaye aod Friday
Will akc eooaeetio. with branch train
ban desired. Fare 12. each ay.
Freight tf rwol pet pootnl. J. 0.
Betleohrock, Prop. OffW al Uarry
W arrow's drog .tore. U.
i r ' r 1 ,
Going East?
Three Important Points-
- FIRST Go via. St Paul be
cau6e the lines to that point will
anora you tne very best service
SECOND See that the coupon
beyond St. Paul rnnAn Tin. fha
Wisconsin Central because that
line makes close connections with
all the trans-continental lines en
tering the Union Denot thflr. and
its service is first-class in every
THIRD For infnrmafiW .nil
on your neighbor and friend the
nearest ticket agent and ask for a
i- t i t- . , .
iicKei reading via. the Wisconsin
"1 A 11" 1
Kemrai lines, or address
Jas. f!. Pnnfl
or Geo. 8. Batty,
General Agent,
24fi Rtarlr St.
oen. Pas. Agt,
Milwaukee, Wla.
Portland Or.
H. W. Fall,
Of the OldReliable
Gault House,
Half block west of the Dnion Depot of C. B. A
vt., v. m. a oi. r., u. s A., r, Ft. W. it C.
and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads.
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts.,
CXXXC-A.O-0.. II. Ij.
While yon aeep ronr subscription paid np yen
oan keep jour brand in free of oharsa.
Bojjr, P. O., Heppner, Or.-Horses, P B en left
Crh A J Thanes Cr HnMA. Dn.
der; C attla, same on ripht hip : ear mark aquare
"'"I' ftit iu riKUb.
rinnrFlaiaAsi W M nsallw.. fm nn
nht iid, wUow-ork in each ear; hones, & D
Ely Bros., Donglas, Or.-Horses branded EM
on left shoulder, oattle Sams on leftlap. hoi.
u right ear.
Florenoe. L. A., Heppner, Or.-Cettle, LF on
right hipi horses, W with bar under on riaht
b Jon the left shoulder; eaitls brauded J on
.n., ww unqnui ui ieri ear. ttanaa In
Morrow oountr. c .
JnhMiHi Vttllv T..n. rw " -l im
left stine; cattle, asms oa right hip, aadac half
nvt 1H ll will IIHU J) HH W
Kenny. Miket Heppner. Or. Horses branded
K.IN X on left hip oattle same and crop of left
esrt under slope on the right
Leahey, J. W. Heppner Or.-Horses branded
L i and A on left shoulder; oettla same on left
hip, wattle over right eye, three slit in right
Minor, Osoar, nsppner, nr. tattle, H D on
right hip; horse. M on left shoulder.
M?rjlni H. S, Heppner. Or. Horse, M )
on left ahonldei oattle earns on left hip.
Osborn, J. W Donglaa. Or.; horses O on let
shoulder; oattl sams on right hip.
Parker ft G lesson, Hardman.Or, Horse IP oa
left shoulder.
Piper. J. H., Lexington. Or. Hones, JK eon
neoted on left (honlder; oattle, aaaieon lef hip.
ander bit in each ear.
Hector. J. W.. Heppaer, Or. Hones, JO ot
left shoulder. Cattle, O a right hip.
Bperry. K. Heppner. Or. Cattl W C on
left hin nmn 11 riVit mnA nnju:. I -
dewlap; hone W C on left shoulder.
iboinpsim, i. A., Heppner. Or .-Hons. oa
left shoulder: oattle. a on left shoulder.
rnm n. w .. neppner. ur,-mau capital T
left shoulder, harsesi oattl. aaiu oa left hip
wivu 1 1 . Ill huu wra.
W.tfM,KnpM W T 1 . l .
7 ' " i 'imiuwi vr.j whwi
quarter circle JW on tight shoulder; otitis
quarter circle JW on right hip and right side,
crop and bole in left ear. Hang in Morrow and
UmatUJa ooautie.
Notice Of Intention
Uxo Ornci at La Obahm. Osiook,
Uyv.S If 1 .IW
followlng named aettler baa filed notice of
his Intention to make Anal proof In unport o(
hi. 1.1.1m mitA .1... uM . . J iu 1 . .
......t ,aaM, piU piuui win ue msue
belore County Clerk, Morrow County, Oregon.
"-l-J.".'! w.vw, nil vai, 0U,U, , VIS!
H. E. No. ewo for" the BWU BWV Hee. 17. Nu
N .and NW) Hti 8eo.lt Tp. I S.
He names the following witnesses In imii hi.
continuous residence utKn and cultivation of
in im, ui: annua lyier, Huron W. Herk
ley. David O. Justus, Jame. b. Brown, aU of
Heppner, Oregon.
., B. F. WlliWrl,
"B Register.
Notice of Intention.
Lad Orm a si Tmi lituii, Oatunn.
Octotier 4 IMJT
i.1 followlng-tMined settler has Bled nolle of
hlsfntenUnn to aieke Bnel proof In support of
hlsrlslm. and that laid proof will he mad
Oregon, oa November 7th, lam, via;
ha liamM the fnllntaln wl.nM. l-
his continuous resilience upon and euitlUon
... ,.,, ,i.. vniiMin v. fMiann, M. j,
Wllllama. A. B. ferry end B. P. wtisou, allot
lone. Morrow county, Oregon.
The regnler .obeonptioa prioo of tba
Saml-Weekly Uaaette ia $2.50 aod tba
res-alar prloa of tba Weekly Oregonlaa
U 11.60. Aorooe aobacribleg for tbe
Oesetle aod payiof for ooe year it
aJvaooacaa get botb Iba OatetU aod
Weekly Oregonlaa tor 11 &0. All old sub.
eenbera paying their aobaoHalions for
oaa year la adraosa will be entitled it
tba earn e
Ilefirvnee in PilUb n
oho Htage I,ioa. I'eranoa deairoo. of
''"! iaaiaa eaa aate time aod
moo-y by Uklng ihie root, liy .o
qnalotina Iba agenta tha Mitimii
lag lb stags will ask rooneeiiim with
'I clock train al If.k t.-. t
OfBoa at City lrog htora, W. U Umt,
Walt. Tbompeoa mo. stag btwea
llsppaer aad Moaoet, arriving every
day eiaept Monday aad Uavlag avarv
day aieept Soclay. HborUat aad ehea.
atroaWtotbalalanor. E. J. Flonooi,
agstit. i
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
OTIS PATTERSON. AGENT. oo o the Beat In ttaea World
McClure's Magazine
For 1897
A "XuVeLWeo37 Ste.6 flnt oritative and equate Life of
Rudyard Kipling's first American serial, "Captains Courageous." (Begun in November)
BObe(BegLlS? in Ma?V)enSOn' "8t lve"-" The only novel of ste0' unpublished
Charles A. Dana.. ".Recollections of War Time."
i?h.ne.TilHW"p.tlH?atoro,UnTOll,,i Cabinet, and la probably better
S5ottnV!L,0 ,Ve' " bo,y of this period oM
Portr-?r,l!l ?' P.1?? AI!,erJcan Mftny 01 thera
Pictures of Palestine. Specially taken under the editor's direction.
Stories of Adventure. A serial by CONAN DOYLK, in which he will use his extraordinary
talent for mvsterv and inirnnnltv whinh h.. i.ji,.ii. D", "IT, ";,l."ru,Vl:rT
a place beside Poe and GaTwriau. .iu. g,vn nim
appear in McClure's MaGAZiNar
charLtoA5ni,;j?.repariu l0IL,heuMAS"'" Bert,o' ihort stories In which the same
cnaracters will appear, although each w ha mmniAi. in n.Di ui
Anthony Hope Brat Hart a Robert Barr
Frank R. Stockton Stanlay Weyman Clark Ruasell
will all have stories In MrPi.iiBi'i rnl. tK.
One Dollar a Year
The new volume begin, with November. Subscriptions should start with this number.
The S. S. MoClure Co., New York.
A Campaign
Of Education
How to Get It
aepartment are edited with con
summate skill.
8uch a paper la a great popular educator. It should be In every
home. .
The subscription price of Leelle'a la 14 pe nntim.
We make the unparalleled offer of a copy of
Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Seml
Weekly one year for only $5.00.
No such offer was ever made before. No such offer will ever be made
again. These two paper mak a most aoceptahle Christmas or birthday
gift, and will be constant reminders of the giver's kindness I
Remit by postal order or check to the
Heppner, Oretron.
Published every Saturday
13 Astor Place New York
Tba Outlook will be la 1H7. aa II baa
been during- aab of He taeoty eeveo
yeere, a Dietory of Oar Ova Tlmee. Io
ita Tarloui editorial , department Tbe
On Hook give a oompaot refiew of tba
orld'e progreae; It followa witb care
all tba Important philanthropic aod ia
doetrial novwaMola of the dayj baa a
complete department ot rellalooo oew:
devote uqeb epeoe to tba Intereet of
tba borne; reviawt eurreat HUiatara;
faroisbee cbaerfal table-talk about mea
aad tblngs: aod, in short, aioj to give
freefj loforeiatloa, critrioai obaarratloa,
aad raaaooaUa aulertauimeat.
Eglanlog wkh the tttf fiiflb to lata.
tba papar G1 aaenme tba regular mag a
loeei, wbrob UI add greatly la ita
Ooovetnewee aad , atlrartieaaewa. Tbe
Ootlot k 1 poblUUed very Hatnrdey
fifty too laeaea t year. Tba first issue
la oh Booth ia aa illustrated elegance
Nora be r, aootainleg abont twin aa roioy
paew aa tbe ordinary !, togelUr
lib large aursber of ptclnr.
Tba pvieeat Tha Owtlonb ia tbrea
dollars year la adtaoea, or Uec tba a a
tot a day.
Bead lor a iaroo rmpy aad illustreW
ej proa peel ue ia Tbe Ootlook, J3 Aetof
I'iaeo, sw Tutk Ottv,
Mr. Dana wsa for three of th.m.t
unpublUhed. In connection with this series
ouBft8gu mu, long wln
,n the "me tha "Brer
M "OCHI....
To be educated one must read
the beat literature.
The best literature li expensive.
Leelle'a llluatrated
Published at 110 fifth Avenue,
New York, Is full of the best things!
Its illustration are superb; Ite
stories charming; and Its literary
i i k Xmr- No,,, h"''r f' th
tlie follllWllia.tm t wlx'j. . .
hi. i . " """ "i"i umm UIM IlOlire Ol
la Intention t m.b a...i . . , . .
..-.'"u,' U,mt ",ld lro"' "ade
tlra i, w. Morrow, County t:lerk, at Heppner,
Rtl. W. . Nn MfU tnm th MeVU a
UK W M. -He
namee the following wltneaare to prove
kjernntlntinu resMenr nimn ami eultlrallon
ef said land vli: Thomas A. Uraham. Andrew
Fstterson. both of Oooaelierrv, tiracoa Hvl-
ITJmiiu?1'.''!!"1 AMlnm rlnl' betll ol
" Register.
1 blstrtct. Mate of Oregon, for Morrow Cowe-
i It. Inskwp, MalnllrT,
L t Miller, rvfendanL
To I l. Millar the ahnv named defendant
. In the naweof thewtete of Oie.on- Tna are
harev rennlrad to appear More the on.l.f.
if"..1 J""l, - r. to HarmHl Me.
Ufa t In saM eoiiatir and statu, oa In. (n4 d.,
oftau,r.ls7 al the hoar of eaaoelnrk In
"J " M aald day at my ofttr, i e,,,
rtltlrtrl In anaaar the rompl.int of I R ne-
j " " '""'iwent of writl'ie;
antl wherein da d.m.n.lt Twanif livliars (Ijij
. 1 i I'l. l the rate of
P n' y annual and tne mate snd rtts
nlfsieanuof this artlon The itHrn.l.nl elll
Ukeaollre thai If ha falls tn answer the coin,
plaint nerale the elalntig will use Iiii1fm.nl
agalnet hint lot Twenty (Millars and Interaat
tharwin at the rate ol lea per rnt par annnra
Irani Mar l, 14, and OKU and dlsbnraawnm
of hle atl.m.
I'ulilUnad kf ar der of
Tba Oaaelie aill UkeptUtoea),atpUa,
egga or batter oa eaeriptiuaj aaraoota.
Aay oa owing Ible offlearaa eetll tbatr
arooaete ia Ibie roeeeer end eea'l do II
to aorw to toil oa.
Hlalemeola for tba Fasaooa Hlipple
AmoooI File pflnUj al Iba Oaaetta of-
Fill a bottle or oommon glass witb
nrioe aod let it stand twenty. rour hours;
a aedimeot or settling iodioates ao dd
healthy oondition ot tbe kidneys. When
orine stains linen it is evidenoe of kid
ney trouble. Too frequent desire to uri
nata or pain in tbe baok, is h!s convinc
ing proof that the kidneys and bladder
are ont of order.
Tbera is oomfort in the knowledge so
often espreeeed, that Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy
fulfils every wish io relieving pain in tbe
back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every
part of tbe urinary passages. It oor
reota inability to bold urine and eoald-
iog pain in passing it, or bad effects fol
lowing use of liquor, wine or beer, and
overoonaee that unpleasant neoeesity of
being compelled to get np many times
daring the night to urinate. - The mild
and the extraordinary effect of Swamp
root is soon realized. It stands tbe
highest for its wonderful onres of the
most distressing oases. It you need a
medicine yon should have tbe best, gold
by druggists, price fifty oenta and one
dollar. You may have a sample bottle
and pamphlet both sent free by mail.
Mention tbe Heppner Gazette snd eend
your address to Dr. Kilmer k Co., Bing
hampton, N. Y. Tba proprietors of ibis
paper guarantee tbe genuineness ot this
O. M. Resor, of San Franoisoo. W. O.
Espey, ot tbe same oity, and Jas.
Wright, ot Tacoma. were outside visitors
registered at tbe Palaoe Wednesday.
Tbe Gazette dues not question the
boneety ot any person, bat it is com
pelled to insist upon tbe pash:n advance
plan of eobaoription, whether tbe sub
scriber be Cornelius Vaaderbilt ot tbe
man who earns his bread by honest toil.
We oannot ruu the paper on any other
plan. ' tt
Tom Hardeman and Dan 1 Murphy
were over from Hamilton Wednesday
for freight.
Bathe down at the Jones' barber sbon.
25 eeots. Or villa Jon re manager, tf
and by virtue of an execution and order
of sale regularly Issued out of the circuit court
of the state of Oregon for the county of Morrow,
and to ma directed and delivered, upon a
Judgment rendered and entered In said court
on the nth day of September, 1MT7. in favor ef
The Oregon Morteage Company, limited, a cor
poration, plaintiff and Berend Pnpprnga and
Ella Foppenga, his wife, defendants for the
recovery of the sura of 1MB 75 together with
interest thereon from the 8th dsy olHeptembrr,
JHK7, at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, and
for the sum ol S0 attorneys fees, and for the
further sum of .ll.0 costs, and whereas by said
Judgment it was ordered and adjudged that the
fullowlng described real property to-wlt: The
south-west uuartcr of the south-east quarter,
and the south half of the south-west quarter,
and the north-west quarter of tha south-west
quarter of section lit, township 4, south ol range
& east of Willamette meridian, all In Morrow
county. Oregon, be sold to aatlafy said Judg
raeu t, costs and accruing oosla. 1 w ill on
Saturday, the VA day of October. 1HU7.
at two o'clock p. m. of said dav. at tha court
house door la Uvpnner, Morrow county, Ore
gon, sell all the rlnU. title and Interest of the
ssld defendants, Berend Rippenge and Ella
foppenge, In and Io tha above described prnp
frtlFu,,l,n' auotloa to the highest aud best
bidder therefore, for cash In hand, the proceeds
' - -n"1"! " in. M.ti;i'uii ui saiu
execution and all coats and accruing coaja.
1 SI A I UK l,
sheriff of Morrow county, Ore.'on.
Dated 21st day of Dept., 1(W7. atil-Ku
and by virtue of an execution leaned out
at tha Circuit Court of the Hut of Oregon for
the County of Morrow and to me directed and
delivered, upon a Judgment rendered and en
tered In said court on the sth day of eeptstnher,
W, In lavnrof W. V. Urd, H. R. Kincald. Phil
Mrtarhan, the board ol commissioners 'or ths
sale nlsrhool and university lands and for :,
Investment of funds attain therefrom, plain,
tills, and against Nye Kamlioand Mary Kambo
defendants, lor ths sum ol Keren humlred sevsn
endsu iiK) dollars with Interest thereon from
said eighth day of Hepteinlier. IW7 at the rale
ol a per cent per annum, and flUy dollars a I tur
ner's tecs, and the further sum of thirty B
and no lui dollars posts, and whereas It was
further ordered and decreed by the court that
tha mortgsged property descrllied aa followa.
aouth-eaat quarter of section thirty (i) In town
ship two (i) north range twenty. four CM) east
lliamette Meridian, in Morrow county, Ore
g in, lie sold to satlify said Judgment, oust aad
accruing coals. I will aa
Wednesday, the 17to day of October, lag?,
at two e'elork, p. m., of aald day. at the front
door of the court house In Heppner, Morrow
county, Oregon, aril all the right, title and In,
lereel of the said Nye Ramlio and Mary Mamlm
In and to the atiiva described property at
public sii.tli.n loth highest and lat l.ldit.r
lor rash In hand, tha proreede to lie applied to
the tailsiartloa of aald eierutloo and all oust,
aad cost that may accrue.
.t 8 U HaTIX E.
Pherlffof Mnrrow County, Oregon.
Dated Heptetuuer ii, 1W7. n
is and by virtue ef aa aMutlon Issued mil
of the i IreoH Court of the ataie of fi n lor
the county of Morrow and to me dire, u-d and
delivered, nnon a Judgment rewitrrad aad ea-ter-d
In said eenrt an ll. aih day of aeptamlo-r,
IWI. In farornl W. f. rd. H. K Kincald, I'hll
Meua han, the iHiard of Hnmla.lnnars lor the
ale ol h-K.I lands, etc.. piaiutllts. and aialnat
J. B. wrry, R C, Si-trr, gparry, lbs
Orrgnn Hallway and HaTigsilon emny, and
T C, Themiaaia, diendanU, for tlie suie of
Two thouasnd elshl hundrad twenty nine aad
i ,si dollars with I ii term! Hereon frma Ih.
ssld lktaj day af avplember, liar;, al tba rat
iA .Is LI pareanl pat annua), and on burnt red
Rttr dollars slinriiers' I era. and the furth.r sum
of forly all snd n dollar eoaia, and whet,
as II was lurthar tirdarad and darraed hy the
prt thai tl,a mort.agad pr"-Mf dwrtlied
as lui lows. Ut alt II.. MMilh half f nnrll, aa.1
quarter and aorta half of soma aael quartar ef
-U'in laeaiy. eniifi half ol south ea.t i.rlr
ta.nly. the aael half nf In. south
I sarUoti twenty one. souia waat
ftmi quarler ol earti.ia teen.
rib east auarw nf fc.uih eaM aoar.
ttnn thirty, anrtk hall nf north aaat
and Soma seat quarter of north aaat
of aartiirfi ai, eiHilh eaet quarter ol
waal quarter and half amith
arur wl aartlon Iwaatr hlna. and a.rth.
verier of south aael quarter ut aa, II a
sll la liiart.hle IhM, ai.ilh ran.
yeis, aael wineuialta arllati, ur an
Ih'reol aa wiay ha hereaaarv. h Siwd U.
said Jlgnnl, .H d an full, .!,
I will. an
Wedaaaday, Ik rik day ef Ortoba. IV7,
al Iwee'rbwk, p a. of aald day, al In fmnt
a..r of tha enuit h"ia In Hi-i pner, MnrruW
ewwnty, otag.ni. sail sll Ihe rtM, till, end la
leraet of Ihe aald i M v"l. K :. etrv.
fvmirj at al. la and to Ih. alarva Aaa, ribad
praparly at auhiie iwiios to ihe hit h-ai end
hat Kidder l"f raek la hsad, Ihe ptels In ha
ai'1'IU-t l th. lalMiarthMi .A aald Via, a I toe
aud ail ri, and mane thai aay a.-rria
t I. MTU E.
aharifT ef liri.f Cvtiaty, urvn.
Datod aepWasuar 4Ui, ty. s(
The right kind ot timber for castle in
tbe air is sun-beams, moon-beams and
Laughter is tbe sound we bear when
our bat blows off.
Newspapers get their news like people
gel their faith, generally by hearing.
Smith Brown has a big head on him.
Jones Yes, so has a railroad spike.
Tbe man who thinks tor himself will
also think for tha long prooession that
follows bim.
It there is a heaven. Den man Thomn-
eon of the "Old Homestead" has tha beat
show to get there.
"I wonder why." said Mrs. Redton. aa
she stood looking in the glass, "the nose
is put in tbe middle of tha fane?" Me.
Red top, laying down the Gazette, re
plied, "That's easy enough; it's because
it is tbe 'eoenter' pleoe."
There is a young lady in Oregon so
modest that sha walks five miles in place
of three because there is a pile ot un
dressed lumber on tbe three mile out,
Tbe Post-Iotelllgenoer of Seattle ia
mob musioally inclined. For they do
it has two paid "Pipers" on Its
salary list.
Nine women oul of ten carry their
purses in their hands when they bo
shopping and leave them at home when
tney go oul to buy something,
"Silver bells ot memory" may be nioe,
but the average man likes tbe sound of
tbe crooked, brae dinner bell tbe best.
Tbe reason thai railroads keep their
"fish-plates" so long is because they
bava them "bolted''. .
A woman never sees a baby without
wanting to run to it . A man never sees
a baby without wanting to run from it
"I'd never oall a boy of mine Alias."
said Mrs. Haytown, "if I bad a hundred
to name. Men by that name are alwaya
cutting up capers. Here's Alias John
eon. Alias Williams, Alias Niahtbawk .
all looked np for stealiog.
v An elevated man
On an elevated plan
Keep all he gets
And get all he can. . .
It is itranoe that men will run into
debt; they are luoky if tbe orawl out
of it.
II breaks a young married man all
np to aten into a store and onrobaaa a
dima'a worth ot aafely pins from bis old
girl who Is clerking there, ' .
Some people frown al an oyster, yet
smile al a pound of Iripe.
Where tbera is a will tbera ia gener
ally a big row. .
"Cast Aside" -Alter Ihe Ball."
A tew weeks ago Iba editor was taken
wttb a very aevera oold that oaueed bim
to be in a moat miserable soodition. It
was undoubtedly a bad case ot lagrippa
and reoogoising it aa dangerous be took
immediate iteps to bring abont s speedy
core. From tba advertisement oi Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy and tba many
good reoommeodaliona included there
in, wa eonclnded to make a first trial ot
tba medicine. To say that it was satis
factory io its reaolts, ia putting it very
mildly, Indeed. It aotad like magio aod
tba recall ws a speedy and permanent
oura. Wa bava no beattanoy ia recom
mending this eioelleot Ooogb Remedy
to anyone afflicted with a ooogb or oold
in any form. Tba Banner ot Liberty,
Libertytowo, Maryland. Tbe 23 and CO
cealauee for sale by Uooeer A Brook.
Messrs. Drake A Frank, of Nebraska,
bava purchased 600 bead of oattle io Iba
Long Greek act loo and will ship In tha
near future for Baelton, Nab., wbara
tbey will be fed.
Creep Qalchly Cared.
Moouteln Olen, Ark.-Our ehildren
were suffering witb oroop wbea e re
ceived a bottle of Chamberlain's Ooogb
Rtmedy. II afforded almost iaetaol relief.-.
A. Thornton. Tbi celebrated
remedy is for sals by Co near A Brock.
Mr. Utl aod bis eon, George, Lava de
parted for MoDaffle springe. Mr. flat
ten will do tba woodwork bertafter for
Tetter, Halt-Kheam and lrna.
The In ten Itching and smarting. Iscl
dntit to theae diaeaaee. la InaUntl y Allayed
by applying Chamberlain's Eye and
Skin Ointment. Many very bad caare
bava boon permanently cored by It. It
ia 'finally eftlclent for Itching pile and
a favorite rwmedy frr are nrpplee,
chapfMtd hands, rhflbUlne, fnart bits
a oil chrunlo euro eyea. ts eta. per boi.
Dr. Cadys ('adllia Feweert, are
foal wtial a bursa Drawl when ia bad
cvwditloa. T'dilo, bloud trarlurr and
vwrrnlfug. Tbvy arw tot f'd but
trilU Irto and tba beat In nee to put a
birree a trrima ouudlUufi. Prka Sti
0aU per parkaga. j
local disease:
a I la ease) ef aside aad
Il eaa to earad ky a sianaswi
''y WW Isstt la aw
awjy kMath aaaoi.a Aa
laa ia. s ty Suka4 a) gtveg
e m M aa ra.
Ely's Cream Balm
aaladaeg to Iks ataat Iheeaaatl eae far
assna. CMd la head aad Hsy fen ef ad
II aad n ii us lea eel
lere the aal Iraai eat A. lama Ik.
Sf laaaaaS.-aail VtraSa al I r. hy mi
a I aUMiauuL, a Wi
iaarl,aw lata
Absolutely Puro
Catarrh Cannot be Cared '
With looal applications, as tbey csnnol
reaoh the seat of tha disease. : Catarrh
ia a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to oura it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Oura ia
taken internally, and acts directly on
the mucous surfaces, Hall's Catarrh
Cure is not a quack msdloina. It was
prescribed by one of tha best Dhvsioiana
in Ibis oountry for years, and is a regu
lar prescription. It is composed of the
besttonios known, combined with ths
best blood purifiers, noting directly on
the mucous surfaces. The perfect com
bination of tbe two ingredients li what
produces suoh wonderful results in our.
ing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free.
; F. J. Cheney & Co, Props.; Toledo, O. '
Sold by, druggists, prioe 75o.
The American Protective Tariff Leatrua
has Just issued another and very com
plete edition bf our tariff laws. This
volume ot Hi pages, gives tbe official
text of the Pingley Tariff; complete
oomperison ot the Diogley and Wilson
law; and, Index to all articles oovered
ug sue new iann. xne Dook will be of
great value tor reference and for answer.
Ing all, questions regarding tba tariff
question. It will be sent to any address
for twenty-five cents. Ask for docu
ment No. 27, and address Ths Ameriosn
Protective Tariff League, 135 West 28rd
R . Kaw To.k-
Baoklea's Aratea Salve. "
Tba Beet Salve In tha world tor Cute,
Bruises, Mores, TJloers, Salt Rbeum,
Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup-
muub, ana positively cres riles or no
pay required. It is guaranteed Io give
oerieot satisfaction or money refunded.
Price 25 oenta per box. For sala by
Oooeer A Brook. ry , . .
Call a girl a eblck, and aba smiles; oall
a woman a ben and aha bowls. , Call a
young woman a witoh, and she ia
pleased, oall an old woman a witoh, and
she is indigaaot. Call a girl a kitten,
and sha rather likes it; oall a woman a
oat, and the will bate yon. Queer sex.
Everybody Bays So.
Caeoareta Candy Cathartic ths most
wonderful medioal discovery of.the age,
pleasant and refreshing to tba taste, acl
gently and positively on tha kidneys
liver snd bowels, oleaoaing tba entire
system, dispel oolds, oura headaobea,
fever, babltnal oonetipalion and bil
iousness. Plessa buy and try a box of
0. a 0. today: 10.5'J. 50 cent. Hold
aad guaranteed Io ours by all druggists.
Our Heppner sobool ia progressing
oioely this yesr noder tbe management
of Prof. Howard. Tba Qssetts sipeots
to devote mora attention to our sobool
hereafter. Its columns are opea to any
thing in tba Una ot sducatioo.
Tba "Bicyclist's Beet Friend" ia a
familiar name for DaWitt'a Witoh Hasel
Salve, always ready for emergencies.
While a ipecifia for piles, il also instant
ly relieve and cures cuts, broiees, salt
ibsum, sctema and all effeetioug of Iba
ekio. It never fails. For Bsls by Cooser
A Brock. e
Mr.W. 8. Smith was op from lose
yesterday. He harvested 2700 bushels
of wbest Ibis year aod will get entirely
oul of debt Oa departed for boms leal
algbl oa bia wheel.
If slreogtb ia wbat yon want, yoa
should study wbat causes your wsakaees.
II Is praottsally laok of food.
Dot yoa eel three meals a day, aod all
yoa eaa sat al a meal.
Tea, bal do yoa digest if
Food undigested is not food. II la not
nourishment. II doeeo'l create strength.
To dlgwst your food lake Bhaker IH
gastiva Cordial al meals. After a while
yea will digest yoor food without it.
Tbra yoa will gel well, aad strong aod
Shaker Pigeetive Curdle! cures Indi
gestion aad aU ita symptoms soeb aa
aaaeea, bsadarhe, eruotalloos, pala ia
Iba atomaob, giddiaaaa, loss of appetite,
eta It makes yoor food no o risk yoa,
snd make yea strong sad fat aad hearty.
DroggUle sell It Trial bottle lOo.
Dr. I W. Vogal will be la Heppaer
Cat. Iltb, for a tew days. Tboee need
ing the eervlees of ao aoanlist sbeald
sail oa blea.
I Tare Cavstlpallaa yrv.r.
Take Caararets Candy Calberllo. lOo
orUo. lfC.O.C.fallloeoie,drnggiate
refaad mary. u
A Ssaa oaovad Vert Jeeanp fell ia froal
of a tret-ttoa angina near Westoa reoenl
ly, ooe ot tha heavy wheels rolling evet
bis bead, grla Img it lj e palp aad kill
lag bits taileotly,