TO THB aivaa the choice Of Two Transcontinental O AAA in prizes to make twice as many people ask their grocers for Schillings Best baking powder and tea. Schillings Best baking powder and tea are ': hfinaihp. they are money-back. LOCAL 8QUIBS. Billy Carroll is back from Montana. P. Brenner, of Brenner & Co., returned from Portland Saturday last. GREAT OREGON NORTHERN Ry. SHORT LINE. VIA VIA Spokane Salt Lake MINNEAPOLIS DENVER St. Paul Omaha AND I ABD-t Chicago Kansas City What is the missing word? not SAFE, although Shilling's But baking powder and tea are safe. ' ' Get Schilling's Best baking powder or tea at your grocers'; take out the. ticket (brown ticket in every package of baking powder; yellow ticket In the tea); send a ticket with each word to address below before December 31st. : Until October 15th two words allowed for every ticket; after that only one word for evprv ticket. f . , If only one person finds the word, that person gets (2000.00; if several find It, $3000.00 will be equally divided among them. Every one sending a brown or yellow ticket will receive a set of cardboard creeping babies at the end of the contest. Those sending three or more in one envelope will receive an 1898 pocket calendar no advertising on it. These creeping babies and pocket calendars will be different from the ones offered in the last contest. Those who believe ohronio diarrhoea to be incurable should read what Mr. P. E. Grisbam, of Oaara Mills, La., baa to say on the subjeot, viz.: "I have been a sufferer from chronic diarrhoea ever sinoe tba war and have tried all "kinds of medicines for it. At last I found a remedy that effected a oure and that was Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Di arrhoea Remedy. This medioine oao always be depended upon for oolio, cholera morbuB, dysentery and diarrhoea. It is pleasant to take add never fails to effect a on re. 25 and CO oent sizes for sale by Conser & Brock. LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Better cut these rules out. Address: MONEY-BACK, SAN FRANCISCO. 2061 Ooean Steamers Leave Portlands " Every' 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For full details call on 0. R. 4 N. Agent at Heppner, or address W. H. HTJRLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland. Oregon. QUIOK TIIVII3 I LEADING OF TOE cin Francisco And all point In California, via the Mt, Shasta route 01 ma Southern Pacific Co 4h Drant. Mohwnv thmntrh California ti oolnra Kant and Sonth. Grand Boenio Jtoute . of the Pacific Count. Pullman Hnttet tileepera. Beoond-olass Hleepers Attached to ezpreea traina, affording superior mvimmivlAtifini for aeoond-olaes Daasensers. For rates, tickets, sleeping oar reserratlons, to,, oall upon or address ..,, . KOEHLKR, Manager, C. H. MARKHAM, Oen. F. 4 P. Agt. Portland, Oregon ARE YOU GOING E(ISTa? If so, be sore and see that your ticket reads via Ttie nwesfem Line ....THE.... CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND . OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IS THB Great Short Lir)e BETWEEN DULUTIT, St. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Their Magnificent Track, Pcerliws Vostllmled THB CHBONICLJI ranks wtSk the lewspapers In tfas Ualted Btatea. Tim OHHONIOLH bas no equal en the Pacts Coast. It leads aU In ability, enterprise and news. THB3 OH BOtt lOUt'S TelegTaphM Report) are the latest and most reliable, Its Looel News the fullest and splolesl and Its KOHdrtals tram tbe ablest pens Id the eoantrjr. THB CHRONICLE bas always been, and always will be, tbe friend and otuunpton of tbs people as attalnst oomblnaUons, ollques. corporations, or oppressions of any kind. It wUl ba Indspendeal la everything neutral la nothing liillfl agnlnce ltinlii Trains, and g ana Hiwtmig (jar mono: The Chronicle RaUdta NAME3 V;RiT Oil WATER. livaucacent Reputations of Persons Whs I'llttcd on the Stage, "Theatrical reputation is the most evanescent of all glories of life," sadly observed the old actor, drawing his last summer's overcoat around him a little lighter, according to the New York Herald. "That's so," responded the agent, "and nothing reminds one of this more than an acquaintance with the bill rooms of the old theaters about the country. You know they have a way i posting up bills and lithographs in I he bill-rooms that part of the thesifcer in which the bills art, laid out, anfl which is the lounging place of the trav eling agents, the billposters, udvertiS' ing men, etc., and preserving a sort of record of the celebrated actors, com' panics and scenes that have been at that particular house. Sometime this is done systematically, with an idea for grntral pictorial effect, and then looks very pretty. But more often it is the freak of some billposter, who slaps up full length figure, or a lithograph head, or something grotesque, the whole collection forming a curious and some times nightmarish jumble. In the older bill-rooms will be seen pictures of bygone favorites of the American stage of many person who were famous the other day and who to day are quite forgotten. They are usually represented in their favorite costume and purt. Some of these were the rage but a few years ago drew big salaries and had everything their own way. There are women who actually queened it over the whole country made thousands and drank champagne and wore a princess' diamonds. Why, their very names are forgotten! I am not on old-timer, though I d familiar with the stage, and I tell you I've been actually startled suddenly to come across these pictures on the bill-room walls, and to be thus reminded what they had been, and to be set to thinking what had become of them! Tom Boothby is busy getting wood down from the mountains for tbe Lex ington ranch. If yon have ever seen a little child in a paroxysm of hooping oough, or if you have been annoyed by a constant tick ling in tbe throat,, you oan appreciate tbe value of One Minute Cough Cure, which gives qaick relief. Sold by Con ser & Brock. Dr. Hnnlook, J. A. Patterson, John Hughes and others report good grouse shooting up in tbe foothills. Certainly you don't want to suffer with dyspepsia, constipation, siok headaches, sallow skin and loss of appetite. You have never tried DeWitt's Little Early Risers for these oomplaints or youwonld have been cured. They are small pills bat great regulators. For sale by Con ger and Brock. MRS. GLADSTONE. Her Silent Influence on the Affairs ef England. A woman's silent influence on the affairs of a nation is shown in the career cf Mrs. Gladstone. She is not a social or political leader, nor in any way a diplomat in petticoats, says an ex change. She is responsible, however, far more than is generally known, not only for her husband's vigorous health at his ripe old age, but also for hitt great ability to accomplish the amount of work he has done through his public life and since his retirement. When he was in office it was her ceaseless care that he should not be distracted by any thing that she could prevent, words that meant remarkable self-abnega tion. The interests of a growing family of seven children, with a fond and proud mother, might easily have made considerable demand upon the father's attention, but neither these nor any so cial duties nor household perplexities were ever permitted to touch his leis ure from statecraft cares. Her watch fulness has not decreased these later years. She is still his best physician and saves his strength in innumerable ways, trifling in themselves, but im portant in the aggregate and possible only to one who nas made such saving a life study. Blessed herself with ex cellent health all her life, she wears her 83 years lightly and; still shows many traces of the handsome Miss Glynne who captivated the rising young M. P. over half a century ago. NOT FORBIDDEN. THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE. Last Friday was tbe drommors' day in Heppner. Tbe reporter notioed the following : J. N. Fordyoe, J . E. Taylor, 0. L. Worden.R. F. Oakes. J. C. Bar. rstt, E. J. May, W. M. Maheieen and Hugh C. Maobetb. A Bore Thing for Yon. A transaction in which you oan not lose is a sure thing. Biliousness, sick headache, furred toogne, fever, piles and a thousand other ills are caused by constipation and sluggish liver. Cns osrets Candy Cathartics, the wonderful new liver stimulant and intestinal tonio are sold by all druggists aud guaranteed to oure or money refunded. C C. C. are a sure thing. Try a box today; 10c, 25 50o. Sample and booklet free. if Sampler News: Newt Jones has pur chased the Thos. MoEwen livery barnt and feed stables and is now tbe propria tor of that business here. J. L. Gibson bus taken tbe Jones barber stand snd does good work at popular prices, 15 oents shaving and 25 cents baircutting. 78 tf. "ALWAYS ON TIME has this road a national reputation. All ..iu..... ,i i,uanirra curried on the vt-stllmlod trains without ejtra rhartce. Klilp your freight and travel over this famous lino. All snouts have tickets. w If MR AO. T. C. VAGK. Uen. AxtMit. Trav. K. A P. Agt. m Washington St., rortinml, ur. CHICAGO llwaMUlu'y This Railway Co. Operates its traius on the famous blook system; Lights its trains by eleotriolty through out: Usee the olbrted eleotrio berth read ing lamp; Rant speedily equipped passenger trains evrv day and night between Ht. Paul and Chios-", aud Omaha and Chicago; th Chicaao. Milwaukee & St. Paul Ahui otteratee eteam-heatail veatibnled train, carrying the latest private entnpartmeut ears, library buffet smok- Inn tars, and palace drawing room sleepers. Parlor ear, free reclining chair ears. n.t lha nrv best dining Chair oar service. For lowest rates to any point la th United HtatM or Canada. H'l'ly tu gnut or aJdrras 0. J. EDDY, 1 W fUHET. thwral Agont, Tr.v. rasa. Agwit. I'orUaoJ, Ur. Timber Culture Final Proof. i' ....... ,. I inn tlrrn (. 1 liKUItHV lltVKM lllAr JAMr-H l v ..I Uri-SOO. fll-l n,.il.i.l t w '! t'H-l' j y Morrow. 'r ' ". " " ,H. ..,. .., on Monde. th IH da l . '; rtilliir al-ldtllo III ,J. ll "" A " k 4 aiMiUi. tana swat , J...,-. II Un. ltd and Vm-mM kUH. ,,.UollUr.M...,.t.r...jAj r wwH9 7 ... THE DAILY Br Mall, FmIsis raid. Oflly$6.70ak The Weekly Chronicle The Gnalrtt Wte'.ly b the Comlrj, $1.50 a k (laoludtns posuca) to anr wrt ot she Called States, l4a and Meiloo. THH WRKKLr OIIHONIOI.R, Wis krUrhteat and mnat eoinilte Weekl NewsaHier la Ui world, prints rwulartjr M eelumna. or twelve pae,er News, Literature and (tenere! Intorma. Hon; also a owsaiArsut Acricultural LHHMtftmeaa, SAMPLE COPIES SiNT FREE. How the Wily Turk Ileconclled a Lilt- Inn for Champagne with the Koran. The William Penn, an American etoamer of 650 tons, commanaea ay Capt. John Codman, was the first trans port flying a foreign flag which was chartered by the French government, in the Crimean war, says the Troy Times. She was a newcomer in the Dardanelles and went aground on Nagara point, the very spot where Leander swam to bis Hero. The pasha of the Dardanelles came off to the ship, tendering his as sistance, and, with the introduction of this individual, Capt. Codman strikes a note of humorous description. Being under the impression that the orientals were forbidden by the prophet to par take of wine, that luxury was excluded from the cabin table. "Think then, of my astonishment," writes wipi. uoa- man, "at a gentle hint from the pasha as to champagne. It was, of course, im mediately produced. Upon my remark ing that it had not been offered before on account of rega rd to what I supposed to be his religious scruples, he replied with an air of perfect sincerity: 'Wine is forbidden by the prophet; not cham pagne. Champagne did not exist in his day; how, then, could he have forbidden it? Maflhallah! God is great,' contin ued Suleyman, smoothing his head and soothing his conscience. 'Pass the bot tle.' " LUNG TKOTJBLKS AND CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED. Aa Eminent New York Chemist and sclesttot Hakes a Free Offer to Oar Headers. Tbe distinguished ohemist, T. A. 8I0 oum, of New York City, demonstrating his discovery of a reliable oure for Con sumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis), bronohial, lung and cheat troubles, stubborn oougbs, oatarrbal affeotions, general deoline and weakness, loss ot flesh . and all conditions of wasting "away, will send THREE FREE BOT TLES (all different) of his New Dis ooveries to any afflicted reader of this paper writing for them. His "New Scibctifio Treatment" bas oured thousands permanently by its timely use, and be considers it a simple professional duty to suffering humanity to donate a trial of his infallible oure. Science daily develops new wonders, and this great chemist, patiently experi menting for years, bas produoed results as beneficial to humanity as can be claimed by anv modern eenius. His assertion that lung troubles and con sumption are ourable in any olimate is proven by "heartfelt letters of grati tude," tiled in his American and Euro pean laboratories in thousands from those cured in all parts of .the world. Tbe dread Consumption, uninter rupted, means speedy and certain death. Simply write to T. A. Slooum, M. 0., 98 Pine street, New York, giving post office and express address, and the free medioine will be promptly sent direot from bis laboratory. Sufferers should take instant advan tage of bis generous proposition. Please tell tbe IJootor tbat you saw this in the Gazette, published at Hepp ner, Oregon. July 9-7-1 jr. FORYOU! Now Prepared to do Any Kind of Printing Don't Send Your Orders Away Till You Get the Gazette's Estimates Heretofore tbe Gazette's job de part meat bas tried to do no work other than plain printing. However, this shop it now prepared to taoklo anything in any line and will meet prioes of any person under tbe sun in tbe line of druggists supplies, blaDk books, bank work oounty work, or any sort ot book bind ingwork tbat you have heretofore sent away to get done. Tbe Gazette shop is not a charity concern but it you will give ui a obanoe we will see tbat you are satisfied in. every particular. Buy your goods at borne. Remember that Abe Lincoln said tbat when one bought goods away from borne tbe foreigner got tbe money and we got the goods. . But when tbe goods were bought at borne we had both money and goods. This is good doctrine. Wa are willing to abide by it. When tba printing drummer comes to town, re member it and call up 'phone No. 8. 560-tf Any person who is interested in British Columbia should write to W. H. Hurlburt, general passenger agent of tbe O. R. & N for a oopy of Pat Don en's lit tle "booklet," "Tbe New BonaDzaland." It is well worth tbe trouble. 60-tf. Notice ot Intention. The Boss Feed Yabd. The first feed yard tbe teamster strikes in Heppner is tbat conduoted by William Gordon, next door to the Heppner Gazette ranch. Mr. Gordon is accommodating, bus a good yard and abundant facilities to take care ot stock in first class shape. His prices are very reasonable. He bas bay and grain for sale. Has lately added a car load of baled timothy. Submit your plans to Ranous before giving out your oontraot. tf LAND OFFICE AT THE DALLES OREGON, Sept. 11, 1897. Notice is hereby Riven tbat the following-named aettler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in tupport ot hia claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on October 27, 1897, viz: MARY OLSON, Hd. E. No. 4689. for the SVM- Sec. 29. Td. 8 8 R 24 E W M. . He names the followine witnesses to Drove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of , said land, viz : Jacob I. Young, Wesley W. Brannan, both of Davidson, Oregon, Ulof Berg. strom and Erek Bergstrom, both of Goosberry, Oregon, jab. r, MWKB. ' 79-590 Register. WANTED TO GET EVEN. Frank McFsrland has established an office in the City hotel building whiob he has fitted up neatly. Frank rep re sents tbe Equitable Life, one of tbe best iosuratioe oompnnies on earth. SHE WAS THRIFTY. Ob Womii Md SH.SO0 with a Ttuntth' Ins; Mchln. A woman thrawher ia a novelty that Is, outside of the sohovlhoiine or home. And the one in question Is a genuine thresher of the golden grain of the northwest, aays the Minneapolis) Jour nal. She came into one of the Minneap oils furui machinery houws the other day to nmke her final payment on her machine This vta sUrtlinfr ana narked her a a woman of husiowsi ca nu-itv: for the man who make a full payment on a thrasher thisseaaon is re rnnled as an exceptionally gixxl man That the lady in question bad a business bead is further evUU-nced by the fact Unit she succeeded in "working the umnngcrof Hie rNtithtishnienl tor t2.50, the amount of her fare home. , She innocently told htm that 1o pay Iter bill lit full would take every cut the hiul and h mtiM. take out enough to get home. While the manager gen- ;ly demurred at receipting the bill In 'till with this dittcount off, she Ingen iously hinted that it would rout more than t2.5D to mml a collector afw the Ualmu-e, and he tumbled to the situa tion as gracefully an powJlire. Mrs. rhranher (or rrhaM It Is Mine) mid that "he hail made f 3,200 mil of her mi' hi ne and had li7 Uti lis of frrwin to Irtish Ihia wiuter, which ah profxwed odo If the snow w a hiilxleep. C'otuUd- . I. - . A 1. . . . - . 1. I . lue United btatos, Dominion oijog uken i-uk on niortga Ui,i Carman and Northern Mexico ' """r. n, " uwewfuiiy maintJa OH ONH siDK, bat a woman ! not adapted to this, new .A Aa u icm lor woman a acuTity. Map of tho World UN TUB OT i IK 11 KIDS. ond $a and Om the Map e4 Weekly itirenlt la fur One Tea, postage prepaid Map and lap SrHEa) M. II. Am Yntlrtft. r aaiKUftM cat, IllUOUOlI CARS Pmsll precautions often prevent great mitcbiefs. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are very small pills in size, but are most effective in preventing tbe most serious forms of liver trouble and stomach troubles. They oure constipation snd bandacbe and regulate tbe bowels. For sale by Cooser 4 Brook. Every new subscriber of tbe Oseette from this date, May 25, 1897, will receive ts a premium a book worlb alone the price of tbe subscription. tf M. A. Olden, one ot Morrow county's firmer, was in town Friday last on biis'oesi. HOW TO FIND OCT. DO YOU WANT THE chronicle: ; Reversible Map? miowiNU Fill bottle or oommon glsss with urine end let it stand twenty. 'our hours; a sediment or settling tndioalet to do henlthy condition ot the kidney. When urine etains linen it is evidence of kid ney tronble. Too frequent desiie to ori oite or pain in tbe baok, is als oonviuo- big proof that the kidneys and bl udder an oat ot order. WHAT TO DO. There is comfort la tbe knowledge so often eipreeesd, that Dr. Kilmer's Hwamp Moot, tbe great kidney remedy lo file every wish la relieving pain in Ibe back, klduejs, liver, bladder tod every part of tbe urinary passage. How a Paaa Fiend Worked Advane Agent and Pnnlnhed Hla Grocer. The theatrical agent who goes out ahead of a show always has many funny experiences and especially with the seeker after free passes in the rural cities, says the Kew York Tribune, liamsay .Morris, who is advance man for May Irwin's company, tells a funny story about bis last trip to Pittsburgh. He lingered over to see the show open Monday night, and while standing In the box oflice of the theater In the afternoon he heard the ticket seller having an argument over the telephone with some one. Finally the ticket seller hung up the receiver with an oath. Mr. Morris inquired what was the mat ter. The ticket seller said: "That ia from M , the dramatic critic; he never foils to work every ad vance man for four passes to the show." "Guilty," said Mr. Morris. "I gave hirn four, but what's the trouble?" "Well," said the ticket seller, "that fellow pays his board with those passes snd buys groceries and does other things. He haa juat called up here to take up two pnssea and refuse adunit tnnce to the holder. He soys that be gave thero to bis grocer for two down eggs and that the eggs were bod, and he wants to got n." Come in and subscribe for the "Gazoo." Now is the time. You don't want to miss a whole lot ot good, bnrd reading that is now being published in .our "Only." Tbe Southern Pacific railroad company has decided to sell tiokets from all stations on its lines in Oregon, at one f ste for the round,1- 'ip. In view ot tbe faot that our people have been favored with abundant orops, it is confidently expeot- ed that the state fair at Salem will have a better attendance than ever before, and in order to give all an opportunity to visit this great institution ot whiob the people of tbe entire state have rea sod to be proud, this popular line ot railroads bas reduced tbe fare to as to enable all to see one of tbe grandest displays ever exhibited at Salem. The Fair open Sept. 80th and closes Oct. 8th 670-tf Notice of Intention. Land Office at LaGrandb, Oregon, Sept. 20,1897. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE-following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore County Clerk, Morrow county, Oregon, at ueppner, uregon, on uct. ana, i7, tu : COMMODORE P. BOWMAN, Hd. E. No. 6155. for the NWtt Sec. 22 Td 2 N R 27 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: W.H.Wilson, A. i. Davis, William McCarty. all of Echo, Oregon, ana U. 8. Corrigall, of Galloway, Oregon. !-93 Register; SPOKANE FALLS i NORTHERN NELSON 4 FORT SREPPARD RED MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS The Only All-Bail Route Without Change of Cars Between Spokane, Roesland and Nelson. Also between Nelson ani Rossi sod, Sunday: Leava. HOI A. M Hpnkana. 1111) A. M KoMtand 41:10 A.M Nelaon.. Close eonnectmns at Nelson with steamers for Kaulo, and all Kootenai lake points. Paaaengflre for 'Kettle hirer and Ponn clary Creek connect at Barons witn stage aaujr. Notice of Intention. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. Sept. 80, 1897. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE followintr-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support oi nis claim, ana tnac saia prooi win oe maae before J. W. Morrow, county clerk, at Heppner. uregon, on uct, lain, isav, viz: THOMAS J. MERRILL, Hd. W. No. 6234 for the NU NE BE1 NEM Sec 82 and 8 N WJi Bee. S3, Tp. 5, 8 R 26. E W M. lie names me following witnesses to provet his continuous residence upon and cultivation ot said land, viz: Benjamin Parner, Frank Ward, Reuben Allen, Albert H. Alien, all ot Hardman, Oregon. JAB. F. MOORE, 84-95 Register. WANTED-AN IDEASft'SS thing to patent f Protect your ideasjthey may bring yon wealth. Write JOHN WEDDKft BUHN fe CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington, 1). C, for their $1,800 prize oiler. daily except Arrive. ... 6;40 P. M. .... MO V, M. M.t P. M. Miners' La si pa ea shipboard. The use of a miner's safety lamp to avoid the accidental firing of explo sive atmosphere on board ahip is ad- votaUd by an Bnfrlish writer. llo claims s ulUbly-tittd safety lamp give the most wady, trustworthy end dtdicte UaU for such dangerous gnses or vapor. If One flajiie of a safety lamp be extiogulahed when It win carried Into air containing combustible gnmor vapor the atmosphi-re ie almost certain Iv In an Irreeplrable and explosive con- It eor- tlitlon, end the spare eliould not be en- r .Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat- (entbusiaeiscoadticuaior MOOISkTC ffta. I oua omet is OrrosiT U, . tst orriet raodwecaaserure patent u lea lute Uiaa law bead model, drawing or pants wita oeaenp- hi. We adTlM, if patentable or , tree ot tcaane, Our fee sot due till pateot Is aeenrra. ( . Mow to Obuia I'ateata," with Icoet oi aaauin the U. & and fum(a awathai (wot ire. Addnsa, C.A.SHOW&CO. am. TTitT Omet. wasMisiaTOH. D. C. NOHT I PACIPlO Rural Spirit (ESTABLISHED IN 1869.) Published Weekly Portland, Or. at DEVOTED TO Agriculture, Dairying, Live-Stock and Turf. Worth its weight in gold to every fanner and breeder in Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION; M.OO PER YEAR. Sample copies free.) Rural Spirit and Gssette both tor 13.50, cash, at this office. mm mm S l Ht. pr. John W. Uaatnos, of tbe lUdlwht, baa k'( beer on dranjbt the Hop i..i t tu.t i,f ll.tnnre and elitari in toes. It Tbiae bft desire ta bmld should -el l.i ihal O. E. Reeoas, tbe traotov, ks reedy to wke soy ttme. estlastee el fliitf C1TATIOS. IM TH IWHTr ttll'RT or TltK STATU it Onimn. Ir Mirrt t oiinly. In (! mllf of lb ! and snar.llati.hln i. M ImitfnM mllum. An hvr M ttllllain and ll. r K HIIin minor II .fli. tu lit r.irt fmnt the ! II ami K-Uiiiin M Annie i.liilm. guaMtan id the ai iiiti-d tnliixi. that It la imii and nlt Im liii-ll. U l.i Ml.l minim, and thvtr eetai and all mrmtn ttttrft!Fl thrt.n. In evil In lh maHiwf .f.ldt lJ ! the llllii Arm ilit Ml ali. and all lin-el ol eald Minora llmreln. tat It The wl hall ol Hi H'tth aut uurttr, and lha ta.t hall ot th mill, rt iiti f nf aw l. MneniP , aiilh id rai se i . M It Is lliar-..r hrrrl.r ni l. t. I thai th id klN I aald Mlnnea and all Miirrmiaat In eaid Htala, arar la-hit IhM rtHirt at lit l lBinll t aiurt h.i In Ht Kit, Ulawniat nmnlf , (neua, n Mimday Hi lei dv id hn-n.lf. at Ih hmir d 1 n I-uk a la , aad lhH and tt eh.wt ran II ant lajt, hf a li."n ehnnld ami he innM f.if Ih aai In ! 'I. sarlliat rval aviatax II M lulher fi.. i-l that wi' at tht.itt.ur he tiv- v S atawi hit l.'itr .imi-i tlt ai. .Uf ap -.(Mtit. la th Mtt ttati, a eiiif f.1 nrt rlfrnisti.m, and .hilhet at Ul fi.. aliiftiie -'."'-" . 1 . A u. eAktiiointitvr. ai ft t uiy it. TO PAt'I. MINNKAI)LI8 Pl'ltrril FA Hi lit MTrK Tu kcta l....l lit ell txiiiiU In tbe CaiUl HUI.S and Canada. reels inability to bold urine and scald log pain iu iiaaaiog it, or bad (ltctt fob loeinit use ot liquor, ioe or beer, and overoomet that oopleaaant neeeaaity of beinf rompelled to gut op mnoy tiroes daring tbe night to orioele. Tbe mild end the r itreordioaty effft of Sestnp twit is eoo realised. It elands tbe bigbrst fur ill woo letful earee of the ru.ial dlstrMsieg oass. It yoa need nwHlK-toe yntt should bsve the best. 8d.l by dreggtets, price fifty eeots and ooe dollar. Ton bsve a ssople bottle ami pamphlet both sent free by mail. Ileeti.m Ibe Urppoer Osi'tte and send your adJixts to Dr. Kilmer ft Co, Ring- barupton, N. T. Tbe proprietors of this paper guarantee Ibe geesleeness ol this offer. terl until the atmosphere hits bet-n aMfertltll etlv rrnloocd bv ventilation. If a hvdroirwi flame be subaUtuted for tho ordinary oil fleme tbe test is iniwle still more delicate, INTELLECT AND NERVES. AttornevH fit Ltivv, All basineee attended to it. a prompt end satisfactory manner. Notaries Public end Collectors. BErPNER, OFFICE IH i NATIONAL t t BUILDING. t OREGON WHITE COLLAR LINE. e urn- Columbia River and Pusct S Minn Navitrafinn Tn UVIl JJ "Tlie lldator line" tATrn TKI eTWOKTMr AhD ACTItl t.t,ii.w-n itf ldl m ht rl'a .11,1. h..e In twm '' 1.4 iu a.4 at ) isemiua '. flw -H ' dteafd ' 1"' "' 1st IWaritaes teeri KeV ikk7el gl'ICK TlMKTtl CiiH'tihi All other WaeltianTiiN l'l.niia he Tom RvrrsMt pulrils ie the Rt ami Haiatheeat Wanted-Sn IdeaSErHS ftiWeeS Mai ttT e ar MS atia. Wttta r.tta bl aal aa liu - ai atta. Mwtm ! . I fl f pnw eetet M an rd Sea tea 4 '. KAtraaa ClTT Mt Jire I "t. lititns l&aarri.N I'eki tVpot eosetiiHie I MU I'aul. Misneapiilie, Kaaaat tuty, ttittahe, Ht. Ignite tnd ether pnttaf Metit point ttagaate rbekJ ttrntegh U deal mat lot el In arte. Throngs tkkets In Japes seJ Cbles. vis Tmhsis eml Karttters reritM fleam bin Cttttipeey'e line. Fur full lef-weaatiitti. tints terda,taap, llrkete, etc , eall vm or ente W. C Auiett, A. I Ci.V", Agt M I Ry. AaslOe Pmsu Agt TeeDeJIeeiUe.- Pwrtlaeil, Or Ik Mt PaHbl I Worn hmm h i . a i " Ueve Tbe Ikllee daily feieepl Sunday) t 4 a. n. Leave I'tMllaad l .) a. ta. WMti yne go to PurtUeJ, slop eff at Tt.e taallre at take Irle doS) tl (VIaMhie; yn ti eeiy it, eel save h14'' W.CLJU1.AW4T, llaral AgeeL i',iitB.ttriTn.tnt Ar aittvi V evtili! n UfltM e ttl h'f rrmm thia, tek.Uh4 kew la ttre.Mt M.nihi, a a end oa l.t'1l Wfatdf, tl- ewe tvl aril .re t. I aM !, the UinhMi irr. Krf. I t an HANK rite ilralas l Mraital ark litereae Krrreae Ulalarhaacea. At ArrcrntartUiteT of tire Araalrmjr of Metllcine M. Maiin analytrtl the nv per of Dr. Toulouse, constituting aa In quiry Into tbe coiwctiori Ijettseen in t llfclual aupfriority and neurojlby, ta js a l'aria corteaitoudrtvt of the Ixm- tlou SiejiiUnl. That Inquiry mum, M. Mafnen, lie made on tbe unaat n-nt met In rlrnt"e, art and literet ami M. 7ol was selwted for Ue Bret claarevatlorie. 8time time ajft tbe nov eliat evrlairml U a letter mede public nh.v be lent himarlf willingly io the in quiry. Aa fr!y ee IM3, lteveilleParUie, la bis phyaloUigy of mm oreMfled Inln trllprtuai taork, diawrl In the nrrv. fMut dianrtlrre freatueotly rtoletl snuir.JT thetn the etitiquenrie8 of the Ur greet twtltity of ths brain. RiitenWqiif rt ly M'r'i, nf Turs. gntitg furthr,d rltrrt) that a rrnliM sa but a men aurfrrinar Irom neur l-nmbnttw rlrt laml grnius to b epW b-pev. Tboee mnrlaaionsi wrre, aald far from Wing fimlloa ptly erient'iflf twaea. Ir TiHiKiU, thtnkieir that tbe ailmlos ef the qurae. tkmt d"tnarvl"t diiwl Wrvstlntwi, bse rtroed bv lontf erwl mlniitefter:ioi ! that M. Zli l either i?Trirf fww epllrpey ror frtn tvrfi, tir.d ihtt b I as rxt m mtlmani I ut that the ntima out eervnnailiturliDirei h et nrrtrixw) ' Vnnle rertaltvesnt of rnu l rirn In that eervrwia at erm, t h e ia rxMed Is) iiiperl'ie rrnrl prr,na. The itv a i r . f r . trIWtti.l ei,. . Iprreaos Ibe errvous KCCPS UlC V mCSt W inCS. LldUOrfi aiUI I HTlrC -. I a - awa.aj iiar sivr . - sp fit I fl U U SSfneri TFIH'OONE, B.ULET 64TZERT AND OCEAN WAVE. Leevlog Alder Street IXnsk, PortUed, fr A'tnrie, Ilwsoo, Long Reach. Oceae Park and Nsbcetta. Ihrect eonneettoB with Iltraoo aUaroers and rail roads glee at Young's Ray with Seswbore Railroad. TBZiBPXXOlVI! Uevee fnrtland tA.ll, Daily, except Bandar. Ueve AHuna 1 f, M. Dallv, eseept Sunda UstM fnrttand f . M tal1)r. etreM Sntirt.r. HatiiM.r lht, 11 f g. Imm Asinria, tx III A. at., esrt Sundai and Hotidar. tMabukf eishl, 1 1. M ooioan wjyrm .:. ..! U.tltt I tae Ptwtlaad and runs dlrrt b lltm, Tneeda and TBratay at a A. kt. gatardar at I P at .,; eml, leatly. limtem tediwUr and gtiday mil m A. M. On kiaaki T sihl a r. i. " Eigp Clfflr, to Eiibii Driliiitici B4 hula tm ef Erpea. for IWIetr, Cotnrnrt, rteeaure, Ttl on the Telephone. Bailey OeUert and Oraa av THE PALACE HOTEL BAH, J. O. 330RCII33RS, Prop. re I gdsttirtaasteee lhertgt fat tbair