Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 05, 1897, Image 3

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On the Neck and Creat Weakness
Caused by Impure Blood -Was
Constantly Crowing Worse.
"When my son was 5 years old he wag
in very poor health and we could get
nothing to relieve him. At the age ot 7
years he began to complain of soreness on
both aides of his neck and soon lumps be
gan to gather on one side and grew to
half the size of an egg. We then became
more uneasy and began to doctor him for
scrofula. He gradually grew worse, how
ever, until at the age ot twelve years we
had lost all hope of his recovery. He be
came so weak he could ait np but a few
minutes at a time. My wife saw Hood's
Barsaparilla recommended as a great blood
purifier and we sent and got a bottle. We
began giving our boy the medicine ac
cording to directions and it was not long
before we saw he was improving. He
continued taking it until he was in very
good health. He is now 13 years old and
is well. We recommend Hood's Sarsapa
rilla for all troubles caused by impure
blood." 8, M. Silver, Grouse, Oregon.
Hood's Barsaparilla is sold by all druggist.
SI ; six for S5. Get only Hood's.
Take Notice.
1. The sum of five cento per line will be
Charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
respect,'' lists of wedding present and donors,
and obituary notloes, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
notices of special meetings for whatever purpose.
2. Notices of church and society and all other
entertainments from which revenue is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
cents a line. These rules will be striotly adher
ed to In every Instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
upon application.
Now that the great political campaign
is over and the winter season again with
tie, all will want an adequate supply of
fresh and varied reading matter for the
long evenings. Cognizant of this the
Gazette has made clubbing arrangements
with a number of periodicals and now
offers the following to all new and renew
al subscribers:
The GAZETTE 1U.50 and Club Rate
Weekly Oregonian, (1.50 13.50
" 8. F. Examiner, S1.50 8.75
" N. Y. Tribune, $1.00 8.00
" Inter-Ocean, $1.00 8.25
" 8. F. Chronicle, $1.60 8.75
Thrlce-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 8.25
Weefoot Planter, 50c 2.50
Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 5.00
Sunday 11 a. m. and 8 p. m, Sunday sohool
10 a. m. Glasses No. 1 and '2 at 12:10 p. m.
Epworth League Devotional meeting att p. m.
Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8 p. m.
''The Hpibit and the bn la mv. Rnmi "
The pantor may be found at the parsonage ad
joining me cnuron, wnere he will be glad to
meet any mo may denire to consult him on
religious, aotial, civic, philosophic educational,
or any other subjects.
J. W. FLKH3KR, Minister.
Here and There.
J. B. Manning is quite ill.
Mrs. Dsn Horner is better.
See M. Liclitenthal for shoes.
D. Cox was in town last week.
mere is not s vaoanl residenoe in
Ass Thompson was in Heppner some
days since.
Mrs. H. Gay is reported as being very
moon better.
3. L. Kiocaid was np from lone
a tew days since.
Tunis Swiok was over from Grant
oonoty last Friday.
Miss Griffith Is recovering from sn
attack ot pneumonia.
Owing to an scoident the Gazette is
one day late this issue.
Bob Beard and wife returned from be
low on Wednesday last
A heavy rata Tuesday night helped to
cool off things materially.
J. P. Hayden. representing Lang k
Co., was in town last week.
B. F. Bweggart was op from bis ranch
below here one day last wetk.
M. Llobtenthal for shoes. Eiolnsive
hoe store. Handles the best. 83tf
Al Roberts sod soo, Eddie, returned
from Pendleton last Wednesday
Norman Myers is baok from Sampler.
He says Bumpier is Ihs boss town.
Miss Laura Baker, of California, sister
ot Mrs. Dan Horner, is bers on s visit
D. O. Oobos sod J. C. Ooobrao wars
ia recently from Monument on business.
Walter Brown, of Ism, oams in Bator
day, a week ago, sod left st onos for tbs
si ley.
J. J. Adkins is parsing bis right toot,
having let s largs rook fall upon il re
Martin Anderson, lbs veteran, Is back
from tbs ranae. lis will winter si
Oeo. Nobis baa sold bis posseaaiot.1 on
MoKiosey creek sad will go to Klondike
is tbs spring.
Herb Bartholomew sod wife srs stead'
ily improving, wills Miss Eliss is sbls
to be op sgais.
Oirl wanted to do housework. Good
wages. Nods but tbs beet need apply
Call st Oassll offioe. 83-lf
W. T. Ilaltas Is recovering rapidly
from bis recent lojiiry, bavins avoided
so attack of srjelpelea.
Aey oo e deairiog to build sitber i
boose or bars will make money by sail
log oa tbs Gazette ofTios. 67U
Ed. Day bas almost setlrely rtoovered
from his operetioo for enlarged veins,
roti!ly performed st Porllsod.
Ikst socommodatioo sod 0otirloos
treatment stlbt Imperial HuWl.8svtr.lh
sod Wash. Bts., Portland, Orsgos.
For sals rldebra properly. Baro
sod good ootbooees. Will toil sboap 00
teey terms. Call at ( ffioe. S-llf
Tbs chest! pteos Is toes to boy
groom., buttons, bouse lorolshlog
goods, sto is si Yaoiheo's Backet
Btors. s-86.
Doe pes of dirt iu l!rfssf passed
oat I JO la sold rtoMtly. Ba Htevsrs
tost tbs 20 is S well ssd It M sab
a,sctly recovered'
erdiet of the Coroner's Jary ia the Case
or the Infant Bnpposed to Have been
M ordered.
From the E. O.
Thursday afternoon st 5 :30 o'olook the
coroner's jary in the case of Joe La
ohappelle adjourned until 10 a.m. to
day. The testimony was nearly all in st
that time, and the result was left in
doubt. There was -no positive evidenoe
to oonviot the aooused. The woman,
Fannie Poppin, gave the most damaging
evidence against him ot any other wit
ness, but it was not positive. She
guessed Joe killed it," and that was all.
The most interesting feature of the in
quest was the conflicting evidenoe of the
man and woman in the case. Wbioh is
right, nobody knows. Joe Laohappelle
was oool and deliberate in his testimony,
and told his story straight. He admitted
that be aoted wrong (in notifying no
body that the obild was dead, but claim
ed he bad to bury it himself beoause the
county nor no one else would do so. The
marked difference between the state
ments of the man and woman with refer
ence to the infant's death consists in the
f aot that she swears be woke her np and
told her the obild was dead, and be
swears she woke him np and told him to
take the ohild, whereupon he discovered
it was dead. She swears also that she
saw the baby after it was dead and that
its eyes were open, while be swears its
eyes were closed and be oould not open
The essential features of the testi
mony up to the time Laohappelle took
the stand were given in Thursday's East
Oregonian. This much interested wit
ness swore in substance thai he was a
resident ot Umatilla oounty and by oc
cupation a hard laborer; that he had
known the woman, Mrs. Poppin, about a
year; that be conveyed the woman and
her infant ohild from the county hos
pital to room No. 81 in the Golden Rule
hotel on the night ot September 20. The
infant was apparently well and ate
heartily before leaving the hospital. Ha
tried to feed it again before going to bed
at about 9 o'olook and it would not eat.
He said that he then went to sleep and
slept soundly until about 2:30 a. m.,
when be was awakened by Mrs. Poppin,
asking him to attend to the baby, as it
would soon be orying. He was lying on
the outside of the bed, Mrs. Poppin in
the middle and the baby on her arm at
the far side of the bed. He got ud.
turned on the light, procured the milk
bottle and took the baby to feed it.
when he discovered it wss dead, sod
told the woman he would have to go and
bury it, the best way be oould, as Mr.
Chestnut bad told him the oounty wonld
not bury it if it died.
The woman began orying, and be,
after carefully laying the dead baby st
the foot ot the bed, turned in himself
and with the woman discussed ways sod
means for its disposal. At about 520
be got up and dressed, and wrapping the
body in s small cloak oonveyed it to the
end of the Lee street bridge, where be
left it notil be could go and gel s spade,
He proonred a spade in s lot on Lee
street sod went np the gulch snd buried
the body as best be oould. He said thai
in this be bad made bis mistake, as be
was free to confess, in not ioforming the
authorities. Returning to the hotel be
bad breakfast, and then procuring s
livery team, bimselt snd tbs womsn
went to Athens. Returnitg st night
tbey took s room st ths Alts Honss un
der the name of Mr. and Mrs. Brown
When ssked why be told lbs womsn
that be sod Chestnut buried tbs body st
tbs oounty hospital, be said that he did
it keep ths womsn quiet.
At 10 :30 o'clock Ibis forenoon lbs Jury
oams to the oonolusion thai the infant's
death was doe to onknowo csases. Tbs
absence of oonvictiog evidence gsvs rise
to this verdict. The prisoner is still is
custody , having been arrested originally
for lewd cohabitation. Ho now swells
elimination oo tbia charge.
Stands at the Head.
Ang. J. Bogel, tbs lesding druggist of
Bbreveport, La., says: "Dr. King's New
Discovery is tbs only Ihiug that cares
my ooogh, snd it is ths best seller I
have." J. F. Campbell, merchant of
Befford, Aria., writes: "Dr. King's Sew
Discovery is sll Ibal is claimed tor it; it
oever fails, sod is s surs curs for Con
sumption, Coughs and Colds. I oanoot
say enough tor its merits." Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption, Coagba
sod Colds is sol so experiment. It baa
bea tried for quarter of s century
sad today stands st tbs bead. It never
disappoints. Fres trial bottles si Couser
k Brock's drag store.
U. E. Ooobrao, ot Monument, wss is
town Friday last.
Jodgs Jooes sod Cbas. Repass wers
over from Eight Mils Friday last.
Jobs Carmicbaal sod family wsrs io
Bsturdsy from tbeir boms atar Lm log-
There is s romor that soms par ton will
start soother batcher shop is Utppasr
Ibis fall.
Mr. snd Mrs. IL A. Copper sod little
son wers ovsr from Orssl county oa last
Bstorder ssd Hooday.
Emills rkbsnoo, of Tbs Dalles, wbo
represents tbs fruit lodostry for lbs slsts
of Oregon, Is la Iowa.
Tbs parly that lost s booqset ssd s
gertr cso bsvs same by calling on J. )
Roberta, prmng property sod paring
MUa Allbs Lrb bas jut resolved s
Pics lias of sample bats. Bbs Isvitus
lbs ladias to sestbsm snd get ptios bs-
fors purchasing slsswbrs. H5-92,
Eight Mils was largely rtprcotd
yesterday. Nrly every maa sems la
with S load of wbest sod silber dbpoewd
of it or bir4 II for belter pnsss.
I A ska msst rv Taws t-m I I
Restores Vitality, Renews Strength, Cleanses and Enriches the Blood,
Regulates the Liver, Bowels and Kidneys.
Heppner, Oregon. .
he Wife of Conductor Cleave
land and Her Experience.
A Remarkable Result-
Facts of Much Interest
With soores ot people suffering from
rheumatism, neuralgia, snd kindred dis
eases, it is evident that the following
letter, which was published onoe before
in the Gazette did not have their reading.
It certainly is convincing, and if its
advioe were followed by more, the mor
tality rate wonld be materially lessened.
Sinoethis letter was printed, s Gazette
correspondent has investigated the foots
thoroughly and finds that they are
vouched for by Mrs. Cleaveland's neigh
bore snd friends. Her husband is Con
ductor Oleaveland, who bas been with
the Central Vermont R. R.for twenty
The letter is published ia full as re
ceived, snd strikingly verifies the saying,
'Truth is stranger than notion."
To ths EorroB 01 ths Gazbtti,:
I have s marvelous communication to
make, sod one that I feel it my duty to
send to you for publication, maoh as I
dislike seeing my asms in print.
For three years I hsvs been sbls to
walk but very little, snd it was seldom
thst I could sit np over halt s day st a
lime. None of lbs pbysioiaos seemed to
understand my case, soms calling it
neuralgia or rheumatism, while others
said that my sufferings wers oaosed by
uloers. Any way, none of Ibem helped
me, snd sfter spending hundreds of dol
lars, I became utterly discouraged.
I fteally went to New York, where for
two months I was under ths oars of ons
ot tbs most smiosnl pbyeioiena of that
oily. But my sickness snd helplessness
wers not bettered. Mr husband was
talking to s friend, Mr. W. H. Greene,
station agent ot Burlington, Vt., about
my on fortunate condition, sod Mr.
Greene strongly urged bm to bavs me
try Pslne's celery oompoood. I ased
three bottles, snd with so macb benefit
Ihst I oonlinaed lis nee. Today I
walked dowo town, bait s mils or more.
did soms shopping, called upon s friend,
sod then wslked boms sgaia. I am do
log all my housework, something I bavs
not dons before 10 years
My restoration to bealtb is solely dus
to Paios's oelery compound. Il is this
medicioe wbioh bas changed ms from a
suffering, helpless wnmao to my present
cindllioo of bealtb sod strength. I
bops yoo will publish Ibis Utter sod
sprssd ss widely ss posaibls lbs knowl
edge ot a means that will bring health
sod bsppiness to homes wbsrs sickness
sod suffering mess life s tardea.
Respectfully yours,
Mas. O. E. Clkavilahd, Hull and, Vt
Cos Payne, Wsltsr Dinwlddis sod
Waltsr Keensy srs among tbs Grant
oounty teamatsrs who viailed Heppner
last week for freight.
H omenta srs ascites if (ruled a war;
sad Ibey are dengarooaly wstUd if oca
earned by delay la oases wbors Oos
Minate Cough Curs woald bring imme
diate relief. For sals by Cosser k
Brock. s
Jes. Dsughsrty, who formerly lived
oa Butter creek la tbs years past sod
goes, Is Io from Wallowa county to as
old frisods.
Georgs 0 afford bas sums Oos ball
breed Cotawell barks, ool ot Merino
swes which bs wishes to Mil at rtasos-
stls figarws. He will bs si E. L. Mat
lock's corral oo abool Hopt. 'Ji. Call
on bin. 79tf
For sals Oiod sbp range with
plealy f mooing wsUe. Will sell
sbosp. Eoqolrs ol L. B. Wells, Echo.
Krrryi.se dwires tu keep inform! oa
Yakoa, tbs Klondike sod Atseiea gold
BIJ. takd lOo. tot Isrgs Oombcsdisai
of vast isfon rtios ssd big sob Oitp to
Usmlltott Tab. Co., Isdisaspolis. Id.
Tri.TsrrrwoaTKv n smvg
M. Mttlwh4 km. In Ittfm Mnnthlf
fu, SarUM Oil wMp4 (taof-H
Wheat is looking up again.
Geo. D. fell is over from Pendleton.
Yesterday was one of Heppner's lively
James Wyland was down from Hard-
man yesterday.
M. 8. Corrigall was io from Batter
creek yesterday.
0- E. Ranous is doing some work on
the Central hotel.
Case Fnqna was in tor the Eight Mile
locality yesterday.
Mrs. Hiok Mathews bas returned from
her Portland visit.
Peter Brenner and sons were in from
Eight Mile yesterday.
Bob Watkina was dowo from the
mines on last Saturday.
W. G. MoCartr cut bis toot badly up
in the mountains recently.
Frank Engleman and Chilton Wilson
were in from lone Stturday.
. Felix Johnson and wits were over
from Butter oreek Saturday last.
Alva Mikesell is baok from the upper
country where he has been harvesting .
Fine celery, fruit, cigars snd tobaoooa
at Mathews'. tf.
Ed 0 Asbbangh, of Eight Mile, was
ons ot Heppner's visitors Saturday last.
To trade A good heating stove, for
cord wood. Call at offioe. tt.
Tbs Orsnge Front tor fine trait, cigars,
tobaooos and fancy groceries. tf.
Bert Dus tin was over from Long
Creek for freight the first of this week.
Born To ths wife of Henry Cannon,
in Heppner, on Oot.l, 1897, a 9-pound
Ellis k Pbelps will shortly move tbeir
offioe to ihs Natter building, near ths
Fred Durso is down from Ihs upper
oouotry where bs pat in 40 dsys harvest
Born To Ihs wifs of R. W. Turner, of
Sand Hollow, oo Tuesday, Sepl. 5, 1897,
s soo.
A Boarding and Day School for Boys Under
Military Discipline.
TS Hh ymr nmtr tl praaont mannomwit Wins Kft- 4, Ihut.
This inatilnliiin I UnU(lur WUiiml lr Ilia mmlal, araiial, bliratoai
and nixraj training of boy. Tlx Much ir.rBt on fir anjr eolinaa ur
wianhflo arrwNii. (Invtnalm ( nraaMil In 11. Waal I'ulnt Maaaarhn.
tta Iratilula f TM'hmlirj Hiala I'nifminaa of California, tlnwn,
l'a-nylaiia, Hlaofuni awl llrtdll. Iurtn raratlnn vlallwra wain. ma
fn m la IS m. Pur ralaliamn and mlivr iiifurmatlf.fi, ariilr Ida
J-nr.rii-al. J W. HILL, at U., i'ortlaud, Oragoo. P. U draw.r II.
SI-M-trl IS.
P- :??r D()n,t y
r- ,i Put up
v c z Arc
-1 Horse ?
All thf4 can l procortHl at ThmiD A Iiinus, Ixiwer Main Htrt,
T" rMI,iMii ara il arialnU alia
aaq raa aaawf eal UM la Mtlbf urn. mm lima a na iraiaiitig a.,,
rrtaa la lng vIS IM DM
Wesley W.Brannoo bas moved in from
Eigbt Mile for the wiuter.
Miss Oiive Conlee arrived from Grant
oounty on last Thursday snd ia visiting
her sister, Mrs. Al Biuns.
H. Vanderpool made proof on bis
ranob Saturday, with Hugh Tyler and
Elza Vinson as witnesses.
J. W. Morgan and family were over
from Eight Mile yesterday, on tbeir way
to Lexington to visit relatives.
N. R. MoVay was in yesterday from
the Gooseberry seotion. He will market
3,600 bushels of grain this year.
E. S. Duran, of Black Horse, raised
3,000 bushels of floe wheat this eeaBon,
fortunately escaping lbs grasshoppers.
W. D. Fraley has been in Heppner
sinoe Saturday, representing Olds k
King. He goes from here Io Pendleton.
O. E. Ranous will shortly begin ths
ereotion ot s house for R. C. Wills J
R. Nuoamaker will oocupy tbs premises.
Fine home-made taffy at tbs Orange
Front A clean, fresh stock of goods
leave your orders. If.
A. Abrabamsiok got back from in
terior poiuts oo last Saturday. Hs re
ports s pleasant snd prosperous visit.
Ta arrivs soon st Mathews' sweet
potatoes, oranberries, Grandpa's sosp
and other neoesiaries. If.
Jack Horner arrived on to-day's be
lated trsln, some seven boors behind
time, but fresh ss a daisy direot from
Vlnoe Kelly was over Saturday from
Long Creek. He reports Mrs. Kelly ss
beiog vsry muob better sod steadily
Yesterday 40 ' bead of oatlls wers
brought into Heppner for shipment east,
Jas. Wyland contributing 0, Cbas.
Royss IS snd Jos Mason IS
Ths wbinkey that old Jim Crow mads,
that Henry Clay drank.tbal Andrew Jaok
sob loved, that William Henry Harrison
wenl into scalaaies ovsr, cso bs foood si
Low Tillard's. It Is "de rals ol' oo'n
Juice." tf.
yaroljill St-
Do You Want a Rig ?
ou Want a Place to
Your Team ?
You in Need of a Saddle
rinnl, Harnaf. r,rak nilllaM aM MbarMMtnlba)
A True Nerve
Tonic and Blood Purifier
to sail the times. Yon sot fresh
groceries snd supplies ; yoo want sub
stantial gents' furnishings, 'ion oan find
wbst you wsnt at T. R. Howard'
Main Street.
And now the entire world
Knows this verfect product
As tfie Star Brewery beer.....
Yoor wifs bas stood by 70s faithfully
In your sdrersltf . Me, let bsrsbsrs
la your prosperity by buying bar a new
sswisg Dsohins from
Nsw stock Josl rocslfsd.
You can Woger Your
are Always at Home at
. Oa llsia Htrssl, la City Dotal Building.
Tbsy try to pleas sll. flss slob rooms Io eoeesctloa.
IrOW riZyTvVID, Prop.
Rogers & Roberts,
-Contractor! aoj BoilJort.
Plans and Estimates Given on Snort Notice.
All Kinds of Repair Work
OFFICE HOUKS-Dar and Night Lcarc your orders "Any Old.
llacc" and Kog. or Jim will get 'era. o o o o o o o
Old tie. Mala tirsss. Rssalrio, a tl.IV
61-Oot 11
You Don't Expect
Goods for Nothing!
Heppner, Oregon.
Was Perfected by the
Production of
On draught at
all popular saloons
203 Washington St., Portland, Or.
Prloss from f2S to 3a Call sad
tbslr Unas.
Sox that You
I. t. ROt CRTS