Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 05, 1897, Image 2

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$WlMqrtlTjElWEgTld ft ir
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A Strange Phioan Obeerved by
Lorn of Nsttare.
Did you ever see a frozen breeze?
Yon migbt have seen one if you bad
gone with me into the country one win
ter morning, saya the Country.
This was the way it came to be)
frozen: All night long the air had been
laden with mist. Over the fields, in the
hollowe, all through the woods, even
on top of the hills, the fog hung heav
ily. All that time the wind blew stead
ily, but not fiercely, from some north
ern quarter.
At nightfall the mercury fell below
the freezing point, so that this mist,
as it drifted through the trees, was
frozen upon their branches and twigs.
The elms, the oaks and the other leaf
less trees took their ice coating quite
evenly, ' but the thick, impenetrable
masses of the needles of the pine trees
were covered noticeably only upon the
sides toward the north or northwest,
from which the wind came. The strong,
steady breeze bent the branches to lee
ward while it was icing them, and when
the wind came down in the morning
they remained just there, leaning to the
southward, iced and frozen to im
movability, but looking just as if the
wind were still steadily blowing.
Even in the afternoon, when the ram
began to fall and the wind came from
quite another quarter, that north wind
of the night before still remained white
and frozen over the piny woods, the
pale, rigid corpse of a thing once keen
ly alive.
Fastidious People Find No Conven
lencea at the Hotels.
In Greece the hotels of the interior
follow one general type the Italian.
There is no common sitting-room, says
the Atlantic Monthly. Why should
there be? There is no office, but that
does not seem to interfere with the
presentation of bills. The ground floor
is given up to a cafe or restaurant, if
the innkeepr goes into that kind of
business. Very often, however, the
master of the Apollo has only rooms to
let. The sleeping apartments on the
floor above are often approached by
Toe Oregonian in a recent issue an outelde stairway, and, as is to be
gives reports from various parts of furniehed, overfurnkhing is
the state which indicate a general a vice anywhere. Under a southern
revival of prosperity. They say jt is a crime of which the 0reeka
... j ape no ruity-
that crops are good, prices are fair There is usually a mirror, though
and there is a general restoration tna tribute to human vanity is some-
of confidence. Times are indeed u latkitf.' T' 'V? the Lu he
Repobts have it that Weyler, of
Spanish butcher fame, has resigned.
If Mr. Geer doesn't want the
Oregonian to get him out of gear
for the office of collector of cus
toms, or for anything else, he had
better get it to let up.
Our friend Geer is unfortunate
in having won the love of Harvey
rt i i at i
Bcoti almost as unrortunate as
the young lady we read about in
the newspapers whose lover blows
out her brains because he loves
her so, says the Ualem Statesman.
We can all stand it.
Greater New York is prepar
ing for a big fight Both Low, the
independent republican, may win
it. Tammany has not en
dorsed the free silver man, Henry
George, and he can hardly win.
Robert A. Van Wyck is the Tam
many candidate aod Gen. Tracy
the choice of the regular republi
cans, .
Cruel Rnile!
The alarming increase in the number
of deaths which occur as the result of a
surgical operation is attracting general
attention, and a etrong sentiment
n gainst such methods of treatment is
fast developing among the most intelli
gent classes. It seems that in almost
every case for which the doctors' treat
ment is unsuccessful, the learned physi
cians decide at once that an operation
must be performed, and the keen blade
of the surgeon is recklessly resorted to.
Doctors are human, and of course are
liable to make mistakes, but their mis
takes are too fatal to be indulged in
promiscuously, and as so many lives are
eaerificed in this manner, it is but natural
for the public to believe that half the
operations are unnecessary, besides be
ing a fearml risk to human life, even if
It is a positive fact, however, that all
operations are not necessary, and that a
majority of them are absolutely under
taken without the slightest chance of
success. The doctors have never been
able to cure a blood disease, and a sur
gical operation is their only method of
treating deep-seated cases, such as can
cer and scrofulous affections. Aside
from the great danger, an operation
never did and never will cure cancer, as
the disease never fails to return. Can
cer is in the blood, and common sense
teaches anyone that no disease can be
cut irom the blood.
The editor of the American Monthly
lieview of Reviews, makes soma perti
nent comments on tbe recent shooting
of striking miners by deputy sheriff at
Lattimer, Fsod. He shows that the
loosl prejndioe against these foreign
born laborers was intense, that many
AmerloBus who had worked in tbe mines
' before the foreigners cams bad drifted
into other oaonpahnns io tbe Pennsyl
vsnla towns and villages of the ooal
regions, snd that tbe mine owners hsd
Drought lu more laborers than were
Deeded, whloli helped to keep wages
close to the starvation point. These
conditions go far to sooonnt for some of
tbe deplorable dnlugs at Lattimer.
Coaicrfiiwinaa Kills Kxperleil.
Aooordinii to reports, unmber of ths
republioao boys wba would like to bold
positions of pnhlio trust and prollt are
anxions to welcome and shake tbe band
of Hod. W. II Ellis, enngraaameo from
Oregon, eaya the K. O. Tbe snspeDss of
wsitiug creates a tired and nervous feel
log, aud it is thought Mr. Kills rosy be
able to furnish relief in lb way of In
ids Information. Us was eipeoted op
this morning to visit bis eager sud ad
miring oonatitueots, bat tbe train cams
and tbe congressman came not. I'roiul
Dent members of tbe g. o. p. look for
hiui daily at Pendleton, it said.
Maaday IHversloaa.
Oo lent Sunday, down at ths bowling
alley, Oeo. Vinson and Waller Van
jo got inio a "scrap wuion was
pretty lively for awhile. Ueo. employed
Lis teetb to good advantage and thus
gol tbe best of tbe scrimmage. How
ever, later io tbe day, Charley Van
uuyn, w altera uroiner, bobbed up
serenely and took np tbe latter' flgbl.
Io this Geo. only I anted one round
Yesterday Marshal lleger started out to
gather in the boys lot Vinson was alius
tog. This morning tbe Van Dnya boys
raid tech 17 Wl, wblob is Ida usual lee
(or snob tun. The trouble arose over
eoaM'thlng concerning a game at tb
bowling alley.
I.lrrlrk 'itinera"
Kleetno Hitlers is a medicine suited
for any season, but perhaps mora geaer
ally Deeded when the languid, etaoated
feeling prevails, abeo the ller is torpid
and sluggish aod ths nd of a tonlo and
alterative ia Mb A prompt use of tin
raediolo bas often everted long and
porbspa fatal bilious fevers. No medietas
ill aet Dior eorelv in counteracting
aod freeing tbe system from tbe malarial
xMS"0. Ileadeob. Indigtlnn, Comll
vatioa, I'lUloee lld to Kleelrle Ml
tra. Me. aod $1 per buttle at Cooler
Uri ei a drug store.
near his throne. The bedstead is in
variably of iron. As in primitive United
States within my memory, single room
are rare. Two, three, four, five beds
are put in one room or strung along
the corridors. A fastidious person who
desires to occupyaroom alone has to pay
for all the beds therein. In some places
special charges are made for sleeping in
the daytime, and there ia a fixed rate
for sleeping on the floor.
. i
Former Disposition of the Fat Scrap
ing; from For.
Here la an echo from the days when
it was not reckoned unlawful to sell
oleomargarine as butter:
"We no longer have the same profit
able way of ulxpoHingof our waste prod
ucts that we bad! a few years ago," mid
a fur dealer the other day. He looked
retrospective and a trifle regretful, as
he continued: "There was always a
ready market then for every particle of
the fat scrapings from the different
aklns. Who took them? Why, the oleo
margarine manufacturers, to lie sure.
They would send wagons up to my
place every dny and carry away several
larrelfuls of the fat and grease which
have to be taken off the under side of
the heavy pelts. Skunks, onoKMUins,
all kinds of animals contributed. It
ull went into the butter. lut thnt is
over with now. Since this new Inw has
been in operation, that branch of busl-
wa has Item fU-ad. I'eople could ent
skunk and oposmim grease, you know,
so long as it was called butter, but if
the lcnlera are obliged to come out
frankly with a description of its real
character, their customers object."
Of Heppner
Who Will
Speak to You
In Our Next Issue
Here is a case where the pain inflicted
on a six-year-old boy was especially
cruel, and alter undergoing the tortures
produced by the surgeon's knife be rap
idly grew worse. Mr. J. N. Murdoch,
tne father of the boy, residing at 279
Snodgrass street, Dallas, Texas, writes :
"When my son, Will, was six years
Old, a small sore appeared on bis lip,
which did not yield to the usual treat
ment, but before long began to grow. It
gave him a great deal of pain, and con
tinued to spread. He was treated dv
several good doctors, who said he had
cancer, and advised that an operation
was necessary.
"Alter much reluctance, we consented,
and they cut down to the law bone,
which they scraped. The operation was
a severe one, but I thought it was tne
only hope for my boy. Before a great
wniic me cancer rcmrueu, auu ucbu w
grow rapidly. We gave him many rem
edies without relief, and finally upon the
advice of a friend, decided to try S.S.S.
(Swift's Specific), and with tbe second
bottle he began to improve. After twenty
bottles had been taken, the cancer dis
appeared entirely and he was cured.
The cure was a permanent one, for he is
now seventeen years 01a, ana nas never
had a sign of the dreadful disease to return."
S.S.S. is far ahead of all other blood
remedies, because it is the only one
which cures deep-seated obstinate blood
diseases such as Cancer, Scrofula,
Eczema. Catarrh. Rheumatism, etc.
It is the only blood remedy guaranteed
Purely Vegetable
1 1
District of Morvw County, State of Oregon.
D. E. Oilmen, Flalntlft,
R. W. Beardon. Defendant
To R W. Beardon, Deienaani.
In the name of the State of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear before the under
aliriifil. liistic.e of the peace for the District,
aforesaid, on the 17th day ol November, IHD7, at
10 o'clock , a. in., at the omce 01 sam justice, 111
said district, to answer the above named plain
tiff in a civil action. , The aetenoant win take
nntli-a that If ha fall to answer ina complaint
herein the plaintiff will take judgment against
him for IMS. 1)5 and the cost and disbursements
of Skid action.
This summons Is served nnon von In pursu
ance of an order made and entered in said court
on the nth day 01 uctouer, bh.
w. a. kick ariikon. justice oi me
tjth bis. Morrow Co.. State of Oregon.
Notice of Intention.
Land Orrici at Thi
containing not a particle of mercury,
potash, or other mineral ingredient,
wbicn are so injurious to tne system.
S.S.S. is sold bv all druggists.
Rooks on Cancer and Blood Diseases
will be mailed free to any address by tht
Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Oa.
Do yon want a sewing machine that
will laat a life time? liny a White and
you will never regret it. J. W. Vanghan,
Tbe blacksmiths of Denpner have KtlllC, tTV
a t I a
Rtfreeu idri ice prion lor uontfHiDOfing Jt ill I w J I r
hereafter shall be tl per span, artrOol. ttC OlllY KZ DIOCJ rClUCty, L'
i,isiiy. tiao
IN following-named settler has filed notice of
Dali.ii, OaxooN.
Ortober 4. 1W7.
Before submit-
his Intention to mak filial proof In support of
Ills claim, and that said proof will tie made
before J. W. Morrow, county clerk, at Heppner,
Oregon, on November l7tn, imn, vis:
Hl. K No. for the BWK of Sec. 15, Tp. 1 8.
H 9 K. VI. M.
he names the following witnessed to prove
his continuous residence upon ann cultivation
,,i ..l.l liiul. vli: Chilton C. Wilson. M. 1.
Williams, A. B. I'erry and B. P. Wilson, all of
lone, Morrow county. Oregon.
M-98. Register,
Notice of Intention.
Frank McKarianJ bas btea appointed
stxMtal agsal of The &nitabU I.I fa As
suraues l'o, of New York, I be strong!
to the world. Cab surplus la policy
holders of over 43 mil Hoc dollars. IWt
lake losaraaoa without Swlcf lbs new
plans of the Eqaitatile, Insure both
aeiea at same rate. T7tf
Ktmer Wills bal the Dntra oa tils
riglt band badly bruised at lb trawl
lag alley, while eMio( up plea la
"vski Lai" gaas, last Velarde,
II. Illahm and family aod Mrs. M.
Llohteutbal and young daughter will
leave io a few days Io visit scenes of the
childhood days of tbe elder members ol
tbe party, back in Itossia. They will be
gone several months.
No man or woman can enjoy life or
aooompliah much in Ibis world while
siidering from a torpid liver. DeWitt's
Witch llarle Halve. II soothes, strength
ens aod heals. Il ia tb great pile cure.
For sale by Cooser k Brook.
Ham Lrluer, ol Clark's canyon, showed
ooe of tli lore a sample of pearbrs
grows oo bimobgrass without irrigation.
bile in town yesterday. They were of
splendid HsTor and quit large. Mr.
Le flier baa a young orcliard bntltbor
snnngb Ibis seaotm for boms us.
StimuUM the stomach, Msak,
rmiM lh liter, rur hinmi. tJ I I
tw , tiraawhe, dlfiiiwM, III
' rue St em. ft.,14 hf all drui.
tm iwiy nils la kti with H..-4 s sutiiiift
iweer ronaner ana jno npeooer ar
ool of lb mountalus with 7.IMU bead of
slieep bvloaglbg In 0. A. Ilbea. Tb
boys raogeil then nrar (lranil ibis year
and brought tbera out In good roo
Mr. Uto, Har ring tua departed last
Friday for IVrtland. Ileo. leave this
week, bating chipped hi bouarhold
goo, is preparatory Io elaliliabirig a
home la the toelmpolis,
New 1 lb lin Io gt th Werklf
Oretfcioian, th greatml awapaar oil
II, HnI Mltb th(aaotU,b.lb slrirt-
ly In advanea, naa year. MM Na bellor
eorpblaaiiiia of aspepr eaa b mads
la tb it.
iUaous Is slill oa lb ti( dolug a lit
j II sarpeoler bosloe.
A "Wasbne" aephrr, or at last one of
its first ooualns, "took np" Main street
yesterday morning, picking np moat
loose articles io its path. Py the tiro
It bad reached tbe Uaielte shop It had a
eargo v. bleb beggars description.
To beat tb broken and diseased tis
sues, to soothe the irritated surface, to
instantly relieve and to permsoently
cure ia lbs mission of De Will's Witoh
Hsstl Halve. For Bala by Cooser A
Our scribe got names mixed a little In
ebroiili'Uiig a Hand Hollow birth notiea
in laat Issne, Instead of tbe happy
father bring ' Win. Towel!" it should
have stated that it was Win. Carroll,
better konwo as "Kid" Carroll.
Hick MaHiewa and V. Gentry, under
the firm nsme of Matbewe A Gentry,
ar associated together In tb barber
business in the Dew stand, two doors
south of tb poetofllee. They aolieit a
call. Hbaving. 13 cuta. If,
VInl plajing with powder yesterday,
Johnny Ijrach, aged 14 years, bad th
niafortnne to get in tbe wsy of a prrma.
tore explosion, burtileg both bands
L. I. and Tom Pavideon wer among
the visitors from Until Mile yesterday.
Tom left with th bunch of rattle en
route to Omaha laat night.
Oct. 4, IN97. Notice IS nereov given mat
following named settler has filed notice of
his Intention to make final proof In support of
his claim, and that said proof will be mad
before J. W. Morrow. County Clerk. at Ueppuer,
Orrgou, on Novamlxr 17th, imn, vis:
Hd E. 4077 for ths BK4 of See 85 Tp. 1 8, R. 23
He' names Ihs following witness to prove
his continuous resilience tipon and cultivation
of said land, vis: Krank Knielraan, M. 1. 11.
Hams. Edward F.ngelman and A. v. rsrry. ail
of lone. Morrow county, Oregon.
4 A3. F, Mn'lr.,
a.V. Register.
1 ol
OrMtin ror Morrow tonntv.
In the matter of the estate and guardianship
of wlnnlfred llllllam. Archer M. ullllaiu ami
tMter K Ollltiim, tntiHira.
li nnraxtn tn the court from the affidavit
and petition of Annie llllllam, guardian ol the
Inn namMl minors, that It la necvaaarr, and
would be betierlclal to said minora, ami their
rstat snd ail persons Interested therein, Ui sell
In the mauner prm nieai ny taw in oiiiownii
rieei'iilwl real estate, and all interest of said
minora tharaln. tn-wtt: The east half of the
north-east quarter, and lha east hall of Uia
sotith-ewst quartnr of section IX, township 4.
south nmr east W. M. II Is theeslore
hereby ordered lhal the oel ol kin of said
minora and all persona Interested In said estate.
spiear In-lore lliia court at the County Court
room In lleiioner. Morrow rtmntv. Orvetm, on
Monday the 1st day of hovemher. law!, at the
hour ol 10 o clock a nt and then and there
show causa If an ailit. why a llrenaa should
nol be (ranted for th sale ol the anova da.
scrllwit ral eaiata. II Is luther nrderad that a
copy of UilsoMr be puhllshe.1 once each week
lor lour eiKweslva weeks belore said day ap
pointed, In the Heppnat iaieta, a newsiier
of general circulation, and pupbllshtd al
llti'uner, Morrow etxiniy, n
SS VI Couuty Judge.
A Klondike Book.
The Chicago Record's book forOold
Beckers is now ready. A reader of this
book will know more of Alaska and tbe
wonderful Klondike district than be
could learn by mouths of personal
observation and research on the ground.
In comparison with other worka on the
subject it is tbe "Webster's Dictionary
of Alabks," a perfeot and peerless
volume, at onoe the model and despair
of rival publishers.
It tells of the nobesl and moat eiten
atvo Roia oeius tne world bas ever
known How Ibey were discovered-
Fields yet unexplored Ten years
work already In eight Where is tbe
Mother Lode? Tbe fortunes already
made Tbe millions to be taken ont
next year Bow to gel there R. R. fare
aod other expenses from all points
Medic ui Hints Climate Official Maps
Government reports 411 lsod aod
water routes Projected Railroads Mio
ink" laws Customs. Io brief, all thai is
known of this wonderful land of labo
Ions wealth. It is the only authentic
practical book, offloial and endorsed
About 600 pagea, handsomely boood io
art oaovass. Frioe, $1.50.
Agents are wanted to handle tbla
valuable work. II la a ebanos of a life
time. Experience is not necaessry, as
full instruotiooa are senl and tba wbola
people are clamoring for th book. Re
porta from ageote just alerted aho
wonderful suooess. Salea run as high
as 20 books su boor. Dig commissions
and valuable preminms are allowed
Credit ia given aod freight paid. It la
ao opportunity to gslo a competence
in a abort lime. Tba book ia nol sold
through stores or nwspapra. Com
pleta canvassing outfit will bs mailed
for 20 cents, stamp. To places where
wa have oo agent a full copy of tba
book will ba senl customers, prepaid, oo
rseeipl of prio.
Addreaa exactly, MONROE OOOK
CAOO. 679-81,
Brown & Redfield
Attorneys at Law,
Omoe In tb First National
Harrsaa, : t Obsoon,
Tor rtoKK
IH'S rnrtM HAI M laasMMlllvaewr.
Ai'fly tela UK b-mO. i is ai- hly swL M
reel al ttra iw n smiI saia lr, kf snad.
I t Hi-'! UkhSt M W arva SC. ew Vath CUN
Justice of the Peace
and City Recorder.
wet at
council CMAtsat
Hells snd bnvs real estate, ran Is hone, pavs
la i ra. does comeyaurlng and will serve you in
any way In his Una. al reasonably Agnrea. U
Com Io tb Oatelis efflea aad gel a
det-oat lot ol Mvelop printed,
tiovereoaeel envelops look ehaap, aed
tida yott caoool gel your bos
card prloUd lhareoa. If
(ts la aaJ sohserili for tha-Oasoo.1
Now ia lha liru. Too do 'I waal to
tnis a wbol hit of good, bard rwadieg
tbal 1 to bsMog pohliabad io our
0 VIAtt
1 imm
In it for
Groceries, Dry Goods, Ladies', Gents' and
Children's Furnishing Goods, Boots
and Shoes, Hats, Caps,
Notions, Etc.,
At prices as low -as they can be sold in
this market.
D. A- Herren Building, HEPPNER, OREGON.
If sXcr -r KTJ --TX-X- W
. wsiaosj wtaaaa
r'sst osamaia.
'Ilv 00VaiONT A.
A rnrtm sawlin s akatHi sn4 swrtenni sh,
Smi, aarartata. fraa, akMfcat aa la.aatina w
F"."!' Iaelalle. naiaiaaWaMknal enxif
aKaa-ianiiai. in.!. kwi iami r.cn,
la .r,ra. Ms ka.a a a.ini. Saw.
k-aa.if.llT inatr Wmt emiMMa T
snranaaila ( .raal nMir.umna, .aai
oua vm r.tiT mm iraa. a 1 1nw
Ml BraaSwar, ltk, '
' f fantiemaa or la. ties a Ira.el o raarm.
sIMa, eaiatli.l,a4 aeoaa la rai. aJitMr
A l sil l espaiiM PiaHltna staaylr. Kalae.
, (npta sell al'lraaaa4 sain4 envaiupa
Iks DaaatBiaa Veaipaav, lm. . iktawr
Eastern Oregon
State Normal School,
Weston, Oregon.
LocaUd on tb 0. R. A N. Ratlwa
' midway between I'eodietoa aad
Walla Walla. Btodeol admitted al
all times of tba yaar.
FirstClass Training School for Teachers.
Voeal and loelrummtal Uaaie taogbt
bj eompcteet Ins tractor. A grads
at of tba Boatoa Ooervatory baa
ebarga of tba lostraoMBtel dsparl
mol. Tlio Iylllo4, Utonrdlnir Hull
la tboroogbl aaalpped and offer i.
eellsel acrxmnaodalroo al reaaooable
rate, Bod for eatalogoa.
Aaa M O. ROYAL, Prwalaant of Faattlty r P. A WORTHING.
ion. br(ry Br or Rststt, VVmUn, Or.
- " -iifi1S- rsiiriAAlAl
KToTTir ITorls. TTamllorcjs,
aUlU, fram $18 Ua. feom $8.60 Up.
II ;o rw a wioUr suit ot Trwoat, gW a a eU aed al fit. U.. at,
la City aoaal wwildlag.