Portland Librtrj i OFFICIAL s1"3 PAPER FIFTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY- REGON, TUESDAY. OCT. 5 Nn PUBLISHED Tuesdays and Fridays BT THE -PATTERSON PUBUSHLNS COMPANY, OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus., Man. At $3.50 par year, tl.25 for six months, 15 ots. Jor three moame, strictly in advance. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. THIH PAPKB ia kept on file at E. C. Dake's Advertising Agency, 64 and 65 Merchants Kiohangt, Ban Franoisoo, California, where oou racta for advertising can be made for it. 0. R. & N.--L0CAL CARD. Tram leaves Heppner 11 p. m. daily except Bandar arriving at Heppner Junction 1:30 a. ni. Leaves Heppner Junction 8:4U a. m, and ar rives at Heppner 8:10 a. m I Bpokane Express No, 4 leaves Portland at 2:45 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 8:15 p. m. and Umatilla 9:15 p. m. Portland Express No. 8, from Spokane, arrives at Umatilla 5:05a. m. and Heppn r Junction 8:10 a. m. and ar ives at Portland 11:45 a. m. , Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9 p. m. and ar rives at Heppner Junction 3:30 a. m. and at Umatilla 4:40 a. m. Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 12:40 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junotion 1:47 a, m. and at .Portland 7 :EC a. m. For further information inquire of J. C. Hart, .again, v. i & ai., xxuypuer, vjre. OPPICL4JJ EIBEOTOKT. United States Officials. ' Piesident William McKiuley Vice-President Garret A. Hobart Beoretary of tftate John Sherman Oeoretaryof Treasury Lyman J. Uage Secretary of interior Cornelias N. Bliss Secretary of War... ...Mussell . Alger beoretary of Navy John D. Long Postmaster-General James A. Gary Attorney-General Joseph McKenna Secretary. f Agriculture James Wilson State of Oregon. tovernor W. P. Lord Secretary ot Btate H. K. Kincald Treasurer Phil. Heteohan Bupt. Pubho Instruction (. M. Irwin Attorney General. .C. M. laleman Senators., ..ft. ( G. W. "1J. H. J Hiuger 1 . MoBride Mitchell Congressmen Printer .., Supreme Judges. J Dinger Hermann I W. ft. Ellis W. H. Leeds -iw. ' 7r."i .... Ic. 1 R. 8. Bean, , A. Moore, E. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. Circuit J udge Stephen . Lowell I'roseouting Attorney H. J. Bean Morrow County Officials. Joint Senator A, W. Gnwan Uepresnntative J. N. Brown I'ounty Judge .' A. G. Bartholomew '' Commissioners J. ft. Howard J. W. Beckett. M Olerk J. W. Morrow " Sheriff K. L. Matlock " Treasurer Frank Gilliam ' Assessor ....A. C. Petteys ' " Bnrveyor... J. W. Honior School Bup't Jay W. Shipley Coroner U. F. Vaoghan HXPPMXa TOWH OFFIOXBS. Miyoi Thoe. Morgan Cmnniltnen Geo. Conser, Frank Gilliam, Arthur Minor, E. J. blocum, 11. Liohtenthal and J. ft. Simons. K loonier W. A. Richardson Treasurer L. W. Briggs Marshal A. A. Roberts Precinct Oncer. Justice of the Peace W. E. Richardson 'onetable N. B.Whotatone United States Land Officer. tri DAixxa, OB. J. P. Moore Register A. 8. Biggs Receiver LA QRASDB, OB. . B. F, Wilson..... Register I. H. Bobbins. eav ee .ee. Bsoeiver BAWUN8 POST, NO. It. G. A. B. Vint at Lennirtnn, Or., the last Saturday of wh month. AU veterans ars invited to Join. G. W. Smith. C. O. Puoda. Adintant, tf Commander, Dr. P. B. McSwords PHYSICIAN and SURGEON: Offioe in the City Hotel. City Drug Store, Dear tt D. J. McFaul, M. D. HEPPNER, OREGON. Offioe home, 8 to 10 a. m., and 12 to 2 p. m., at residence, Mrs. II. Wrlob's property, and 10 to 12, t. m , to 2 lo 6 p, m, at oftloe to the rear of Borg'i jewelry store. First National Bank HEPPNER- C. A. Rhea, T. A. Rhca. aco. w. CONtCR, 8. W. SPCNCCR, President Vie President Cashier Ass't Cashier Transacts i General Banking Bosinca. EXCHANGE On all parts of the world Bought and Sold. Collections mads on all points on reasonable Terms. Surplus and undivided Profits, I3S.000.00. Notlct of Intention. Lags Orrus at La Gats. Ossoon. august ih, tri, NOTtrH IN HIRKBT OIVKM 1Ht 1HI! lollawtnf nanMMt Sfttlfr M nled nnllee ol Me IntvaUiin In make Anal fnmf In support o hie eUlia. ami thai Mid proof will 1m suede Ivlure i. m. Mnrrnw, t 'intr I'lerk. at Urppaer, Orsou, oa (cti.tf 4. 1hv7, vis: HKKRT VAMDCRPOOU Nd. K. Hn SUM. fnf th ft KWW and Vl Hm4ih nra-r. a fpis Sis k u He nemva the 1'illualiif llniim lo pmve kls enntliinfius Mtm opno and rnlll.llon nlseldland vlt Klde Vinsnn, lav(d fnmlrf. Tmf -ki,4SB4 Hugh Tyler, all ol llepimef, Oregon. . If.tlliM, 1 Megtslef . Looe Bock stage Uvm Ilepptier st Ta'eloek, a. ta Toesisys, Thursdays, ad HatarJsys; srrivs si 6 e'lnek, p, k, Mosdsye, Wednesdays sed Frulas. Will naks eoo Beet Sob slth branch traia wba desired. Ksre 12, tsoa way. Freight if est per poaed. J. IL fWlleabrock, Prop, OtBoe al Barry Warres'l Jrtif store. IL Wbat is flop tMdT ret ealb. ad, sWewaere. beef ra Going East? IP YOU ARE, DO NOT FORGET Three - Importact Points JJUttsr Go via. Si Paul be cause the hues to that point wil anora you me very best service. SECOND See that the coupon ueyona or., raul reads via. the Wisconsin Central because that line makes close connections with all the trans-continental lines en taring the Union Depot there, and us service is hrst-class m particular. every THIRD; For information, cal on your neighbor and friend the nearest ticket agent and ask for a ticket reading via. the Wisconsin Central lines, or address Jas. C. Pond. or Geo. 8. Batty, General Agent, 246 Stark St. Gen. Pas. Agt., Milwaukee, Wis. Portland Or, H. W. Fall, PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable CHICAGO, ILL.. : Half block west of the Union Depot of Q., C. M. & St. P., C. & A., P. ft.W. i and the C. St. L. at P. Railroads, C. B. A KATES 0X2.OO PER DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sta., CSXXCA.3-0, XXjJj. STOCK BRANDS. While yon aeep your subscription paid up yon oan Keep yonrDrand in free of oharge, Bora, P. O., Heppner, Or.-Horses, PBon left buuiuun, UOVLLfJ, KUUB UU 1311 D1P Cook, A. J.,Lna,Or. Horsea, Won riffhtshoul uai, vrtiuirj, BalUO UH rlHUl 111 D; MT mark IQUM nmn n(f nt sand mrAit- I ..Li w " " w" esu diui. 1U s71UU Douglass, W. M .. Galloway. Or. Cattle. B Den ngbt side, swailow-fork in each ear; horses, R D dfl lafr nan Ely, Bros., Dong-las, Or. Horses branded ELY on leri shoulder, cattle same on left hip. hols . Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or. Cattle, LF on riguimpj norsea, t with bar under on right Jones, Harry, Heppner, Or. Horses branded uf, tne, left enoulder; cattle breaded J on m unueron in ten ear. Kange in I......... B'1J T it . . left stiliej eattle, same on rihthip, under half urop in nmht. and aulit In left ear Kenny. Mike. HeDnner. n..-Rmu KNY on left hip cattle same and crop off left ear; nnder slope on the right Leahey, J. W. Heppner Or.-Horses branded li and A on left shonlder; oettle same on lefl hip, wattle over right eye, three aliU in right k.nkr' VMr' Ppner. Or. kittle, M O on mil, uum ai uh ieiL aonitier. mprgan B. H., Heppner. Or. Hones, M ) On left ihnnliLi mhU l- ' ' ... wn uu lui Uly, Osborn. J. W Douglas. Or.j horses O on lef shoulder; eattle same on right hip. Parker ft Oleason, Hardman.Or, Horses IP on Piper. J. H., Lexington. Or.-Horses, JR eon. "" uuieiienouiaer; caiue, same on lef bio. finlaM ri r In aaasns abb Hector. J. W.. nep'pner. Or. Homes. JO a left shoulder. Cattle, o on right hip. i ?P"rr.l. Q .Heppner. Or. -Cattle W 0 on on uiu, urop u, nam ma nnaernit In lett year, dewlaps horses W Con left shoulder. ' i i""". neppner. Or -Horses, ( oa left shoulder: eattle. i on left shoulder. . . .. ... ., unuuunr. JT. OmSll I left shonlder, honest eattle same on with split in both ears. TnnM U UJ LI inltal t left hip gnr. W. J.. Oallowev. Or., hnr quarter circle J W on right ahoulder; eattle quarter circle J W on right hip and nhtsie, crop and hole in left ear. liange in Morrow and v umuiw swa un. Notice Of Intention. L.KD Orrics at U Gajmni, Oaiaox, VTOTIC 18 BERI.Br OIVENHaV THK A' following-named settler has filed notice of h s Intention to make Bnal proof In support of his iialm, and that said proof will be mads before County Clerk. Morrow 'mnii at Heppuer, Oregon, on Oct. SOth, . . ' - . HU... 18V7, ' ,vls: SAMUILU WIL80N, n a, no mm tot lt flWU Dec. 27, rtt He names the follnwln wltiiMaM in nma hi. continuous residence noon and cultivation of said land, vis: Ellliue Tyler, Herod W. Berk ley. David O. Justus, James D. Brown, all of Heppner, Oregon. 11 Register. Assignee's Sale Of Accounts. Notes and Nollce Is hereby given that the nndenlgned Mslgneeot the estate of Cos Bms , Insolvent del.U.n will nn aetnrdar Uia H4h day of Oo ttr, mn, at the l onn House donr In Hepp. per. Oregon, sell to lbs hlghesl bidder for cash In band, all the netee and arroimu of said In solvent estate, remaining unpaid on said data. Theappronmate fara value of said notes end areouiits Is l.wuiu.and a full luspertion of same ran be had al the office of tilM A f lislus at any time before said sale. W. p. fsix. Assignee of Cot Bros., Insolvent burs. 7-M. The regular aobeenptioo price of tba Semi-Weekly Oasette ia 12.60 sod tbs retrnlar prloe of tba Weekly Oregooiaa U 11.50. Anyooe aabseflblog for tLi Ostette sod paying for ooa yearli adraooe csa get botb tba OstelU aoi Weekly Oregooiaa for $3.60. All old sab- snnbera paying tbelr sobeorittions fci oas year la ad? anee will be entitled U Ue same . e Heppner to Pendleton via nppr KehoHtsge Una. Persons dlrooe of visiting I'esdleioo eao save time sad money by taking IhM roots. Uvea- quslntiof lbs scaots ths previons eveo- leg the etaara will Bake mihimiwh nk 2 o'clork train at bo for Pendleton. OflSes at Oily Drag More. w. V. Uird, rmpneanr. a Walt. TbompeoB mas stags between Heppaer aad Moaiiiaebt. arriving every day erpt Muoday aad leaving every day eiaeptiiBadsy. Nlmrtevt and ebeap eet roale to tbs laUrter. C J. Bloeua, Meat, Gault House i ' ; zz-zrr" The Lancashire Insurance Co. OS MANCHESTER, KIVGLAIVIJ OTIS PATTERSON. AGENT. Q"e of tfae Besjt In tl-o McClure's For SEVEN A New V-SSIr &nt d Adequate Ufeof KHuyaru Kipnno'S nrst American serial, "Captain. Courageous." (Begun in November 1 Rbe2eJiuy,iSniyV)eM0"'S "8t- l" The only novel of StevLon-s.tiUuubnsl Charles A. Dana. "Recollections of War Time portraits of Great Americans. Many of iiJSS gVneralti'tleof Pictures of Palestine. Specially taken under Stories of Adventure. A serial by CON AN aTVaoe IZ bnaUy WhlCh rtIN FAMOUS WRITERS IAN MACLAREN, IN. All the Minn tht h. .Ill &?n'!ntt JOELCHANDLER HARRIS. A series of new naDDit" and the "Little Mr. Thimblefluger" RDDIuRo?thK OCTAVE THANET is preparing for the Magaz.ns a aerie, of 'short .tH.. m .mrwjl0rs win appear, although each will be complete in itself. " UB Anthony Hope Brat H.rte Robert Barr Frank r. Stockton Stanley Weyman Clark Ruaaell will all have stories in McCluek's for the . v.rvU r.1U0ui nmuu is umy One Dollar a Year The new volume begins with November. Subscriptions should .t.rt with .i ... . . ..H .wig uuiUUfjr, The S. S. McClure Co., New York. A-Campaign Of Education flow to Get it tr r a a -For UNPARALLELED summate skill. Such a paper is a great popular home. The subscription price of Leslle'a is tt pe We make the unparalleled offer of a copy of Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Seml Weekly one year for only $5.00. a,.!? Thh T "M ,T"r mAt Mon- No ,ucn off" l ver be nude tf , !?.. P1Hir' m,k' mott Keptable Christmas or blrthdsy gift, and will be constant reminders of the giver's kindness I nar Kemit by postal order or check to the Heppner, Orecron. The WEEKLY MONTHLY Outlook Piibllskee: Every Saturday 3AstorPlace New York Tbs Outlook will be la 1W7, as it has been dnrlcg each of its teenty seven rears, a History of Onr Own Times. Ia its various editorial departments Tbs Outlook givss a eompaot review ot the world's progress! it follows witb csre all lbs Important pbilantbropio aad in dustrial movemsats ot the day; baa a complete department of religions sews: a ' a votes mnob space to tbe interests of lbs home; rsviews current literature; forolr ties cbeerfnl Uble-talk about maa aad things: and, in abort, aims to give freeb Islormalloo, original obeervatioo, and reasonable entertainmeat. Beglnnlni with tbs fifty fhfth vol o me, tbs pe;ir will aeenma tbs regular naa Sine sue, which wUI add greally te U Sonenienee aad ettrartiveoaes. Ths OutliM k Is pnblished every Hetardey fifty teo Issnes a year. Tbe first Issue In eaob month is an Illnstreled lisgasias Namber, eoatatnlag about Iwioe as msay pages as Iba ordinary iaenae, toglbf witb a large somber of ptctaree. Tbe pries af Tbe Outlook la ibree Jlars a year In sd ranee, ot lees tbsa a cetttadsy. Bead for a iriaen eopy aad illustraU eu pro pest os to Tbe Oatlooli, IS Astor riaee, Kew Toth Citv, World Magazine 1897 GREAT SERIALS unpublished " Mr n. ,i , . them unpublished. the editor'. DOYLE. In which ha win in the "8heriock WvS," ai2 . . - whichwIreK animal atoH. t k- ... stories om lUB anT contribute to Ma,,, ture. of McCl.URg'8 Maqazine for 4J.UU To be educated one must read the best literature. The best literature is eipenslve. Leslie's Illustrated Weekly. Publlsned at 110 fifth Avenue New York, is full of the best things! Its illustrations ars superb; Its stories charming; and Its literary departments are edited with con- educator, It should be In every nnnm. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Oregon, on Utotwr It, 117, vis TRUMAN B. KI(RARDrV)N TpllR h,"'n 'llwlr.f witnesses to pmvs !rf alw i-T'! ri' ,'"" "I"'" eultlv.tlnj ilffi. L !i: Th,,m" "rahain. An.lrew , uownerry, orvsiin Hyl- ti.h Tw,,.; ""w "". bulh of -- ""''W "rW" I A. F. MOOKC, ketlsUir, 8 U it MON 3. a Dlslrk-t, SUIa of Oregon, for atorruw Couo- l.U. Inskeep. PlaluUn", va , D Miller. ffc-fpD.Unl To I ol l. Miller. Ilia almve named 4efrndant n lbs naiaeof the male ol i,.. . V!!! In I hereli: m, mL' ZHa . h """t Ula- ,i 1 . '.""'"y d suu. on Ihs tiA n.v Ju "'. IW. al the hour of .. ., ,1 rtlslrlrl U ......r the emFUol MJ.H ITmV '""""'- wrl,: ana enerela be dir.n.i 1i,if liniiara isan buraHwiitos this vu.m the deCei, . ni plaint kerrta Ihe 'a I n l IT alii i.b. he 1 ii1ftnl l4 In aV.n ""4 "'- I'ubllsa! by order of ilra of Ih. tmr. I.,, I.,. JU'iZ'm In lail Sept. SO,, SW7. 1,7 mi I). A. Cnrrsf, formerly of readleloa, bee opened np a IS eeal barber abop Is be old stead tn the Matlock eorssr. Work strictly first alaae. Ceil on bint. S If Tbe OesMte eill Uhsp.Uto,aiplee, 'tf or belter oa enleaHptioa eeroente. Any oas owing Ibis offioe ran settle tbetr areoaots la this ssaeeer aid eaa't do It km aonej to soit as. HlalemenU for tbe famoas Himple Aeeoaal File printed at tbs Uaaette of. lee. y( f and ornm at THrtDAi.i.tts,oRitoo!i ill LT.""" I" l support of , x neppuer, POTATOES. !. Who Wishes to Bttome a CM rMnst Bearln at the Bottom. There are probably 150 schools for cooking in Germany and Austria, the jest of which are at Vienna, Berlin and Leipsic, A man who wishes to become a chef must begin at the very bottom of the ladder-at peeling potatoes and work up, round by round, to the top, saya the New York World. A course of schooling as strict as that of any poly technic school in this country must be followed for four years before tie student can get a diploma. Every year competitive exhibitions are given in wmcn as many as 200 chefs take part The chef who was employed at the white house by Grover Cleveland, and who, it s rumored, may be again, has a gold medal which was presented to him bV Empress Frederick for excell i sooking, a silver medal given by the tingof Saxony.adiplonia from the queen f Austria and numerous other marks' of approbation and honor won in comi petitive contests in cooking. It is not to be wondered at that European cooks aomniand extraordinary salaries in this Kmntry. ( They Are the "Motard." Msadowg Flatten, the pioneer blaok smiths, have made some elegant im rrovementa in their establishment and added a large atook of iron, borspehoes and other materials essential to the happiness of. those who need qoiok re pairs on their wagone, bnffaies or any kind ot maohinery. They have li te? ded their room so as to sooommodute iv.?r) body in the country who la in neid of repairs. When yon wnut a boree shod, nmobine repaired, tire set or any thing else ni their line, you will find Meadows A Hntten tn be the hoys that ean do it and do it right-in short order. j The Gauette does not question the honesty ot any person, bat ii ia com pelled to insist opon tbs onsh in aJvsuoo plan of subscription, whethrr the tnb soriber be Cornelius Vanderbilt or the man who earns hie bread by honest toil. e oannot ruu the paper on soy other plan. f Baths down at the Jones' baiber sfcop, 25 oents. Orville Jones manager, tf SHERIFFS SALE. MOTICE 1H HKRKBY OIVKN THAT t'NHKR V bX v!rt"8 of an execution and onler of sale reKUlarlv IssiimI out ol the circuit court ol the state of Oration for the county of Morr iw ..... . ..m uirami ana auiiveren, upon a 1 . it!"'- T1"1"" and entered In said court on the tlth day of September. 1WI7. In lavoref I he UrKOn Mnrts-aite Company, limited, a cor- fclla Poppeiiaa, his wife, defendants for the recovery of the sum of Uwcther wlih re!tAhereo" ,m,n tne 8th av orHeiilemla-r. 1HM7, at the rate of a per cent per annum, and for the sum of am attorneys fees, and for the t.icr ii in .ii. ii costs, and whereas iv snlil ... uuaner oi ine south-west quarter o ' section t, township i, south of ranne u east of WUlametts merlillan, all In Morrow county, Oregon, be sold to satisfy raid liiilif nient, costs and si ruing costs. I will on Baturday, theld day of October, tm. at two o'clock p; m. of said day. at the Clllllt house floor In Hi pimer, Morrow county, Ore- f"i'V T1 tl,le n Interest of the said defendants, Bereud r.ipm-nKa and Ella I'lippenge. In slid lo the eliove di-.crll.l prop- uiillft? "M"n u high, si an. best hlilder tberufora. fnruh in h.n,i .i . thereof to U spnlled to the satisfaction of said execution and all costs and wrmlng coat.. ,, . K. U MAl'UN K. r, . a , .H""'ln.0' Morrow county, Oregon. Dated 21st day of bVpt,, lw7. ' mj,,. SHERIFFS SALE. .1- II. - " " ' " -'e a fiiw tlirv . rr'n I'l'tamenl rendeml and en- ia.il i. . ? .!'!"' Mh d" "' Vptrnila-r, liwj. In favor of P. I.ril. II k v .1.1 .. M-tai haii the Uiard of commissioners fr th, rl-I'i M?"' na "'ilvnUT lands and for the i h. ...U . " ""S uierelmin, p i Una. and against Nva k..L,. ...a u.. d'... iiivesimeutol Hinds ailalna- tli-n.fr..,.. ..1.1... .and against Nya kainboanil Mar. n....i r'i.,Ui',.,r ,h,",,n '' hundred se and a l,w diill.rs with Interest there..,, f, said eighth day of Mrptemlier. w7, at Ihe I ven roin of per cent wr annum, and'fltty dollars alior and SO-liai dollars coals, and whereas It was i 1 .. !7 ""1 mrt-' T he court that the mortgage! nriiiwrlv d...!iai .. i..n ship two (li north rai.a. i.i, ,.... , ... . i IllamelUi nin.ii. .. u i " ' rui, he sold tosailafy aald Judgment, costs and accruing costs. I will on s " 1 Wedneailay, ths 27th day ol ( toUr. lavr. allwo oVlwk, p. m .of aald day. al Ihe front door of the curt house In Heppner M.'rri" c..uniy.)rnron,. .11 the rtglil. m . a d i. ! . .. '""," desrrtlawl prnivrly al puhllc anct Ion to Ih. hlgheel end VaVt l.lVl" t." " ."'"' W"-ls to U p.,, Ihe aallaiai-tliin of aald -a l. ' . and cu that m.y ,.roY ' ' l'""' ' -.. 1 i -.-.rr Dated hrptember '24, Mherl If of Mir row County. On-gon. i l SHERIFFS SALE. randrred and on l.e h day of Hrpt-mlxr, S ..A u al a-.. ... ...A M.I. ,.. ,h. board -.y" "J"'?- " T",r ':n'''' rl.lnl.lts. and l.a.nlT a, T. - eii'i t-a) v isar ion j,tr e forty els end no di.M.r, , ,H mUr' fr'hf nrd.rH .rut d re-l 7,, th. as Ml... a. i.m fh.K,.t h.,,,i k,.. ! at ri4 Ihe l.aavea.. m -nty. a.,,,.1, . ,n art-i nt l'.erirr eoiiih ?..aru.,et eria .-.I .n.,tef', ,,'", "T J, 1 " 1rtr of a-Milt, mm niiar. ""ll.'ll llilrl.. ,rf.h h.,, .j r..1' tnari-f ,4 a-tl.rt, ,,h M .,,., . ''My. all In to.rrM. th,. sonlh wi.g. '..lysis. ..at Wlllaweli. fc.,i,-.? 1 a...k .k Zl.1 V.MISW.II. M-ridla. a,. 1. 1 to log nie. WediMavtay, Ihe Tlh day ef Ort.,1., i-v '!M"".'n, f w.nl aald day, st Ih. 11 i.r-M -at it,. ad J a a . . spt M-i ih mii.m ,4 a. all .. ..ni .u ,M, m,f ..,t.'" ttaas . V" " """ l al, 0r..f, I HE PEELS THE i . j inn aim aiijuiiKmi mat Ihe loUoaliiRrieacrlbed real proierty to-wlt: 'Ihe Ml!. WH,t riV:7 ".' ,ne ""lli-east quarter, snnthesoii h half of lh ..mi. j.i r. .... MOTfrE 1H nrCRKBY GIVEN THAT t'NPKR ii ih- I'? hr."' "' cution Issued out ef the t Ircult ( onrtof the Htats of Oregon for the I OUIltV Of Hliim. nA Al . .... ' I an votu-r is iiRftray oivirTHtTn.f.r.R of tha t llr.rii r','''L",l "",U h.u..i7ia.m'rt 01 'aeo..c,B..r Jt-ur.7 """" l " e dlrert-d sud dellterwl. u,H a udgin.nl r.ndrr-1 and ... in aai, Mir lv7. In favor ul w r 1.. inRi,n d.fendams. f..r II,. ., ,.l L.?.. d",'"', .,''.h, -,.,, .nd lid l2h a 7-."i"L""-r"H ""' '" Ih. said .Ighia day of a.pi.mif imn h. ?.h ," ".in., end m.i l, 7Jd . I : Ererybody Says So. " : Oasoarets Candy Cathartic, the most wonder ful medioal discovery of the see. pleasant and refreshing to the taste, not gently and positively on the kidneys liver and bowels, cleansing the entire system, dispel oolds, oure headaohes, fever, habitual constipation and bil iousness. Please buy and try a box of 0. 0. 0. today; 10,52, 50 oents. Sold and guaranteed to oure by all druggists. ' - tf, . Mrs. Vinoe Kelly, who passed tbrongb here reoently from Wenatohee, Wash., in company with her husband and sister, on her way to Long Creek, and who was reported as being seriously ill with tuberculosis, is now very much better nnder Dr. Swinbarne 's treatment. Every case treated by the dootor has been benefitted, and, it the oase ot Mrs. Isaac Large, ot Heppner, fa ' to be taken as a measure ot the valne of this treat ment, oomplote cores can be effected. , The "Bioyollsfs Best Friend" is a familiar name for DeWitt ' Witch Hazel Salve, always tsady for emergencies. While a speciflo for piles, it also instant ly relieves and cures outs, braises, sslt rheum, eczema and all affeotions ot the skin. It never fails. For Sale by Conser & Brook. ., ; .. O. E. Fsrnsworth recently visited the Condon, Mitohell, Fossil and Prinevills country, and says things are lively, everything higb and sheep and oattle bnyers are plentiful.' Fruit is abundant. He was gone two weeks and enjoyed his trip. At Prinevills he saw a Warm Spring Indian pnll out of town with a big, fine four horse team, with bis family all songly ensoonsed therein, and with an additional cargo of a spring bed and a bike. How's this! ' To Care Constipation Forever. Take Oasoarets Candy Cathartic, . I0o or 25o.' If C. 0. 0. tail to ouie, druggists refund money. tf J. O. Warmotb and family were op from Ella last week. They ars prepar ing to visit relatives in California. Wbat Dr. A. E. Baiter Bays. Buffalo, N. Y. Oents -From my personal knowledge, gained ia observing tbe effeot ot yonr Shiloh's Cure in oases of advancsd consumption, I am prepared to eay it is ths most remarkable remedy that has sver been brought to my etteo tiou. It has oerlsinly savsd many from consumption. Sold by Conser it Brook. J. A. Patterson retnrned boms reoent ly from Portlsnd. Beonls has retornsd to Elleoebnrf , bis eyes being mnob im proved. A few weeks ago ths editor was taken wth a very levers cold that censed him to be in a most miserable soodition. It was undoubtedly a bad cass ot lagrippe and reoogniting it as dangerous bs toot immediate steps to bring about a epe;dy onre. From tbe advertisement ot Cham berlain's Cough Remedy and tba many good recommendations inolnded there in, wo oonclnded to make a first trial of tbs medicine. To say that it was satis factory in its results, ia putting it very mildly, Indeed. It aoted like) maglo and ths result was a speedy and permanent onra. we bava no beaitancv in reonm mending this excellent Cough Itemedy lo aoyone afflicted with a ooogh or cold In any form. Tba Banner of Liberty, Libertylowo, Maryland. Tbs 28 and 50 cent sues for tale by Conser A Brook. Vt. MoFaol was eallod twioe to W. W. Brsnnon 00 Eight Mils, to attend a child tufTering from obolera Infantum. ( reap qalrkly Cared. Mountain Glen. Ark.-Our ohildrea were suffering witb oronp wbea s re eeived abotlle of Chamberlain's Congb Remedy. It afforded almost Instant re lief. Y. A. Thornton. This celebrated remedy is for sale by Coneer A Brock. Robbie Ellis bas Joined tba eiemtnar of aurvsye, Cbas. J. Ilsyes, of Hood River, lo lbs work of surveying la Ors gon Rob Is ths flagman. Tetter, Halt-Hheam and Ik-arm. The Intense Itching and smarting, lnr. dent to thee diiwvuM la Instantly allayed by aiiplylng Chamberlain a Eye and Bkln OlntiiHrtit. Many very bed raws have brn prrniannntly enrod by It. It la erjually effii iDnt for Itching pll.-e and a favorite renirxlv fur aore ntpplce, chapped hn.U, chllhUlns, frost bltew and thronto anre eyea, 2S eta. per boi. , Cad; . Cendlliea I'.wdcn, are Jnst what a home owls when in bad condition. Tnki, blond pnrlflcr and vennlfaK. Tltcy are nt food but mexlkloe and Uie beet In oae to pnt a noree in prime condition. Prk K CiU per pay khtpt. Will Ambrose left for Hitter Thursday lib a big load f snppllae. CATARRLHI Via LOCAL DISEASE eaSIs rke saw) (g svag SaaMM eMawis saawsM. II raa S. was Sy a .K m aril em-, wiurk k ap,..4 fa owtawaswi,.. H. H s iy vWM M jt, "lei m fciy's Cream Balm Ms.aaMfH la k IK. svw n-mrt r-v as llaad eM Hay r-w 4mm. I. a- ... . a.1 law. a-a l,l..a,a, In un skis tba f-a aa..ia a.-. S'UMiXn.i rra.srw .1 ri. a. k, . 1. i.f asu, M Wews MIM 5 i' !. 6ft ' ' ;'S ' 'tis tDigjfj FQWDEI. , Absolutely Puro Makes Him Feel Yoang. "For some time I suffered with great weakness and was not able to walk. I could not sleep nights and did not bava an appetite. One day a friend ad vised me to take Hood's Sarsaparilla and I did go. After taking Jive bottles my health was wonderfully Improved. Hood's Sareaparilla has made me feel young ag.ln.- H. Ketas, 821 Yeeler Way, Seattle, Wash. Hood's Pill. are"eaa7 to take. 25ols. Heppner was visited yesterday by a J? lr'aar?ir'' " Wm' McKinley. Mr McKinley had not been out on a flehlng tour as many had supposed. Oo he contrary, ha had besn harvesting in he Palouse country, and is on his way to bis horns in Grant county. HbUoh's Consumption where others fail. It u Cura ourea the leading Ooogh Cure, and no boms should be uUa( h. neasant to take and goea right to the spot. Sold by Oonasr 4 Brook. X Tba mining i, ,ijn nnabBfed Work oo ths tunnel in the Jumbo pro-' eight. This will develop four claims, the Jumbo, North Blar, Gold King and Heppner. The ors still continues f milling. Stop tbatooughl Take warning. It my lead to oonsumption. A 26o bot tle of Bhilob's Cure mar save . n- Sold by Conser A Brook. , ' B. 0. Towbridgs's tsmllv. berger and a Mr. Qsorne. all f Tk- Dsy, pssMd through Heppner last week 00 their way below. Henry will snter school. CaUrrhCaasot be Cared With looal applications, as tbey cannot reaoh ths seal of ths disease. Catsrrb a blood or constitutional disease, and In order to oars it you mast take intsr. nal remediee. H.ir, Catsrrb Cure is taksn Internally, .od acts directly on tba mucons surfaces. H.u's Catarrh Cure is not a quack msdioina, It was prescrlbsd by 00s of Iba beet phystolana In Ibis country for years, and la a ret u. Ur prescription. It is Mmnosmt i .1.- besltonlog knowo, combined with tbs beet blood purifiers, acting directly 00 tba muoous sorfaoes. The n.rf-..i . biu,io of tbs two ingredients is what produces snob wonderful results 10 our. log Catarrh. Send for tea 11 mnn UU fa.--. F. J Cbeney A Co, Prope., Toledo, 0.' Bold by druggists, price 75c. Prof. Nesl and familt naaa1 ti,M-,.i. Heppner oa Tuesday M. biTlrj. overtoFoilo attend .tbs obeeqnles of lucir son wno wss recently aooldently killed. Raekles's A mica Salve. Tba Beet Salve In the worht . Bruises, Mores. Ulcers, Bait Rheum, rever Bores. T.tUr n.. 1 . Chilblsins, Corns, and au"n Era"' nD? "'""'J Pile, o, J, pay reqolre.L II is gusrsntee.1 to give rrloa lo cents rva. kn. .... . Conser A Brock. 07 Wbeal is otioted today at fUssai. la Heppner. Tbs market la aul. and Iba price may go baok to its old pleee, and even higher. Jsoendin. 1.,... If upon reports from wbeat-nrodnaine countries. For Coastipslloa lake Karl's ntn... Tea, Ihs great Blood Porlfltr, tares lisadaol.es, Nervooseaee, Eruptions oa Ihe face, and makes lbs bead as at.., M aUII. Hold by Coneer A rtrnek t aaogbty eiohenge says there U oaroely anything that a woman cannot do witb a balrpla. Hhs uses II to pick her teeth, botla shoes, clean finger nails, punch bed bag 1 oat ef erar ke. faslaa nn etray baaga, dees 00 1 bar husband . P'P". piek her Ine aalla. die on I h.. eoralob her bsad, rua It into eases lo sea' If tbey are dots, aad shoot a millloa other things Ibat lbs poor d.Ioded maa nows Doihlsg ebon 1, Catarrh aared. A el.ar heed .n.t ewert breath aerare. wllb Bbllob's Cslsrrk lUmedy; sold oe a goaraetee. Naeal Injector free. Hold by Conser A Brock. . Mies Myrlls Iloraer. who baa I.- teaeblag out at lbs Brtwnta school hoaee. Is 111 wib fevev at her boas lo Heppner. Karl', Clov Root Tea, f Co net i pa Una It s lbs be.1 and If aft-t ..tag it o d.aa'1 aay so, retoro packagt aad tt yoar tm,j, bVJd by Coassr A Brock, Cbas. VaJsBllsa, fear and t Matt41af tUilats ft,, a Minor