Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 01, 1897, Image 3

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    Uix -iltBIHWill m
Impure Blood
Rheumatism, Kidney Troubles and
Sick Headache the Results-Doctored
for Years Without Reilef.
" My blood was out of order, and I be
gan taking Hood Barsaparilla. It has
purified my blood and relieved me ot
rheumatism, kidney trouble and sick
headaches. 1 have been afflicted with
these difficulties for years. I am now able
to do t good day's work. Rheumatism has
troubled me since I was a child, but I am
aow entirely well." Miss Pheobh Bai
Usy, Box 445, Pasadena, California.
" I have suffered from the effects ot im
pure blood, boils, pimples", etc., for five
years. I have tried various remedies with
out relief and finally purchased six bot
tles of Hood's Sarsaparilla. The boils
and pimples have all disappeared since I
began taking this medicine. I am now
entirely cured." Loots Thomas, 1412
11th Street, Oakland, California.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is the best , in fact the One true Blood Purl
fler. Alldrugg.sts. 1, sU for 5. Get Hood's.
Hood's Pille. f,reP,ir,eIy vegetable, re
a '- liable, beneficial. 26c
Take Notice.
The sum of five cents per line will be
lespect, lists of wedding presents and donors
mial I?11?68' (oter tnan those the edS
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
2. Notices of church and sooiety and all other
ilT?.d' "?.aU be charged for at the rate of five
WW&iT reMOaable known
Now that the great politloal oampaign
is over and the winter Be aeon again with
us, all will want an adequate supply of
fresh and varied reading matter for the
long evenings. Cognizant of this the
Gazette has made clupbiog arrangements
with a number of periodioala and now
offers the following to all new and renew
al subscribers:
The GAZETTE 12.50 and . Club Rate
Weekly Oregonlan, 1.50 $3.50
" B. F. Examiner, 11.50 8.75
" N. V. Tribune, 11.00 s.'oo
" Inter-Ocean, $1.00 8,25
" a F. Chronicle, $1.50 8 75
Thrlce-a-Week N. Y. World. $1.00 8.25
Webfoot Planter, 50c jj.50
Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 . . . . , 5I00
Sunday 11 a. m. and g p. m. Sunday school
10 a. m. Classes No. 1 aid 2 at 12:10 p. m.
fcpworth League Devotional meeting at 1 p. m.
rraer meeting, Thursday, 8 p. m.
'The Spirit and the brie say. Come."
The pastor may be found at the pareonage ad
joining the church, where he will be glad to
meet any mo may dmire to consult him on
religious, social, oivio, philosophic, educational,
or any other subjects.
J. W. FLKSIIiSR. Minister.
i .
Here and There.
See M. Lichtentbal for shoes. a.
Freeh oandici and boms made taffy at
the Orange Front. tt
Banous ia atill on the turf doing a lit
tle oarpenter business. tf
Born To the wife of Wm. Powell, of
Band Hollow, Sept. SO, a girl.
M. Liobtentbal foraboes. Exclusive
aboe store. Handles the best. 83tf
Girl wanted to do housework. Oood
wages. None bnt the best need apply.
Gall at Oszetts office. 83-tf
Any one desiring to build either a
bouse or barn will make money by call
ing 00 the Gazette office. 67 tf
Best aooommodation and oonrteoua
treatment at the Imperial Hotel, Seventh
sod Wash. 8ta., Portland, Oregon.
For tale residence property. Barn
and good outhouses. Will sell obeep on
easy terms. Gall at offioe. 83-tf.
Freeh lot ot tomatoes, peaches and
grapes just reoeived at Mathews'. Fi
nest that ever bit the towo. Call on
biro. tf
Cure that cnugb with Shiloh'i Care.
Tbe best eough cure. Relieves eroup
promptly. One millioo bottles sold last
year. 40 doses for 2Sota. Sold by Con
aer k Brock . 7
George Hoffird baa aome fine half
breed Cotawell bucks, out of Merino
wea which be wishes to sell at reason
able figures. He will be at E. L. Mat
look's corral on about Sept. 20. Gall
on bim. 79tf
Everyone desires to keep loformed 00
Yukon, tbe Klondike and Alaskan gold
fields. Bend 10c. for large Compendium
of vast lofortnetioo and big color map to
liatniltoo rob. Co., Iadianapolia. Ind.
83 U?
No mao or woman can enjoy life or
aooomplish much In tbie world bUe
offering from torpid liver. De Witt's
Witch Dsile Salts. II aootbee, atreogtb
ns and beats; !l ia tbe great pile cure.
For sale by 0ioter A Brook.
Momenta are oeeleee if trifled away;
and they are dangerously wasted it con
sumed by delay In eases where One
Minute Cnugb Cure would bring imme
Hiate relief. For sale by Ooeeer A
Frank MeFarland bee b eo appoioted
special agsal of The Editable Life As
earaoee Co.. of New Trk, the strongest
la tbe worlL Cash surplus to policy
bottlers of over 43 mil Hot dollars. Don'
take Inearanoa wtthoot taring the bw
plana of the EqiitabU. Insures tx.tb
aeiee at same rate. 77 If
To beat tbe broken and di tie.
ease, to soothe Ibe Irritated (artecae, to
InslsBtly relieve and to permaoeatly
ears is the mission ot D Will's W itob
Hstel Halve. For Hale by Coneer A
. Broek.
Ladies, take Ibe beet. If yo are
troabled a-ltb onttipstlne, sallow skin,
aad lirad tWiiiif, take Karl's Clovar
Tee, It le plaaaaot te tat. Bold by
Ooaa-f A Broek. y
1 in
t 4 t aui.i i mi. ri
I I Raat r'-r T 1-. ta 9 I
i mm n likm, mJl7ilmLi''ii.m L 1
Doings ia the BUttesoa District
A acbool entertainment of songs, reel
tationa and oonoert pieces waa given last
Saturday evening in the Matteson
sohoolbouse, under the tutorship of
Mrs. Mollie Johnson. II was thorough
ally appreciated by a large audienoe
from the surrounding neighborhood.
Tbe programme consisted of tbe follow
ing: Opening song, entitled, "My Coantry
Concert piece, "Welcome," by four
little girls.
Recitation, by Harley Matteson.
Reoitation, "Helping Mamma," by
Naroissa Johnson.
Reoitation, "Our Flag" by Walter
Song by the little folks.
Reoitation, "When We Grow Big," by
Eva Stewart.
Recitation, "Bsssle'a Troubles,'' by
Myrtle Cox.
Reoitation by Hazel Hale.
Reoitation by Ivan Cox.
Reoitation, "Dressmaking," by Maude
Song by Miss Aura Hale.
Concert pieoe, "The Amerioan Flag,'
by three boys. ,
Reoitation, "The Bachelor's Sale," by
Minnie Fhillips.
Reoitation, "The Temperance Boy," by
Ivan Cox.
Reoitation, "The Old Crow," by Newt
Reoitation, "Virginias," by Aura Hale.
8ong by Minnie and Nellie Phillips.
Concert piece, "A Bunoh of Flowers."
by four little girls.
Reoitation, "Our President," by Frank
Recitation, "The Lost Kitten," by
Mary Stewart.
Recitation, "The Little Patriot," by
Willie Penland.
Reoitation, "Thrawion Kisses." bv
Naroissa Johnson.
Recitation by Bernie Gaunt.
Reoitation, "If I Were You." bv Iva
Doll song by four little girle.
Reoitation, "PopDinir Corn." bv Silva
Reoitation, "The Little Dutohmao." bv
Ivan Cox.
Recitation, "Vacation Time." by Stella
Song by the big boys and girls.
Song by Tressie Stewart.
Reoitation, "The Cumberland." by
Myrtle Brown.
Reoitation by Aura Hale.
Song by tbe large girla.
Essay on boys, by Silvia Matteson.
Essay on girls, by Bernie Gaunt.
Recitation, "The Nnw Charch Orean."
by Nellie Phillips.
Reoitation by Frank Mattes n.
Reoitation, "Smack in School." bv
Minnie Phillips
Reoitation by Burt Peo't.
Tbe following are pieces rendered bv
parties not belonging to tbe sohool :
Song by Sherman Leffler.
Reoitation by Miss Ora Johnson on
Recitation, Mies Pearl Hanby. "Sheri
dan's Ride."
Reoitation, Ora Johnson, ''Temper-
Dialogue, by Pearl Hanby and Birdie
Closing aoog.
A Student.
A Valuable Preaorlption,
Editor Morrison of Wortbington, Iod.,
'Sun." writes! "Von tiava a valnahla
prescription in Eleotric BitUrs, and I
oan cheerfully reoommend it for Consti.
nation. Siek Headanha. arul u a omiatftl
system 'onic it haa no equal." Mrs.
Annie Stehle. 2')25 Gnttaira Ornva Aa .
Chicago, was all ran down, could not eat
nor oigeet lood had a backache mhlch
never left ber and felt tired and weary,
bnt six holtlea of F.Untrin Ilittara rears,.
ed ber health and renewed hentrength.
rrloe WJoente end kl.OO. Qet a bottle at
Oonser A Brook'a drug store.
A train load of merchandise for the
O. A O. Go., with headquarters at Hunt
ington, waa "filled" at Wadbams A Kerr
Bros., ot Portland last week. There
were eleven cars ot merchandise and
10 of hardware.
It you bave ever aeeo a little child in
a paroxysm of booping'ooogh, or if you
have been annoyed byNa constant tfok
ling in tbe throat, you ean appreciate
tbe value of One Minute Congo Cure,
wbiob gives quick relief. Sold by On
er A Brock. e
Many Mends of John C Laaeare in
Eastern Oregon will learn witb pleas,
are that Mr. Less are is on Ibe high
road to fortune through judicious invest
ment in eoatbeutero Alaska mining
This Is Votir lHHanlly.
On yx-rlj't f I' ll rents, cnh or stan,
a cenorou sinnple ta tnnil'd of the
nvwt mialir Caiii-rli nnri llsy Fevar Cure
(Kly'e Crr-fim Hn!nii safflHant to demon-
strata the gr .t i- rnn t ilia remedy.
ELK IH:o fiflXH,
6d Warm; H., New York City.
Ev. John Itrld. Jr .i.f Or.ni r!l,Mot ,
raoninnirnilrd Ely's re.ui lialw lo ma. I
ean smplia-ito his ais'cmrtit, "It iaa poai
live enra for mLirrli if nxxt asdiraetad."
Itav. Franrl W. I'm,!.. 1'wOor Cantral free.
Church, Helena, 11 out.
Fly'a Cream IWrn la the arVnr ldtfd
cure for catarrh and nmiains no BMrrury
bur any lnjurt-s dmg. Price, 60 ere la.
Hick Maibewe and V. Geatry, ondet
the firm nante ot Maibewe A Geoiry,
are asaoelata4 together in tbe btrbor
bnainaae la the sew etaad, two doors
south of tbe poeirf0e. Tby eolieit a
eaM. Hbaving, 15 eenta. If.
The Hop Gold keg beer at the Wei
eom. Oo la, yoa thirsty doixos, and
see Ibe tmye. It
Now ia tha lime to get tbe Weekly
()riffiijj, the graaiaat aewspapar of
the Waal. Wllb lheUaa4iUlb strict
ly I, adveixs., nee yaar, f-1.fitt, Ne kMUr
nirbinatkia of heaspepers eae be male
la the elate.
Oroe to the Oktatie (toe aad tM a
rlfet l4 o( etivrlope priatad.
Oovareraaet eevtlnpe l k ehaap, and
baaldas raonot gat O0f loaioaae
eard prtaUj tlaraue. If
Restores Vitality, Renews Strength, Cleanses and Enriches the Blood,
Regulates the Liver, Bowels and Kidneys.
A Few News Notes and Happenings Facts
and no Fiction.
Sport is back again. The season of the "sere
and yellow leaf" stimulates him to make a few
random remarks.
The most wonderful piece of wind machinery
is reported from the sand, by J. O. Warmoth.
Now, even Mark Twain would say that War-
moth Is truthful. Recently an emigrant passed
through by Warmotb's place, on the old emi
grant road, In the old-fashioned prairie schoon
er, rigged with sails, the wagon being steered
by a pair of cayuses that can be bought any
where for 1.50;a piece. The outfit looked like
a Chinese pirate ship, with its big, square satlt
but It took the wagon along and the horses bad
to trot to keep out of the way of the "schoon
er." The owner said he couldn't "tack" very
well, but as he was going through lanes most
of the time In an easterly direction, with the
wind at his back, he wasn't very particular
He will blow over into Idaho and If things
don't suit may catch a Wyoming zephyr and
drop in about Rawlings.
Pap Minor says that up about Fairheaven it
is all "Baker." Klondike doesn't shine there-
Be is responsible for the story that even the
frogs have caught up the refrain.
Bounds of revelry by night have been heard
often of late. It is a sign of better times. 'Til
strange that when people grow richer they fall
to grow wiser and better.
A card was picked up in the mountains re
cently on which a loving swain had written
burning words about his true love, and said he
thought something of going out on the "bound
ing billows." If he don't mind he will get his
feet wet.
0. E. Farnsworth Is below.
Wood wanted right now. We're out.
Wheat la quoted today at 63 to M cents.
Uncle Nat Webb Is over from Walla Walla.
Davidson postofflce has been discontinued.
Dr. A. L. Beatle left last night for t'endleton.
W. L. Hill was In from Gooseberry last week.
Ed. Day and wife were la Pendleton last
Judge Bartholomew got back Thursday from
W. A. Curray waa up to the Jumbo mine yes-1
Mrs. Ada Curtis, nee Ada Rhea, Is here from
8. J. Freedman visited his customers hers
Henry Thompson wss ovsr from Butler creek
Wm. (Cumberland waa over from bis Clark
canyon ranch the first of the week.
A great many local notes were crowded out of
this lasus for want of Urns to get them to type.
Hardy P. Long Is bark from Southern Oregon.
Mrs. Josls Brown Is 111 at her home at Hard-
Mrs. Ida Foster, representing the Rebekahs
of Oregon as their presiding odlear, is In Hupp.
ner hxlay.
Mrs. Chas. "perry Is quits 111 st the horns of
ber husband's parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. O,
Bperry. In Heppner.
Mrs. Conklln, of Roacburg, Grand Worthy
Matron of tha Eastern Mar, was in Hepner Ibis
week on a fraternal visit.
ti200022 f
Any baking powder will
liy'ifjn your cake, if that's all
yoM want. Some are stronger
than others, some more whole
some. Schilling's But is both and
more too.
A Schimtif Cnaipaaf
aa rVaacMc fi
Dr. f.lnf'a New Dlseovery fee
This is the beet medioine Id Ibe world
for all forma ot Congha aad Odds and
for Consumption. Every bottle ia guar
anteed. It will eore and not disappoint.
II baa do equal for Whooping Coogh,
Asthma, flay Fever, rneamnaia, Hroa
elitia, U Onpr. (V.I4 0 Ibe Hd and
lor Ooesnmpimo. It ( safe for all age.
pleasant In lake, and, ehova all, a sure
enra. It is always wall lo lake Ir.
King's New Ufa I'll Is is eonoertk
witb Dr. King 'a New Dwoovary, as they
ratolale and tone tbe etomerb and
bo as la. We toaranlea perfect eat 1st so
tton or retnm monay. Free trial bnttlee
at Gnnser k U rock's drag store. lUguler
sue &0 cable aad 110).
yAXTrriTraTWf.THy ton Arnvt
' V s"llm or -tlm la lrsl Inf nf"t
lhl. MiMIh4 fcmjao In Htfn Mm,fhl
tv.tn e4 p !- l-.-itkm tJr kirr
nr, r mmm mmll 4l.ln d sunuxt n
Wfm, TUHunliiluaUieipaiir.twi. f ( hu,,.,.
7 w
IW ef'dselv.t! A eoasb. hoarsaaaa
or coop are el t he trifled with A
d'e ia time of Nhilnh's Care will esse
yosj marb troob'e Bnd by C'r k
Brock. y
For esla flood ebaap rseva (b
pUaly of mnnibg water . Will aril
eUap. Etqulre of L. li. Wtlts, Felra.
Fill a bottle or common glass witb
urine and lei it stand twenty-four hours;
a sediment or settling indioatea an un
healthy condition of the kidneys. When
urine stains linen it ia evidenoe of kid
ney trouble. Too frequent desire to ori
nate or pain in tbe baok, is also ooovino
iog proof that the kidneys and bludder
are out of order.
There le oomfort in the knowledge eo
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy
fulfils every wish in relieving pain in the
baok, kidneys, liver, bladder and every
part of tbe urinary passages. It cor
rects inability to bold jirine and eoald
ing pain in passing it, or bad effects fol
lowing use ot liquor, wine or beer, add
overoomee that unpleasabt necessity of
being compelled to get bp many times
during tbe night to urinate. Tbe mild
and the extraordinary effect ot Swamp
root is soon realized. ; It stands tbe
highest for its wonderful ouree ot the
most distressing oases. It you need a
medicine you should have tbe best. Sold
by druggists, price fifty oeota and one
dollar. You may bave a sample bottle
and pamphlet both sent free by mail.
Mention tbe Heppner Gazette and aend
your address to Dr. Kilmer k Co., Biog
hampton, N. T. Tbe proprietors ot tbie
paper guarantee tbe genuineness ot this
R. Wills Has Urcldrd to ( low) Out His
Large Htork of Merchandise at Coat.
The Gazette te informed that Mr. II.
0. Wills, tbe merchant, has decided to
go out of business at Heppner and now
proposes to aell everything at cost (or
spot cash. This sale will continue till
the whole stook is disposed of.
This is not a bogus "dosing out sale,"
and Mr, Wills desires tbe pnblio to
know it. When he says "oosl" ha means
00t." Come in and lnnk avap hia (m.
mense stock i f goods and pick out your
winter outfit. 79if
A Boarding and Day School for Boys Under
Military Discipline.
Tie JOth yaar oncW tlia praaant manatemMit Wins Hot 14. 1MH7.
I his inalltntiim is Uioniuahlx "Oiiil lor Ilia manial, social, pliMioal
and moral training of tx. ThurtHuh iri ami 'on for any collius or
ciiHitifte k Ijin.I. Gnkluataa at pMwut in ial, Wil I'nint, MwMw'ho.
wtta Irrtitnte of Tarhni,lir, Him Li.lritim.f California. Orrun,
l'a-r;lraiiia, Stanford and SloWiil. Dunns vacation vUitora w-le ma
frtmVlo I'J a m. Kor ratalogna and otlwr information, aililms Ilia
l'nnri,l, J W. HILL, M. O., Vortlaud, Onwuu. I'. O drawar II.
I bViH. II.
1 I V
mi .L v -i 11
fp ;rh Don't You Want a Flare to
f.r;' iJ Put up Your Team ?
?' Arc You in Need of a Saddle
1 lorbc ?
Ail thean tau to irocurel at Tb'tn,-fni k Iiiutie, Ixrr Main Htreet,
lepmer, thrno.
Thw f.nll,a an arnall4 wltk Orant. Ilarnf. rrk. (tllllaai aa4 Mht rtraiitlaa
lixl raa MX atoif "t Uma I aH.S IMa sm Uui s a Ilk liaxilt.g mn.
t na la sat wlia ta (tma.
LivamTMaw, utrrvia,
The following scores were made on C. 8. Van
Duyn's alley, at same time during the week
ending Sept. 80th: Hal Minor, 42; C. 8. Van
Duyn, 47; Orville Jones, 41; Jas. Wallace, 44;
Ed. Baling, 40; C. E. Redfleld, 48; J. McFerrin,
41; Frank Rasmus. 43; C. Ropau, 35; Walter
Van Duyn. 48; Green Matthews, 40; Will Spen
cer, 43: Ed. Matlock, 44; Uan Henshaw, 48:
Frank Rogers, 15. '
-A notice has been placed at the en
trance to the long walk at Windsor
park, in London, prohibiting- motor cara
from passing either up or down the
royal avenue,
A well-known London horse dealer
not long ago died from worry caused by
bad debta. There is a likelihood of
something like 14,000 out of 17,000
being paid to the widow.
Baroness de Ilirsoh has signified h'er
intention to erect and endow a home for
Jewish consumptives. She has, with
that object, placed under the control of
her relative, Mrs. Biachoffaheim, Sir Ed
ward Se&soon and Frank Lucas a sum
lietween 40,000 and 50,000.
The office of librarian at the Eng
lish house of lords will become vacant
In a few weeks by the retirement of Mr.
Pulman, who has held this post for 35
years. The salary is 180 a year, with
an excellent official residence. The post
is in the gift of the lord chancellor.
Mrs. Irving, of Shield Itunrfoot.
near Langholm, England, visited that
town to discharge some business. She
had just left the shop of a cabinetmaker
when a varicose vein in her log burst,
and, though medical aid was at once
sent for, alio bled to death in a few
AtBloomsbury county court in Eng
gland before bis honor Judge Bacon
there were two plaintiffs in an action
husbaud and wife. When they got into
the box It was found tiiatthe wifecoutd
not talk and the huM-eml waa dif.
Judge Savon's only comment was:
"Dear me!"
The West Australian gold field
show little difference from the Vic
torian fields of the 'SOs In their extrav
agance and prodigulity. At the banquet
recently given In Kulgoorlle to cele
brate the opening of the railway "cham
pagne flowed In miniature torrents,"
1.000 botUea bcinir consumed.
w 1 r s . . r- . " . . t a .
miiiiiiiiiduiiiii'u Vint i Ann niv
Do You Want a Kitf ?
A True Nerve
Tonic and Blood Purifier
to suit tbe times. Ton want fresh
groceries and supplies ; you want sub
stantial gents' furnishings. Yon oan find
what you want at T. B. Howard'
TT. I. Howard
Main Street,
And now the entire world
Knows mis verect product
As the Star Brewery beer.....
At the old stand, bare the naaal
prion outfit of
lieaidci the thousand odd- and eoda that are too numeroua to mention.
Gcell on-
Ktil Door to first KaUonal Bank Building.
You can Wager Your Sox that You
are Always at Home at ....
Oa Halo Htreet, lo Oil Hotel Building.
Tbay try to please all. Fin elob rooms lo eoonectioa.
JOW XirvTvVI!, Prop.
Rogers & Roberts,
Plans and Estimates
All Kinds of Repair Work
Oi l ICE H0URSl)ay and Night Lcarc your orders "Any Old.
itjcc and Kog. or Jim will
ai. iviciiXKATXirrv'o
Ma r.asaarula la this Una thai tm m.t dra aa1 t aa eaiwa4 ea It Tea 1 a
OH Suae-, Main PUmW"! a Cf tatty
61-Oct u
You Don't Expect
Goods for Nothing!
Heppner, Oregon.
Was Perfected by the
Production of
On draught at
all popular saloons
203 Waehlngton St., Portland, Or.
and Buildera.-
Given on Snort Notice.
cet em. o o o o o o o
1 a
- v