- IX c5 6 e Q Q n g S& a sa e v 22 Father Cured of Scrofula. HIS DAUGHTER OF DANCE. ST. VITUS' We fear Mr. Scott will love our friend Geer to death. Salem Statesman. The Oregonian will stand at Mr. Geer's back until bis political front is beaten blue. Salem Statesman. Mark Twain is right. As long as the world laughs with a humor ist he is all right; when it begins to laugh at him it is time to call a halt, eays an exchange. . The hold-up crowd has Mr. Geer out as a sort of "miscellaneous candidate." They are running him for most everything in sight now, from the gubernatorial place down. But when the conventions come on well, they won't be in them. Salem Statesman. Fucts oncuext for and Sworn to. From the Tribune, Minneapolis, Minn. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo ple have brought joy into the borne of (i. N. BeDsel, 3U3 Hennepin Avenue, tbe well known Minneapolis decorator and painter. For over ten years Mr. Bensel was smioted wub eorofula in an aggra vated form, causing running sores to continually form on tbe back of tbe neck and extend np into tbe bair. To day be is oared and bappy twice bappy we might eay ; for bis daughter wbo is now fourteen years of see bad tbe ter rible nervous af&iotion known as St Vitas' danoe, and bas also been greatly improved by tbe use of these pills. In relating bis experience to a Tribune reporter, be said: "I have bad tbe annoyaooe nearly twelve yearn, oonsiBting obiefly of sorofu Ions tumors on the back of my bead and seok. I tried many remedies without reoeiviog tbe relief desired. It was after persistent efforts of a friend to induce me to use Pink Pills for Pale People, that I yielded, and tbe result is that now 1 oannot express my thanks fitting ly to that friend for bis persistency. I know these pills are a good thing for scrofula. Yen can see for yourself tbe dry marks and red spots left on my neck, where formerly were eruptions that emitted matter and the vilest humors of tbe blood. Now they don't even itch, and I believe I am praotioully cured. "I want to tell you too, about tbe great benefit my daughter, who Is now four teen years old, also received from tbe use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. For two years she had St. Vitus' danoe and we did everything we oould bear of to relieve ber, but bave never found any thing that equals tbese pills. She bas used four boxes and is nearly oured. We bave great faith in them and will continue their use when afflicted. (Signed) Quo. N. Bbnbbl." Sworn and subscribed to before me this 7th day of September, 189G. T. E Andeews, Notary Publie. Gen. Benjamin F. Tbacy has been named by the republicans as their candidate for the mayoralty of Greater New York. It wbb a Flatt nomination and the delegates who wanted Seth Low, who had already been nominated by one faction of the republicans, or rather, by independents, were promptly sat down on. The fight promises to be an interesting one. not move tbem without great pain. My toea too were swollen out of all shape, and my fingers were so drawn, and tbe nidsclea so contracted that 1 could not use them. I bad given op all hope of oure. when my attention was called about three veare aso to tbe wonderful cores nffeoted by the use of Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale People, and I pro cured a sudoIv. "It was not long after 1 oegan casing tbem before I experienced considerable relief, and I con tinned using them ac cording to directions until I bave taken altogether about three dczen boxes, my I Goiters are now straight and flexible, and the joints reduoed to their normal size, tbe rbeumatio pains are almost gone, Rnd now. thnnirh I alwavs keep Pink Pills by me, I never use them unless 1 oatcb cold, or set wet through I am willincr that this testimonial shall be mihlibbed. in order that the extraordi nary curative powers of Dr. Williams' medicine may be known to rheumatic sufferers. Signed Mbs E. A. PbaTT." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo ple are not a patent medicine in the sense that name implies. They were! first compounded as a prescription and used as such in general practice by an eminent physician. Bo great was tbelr t ffioaoy that it was deemed wise to place (hem within the reach of all. Tbey are now manufactured by the Dr. Williem' Medicine Company. 8cheneotady, N. Y., and are sold in boxes, never in loose form by tbe dozen or hundred, and tbe public are oantioned against numerous imitations sold in this shape, at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for 82 50, and may be had of all druggists or direct by mail from Dr. Williams' Med. Oo. WE ARE HERE3 This Advertisement does not Appear to tell you about a Bankrupt or Closing Out Sale, RHEA 4 COMPANY Are IVot Doing t licit Kltxd of Business. E Paralyzed for Years. A CARPENTER SPENDS MANY MONTHS IN BED-PHYSICIANS DO OIM LITTLE GOOD I r'ROM KKAGUAY. A Former Resident of Tills Section Writes Down From Alaska. We landed here Sept. 8tb. Found city of about three thousand inhabi tants, about half of whom iuteud cross ing yet this fall. Tbe trail from this apart is next to impassable, tbotigb a fe are getting over. I talkod with many that bave been over this and the Dyea trail. They all say that Dyea is far tbe better. All tbe large outfits that bave landed here ot lute have gone to Dyea There are now about four thousand per sons at Sheep Camp, twelve miles above Dyea, all Intent on getting over or "bust." Many have already "busted ome physically rl more of thorn floan plally. This trad 1 simply b-l In its most vivid form. K very day I see from twenty to forty men start log oat to puck on the cat off. Ever? day flan be seen about the same number retarnit-g What on hnmblo looking set of mwa, not drv thread on tbem. bedaubed with mil J from "Ovnesis to Revelation." They have been pnying from four to seven 0nte per pound1 here to pack one and oue half miles. It bus bceu reining and snowing on the highland for two weeks. 11m rained here fur five tiny and still raining today though quits warm. Tin re is many a man here that bas neither grub nor money and is work ing at odd jibs of any kind. Hood as tbey get money ennogh tbey skip for their Dative land. Many of my ship mates bave already Ukeo their back tracks. Every ship that bus suited from hers during the last fly days has taken more passengers than she landed with. Kvery one from now on will lie loaded with men, many ul whom will work their passage back. I was talking with man this morn ing that landed here two weeks ago with twenty pack animals and three tons of freight, lie hired two boas packer and some helper. He started them to work, paid 119 per dy to lb m ports, 17 to helper. (board Included.) lias paid t&kl for horses sioee. Tail hi men off and returned tbl rooming almost broken hearted, leading two tf the moat miser alile-luokinf "orow. baits" that eye ever beheld. II hi cargo I astlerI from Liarville to Summit lake. Every thing I wet and completely six.lled . II offered lb outfit, horse loolu led, for 1 10 but had found do buyer yet. There t on man ber who ha four ton of freight and two twenty-foot boa!, (not iill together.) II i ffertng frt.WO for lb delivery of am t Lk Kenned, everything ti l kept to d order. Horn J ib would b out to Impossible at this Inn of year. fb schooner, Hhtrly, ram Id lasl big lit with only twenty two passenger, two thousand pound of frrlgbt for Hksgaay and Dya-tiongh to apply II. i ple lor lb srioter. Th rivr her ran four feet on Hslurdsy eight, parry ing wy th brklg bovs town. At right keit morning they had ferry to (iteration lr crossing meo. Th boat ben men of lb rily eslled meeting yesterday for Ihe purpose of raising runner f f Mother bridge. Four Ihniis- This is to certify that I have bad a very favorable experience with Dr. Wil liams' Pink Pills for Pale People. I bave suffered more or lees for seven years with inflammatory rheumatism and neu ralgia pains, sometimes unable to walk for three weeks at a time, and in one in stance bad such intense pain in tbe stomach and around tbe heart that I thought eaob hour for three days would be my last. Having seen articles in tbe papers about your pills, I ooncluded to give them a trial, and bave used ten boxes with mavelr us results. Have felt better tbe past month and more free from pain than for many years. I shall continue their use. Signedl Etta Piper," 2721 Penn. Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day ot September, 1896. T. E Andkbws. Notary Public Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo ple are a speciflo for troubles peculiar to females, such as suppressions, irregu larities and all forms of weakness. They build np the blood, and restore the glow of health to pale and sallow obeeks. In men tbey effect a radioal oure in all oases arising from mental worry, over work or exoeescs ot whatever nature. Tbey are manufactured by the Dr. Wil- liaroa' Medioine Company, Hubenectady, N. Y., and sold by all druggist at 50 cent a box or six boxes tor 82 50. Enlaroed Joints from Rheumatism Hurta a Condition Inrtlr-stes a Chalky Deposit and Is Krhlom Cured There Is Hop la Home Cases, However, from an r.nrlrhing of ths Wood. From the Record anil t'nlon, Mix-roister, Minn Mrs. Klirnhetb Pratt, wife ot Mr. John Pratt, one of the oldest settler in 01 in alead county, Minnesota, fur many ysars has been paiufully elllioted with rben matiem in it moel aggravting and to convenient form. Mrs. Pratt is well known in the vicinity of Viola, having during one administration held tbe re sponsible position of poet mistress. She tells the tale of ber Hfllic.lin and siibea. qiien t restoration to health, which is printed in order that other similarly iiffuring may resd and adopt the same remedy she did. Viola, Olmstead Co Minn., August 21, ".HI. "A little over ten year ago I discov rred that the joint of my tlugers were enlarging, aud very sore. I onusulteil many physicans, will) some slight relief al lime from pain, but Ihe joint grew larger aod larger, and my neck, boul der and limb were so lift that I oould PARALYSIS CAME BY A FALL. From the Express, Los Angeles, California, Just think ot a busy, hardworking man paralyzed in tbe midst of bisoareer, and rendered useless. That was tbe misfortune that befell James A. Jones, of 1002 Alpine St., Los Anireles.Oal . in September, 1891. Mr Jones whs born in tbe State where many of the presidents oome from Ohio, but spent the greater part of bis life during his younger years in Iowa, from whioh place he went to Colorado, and in 1882 ennie to Los Angeles. It was a small place then, before the boom came along and pushed ns forward a eoDtury in-tbe road of progress, and Mr. Jones followed his occupation of carpenter and builder. While at work in September, 1891. be received a fall whioh jarred biro consid erably and he beoame confined to his bed. Shortly after be lost tbe use of the lower part of his body entirely, and his legs became a dead weight. A plaster oast was put upon him by tbe dooti rs and tbey worked over him ana aid an things possible to assist his recovery. But be remained in the seme condition. Io April, 1893, he began to tske Dr. William's Pink Pills for Pule People. Tbe following June he noticed that be ooald move bis toes, and on July 4, 181)3, he got np ont ot bed and later in tbe month wns able to walk without crutches Shortly after, still continuing the pills he went to work at bis trade atWbiltier, wbero be sustained a fall and again in jured himself and hud to go to bed, and the dread para'ysis came oa again. Again the doctors worked with bim but witb"nt relief, and he once more began totnkeDr. Williams' Pink Pills. The doctors had given bim bromides and iodides, but witbont eff-ict. Again the pills drove the paralysis into tbe back ground. He said "I took them in ac oordnuce with directions, and in con nection with the uee of cold sponge bxtftei fori nd they were exceedingly bone- Qcinl. Mr. Jones is now able to wnlk again, and he feels thai tbe pills are tbe only thing that bus done him any good, lu this connection he said: "Tbe dootor who have treated me have done every thing In their power, but without ell ot, and It does seem marvelooa that paraly sis should be overoomo by these little pills. Hut that has been my experience. II anyone doubt it let lbm writ to me or come aud see me and I will tell betn the story." IV. Williams' Piok Pills for Pole Peo ple emilnln, In a oondeosod form, all the elements nwess'irjr to give Dew life and puliue in the blond and restore slit' tered nerve Tby are ulso a speciflo for troubles peculiar to female, such a suppressions, irregularities aud nil lorms of wenkness. In men tliey tflVot a radi ckI cure in all case arising from on tnl worv, overwork or excesae of wlitt ever nature. Pink Pill are ld in boxes -never in loos hulk at 60 cents a box or six bx for 12 Ml, and may be had of all drnirgists, or direct by mull fmm lr. Williams' Medicine Company, Hoheneolady, N. Y. WE shall tell you about a brand uew, bright, olean stock of goods that will be disposed ot at live-aud let-live figures. So here goes. Tour attention Is dir!eoted first ot all to our elegant display of Ladies', Misses, and Children's wraps. For eleganoe of worfcm.uqsbip and material they can't be beat in tbe oity, all olaima to the contrary notwithstanding. Observe display in front window I Boys' and Youths' Clothing, Men's Clothing and FurnisbiQ9 Goods. This is gettiog to be an acknowledged fact, Bod the reason of it is that we handle whitt tbe people want I N the above lines we are easily tbe loaders. This is gettiog to be an at reasonable prices. . This season our stock in these lines is larger than ever. 'HIS department of our store has anything in this- line? We bava also itl baen greatly enlarged and we have Added a stock second to none in the city. Do yon. want A The latest patterns and etylea are represented. We bave a surprise in 25 cent grades. Come and see. Our stook has been greatly enlarged and made complete in all departments, Tbe addition of more store-room now enables a to oompete with any house in the oity, and this we expect to do. We invite the publie to call, see our goods and get our prioes. We bave no shelf-worn goods to ebow you, as wa have mode a o implete clean-up of old stock daring the summer. Your patron ige ia solicited. E. W. RHEA & CO., First Nat'l Bank Building, Heppner, Oregon. man power, no horse or donkey engine being employed. They experl to have It In thi we. Th aMi night that our flood came Dyea had a Pond far more sever. There er several hundred jwron camped oo Ihe flat at Hheep-trop above Dyea. At two in Ihe mnmwig the water earn down io a solid breast, washiog meo oat of bej. Fifteen w missing. Hv bodie liv hero recovered, including no woman. Several wl nutfll wer oarrled away, many tiirw and a few omen tscaplng In Ihrir Sight clothe, losing money, clothe, gi'ib and all. Two of th men thai earn otil t h Io a abrvtted garment cam down her with me. The trsmer, Willamette, ha Jlst rorue in. Only brought a few pea ger. The steamer, IMroit. sat? at two. Thr ar fifty lirkeU no (old. They will sail for Seattle, then to th ! land of Home." No morw Klondik (rtttm. There ar many Snor thai would willingly returo If thr ha I means to gn on. Horse tv depreci ated evenly-1 per eei t. sine I landed here. Hoppltr getting cheaper every day tloor II per hundred, baoos 10 cools, potato l per mci, ksy fid er too, oat half cent per poatxt, pie "5 cent per Ul, butter II per mil, fresh milk fifty cent t qnarl, sosrrw at tbi ; whiskey, ' Old Crow," selling reiw, $10 per gallon, buying pnoe, Oft Orot j. drink. lUspecifully yours. A. O. 1)1 ROM, Hkagaay, Alaska, fc-pl. 1V7. THE MORAVIAN VIEW OF DEATH. rui Ij and wr uWiibwd. wilb -rniis of w If .1.1 Thi. morning j J;,'- imi nti liundrv.1 aid lea men n io work. Hy anon tbey eiped Ui dubl food's Pills that nmnUr. LMltiu I dn ty a im ,ir rot v wm h ttws an.tii. A Ilvaallral ! Impressive Castwm f lb Moravian. Clifford Howard contribute to the Iulirw' Home Journal ail late real log ar tide upon the Moravians of IfetMchcin, Pa., aiwl their religious customs: 'Tpon Um deth of onoof th congre- gatUin," Its writes, ths event I an iroumvd, nut by tits Dionotonoua, mournful tolling1 of tire bell, but by th ik-ep-brrthiug, mWodUiua mimic of IroiiiUmtw, played hi the opru Imlfry atreple of the church by the trtMulssta choir; and as tlt Uvp, w ,-rt notes of the fantlliax h) nui are Imrus to the po le lUiw they reverrntly drop tttrlr Mork to listen. 'Hark!' they v.hier, 'the horn are llmlng; anutti oim its pine Iioiim! tioue ltlH!' rrtiai iHithlng more ta-nu t i f ul ly rxpruplifle the x-rfi-t, umiuestionliifr faith of Utras ilioul hU than tltst rtprraaiTs Ut lerumv, Uis slmvrlty of whk'h I evrr h imnistratml by the lat'k of mourning a I the lutMlittf away of a titrtula-r of th household, however ivirly hcloml; so true and heart Ml la tlte Mors lan lx lirf tltst d.-wth I but ths entnuioei U a bright, haiirr homo. The tronv iHiitca are aUo ium at ths touching; funrraJ sertU es U' Id al the grate; and amid thnir )4 lnslrinT, strains Ihs lr.rld otts is laid t.) bis rUrrml rrat. On all oct-sabm. vttwthrr of ili ath or joy, tits U-oinlswii-s h-nd thesr w-t Milmnnity In fining breath, from lit stwpl ttwy hrrJd lit fra llial day of esrh of tlis choir, ami lu II open air ertU-e tltrir itrlUfliu Vtura are t rr twri-rnt." rVo(cf of Intention, r a t orrii at ih rtt ysoaxunji. I A l-l II. t'. tt'IU ! kMflf S" lsl t lUlt hltnml rlllrr hftS ft tvwl hiMk ..I kiirl !'" r"-' lll I I.1 IvhrtsJ S..rMi I mn.lj I !( al r -l. l'lr. .," M'tf f , t MARY OlMia. Ill r ft a. Ui . T til II, n- r l"ltoaln allnmn l ! I.Ihh i. Hni. . M" r ll.sli.w pi Ml. (iil .' J I , ! ...ftH t-'h 1 tH. IHrltm H'fS ir.-Msinl ,'Vfistlrum. Wife at Ulwri. WANTED A WIFE. AlthovgBt H Needed On lis Wa Par ticular About Quality. A prominent attorney preserve the following1 document as one ot the chief curios erf hit) office. It bears a recent date and was written from one of the Missouri river towns. The young woman referred to is the presiding! genius of the kitchen in the lawyer's home: "Dar Sir: I (rot acquaint with Mitta through our corresponding with each other. She wants to marry mm. Should alia suit, 1 will not want her for three or four months yet. rieiu find out through your wife and let me know bv return mall if she is Viortihy of a good hunltand. "I her character gottd? How about her honesty and Intogrit.y? Does she sncm to like children? Is she neat and clean? Is she tasty about hT dress Is she gay or frivolous, or what you coll aullen? "Ia she wasteful in her cooking and thinks she is saving or not? Is she stroug and lu-slthy? Can she hear and talk good? I shet homely or pretty? Ia she amajrt? Tt make It short, would she -niakei a good man a good wife? , "I am a ouot by tnule, a widower with five children, and I need a woman that' a good 'rook and to look after my children. RIia has been working foe your wife three wk. You ought to know hrr pretty good by this timet Anything you may say she won't know If it isn't good, unless you tell her your self. "Is h stylish? Hss she begun to break or show edge ? Is she steady and does she know how to please? "You can do mm a great favor If ymi take Are minute of your valuablo lime to answer these few question. Tie write at once. I want to know quick. Your obedient servant. St. Lotila r.epublle. Commencing Sept. 22 and continuing until Ool. 1, inclusive, we will sell round trip tickets to Portland and relnrn at oue fare for the round trip. Ticket ex pire (Jot. 31. This is ror the manu taolorera' fair. The admission to tbe fair is free. J. 0. Habt, Agent. T Hevsils Cricks Tsrs. "You've heard about clouds of grass- hoppnrs to. Kansas art. I ths plogu of locusts In IVypt." rrtiuM-ked sn old Ne vada miner, "but did you ever hm of the cricket pest In ths western des erts? No. Well. IH U-ll you bow I ran against U owe up In Nevada. I had lavt pnalng too miles from txiwhrrw ami ttad run sltort of water. I was nearly dead of thirst, when a onupls of miles away, at ths foot of a hill, I saw a clump of wilhma I knew there must be water rtrar, so I struck out for Ihs willows. When I got titers I Annul a fins sring. tsil, It was filled up with crwkets till ins pile stuck a fistf aliuv I1m banks. I eaUmabol that thsrs wers ai least tt bushels of crick ets In lust spring.' 8urs that threw were not HV In qulml one of bl bearer. "Its careful htrm you feme bark at mv or I may raise your Wt a few crw k rta, You r ths Insect start across ths Armr arxl naturally getalrifledry. S hrn Ihr-y triks Wat thry stamped for K like a bent of rattle. Well. sir. I had to shotel out crickets for half a day twfov t csvuld get a spans clear to grt a chaiHW al ths water myself." cisa frasriao Poal. A Kloudlke Book. The Ohicsgo Record's book for Gold Betkoraisnow ready. A reader ot this book will know more ot Alaska and tbe wonderful Klondike district than be could learn by months of personal obseivatioo and research on tbe gronnd In comparison with other works on tbe snbj-cl it is tbe "Webster's Diet local y of Alsek," a perfect and peerless volume, at ones the model aud despair of rivid f ohlisl ers. It tells ot tbe richest snd meat eiten vo gold field tie world baa ever knnsn How Ihey were discovered FiflJ vet nnexplored Ten years' work already In sight Where I the Mother Lode? Th fort noes already made The millions to be taken out I eit ear How to gel there R. ft. far acid other Xpense from all points Medicsl Hin-Climate Oin.'ial Maps Ooveinment reports Ml land and water routes Prj 'Oled Railroads Min ing law -Customs. In brief, all tbal is kunwu of thia wonderful land ot farm luus wealth. It is Ihs only authentic practical tor, rffltlsl and endorsed About (VsJ pages, handsomely Ixrood i artfl'Dvaas. Price, fl 60. A I ar wntd to hand's Ibis valui.bl work. It I a chance ff a lif time. Eiprrieoce is not aecearr, a full instruction ar sent aud th who! people ar clamoring for tbs book. It port from sgi-ntt j ul started show wnndeiful sincere. Isle ran high s 2l Ik sn hosr. Itig fommissi iii nd lah's premium are s"i-.1 Credit is gives and freight paid. It l aa 1 1 portn'Hty Io gain a crun1"1 luailiorl lime. The b-Mik is Dot old lhrnah stores or niper. Cm I ter ranvessing outfit will bs mailed for '.II e at, rarer. To plc wber welirve iio'egent a full Copy of th b n V will be saut casinmer, prepsld, on receipt of piles. AJ.ir.s ei.ctly. VOKOK BtKlK rOMI,AY. lEl"T K, 231. CUI CAOO. 67a- I irSs la Bsarsss. Anvvrtf birds, tw allow a atsl mka, a tsad ot flying about, rvmsJa at bom) when a torm Is brewing and robina bids la bushes or sh-k ths shelter of chtmneya A bes Is never csughl In ths rain, and sots, waep and spiders will bs found lo rrensr their assta Iagalnat Vh comlcf of a Itornt tDtew boars la sd'sace. JAMES 1 id, tm May Street, rjerret) Building. 'Tlic Resulalor Line' .... eTEULKisj -omit cm" aid 'ttcuum" Isvs Tbs lWb-s dsllv fipl Handsv); llHiHu. IaatS i;llai al TfU a m. Whs ts iu l i PuiilssJ, slop 1 6 al Ti.s allr sad lk a tup ! Its t'.amt l-; )o sill rij.y it, kbi l A AII.AWAT. (resral Agest. J tir irn"stNT tn rriv -I r.i.. i.im ia i i..v oi ni.iMi4 Iuium la (n.w l."''i.i i... ,hmi -.oti.a ,. I ,1 li I iu-! imi.ii ia niKiiba naivast. vv. i var Eastern-Oregon State Normal School, Weston. Orcflon. ONLY fJTaTf tCHOOL IN KASTCRN OMCaON LocsUd oo tbs O. R. k N. Railway midway bslwsso I'sadlslna sad Walla Walla. Htadrot admitted al all time of Ibs ytar. First-Class Training School for Teachers. Vosal and lestromeotal Ma sic Uagbt by snmpslssl iaslrsctora, A grxla. sis ot tbs Itostoa Oosssrvatnry bs ebargs of ths laalramsalal d part-meet. Tlio IculteHI3orirtlIii(r IIcill 1 I thorosgbly s)sbpatl sod offer i. slUat acAomeaodikos al rsasooabls ratsa. tVod tor eatalogaa M. O. rlOVAL. rrsal1n f rssalt se . A UfQRTUiMn f ASSsssa i r wrswwwwassSMMWM 'S3. tslta. frsea fit U. rtsU, fraea 8 60 y. b A9VSi!m " "" sU SSd tl fit. Wait .,r,