Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 01, 1897, Image 1

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NO ftfU
Tuesdays and Fridays
OTIS PATTERSON, Editor' and Bus. Man.
At $2.50 per year, tl.25 for mi months, 75 ot.
tor three moncns, strictly in advance.
Aduerti8ing Rates Made Known on
'PHIH PAPER is kept on tile at E. C. Uake'i
L Advertising Agency, 84 and 65 Merchants
Exohangs, Ban 1 Ivranoisco, California, where oou
racts for advertising can be made for it.
0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD.
Train leaves Heppner 11 p. m. daily except
Bnnday arriving at Heppner Junction 1:80 a. m.
Leaves Heppner Junctioa 3:40 a, m, and ar
rives at Heppner 6:10 a. m
it Spokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:45
p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 8:15 p. m.
and Uma'illa 9:15 p. m.
Portland Ex areas No. 8, from Spokane, arrives
at Umatilla 5:05 a. m. and Heppn r Junction 6:10
a. m. and ar Ives at Portland 11:45 a, m.
Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9 p. m. and ar
rives at Heppner Junction 8:80 a. m. and at
Umatilla 4:40 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 12:40 p.m. and
arrives at Heppner Junotion 1:47 a. m. and at
Portland 7 :GC a. m.
For further information inquire of J. C. Hart,
Agent O. K & N., Heppner, Ore.
United States Officials.
President William McKinley
Vme-Vresldent Garret A. Hobart
Secretary of State .....John Sherman
secretary of Treasury Lyman J. Gage
Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss
Secretary of War Hussell A. Alger
Secretary of Navy John D. Long
Postmaster-General James A. Gary
Attorney-General Joseph McKenna
Secretary ( Agrioulture James Wilson
State of Oregon.
Governor W. P. Lord
Secretary of State H. K. Kincaid
Treasurer Phil. Metsohan
Hopt. Publio Instruction G. M. Irwin
Attorney General C. M. Idleman
Kn., 1 w- MoBride
8snBto 1 J. H. Mitchell
n' I Binger Hermann
Congressmen W.R.Ellis
Printer W. H. Leeds
( R. 8. Bean,
9uprerna Judge F. A. Moore,
( C. E. Wolverton
Sixth Judicial District.
Clrcnit Judge Stephen .Lowell
t'roeeeut.ing Attorney H. J. Bean
. . ' Morrow County Officials.
Joint Senator... ... .- A, W. Gowan
Hepresentative. J. N. Brown
County Judge A. G. Bartholomew
'' Commissioner J. U. Howard
J. W. Beckett.
" Clerk J.W.Morrow
" Sheriff E. L. Matlock
" Treasurer Frank Gilliam
' Assessor A. G. Petteys
" Surveyor... J. W. Hornor
School Bup't Jay W. Shipley
' Coroner ..B. F. Vuuglian
Mtyor .Thos. Morgan
0 ' in.illioeu i.Go. Conner, Frank
- Gilliam, Arthur Minor, E. J. bloouru, M.
Lichtenthal and J. K. Himusta. . , , .
Kworder W. A. KlchardHon
Tmasnrer I W. Briggs
Marshal A. A. Koboru
Precinct Officer1.
Justioeof the reaoe W. K. iliohnrdson
( onsUble N. B.YYhetatone
halted State! Land Officer.
TOT DAllia, OB.
i. F. Moore Register
A. 8. Bigg Heowver
B. F, Wilson Register
J. H. ltobbin Receiver
, a. A. S.
Mwla at Lexington, Or., tlx last Saturday of
ck month. All veteran ar Invited to Join.
Q. W. Hraith, CO. FogOA.
AdlnUnt, tf Commander.
Dr. P. B. McSwords,
OffioA In the City Drag Store, near
City Hotel. tt
D. J. McFaul, M. D.
Offlos boars, 8 to 10 . a.; Bad 12 lo
3 p. m , Bl residence. Mm. II, Wrlob't
property, and 10 to 12, am, to 2 to 6
p. m., at offloe io tb rr of Borg's
jewelry store.
First National Bank
Vie Preeldent
Aea't CaahUr
Transacts i General Banking Business.
)o all part of the world-
Bought and Sold.
Collection man1 on all point on
reasonshl Terms,
urplu end undivided Prtiflt. 131.000 00.
Hotlce of Intention.
Lis Orrn r La uii. oiw,
a. usual Jnh, lawf.
JOTtnt ! PlBKtT OlVr.M TMat THE
Al following neraed settler ha Bled nolle
el til liiU.ntl.in tn Bisks inal n( In ujnrt
o hi rlalm, nd thai said pmrf will be Bna4
'" J. W. Mormw, OMinty Clerk, at Hepaiir,
Vnttu, ea October i. inn, vis:
Itl E. Kn awM. fnr th U HWU arul .'
and tit'i aw. nfpKliiaK m tf.
lis rama the Inlinwliig wiib.ssi in ftmve
ttts rnilnivMis rwshltw mpnm and rnlilvatloa
( sawl lead, vis HIHe Viiiara, iH I'mii,
Tr l'hl.a4 U us It Tk. all ( Hrpnrt,
B. F. Wilnn.
TM keglswr.
Loo Rack ( le Ileppnef at
Te'eloek, . ToUy. Thof.lr,
end Balnrdars; errttee el A e'lnek, p.
km., Iloedaye, Wed. e4 Friday.
Will tteke eonoe!lo with brace b traia
bo deairL fre tX fcb y.
rrigbt f el pr poomL J. II.
BellMbrork, Trop 09l el Darry
Warr-e'l drt( store. It
nalHnit y oof pleM to Raorm b(f
iTio cot ;ouf eoBtr.cL, U
I ..... -J ... I - ' ' . J 1 - mmm
Going East?
Three , Importaot Points.
cause the lines to that point will
afford vou the very best service.
SECOND See that the counon
beyond St. Paul reads via. the
Wisconsin Central because that
line makes close connections with
all the trans-continental lines en
tering the Union DeDot there. And
its service is first-class m every
THIRD For information, call
on your neighbor and friend the
nearest ticket agent and ask for a
ticket reading via. the Wisconsin
Central lines, or address -
Jas. C. Pond
or Geo. 8. Batty,
General Agent,
' 246 Stark St.,
Portland Or.
Hen. Pas. Agt.,
Milwaukee, Wis.
H. W. Fall,
Of the Old Reliable
Gault House,
Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. &
Q., C M. & St. P., 0. & A., P. Ft. W. & C
and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads.
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Stat,
CXXXOJia-O. IXili.
Whils yon aeep yonr subscription paid up yen
ean keep your brand in free of charge.
Borg, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left
shoulder; oattlo, same on left hip.
Cook, A. J.,Lena, Or. Horses, Won rightshonl
der, Cattle, aameon riphthip: ear mark square
orop off left and split in right. -
Douglass, W. M.. Galloway. Or.-Cattl. B Den
right side, swailow-fork in each ear; horse, B D
on left hip.
Ely, Bros.. Donglas, Or. Horses branded ELY
on left shoulder, cattle same on left hip. hole
in right ear.
Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or. Cattle, LF on
right hip; horses, F with bar nnder on right
Jones, Harry, Heppnnr, Or. Horses branded
H J on the left shoulder; oattle braided J on
right hip. also nnderbit in left ear. Rang in
Morrow oonnty.
Johnson, Felix. Lena, Or. Homes. eimUT on
left stitfn; cattle, same on right hip, under half
nop in risht and solit In left ear
Kenny, Mike Heppner, Or. Horse branded
KN X on left hip oattle same and orop of! left
sen nnder slop on the right
Leahey, J. W. Heppner Or. Horse branded
L and A on left shoulder; cettls same on left
hip, wattle over right ey, three slit in right
Minor, Oscar, neppner. rrr. Cattle, M D on
right hip; horse. M on left shoulder.
Morgan. 8. N Heppner, Or. Horses, M )
on left shouldei cattle earn on loft hip.
Osborn, J. W.. Douglas. Or.j horse O on let
honlder; oattl same on right hip.
Parker A Qleaaon, Hardman.Or, Horse IP on
left shoulder.
Piper, J. H., Lexington, Or. Horses, JE eon.
acted ouleft shoulder; oattle, sam on lef hip.
nnder bit in each ear.
Hector. J. W.. Heppner, Or. Horses, JO ot
left shoulder. Cattle, Oon right hip.
flperry, K. O. Heppner, Or. Cattle W 0 on
left hip, crop off right and nnderbit in left year,
dewlap; horses W Con left shonlder.
Thompson, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, on
left ahouMer; cattle. 1 on left shoulder.
Tnrnar K. W.. Heppner. Or. Small capital T
left shonlder, horses; oattle sama on left hip
with split in both sexs.
Wsttenborger, W. J., Galloway, Or.; horse
quarter circle JW on right (honlder; oattl
quarter circle J W on right hip and right aide,
crop and bole in left ear. Hang in Morrow and
Umatilla oouuties.
Notice Of Intention.
Land Orrin at La Obamdi, Ossoow,
Hcnt 17. 1W7.
following. named settler hs filed notice of
his Intention to Disk flnal proof In support ol
his clslm, and that said proof will be mad
before County Clerk, Morrow County, Oregon,
at Heppner, Oregon, on Oct 80th, Iter?, li:
fUMl'ELL. W1L80K,
H K. No. WTO for th gWV4 BWSa Hee. V, N'
Nj nd NWk N Bee, M Tf. ! a. K. IN, K,
II name the following wltnease to prov his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land, vis: Kllhue Tyler, Herod W. Perk
ier. David O. Justus, Jauie I). Brown, all of
Ueppotr, Oregon.
1W ' Krg later.
Sale Of
Notes and
Nolle Is hereby given that th undersigned
assignee of th estate of Cot Bros., Insolvent
rtfl.Uirs, will on ftttnrday th InthdsyofOe
lohcr, imr), at th I'mirt Houa door In Hepp
ner. Oregon, sell lo th hliheat bl.lrler for rash
In hand, all in nte and emtiiiilaof said In.
solvent estate, remaining unpaid nn said dale.
The sppronmat lsr vain i said notes and
ereounta la tt. jnitn, and a lull hnrrtla l
same ran be had at the offir of Eiil A I'help
at any II ta belur said sal.
w. P. rix.
Assign of Cog Urn., Insolvent Debtor.
llie re kqIm oton ptiott prtoo o( ih
8tnr-Weekly Ggtette k 12.50 bdJ tbe
remtlar price of tbe Weekly Oregonleo
U 11.60, Ad one eotieoriblog for tbe
Oetette Bod paying for one yeer ie
JTBooe ceo gel both tbe OatetU eod
Weekly Orrfool.e for l-I.Ba All otJ eab
eenbere paying their eabertripiiotie fct
one yeer le edrBnee will He entitled U
tbe earn
Heppn f n pendletne tie Ilsppoer
Cebr) Htege Uo. I'ereno detro of
vUiling 1'gDdletoa en time end
mooe by tekiog thte mat. Br M
qnslntlng tbe got the prevkm even
leg tbe stage will tns conoetuoo witb
S e'clork train kt K( txi for I'endlefnn.
Offlee 4 City Dn$ fitont. W. U. UV,
Welt. TVimpeon run etae bet
Ueppear end Mouant, krrivlng erery
dy eioept Unadey eed leevieg ery
day ereept Hnedey. BWteet tnJ ebeep.
e4 mate to tbe latermr. E. 1, eUxnm.
aged . e
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
OTIS PATTERSON, AGENT. ' oo o the t the World
A New Life ol erant by Hammn Garland. The first authoritaUve and adequate Life of
Grant ever published. (Begins in December.)
Rudyard Klpllng'a first American serial, "Captains Courageous." (Begun In November.)
RObe(Begnslin May)8"80"'8 "Bt" lTe' " The "ly D0Vel 0f steven"n'l",t,11 unpublished
Charles A. Dana. ' "Recollections of War Time." Mr. Dana was for three of the most critical
l??TH ?. the ClvIlu War PraoMcally a member of Lincoln's Cabinet, and Is probably better
V fitted than any other man living to give an authoritative hlatoiy of this period from his
recollections and correspondence. '
Portraits of Great Americans. Many of them unpubliihed. In connootlon with this series
MaWoF funN!oalhtn UndM th9 8eDeral tiUe f
Pictures of Palestine. Specially taken under the editor's direction. ' ' i 1 ' '
Stories of Adventure. A serial by CONAN DOYLK, in which he will use his extraordinary
talent for mystery and ingenuity which have, in the "Sherlock Holmes" stories, given him
a place beside Poe and Gaboriau. "
IAN M ACLAREN, All the fiction that he will write during the coming year, with the exception
of two contributions to another publication which were engaged from hint long ago; will
appear In McClurk's Mao azink. . ... ,. " . "
,0ELp?MSPJB.hHil.,:.8-AirS?.e,5,-,,ew an,mal "'"'to ln to "ne field as the "Brer
Rabbit" and the "Little Mr. Thlmbleflnger" stories.
RUDAfiFP.F1!!0; ?e"',le '',9Ptfln Courageous." Kipling will contribute to McCmjrb's
all of the short stories he will write during the coming year. ,
OCTAVE THANET is preparing for the Maqazinb a series of short storie in which the same
characters will appear, although each will be complete in itself.
Anthony Hope Bret Herte Robert Berr
Frank R. Stockton Stanley Weyman Clark Ruesell
will all have stories ln McClubb's for the coming year.
Thel,e,!? only fraction of the great and important feature of McClobb' Maqazinb for
18i)7, the subscription priee of which is only
One Dollar a Year
The now volume begins with November. Subscriptions should start with this number.
The S. S. McClure Co., New Ybrk.
A Campaign
Of Education
How to Get It
lummate skill.
Such e paper 1
a great popular
The subscription priceof Leelle'a ! ti p nnnrri.
W mak the unparalleled offer of a copy of .
Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi
Weekly one year for only $5.00. , .
No such offer was tver mad before. No such offer will ver be mad
again. The two papers mak a most acceptable Christmas or blrthdsy
gift, and will be constant reminder of th fiver' klndnessj
Remit by postal order or check to th .
Xf Heppner, Oregon.
Published Every Saturday
13 Astor Place New York
Tbe Outlook will be lo 1K97, ea it bee
been dariec eeeb of He twenty eerea
years, tlietor of Onr Own Times. Io
its vertoas editorial deportments Tbe
Oatloek viTei e compact review of tbe
world' prog-reee; It fullowe witb eare
ell ibe important pbilantbropio sod id.
doetrial noeemeote of the day; baa o
complete drpartmeot of religious ow;
devotee moeb (pace to tbs iotereets of
Ibe bnm( review eorreet litetetore;
famieliee rbeerlol thl-tlk about men
and ILIng: oed, lo short, aim to give
freeb information, crigioal obeervettoo,
sod rtaeooabl eotertalouteet.
Ecfieiilof wit b lb fifty fliflh folome,
tbe peper will eoenme tbe recolar mg
tio else, wbieb will odJ great) to Ite
eoflrefiiGe sed attrertirao. Th
Ootlfx k Is polilUbed every Slonly
fifty -two leenee o year. Tbe first iu
lo eaob Boetb is so I!lutrall tfsganee
Nsmber, sosteiuluV about twkwas miay
pa?ee ss tbs ordinary Uanee, togsibet
Mb 0 lerje Bomber of ptctnree.
Tbe pr tee of The OntUmk three
d.IIr o yeer Is ajvanee, or tree tbeo
cent s day.
Heed for 0 poieo spy as J illutrl
0 proepvetn to Tbe Ootlo.,k, 13 At
I'laoe, N Tuk Cttv.
r . ' . " . v. m . . I
For 1897
. i,
To be educated one 'must wad
th best literature. , '
The best literature Is expensive.
Leslie's Illustrated
Pub'lsned at . 110 fifth Avenue
New York, is full of the best things!
It Illustrations are superb; it
stories charming; and It literary
department are edited with con-
educator; tt iliould be In every
I and' orrirg at thk r)Ai.LRH,oHEGON,
I J Aug W, Irr.rj. rlollr Is ben-l.y given thai
th following-named srtllFr ha filed noilreof
hi Intention to mat Brail proof In suppurt of
Ms rlaltn, and that said proof will he ms.le
lefrr,J. W. Mnnww, (iin(y(:lrk,aHMMr.
Orrgoii, on Ootober It. W7..rUi . , - , , .
.TJUMArl B. RICHABOrtON. ' ., ...
M W ,ha 'H Aee. TP t t B
Hnsme the follow It g wltn
Ma pontlriiifiiis reslMonce uiMin sml eulllvstlon
ol said land, via: Thomas R. Itrmi.sm. And r-w
tirrsHi., boll of OnrMwIwrrv. rego a. I.
"rt""'fll't and Andrea rlglit, auth-of
K.lght Mil, Oregon,
W i . . Keglster.
n TM tVTlrt rtfTRT fo THE H r.rf KD
""" s irragon, lor am row Coun-
keep, PllntffT,
I. n Miliar. Defendant
'lot i. Miller, the ahov named dtfrndant
lw thasMiaoofUiaHUUtoftha.ua: Too ar
hereby rUlred to prr twfi.r U an.l.r
Igned. eiuslsr of Ih I'm, In w.,uH In,,
ti k ft I said eiittty and SUla, an the ,u
"""'"b". t il.e a.Mir ol Moriorkin
Um atmnnnn nf asld dan at my olht.. In said
dlatrlrS sn answer Uta rmpllul .A I. H I,,,
kern luitU'Wd Unn an lnalrHNienl ofwrMIw
and ft-tn ha (Irit.an I. 1aty Ihillar lij.l
liblutairvss Iran. Msv la, l a u,a nte M
im irirr annua and laaroelaaad rtts
buniiirntsof this artin drlriUiit WIU
Utsaotla that If he 1. 1 Is to s.t..r iiwmw.
plalul hcrrWt tlx alalatMf lil us liul
nlnsl him ,,r Tnly ft.,lara at4 Interest
liwrrna at th rat of ten rr ml amttaw
f'm Mar ie, I,a4 oosu aa4 dtaawnisrasii
of this afltfnt.
rubiishsd by erdatel ' .
r f j'ir
iiwtWnf th fMim f. the HsirW1 In
M.irmw manly, aula at (rr-goa.
Isld Nrpt, ik. Iai. . ., l
D. A. Vnrrat, formerly ef IVedMos,
Lee ripanrd np s IS (tent WW stirtp Jb
the oi l tnr nn ibe Mtlk corser.
Work s'rtrtle flft el., Cell.eo hinj.
TheOstMtte Bill Ukpcttoee,eiplee,
erg or better ee ahtl(,thra swirig,
Aoy oee oin tbl pfiderao eaiiietbeir
BrenaijU lo tLt mssuet d eb' slo
too emst to sail ea.
H(ltu4t)t f jf . Ibe rfl)o Sinplj
AHt,t file prild st Ike 0s-tie t-
&H. t,
They Are the "Mustard."
Meadows A Huttr d, tbe pioneer blaok
smiths, have made some elegant im
provements io tbeir establishment end
added a large etook of iroo, horseshoes
end other materials etspctinl to tbe
bsppirifss ot those who need quick re
pairs no their wngone, baggies or any
kind ot tuncbioery. They have ex
' et dtd their room fo as to ncoommodate
'Ver)boJy in tbe Oonutry who ib in netd
of repairs. Wben you want a horse
shod, niaobine repaired, tire net or any
thing else in tbeir line, you will fiud
Meadows & Hatteo to be the boys that
on do it and do it tight-in short
order. tf
Tbe Gazette does not question tbe
bouesty of any , person, bnt it is com
pelled to jurist upon tbe oash-io advsnoe
plan of subscription, whethr.r the enb
eoriber bo Oornelitis Vanderbilt or tbe
msn who earns bis bread by honest toil.
We oanuot ruu tbe paper on any other
p'nn.. , . . . . , : .' . tf
D. A. Greenwood bas leased Vitsoia's
stable and feed yard. , Wheat bay, per
span, 50 oente. Gall on biro,',. Handy to
warebouses. Best ot cure taken ot
stock. 1. tf
There will be a cult showHeppner iu
Oot.. 2. . Tbnse having gn.id oolts ere re
qnestrd to bring them to Willis Stew
art's livery barn io Heppner on the date
above-named. Competent and impar
tial judges will deoide. 81-4
Bathe down at the Junes' baibi-r shop,
25 oehts. Orville Joute mannger. tf
Notice of Intention.
Land Ofmcb at LaQramdr, Orkaon,
Hept. a, W.I7.
following-named settler has filed notice of
his Intentlou to make final proof In suppnrtof
his claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore County Clerk, Morrow county, Oregon,
at Heppner, Oregon, on Oct. 80th, 18'J7, viz:
Hd. E. No. 6155, for the NW) Bee. 22 Tp 2 N K
27 E W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, vis: W. H. Wilson, A. 1. Davis,
William Mccarty, all of Echo, Oregon, and M.
8. Corrigall, of Galloway, Oregon.
tm ntt WILSON.
"2-98 Keglster.
and by virtue of an execution and order
of sale reitularly Issued out of tlie circuit court
of the stale of Oregon for th county of Morrow,
and to me directed and delivered, upon a
Judgment rendered and entered In said court
on the nth day of Beptemuer, 1HU7. In lavor of
The Oregon Mortgage Company, limited, a cor
pnmilnn, plaintiff nd Berend Pnpp' nga and
Klla Poppetura, his wife, rit-fnmlsnts for the
recovery of the sura of 1529 75 together with
Interest thereon from th Sth day of tk-ptombrr.
1H-I7, at the rale of 8 per cent per annum, and
for the sum of tV) attorneys fees, and for the
further sum of ;il. 40 costs, and whereas by said
Judgment It was ordered and adjudged (hat Die
following described real prnpeitv to-wlt: The
south-went quarter of the soutl'i-esnt quarter,
and the south half of th south-west quarter,
and the north-west quarter of the south-west
quarter ol section 19, township 4, south of range
lb east of Willamette meridian, all In Morrow
county. Oregon, be sold to satisfy said Judg
ment, costs and accruing cost. 1 will on
1 Saturday, th 8ld day of October, 18B7.
at two o'clock p. m. of asld day, at th court
house door In II ppnner. Morrow county, Ore
gon, sell all the right, idle and Interest of the
said defendants, Berend Poppeng and Ella
I'oppenga. In and to the above detcrllwd prop
erty at j.uUlc auction to the highest and heat
bidder therefore, for cash In hand, the proceeds
thereof to be applied to the sail. luetic f said
execution and ell oost and accruing coats.
Sheriff of Morrow county, Oregon,
tated Jlrtday of Sept., 1W7. .v)
and by virtue of an execution Issued out
el Ih Circuit Court of th Htal ol Ormrun for
Ue County of Morrow nd to m directed and
iisiireren. upon a jiiiigment rendered and en
tered In said eiiiirt on th sth day of Mention lM-r.
11. In Isvor of W. p, I,ord. M. K. Klncald. I hil
Mctachsn, the board ol commissioners for th
sal of school and university lands and for th
Investment of funds ailalng therefrom, plain
tills, and aaahiat Nv kimli mmi u. b.ml,
(leleu.l.t.ta. for thsium of Heven hundred seven
and l lin dollars with internal thereon from
Said eighth dsy of rptaaiher. llfl, at th rat
of H per rent per annum, and fifty dollars attor
ney's fee, snd the further sum nf Ihlrf.
and so-liu dollar M and wheteaa It was
further ordered and decreed by tbs court that
the morttseed lirnnertv dearllel as loll.,..
niUi-Mt iiuarter olswlion thirty (n In town
slilp !(; uorlh lMg tweult lour (Ml as
lllametla merlillan. In Morrow county, -re-tmt,
ha sold In sailafy said Judgment, nail and
anriiing roata. la III on,, ... ,., . , , .
Wlnesday, Ih 27th dsy of October, llsJT,
at tnn'rh-k. p. m.,of said day, at the front
rtoiroftha court honae la llep.tf Morrow
nHiiiiy.ittawnn.aell all Ih rtaht, till sod In.
teresliJllM-sald Hft Kamlw and Mary Msmbo
fit and to lb ahuve deacrllied iroirtv at
public aiH-Uoa la Ih hlket and best bidder
for rah In hand the brmeeda U h spnllnl to
the salla'setlnn of said csrcntlon sad all rl
wl Cost that SI Trti.
t . K U MAI MK K,
. fherlff of Mrruw t'ouuly, Ureon.
fid HeplciubM l, psJ,. .Vl
and bv virtue ul a aaeriitlua ImmI ,i
of the I In-iil t Court of Ih Wat of Oreson tor
Ih county of Morrow and to sn Hrert aad
oVIIvared, npn a iudgiowit eetMleped and en-
trred In said eiirt on lli th day of Hebieml,er
ten. la lavor of W. f. I.rd. II. K. Klacald, Ihli
Melatlisil. Ih Imard id roiumlealoaara Iiii ti.a
sale iif hool lands, etc., pialnlllTS, and ssalnal
I n. mrvv. M C. eparry, e-rry, I ha
tirraou Mailaay and harlsalUHi nmiaiiiy, ud
tt C. Ttoimixm, defendaiila, for Ibe auia of
Tw tlaoaaaml elalil bati4ml tweaty nine and
I'll dollars a III, InlMaal Uwrro lfm the
aabl ell,ib day ol Nrplemlw, ev7, l hs rate
of h pavevnl fmt annaia, sod one kaodml
B'tr diMlars IWrarv- fees, slid Ida forth, r suss
of forty .11 slid to I II dollars toata, and ahere
a II aa fuiiher H red and Wrd tr the
C'S't Umt th l,riea. ,re,if itearrll1
a lolloas. U. ll tl -"Ih hall of noilh eaal
iioaetev sad noft) ki M ao.ua aat enactor nf
aM-ia. taeaiy, snath half of smith sjnartr
of - tlou teeiity, ma a pal hail ul Hi soot.
wavl iaell rt aerlioa Mru, SihiIH
Hn.r(r M lKn. a Ml sa1r a erllon !.
IHilne, h'.rlh eaat qoarier of ilb e. oar.
ler .e) arliM, lhlrlT, aorlh hall ,A nertS eM
1"rte sd lli-wi 'lalt ea knrlli eaat
joa-l-r of e 1 1' -n mi, oiiih ra.l quarter of
i .,fik.a. a'lartor d iwili haM ih Kmiih-
""' sjnarier o4 atwtlnn talf an,, and aorta
eaa. aj'iarwr "1 swm east quarter M tall
tMMr. all la iovn-iiip Ihre. aonia rangs
twenty sis. M WlllsiaMia ewllan. ar so
saw h thereof a sasy k Mraaaary, I fc,ld to
'!' al4 )udM-i,l, r sod ant ruing eaatta.
1 llf. an
Vradrwaday , U flth day of Oriobar, lavf.
I ivaariirl, s a),M said dsy. si ha frient
ane m ma aoati hwaa in Nai.nner, Mnew
ew-uniy, iw., a! all the risU, til's s4 !
eraa 4 aald i R 1"ry. S c Brry
l"r H al. la and tai Hh aharr d.er'tfced
m.Ii. al auklle ivllna to Ih. klrtwaiand
l-' Wdef 1,4 eaeli I i hand, ll.s p.at n.im
aei.lk"! tu II, laitslwlMHt of aaid siaillu
a ail mans, ave .iu ei a.. a., r m
at. MatlM-fT.
Sheet 7 4 Mriai Ceaaty, vrS"1
tal',4NWabvf ,4i,t1. ' S. 4
Everybody Says 80. . .
Oasoarets Candy Oatbsrtio, the most
wonder tal medioal discovery of .the age,
pleasant and refreshing to tbe taste, sot
gently and positively on the kidneys
liver and bowels, oleaosing tbe entire
system, dispel colds, ears headaohes,
fever, habitual constipation and bil
iousness. Please bay and try a box of
0. 0.0. today; 10,52, 50 cents. Sold
and guaranteed to cure by all druggists.
.. ' ' 7, it
The Worst Fears Were Realized Sunday
. Afternoon.
Max Baer has received word that Vio
tor Hexter, eon of Mr. and Mrs. John
Hexter end brother ot Harry Hexter. ot
this oity, bad died Sunday afternoon st
his home in Oakesdale, Wash. Tbe de
ceased was taken ill last Friday, bat bis
oondition was soon regarded as serious
and bis mother was telegraphed for.
Mrs. Hexter left here Friday nioht and
her son Harry and daughter Ella follow
ed Saturday night in response to tele
grams, says the Pendleton Tribune.
' The "Bioyoilefs Best Friend" is s
familiar name tor DeWitt's Witob Hazel
Salve, always - rsady for emergencies.
While a specifio for piles, it also instant
ly relieves and cures outs, bruises, salt
rheum, eczema and all affections of tbe
akin. It never fails. For Sale by Conssr
4 Brook. '. .: i
' Dreadfully Nervous.
Gents: I was dreadfully nervous, and
for relief took your Earl's Clover Boot
Tea. It qnleted my nerves and strength
ened my whole nervous system. I was
troubled with constipation, kidney and
bowel trouble, four Tea soon cleansed
my system so thoroughly that I rapidly
regained health and strength. Mrs. 8.
A. Sweet, Hartford, Coon. Sold by
Oonser & JUrook. . , .1 .
Tbe way tbe Oreaonian picture tbs
sotions of the detectives in Portland in
oapturicg the alleged train, wreckers re
moves tbe last remnant ot respect for. the
profession. E.O.
To Core Constipation Forever.
Take Oascarets Candy Cathartic, lOo
or 25c If C. 0. C. fall to cure, druggist
refund money. tf
Our reporter discovered Deputy Sheriff Mat
lock very busy yesterday making out warrant
for taxes up to 1S9A. Those who haven't paid
will get Into financial trouble.
A few weeks ago the editor wss taken
wlb a very severs oold that caused blm
Id be in a most miserable condition. It
was undoubtedly s bad case of Jagrippe
and reoognising it at dangerous be took
immediate steps to bring about s speedy
care. From the advertisement oi Cham
berlain's Cougb Remedy and tbe many
good recommend tt iocs included there
in, ws ooncluded to make flrtt trial of
tbe medicine. To say that it was eatlt-
factory io its results, is putting it very
mildly, indeed. It aoted like maglo sod
tbe result was speedy and prmtoent
ours. We bavs no hesitancy 10 reoom-
lending tbls exoellent Coogh Remedy
to :yons tflllcted with a cough or cold
In any form. Tbs Banner ot Liberty,
Libertytown, Maryland. Tbs 29 aid CO
cent tire for sale by UoDeer A Brook.
D. A. Hsrrln. Fred Bartholomew and J. M.
Dagar ar busy setting th latter' itor la
hap. Hager I putting In a (In stock.
Creep Qalrkly Cared.
Vonbtalo Oleo, Ark. Our children
were suffering with croup wben ws re
ceived bottle of Cbamberjaio's Ooogb
Remedy. It afforded almost ioetaol re
lief. K. A. Thornton'. This celebrated
remedy is for sals by Cooeer A Brook.
Thcesnret work of th Knight ef Pythias
will b mplind by a rprntatlv oflh
f I rand Chancallor at th next mealing. All
Member at horn should eom oat on Tuesday
Karl's Clover It'Mil Tea is oleaiaol
laiativs. Regalst tbs bowel, purines
tbs blood. Clears lbs comuleiloa. Easy
to make and pleasant to taks. 29 eta.
Hold by Oooser A Brock. 7
" Tli man arretted for murderer llsmblet ass
turned loose, al Canyon City, as b failed lo b
i man wanted.
Trtirr, Nalt-llheam and Kcsemsj.
Th Intstna lu hlntr andiniartlng.lncl-
dent to thean dlaeaar. Is Instantly allayed
"T ai!iylnir VUamberlatn s Ey and
BMa Ointment. Many very bad case
bar been permarkrititly cnr4 by tt. It
U nqnally efflctunt for IU bin; pile and
a favorite roniedv fur mm nlptiU,
chapped hands, ctillblalns, fnwt bite
aort cbruuio re eyrst. ti cts. per box.
Pr, radjr's CwndlUan Vtmdrrt, ar
Jnst what ft home rpl when in bad
coodltiim. Tonic, blood purifier and
Terming. Thr ar Dot food but
RVKlkln and the beet In m a pat a
borw ta prim audition. ItIos K
cnU per p kage,
h th es t f
It eaa a e4 y taaas d
" t wkrk lai.iMd Si.
raaoy MMa tha anauOa, Is.
tagyWaiy s.-kSs a gteas
Ely's Cream Bala
haaal 1 wni, ( la Um4 4 May .ea of i
aaiaaiiiaa. It fa sad Hianaaa ta aalpaaaffaa,
aus saia n S.faiioa, has a) tea 1 11 is, saw
v taa ae,m fena ao.U, mum o a s. n
ml ! sa-t aai I trlrS SI li(il. tf . I.
AU.I iVlUtJU, M Vsriit 6aaa4, )
Absolutely Pure
B. W. Johnson, ot this paper, and
Miss Lillian . Hamilton, were united in
marriage in this oily Wednesday morn
ing, JDr. E. J. Thompson, officiating,
ays the Oorvallis Gazette., v v .,T , .,
Tbe wedding took plaoe in the Presby
terian ohuroh, which was prettily and
appropriately decorated with flowers,
plants and ribbons by tbe ladies of the
congregation, who took this means of
showing their appreciation ot Mr.
Johnson's servioes as a member of the
choir. 1 Promptly at 10:30 Mrs. Fred J.
latea , began Mendleanhn'a wosldin
,;. , H p T MUIH
maron, and the wedding party orooeeded
op tbe aisles and were met , by Dr.
Thompson at the' altar. 1 Ths' bride's
sister, Miss Olive Hamilton, was her
maid of honor, and Misses Helen Hoi- '
gate and Mabel Johnson wera the brides
maids. H. L. Holgate escorted tba
groom snd Messrs. Dr. Bowen Lester and
E. E. Wilson officiated as usbera Stand
ing under, a beautiful floral umbrella
the young oouple vowed the vows thai
made them man and wife. Tbe servioes
were beautiful and were witnessed by a
large number of friends. ' ' '
ea .a
aiw db ceremony Mr. and Mrs.
Johnson took the .11:20 train for Port
land, where they will visit for a week,
Upon their return they will be at horns
to tbeir friends in tbe Franoieoo resi
dence. Tbe bride is tbs seoond danuhter nt
T. M; Hamilton, and an accomplished,
atiraoiive and intelligent young woman.
Mr. Johnson baa hmCn aaannlaUl Ilk
the Gasotte for several years and is
well known in the state. To lb writer,
bis marriage Droves the natnrai
ity and inconsistency of man. For
several years four young men main
tained a "bachelor quartet," a ilogiog
urtfaousiion, ana swor allegiance to
ingle blessednes. Within a
of them have deserted ths ship, Isaviog
a baohelor soloist to pip mournful lays.
It goes without laying that Bert and
wife bavs the best wishes of tbn paper.
.1 ' '
T ttemor Ta and Freckles.
Soap will not remove tan nor freokles.
Bathe tbe fao In warm water, and drw
fery carefully with a soft towel. Do
oot uie soap on tbe fao unlet abso
lutely neosarv. Never oi fsos pow
der of any sort, it spoils tbs skin b
dosing tbs pores. If yoar obild inffers
rrom laobarn moisten lb fee at nigbl
with ooouinbtr Juice; oat a ouoamhev
lengthwise and rub it on Ih fao. allow.
log tbe joic to rmaio until it dries oft:
or at a mild solution of bakino aorta
Mas. 8. T. lUiaia in October Ladies'
Bom Journal.
Make HI Feel Yossg.
"For an'm lima T nr...j i.l .
. iuu.ini wim great
weak net and wea not abl in walk, r
could Dot sleep nights and did Dot hiv
a appeiii. uo dsy a frisnd ad
vld me lo tek Hood'f Sarsaparilla aod
I did so. After taklog fiv bottle my
beallb was wonderfully Improved.
Hood's Sarsaparilla baa mafa ma fVl
young again." II. Ketes, K Yeeler
IP. --..' a. .
way, neitw, ween.
Hood's Pills ar aay to take. 2.'t.
Dr. P. B. MclworU Is In racalot nf m.,.A
Ohio that hi lister In law, th wlfof fUv. A.
a. Brown, of Bolon, whll visiting al her old
home, Ws accidentally shot la th nnatetw
part ol ths knae with a shotgun. I rob.
amy crippled lor III.
Catarrh Casaot he fired
Witb looal appllcalrooa, as tbe cannot
reach tbs seat of lbs d I . Catanh
is a blood or ontilutionl dieeae. and
la order to oar it yoa moil Uks iotsr-
eal remedi. Hall's Catarrh Onr i
takan Intareally, and act directly oa
lb macoas earfaoe). Hall' Oatarrb
Our i not a quack medtaia. It was
prscribed by on of th beet phyeiciaaa
In this ouotry for vrs, sed Is a rgo-
lar preecriptioa. It I oapoed of lb
beettoolos known, combined with tb
beetbwod purlflare, acting direotlyon
th mooou sarfaee. Tb perfect enra
binalioa of lb two Ingredient is what
prod oca isoh wonderful reeults la ar
log Catarrh. Hand for testimonials, fre.
F. i. Cbeaey A Co, Prop., Toledo, O.
Hold by druggiils, prioa Tin.
Art Assssarraaa Is again heard frost l 01
Hln, fens.. frHaCo, hrh t 4'Hng fairly
eaklea'e Arakra Salva
Tb Ifet Halve In lb wJrld for Cat.
Brute, Horee, Uleers, Palt Rbenss,
riires. Tetter, Chipped lis.,
C'bilblaina, Gorne, end all Mkla Ere p.
tioo. and positively cure I'll or a
pay reqnir. It la f oaanlesxt to rtv
iffei stiratiias of money rfinUd.
on . . m - .
- v vt. gor eei ny
Lotl' ) UrooB.
t0u avaanl to aav M la test tent
Ibsl B. fraak apauldlog wvu4 tewtur ea
O. t ,a. tul II au I,