Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 28, 1897, Image 4

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    nl R in
HloiTuo MMa
ajsaaaeMiW'a MuamMggMtrf
Of Two Transcontinental
Spokane Salt Lake
Chicago Kansas City
St. Paul
Ocean Steamers Leaue Portland
Every 5 Days For
For (nil details call on 0. R. A N.
Agent at Heppner, cr address
Gen. Pass. Agt.
The Missing Word
was NATURAL: Schilling's Best tea is not only pure but it is NA TURAL
because it is fresh-roasted.
The following 154 each got $6.50.
Mrs. Atkinson, Merrltt
Mrs. Black, 1314 Harrison
W. Bnohanan, SSI Folsom
RoseCarew, 1503 Market
Miss A. Carter, 921 Sacramento
C. Clausaen. 23d and Canp
Mra. L. During, Bryant St.
Mrs. Ellis, Larkln and B'way
Mary C. Herlllj, 1238 Broadway
Mra, Holikamp, fl'i Filbert
Mrs. Hauraath, 8011 Buchanan
M. McKenzle, 20 Clementina
T. L Miller, . 126 c Sutter
Kate Radl ne, 706 Ten nessee
Mra. T. Salomon, 1636 Eddy
Mra. Chaa. Stock, 412 ivy Ave.
Mra. W. Taylor, W17 Clay
Mra. Tkomton, 222 Filbert
Mra. A Vordlar. 944 Geary
Mra. S. Watson, 429 Douglass
Miss KatU Weln, 177 Cook
Mra. Otis Bordwell, Alameda
Mrs. O. F. Woodrow, "
KmmaT.Donnelly, Los Angeles
Mrs. J no. u.Hansne,
Cecilia Nolan,
Mra. K. M. Shlpman,
Addle Williams.
Mra. C. L. Boek, Oakland
Un T.. Hrunie.
Arthur Evans, K. Oakland
Mrs. Wm. McKay, Oakland
Chas. A. McDonald,
Runa Marvin. E.Oakland
Mr. Ueo. P. Moore, Oakland
Mrs. Chas. B. Tenney,
Louise Hagelstein, Sacramento
Adeline Lima,
L. C. Ruble,
W. E. Sharman,
Mrs. B. Shaw,
W. F. Cord,
Y. I. Corey.
Oeorge Frollck,
Alfred Manllne,
Olive Smith,
T.llllan Hanson.
Mrs. Geo. W. Hamilton
Mrs. A. M. Maclennan, Baden
Mrs. Chas. Henry. W. Berkeley
C. McKUllcan. N. Bloomfleld
Nell H. Eaton, Bradley
Mrs. J. D. Cunningham, Chtno
San Diego
E. San Jose
San Jose
Elk Creek
Clara Lovejoy, Cool
Franois W. Lewis. Coneord
Mrs. Kate Manning,
Mra H. S. Glbbs.
Mrs. Anna S. Dooley,
Alia Tnorapson,
O. C. Lewis, Folsom
Mrs. J. E. Kannlng, Frultvaie
Mrs. Ella Dahle, Garbervllla
Miss Mabel Ivay, Grass Valley
Mrs. N. Davey, Greenwood
Orey Dann, Hydesvllle
Mr, w. Huscomoe, neuuen
Anna A. Lewis, Keswick
Mrs. Ella Kraus, Los Alamitos
Rosa Prioe. Madera
Mt Kva McCarthy, Magalla
Vivian Duncan. Maxwell
Flossie Flanagan, Mendooino
Mrs. Q. Bradley, Mlddletown
Sarah Stanley, Mission San Jose
I Layomarrlno,MokelumneHill
&ua uampDeii, muusuu
Mra N. BishoD. National City
Mrs. J. A. Simmons, Oleander
Mrs. Minnie Horn.
Mrs. B. K. Johnson. The Palms
Frank Perry, Palo Alto
Mrs C. A. Harlan. Parkfleld
d. W. Robinson. Pasadena
Miss Rose A. uoxneaa, rerana
Mrs. A. J. Coyle, Perris
Mrs. Rlch'd Graham. Petaluma
Mamie Uoyan, Placerville
Mrs. W. H. Russell, Pomona
J. J. Rodgers, Porterville
Mrs. A. G. Walker, Port Costa
. . ei ,. .l tt
Mrs. C. Hendrickron.Redlands
Miss M. O'Brien, Redwood Ulty
Mrs. J. R. Balkwill, Reed lev
Mrs. F. J. Kalber kio vista
Marling. Rocklln
Meyers, Rohnervllie
San Rafae
Santa Cro
J. P. Dunn, Marcus
Frances Dudley, Medical Laks
Dr. Beatie is over from Pendleton.
Mrs. S. P. Garrigties has return' d
from ber visit to Milton.
Geo Rebel.
Mrs. Katie Peterson,
Mrs. Jesse Heaverlo,
Elisabeth A. Belli,
Mrs Fred H. Cart,
Rosetta L. Sutton,
J. L. Rhead,
Nina Mlckelson,
m rs. t. reterson.
Mrs. Maggie Huber,
T acorns
Anna Fry, Morgan City
Mrs. Henry Baumelster, Ogden
Mrs. Emma Streeker, Ogden
Cora Warwick, Pleasant Grove
Mrs. E. C. Henrlchsen. Provo
Horace Chalmer, Salt Lake City
Clara L. Deighton, "
Mrs. C. J. Trump, " "
Mrs. J. Busby, "
Mrs. E. Woodln, Albany Or.
Mrs.KateEngberg,Blgelow, -Mrs.
A. Wlllett.Bridal Veil, "
Mrs.W. Howell, Oregon City,
Hilda Johnson, Portland. "
Mamie Hanning. Vlrgtnla.Nev.
Ella M. Smith, Washoe, "
Mrs. W. Funk.Wlnnemnooa, "
Mrs. God ward, Atlantic, Wyo.
Kmma Mass, Burnt Fork, "
Mrs. Emily Rice, Cheyenne, "
Otto Arnold, Evanston, '
Mrs. Harlander, Gt.Falls,Mont.
Mrs. G. Merrltt.Boise City, Ida.
S.W.Rainforth, BonnersFy. "
Laura iaft, Sallda, Colo.
Mrs. J. Graham
John Bauer,
Miss Eva Series,
Henrietta Miller,
Ueorge O. Akerly,
Mra Cora Bentley -Mrs.
I. H. Hacke "
Mrs. J. D. Jones, Vina
Mrs. J. A. Wlnans, Wallaoe
Miss Belle MoCann. Wheatland
Mrs. Garner, Wlseburn
Delia Willis,
Eugene Kietske, Phcenlx.
is. " "
Mrs. 8.0. Marsh, Cerrlllos, N.M.
Mra. John Walter,
J as. Neil Meet Bis Death While Herding;
Bbeep In Grant County.
Jnst as we go to press news is brongbt
to town that James Nasi, wbo wbs herd
ing sheep for Joseph Lagooi, about 15
miles east of this oity, accidentally shot
and killed himself Thursday abont ten
o'olook in the toreoooo, says the Long
Creek Eagle. Ed. Burrows,, soother
herder who was with him at the time,
says that Neal was leaning on bis gun, a
44 calibre Winchester and in some way
not known to him discharged it, the
obarge entering bis bead, death result
ing in a few minutes. Burrows brought
the news to town and Coroner Morrow
was notified, who immediately left for
the scene of the aooident with a suffici
ent number of men for a jury. Neal was
about 22 years old. He was a nephew
of Henry Murphy, of Monument.
Mr. and Mrs. W R. Neal, of Golden
dale, parents of the unfortunate young
man, aooompaoied by the brothers and
sisters of the deoeased, arrived here Sat
urday and left at ooce for the interior.
Mr. Neal is principal of the Arlington
rue inAMncnc AC criFNTP
-w i lie wviwa-rw vi -'''-"
Beuth Water Street Gams Dealer Iatre
dacea s Dakota Dish. -i
MOh. honestly. I couldn't guess what
your friend out in Dakota sent you An Emnent New To Chemist and scientist
not in a hundred years," said ine oouua j,lkM . Free ofler to our Beaaers.
Water street commission man's friend
after he had "guessed" for the ninth
time, says the Record.
""S?. IT: his discovery of a reliable cure for Con
vuu uaii i von . . .
you," persisted the commission man. sumption (Pulmonary Tuberculoma),
"Was it well let me see was it bronchial, lung and chest troubles,
some kind of a northern winter apple?" stubborn ooughs, oatarrhal affeotions,
asked the friend, hopefully. onrnl decline and weakness, loss of
"No; you're cold try it again. I'll tell fl. , co&ditioDa of wastiDg
you one thing, and that is that it wasn t gend THREE FREE gQT
The distinguished ohemist, T. A. Blo-
onm. of New York City, demonstrating
any kind of fruit," saidthe commission
"Was it some kind of a cake or some
thing your friend's wife made? If it
was, why, I couldn't call the turn on
the particular kind.' Wait maybe it
was a Black hills bear," said the friend,
quickly, his face lighting up.
"No, you haven't come within a mile
of it. Would you believe me 11 1 tola
you it was a bunch of reindeer's
tongues ? V ell, that's just wnai. it was,
TLE8 (all different) of his New Die
ooveries to any afflicted reader ot this
paper writing for them,
His "New Scibntiflo Treatment" bus
oured thousands permanently by its
timely use, and be considers it a simple
professional doty to suffering humanity
to donate a trial of his infallible oure,
Soienoe daily develops new wonders,
and this great chemist, patiently eiperi-
ond I'll tell you that he couldn't have menting for years, has produoed results
sent anything nicer. The tongues were a8 beneficial to humanity as can De
smoked and seasoned just right. They 0bimed by any modern genius. His
were as tender as mashed potato, and, ag8ertion tnat iUDg troubles and eon-
oh, say, what a sandwich they do makel iob are curable in any olimate is
ZXJJ P"ven by "heartfelt letters of grati-
deer's tongue between a couple of salt- lode" filed in his American and Euro-
t.hft Dean laboratories in thousands from
wafers, have
side, and yum-yum!"
Now Prepared to do Any
Kind of PrintingDon't
Send Your Orders Away
'Till You Get the Gazette's
Heretofore the GHzette's job depart
ment has tried to do no work other than
plain printing. However, this shop is
now prepared to taokla anything in any
line and will meet prices ot any person
under the sun in the line of droggists
supplies, blank books, bank work
oounty work, or any sort of book bind
ingwork that yon have heretofore sent
away to get done. " '
.The Qezette shop is not a oharity
concern but if you will give us a obanoe
we will see that you are satisfied in
every parlioular.
Bay your goods at home. Remember
that Abe Lincoln said that when one
bought goods away from home the
foreigner got the ' money and we got the
goods. But when the goods were
bought at home we bad both money
and goods. This is good doctrine. Ve
are willing to abide by it. When the
printing drummer comes to town, re
member it and call up 'phone No. 3.
Stella P. McGary,
sairador Naroio, Bnsenada
The winners of the two $150.00 prizes for sending in the largest num
ber of tickets were:
Mrs. J. Busby, Bait Lake City. Utah 1100 ticket
Mrs. Annie Packer, Bafford, Arts. ISO tlokets
San Francisco
And all pointo In California, via the Ht. Bhastt
route ot the
Some people sent coupons instead ol ickets.
count them. The "ticket" is the pnper 4 x 2 inches.
You must lollow the rules exactly n the $2000.00 contest or we can't
count your words.
Address, MONEY-BACK, San Francisco.
Southern Pacific Co
Thm (mif hinhm thronsh California to
Dofnta Kant and South. Grand Hoenlo Knute
Int. K
of the Paoino (kiast. Pullman Hntlet
Hleeoers. Beoond-olasa Weepers
Attached to expreas trains, attording superior
aooommolatins for seoond-olaas vasMngnra.
For ratse, tiokeU, sleeping oar reservations,
a.m nail mum iiP.Hllnw.
tt. 'KOKHLER, Manager, C. n. MAKKHAM,
Oen. F. A P. Agt., Portland, Oregon
If so, be sure and see that your
tioket reads via
Great Short LiQe
Their MairnlnVeiit Tnu k, Pwrlcss Vostlbuled
tilnliitr ami hIimmiIuk Car
Trains, and Motto;
TRB CRROtnCUi tanks wltt Mm gnaieaS
aawsiiapsrs In Uia UMUd HtaMa.
Tim CUHON1C1.K baa no equal en the Paclae
leads all In ability, enterprise and new
GIlHUNIGUft Tekegraphle IWporu are
and most reliable, lla Idxml News the
and spiciest, and Its IMrtorials from the
atjlusi pens le the euantry.
TIIKCI1IIONIOI.K hualwars tm. and al wars
will be, the trlend and ehamploa of the people aa
airainat eombltiatlona. olUjue, oorporattona or
eiiprvwlona of anr kind. It will be latUpeuoeal
la erarUUiig neutral la nmiila
Cheap Railroad Rates to the Oregon State
Fair, September 30 to October 8.
The low rate of odb fare for the ronnd
trip will be given by the Southern Pa
ciQc from any point on their hoes in
Oregon, to enable all to attend.
The people's stute institution for the
improvement of agriculture and the
mechanical and household arts. Repre
sented in district department), and di-
vlxions for the intellioprjt exhibition of
Wrong! we can't the various breeds and types of horses,
cattle, sheep, swine, and poultry, and
the many classes of machinery and 1m
plements, manufactures and merchan
dise, musioal instruments, domestic man
ufacture, woman's w rk, science and
art. The people of the state are especi
ally inyited to participate. Let ns
demoustrute the capabilities of Oregon
and Oregon people. One fare for the
ronnd trip. Popular admission of 25c.
HniBll precautions often prevent great
mieobiefs. De Witt's Little Early Risers
are very small pills in size, but are most
effective in preventing the most serious
forms of liver trouble and stomach
troubles. Tbey oure constipation and
headache and regulate the bowels. For
sale b) Conser & Brook.
A number of the Heppner boys went
down to Arlington Hsturday. The Ga
zette hours something about a foot race,
bat it did not oome off for some reason.
Sompter News: Ueo. B Telrowe pnid
u flying visit to Heppner last week, re
turning Sunday, and has concluded to
looate here.
huslven this road a national rvpnti
Dilution. All
vlamiis of paaamiiiers carrlml on the vxstltiulivl
trains without eitra Thame.
hlil li your IrelKlit
and iravKl er tills laiuous line. All ageiita I
have tickets.
W. II. M RAO. r. C. HAVAdlt.
(ieu. A K-nt. Trv K. A !'. Agt.
:l) Washington St., Portland, or.
UlilwaukeB & Sb Paul R'y
This Hallway Co.
Operates its trains on the famoni block
Li g lite its trains by Inotrlolty throouh-
Usee the onUbrtrd aleotrio berth read
ing lamp;
Until speedily equipped paaeenger trains
evert day end Bight brtwtwn Ht. Paul
and Cutoago, aud Omaha and Chicago;!
Chicaao. AUIwaukcc &
St. Paul
Also operate Strain-heated veatilmled
Iraioa, carrjrlug Ilia laleet private
eoiuimrlmeut cars, library btiffrt smok
lug rare, end palace drawing rMun
lee pert.
Parlor ears, free reclining chair earn.
and tbe very bent diouig chair ear
For Iciweat rates la any point in the
United HleUe of Caua.la. apply to
annul or addrees
0. J. EDDY,
J. W. CAHET. Oeueral Att.
Trtv. l'ae. Agent. Portland, Or.
Tbe Osteite dor not qurall.m the
butieely of any person, bat It I eoin
pelled to loeiet opon the each i Jsdc
plan of eubeeriplton, whetlMr the 'b-
tcnlier be Corneliu Vandrtbilt or the
man wbo earn bis breaj by honeel 1iL
Vt eaunol ruu the paper 00 eoy other
t,lan. tf
Tbere til be a eolt show lo Heppner
Ool. 3. Tb' having hJ eolt tr re
quested to bring them lo Willi Mew
art' ltry barn I Ueppoer o lb date
boeame4. l'o)ieWiit and Impar
tial )ilg will deoi.1. tl-4
Tb wbr deelf l build boulJ u
forget thai 0. E. Ilaeons, tb -iranor.
la r-e-ly I a eeilmate el
oy ttiu.
$uaalsj 8181
Wants to Pel!.
I want lo sell nn loug time my Eiirbt
Mile ronch 400 sores in fallow, 1200
acres good grass, water p'enty in three
sections all fenced in one body with
throe wires; 2 eainps, theds, panels,
watrr trough outside for 2000 sheep.
Title direot from government no in
cambriiLOe. If not sold will lease en
favorable terms. A few tons of bay on
ranob. for particulars write me.
0. E. Fell,
80 3 Pendleton, Or,
The Southern Paciflo railroad oompnny
bes decided to sell tickets from all
stations on its lines in Oregon, at one
fate for tbe ronnd,1, fip. In view of tbe faot
that oar people have been favored with
abundant crops, it is oonBdently expect
ed that tbe state fair at Salem will have
better attendance than ever before,
and io order to give all an opportunity
to visit this great institution of wbioh
tbe people of the entire state bavs rea
son to be proud, this popular line ot
railroads has redaoed the fare so as to
enable, all to see one ot tbe grandest
displays ever exhibited at Salem. The
Fair open Sept 30 tb and closes Oct. 8th.
B70 tf
Tee Ceroelrle Iteltdlai
r Mall, roelege I'ald.
ily $6.70 a Year.
The Weekly Chronicle
The Grtil it WceUy b the CcQitrj,
$1.50 a Tea
tluulaillns pnu le ear fan of she Cettee
.MH t hkU anil Ma.lcu.
TnsjWKKKI.Y CM Mot KM .11 the kftshMet
n.1 wi, einilW Wt.mr Sniiae la the
MI4, ptinta tveulerlf IH eMuieiie. et IwaKe
o . I iumtura an4 itirai nAwe
Wu.;wn waia.'ut acn.a'Uitai livparMweS,
A Hare Thing fur Yon.
A transaction in wbioh you oan not
lose is a sure thing. Dilionsuess, sick
headache, furred tongue, fever, piles
and thousand other ills re caused by
constipation and sluggish liver. Cas-
osrets Candy Catbarlio, Ibe wonderful
new liver stimulant and intestinal tonio
are sold by ell druggists and guaranteed
to oure or money refunded. 0. O. 0.
are sure thiug. Try a box today ;10o.,
.T) Me. Sample and booklet free. It
Just in frer.li vegetable and fruits al
the Orsnge Front. We buy the best il
pays. Frmb roasted pesnnts the de
light of eery body alw" in stock.
Mr. J. M. White, ot Lexington, was in
eppner Friday last. He baa been
threshing this season in the Eight Mile
section and Is taking some needed rest.
Certainly you don't want to suffer with
dyspepsia, constipation, sick headache,
sallow skin end loss of appetite. ioo
have never tried DeWitt's Little Early
Risers for these oom plaint or yon would
have been oured. Tbey are email pills
bat great regulators. For sale by Con
ser and Brock.
Alleged Cure of a Child Dne to Chopin's
Somber Waltiee.
The value of music in the treatment
of certain forms of nervous diseases has
before now been called attention to by
physicians. One advantage perhaps of
this therapeuticnl agency is that in the
event of its doing no good it is not like
ly to do harm. In a recent number of
the Gazette Medicale attention was
drawn to the remarkable result attend
ing the administration of music to a
little girl of three, who was afflicted
with serious nervous disorders, result
ing in epilepsy and paroxysms of fear,
which kept her awak all night. The
ordinary remedies, including bromide
of potassium, were tried without any
effect, and at last the physician recomr
mended the mother to play some soft,
rather melancholy music to her dcugh
ter before putting her to bed. Chopin
was recommended, especially the
waltzes in the minor key. The remedy
worked like a charm, for it is said that
from the night the child went to bed
under the influence of music she lost
all her nervous symptoms and slept
without waking until the morning. In
order to prove that this was not the re
sult of mere chance, the music was
omitted on one evening, and the child
passed a night of misery, not so intense
as before the adoption ot the treatment,
but still very marked.
Tho Popular Token of Value In New York
Two Centuries Ago.
'When Stephen Van Cortlandt waa in
the money-changing business 1680 to.
109U the kind of money in most com
mon use in the vicinity of Manhattan
island was seewan, or wampum. Al
most all the Btore trade was done with
net-wan, cither looee or braided, and all
( Lin oli collection were taken up in see-
those oured in all parts of the world.
Tbe dread Consumption, uninter
rupted, means speedy and certain death.
Simply write to T. A. Slocum, M. C,
98 Pine street, New York, giving post
office and express address, and the free
medioine will be promptly sent direot
from bis laboratory.
Sufferers should take instant ad van
lags of bis generous proposition.
Please tell tbe Dootor that you saw
this in the Oazette, published at Hepp
ner, Oregon. July 9-7-1 jr.
Hiok Mathews and V. Gentry, under
the firm name of Mathews & Gentry,
are associated together in the barber
business in tbe new stand, two doora
south of the poetoffloe. Tbey solioit a
call. Shaving, 15 oents. tf.
For sale Good sheep range with
plenty ot running water. Will sell
obesp. Enquire of L. B. Wells, Eoho.
78 86.
All persons indebted in notes and po
oonnts due to Noble & Co. are requested
to oome forward and settle same as
soon as passible. We still continue in
business and will Bell goods a low bs
oan be bought anywhere in tbe state.
Noble & Go.
Heppner, Or., Jane 21, '97. tf .
Thb Boss Feed Yabd. The first feed
yard tbe teamster strike in Heppner
is that conduoted by William Gordon,
mext door to tbe Heppner Gazette
ranoh. Mr. Gordon is accommodating,
bas a good yard and abundant facilities
to take oare ot stock in first class shape.
His prices are very reasonable. He bas
bay and grain for sale. Ha lately
added a car load of baled timothy.
Now is tbe time to get the Weekly
Oregonian, the greatest newspaper of
tbe West. With tbe Gazette, both strict
ly in advance, one year, $3.60. No better
combination of newspapers oan be made
in the state.
Notice of Intention.
J Sept. 11, 1897. Notice is hereby (riven
that the following-named settler has filed notice
of his Intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will be made
before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner,
Oregon, on October 27, 1897, vis:
Hd. E. No. 4689, for the 8W4 Sec. 29, Tp. 8 8 R
24 K W M.
He names the following; witnesses to Drove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz: Jacob I. Young, Wesley W.
Hrannan, both ol Davidson, Oregon, Olof Berg-
strom and Erek Bergstrom, both ol Goosberry,
jab, r. HUUKE.
79-590 Register.
Oome to tbe Gazette offloe and get a
decent lot of envelop printed.
Government envelop look cheap, and
besides you cannot get your business
oard printed tbereon. tt
What l Hop Gold 7 Best beer on
artb. ttee ad. elsewhere.
Geo. S. DrMos writes that owing to
tbe accident which befell bis sister, Mi
Lizzie DeMoss, they cannot keep their
engagement here tonight. However,
tbe company will be h"re in abont
month. Mi DoMom was wounded io
the tliinh end band, ioitend ot the font
and hand, a Oral rportvl.
A Tar fer Hilloos Telle.
Itesoure,SoiefenCo.,Oa. I have been
subject to attacks if bilious colic for
several yeara. Chamberlain' Colio,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is tbe
only tor relief. It eo like a rharm
One dea ot it give relief when all other
remrdle fall. O. D. 8brp. For sale
by Coer A Brook.
TUKOnill CAR?..
It I 'T I E
Tukita leaned lo all pntrit In I he
Hlatr and CanaJa.
Chii'aoo 1 All other f OsMtu
Kt.rtMtiiia Id the Ht. Jiwsrii
NrwYomk Eaal and ht. Lon
tlvrru j Hontheael (lUieToH
1'ei.io IVpol eiioeectlnn
at Ht. I'eiil, Miuiieepolia,
Kansas City, Omaha, Hi.
IaiqI and other promi
nent polot
Itsirnae rhroked through tn destination
ol Ink eta.
Tl rough Hi sets lo Janaa and China, vis
Taeoma and Northern I'm i no hteani
ship Com pan' Una,
Reversible Map?
The United Statu, Dominion ol
Canada and Northern Mexico
Map of tho World
ON tltal O-rilKIt HIUKV
Mn4 93 an Ue Ike Mast aas
Weekly hrwnlrl fwe One Year,
tMa'l( epal4 May a4 lapet
wa a V mMa
aa vaABkissasA CAk
for full Information, lime carle, nape.
ticket, etc., call o or write
W. O. All aWaT, A. 1. CMtsLniM,
Awl N. I Mr- Aset.Oen I'aea. A.
lb Pal lea, Or. Portland. Or
flarry Kellv, fireman on the pilrdriver.
aooompaoied by foong lady from lone,
wa In Heppner Raodey visiting re
lative ud friend.
Bhilnh' Coosnmptlon Cure en re
her other fail. It i the lea ling
Oongh Core, tod no home elmnld be
wilhont it. IWaot to take snJ goee
right t-i Ibe spot. 8Md by Cooler k
Prock. "
Chaa. Pargenl, Dr. Swinboro end J.
A. rattereno weol gonnlrg lor bird Fri
day and oaplured twenty.
Hlop tbatenngbl Take warning. II
an tea.l In ooasomntioo. A 23c '-
II ot Hbllob' Cent may )onr life.
Bold by Oooeer A nmek. I
O. E. Itaann i waking m Ira-
frtvewaol tr E. IX Hlmma, dowa
I lb Central hotel.
J. L Ulleo has takes the Jonee
barW taej od dr good work at
popalar prioex, IS aenWi bvinf aod
2S feet blrroHlng. 7 tf.
1 frra
It tn.. Bpt r. w
UTtfR twr.
invvRtisKD AT nirrMi
Vr.n Cortlandt wa frequently called
cn to change seewan Into silver money,
wh'.ih was at that time the standard.
Payment of Interest and principal of
louncd money were made in Dutch
pieees-of-eight, realties and loan dol
lars the value of all of which waa re
duced to guilder seewan.
A piece-of-ejght wa worth 12 guild
ers in see wen, a realtje wa worth 1
iruilder and 20 stiver in eewan, a loan
dollar was worth It guilder in seewan,
end an English pound waa worth 40
guilders in aeewan. The American aoi
l.i r lu its present relation to the English
pound would have been worth 8 guild
ers in seewan. A Dutch guilder ha
100 crnt or 20 tlvers, end l equal io
40 rente in American money. A etiver
la equal to 2 cnts American money.
2 cents American money.
Contributions to the poor relief fund
were usually mode In erewan, and pro
.Ulon and clothing for distribution
nuiongthe poor were paid forlneeewan.
The early Dutch settioTS took grneroiw
cre of tbe needy poor. For Instance,
in lf, tho deocona of the old Dutch
church of Ilcrgvn paid Dr. Robinson,
c-f New York, 240 guilder In aeewan
for curing a dewtitute man of lneanlty.
At another time the deacon of the same
church paid Surgeon C. Vlele, of New
Vork, 130 guilder aeewan for surgical
alU-ndnnre on a noor member ot the
congregation. In thoee day it coat 90
guilders in seewaa "to send poor Jo
bannls Kruyer bark to Amstenlam."
In 1673 the price of one sehJl of wheat
wa 6 guilder aeewan; of I arhepel or
Indian corn. 4 guilders eewn; 1 chep
e! of rye, 3 guilder eewans 1 ell of
cloth, S guilder arewan; two blatv
Ve.t. guilder anewan, and I ebepeU
of anlt, 6 guilder seewan.
Whenever the rolWUon In the church
i cwded the current enpemlltttrea, the
lurjilus aeewan wa usually Inveatexl in
cows. Puch row a were given Into the
rre of reeponalble memWr of the con
gregation on a yearly "butter rent" of
11 pourxla that la, thooe persona ac
cepting a cow from the oVaeonry had
to pay an annual rent of II pound of
butu-r or lu vain In eeewar. The price
of butter amounted. In tbe winter of
1679, toal aitvera per pound. that the
oVacon the a reo tv4 13 uildre and
stiver fir or aow. After 1711 4 he
deacon quit the) "gutter-rent" rsuaineea
and confined thenuwlve rlely to
imtney. lend log aa a means of liHWvaalnsr
the rern ix-a, Pum ra.nflr.f from 10
guilder to 4.000 fulbWra wera put otit
at Interest at the rale of per cent, per
annum, though In a few caeea borrow
f re wera esempt from paying lnireat.
It met front t to I guiltier In
Pat a quarter in yonr pocket and
don't spend it till yoa get down to Low
Tillsrd's. Finest liquor and cigars
Near oity ball. a
Every new subscriber ot tbe Gszette
from this date, May 25, 1807, will receive
aa a premium a book worth alone the
price of tbe subscription. tt
Notice of Hearing of Final Account.
County, fltate of Oregon. In the matter oi
the estate of Wm. Cecil, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that Peter Bauern
flend. the executor of the last will and testa
ment of Wm. Cecil, deceased, has filed his final
account in the office of the clerk of said court
In said matter, and in pursuance of an order ol
the Hon. A. G. Bartholomew, Judge of the above
entitled court, said final account will come on
for bearing and settlement on the 2nd day or
Nov , 1K97, at 10 o'clock a. m., the second day
of the November term of said court, at the
court house in Heppner, Morrow county, State
of Oregon. On or before said time any person
Interested In satd estate may appear and file hi
fore said time any
exceptions, In writing, to said account, and con
test the same.
Executor of the last will and testlmeut of Wm,
Cecil, deceased.
Dated Aug. 23, 1897.
Come in and subscribe for the"Gzoo."
Now is lb time. Yoa don't want to
mis a whole lot ot good, bard reading
that is now being published in oar
Any person wbo i interested in
British Colombia ihould write to W. O.
Hurlburt, general passeoger agent ot Ibe
0. II & Mm for a copy of Pat Dooan'i lit
tle "booklet," "Tbe New Booantsland."
It i well worth tbe trouble. 60-tf.
thing to patentf Protect your Ideas ; they may
bring yoa wealth. Write JOHN WKUDKK
bUKN CO., latent Attorneys, Washington,
U. 0., fur their tltuu prise offer.
Camta, and Traoe-Marka obtained and all ?at-j
eiUBuuactaeocuiucudlur MoetesTC Fit, i
lOufl Owes iOeeom U, . rarsnvorriet
laud we can en ure patent la tea tuua taaa Isaac
remote from Washinguia.
, bead model, drawing or photo Witt oVnrrlB
Itlna. We aiiVise, U patentable or awt, lre el
jurga. Dor Ice o due lilt patrat la aerwred.
, VasieMUtV. '"w . w
l-o3 ol aaaMln the U. ft. and lorauja ceoaUHs
cat iree. AJdrwa,
sMaaaa AffflCI. aVllMIHTwH. D. C.
r- . - ----vr
Rural Spirit
Published Weekly at
Portland, Or.
and Turf.
Worth II weight in gold lo every farmer
aod breeder Id Oregon.
(Hempl copies free.)
Rorl Hpiril and Gazette both tor
11.130. oaab, al Ibis bfOea.
iVttOrilC3V fit Ltt'Wa
All basioeea attended to la prompt and eatiafactory
manner, h'utarie Poblas and Collector.
I t
: i
Columbia River and Paget Sound Navigation to
Ltavtog Alder Hlreel Uek, Port land, fne Astoria. Ilaaoo, Ixc Reach. Oeeaa
Park and Nahcotta. ihreel aoaneeitoa wtib Ilwieo eUaoier and rail
Mad; alee at Tooog's Hay with Hew ho re Railroa..
Learea rrttan4 T A. M. Pally. irft tunAtj, Imim Artuna I P. M. Dsjlf, sirvpt A
Lsays Portland I f. M llly. esrvpt Si.n.l.f. ealnMaf SM, It p aj, Astnrla r.
rmrwyt mm.) ami auwiar. eusoaf aiebt, 1 f. M
DHLtS Cltt" 40 KICVU10V
rnrhran, Charley
t ale, I
l').f. W I
Wht ealllna
a lMlae.l.
J..hna.w O t
Mrawgcr, ti
uf theee r pi mm aa,
J. f. wiu-u sa, r, M.
al il A. M
m an tn get marrlr.1 In thi tlrinlty two
eenturle a, and a funeral wa aeeoen Uar mniaaA sn-i raws to iiwara TmUr and Tanrwrtaf at a 1. M IswaMa al 1 a I
panled 1th a PIt rent of gxillder. "" 't at ' A. M. u, a, M , r i" r 1
far Salety, ee4, Cotalort. fleaear, Traeel the Teleaeaa, kejley 0Nr1 sad Oreaa W,
eewa t an adult and 1 filMere frw
ehlld.-. Y. Time.
l'Afn tat etanaTllT an initi
ttki.l limit in ,.. m ni
MH fi4 .tit.i -lt "
m I.m I"l tt ll ntl"
M ls.HllW t.e-t
14. t tkkar-
i iiuiiiwm nn iwwva saite, t.. i.t
fnul r .f W t. was ai t w"a
I V w JHa aitii-ts(l ht Sin r... a it-
' w t t a at
. Wi M kaut4 UmaM .m.
The llp tl-U ke-
, eoiut. Oa la, io
at le U UiJ.
l-eer al ll.a Wtl
Iblrslf dalse, aaj
Catarrh tared. A clear bead aad
eel b'ealu rnrej with Bb'.loL'a
Catarrh lleote.lt; a,,, ea e gnaraalea.
Naael tnjetter free, by (Vaeef A
U Tb llle dalle (eseept Htinda)
at a. m. Ua IVrllaa I l UV
a. u.
W ea tea go tt Porllan t, p tff at
Tl.a lalle aad take a tup do the
tV.lamU.; ;-i aill ei J .y II, aai
... . . . .
w. U. Al l.AWai, .tkepwwiwwatwwieowr
Ueaaral A.tsl I
lAW-f rs-Tai'eTWoaTWT
1 1 g.,tiMM . t.ll l(liiMlrtin
am A-tV
Maude li yoa know, Mr. Jenkln
fainted laat night at the daora.. and
would h fallen If I twida't raufhl
bint In my armaT
Aiw-Yet; I ruri him to-day. and
fe told me hs bad tea sf?ertng from
the rffrel of the gr'p t'pto-Ials.
Tr. re'il'l"n length fr ld pe
,it.i l.il.hnt h.na l I
. i. h .i.1-!....!!...... ij, ta mirn itH hea aad lhre-
rsr3 1 B IBa M iniraeat.
J. o. Boiior-Lionsqrop.
gutua( Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars,