Marvelous. Effects System Broken Down and Hope Al most Abandoned -Health Re stored by Hood's Sarsaparllla. " For fifteen years I have suffered with catarrh and indigestion and my whole system was broken down. I had almost abandoned any hope of recovery. I pur chased six bottles of Hood's Sarsapa-iUa and its effects have been marvelous. It has made me feel like a new man. I am ble to sleep well, have a good appetite, and I have gained several pounds in weight." J ames Wilder, Oroville, Wash. " I had a scrofula swelling on one side of my neck and ulcerated sores in my nostrils, caused by catarrh. I also had small, itching sores on my limbs. I bought three bottles of Hood's Sarsapa rilla and began taking it and the sores soon healed. My blood is purified, and the scrofula has disappeared." O. D. McManub, Mission, Washington. Hood's spaafrf,?- Is the best-In tact the One True Blood Pm llier. HOOCl'S Pills f SI8 "ause. IndiKtiim, tll biliousness. 25 cents. Here and There. See M.'Lichtenthal for shoes. Dr. Adkins is here from Hillsboro Kev. Potwine, of Pendleton, is in town today. 0. E. Kedfield returned from Pendle ton Saturday. Freeh candies and bome-made taffy at the Orange Front. tf A. N. Foster left Saturday for his home in Hsystaok. Q. W. Phelps spent Sunday with hie parents at The Dalles. Eonous is still on the turf doing a lit tle oarpenter business. tf Submit your plans to Ranous before giving oat your oontraot. tf H. Blackmen is spending a few days with his family in Heppner. . M. Liohtentbal for shoes. Exclusive shoe store. Handles the best. 83tf 8u m pter Ne ws : Geo. Frenoh, a sheep man from Heppner, was in town Sunday. Born On Sunday last, to tbe wife of Mart Smith, near Oolwell grade, a girl. Mrs. O. E. Redfleld and daughter ar rived home from Portland this morning. Yesterday was the great Jewish faBt dy, Ros Hnsbona, for the Jewish year, 6658. A waterspout is reported 68 having occurred in Clark's Canyon Sunday night. Miss Daisy Nioholson, of Omaha, Neb. arrived this morning on a visit to rel atives. A. Weinberger, tbe tailor, is moving down to a storeroom in the City hotel building. H. H. Warren'a little girl, 9 years old, ia suffering from anterio fever, out on Big Butter Creek. C. A. Johnson, member of tbe board ot equalization from this distriot, was in town last Saturday. Girl wanted to do housework. Good wages. None but tbe best need apply. Call at Gazette office. 83-tt Any one desiring to build either a bouse or barn will make money by call ing oo tbe Gazette offioe. 67 tf Best aooommodation and courteous treatment at tbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh and Wash. Stt., Portland, Oregon. For sale residence properly. Barn and good ootbontei. Will sell obeap on easy terms. Call at tffloe. 83-tf. Freeh lot of tomatoes, pesohra and Brapesjost received at Mathews'. Fi nes! that ever bit tbe town. Call oo him. tf Rev. Frank Spaolding, tbe Brazillian Missionary, will lecture here on tbe 6th, nit. Admission, 25 cents. All should hear bim. Mips Elise Bartholomew is oooalea iog from eo attack of remittent fever. Her parents who are afflicted with the am disease are also very much better. George Hoffird baa soma fine half breed Oolewell b ticks, ont of Merino awes which be wishes to sell a! reason able figures. Ha will be at E. L. Mat look's corral oo about Sept. 2a Call oo him. ?9tt Everyone desires !o keep loformeJ oo Tokon, tba Klondike and Alaskan gold fields. Bend lOo. for large Compendium of vast io formation and big color map to Hamilton Tab. Go, lodlanspohe. Ind 83 V2 Cbs. Newell, editor of the Harney Items, of Boras, is io town. Mr. Nw all publishes lbs only repablloao paper la Harney eoanly and ia a prominent candidal fur rroeiver of tba Haras land office. Mo man or woman can enjoy life or accomplish much io this world while nffuring from a torpid liver. Witt's Witch Usxle Salts. II south, strength aes sad haal. Il ia lbs great pile ears For 'tis by 0 mser k Brock. Momenta ar oeeless if trilled away aad they are dangMooaly wasted if ea umed by delay in eaa a bars Ont finals Congh Cars woo Id bring imms- dial relief. For sal by Cosr Brock. I be qearlf claim op above H'prner, the Jamba, has bans dtvlnpd down ulna fret showing op fins, fr-mil I leg era. A tonil will b staffed immli- tly. Tb company has diapod ot 10,000 shares of sink and aill have no trouble io disposing of tb 12 0"0 shsrea, lb staoqot that t oery for de vlopmot parpoa, Tb Ut ta ha faith la tb Willow creak talee. Frank Wo Parian J ha ba appointed paial Ma!of Tb E-jailabl Lif As sarso Co ol New Tatk, lb elmegaal la lb world. Cash surplus to policy Mdars ol over 43 aailUoe dollars. I tala lasiraao withool aaalng lh B plan ot th F.qalttM. Insure but) al fame rata. 77 tf FROM ALASKA. Clyde Baling, a Heppner Boy, Relates His Experience Up North. Clyde Saling, who left Heppner last spring for Alaska, returned un this morning's train and will spend the winter here. From Juneau to Seattle the trip was made on tbe City of Seattle. Mr. Saling is well satisfied with bis ex perience, although luck was apparently against bim all the time. Shortly after arriving at Juneau be with others, obtained a oontraot for cut ting a lot of wood near that plaoe, to be delivered io Juneau. In rafting it across the bay the raft broke up and the tide took out most of tbe cargo. From Juneau Mr. Saling went np to Dyes and Skaguay, hoping to earn a lot of money packing over the Dyea trail. There was no trouble to get employment at that place, but it was late, the rainy season was on, and on the mountains snow fell every day, making it a fearful job to paok over the one and one-half miles where horses cannot go. A stout mm oculd earn 820 ptr day on the Dj-ea pass, but tbe hardships encoun tered were something terrible. "The newspapers have not told half," Mr. Soling said. "It oould not be worse." Tbe Skaguay trail ia no trail at all, al though Skaguay is the town and will continue to be. Mr Saling saw it grow from tents to a town of wooden build ings containing, perhaps, 8000 inhab itants. The boom in real estate was lively and Clyde missed a chance there to make $1,000. or more. Many have become discouraged and will not try to go any farther this year One man got his outfit of 3000 pounds over and tv en being out of money bad to desert it and oome back. Tbe City of Seattle had on board 200 men, most of whom had gone north for tbe Klon dike oountry, bat seeing no obanoe to get in with their limited means bad de cided to ootne baok to civilization. It is probably news to many that horses are used on the Dyea pass, with the exoeption of about one end one bait miles. Here none but the strongest men are of any use bs paok animals. One man oan oarry 100 pounds at a load up this steep deolivity, and oan make about three trips a day. A oompany is preparing to put in a tramway at this plaoe. If this plan is consummated, it will be comparatively easy to reach Klondike from salt water, for Mr. Saling informs tbe soribe that once over tb pass to Lake LiDdnrman or Bennett, tbe rest of the trip is comparatively easy, the rapids being the only difficult plooes to get through. John Hornor and T. R.- Lyons were seen at Juneau. Jobn has laid in stores for the winter and will stay there till sprit g. Mr. Lyons was feeling happy but bad bardly got settled yet. Abe Jones is a oustom bouse cffioer up at 8kaRuay, where Abe is busy trying to keep whiskey from going ashore, but despite his vigilance, and that ot tbe entire port, the ardent oumes in in oopious quantities and is retailed every where just as though the laws of Alaska permitted its sale. Mr. Saling' last pieoe ot bad luok probably brought bim home sooner than be anticipated earlier ia the season, as be was io Ibe flood at Sheep Camp. The whole camp was destroyed, though only one man was killed Choynski, a brother of lh pugilist. It was a terrible rush ot water and the loss ot supplies alone will reach (25,000. Od man lost $4,000 in oash and nearly every person suffered more or lees. As it was getting lata in tbe season, and having lost bis tent, sup plies and clothing, Clyde eonoluded to oome home for tbe wiuter. Tbe reports from lbs gold fields are very encouraging and he thinks there will be a big rush in tbe spring. Right now he prefers Mor row coouty to the frozeo north. A Bad wkeck. rrelcht Train Giws Is to th Oltth Tharlry Johnaoa Killed. Freight train No. 24 went in tb ditoh at John Day station, 113 miles Ibis aids ot Portland, al 2M o'olock last Sunday oigbt. Tb accident was among tbs worst tbat bavs occurred oo lb O. R. k N. system, and was o a fined by sand oo tbs track. When lb engine struck tb sand, En gineer Cbarlea Jnbneoo jamped, bat coold not get clear of tb wreck. H was caught and held by tb drbris, and a pair of tracks rolled over bim, killing bim iurtantiy. Oo band and on foot were amputated, and wer found some diatane from lb body. Fireman Uockman staid with lb an gles, and wea caught beoralb lbs boiler bead A aooa a possible, admidnt tba general oonfastoo and terror, bs was I trlrated. Oo Is was broken and b was rearfoily scald a. Ui Injuries ars coosidered very serious and may pro fatal, h'o. 2 brought bim to Oraot's hers b we left In tb ear of two argeon. lis will be conveyed Io lb Portland hospital. llrakemao MoCartby jinpd Irom a cr, sod was alo eangbt by lbs wreck H is sappod to b quit badly hurt internally. Conductor Oallagbor esped Injury. Th eng io vss orerloroad, SO disas trous wer lh tftVts ot Us collision with tbs sand, and Bra freight cars following wers piled op la aaful wrsrk sod eon- fusion. Tb track was not elrertd until a lals boar today, snd No. 1 and 2 rs compelled to transfer beggag sad passenger at lh rn of lh wrsrk. No. 1 rtlnrotd as No. 2, srrivlag st aboat 12 45 o'cWk Ibis sfteroooa. Cherlsy Johnsoa was a so lo-lsw of 7. O. Oealry, of His pi vs. 0 was aalversally rprtd aad leave wit to mourn bis V. Ilr. K. Miaor got baek Haolty from Flihsto. 11- es I tb rUtonUy bold np and kasw bow 111 b was till lbs bollU btss to fly at Ibe! time. I Saaa efe ayee. "' 1 I aa CELERY GIVES REST AND Restores Vitality, Renews Strength, Cleanses and Enriches Regulates the Liver, Rowels and Kidneys. NEW DISCOVERY; BEST BE II Heppner, OregOiO.. WORD FROM JUNEAU. T. R. Lyons Heard From Up at What Be Says is a Booming Town. One of tbe Gazette foroe is io receipt of a letter from T. R. Lyons, of Juneau, who is very well and favorably known here, wbioh contains much information. He says in part: "There isn't doubt but what that oountry is rioh in mineral resources, and tbe reports that we get from reliable men Indicate that tba most glittering reports we have received do not tell tbe whole story concerning tbe wealth ot the Yukon oountry." He says further that Juneau "will be a lively town for tbe next two or three years, for nearly all bound for Klondike purohaee their outfits here , or a portion thereof. Tbe stores are well stocked and are con trolled by active business men." Mr. Lyons says that there is no sooiety worth mentioning, no married or single ladies. Courtesans are numerous and free va riety shows flourish. Jobn Horner had juBt returned from Skaguay and "bis description of tbe hardships of tbe work ot pocking ia such as to discourage Bny who contemplate snoh an undertaking," Mr. Jones, a brother ot Abe, is down at Seattle at present, endeavoring to dispose of some mining property. The number of people contemplating a trip to Yokoo next spring are numerous. One man informed Mr, Lyons that New York state would eeod 100.0CD people into Alaska next season. "My boy come borne from sobool one day with bis hand badly lasoerated and bleeding, and suffering greal pain," says Mr. E J. Sohall, with Meyer Bros.' Drag Co., SI. Louis, Mo. "I dressed lbs woand, and applied Chamberlain's Fain Balm freely. All pain ceased and in a remarkably short time it bealed without leaving a soar. For wounds, sprains, swellings snd rheumatism I know ot no medicine or preeorip lion f quel to it. I consider it a house hold necessity. .Tbe 25 and 50 ont bottles for sale by Conser & Brock. Dr. King's New Dlsoovry for Consumption. This is tbe best medioine io tb world for all forma of Coughs snd Colds and for Consumption. Every bottle is guar anteed. It will ours snd tot disappoint. It has no rqual for VTboopiog Congb, Asthma, Hay Fsver, rnenmonia, Bron chitis, La Qrtppe, Cold ia tbs Head and lor Uonmimption. It is ears for all ages, pleasant to lake, sod, ebova all, a sure en re. It ia always well to Ink Dr. King' New Life rill io connection with Dr. King's New Discovery, a Ibey regulate and too tb stomach and howsls. Ws gaaranto perfect satisfac tion or return money. Free trial bottle at Conser A Brock's drag stors. Regular sue 50 cents sod $1.00. CITATION. TH THE COUNTY COf RT THE 8TATE 1 nf (ivcn, for Morrow Count. io tli mattrr of th Miata and guardianship nf WlnnltrMl (illlum. An-her M. Ollllam and ll K. (Hlllm, mlnoia Il aiipmrtng ki ths eoiirt from tha affidavit and prllllon ol Annla (illlUm, (uaMlan ol tha ahma namrd minora, that II Is nxMwary, and mild b Iwn.nrLI u Mid mlnnra, and Uirlr nut and all roni Intf-rittcd Ihrrrln. to Mil In the mantior prm lrtad l.jr law Ilia IiiHIii dt-arrlliwl ral aalal. and all Internal of aald minor therein, limit Th aval half nf the north quarter, and th I hall nf lh aoiitheaat quarter nf n-llnn It, lownahlti 4. smith erf ranee t- eaal W. M. It la llirrrlore herl or.W'-d that Ilia net! nf kin u( aald minora and all perautia Intemted In aald estate. atear WKfur tlila mnrt at lh I ounty Court rim In Hemmer. Mormw mnntr. (retn. nn Mondar Hi let day of Muvrmher, at the hour ( o o'rlurk a m., and then end there how rauae If aiiT aalat, why a llcenea should hoi tw granted for th aa.e of th ahov da. arrltiert real eeiata. II la futhef ordered that a ropy of thia order h puhllahed one earn weet for lour ur'eeaetr weeks Ijefnr saiil day ap pointed. In Ihe llrppner (,aette, a tiewaer nf feneral rlrrnlailon. and uitiilahei al Hltuer, M'Hru county, im-ron A. O. HAKI UDUlVrW. .! 'I 1'outitf Jud. sroaxE fills 4 mvm KELSON 4 FORT SuOMD EED MOUNTIIX RAILWATS Th Ouly All lUil Itot.ta Wilhool Cbani nf Car ltetaaea Hpnkstie, lUiled aod NtUoo. Also btlweca Nslsufi sal Koalaiid, daily sirjl Paaday : !. Arrlye i A. at .... H,,e , Ul f. M II in A M . IU and sea f. M W A H Helal Hi f. M. I I'M snbbeetniha al M ! with alaameea f. aaein, and all afeeat Ijike pieate, lienum fRele l,l.- aad P'eudaxs ( r aiMiaeel al Mare) Vila eta aWiiy. VA"Trt Tht'aiaTMr ah Aoivg II titenen wf le'ltra Ut trtel it eeefeM,. "he. ett, i.l.e-1 Beae I". flteeifO Mi(l. y in ateedy svefcy S,., (al ad eietee li kr. Ta puwiiiiottCwHHy.teH. t !.!.' i e. KOLA - YO OXIvY AT PORTLAND TRAIN HELD UP. Made a Waterhaul and Got Caught Finally. A Brakeman Does Them Up. Conductor J. A. Allison's train out of Port land, No. 2, was held up about 9 o'clock on last Saturday night, within four miles of the city, and but for the nerve of the brakeman, J. W. Cason, who is a new man on the road, the rob bers would have succeeded. As It ended only the engineer and fireman were robbed. The train was going along at a pretty good gait when Engineer Chas. Evans noticed a man on the track swinging a lantern. The train was brought to a stop. The engineer was made to come down out of the cab at the point of a rifle, and Fireman Ben Wilks followed. Charles gave up his watch and (20 In cash and the fire man handed over 15. Just then the con ductor put in an appearance and asked a ques tion which was answered by a shot from the rifle which broke the globe of tbe lantern car ried by the railroad man. He was sent back to the train. Brakeman Cason now played a star part in the performance. Quickly he went to the train closet and got bis revolver out of a valise, layi the E. O. He crawled up to the bead end of the mall car, got behind the forward truck and took a pot shot at Mr. Robber. The latter re turned this compliment with Interest, and be and the brakeman exchanged four or hve shots apiece at each other, firing at the blaze of the guns. This sort of business was not effective enough to suit Cason. He saw he wasn't likely to wing the desperado In the dark and a nen program developed itself in his active brain. He left his post at the mail car, climbed into the tender from the rear and entered the cab of the engine. He was not an englneerbut the occasion demanded his services as inch. He opened the throttle wide and backed up the train, whittling all the time to attract attention. It was a bold stroke, and no doubt saved the passengors the unploaaant sensation of a "hold np," already experienced by the trainmen. The engineer and fireman walked back to the train, which Brakeman Cason stopped when he considered it safe to do so, climbed upon their engine and pulled through to Troutdale, where a report was telegraphed. At Arlington No. 2 was met by No. 1, Conductor W. R. Olendan nlng, Brakeman W. C. Jordon. They exchangod crews in order that Allison and Cason could go back to Portland and personally report at th general office. Glendennlng and Jordan rains back to Pendleton with No. 2. Her mallear showed tbs bullet maiks of battle. Men supposed to be the robbers were caught In Portland Rtinday, giving the name of (ieo. Jackson, aged about 60, and Chas. Williams, aged ilxmt 13. t'resliltmt Mnhler. of tha O. R. A N., made ths nervy brakeman a prawmt of $l.'0 in cash for having saved the train. BISHOP SCOTT ACADEMY. S"C-TOTOEI5, 1070, A Boarding and Day Military Tie !Oih year nnder tha praaent Una inalitotlon I tlionmalily eriumiied lor Ihe menial. and piiiral trainuia of boya. IhoriitiNli eriettline arhiMil. Itmitilatea al lire aila li etilnte of Terhnoly. Htata I'nneylyarua. Htanford ami ttetiill. !nrin vacation yieitoie Widvoma fn mV ui li a. m. For rataliwna add niliir lufoimalloii. amlrea tha I'ni rii al, J W. HI l-U M. O., I'orUai d, Oregon, t. O. drawer II. SI Heut. It. Va Arc Y I lorse AH tliao can m frocurr J at Ihnrni llppDrr, Uri'tfon. Theae (enllemen are el eliled llatney fl Ol'llasa aM ddey .nu,t, S4 ai money a4 Ume la !'( Iheee a. Ml, Iratellne ,a. fftre la leetrin llh th tlmea, THOMPSON S:. IMNNS, UYMTMAei, ttm mtmm. SLEEP CELERY PREPARATION HOW TO FIND OCT. Fill a bottlo or oommon glass with urine and let it etuud twenty-four hours; a sediment or settling indioutes nu nn lienlthy oonditiou of the kidneys. When urine stains linen it is evidence of kid ney trouble. Too frequent desiie to mi nate or pain in the baok, is also oocviuo ing proof that the kidneys and bludder are out of order. WHAT TO DO. There is oomforl iu the knowIt-d' so often expressed, that Dr. Ki'mm'd Swamp-Root, tbe great kidney rcmcily fulfils every wih in relieving pnin in tbe back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every pait of the urinary passages. It cor rects inability to bold urine and eculd ing pniu in pHssing it, or i flouts fol lowing use ot liquor, wine or boer, and ivoroomcs tbat uopleasnut ueoeasity ot being compelled to get up nv ny times during the night to urinate. The mild and the extraordinary t ff ct ot Switmp root is soon realiz'd. It stnnds the highest for its wonderful onrea ot Mio most distressing oases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. S ilil by druggists, price fifty coots and oi dollar. Yon may bava a snmplo bolile nnd pamphlet both sent free by mail. Mention tbe Heppner OiiZ'tte auA tii.d your addies Io Dr. Kilmer A Co., Biog- bampton, N. Y. The proprietor of this pepr-r guarantee the genuine-net of thia f.ffrr. COINU OUT OF HUttlMCB. H. ('. Wills lias JJrrldrd to ( lose Out His Largs Htork of Merchandise at ('out. The Gsz jito is Informed that Mr. U C. Wilis, the merchant, has decided to go out of business at Heppner utid now proposes to sell ever) thing at coet fr pot cash. This sale ill coutiime till lb whole stock is disposed of. This is not a bogus "olnaiug out sale," and Mr. Wills desires tbe pnblio In know it. W'bco be says "oost" be mesne "oocu" Come io ard look over bis im mense slock nf goods and ick out yoor wider cotflt. 7'Jtf School for Boys Under Discipline. BiKnajremmit le-sins Hept, 14. IMU7. soeial, l liyaiial ire, arl on lor any roueya or enl I t Weal I'oll.L, aiaeaai lin- Lni'ereltie of California. Drewm. Do You Want a RiK ? Don't 'u Want a Placv. tti Put up Your Team ? on in .Need ol a bath - an.ri Hiun, I,owfr Main Uri-rt, A True Nerve Tonic and Blood STOCKMEN, FARMERS, EVERYBODY You Don't Expect 6oods for Nothing! nVT YOU DO WANT LOW PRICES groceries and supplies ; you want sub stantial gents' furnishings. You oan find what you want at T. li. Howard's. . . . MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED I IT. Howard Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. THE ART OF BREWING. And now the entire world Knows this verfect product As the Star Brewery beer..... STAR BREWERY COMPANY, 203 Washington St., Portland, Or. BIG CROPS BIG PRICES Nsw stock just recelfsd. Inspect You can Wager Your Sox that You are Always ot Home at .... F Welcome Oo Halo Htrl, in City Hotel Building. BEST WET GOODS in the MARKET. Tby Iry to plea ail. Fiat elnb room Io eoonactloa. rOW TirvIveiVIM, Prop. IBANK bOOt Ot Rogers & Contraxitori Plans and Estimates Ail KinJsof Repair Work V n 0HICE HOUKS-Day ami Night Leave your orders "Any 01! Ilace" and Ro or Jim will cct 'em. o o o o o o o D00TS AND SHOES D TMC LACt II. ha a,tl,i( I lata lit, lh. ,M yo. , 4.,4 H ,B, t fllttlll.l.,lalUtMIMll, ' ' SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Oli tun., M.N itr..!. HM,a, . i...i.Jt, 'if vV. vV- Purifier the Blood, ON EARTH. 61-Oct 13 ! Was Perfected by the Production of On draught at all popular saloons GOOD IIPIES GEKEBflLLY. Yuor wif ha stood by yoa fait hf oily In your adrarsily. Now, 11 ber sbar in yoor prosperity by buying bar a new sewing maohin from Tl?iiOAirsoiv oo.. Prloe from 25 to fla Call aod tbsir line. i. t. poaroT Roberts, aoj DuiUnrav- Given on Short Notice. a TO GIT THIM AT