(ALENDAR SlNlMCNfnJEMMFRl ISATl 810 Ji J23j4 15 16 II Mr. Geeb said in bis letter de clining the appointment to the land office at Oregon City, that among the reasons why he declined was the fact that he had joined in re commending a personal friend for that office, and didn't want to take the office away from him. That personal friend, it is said, is Mr. C. B. Moores, who now has been recommended for the position. There is honorable dealing iu Mr. Geer, which is rarer in some others than it ought to be. Oregonian. Mr. Geer is being made a tool of the Simon clique, and he should see it. The Oregonian's stand is enough evidence. Why is it that so many demo cratic journals of the state are ad vocating the cause of Simon? Are they still "standing in" as they did at Salem last winter? POSTAL-SAVINGS BANKS, Assistant Secretary Spaulding of the treasury department at "Washington was interviewed on the subject of postal-savings banks the other day by a Chicago Record correspondent. He said "I do not think the government ought to enter the banking busi ness in competition with private parties, but the postal-savings banks need not do this. As I un derstand the purpose of the ad vocates of the system, it is to ac commodate certain small deposi tors who could not in most cases reach banks and who dissipate their small earnings under present conditions. If this system reaches such people it proves a great bene fit to them. Postal-savings banks open a way for insignificant depos its to accumulate and become of appreciable value to the depositors. In this way such banks are an incen tive to economy and induce thrift. Self-respect accompanies the pos session of a little money, and such a system, therefore, tends to better citizenship. It also tends to place considerable money at the disposal of the government which other wise would be lost both to the gov ernment and the citizen. It seems to me that the plan ought to be worked out to great advantage to everybody concerned." Third Assistant Postmaster General Merritt said to the same correspondent: "The poople should be encour aged in habits of thrift and econo my, and no better way of accom plishing that result can be devised than by offering them a perfectly secure and reliable savings bank, where email deposits can be placed at interest Tho habit of economy once formed will rapidly grow and spread, and postal-savings banks will provo a sucoess from tho day they are established in this coun try." In establishing postal-sayings banks a nation carries its people forward a stop in civilization, inas much as it is giving to them an additional security against misfor tune. A person who puts his sav ings into the postoffice bank wil know that when hardship and want overtake him, whether be causo of misfoituno or donlining years, his money will be fort li com inc. The fact that there is bucIi a safe place of deposit provided wil induce many to make provision against future want who otherwise would permit themselves to be- come charges uhu society when luisfortuuo overtakes them when old age finds them unpre pared to earn a supMrt by tbei lalxir. Mr. Kl.Ma, it is understood wauta to bo re-elected to the house of representatives, and it ia not doubted that Mr. Mitchell desire to bo returned to thn senate. That being tho case, tho first nud neces arj question is this: lo they, or doca cither of thorn, intoud to upeak or to vote for f reo coinage of ailver, aa they have dona heretofore Hound-money men, cold-atandnril men, are resolved to know. Ore gonian. Aa the Uregoniao la not a re publican paper, and aa it ia not supporting the organization in this elate or the Kt Louie platform, it haa no moral right to ask any questions concerning cither gentle man. Tho Oregonian docs not pro- Ikwo to be suited with them uudei any circumstance, and it matters little in any event WHAT ODE EXCHANGES SAY. Tbe very latest Id pop philosophy comes from the "allied forces" of Coffey oonnty, tbe home of Governor Leedy. In their platform they thank tbe Almighty for prosperity, but criticise him mildly for sending it et the expense of the peo ple of Europe. Topeke Capital. roe Portland Ubromole is still en gaged in eeating Senator (?) Corbet Won't someone tell tbe Chroniole that tbe senate has adjourned? Tbe Dalles Chroniole. Flour is retailing a 81.40 per saok and the customer "pays the difference.' In some sections of Grant oonnty there is no wheat raised, consequently no flour produced. But tbe additional prioes of beef and wool'aud mutton this year have given all olasses a boost along with tbe wheat raiser. Grant Co. News. Oregonian iu publishing tbe comments of the state press upon Mr. Geer, almost invariably selects democratic cr populist papers to oiip from. But then birds of feather flock together. Oregon Citv En terprise. Mr. Geer refused an olHoe that pays WOO a year in order to bolp out the oe Himon wing of tbe republican party in Oregon. East Oregoniao. The Oregonian talks about fair dealing in politic. Coining from im mi a h)1o it moans something, Harvey Hcutt never had any liotior r I'rinciial that he would ih artifice to gratify a mean spite, TllE Sale 10 !udeHliliMit I) me advance lin-la aa to wbat the roinmUaionera u nt to I'.uroj t negotiate an international agree ment will d.v, If thiswise editor will keen u Ik1I we shall but make any more mistaken. 111 U down at ll JotW UfU tt llMlt Of ' . I IOSE ITEMS. Warm weather, prevailed tbe pkst few days, bnt a itrorg wind is cooling it i'ff. For some it is bard to believe tbat lone boom?, but it is here in black and white. The railroad bridges along tbe Hue are being rapidly repaired. Tbey need it badly. J oho Coohran has almost completed bis new dwelling, wbicb now looks quite neat and pleasant. Born To tbe wife of Bert Akere, a daughter. All doing fairly well. Con gratulations from all sides. lone is to have a race traok ready for the next eesoo. This wilt attraot many sportsmen and others to lone. Wheat ia being piled np to the roof on the platform nod grain is coming in from tbe surrounding country very lively. A revival of business is being felt by every business man in lone. JNever in its history has Iuue bad so muob to do, Bud Haney, our hotel and livery man, is building rn and fencing a large livery yard. The livery barn will be olose to bis hotel and thus accommodations are afforded. No church service will bo beld next Sunday, except Sunday school. Tbe pastor has been granted leave of ab sence, as be leaves for Portland with bis wife who is ill. A grand old snoial hop was given at the lone hall. Q lite a orowd was pres ent and danced until late. A game or two of "black eyes" were indulged in, but didn't turn out to be serious. The enrollment at sobool numbers 39 aud onr teaoher is getting along nioely. Our patrons, however, should remember that wonders cannot be expeoted in a school of this size and tbat all oannot advauoe as rapidly as in a small sobool. lone will need a new sobool bouse next year. It is unnecessary to give notice that "Jnkc" has dropped the pen, or the pen dropped ''Jake," as as the case maybe lie will soon make preparations to leave, whether it is for Klondike or some other forsnkec country we do not know, but are under the impression that he will go east. As correspondent from lone be ban labored several years, bringing the advantages and doings at lone before tbe pnblio, oanstBntly working for tbe interests of our little burg. Abuses and curses have ooce io awhile been his lot, hence we oare to be of service only tem poranly and during this time we hope WE ARE HERE! 1to IProntiLise This Advertisement does not Appear to tell you about a Bankrupt or Closing Out Sale. E RHEA 4 COMPANY IVot Doing tliat Kind of Business. w WE shall tell you about a brand new, bright, olen stock of goods that will ba disposed of at live-and-let-live figures. So here goes. Your attention is direoted first of all to our elegant display of Ladies', Misses, and Children's wraps. For elegance of workmanship and material tbey oan't be beat in the city, all claims to the contrary notwithstanding. Observe display in front window I Boys' and Youths' Clothing, Men's Clothing and Fumisbir)9 Goods. IN the above lines we are easily tbe leaders. This is getting to be ao acknowledged faot, and tbe reason of it is that we handle what tbe people wank at reasonable prioes. This season our stock in these lines is larger than ever. 'HIS department of our anything in this line? store has also Ws have it! been greatly enlarged and we have added a stock seoond to none in tbe oity. Do you want Not sinoe tbe Simon-U'Iien bold-np in tbe legislature last winter, has there been such harmony and close fellowship between tbe Oregonian and the demo cratic and populist papers of tbe state there is now. These worthy papers ave been greatly distressed over the anner in which Mr. Geer has been treated by tbe congressional delegation , and so profound bas been their grief and ympatby tbat it has taken columns of their apaoe to give exprtssion to tbeir me volunteer will spring np and oon- feelings. As an evidence of the olose tinne tbu work regularly as our growing friendship that has now come to exist town never fail to be represented between these erstwhile enemies, the ln tbe county paper. Sept. 27, 1897. A ClTIZKN. 'As to the Oregonian's charge that Mr. Geer bas been turned down by tbe so-called 'Mitchell-MoBridu' ootnbioa tion, we should like to have that paper inform its readers why Mr. Guer win not taken oare of by tba Hiraon push when they praotioally dictated every otlioe in the state oontrolled lbs oouveutioos and named the nominees? Mr. Geer is no new arrival. He is a native ion of Oregon and after years of splendid work on tbe stump it was left to the sooalled Mitolioll-MoLiriilo' combination to recog nize hit valuable services and give him a place on the stale ticket. The second time he is reoognizid we find tbat it is by the inrae 'Mitehell-MolSrids' oombi Cancer 0! the Breast. Mr. A. II. Crausbv. of is8 Kerr St., Memphis, Tenn., says that his wife paid no attention to a small lump which appeared in her breast, but it soon de veloped into a cancer of the worst type, and notwithstanding the treatment oi the best physicians, it continued to spread ana grow rapidly, eating two boles in ncr breast, lne uociors soon pronounced her incurable. A celebrated New York specialist then treat ed her, but she con tinued to grow worse and when informed that both her aunt ySfev i A COMPLETE STOCK. Tbe latest patterns and styles are represented. We have a surprise in 25 cent grades. Come and see. Our stock has been greatly enlarged and made complete in all departments, Tbe addition of more store-room now enables as to compete with any house in the oity, and this we expect to do. We invite tbe pnblio to call, see our goods and get onr prioes. We have no sbelt-worn goods to show you, as we bavo made a ojmplete oleau-up of old stock during the summer. Your patronage is solioited. E. W. RHEA & CO., First Nat'l Bank Building, Heppner, Oregon. sad KI.Y'8 CREAM BAT.M Is poiltlvecnre Annlr Into tha no.Lrll. It onlr.kly ahnornerl. M cent t Brnu'i-l.t. or by mnll : inmp:e s inc.. by mtS. KI,Y BKOTIIKKS. (Ml Wnrren Si.. Now YorkCi'J. SHERIFFS SALE. NOTICK IS HEREBY OIVEN THAT t'NDER ml ly virtue of ml execution ImikmI nut and irranumotner nau l n,.. i',,iv ,,t i,.rrnr m , Hir.w.t..,i nri VUieu from cancer ne aimvereo, upon junmneni ivnoerea aim en- j .. ... . i. . Mnaa Mr. ma I irrifi ill .Hill umiri mi nip mil finv in (Tri'irni iw-r, t v. . . ,-,..,., w. u u R Kln.klii. l'hll Hopeless. I MmIwIihii, the lHaril of ciiminlMlom'r. lor the Someone then re- Mleof m Iiou! ami unlvomlty laml. ami lor the Commended S.S.S. Iyinent of luml. ail.liiK thwMmin, plain. and thoilKh little hope remainea, sue ,i,.,.,.nt. Inr theium o(f.m hnn.lrwl ii'wn betrun it. and an improvement waa no-1 ami : uki dollars with Ininreat then-on from lately disoovered him to b, it is qu strange that Joe Himon and lbs Ore gonian did not giva him burnt ,mg ago, Tha fact of lbs mailer it that it in anything to tnaks trouble and thers Is a good deal of groping in the dark fur a tangible rxense In stir np a hornet's lieal." IVudletoo ltepnblioan. A Valuable Prescription. Kditor Morrison of Worthingtnn, Iod , "Hiio," writes: "Yon have a valuabls prtHicriptiiiti in Eleolrio Hittirs, audi can cheerfully rvoonuunnd it for Cuii.ti- patmn, Hick Headache, and aa a general system Ionic It lias no eqnnl." Mrs. Aoni. nteiii UntUge tlrovs Ave.. Cliioago, was all mo down, ounld nut pal nor digest IihhI. had a baokacba hloh never left tier and felt tired and weary. iu six iNiities or Meotrte Hitters restor ed ber health and ren.wed her tr.ngth, I'rloe DOeetila and ll.(K), Get a hot I Is at Uotiaer A Hroek s drug store. Timber Culture Final Proof. IINITRD BTATSa LAND OFFICE. The Palled, Oregon, Sept, IMth, 1897. NOTICE 18 HKRKBY GIVEN THAT JAMES C. Kelthly, oi Hanlman, Oregon, hai filed notlre of lntsntlnn to make final croof before i. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at hi. office In inner, Oreson, on Monoay, tne iitn aay oi October 1H97, on timber culture application No. !trr, for the NKt of section No. 22, ln townlhip No. 4 muth, ranire No, n east. He namea aa wltneanei: Frank Moreland, Jamea H. Allen, Ed Moreland, and Oscar Keith, ly, all of Hurduiaii. Oregon. J AS. F. MOORE, 79 90 , Kegtater. Commencing Sept. 22 anJ continuing until Oct. 1, Inolosive, we will sell round trip tickets to Portland and return at one fare for the roui'd trip. Tio'ieta n pire Oot. 3d. This is for tbe maun faoturers' fair. Tbe admission to the fair is free. J. O. Hart, Agent, A Klondike Book. Ballon. If Mr. Geer is such sn Ideal man as lbs Oregouisn se.ms to Lavs so tiicl. The cancer commenced to heal and S'llI.'l!:"-'.' ?.'.e jt when she had taken several bottles it i.y, (,.,.., and the further aum of thirty -Ave Uisappeared entirely, ana aunougn bct eral years have elapsed, not the disease hat ever returned. ami m ill) dollar. e,,t. and whercm li wu rr.l vr h.vt rlananl. not a siun ol ""'er ordered and ilnereed by the court that A Real Blood Remedy. L.r:;; acorulNK con the niorlK.giil proH'rty deicrllel aa follow.. .oMiu cH.i quarter oi m'liini iniriy in uiwn .hlptwo(J) north rausa twenty-four CM) eaat meridian, In Morrow county, ore I to aatl.fy aald Judgment, coali aud ( coata. 1 will on S.S.S. (guaranteed purely vegetable) Wi-dnlay, the 27fh day ol October, l7, is a real blood remedy, and never fails two o'clock, p. m., of aald day, at the front to cure Cancer. Kciema. Rheumatism T.l?! '.I" Ti'l.,1!0"? ." m'"ri "IT.T Serolula, or any Other blood diaease. I lerc.t of the .aid Nya Ramlio and Mary HainlHt Our books - ,-, n I in aim to the ainive ilewriueil tiroeriy at nuiinc aueiioii 10 tne nigneai ami neat imioer free to any ad- V V' V the uil.iaellon of aald execution and all cot. dress. Swift a a a a , aud coata that may awrua. . Kpecifie Co.. fJ tLf tJ a..,u " k "A Atlanta Ca. Dated Seplember 2i. lw7. M ui Tba (laiette does not question tbe honesty of any person, bnl it ia com pelled to Insist apon the eaah lo advsnoe siiEHtrrs SALE. NOril K IS IIKRF.HY (ilVKS Til tT I'NilER and by virtue of an iivuttnn Iwmrd out ol tbp Clri'iitl Court of the Hlata of lrron for the inuiily of Morrow and to me directed and dellveri'd, Hkon a Judgment remlerel and en ti red Iu Mid court on tha lh day of Scpteinler. W, in lor ol w. f. Nird. II. K, klticald, l'hll Mi'lx'lian. Ilw board ol romml.alonrra lor the ante of n hool land., etc.. plalntllU, and aaaln.l J. B. Siwrry, H t'. Hirry, HHrry, lir Oregon Hallway and Natluatlon roiiiiany, and I t. I hoiiimon, ilefemlant., lor the .urn ol T wo IIioiihiinI eluht hundnsl Iwemy ulna and . tia doliara Willi liiien-al lhereiii from Ilia SHERIFFS SALE. NOTICK IS HEREBY OIVIN THAT t'SPER and by virtue of an imilion aud order of aala regularly Inuol out of the clri'iilt court of the Hat uf Oregon for tha county of Morrow, and to ma dim-led and dellvarvd, upon a Judgment rendered and enterad In aald court nnlhaathday of Ha'ptember, lw7, In favor .f 1 ha Oregon Mortgaga t'oiuany, llintlwt, cor poration, platutliT aud Hen-mi poppenga ami Klla foiiiieuaa. hi. wile, defeudauta lor tha rwtivery ol the amn ol .."V7(I logeiner w tin lutereal therein from lha lh day ol eeptenilM f, Ik'?, at Ilia rate of a per rent twr annum, ami lor lha aum ol I m attornaya li-ea, and for lha tilan nf aiitianriidlon wl,.ll p II.. ,t ld elahth day ol Sep"'"1'. vi;, at lha rate I lurlher .urn ol HI til coala, and wbereaa by aal.l plan 01 unaorlplloO, Wliellll r III. Sub. , , ,. ',,,..; .,, . h,.rt,,l ludgmenl ll .. ordercl and adjudged thai lha aoriliar lia fWnaliiia Van.l.hill n. II. flllv dolUi. .Mom. v. 1,-,-m and the lurtlu r .urn lollow lug dewrlbetl real propeity lo-wll: 1 h ... . . ... i oi loriv .11 .mi i iiai noi ara ci.. ami w nere-i --"- -i'-i "i man bt earns lilt breaj by honest toll. a. ll wa lurlher onlm-l and decreed b lb I sod the U'a Aannol ru tba t,u. ,i.. "-"url lhal the mnrlgage.1 .r..My ilea. -rtlw.1 and lha north weal quarter of lha aotith we.1 V. Oannot rtlU 111 paper OB Soy Other ,,a, I., wil lha .outh half of noil), eaat .inarter ol action I. U.wn.hlp 4, aontli ol rang (dan. If quarter aud north halt of aoulh eaat quarter ol eal ol Wlllamelta iiierldlan. all In Mnrrow , ac tion laenty. aoulh half of aoulh ea.t quarter 'unly. Oregon, ba a. to aatl.fy aald Ju.lg- (KNtlllAt. KtCYYll NOTM. Tbe strike lo ths coal mining districts it not as yet sstll.l. l.iio layer is still Spreading-. Uaoy Dee rases are reports 1. E. M. YaoHlyck. of Ilaker City, has be.o piHiiotexl at one of 3. V. 1 ray's deputy eollrolors. ol aecllon Iweiilv, Hi weal hall ol Ih aoulh wel qiiartef of acctloll Iw eitly -one. aoulh weal quarter l north weal quarter ol aeciton twen ty nine, north ra.l quarter ol aoulh ea.l qnar. ler ol aection Ihlrtt. north ball ol north eaai quarter and aoum ca quarter ol north eaat north. weal iiiarler and north ball ol aontb- inenl. roata aud aiTiumg coata. 1 w III on Satnnlay, the SM day ol Ortohar. IV?. at two o cl.u k n in. ol aald day, at lha court houaa door Iu llepiuier, Mormw roiinly, Ore gon, eell all the rl lit, title and Inlerrat ol lha temlauta, Hereiul l'opeiiga and Klla IVppenita, In aud to lha atntva diwi-rllieil rn- . , . . . . . , I rrij I'unur ni iton w iia Willi .,! ii , .., - , I hl.l.ler Iherelora. lor ,uh In band lha nnir ea.t quarter ol aoulh eaal quarter ol aecll,. Iwetitv .l, ea.t VitlUinetia meridian, nr ao mm h there..! a. may l lie. e.aary. tia aold lo .ti.ty aatd jU'lgnteiil, coata and aat-rutug roata. I will, on eiluexlay. tba rih day of IV lol-r. w7. Utsnders has Slrlekeo til nieu near l.l laooit.ak. p m.ol Midday, al lha frool 11 I i' m W U I iioir ol the eoiitl noiia In iiet.i.nef. Morrow V ueiiaiia, a.Il. eouniv. Oreaon a.11 all lha ttahl. Iltlaandln- laleal Ih aal.l J S Sperry, a. f, mrrt i"erry l al, In and hi lb abov dea rlll roattv al inibllc auriloa lo lb hlihm and bidder bo rh la band, Ih pna ee.1. tnlw api'Mid lo Hi latl.iaition nl aald eteruiloa and all roata. and coal, thai may rue K. I. MA1I.IM K. ahertrt nl Morrow l.onny, tireaon. Iali-t aepteintier .11 h, l-"J. a.' al thirty, all Iu tow whip Hire, aouth rii.f. .,. ,i .,. u,i n. It g CO. K I. MA TUh g. Sheet ffol Vormw cuuuly, Oreaon. Dated Jl.t day ol rVpl,, 1-M7. aol VO Ther. mil b a eolt tbowllepposr in Otft. S. Tbr. Iiviug go.id coll sre re quested to bring tlifta to Willis His ail's lively barn ia llnnr on tb dat. abov. saitiej. (.Nimilut anJ iropar tial Jitdgee will d.el.ls. Hl-4 T In al tb brvkrn auj Jissa. tia- ure, to sooth. Hi. litlUIrd sarfacea, lo 1 1 1 linglsolly f'l asl It rerroaiteolly I ' ' I A ytm W eats is Ih. imaaloii of IWWili's VMlctt liu yyy ik mu c,cm,s Pills ma k b. au. h. twl Ule In ilia Mwititti. fmU aciM, g . h lb abMMf IWial mm4 MHiiae4ta. Ia a-a eaej, i- -a ma w4 si t, 1 nif (-Ui M tea Hi m-mt eMaaswiUa, HI al email U for tb. Fstuos Him pi Aeeosst I I priiitai sl tbe (Js-lt. if B.ia. If. Notict of Intention. Las. Orru s at Utiiinhi. Oa.ooa. Kept SI, tmU Norm I iirsrsY mvrn that imi lollow lug n.mel aeltlar ba tld l".(- id hlalnteiitton b make Snal proof In aiipport of hlaclaim. and thai aald prool will b ie.-t he lor touuly Clerk. Mormw county, Oregvin, al linr, Oregon, on ta-i. ih. i?, til: COMMOIHIRK F. BOWMAN, lid If No I A . h X V See. WTp J K R R w m H name lb. lollowlng w lln- la prove Sla ciiiltiiuoiia reaidence in and riiilnallon .4 aald land, ill M II (,,. n, A 2). l-avia. Wllil.m arlv all ol k. ho. Oregon, and M. S. I uritaail, nl uallvway, tueaon nr. tio" in beg.aier. Tbs Chicago lieoord's book for Gold Seekers is now ready. A reader of this book will know more of Alaska and lbs wonderful Klondike district than he could learn by months of persons! oliseivstion and rraesrob on the gronnd In comparison with other works oh the snl jrtt it is ths "Webster's Dictiooaiy of AlHka,"-e perfect and peerless volume, at onoe lbs model and despair of rivsl pahliahet. It tells of tbe nohest and most exten S'vo gold tlelil tr nor id Das ever known Uow they were discovered Fiells yet onriplored Tea years' work already in sight Where Is tb. Mother Lmds? Tbe fortunes already mads The millinus lo be taken out dsiI year Uow to gat there U. K. fare and other fipensea from all points Medical Hints Climate OlTHsl Mnp Government reports 111 ltd aud water routes IVjroted lUilros.'s Min log Iswa Cuslouis. In brief, all Ihsl it known of this won'crful laud of (sLu o ii i wealth. It ia lb. only embcbKo practical bonk, nflloial aud etuloraa.1 About VH) psges, bsndsnmely tionod I art e.iovsns. Trios, tl t Aren't are wanted to handle IMa vsliiabl. work. It Is a chanoe of a life lime. Eiperi.no. is not necessary, a full instructions sre sent and tbe whole people sro olamofing for tb. book. R ports front agent. J'lal slsrlad sbo wondetfnt ttinoew. Hale, rnn as high as 20 hooks an boor. Dig enminlsaiobs and valialil. rr.mlams sr. allowed Credit is giv.o snd freight paid. Il aa rpioftnuity to gsle a comiHtiie in a short lim. Tb. Inxik is oot sold through stores or newspapers. Cm ptel. canvassing oolfil will b niaiUl fur 20 erols, stamp. To plc. wbr w. bav no sgatits a full epy of lbs ho'ik will ba ii cnaloru.es, prepaid, no rwceipt tf pne.. A.Mnss ei.ollv. MOKOrt FUMlK c,oMPAY, irr'T n, 231. cm CAW. 57 t. May Street, Hrreo Building. Eastern Oregon Weston, Orcflon. ONLY TATC CHOOL IN CAtTENN OAIOON IH. Jolm W, Itaamns, i f lb. lUdnbl, 1 tiss kg War rm draught Hi. Hoe Gold i f l'iiints sad Clears In stoel. If : LocaUd on tbe O. R. k N. IUilwsy midway batwaeo I'sndMoa ui Walla Walls. btedenU admitted at all time, ol tbe year. First-Class Training School for Teachers. Voeal and Instrumental Motio taogbt by eompaUtil iMtroctore. A grsdu. ate of Ibe Bo. Ion Oosaervstorf haa ebargt of tbe iotlrameDlai depari- UHI, It thoroothty rijaippaj snd oll.re ei. e.ll.et acorwnroojaiion. si rassoasble ratae. tfcod for eatalogus. Aeeeeee M G. ROYAL, Pr.sie.nt ef feewlty ee r. A WORTMIMA TON. eeewt.e, B..ew .f We.t, Or!. TM,N IV A. Greenwood baa s4 Viiiwne'i labia an I f. yard. Mbsat hay. M spae, til etnls. Call oa bla. a ti varvoonar. il or car. lasea l o. korl.w. ar t a t,rat m I .n.eU.p, alk, ,J,( 1 1 S twlj Vay. lM, i fcltagn VA1tr.-Tal aTiTMY 4D AIT1VII IV Mhli.m.. nr l.tlea to travel Iu rt.iwa, Handy 10 eiabith. bou.e Ih 4roa M.M.ihly . . t S"auai4 rin Nltoa alewdy. Seler- "VAT TlllCaSWI " -ltt. frerai $1S U. P.nU, fr.m $5.60 Up. U tHy.? " - t a It. t, Malt ttrsatt