Portland library OFFICIAL PAPER FIFTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPT. 28, 1897. :-NO.:583 SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. FOBU8BID Tuesdays and Fridays .. BY . THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON. Editor and Bus. Man. At $3.50 per year. J1.2B for eix months, 75 ots. tor three moncns, strictly in advance. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. THIS PA.PKB is kept on tile at E. C. JJake's Advertising Agency, 64 and 65 Merchants Exohangs, San Francisoo, California, whero oou raots for advertising can be made for it. 0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner II p. m. daily exoept Sunday arriving at Heppner Junction 1:80 a. ni. Leaves Heppner Junoiiou 3:40 a. m, and ar rives at Heppner 6:10 a. m t Spokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:45 p. m- and arrives at Heppner Jnnction 8:15 p. m. and TJma'illa 9:15 p. m. Portland Exoress No. S.frorn Spokane, arrives at Umatilla 505 a. m. and Heppn r Junction 6:10 a. m. ard ar ives at Portland 11:45 a. m. Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portltnd 9 p. m. and ar rives at Heppner Junction 8:80 a. m. and at Umatilla 4:40 a. m. ' Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umati'la 12:40 p. m. and arrives at -leppner Jnnction 1:47 a. m. and at Portland 7 :CC a. m. For further information inquire of J. C, Hart, Agent O. B & N., Heppner, Ore. . OFFICIAL DIEEOTOBT. United States Officials. P.eaident William McKinley yw-Vreeident Garret A. Hobarc Heoretaryof State John Sherman Secretary of Treasury Lyman J. Gaga Seoretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss Secretary of War KnsHell A. Alger Secretary of Navy John D. Long Posttnaster-Genoral James A. Gary Attorney-General Joseph McKenna Secretary f Agriculture James Wilson State of Oregon. Governor W. P. Lord fleoretaryof State H. K. Kinoald Treasurer Phil. Metsohan Snpt. Public Instruction G. M. Irwin Attorney General G. M. Idleman tfESSa. co :. irrEHi.rmann Printer W. H. Leeds ill. S. Bean, F. A. Moore, C E. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. Circuit Judge Stephen . Lowell I'roseouting Attorney H. J. Bean Borrow County Officials. Joint Senator A, W. Go wan UeDrasentative. J. N. Brown !ounty Jndge A. G. Bartholomew ' ('ommisnionera J.B.Howard J. W. Beckett. " Clerk J.W.Morrow " Sheriff E. L. Matlock " Treasnrar Jfrank uuiiam A - - A r- I..,..v-a nwmui ............ .a......-- v- . uvw knru.ni J. W. Htirnnr Hohool Bup't Jay W. Shipley ' Coroner B. F. Vaughan umin tows ornocRs. Miyor . .Tlios. Morgan U ''inrtilmeu Geo. Conner, Frank Gilliam, Arthur Minor, E. J. blooum, M. Liohtenthal and J. B, Simons. , Hworder W. A, Richardson Treasurer L. W, Briinrs Marshal A. A. Hubert Precinct Officers. Jnstioof th Peaoe ...W. K. Bicharfson Constable N. 8. Whetstone United State Land Officer. TBI DAIXIS, OB. J. F. Moor, Register A. 8. Biggs Receiver LA QBAHD1, OB. . B. F, Wilson Register J. H. Bobbins Beeeiwr 7 SSORST BOCIETIES. KAWUN8POST.IIO.il. G. A. B. 'iat at Lexington. Or., the last Saturday of rh month. All veterans ar Invited tn Join. G, W. Smith, C. G. Ftju.ca. Adjutant, tf Commander. Dr. P. B. McSwords, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Office in the City Drug Store, near City Hotel. t( D. J. McFaul, M. D. HEPPNER, OREGON. OfBoa hoars, 8 to 10 a. m , and 12 to 2 p. m., at residence. Mr. U. Wt-ioh's property, tori 10 to 12, id, to 2 to 6 p. m , t oflloe ia lb rear of Borg't Jewelry tore. First National Bank OF HEPPNER- C.A.RHCA, T. A. RHCA, GEO. W. CONtCR, S. W. SPCNCCR, Pridnt Vlo President Caehier Aes't Cashier Transacts I General Banting Business. On all part ol th world Bought and Sold. Collections mail on all point en reasonabl Term. Surplus end undivided Pro flu, 3.00 00. Notice of Mention.' Le Orrit at La Gt, onn. A'iriJit tnh. KTOTirR I HBRrnr OIVKX THAT Tilt il Inllooliig nam! Sfltlrr ha filed nolle of his intention wi mak final tirwil in sui-unri oi hi claim, and thai said proof will bm mad hafnr J. W. Morrow, t'onnty Clerk, at Heper, Orrf on (teUitwr 4, Iw7, vU: HMRT VASDKIlPfiOU ltd. B. Xa sum. for tt. KU Mu and tut'i WW ami k NK'ilM B fpl It H 9 K W M. Ha nam Inllnwln autimaa, tn pnti ills rantlt.wiaa nasllanr upon ami niltlvatlon of said land, via: Kin Vinson, ivll lral-T, Tut l'blip and Hugh Tiler, all of H'Mir, urou. . r. wtUKiN, n M Kitr. Lone Rock etese leave UPont el 7e'clok, s. nv, Tnlys, Thursday, sm Batardays; arrive al 6 o look, p. ax. Moadays, WdBaiys sad FriJ s. Will make conaeotloa with branch train wbn deairej. fere 12, each way Freight U eet per pound. J. 11 IWleo brock. Prop. Offloe el Garry werros'i Jrog tnre. tf. B!b does st ths Job' bsrber stop, tisesle, Or rills Jotus sssaeger. It Going East? IF YOU ARE, DO NOT FORGET Three Important Points. FIRST-Go via. St, Paul be cause the lines to that point will afford you the very best service. SECOND See that the coupon beyond St. Paul reads via. the Wisconsin Ceutral because that line makes close connections with all the trans-continental lines en tering the Union Depot there, and its service is first-class in every particular. THIRD -For information, call on your neighbor and friend the nearest ticket agent and ask for a ticket reading via. the Wisconsin uentrai lines, or address Jas. C. Pond. or Geo. S. Batty, General Agent, . 246 Stark St., Portland Or. Gen. Pas. Agt., Milwaukee, Wis, H. W, Fall, PROPRIETOR . Ot the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO, ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot of C B. & Q.. C. M. ill St. P., C. & A., P. Ft. W. & C, and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads. RATB8 $a.oo PBR DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Bts., CHIOAflO, IZiIfc STOCK BRANDS. While yon aeep yonr subscription paid np yea can keep yonr brand in tree of charge. Borg, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left shoulder; oattle, same on left hip. Cook, A. J. .Lena, Or. Horse, 90 on rightshool der; Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark square orop off left and split in right. Donglasa. W. M Gallowar, Or. Cattle, B Don right side, swallow-fork in eaoh ar; hones, B D an left hip. Ely, Bros., Douglas, Or. Hone branded ELY on left shoulder, oattle (am on lefthip. hoi in right ear. Florence. L. A.. Henoner. Or. Cattle. LF nn right hip: horse. F with bar under on rich! shoulder. Jonea, Harry, Heppner, Or. Horse branded rl J on the left shoulder: cattle bra.idnd J nn right hip, also underbit in left ear. Range in uoirow ooanty. Johnson. Felix. Lsna. Or. Horses. nimlsT on left stifle: oattle. same on ritrhthin. nnrtor half orop in rjht. and sulit n left ear Rnnnr. Hike. Hennner. Or. Romas hmndnH KMY on left hip oattle same and oroo oil laft ear; under slop on the right Leahev. J. W. Hennner Or. MoniAa hranrliwl L and on left shoulder; cettl same on left hip, wattle over right eye, three slits in right ear. Minor, Oscar, nenpner Or. ( attls. H D on right hip; horse. 11 on left shoulder. Morgan, H. N., Heppner, Or. Horse, M ) on left shouldei cattle same on left hip. Oshorn. J. W.. Donalas. Dr.: hones (i nn In shoulder; oattle same on right hip. Parker A Gleaaon. Hardman.Or. RnnM 1P left shoulder. Plow. J. H.. Lezlnston. Or. Hnrana. JR mn. nscfed on left shoulder; oattle, same on laf hip. under bit in each sar. Itentor, J. W., Heppner, Or. Horse. JO ot left shoulder. Cattl, Qon right hip. 1 Snerry. K. O. HeDnner. Or. CaMla W C nn left hip, orop off right and undnrbit in left year, dewlap; horse W Con left shoulder. Thompson, J. A., Heppner, Or. Hone, oe Isft shouldrr; cattl. i on left shoulder. Turner R. W.. Ueppnw. Or. Small capital 1 left ahonlder, horses; oattl aam on left hip with split in both ears. Wattenbnrcer. W. J.. Oallowar. Or.i luima quarter circle JW on right ahonlder; cattle quarter circle 1 W on right hip and right si", crop and hole in left ear. Rang in Morrow and umuna oounues. Notice Of Intention. Land Orrici it L Geaicoi, Orman, Sent, 17, 1WI7, NOTIPK 18 REM.BY GIVEN THA THI followlns nanml settler has fllrd nntlca of his Intention to make filial proof In support of bis claim, and that said proof will be mad before County Clerk. Morrow County. Ilrriou. at ileppner, Oregon, on Oi l. )th, i.fl, via: SAMUEL L. WILSON, H. K. No. 170 for th 8WV HWU Hec. 17, V'i NW and NW NK!4 Stsj. ill Tp. 1 B. R. SN, K. He name the followln witnesses In nrnv hla continuous rt-ahh-tire Uin and cultivation of sam tana, via: annua Tyler, llerwl w. Jterk ley, David . Justus, Juie D. Brown, (II of uvppuer, urvgon. B. F. WILBOrt, l3 - Rrglster. Assignee's Sale Of Notes and Accounts. Notlr I hereby given that th underals-ned asslsiiee of th estate of Col Hrns., Insolvent oVIiUtrs, will on hetnrUr th Inth day of ( toher, lr, at th ( ourt Houso dmir In Hrpp lisr. Oregon, sell tn the hlghnil bidder for rah In hsnd. all tn note ami anrmitiUuf sadl In. solvent estata, rwmalulng unpaid nn aeld ilate. insspprnxiniai tare value oi sail nnUi ana arcouhU I It. jii and full lnirtlon of asm ran be had at th office of Ellis A I help at siij II in before said sal. W. P. ri.t. Assignee of Coi Hro., Insolvent Debtor. Was, Tb regnlsr (atieonptwo prioe of tb Semi-Weekly Uaxv-lte is 12.50 end tbe regnlar prioe of lbs Weekly Oreplao is 11.50. Aoyooe sobeoiibioc for tlx Oetetle sod peyiog for one yeer ii fkWetios csa get both lbs Gairlt sod Weekly Oregooiae tor 3.Ca All old tab eeribers peyiog their abeariptloos fat one yeer In sdrenne will he entitled k lhaeam e Heppner to reodtoton vis fleppeer F.cbo me Line. I'eroo detrae of vmIIioc 1'endiotos en eee time end money by taking thie roate. II r ee qaelntlac tbe sote the preetoe even ing the etesT will make eotineniion wub 3 o'clock train si Ki bo for I'endleton. OfTlee st City Drug Hlore. W. D. Unto, Proprietor. e Wslt. Tbornpeoo roes slsge betwees H'Dpser asl Ifooumorjt, errtvlng every day tiopt Monday sod lesrisg every dey eioepl Pasdey. Htujrt! sad ebsp set root to lbs Interior. , J, filoeuta. Sgeot. The Lancashire Insurance Co. OK" MANCHESTER) BNQLAND OTIS PATTERSON, AGENT, one t, BB,t m the wox-ia McClure's Magazine For 1897 SEVEN GREAT SERIALS A - New Life of Grant by Hamlin Garland. The first authoritative and adequate Life of Grant ever published. (Begins in December.) Rudyard Kipling's first American serial, "Captains Courageous." (Begun In November.) Robert Louis Stevenson's "8t. Ives." The only novel of Stevenson's still unpublished (Begins In May.) Charles A. Dana. "Recollections of War Time." f cms ui ue LiYii vnr pracucauy a memDer oi Lincoln's uaoinet, ana is probably better fitted than any other man living to give an authoritative histoiy of this period from his recollections and correspondence. Portraits of Great Americans. Many of them unpublished. In connection with this series . of portraits It is intended to publirh special biographical studies under the general title of MAKERS OF THE UNION from Washington to Lincoln. 1 Pictures of Palestine. Specially taken under the editor's direction. Stories of Adventure. A serial by CONAN DOYLE, in which he will use his extraordinary talent for mystery and ingenuity which have, in the "Bherlook Holmes" stories, given him TEN FAMOUS WRITERS IAN M ACLAREN, All the Action that he will write during the coming year, with the exception of two contributions to another publication which were engaged from him long ago. will appear In McTjlube's Maoazinb. . JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS. A series of new animal storie In the same field as the "Brer Rabbit" and the "Little Mr. Thimbleflnger" stories. RUDYARD KIPLING. Besides "Captains Courageous," Kipling will contribute to McCmjbe's all of the short stories he will write during the coming year. OCTAVE THANET is preparing for the Magazine a series of short itorles in which the same characters will appear, although each will be complete In Itself. Anthony Hop Frank R. Stockton Bret Harts Stanley Weyman will all have stories in McClcbk's for the coming year. These are only a small fraction of the great and important feature of McClork's Maoazins for 197, the subscription price of which is only One Dollar a Year The new volume begins with November. Subscriptions should start with this number. The S. S. McClure Co., New York. A Campaign Of Education How-to Get It Mftim, UNPARALLELED summate skill. Such a paper 1 s great popular educator. It should be In every home. Tbe subscription prlc of Leelle's U l pe nnura. W make the unparalleled ollor of copy of Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi Weekly one year for only $5.00. No such offer was ver made before. No such offer will ver be mad again. The two papers mak e most acceptable Christmas or birthday gift, and will be constant reminder of th giver' kludnea. Remit by postal order or cheek to th GAZETTE, Heppner, Orecon. The WEEKLY MONTHLY Outlook Published Every Saturday 13 Astor Place New York Tbs Outlook will be Id 1W7, ss It bae been during each of Its twenty eereo yesrs, History of Our Owo Tines. Is its various editorial departments Tbs Outlook give eompsat review ot the world's progress; it follows witb csr sll lbs Important pbilaotbropio end in. doatrial movements of ths dyj bee s ronipM drpartment of religious news; devote mocb spera to tbs interest of th b'ur; rerw-w correal IKetetare; farni bni rber fnl table-lstk sbout u,e s.l things: sod, io short, situs to give fresb iuformslloB, origioe) oljeervstioo, sad reasonable entertainment. Beginning with tb fifty fiiftb volorn. tbs peper will seeams lbs regular nags tins sic, wbiob will ad I greatly to it emtrbienos sr.d sttrsrttvenets. The Ooiluck tesblihed every H.tiir.Wj fifty two leeues year. Tbe first ne la ssab moelb is so Illustrated Magasioe Nsmbr, oiBtsihlng shinllioM msny pages a tb ordinary !, tngat,r witb large aaqtber of putnrve, Tbs prieecl The Oqtl'oik ie tbtee dollar a year in advene, or Ire lho s rent day. Heed lr s tcima 'f ; J illnlrU proielii Ui Tb Oatbiok, 13 A(or i'lsos, Kew TufkCtK. Mr. Dana was for three of the most critical Robert Bsrr Clark Russell n.r$5.00 To be educated one must read the best literature. Th best literature is expensive. Leslie's Illustrated Weekly. PubUsned at 110 filth Avenue, New York, is full of the best things! It Illustration era superb; it stories charming; and It literary , department ar edited with con NOTICE OF INTENTION. AND OrnrK AT TIIK DALI.KH. ORKOON, 1 1 Aug it. .I7. Nollr Is heret.y glvrn thai Ih following. naini-d h'tllnr ha UImI liolli'enf tils Inti'iitlou lu iiisk glial proof In aupnirt of his claim, and that snld proof will U mail before J. W. Morrow, Couiify Her, at Heppner, Oregon, on (X Uilwr It, H'J7, vis; TKl'MAN B. KICII AKD.HON. "dl Nj,. jioifor the KM )4 ftoe. t Tp I I B He name Ih follnwlig witness to prove his rniitlnuoiis resldoor upon snl rulllvallon of said land, vis: 1 noma R, liraham, Andrew rvlierson, tilh of IxKiarlMrry, orrgon, fl vsiiiis Wright and Andrew Wright, both of Klght Mil, Oregon. Jan. r. moorr, 57.VM RaiglsUir. SU.V5WN.H. TH JI'MTIfg flll'RT FOR THE NRfOND iimrli t, eui o Orngvn, for Morrow OHin- II. l-.i'4p, I'lalnflfT, vs. I. f) Miller. IMendanl, Jo I I). Miller the ebov named defendant. In ths nam. of IhsNlaU of ihmM; Vou af hereby rviilffl lo apar Iwlnra lb ondor Irnrd. JuMb-a ol tl, I'parw, In So-IHI'I lla tih I In m. MMinty and Main, im the jii1 day of ih l,,l.r, !,;, ai ln. Im,,, , on. o rlirk In lhafiernmnnf sal.l day a! my offic In said 1llrWI to answer Ihe r..n,.lnt rf I, H Ins-k-P lonndnl upon an titrimnl of wrllln; and linriln he lmands Twenty liullars lJ) alihliiUirwl from May I. l"-a. al ihe rl ii inilMHtiiwi annum and lite nmu ed dis- I. nr.inat.1. of thl action T, fl.ln,.lanl will USanotlre thai If ha falls In ansaer Ilia mm. plalnl hrr.li, i, flalnim will u In. Isim.hI aa-alnH him f,r Tely iN.llars and Inuraal II, .f,n al lb rale nt l.n r r-i. -r annum M"' ' ",hI r-"! and disburamaiiM of ilils a. II , ii. I'uiiiutted by order of r k ;ni, Joallx. nf Ike fear ! lb ttaa.u lla rl I la M .rrn Mmoli, xtal. ol Orton, 1). A. Cnrrsf, foroierly of I'eadletoa, he opened op a IS eit berbetebop la theoldetesd on the Methiek eorser. Wok efrtrtly first sle. Call bim. The (Ut-M ill lake potato, S plee, tt or hmiur nlM.dt'a seroams. Any one owing this office -sn swtll Ibwr ereoenl lo this mssner i I ean'l do it no eMn to 'sail ne. HUtetn'tite f-r lb) fsmnss Hinpl) Aroobbt Tils ,.r(bti si lbs Utll of See. tf. OAMEL'S EXPERIENCE. Sat Down So Much That III Hind Logrs Became laelesa, A large camel Which was landed at Hoboken a few days ago from the Bremen line steamer Dresden; had an experience which probably never before ftll to the lot of a "ship of the desert." He made the voyage in a large box, tnd as there wasn't room enough in it for any self-respecting animal the camel eat down in sheer disgust. He sat that way for days and days wihile the ship rolled and made all sorts of heavy weather. When the dejeoted animal was finally landed and tried to stand up, he couldn't use his rear props at all. ' They had be come paralyzed with their long1 stay in a cramped position. The camel wasn t any good, it seemed, and, as a big price had been paid for him, there was a gen eral lamentation. The camel was "in" on the lamentation. Such a picture of woe was never seen in Hoboken. At last a genius suggested a radical cure. The camel, by his advice, was placed in a sling and hoisted up until only his toea touched the ground. He paddled the air for a spell with his fore legs, and finally the rear props came to life and joined in the exercise. They lowered him to the floor, and, after he had tested his rear legs somewhat gin gerly, he was as good as new. Bui he doesn't sit down any more. Once was enough for him. FAULTY FINANCIERING. V Failure of a Saddenly Devised Plant to Save Street Car Fare. . There Is a man aoruewhere on the South side who knows more about the theory and practice of finance than he did a few days ago and all he did to gain the knowledge was to jump off a street car and pick up a nickel which he saw lying on the street, says the Chicago Tribune. Relating the circumstances later to a friend he said: "It's funny what fools some men are. I saw that nickel after I had paid my fare, and my first thought was that If I jumped off and picked it up it would make up for the nickel I had already given the conductor. Having plenty of time I did so. Of course I missed the cor which I had originally boarded and paid my fare. When the conductor came around on tlie following car I surrendered my new-found nickel with a serene and satisfactory belief thatmv ride had not cost me anything, having paid for it with the nickel I found In the street "Them I began to figure a little. The more I tried to solve the rimHem in mathematics the more deeply I became involved, as an actual fact I had to count my change before I discovered tluvt I had not onlv saved a nickel, hut that I had contributed tern cents to the company's coiTer and wo still a nickel out of pocket." POOR BARONETS. outs of Them Ar Always Conlsg to Grief. Mr. Laljouolrere's anrrruif ir nfrmiv to this lowest rank of the English hered itary titled order, "baronet and the criminal clawtea," seems so very, very ept, says a recent London letter tn an exclmnge. IlaroneU Insist upon going wrong ttJl the time. There are at lost A nair-UoMro. almolulely dlereputable baronets prowling almusthe Ktrandat tills moment, cadging for shillings, free meals and free drink. If tlirv mn lnanago to preserve a decent outward appearance existence is not so difficult. Their titles apww to the man who nee never iieen on familiar terms w ith anything in the liri of a title before. Hut the delight of knsmlng "a noble man" SOOII Ijaasna WhlWl t)l aill-neaalnn of email loans and general Krsgliig Is realiied. One) of the worst of the dis reputable baronet SMcJes lurw in evl deure in London, and more, or lrw In the gutter, Is the same man who a few jeers ago was in th United Htstes act big m advance sirent or .meUilnT inv ilar for a theatrirsl company. Chicago, i'hiladelhl and other cllir remem ber the gentleman. His various swin dles are as remarkable a the are In gaiaioua. FARO WA8 KINO. It vYa tk Ha la H uslsslas la tasy Haabsaas'i Teres. Faro was king at the national catr- Itai durbag Jamns llucluuiaii' trnu. Tbs moat prvAeruioiM gambler of Uirm ail was Jo Hall, wUiae midnlgtit sup- prs Luculln would have made hat to avy could be have Utd the canvas- back duck rUi(T.l with diceiouta, and tb sids dh of Virginia hoiuloy don brown, lo butter rrtitaliad with tawin from Acotnae, f on aroras. flilver fobleU Ilka "motley" vrw Uie only "wear" for cliupagiM,' aav a Wash ington oorriikleul. Tbera were no clubbotmea, so ealird, Ir. ant helium days In WaatUnirion. AM here, up to Ui fall of flumtrr, ths onth and nortfi, no mMAsT bjw acrid tho day's detavta in ri greaa, when the nwnnlarrs Diet t furs J' Hall's r ln dirt an' rrwan balm taJl fn I'etuuiytvania aventio, all on plnaatirs lieni, they "f-t aianrw-a like a p;i)iir fall aiol bl tb btowa" of potiliraj trife art aunl! J Hall, who lie very r. In IUI tlnr during Urn war, was In the last generation the tixiat inuntn.wn at moat rxntlououaly urveaful "hll niller atiHn,ir th "giul.lfw" rf Awierira. His iMinv, wiih gv.id tjpl harneM, wrre the rynowura of U e. Ia I'UilnU!d,l l ran a ramllni hoi i n Walnut, !. r.levetitn, ixnh ), frrm V till tla war broke out Hers Tbtwhleu Hteio, th frl mm ttmner of rrnrttlania.biltatillad Willi Jamea A. Havard. f.f I a- lawarw, awl tl haralwiii,) .ii,a hi hiiAidc, wIhi, wstU ' H.ir ift. of riiilxtelplila. mU m of Utm IjI all rv'iu'l 'nri,i arUir if alwuu tl. K yU)b ilrRss rv ! Wsts-1. Everybody Say So. Caeoareta Candy Cathartic, the most wonderful medical discovery of.the age, pleasant sod refreshing to the taste, sot gently and positively on the kidoeye liver and bowels, cleansing tbe entire sysiem, dispel colds, cure headaches, fever, habitual oonetipation and bil iousness. Please buy and try a box of C. CO. today; 10.52, 50 cents. Sold and guaranteed to oure by all druggists. - tf PeDdleton Republican: A prominent Bheepman from Morrow oonnty was in Pendleton a few days ego and laughs to soorn tbe cock and bull stories printed in the Portland papers concerning an alleged war being waged between the sheep and cattle men of that county. He says bo far as he knows there exists no bitterness of feeling, that on tbe con trary the most friendly relations exist between the oowboys and sheepherdere; that there so abundance ot feed for all and that gno fights are almost un known j that everybody is hp ppy, pros perous and law-abiding. They Are the "Mustard." Meadows k HatteD. tbe pioneer black smiths, have made some elegant im provements In 4heir establishment and added a large stook of iron, horseshoes and other materials enential to tbe happiness ot those who need quiok re pair on their wagons, buggies or any kind of msohinery. They have ex tended their room so ae to accommodate everybody in the oonntry who is in need ot repairs. When yon want a boree shod, machine repaired, tire set or any thing else in their line, you will find Meadows & Hatteo to be the boys that can do it and do it right in short order. if Canyon Oity News: Mies Nellie Browo took ber departure last Monday for Walla Walls on a visit to relatives. She was accompanied as fsr as Ileppner by ber father, Walter Brown, Btate of Ohio, Citt of Toledo) Lucas Oounit, J Frank J. Cheney makes ostb thst bs is tbs senior ttartnttr of the firm nf P. J Cheney A Co., doing business in ths oityj ni ipieuo, county and stats aforesaid, end that said firm will pay tb sam ol Ons Hundred Dollars for each and every case ot catarrh thai cannot be oured by the DBS ot Ilall's Catarrh Cure. Fbahk J. Cbbnxy. Sworn to before me and snbcribed In my prenenoe, this Oth day of Deoember, A.D.18H0. )'" i A. W, Qliahon, al I Nolsry l'ubho. Ilall's Cularrb Curs is taken Internally anu acta uireotiy on ths blooj and mn ootis surlHoe of tbe system, bend tor testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney A Co.. Toledo. O. tlPSold by druggists, 75c. Tisini slopped al Jsokon, Mis. Isst week in violation ot lbs qnsrsotios roles, snd tbs infuriated people are tear ing op th track sod burning tbs tres tles. Oovernor McLsuria bas ordered out tbe Lliibt Guard to protect railroad property. Tbs governor bimself is not allowed to retnrn to the ospltol, having been at Brandon wbeo tbs quarantine went intorffect. Ths "Bioyollst's Brat Friend" ia a familiar mine for DeWitt's Wit on llttel Halve, always ready for emrgnoir. WbiU a specific for piles, II also instant ly relieves and enrea ems, bruises, sail rheum, scEema and all aflVetifma of lb kin. It never fails. For 81 by Conr k Brook. Omdno Globe: Tb eaa of lbs North- rn I'aolflo By. Co. sgeioal ssttlsis, in volving tb tills to l.'Vi.OOO sore ot Isad io lb overlap grant In Klickitat ooonty, and 100.000 sores in Umatilla, Gilliam, Morrow an I Rtierman oooolies, baa beer- decided lo favor of lbs settlers. Te l'r f Baatlpatlna rrvrr. Take CaaoareU Csndr Calbartio. lOe or XVi. If C. 0. a fail lo erne, drag.iat refund money, tf Ca Matlock bas soma On yearling , ball brMhl Cotwll books down al E. L Mallock' oorrel. FA. has tbta la charge, H ILrm. Triler, Hall-lllienm and fr-setna. Tito Intense lii hlng and smarting. Inrl- dent to tbnndlw-wtnL Instantly allayed by applying CbarnW Iain's Kys and Hkln trtiittii.ml. Many very bad ca bava iirn permanently ctird by It. It is serially eHl. k-nt f(r it blng pile and a ravirriut renuwiy for aura nipt'l'-e t lispi-M hand, ililll.laliia, fnl l.lt and t Im xilo aorw rye. M eta xr Un. Ir. (ady's f 4iUa I'awsVn, are jnt what a horae ! U when In IhvI citiilltlon. T"iU', IiIihhI partner and vnrtiilfugw. The era rxt f'"l bill hii!l in and th lieat In Ua ft put bora in prtrtM rendition. rrl 5 oenls pr pw kaga. CATARRH h a LOCAL DISEASE " I M HI st taM aal It taa a . kf eailf Ha,, aW IM lafai ia anr,. a la -it.i Ktoi a (Was Ely's Cream Bata k SraMlMlfv4 HltsN lMal IVvMrSi raja f-4 ftaaall w 1,, M Im4 M Haf InK a I e"ai-i,ia I, mt 4 a-iapi t a-a.lfa.aaya, ata 4 . i naiiL a, law ta. a.. ... n. aw , it., aaaiai ,, f,a aaa-at, mn i a ta. a a. a-l aa i , '-.,, 4, aW savlUta, M maj MM, hr lav &Auifl0 FOVDER ; , Absolutely Pure A meeting of the Sheepmen's Protect ive Union was held at Condon Tuesday tor tbe purpose of settling np tbe ooyole bounty accounts, etc, says the Coodon Globe. About J170 was paid in by the members, leaving about $800 yet of the amount neoesssry, and this if expected to be paid in by Nov. 1st, this fall.- All of tbe members are urgently requested to pay in their assessments before that date, as no money oan be paid out until all is paid in. Morrow ooonty sheepmen have made np a fond ot 81000 for tbe purpose of sending detectives into Grant county to ferret out and proseoute tbe parties who have been abootlnir sheen over there, and the Sheepmen's Union of Gilliam oounty proposes to raise a simi lar amount for the same parnose. Boms of those Bbeep-sbooting smart-alleoks will learn thai they do not own tbe earth yet and that the U. S. government bas some ssy yet in those matters. Eternal Vigilance Ia tbe price of perfect health. Watoh carefully Ihe first symtoms of impure blood. Care boils, pimples, humors and soofnla by taking Hood's Bartsparills. Drive away Ihe pains and aches of rhenmatlsm, malaria and etomaob trou bles, steady yonr nerves snd overooma that tired feeling by taking tbe same great medicine. Hood's Pills are tbe beet family cathar tic and liver tonic. Gentle, reliable, sure. . W. a Byers, proprietor of the roller mills that were bnrned at Pendleton Monday morning, contemplates rebuild ing, and ill doable ths capacity of tbs plant, putting np a mill that will tarn oat 1000 barrels of flour dally. It Bare tb Crospy Cblldr. Besvlew, Vs. Ws bsva a splendid ale ot Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and oar customers oomiog from far and near, spesk of it in tbs blgbeat terms. Many hive said that their ohildren would havs died of oroop if Chamber lain's Cough Remedy bad eol been given. Kellsm AOnrren. Tbe 25 and 50 cent sixes for sala by Uooser k Brook. Word cams In from Condon aatn1a Ibst ons of tho DeMoes family a yonog lady was shot near that plaos by lbs accidental discharge of a shotgun, on day iat week. Tbs gun fell out of a wagoa, aoa part ot th charts took fleet io ber bsnd and toot, bat tbs woaod is not considered a serious one. If yoa bars ever seen littla child In a paroxysm of hooping ooagh, or tf yoa havs been annoyed by a constant tick ling in tbs throat, yoa em appreciate tb value of Ons U In ots Congo Ours, wbiob gives qnick relief. Hoi J by On ser k Brork. e Johnny DwardortT. th 12 f aar-otd ana of Mr. and Mrs. IVler Pesrdorff, wsa thrown from a fraollooa eayaa rolly aearLoog tek and almost instanllr kilted. Wkal Ihj. 4. K. Mailer Bars. Boffalo, N, T. Oeo U From my personal knowlsdg, giDd in observing tba fleet of yonr Hbllob's Cora Id ea of advanced sonsomctioa. I am nrvoared to ssy it is lb most remark abla rtsdy Ibal baa vf been brought lo say ailaa lion. II has ertsioly saved maey from unaamplloa. rV.ld by Cuor k Brock. i Al Itlnas bad th mi forte. a to fll thmofh tba oellsr door al Gar k Brock's drag tturs lt night, reoelvlag rsl braises bnt fortanstaly no lnka bones. II Is able to be aroanj May. B'kl' Arasra Balv. Tba Bot Halv la tba world fot Cats, Braia, Mor. Cloer. Hall Rneaat, Hiea, Teltr, Cbapfwd llad, Cbilblattt, tWn. and all Hsla p. lion. ant paviilly tares I'll or pay rsaired. It Is gaaratdead to sia itfM alifaello or men? rafeaiUd. fries '& rnt pax bm. for ! by Oonr A llrook. A faw lxr bava b-l tb offset ol ooling i ff lb atainpbr wnnderfally. For Cotlflioa lks Karl's dovf Taa, lb grl Mood rri fltr, tor) baleb), Nw Voaaoaava, I'rntlle tm lbs fn, sad ekj lb ba. a alear a WI. by Oaeer k Dmek. i J. II. t'llabg, of Tbe Dalian, r aaily Maraal fmta a Uil t lb Mia- leg ati'e aat ttkf City. II U II pla4 with the fVol. F.sgla, kit an a, lril 91 ail (rofa 4aptr. Krl's Clf !Ut T, f " Coa(ipa lia M s tb Uat a I if afw amsg it a doa'l y m, rra parksg ad get yoar ssoy. &4J by Cvr i ttretk.