1ML TO THK GIVES THS OHOICB Of Two Transcontinental GREAT OREGON NORTHERN Ry. SHORT LINE. VIA VIA Spokane Salt Lake MINNEAPOLIS DENVER St. Paul . Omaha iHD ' AMD Chicago Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean . Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For fall details call on O. R. 4 N Agent at Heppner, cr address W. H. HTJRLBTJRT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland. Obkoon, quick Tiivrn : San Fronolsoo And all point In California, via th Mt, Shasta mats or uie Southern Pacific Co Tha erest highway through California to all point Kant and South. Grand Hosnio Root of tha Paoino Coaat. Pullman Hnflet Uleepere. Beoond-olaas Bleepara Attached to expreee traina, affording anperior accommodations for aaoond-claaa paaaensere. For rataa, tioketa, sleeping oar raeervationa, ato.. call upon or adilreee R. KOKhLeR, Manager, C. H. MARKHAM, Gen, F. k P. Agt., Portland, Oregon . 200CT Schilling's Best baking powder goes a third farther than any other ; gets to work quicker; makes sweeter cake. Schillings Best tea makes good cake taste better. Schillings Best baking powder and tea are because they are money-back. LOCAL SQUIBS. John Ambrose is over from the Jobn Day. Mr. 0. E. Redfield is in Pendleton on business . What is the missing word? not SAFE, although Schilling's But baking powder and tea art safe. Get Schilling's Best baking powder or tea at your grocers'; take out tha ticket (brown ticket in every package of baking powder yellow ticket in the tea); send a ticket with each word to address below before December 31st. Until October 15th two words allowed for every ticket; after that only one word for every ticket. If only one person finds the word, that person gets $2000.00; if several find it, $2000.00 will be equally divided among them. Every one sending a brown or yellow ticket will receive a set of cardboard creeping babies at the end of the contest. Those sending three or more in one envelonp will rarelva an 1808 Docket calendar no advertising on it. These Back From tha Grave We cannot come, but we can often stay onr progress tbitber. Disease, like everything else, must have a begin-. ninu. All cbronio maladies ten a to shorten life, and render it a species of martyrdom while they last. Malaria, kindney complaint, ohronio indigestion, rheumatism all have small beginnings, and may be stayed at the outset with Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. This ex cellent tonio and alterative is adapted alike to the prevention of disorders of the system and tbeir removal, and its early use cannot be too strongly advocated. To renew appetite and insure tranquil rest, there is no surer and pleasanter meaos than the Bitters. The effects of overwork and exhaustion, mental or physical, are counteracted by it, and the busy mer chant, tbe tired olerk or operative, and the brain weary etundent, author or newspaper man derive from it present relief and future energy. 20S1 Now'a the Time. Tbe owners of tbe newly discovered creeping babies and pocket calendars will be different from the ones offered in minea np on willow oreek are putting some stook upon tbe market for develop ment purposes. Tbe ore seems to be of first class character and the best of judges of gold quartz in this locality are oonfldent that tbe find is a good one. If it proves to be halt as good as it ap pears it will help Heppner and Morrow county wonderfully. Therefore every There will be preaching servioes in the dollar invested by our oitizeus in this the last contest. Better cut these rules out. Address: MONEY-BACK, SAN FRANCISCO. ARMFUL OP FISH. t , snerteaees of. NTtc with His) rirat 8-1 10m. One'a first salmon ki an event. I got mine all alone, seys a writer In Scrib rter's Magazine. It vens on the Dun gorven, on my way into the more re mote interior. In a clear pool we could see the gTeen backs of the fish, big and little, but they were not after our fliea. The others went up the stream a con siderable distance and I remained by the pool. It needs two men to land a salmon. Presently I begun idly coat ing, just to try my new 13-foot rod, and tho first thing I knew a fish wia hooked. lie galloped around that pool, jumping out, darting back and forth, and I waded right In. After awhile I got him pretty tired. I had no landing mttorgaff, but ttiere was a. smooth gravel bar 40 rod below. Then I towed tbe unfortunate fish down there, got him headed for shore and ran straight back on the bar. Qut he came, flopping somersaults on the gravel. The gut leader broke, but I threw myself on top of that salmon and clasped my arms around him. He was slippery and strong and I could not hold him. Fi- naUylgotmyfingersin his gills.reached for a stone and gave him three or four meroiless whacks over the head. Then I hod him. I was a sight to behold, wet and bespattered with mud and slime, but I was'too proud as well as too nearly out of breath for words. HE LOST HIS BETS. THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE. LCNG THOCBLES AMD CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED. Aa Eminent New York Chemist and scientist Makes a Free Offer to Our Headers. ralBffl THS) CHBONICTJI tanki with. Ska snataet wapapara In tbe Dotted Btatee. THU CHHONICLB baa no equal en the Pert Coaat. It laade all In ability, enterprise and nam. TUB 011HONICUF8 Talagraphla Beportt are tha lataet and moat reliable, tta Looal Newe the fulleat and apieleaa, and tta Kdttarlafc bora Um blest pena tn tha country. THK UUHONICLK haaal tear beea, and a) ware will be, the friend and champion af tbe people aa against oomblnailona, ollqoea, corporation, or oppreaslona of any kind. ItwtU be tadipaadeal in ereryuuns aeuual Is rriK'n CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS. Christian oburob on Sunday at 11, a. m., and 7:30 p.m. Subjects of discourses: "A lire tbat Uod will bless, a prayer tbat Qod will answer" and "Tbe enemies of the cross of Ohrist." Sunday school at 10 a. m. All not worshiping else- shere are invited to attend these services. enterprise is in the right direction. If tbe original owners of 'tbe mine make money, the new stockholders will enjoy tbeir share of the prosperity. It will come baok to them "aa hundred fold" greater than the investment. HUE YOU 601 EIIST? If so, be sure and see that your ticket reads via Tie nwesten Line ....THE.... CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAIIA RAILWAY THIS IS TBB Great Short Lir)e BETWEEN DULUTfl, St. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Their Magnificent Track, Pwrlcm Veatlbuled ( Dining and Hlnr-ntiiK tar Traina, ana Motto: ALWAYS ON TIM It At the M. E. church, South, next San day, Rev. E. P. Green will preaoh at llo:olook. Sunday sobool at 3 o'clook. Preaobing in tbe evening at 730. A Sure Thing for Yon. A transaction in wbioh you can not lose is a sure thing. Biliousness, sick headache, furred tongue, fever, pili and a thousand other ills are caused by constipation and sluggish liver. Gas- oarets Candy Catbartio, the wonderful new liver stimulant and intestinal tonio are sold by all druggists and guaranteed to oure or money refunded. 0. 0. 0. are a sure thing. Try a box today ; 10c, 25., 50c. Sample and booklet free, tf Dreadfully Neryons. Gents: I was dreadfully nervous, and for relief took your Karl's Clover Boot Tea. It quieted my nerves and strength ened my whole nervous system. I was tronbled with constipation, kidney and bowel trouble. Tour Tea soon cleansed my system so thoroughly that I rapidly regained health and strength. Mrs. S. A. Sweet, Hartford, Conn. Sold by Conser A Brook. y Diok Neville is oonduoting a potato exhibition tbat is all right. He offers speoial prizes for the best bushel of potatoes. Also on small collections of tbe fruit. Diok retains all exhibits. A Stag Party. Tbe Elks of Spokane will take in band tbe matter of entertaimoe their oat of town friends during the fruit fair, wbiob will open Oot. 6th. The Elks are noted for their hospitality and every visiting brother may rest assured that when tak- en in band by tbe boys at Spokane he will have a good time. Two parties are being arranged, one on October 6th, at which tbe ladies will be invited, and an other on the 13th, which will be tbe regulation old-time Elk stag party. Those who have had tbe pleasure of at tending thrm know what tbey are. haa given this road a national reputation. I'laMuiaiM paaMiiiKcra rarrlitd on the traina without rttra charge, All viwtllnilixl Hhln your freight ami traml over this lanioua Una. All ageuta have tlrkula. W. ft. MEAD, f. C. HA VAC1R, Uuii. AgiMit. Trav. t. A 1'. Agt. vhi Washington hi., roruanii, ur. CHICAGO c Tha Chronicle Ralldtag, the: daily Tit Malt, Foalage rU. $6.70aYcar. iUe&SbFaiilB'gThe Weekly Chronicle Tho Greatest Wte.lj in the Country, $1.50 a hi This Railway Co. Operates its trains on the famoni blook system; LitfhU its trains by eleotrlolly through- oat; Uses the celebrated sleotrio berth read ing lamp; Rons speedily equipped passenger trains everv its ami niifbt between HI. l'aul and Chicago, aud Omaha and Chicago; tlis Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul (laolodtng pnaUga) to any part at the United HUiUa, Canada and Mellon. THK WKKKLY CHHONIOI.M, the hrtfhteat and most complete Weekly newspaper la tha world, nrtnia raularty at eotumna. at twelve .MKt-e.of Mewa, MUfmtura and (taneml Informa Hun; aleo a ma aiacanl Agricultural lruueai. SAMPLE COPIES SENT FRtE. DO YOU WANT THE CHRONICLE Alao operates steam-hasted vestibuled traina, carrying tha Uleet private compartment cant, library buffet smok ing rare, and palace draaing room sleepers. l'arlor ears, free reclining chair ears. a tut tha very beat dining rbetr oar seme. For lowest rates to any point in the United HI als or Canada, eiily to I agent or address C. J. EDDY. J. W. CAHF.T. General Agent, Trav. I'see. Agent. Portland, Or. Tbe Osteite does not qm-aHon the booiwly of any peraoo, bo I tl la eom- felled to IdsmI npon Hie eaab lo advance plea ol stibeoriptloo, whethir I be S'lb- sc.lier b Corosllus Yandcrbilt or the man who earns his bread by tioneet toiL We eatuiol ruu the patter on any other flan. It There will be coll show in Heppner Ool. 2. Tboee baring, gooj colts are ra- qneated to bring them to Willis Htew- art's livery bam in Ueppner on the date above aamad. (VnnpeUnt an J impar tial iudges will decide. Hl-4 Ttte who dealre to build shonUl not forget that C. F.. Itaootta. h ton tractor, la reedy to make rellmatae al aey lime. WHt AlAJlTID -'tat StV.OBTMT 0 ACTtVI V? fffflivmeft or l.lka tael ir rwei-.n. eit-ie, e.uiiii.i.e.1 auw In a . u. i y eH-e Km Umt a-1 in ttami-.) etteuie Reversible Map? Old People Old people who require medioine to regulate tbe bowels and kidneys will Hrid the true remedy in Electric Bitters. Tbis medioine does not stimulate and oontaius no whisky nor other intoxicant, but aots as a tonio and alterative. It aots mildly on tbe stomaoh and bowels, adding strength and giving tone to tbe organs, thereby aiding Nature in tbe performance of the facotione. Eleotric Bitters is an exoellent appetizer and aids digestion. Old People find it lust ex- aotly what they need and $1.00 per bottle at Consor & Brook's Drog Store. But Hie Steamer Made 15,000 Profit on tire Freight. From China cornea the story of a sea catptadn who lad an old aind slow steamer, and, 'finding that it would be a long time before he received a full cargo of tea, began to say that owing to repairs that had been done to his en gines, he hoped to make a very fast passage. Everybody laughed at his boasts, when, to their aetonfiBhment, he began to wager that he would make the fast est passage on record. The captains of other steamers eagerly took his wa gers; but when he had thus ventured several hundred pounds, people began to think there was something in it, and the merchants sent their tea almost entirely by his ship. Of course the steamer, the greatest Speed of which was eight knots on hour arrived in England weeks after the others, and the captain lost his money; but he made nearly $15,000 profit all the same. Instead of having to stop in the Chi nese port for months, waiting for a chance of cargo coming in from the In terior, he bad cleared in a few days, and the owners, of course, paid the wager. But it was a trick that could not be played twice, ANTARCTIC ICEBERGS. me Them Are Folly Tw Miles Sqaare. The snowfall of each year adds a new stratum to this ice cap, whidh is as dis tinguishable to the eye as is the annual accretion of a forest tree, soys the Ladies' Home Journal. Thus in centuries) have accumulated on Ant arctica these snows, which, by processes of pressure, thawing and regelatiou, have formed an ice cap that in. place exceeds 3,000 feet in thickness. Through the action of various forces that flf contraction and expanrfon,by changing temperature being, perhaps, the mos The distinguished chemist, T. A. SIo- oom, of New York City, demonstrating his discovery of a reliable oure for Con sumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis), bronohial, long sod chest troubles, stubborn oongbs, catarrhal affeotiong, general deoline and weakness, loss of flesh, and all conditions of wasting war, will send THREE FUEiS BOT TLES (all different) of his New Dis coveries to any afflicted reader of this paper writing for them. Uis "New BcibDtiflo Treatment" Eas cored thousands permanently by its timely use, and he considers it a simple professional doty to suffering humanity to donate trial of his infallible oure. Science daily develops new wondere, and tbis great chemist, patiently experi menting tor years, has prodnoed results as beneficial to humanity as can be olaimed by any modern genius. His assertion tbat lung troubles and con sumption are curable in any olimate is proven by "heartfelt letters of grati tude," tiled in his Amerioan and Euro pean laboratories in thousands from those oured in all parts of the world. The dread Consumption, - uninter rupted, means speedy and oertain death. Simply write to T. A. Blooum, M. O., Pine street, New York, givirjg post office and express address, and tbe free medioine will be promptly sent direct from his laboratory. Sufferers should take instant advan tage of his generous proposition. t lease tell tbe JJootor that you saw this in the Gazette, published at Hepp ner, Oregon. July 9-7-1 yr. NOTICE. FOR YOU! Now Prepared to do Any Kind of Printing Don't Send Your Orders Away 'Till You Get the Gazette's Estimates Heretofore the Gazette's job depart ment has tried to do no work other than plain printing. However, this shop is now prepared to tackle anything in any line and will meet prioes of any person under the sun in the line of druggists supplies, blank books, bank work, oounty work, or any sort of book bind ingwork that you have heretofore sent away to get done. Tbe Gazette shop is not charity ooncern but it you will give us a ohanoa we will see tbat yon are satisfied in every particular. Buy your goods at home. Remember tbat Abe Lin ool n said tbat. when one bought goods away from borne tha foreigner got the money and we got th goods. Bat when tbe goods were. bought at home we had both money end goods. This is good doctrine. W are willing to abide by it. When the. printing drummer comes to town, re member it and call op 'phone No. S. 560-tt Hiok Mathews and V. Gentry, under the firm name of Mathews & Gen try are associated together in the barber business in the new stand, two doors sonth of the postoffioe. They eolioit a oall. Shaving, 15 cents. tf. All persons indebted in notes and ac counts due to Noble & Co. are requested to come forward and settle same as soon as passible. We still continue in business and will sell goods as low as can be bought anywhere in tbe state. MOBLB & Co. Heppner, Or., Jane 24, '97. tf . Thb Boss Febd Yabd. Tbe first feed yard tbe teamster strikes in Heppner is thai conduoled by William Gordon, next door to the Heppner Gazette ranch. Mr. Gordon is accommodating, has a good yard and abundant facilities to take care of stock in first class shape. His prices are very reasonable, tie bag bay and grain for sale. Has lately added a car load of baled timothy. IT. For sale Good sheep range with plenty of running water. Will sell ohesp. Enquire of L. B. Wells, Echo. 78-85. Now is the time to get the Weekly Oregonian, the greatest newspaper ot the West. With the Gazette, both strict ly in advancetone year, $3.50. No better combination of newspapers can be madej in the state. Notice of Intention. LAND OFFICE AT THE DALLES OREGON. Sept. 11, 1897. Notice la hereby given that the following-named aettler haa filed notlcei of hla intention to make final proof in aupport of hie claim, and that laid proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, Connty Clerk, at Heppner. Oregon, on October 27, 1897, viz: MARY OLSON, Hd. E. No. 4689, for the SW! See. 29, Tp. 8 8 R: 24EWM. He names the following witneaaea tn nrnv hla continuous residence upon and cultivation, of, laid land, viz: Jacob I. Young, Wesley W. Brannan, both of Davidaon, Oregon, Olof Berg atrom and Erek Bergatrom, both of Gooaberry, JAB. F. MOOKE. T9-590 Register. Come to tbe Gazette offioe and eel decent lot of envelops printed. Government envelops look cheap, and besides you cannot get your business oard printed thereon. tf What is Hop Gold? Best beer on artb. See ad. elsewhere. Dyspepsia enred. Kbilob'i Vitalizer immediately relieves sour stomach, com ing op of food distress, and is tbe great kidney and liver remedy. Hold by Con ser A Br rk. y Mrs. C. E. Ked field and daughter, Blaiiohe, are seeing tbe sights in Port land tbis week. Mrs.Dootor Lewis, of Canyon Oily, Walter Brown and his daughters, Nellie and Cora, of tbe same place, visited 1. L. Van Winkle oo last Wednesday. Mrs. Brown is sister of Mrs. VanWinkle. Mrs. Lewis left on Wednesdsy evening to visit her daughter al Astoria while Mies Cora Brown departed on the same dale for Walla Wall. Mr. Brown and Miss Nellie left yesterday for tbeir home. Every new subscriber of tbe Gazette from this date, May 25, 1897, will receive aa premium a book worth alone the price of the subscription. tf Small precautions often prevent great ratBoliiefs. De Wilt's Little Esrly Risers are very small pills in eisa, but are most effective in preventing tbe moat serious forms rf liver trouble and atomaoh trouble. Tbey on re constipation and lipudacbe and regulata tbebowtle. For ssle by Conser A Brock. Certainly yon don't want to suffer ilb dyspepsia, constipation, siok headaches, sallow skin aod loss nf appetite. loa have never tried DeWitt'a Little Early Risers for these complaints or yon would bave been onred. Tbey are small pills bnt great regulators. For sale by Con ser and Brock. Pat quarter in yonr pooket and don't spend it till yon get down to Low Tillard's. Finest liquors and cigars, Prioe fifty cents potent this ice cap creeps steadily sea- Near city hall. a ward and projects into tine ocean a per pendicular front from 1,000 to 2,000 feet in height. The temperature or the sea water being about 29 degrees, the fresh water ies remains unwaarted, and the ice-barrier plows the ocean bed until througih floating tn deep water di ruptlon occurs, and the tabular berg is formed. These bergs are of a size that long taxed the belief ot men, but it is now well established that bergs two miles square and 1,000 feet In thickneasi are not rare; otlvert are aa large as 30 miles in length and some nearly 3,000 feet In thickness, their perpendicular, sun-masted sides rising1 from 200 to 400 feet above the Notice of Hearing of Final Account. IN THE COUNTY COURT FOR MORROW Connty. State Of Oreeon. In the matter ef the eetate of Wm. Cecil, deceased. Notice la hereby given that Peter Bauern fiend, the executor of the laat will and tnaia- nient of Wm. Cecil, deceaaed. haa filed hla finat account in the oiiice of the clerk of aald court In aald matter, and in pursuance of an order of the Hon, A. G. Bartholomew, judge of the above entitled court, aald final account will come on tor Bearing ana settlement on the 2nd day of Nov., 1897, at 10 o'clock a. m., the second day ui buu nuveuiuer lerm ui aaia court, at in of Oregon. On or before aald time any person court house in Heppner, Morrow oounty, State est tin PETER BAUERNFIEND, exceptlona, in writing, to aald account, and con- Interested In said estate may appear and file hla exceptiona, in test the same. Executor of the last will and teatiment ot frm Cecil, deceased. Dated Aug. 23, 1897. 73-82 Come in and subscribe tor tbe "Gazoo." Now is tbe time. Yon don't want to miss a wbola lot of good, hard reading tbat is now being published in oar "Only." WANTED-AN IDEA&aK thing to patent? Protect yonr ideas; they may brtna- you wealth. Write JOHN WKDDIK BUKN A CO., Patent Attorneye, WaAbingtoa. D. O.. for their (1,800 prise offer. Just in fresh vegetables and fruits al tbe Orange Front. We bny the best it pays. Fresh roasted peanuts lbs de light of everybody-alwajs in stock. It Anything you want for outfitting for the wiuter you oan get of E. W. ltbea ACo. A Care foe ttitloes Colle. Ilesnorse, Screven Co.,Qa. I have been C. E. lUnotii baa taken tba contract I subject to attacks of bilious colic for I to build bonne for R. C. Wills. Oeniao Ilagar and Feroy Oar rigors bavs entered school at tha Fagene ool lefce. Joe Gibson last weer. was down to Lexington several year. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is the only sore relief. It acta like charm Oos dose of it give relief when all other remedies fail. O. D. Sharp, For sate by Conser A Brock. Where- Water Wu Wasted. In the "Life and Correspondence of William Connor Magee, archbishop of York." the following remtlve to Span ish manners may be read: "Time is the only thing1 that a Spaniard will waste. Money and snap and water and other things of that clasa he is extremely parsimonious about. Apropos of soap, I was horrified the other day at being told that a pretty young Roodacean whose complexion I had been admiring owed tbis beauty to the constant use of white of eggs lnstmd of water at her morning toilet, and I am told that this custom Is very common among BpanAab. ladies." Any person who is interested in British Columbia should write to W. Q. Hnrlburt, general passenger agent ot tbe O. R. A Nfor a copy ot Pat Donan'a lit tle "booklet," "The New Bonanzaland." II is well worth tba trouble. 60-tf. BEAU A Iks Orsvs BRUM M ELL. baas? aS HOWINO The United Statoi, Dominion ol Canada and Northern Meiioo OH ONM alDKt A AaS Us '2 Map of tho World OK TIIW OT1IKH 1DK. Mnd fa and Oel lh Map and Weekly Chrovttt-ls fie On Yet posts prepaid an Map aa4 raps. Mias F.l.le La, y loft Frld y Uo lines BuaioMS College. mm o Ml HI s THROUGH CAR Abitaawn M. II. Am YOrmf. ail raAavinoq OAb UP ic llUorlillc,, Tbe Mt rTtbfi 4 HW'n NViplim Ca nTEAUsna DAMS Cltr" AH0 "fttQVlATOn" Leave The lslWs dally (eteepl Knodey) at R 43 a. m. Iats l'urtleoj at 741 s. m. whan ton go lo Portland, stop off al In llli- and take t trip down lbs Columbia; yon will enjoy it, an I save money. W.O. At LAW AT. General Agent Hon. 0. Li. Moores, of Palem, haa been lo enter appointed register of lbs Oregon uty land offlcM. Mr. Moores is oos ot oar bt men sod wss spesksr ot the bones I of representatives in 1.105. J. L. Itilison has taken lbs Jones' bsrber stand and does good work al popular prioes, IS esnls sharing and 25 cents halrcutting. 78-tL Oa the Alley. Tbs following Is lbs very ers litable saore mads on C. 8. VeaDoyn a bowling TO Hr. PAUL M1NSKAFOLI8 nmrru FAHOO nrrrK. HULKS A Tttketa iaul all points In the Tailed Htates and Canada. QUICK TIME TO. All other points in lbs Feat and hoothraa! alley on Het .13ln: Frank Rogers Otto FriedrUh Green Mathews.... Mr. N-wU'l a a Vaol'arn T. E. Brown Brnce Kelly....... 44 44 50 V 58 45 44 ClItl'AtM V AaHINilTtlM ItaLnwoan New Yoki ivrru Oman KaNea ClTV NT. Jo I I'M ht. Lmns tVlSTOH I'ston IVpot rnnseetions at Ht. 1'anl, Miaoeepolia, hanee City, Omaha, Hi. Lunls and other promi nent prnat taeaae ehi-faed innniili io destination ol Ik keta. Tlrnh tt " to Japas and China, via Tseoma end Northern I'ariQe hi earn bip Company's Una U. Galloway 40 Jas. M allocs 44 KI k a reieiet !. Iher-Horroril Waers did you hat riogT Young Hopeful He followed ms noma. "Hum! Did you max almf I "I didn't enas htm. I threw thing al Mm, but h would come. I "That 'a Strang. Waal did y Inrwwr I "A lot ot hard, ugly bones the butcher Cava bmm -Odtke aod Ends, f a rsasams Wit. Engllnh visitors to TDlr-sur-Seulles hating aatlaflod their curiosity, turn to (am, where lie tbe bones of an Eng lishman who has left behind aa Inv mortal reputation as a dandy and wit. lkau nrumnicll, after having been tbs friend o the prinon regent, died hi lorrty, a frirndloaa Imbecile. Dora in 1T7S, George Aryan Ilnirotnrll was edu cated at Eton, where he made a name for social aplomb, readiness ot rrparta) and fastidious neatness In dresa. II went to the Oriel oullrge, Oxford, for years. He was prexenU d w llh a coronet ry by the prince of H'alrs in tba Tenth HuMMirw, and for awiM yeans anjoyed the frirodahlp of the prince, who was afterward George IV. At last tbey quarreled, tut "Deau" Urumtnell held his ow n in society until gambling loaaes node him flee the country. In 130 hs was apilnted IlritUh eunaul at Caen, Ilia creditors rloaed round him, aod In May, t.is, he was rat Into prison. Ills spirit arrvnrd to he liern brviiien. and In H.17 he showed eigne of Imlieelllty, and died at the Atjlum of tbs Ra Bauvrnr, Caen, In March, 140. MB Caveat, and Trade-Marka obtained and all fat-1 entboua conducted far MOO(T ft I. Oua Ornei is Oeeoaixr, U.S. nr Orriet and wecaaarrure patiotia lea lua Uiaa Uwac faiaoia irom waaningioa. 6ad model, draving or phnts. With dnerts tio. We MTiaa, U patentable or ant, lr ( tSarg. Our I H due till patent la Mcarrd. A PaaieMiCT, n0 utrtaia rataata, wita X ot aaaaia th U. 8. Sad loran tuinn Mat baa. Adinm, C.A.SNOW&CO. NORTH PACIFIC Rural Spirit (ESTABLISHED IN 1669.) Published Weekly at Portland, Or. DEVOTED TO Agriculture, Dairying, Live-Stock and Turf. Worth lis weight in gold to every termer nd breeder in Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION: 12.00 PER YEAR. Ssmple copies free.) Haral Spirit and Osteite both for 43.50, oasb, at this office. 1F21T IT .PIS c&s 3IP3i3r3E33Lt2ES, Attornovf it Law, All business stlendsd to in prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries i'oblic and Collectors. OrriCE IN NATIONAL HErrNER, t t BANK BUILDINO. i : OREGON Wanted-fin Idea BlTK',c:'TmFu ba. !". 1' I Mil" ! k4rl I tax fl full lnf'rmatl.m. time cards, map, rite CstatntN, AN I' Hy Aaat.Gen IW Agt- Tba Ialle,f fortland, Or WA' TnfSTWonTrlT P A f (iitima Af la.lle In tral lot I At-TtVt iMe, mi-nhl hsM la imam Mnntair KV' an.1 eipiaM lt'l..a atM-lf, SUtr tm km-ina aril al ine, t Mamit If Diiinion t tear, lw T ( felrssn- raSi Oaly LsvaaSeh. 1 It Is not king sine the emperor of 'Austria definitely settled ths sueees Ann to the throrw on his nephew, Arch duke Otto, aaing over the letter's eld er brother, Franria Fertlinand. berauat Is was on the point of death from eon umptkn. Francis la apiarently r roterlnsT Ms health, bowwer, and II Is hinted that he via not suffering so much f rxi on u nipt too as from blight ed affection. II has long wlahed t tnsrry Arvhdurbeas Ptephaole. IbewUI ow nf Crown Trine Ku-kilph, who- tragic desta at Mererllnc a few yean ago will bs rwalled. and as was row aUtntiona'ly deharred from doing wi wbils hm remained la tba direct i'r taal'ia to tbs Ihroos, WHITE COLLAR LINE. Columbia River and Pud Sound NavktioD Co Staatri TELLTnUNI, BAILEY 6ATZERT AND 0CE.1S WAVE. Lssviot Aldsr Hlreet Dwk. Portlaod. for Astoria. Ilwaco Loss lu.ek iu. lVk .nd Nahcotta. three! aoon'eetlo. with ilwacTsuSer, and" road; also at Yonag'a Hay with 8eabor Kailro.). TBZj3aixzorxzi Uvm port!sn4 T A, M. Dally, atc.pt SU4.r. Uara A.tnrl. T P. M. Dallr. strept auM, t-mtiT. mnrm, wmflay. BainMaf a I, hi, l p . .,.. . M.. aaeapt SuMaj a4 Musrtar. (., Tmh, " OOBAM WAVH leespnrtlarwt anil rfltai1lrw-tolla. Ttmlar and Taara-u. u at , .. UrM ll.ar ertne.l.r .rrf frWa, t 1 , a" i oTiSLw htJ 7 2 . ' f fctW e Fa3m4 IWItilioi En! Uukt ht eT hpm Laaves frtlao4 1 r. M all A. at THE PALACE HOTEL BAR, J. O. BOROHls, Prop. J, Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.