Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 24, 1897, Image 2

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H 7 JCJ -AT .
II 20 21 22 23 24 25
of our sales to Argentine last year
of the articles she proposes to thus
"freeze out" was a little over one
million dollars, while her sales to
us of hides and wool amounted to
about eight million dollarB. She
will have an interesting time if she
attempts a commercial and tariff
war of this sort. Of course the
United States does not want to
lose any of her foreigu trade, but
when it is remembered that our
sales of the articles in question to
Argentina last year amounted to
only about one one-thousandth of
our total exports, it is not a matter
for seriouB anxiety, even if the
proposed action is taken.
' The exposition in Portland
promises to be largely attended
this year.
The Eugene's passengers will
go into Klondike by the Stickean
river route, says a dispatch.
Hon. C. B. Mooees, of Salem,
has been recommended for the
place that was too Bmall for Geer.
Tbe calamity shriekers are not
taking their vacation among the
farmers this year. The farm weath
er is altogether too chilly for them.
Toe third annual meeting of the
Northwest Mining association will
be held in Spokane on Oct. 7th,
8th, and Oth. The program will
be an interesting one.
Mb. Bryan informs the palpi,
tating publio that the foreign fam
ine is responsible for the increased
price of wheat in the face of the
fall of silver, but Bays nothing
about advance in cotton, tobacco,
corn, meats, wool and other farm
TnE Argentine Republic, which
s61d us about eight million dollars'
worth of wool and hides last year,
is considering a proposition to
shut out the one million dollars'
worth of lumber, kersone, and farm
implements which we Bell her an
nually, bocauso of our tariff on
wool and hides.
Toon old "Sandy" Olds is being
bounded around as if he was
wild animal, lie is a gambler,
and perhaps a "sure thing" man,
but ho is no worse than othor men
who are paraded before tho pub.
1 to as honorable men. The Ore
gonian has not ceased to persocuto
him siuco it tried to try him in
its columns several years ago.
CAMrnon is mostly produced in
Japan, LoruioBa and some parts o
Chiua ami the rbillippiues. See-
rotary Wilson, tho head of tho do.
partmcnt of agriculture, proposes
to give tho citi.eus of the Gulf
states an opportunity to export
ineut in this hue. lie is prepar
ing to distribute camphor-tree
slips to that section, and is thus
likely to add another important
industry to tuoso of the agricultu
ral eloiueut
Hilveu took a sharp jump up
ward the first of tho week. The
ririo in tho white metal is oltrib.
utod to purchases fur India's ac
count and to strong rumors in Lou
don that the India council is buy
iijg the metal for coinage purposes.
with tho jwHsibility that tho India
mints aro to bo re-open oil. The
decision of tho governors of the
Dauk of England to hold ono-fift
of its reservo in silver also greatly
contribntei to iufluenco the market
favorably. I ho news of the
strengthened uiatkct for silver has
caused tho greatest amount of in
teroht in all part of the world am
tho demand for international I
inf'tallinm has bceu advanced on
both Hides of tho water.
TllE piojmaed action of tho A
yontiuo Republic in placing a tan
of Ilk) jht cent on our kerosene
aud farm implements, per rent
ou wagons, rtnl 100 jxr cent ou
yellow pin is not a subject fur
great aoi'uty. W luugU from
Argeutiuo Iat year over Lino tu
I' - I II . I .i m
una u' iiars worm or gNki and
ul lur less than sit millions'
worth, and her statesmen wi
probably see tUt they aro litiu
od thrir own noses if they go in
a commercial fiM itU a country
ti whirl, they i.H vastly wore) than
lli'-y buy of Ur. TU total vsluo
f pig-iron in the United States
averaged 112,000 tons. The aver
ago weekly output for September
of thin year will average about
19,000 tons. That is tho differ
ence between protection bUBinesB evidence of his mental balance anil hii
and free-trade idleness, protection tltle human admiration aa he did the
prosperity andfreo-trade adversity.
Some Simple Precaution Tht Should Be
Strictly Observed.
Heretofore the majority of cyclists
have laid their wheels "on. the 6helf a
soon as the autumn winds commenced
to blow, but from present indications
it is evident that it will be a common
sight to see numbers of cyclists of both
sexes taking a spin, over the packed
enow or ice throughout the winder. If
one is properly fortified against the
vfinds he finds that in. no season is
cycling eo exhilaating as ia the win
ter. "Provided we adhere to the laws
of nature," said a prominent physician
the other day, "I see no reason why the
riding season should end with ithe fall.
The winters of late have been very
open, with but little snow, and Che
roads have been such as to allow of
wheeling nearly the entire winter. But
those who ride during the winter
moniths must exercise a bit of caution
a.TvA Tnoririnluir fn flrB in wirw1nPOff
T i ,i i: i. -j n .1 nr. "
x uuru uuitjB iittu ioiiuwuu iuu- costumes, which will be properly venti-
Kinlev's election, recardless of the lated and at the same time be of sufll
causes the demagogues would have f'eDt twalrmth: The ? . P1
made much of it. Therefore it tion while out of doors, and in no case
Comes with bad grace the attempt should a person stand still in the open
(i .,l, ia cm,;
tn tntn n iha ovoA f. frnm lr "'"IS uu.c.
. cidally bent,
the present administration. The "A heavy chest protector, covering
conditions of the business world the back as well as the chest, is almost
tend to make biininPHR Wffir but indispensable, particularly on windy
tena to mate Business better, but dayg A newBpaper buttoned under
the people of this country are Bat- the vest will be fond vary comfortable
sfied with their choice and our it is not heavy and will keep the wind
home, trade is better therefore. Z
Our tariff bill is helping along the body."
great and world-wide effort to do There have recently been manufac-
. i . Lureu several wwciw vi ninwici vu-
businesB again, and no country Bigne expressly for the cyclists' com
under the Bun is prospering like fort during the winter months. A
this country. We do not claim 'tem firm is advertising garments
hat McKinley is the great cure- Droof. Thev make up skirta. coats and
all, but give him and his adminis- chest protectors.
tratiou due credit. Demagogues , innumerable complain, of cold
may not do this, but the people ers and indeed this haa en one of
will. the chief objections to winter riding.
The cold steel of the handle-bars and
the lack of circulation in the hands
ANOTHER proof of the generally caused many a cold firger. A heavy,
improved businees conditions is tsW-ntting wristU't worn with a glove
r . that will reach well over the coat
found in the enormous increase in sleeve, will remedy the evil. A sort of
the output of pier-iron. When mitten of heavy felt covered with leath-
business generally is good the de- " "e "e , I
mand for iron IS good, it enters the coat sleeve well up to the elbow;
into the production of articles for a hole is cut in the lower end, which
thp farm for tha rftilrnftdn fnr UUOW8 over me corK grip.
me rarm, xor tne ranroaas, tor .n.in th. pv wnrmlv
building, tor BOa-gOing Vessels, and Hoods, er mufflers, or such a head
Imost everv business enterorise. covering as that used by skaters, while
and has rightly been donominoted mbe quite KS3e. adtfTne
business barometer. In Uctober wishes to be fully equipped he can get a
f last year the weekly production felt. a,ter whlL'h wiU iu1.' UP over the
Ulltliu DI1UC. il IWBC'll I Llll B11W JS
preferable, as it gives the freest ventila
tion, N. Y. Journal.
Accorclinc: to Promise
not Appear to
This Advertisement does
tell you about a
or Closing Out
Are ZZot Doing tlitvt Kind of I3iislriLess.
WE shall tell yon about a brand new, bright, clean Btock of goods that will be disposed of at live-and-let-live figures. 8o here goea. Your attention Is
direoted first of all to our elegant display of Ludw', Misses, and Cbildrea'a wraps. For elegsnoe" of workmanship end material they oan't be beat in
tbe city, all oloims to tbe oontrsry notwithstanding. Observe display in front window I
Boys' and Youths' Clothing,
Men's Clothing and Furnistygg Goods.
IN the above lines we are easily tbe leaders. This is getting to be an acknowledged fact, and the reason ot it ie that we handle what tbe people want
at reasonable prices. This season our stock in these lines is larger than ever.
THIS department of our store hai also been greatly eularged and we have added a stock seoond to nooe in the oity. Do you want
anything in this line? We have it! . .
A COMPLETE STOCK. Tbe latest patterns and styles ere represented. We bave a surprise in 25 cent
grades. Come and see. Oar stook has been greatly enlarged and made complete in all department!, The
addition of more store-room now enables ui to oompete with any house ia tbe oity, and this we expect to do.
We invite tbe publio to call, see our goods and get our prices. We have no shelf-worn goods to show yon, as we
have made a complete oleaa-np of old stock during tbe summer. Your patronage is soli ol ted.
E. W. RHEA & CO.,
Oladntone'1 Versatility,
In all the stress and trouble of hit
long political career, says the Dramatic
Mirror, Gladstone has never gave such
First Nat'l Bank Building,
Heppner, Oregon.
, Thl Is Your );iortuiilly.
On receipt of ten cents, cuth or stunts, '
a coneroUB siimpie win ue uraiiiu oi mo
other day at Hawarden. lie was judgt mont populnr Ootin-rh nnd Hny Fever Cure
and prize-giver at a competitive meet- W urctim unm) hnmciou iu
ing of 25 brass bands. He heard them " K' "IJ
.11 play, and he wa. amiable to th X(!W York ritv.
last ' '
Eev. JohnReid, Jr.. of Cn ntFn!ls,Mout.,
"My boy came borne from school one recommended Kly's Crosui liulm to me. I
day with bis band badly lasoerated and c" emphasize hm srriteiii. nt, u v -
bleeding, end suffering great pain," lays 1ey Francis W- Po)ln raKlor CeutralPres.
Mr V. 1 HnKntl with Movr Hrn.M n i. ir.,i,.A f-...t
Opinions are like naile; the border yon t)rni, r.., Hk Tinni. Mn "T H remind , ' ' , , t. , ,
t them the deeper thev no. K . .. , . , A. . L , , . V Crenra ?B,m e.f
A black rote a negro's.
About tbe only force in me people have
is the force of habit.
the wound, and applied Chsmberlniu'a cure for catarrh and coutnins no mercury
Price, 50 cents.
Tbe man who rocks the boat ii nearly pBin Balm freely. All peln ceased and nor any injurious drug,
always the same one who wants to ee a remarkably short time it heeled "
how far out be can swim. without lenviun a soar. For wonnde. SHERIFFS SALE,
TViiiiIa wlin livA In otuaa hntioAii atmnlil I arirniiiH. WHllincm And rliAnmntinm
pull down the blinds. I know of no medioiue or prescrip I li
The n-AHhwumnn ha a Imp.l "ml,1. lon CO'lill to it. I consider it a honse
nowsdiiys to make a living
Hagpipcimay tickle tho HoMohmnn,
but they will never tqiial thi
the men luiru id Arkeusae.
rIKe give me the "pitch, laid the Torii'K IH HK.KK.BY GIVES Til IT t'StlER la'"' lollr with InU-rcut tlu-rwn (rom
flddle for
nit by virtue of nil ex-ution limril nut
a( the tircult Court ol the HtHte u( Oron lor
the County of Morrow and to me directs! and
1...U ..un.uli. ' Tk. Of .,..1 tit uiil delivered, uiion a iiidKineiit rendered and en-
.. - " v t,.redlnHlclcoiirtnnthe8thdayo(1ptenil.'r,
bott es for Hula bv Oonaer & Brock. ln. in lavor o( W. F. Lord. 11. K. Klneaid. 1'hll
Metm'han, the noaru 01 rommiiaionera tor ine
ale of avliool and utihenilty lamli and lor the
....... ,.f I. ....I. ..Ul.. HmrBlmhi l.l.ln.
SHERIFF'S SALE, tlttt.and mjulnut Nye Ramlwand Mary Kitmlio
dclemUnti, for the mm of vvon hundred leven
her ion to oonftmi she laid "William
Timber Culture Final Proof.
United Status Land Office.
The Pallen, Oregon, Hcpt, 1:1th, 1K'7.
C. Kelthly. of Hardman, OreKon. hai Sled
notice of intention to mate final proof before
J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at hla office in
ner, Oregon, on Monday, the 2Ath day of
October HH7. on timber culture application No,
M:2, for the NK of lection No. 22, in towniblp
No. 4 aoutn, range no, h emi.
He namei aa wltnemei: Frank Moreland,
Jamea H. Allen, Ed Moreland, and Oicar Keith,
ly, all of Hardman, Oregon.
J A3, t. aiwnr,,
78-00 Keglater.
Commencing Sept. 22 and oontiDaing
ontil Oat. 1, Inolnsive, we will sell round
trip tickets to Portland and return at
one fare for the round trip. Ticket ei
pire Oct. 3d. This is for tbe matin
faoturers' fair. The admission to the
fair is free. J. 0. Habt, Agent
vnnaliut "Jnal ut a .link ,,ffl,.. by virtue of an execution MUed out eignm nay oi ropiemrn'r, i,,, , i.
VoOallHl. JUKI get a Stick Of Oregon the Clr. oil Court of the wateoftlreoiifor of II i-r cent rH-r annum, and fifty dollari attor.
flr."aaid the I Sli "it generally has Hie county of Morrow and to me dlre.te.1 and ney and tha liirlhor smiiol thirty -nve
, ,,, Koofrauy ub ,ll.1,u,r,.,,,u , , j,,,, Ilt rendcre.1 aud en- and 110 bit dol ar. co.U, and wherea It
Hie 'piteh'." t,.tv, Ux m,tmti on ti e th day of Hi ptoinber, Inrther ordered and dei ree.1 by the court that
Ul . ... . . I"'". I" favor of W. V. l-.rd. II. K. Klncald, I'hll mimaaain pn.pi-r.y u r.,, .,.,,,.,
hD Hhakopere'i mother wanted Mi t ban, the lM.ard of coinmlwlonera lor tbe onth-eant (juarlor ol tlon thirty ( lu In town-
...i.. i i. ...i. ..l.i, .mi. ....i ..,,,. inip two (ii norm ranire iwfmj iimt i-ii i
J. H. hN.rry, H. i '. Hperry, ' HH-rry. the I Wlllwiiottc nii.rl.il!!. in Morrow county Ore-
Oregon Kallway and NavlKatlon ron.iHiny. aud "" ' "' " "."',. ''' Judgment, co.U and
IV 1. I htilultiitli. ilefetiilalita. lor lha auui n I i"w
Oregon has tbe blue- lay, while Wash- Two thuiumud eight huudrnl twenty nine and I Wedueulay, the 27th day ol October, 1KV7,
.,. 1... .1.. u. ilol an with lntent therm.n In.in the ,t two o'clwk, p. m.. ol aald day, at the front
un. .... ,., t,.. hi.i riguin nay oi N-pu-mtH'r, mil, ai ine raie ,m,r ol th, C(,1rt htmM H,.pp,r, Morrnn
Ti.. i I ..i !. i.u M...H i . oii ikm peri voi it auuuiu, bum one nui .iren , y. iiwgon all the right, title ami In
u""r" ' ""' auouiu inaueot n iv .l..liari atu.rneyi t... and m lurthir uin tereat ol the aald Nye RamlK) and Mary kmtH
nriDt IIH cIUOh. Thev Benerally Lava """)'''""" -. In aud Ui tbe aUve ileai rllieil
" m in itiriiirr iiriiiTiui ami iitt-rtHMi ut ine
"lleil URltet laying 'round. court that the niorluogml nroiNTty iliwrllMN)
mm mi m V4 a. i , 1 1 itiiiiii nan in t ii rttai
The trtlintet of feme downi't numl 4'iarti-r and north half of anuth-eaat uuart-.r oil
and rtiata that mav arcrua.
imii au weioume iuo im uorn tu gMa I ol a.-1'iion twenty, the weal nail ol the oiith- I HherllTof Morrow County, Oregon
liirtk. '1'iartel ol aeitloii twenty one. aoutn. weal hepteiulr 24, IIW7. ai HI
What il ar il.t a 1.1 .Ur UI.V,!,,. n ty-nlne, north eat iUarti'r of aouth eaat qnar.
Ul U ef UH l.l tier Mlablowo i, ,.im ii.irty. north hall ot north eaal
team Vialerdav. TntnmiaT ' !. am. quarter and anulh eat quarter of north i-aal
eU in It fer a mlnnt: .a won b. X? Z Z T.,T.:.nMffnrKBHHmuiVMTHATl'.SD?l
'rt Klh III hallll lit lirta'aMafl t IMI aIttlllMl In
aa folloaa, to wit Ihe.oulh half of north eaat tha iall.ia. tlon of aahi execution aud all coata.
il aud by tlrtueol ail axecution and onler
. ... . . . mmi uuifmr til a.'llitit iwnlv Itl lia.. mil liitrin. I
.-eu-..iit, ,n.iUi., i'.y auo in oiari q,r.r ot aouih eaat qu.ru r of aivll .n " i"!1 "" , ,1 ' . i u .
eye, free -prained ankle., two di.l.r- ':- - W'J V 'fvSKS
cale.l jWI, hxt tD teelb, till ear, had much thereof ae may I neeeaaary. he ai.l.l U, Ju'lgment rendere.1 and ntera lla mM. court
eiht blood, o.c. .a' flrty-lwo T 1 n'U" ZMT
e.oD Jcr. n,.IJle., which m.kr..,,- i.i.y. th. rih da, oitvi.-Wr. ic. VlTZ!
nairrry of the aunt of '.' together wllh
liii. rel thereon Iroia the atli day of neptemlif r.
Ii7 at the rale ol a i-r rent if annum, ami
for the amn of ell attorneya fci-e, and for the
lurther auin of 1 1 to cala, and w herraa by aald
hulgineiil II waaonlere.1 and adjudged that tha
caah In hand, the lrme.la lobe billowing dccrltd real nelty to-wlt: The
liOV. MY! an ananvuiona writer 11 an applle.1 lo the lailaiai'lloii ol aald eiecottou aiMilh-weat quarter ol tha e.itli-et quarter.
' writer, la b i , , ,..... ..,. and th aouth half ot the aouth weal quarter.
I.... .1 I'l. - . . 1 . . I ' . . ' . I ... . i . . . k. . ...it .
ft. I MA1I.IN a, I lllil IDA nunn ww quarti-r m m p.,ni.-wi
HherllT of Morrow County. Oregon.
Pa'ed geptrmlier .Mlh, l't7. M-wl
ly-lwo. We only bad t'rea bail . at la o o'cb k, t m..ol aald day. at the front
, , ' . ' door ol the coiiil bouae In ili-ppncr, alurrow
lour inraioi, one lor ear, two liroktO c.iuuly. Oregon. a.-ll all tha rixhl, tllleand In
. . 1 a .. a ..t ii.. ..a a I u a .
tU At At. A , laa I ..' I fc. IITTtl 'II III Ml f . f rit'MT, l f Till
u.-, ... U1....U H-..H an tweniT uve .. , .1 ... .. .i.,,, ,i..r,ii
. . I
tfiK -(Piitt. til i lot ft I of fiwlv-onn." I i-mi-rrir ui ihiMIi' uriion li lh hlKhiti
" " I I l I.I.I t.. I., at
Internal tranaport. Th tame might be
aid of a renal boat
Yoo can't tell a men oowadajt by the
brl.ht of bif collar, or tha color i( hi
Pur a man lo flirt with pretty gi,,
Aa a matter of Mutime and airt.
alle, wrha. tiol tha way a make true loy.
laretuinly on way lo court.
"For a pcraou with but one yon
put od rouai.larable aire," IJ the tcie-
tore to tbe Rdl.
I quarter ol aeriiou IV, lowiianip a, a. in in oi range
I Is rail ol Willamette meridian, all In Morrow
eoiiuty, Otvfin, be eo. lo aallaly aald Jmlg-
inent, coata and accruing coeie. win on
Haturday. the J day ol ta-tober. W.
I PI II II Kl M Iff I II fi fl H at iwoorh.k f. of aald day, al th court
R fl nil III V 111 A lTrnilTl houaadwrmlli-pnurr, Morrow rounty, Ore-
U IT I rJ I lUUNIrll n, aell all the right, till and Int.reat of th
fl U 1J 11 1 Ll II 11 11 1 Ll LI aabt delendanU. Hereml ..pnga nd Hla
II M B II M 1 1 II II B M ropproga, in and to lha al-re da rltwl pr
Juvenile Holiday
V.. A I I I I - . . . it .
YoadWnatood.Da iH.k.r for Standard Subscription
rtvati.iil.il.' auction to th hlgheal and heat
bidder thervfor. for eh III band, the pr-wnla
tli.r-.. to be applied to the aaltafai tion ol aald
e.et uUou aud all coal and ai ruing coata
a. u miuik,
gherlrTol Morrow county, Ofgon,
Dalvil 21 il day ul Hept,, Iw7. al sai
rVofc of Intention.
Jon nr bave hot a pair." And then.
Iti reapntiM a Itni.iiry a In bow ll
felt, th Ihraa.l ranhl ll, n.i..
' j -. 1 1 i. ... f . ... w w i II, a I ki.im. ,.n.. ,, t.. n,k a..al m.f In ainnrt el
". Il'lViaXlIM I ' ' ' ' ' . hi. rlaim ami Ih.l Hid enarf Will t Mixl Iw-
larBel piiniiai'er sil t iiianni-M-iorera oi (,. t uuniy Clerk, Morn. rouMt, it.m,
iMit.ka In III I nil! tl. rinet lln at Heppner. Oregon, on ia i. tn. !. ia
l.D Orrn l T l,t.iib. Oaaooa.
Mrpt 31,
V'OTIi It I MKRiaV IllVIt 1 II AT 1 If K
i follnwing iiamnl aettlei ha tied otl, "f
fl n fl 1 of"w l.olblajf eti.t fiUr ti!eti.iioo 1 oihikk r. aov M.
I I J I amiv Aav 9 teM kaon th market. H I f X. at . I.w lb kl a-r.HTpl K H
c OOffi CS Mr:,o-:u,r:,n.,r rT.?r,,LVu -- -
II I I VV 7i IV Jill II Ml tK. Hi Ulewt ke. lieat U ll l k !' ki. ......11.. , ku,.i.. main and eultliallna
7" WW- tt,. ailyer iteli.in hf lh great tt of a.id land, tia H- !. J
Ai ttiuik Mi lull, ai.)i aaw j B It.. t, I W 1111am Vtr arty, all ol . ha, irrgHi. ami M
ready. eftlelenL lill.t... Il Z I I If aict. I t .umall ill l.ailnway trMn.
HIS Umv81 "0r. nn
A Klondike Book.
The CliicnRo IUioord'e bouk for Gold
Betkers ii now ready. A reader of tbie
book will know more of Alneka and tbe
womlerfnl Klondike district than be
could learn by month ot peraonel
oheetvetion and reeearob on tbe groood
In enmparieon with otber work on tbe
uhj ct it ia tbe "Webalcr' Dictionary
of Aluekrt," pftfcot aud peerleai
volume, at once the model and depair
of rival pii til libera.
It telle ot the riobeat and moat eiteo
vo itnlil tlel-ti the world baa aver
known How they were dincovered
Kiel .1 a yet unexplored Ten year'
work already in itfbt Wter ia tbe
Mother Lode? The fortooe already
made Tl.e ttilhnna to be tikeo ont
neit year Uow to il there It R. fare
and other ripeneee from all point
Medical HlDt-Ulimat-Om.'ial Ma pa
("love ruojciit report All land and
wer rmtee Pr- Jeoied Hailroa U Min
inn l-OdaloiD. In brief, ill tbt i
known 'f thi wonderful laud ot (aba
Ion wealth. It i the only authentic-
practical book, tflloial end ebdoraej
About &K) pi.tfee, beodaomrly bound ia
art eauVM. IVioe, 11.5(1
Ah-ent ere wanted to handle IM
valuable work. It la a ebaoee of a life
time. Eiperieooe ie not Bereary, a
full Instruction are aent and I he whole
people are olamortng for lha book. Re
port I rom aaieote jnal atarld ahow
womlaiful eucoe, tale ran m high
a ) book an boor. Iiig eonimiaabK
and valuable premiama are alloed
Credit ia given aoj freight paid. It i
aa opporluoity lo gain a ron.pttet.ee
lo a brt time. Tbe book Ie Dot told
through etore or newipaper. Cora
ptet cativoaaltig ooltlt will be tnaiie.1
for 'JO peii t a, atainp. To place w her
w have no h'enU a full eopy ot tbe
ben k Will be aent rnatntner, preya.,ou
reo-ipl of priti.
A ldreM eiaw-tlv. klONKOE IUK.
COMPANY, M:t"T K, 2T.1. Cll
c(u. f:- m. I
y . ifwei, a Mild at eer.
' all Hti Ilia, at. a-
lb any tMiii la Uli a. ik tt a kuarmut.
a r, wit'"
The I!op (lol l ke. leer l th W!.
Come, do 1, )r ILiraly deuiei, ej
ata tbe Writ if
txctvsivt TiamjOHr.
PMCIS MOW COUri TiTICmA Tbe 0aU will UkeMU.'rple,
1 ... . - .
WtiiA ai eiea l..f renlata ami aielal egge of Kniler on 0tinaB aa-wnata
I .I..I..J ... . Ah,.i.t. nt lAitiLir. I 1.. a. .atir. 11.1a nffleAn AAlll tttatr "'. eiaiMi.ii-a Mutt la ni-f M..i.t:r
......... -. , ... - - .... - , aiiuiuii -tr-r.fc-a inti. ttn.it a,i,t.
. coaatv company. nceoaote la thi ntaaaet eJ eaa't doit ?"".." 1 - iaume.i.n..,j
. I I mm I'WI'IIVH I fWMIII 111, 1 iwnir:i
May Street, Herret) Building.
Dr. John W. Ittetuaa, nt be lU.iiiM,
bt keg lr on diaiiaht the Hop
Gold IWal 1 f l ijitor au.l tlgate In
t.iek. II
Eastern Oregon
State Normal School,
Weston. Orcflon.
Located 00 th O. R. k H. Railway
midway btwn Iodleton and
Walla Walla. 8todenU admitted at
all timet ol the year.
First-Class Training School for Teachers.
?oal and Inalmmeclal MaeU) leaght
by ompelrit lodmctor. A (redo
ate of tba Hoeioo Ooorvalory ba
charge of tba ioilmmtnUI d apart
Ie thoronghly eqolppml ,od offer i.
Mllent are na rood at Km l reaaoaehl
rate. nnd for ealalogna.
' -r----- mwmrm i nttnti, tweetea, Or
a a 1 ... . ,-i,runjVujit j
W'Atktt- TBI aTNTIIY !l i TIVr-
V ii.iim or la-ltaa to Iratcl lo ratn
1 TTrinfrr "Tat "-rT(vr
SH. 343, a.!, 84 ',, ifcl lerrwrni , k. ,i .
at Tineaw
SailU, frm $11 )p, Pta, fram $8.60 U.
i. ' . r.