Portland Library OFFICIAL sV PAPER FIFTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPT. 24, 1897. NO KK9 SbMIWEEKLY GAZETTE. rOBLIBHSD Tuesdays and Fridays THE PATTERSON ' PUBLISHINS COMPANY. 'OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man. At $3.50 per year. gl.2B for six months, 75 Ota. lor three moncns, strictly In advance. Advertising Rates Made known on Application. THIS PAPER is kept on file at E. C. Dake'e Advertising Agency, M and 65 Merchants Exchange, San Francisco, California, where con tacts for advertising can be made for it. 0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 11 p. m. daily except Sunday arriving at Heppner Junction 1:30 a. m. Leaves Heppner Junodoa 8:40 a. m. and ar rives at Heppner 6:10 a. m Spokane Express No. 1 leaves Portland at 2:45 p. m and arrives at Heppner Junction 8:15 p. m. and TJma'illa 9:15 p. m. Portland Express No. 8, from Spokane, arrives at Umatilla 5:05 a. m. and Heppn r Junction 6:10 a. m. and ar ives at Portland 11:45 a. m. Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9 p. m. and ar rives at Heppner Junction 8:30 a. m. and at Umatilla 4:40 a. m. - Fast Mail No. 1 leaves TJmati'la 12:40 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 1:47 a, m. and at Portland 7 :5C a . ra. For further information inquire of 3. C. Hart, Agent O.Kt N., Heppner, Ore. OrriOlAl DIBBOTOET. Dulted States Officials. President.. William McKinley V i tie-President Garret A. Hobait Secretary of State John Sherman oeoretary of Treasury Lyman J. Huge Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss Secretary of War Kusaell 1. Alger Secretary of Navy JohnD. Long Postuuvtter-Oeneral James A. Gary Attorney-General Joseph McKenna Secretary f Agriculture James Wilson State of Oregon. Governor W. P. Lord Secretary of State H. ft. Kincaid Treasurer Phil. Metschan Bnpt. Publio lnstmction G. M. Irwin Attorney General C. M. Idleman ft-I-SgSfii Congressmen nf?tJ?umD Printer .'.W. H. Leeds !R. S. Bean, F. A. Moore, C. E. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. flironit Judge Stephen .Lowell Prosecuting Attorney H. J. Bean Morrow County Officials. Joint Senator... ... - A, W. Gowan Representative. J. N, Brown t'-ountr Judge A. G. Bartholomew '' Commissioners J . H. Howard J. W. Beckett. " Clerk J.W.Morrow " Sheriff E. L. Matlock " Treaanrer Frank Gilliam Assessor A. G. PntteyS Surveyor J. W. Hornor School Sap't Jay W. Shipley ' Coroner B. 7. Vaughan BXPPHBB TOW OFPIOXHS. Mtyor .Thos. Morgan Councilman Geo. Conser, Frank Gilliam, Arthur Minor, E. J. Ulooum, M. Liohteuthal and J. K. Simons. Hmordor W.A. Uicharrisna Treaanrer L. W, Hriggs Marshal A. A. KoberU Precinct 081 ee re. Justice of the Peaoe W. E. Hiohardson instable. N. B. Whetstone 1 lilted States Land Officer. TH DAXLIS, Oft. 1. F. Moor... A. 8. Biggs ... B. F. Wilson. . Register . Beoeiver ..Register . Beoeiver LA OBAIIDB, Oft. J. H. Koubins. ZGXiaC-2 OCXXSXZJESJ, HAWLIN8 POST, NO. H. 6. A. B. Wiete at Lexington, Or., the bat Ratnrdny of ech month. Ail veterans ar. Invited to Join. Q. W. Bmlth, C. O. Fooda. Adintant, tf Commander. Dr. P. B. McSwords, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Offlo io the City Drag Store, near City Uotel. tf D. J. McFaul, M. D. HEPPNER, OREGON. Offlo hours, 8 to 10 a. ra., toil 12 lo 2 p. m., at reaidenoe, Mr. 11. Wrlob'e property, nod 10 to 12, ft. m , to 2 to 6 p, m., at effloe la Ibe rear of Borg's jewelry etore. First National Bank OF HEITNER C. A. RHtA, T. A. RHCA, QCO. W. CONtCN, 8. W. SPCNCCN, Preeldent Vie President - Cashier Aee't Caehler Truadj a General Banking HdDta EXCHANGE Oa all pasta of the world Bought and Sold. Collections made oo all points on reasonable Term, orpins and andlvldad Fmata, 131.000,00. Notice of Intention. Laud Orma at La Ostsne. Oaaaoa, Atifi.t snh, "f joth m mum ut vnw that mi A Inllnwtnt nased etllf hU Sled IWHW-e of his InUnUna In bus flue! pmot la support af his e lelm, end thai stl fro.) wilt M .ade hlor J. W. Morrow, t onnty clerk, at Uaaer, trregna, aa Urtlt t, lav!, vU : HENRY V A !. root. ft t. It. Ho wm. fnr the , wu end PV.H b4 e KK Km as fa IB i w I M. Ill MnM the fnll.iwlnf sllmmi In prove Ills ti tl inns rasi-tan po end e'llHfelloej nf said lead, els Kine Vtnaon, Pld rraelv, Tmf rai j end HuN Tyler, all ol Hetnr, . f. wilnt. Tl M Maaister. Looe Aork etera leaves) Heppner at Te'ekrtk, a. b, Taealsya, Tbnra-laTS, anl rUlorJaye; arrive al A atoei, p. am., MoaJete. We.leelae asd Prida) a. Will aaakt ruaeeeiloa allU feraoehlraio wbn desired, far ti, taoh way. Freigbl aval per pnaad. S. II. Belleebrork, Prop. Offl" at Harry WerrsVi dref tre. tf. IWbe dowa at the Jeeae barber ebop, eetla. OfTf'ltcl't ifier. If r i : " , Going - East? IF YOU ARE, DO NOT FORGET - u Tio, uih x aui uti cause the lines to that point will anora jou tue very best service. SECOND See that the coupon beyond St. Paul reads via. the WisPnnHl'n Ponfral Vnumnoa tlinl line makes close connections with all the trans-continental lines en tering the Union Depot there, and its service is first-class in every particular. THIRD For information, call on your neighbor' and friend the nearest ticket aeenfc and ask for a ticket reading via. the Wisconsin central lines, or address Jas. C. Pnnrl. or Geo. S. Batty, General Agent, 246 Stark St., Portland Or. Uen. Pas. A(?t., Milwaukee, Wis. H. W. Fall, PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO. ILL., Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. & Q-, C. M. & St. P., C. 4 A., P. Ft. W. & C, and the C. St. L. di P. Railroads. RATES a,oo PBR 13 AY Cor. W. Madison and. Clinton Sts., C2XXCA.C3-0, IXiXi. STOCK BEANOS. While yon aeep jcrar subeoription paid np jen eaakeeo roar brand in free of ohanr. Bore, P. O., Heppner, Or.-Horses, P B en left shoulder; oattle, same on left hip. uooc, a. j.,Liena,Or. Horses, 90on right shool der; Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark aqnare erop off left and split in right. Donglasa, W. M Gallowar. Or. Cattle, B Don right side, swallow-fork in each ear; fcprses, B D on loft hip. ' Ely, Bros., Donglas, Or. Horses branded ELI on left shoulder, oattle same on lefthip. hole in right ear. Floronoe, L. A., Heppner, Or. Cattle, LP oo right hip; horses F with bar nnder on right shoulder. Jones, Harry, Heppner, Or. Horses branded H J on the left shoalder; cattle braided J on nght hip. also nnderbit in left ear. Range in Morrow oounty. Johnson, Felix. Lena, Or. Horses, ciroleT on left stifle; oattle, same on right hip, under half nop in riaht and solit In left ear Kenny, Mike Heppner, Or. Horses branded KMX on lefthip oattle same ajd crop off left ear; under slope on the right Uahey, J. W. Heppner Or.-Horses branded Land on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip, wattle over right eye, three slits in right ear. Minor, Osoar, rteppner nr. ttle, H D on right hip; horse. lion left shoalder. Morgan. 8. N.. Heppner, Or.-Horses, M I oo left ahooldei cattle same on left hip, Osborn. J. W., Douglas. Or.; horses O on let shoulders oattle same on right hip. Parker A Glsaaoo, Hard man.Or, Horses IP on left shoalder. Pin 1 IT T.in. rw tr t .. .. . ,.,u. , u.iira, an mm. nected ou left shoulder; oattle, aame on let hip. turner oil in eaon ear. Hector. J. W.. Heppner, Or. Hones, JO ot left shoalder. Cattle, O on right hip. R perry, K. G, Heppner, Or. Cattle W C oa left hip, crop off right and nnderbit in left year, Thompson, 1. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, toe left shoulder; cuttle. on left ahonlder. luraer n. nneppner. ir. AinaU capital T left ahonldsr. hoTMa; oattle aame on left hip with split in both aars. Wattenhnrcnr. W. I.. Oallowav. Or.i hnma quarter circle JW on right shoulder; cattle quarter circle i W on right hip and right si.'e, crop and hole in left ear. Range in Morrow and Notice Of Intention. Laud Ornca at La GaaitDR, Omtoow, NOTiri IH H ERF. BY OIVEn'tHaVtHI lul lowing. named settler has filed notice ol his Intention lo make final prool In support of his claim, and that said proof will be mads before County Clerk, Morrow County, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on Oct. stHb, lay;, vl; BAMCEL L, WILHON, H. K No. anTO for the RWU KWU Hee. 17, N4 N and N ML4 Dec it Tp. I a, K. IK, k. He names the following witnesses to prove his Continuous reslilmra opon and cultivation of said land, vis: Kllhua Tyler, Herod W. Berk ley. David O. Justus, James D. Brown, all of lieppuer, Oregon. B. F. WHXON. Register. Assignee's Sale Of Notes and Accounts. Kotlre la kereby given that the anderalgned aasigneeof the esute of Cog Hrna., Insolvent drl.Uira, will on hetnMsr the lAth day of Oo totier, sw7, at the onrt House door In Hepp ner, Oregon, sl lo the hlghaet bidder tor pub In hand, all Me netre and arcoutiieof said In solvent aetata, rewialnlng nupald on said data. The siprosiatate lar value of said xiM aed areouiits la t jiihi. and a full Inspertlon of aame ran he had at the off! re of Kills A ('helps al any Uias before said Sale. W. t. fau., Aaitf nee of Coi Mroa., lnaolvsnl Debtota. TV an. Tba recnlar aabeonptioij price o( tb Semi-Weekl Gasett ia 12.60 and tba retrolar prioa ol tba Weekly Oregon I aa le 11.60. Anyone aaWribia fur the Oetetle aod parbg for ooa year ii adeaaoa tea yet both Ibe Osteite and Weekly Orrf oelaa for $3.60. All old eab eonbera peylof tbeir lobacriptione fCf one year la adranea will he eolitle4 U tba earn e Heppner In PendlMon via Heppaer T.ehn Htage Lioa. I'erenaa deeirooe of vkalliflf I'eailleloa eao ease Urns aod money by taking Ihie roote. Ily ae qnaintlng tba ag-ole the prevlone esn lot the staira will ske conneeiloD ailb I aVtork train at K Un t IVodlrton. CMTlM at City lht hl.re W. I), jl.x, I'mprtetur. e Welt. Tltnmpana rnoe etage Utveaa Ileppaer aad Monntnotil, arriving every day etop Monday aad laeeioer every day eieept fonder. Hhorteet and ebeap eat route io the Igtenof. E. I. tUnm, rct mportant The Lancashire Insurance Co. OP MANCHESTER, ENGLAN11 OTIS PATTERSON. AGENT. Onr of tto Beit lrx the World McClure's Magazine For 1897 SEVEN GREAT SERIALS A New Life of 6rant by Hamlin Garland. The first authoritative and adequate Life of Cirant ever published. (Begins in December.) ; Rudyard Klpllng'a first American serial, "Captains Courageous." (Begun in November.) Robert Louis Stevenson's "St. Ives." The only novel of Stevenson's still unpublished , (Begius in May.) . . Charles A. Dana. "Recollections of War Time." Mr. Dana was for three of the most critical ?arf ?! tue clv11. War Practically a member of Lincoln's Cabinet, and is probably better fitted than any other man living to give an authoritative history of this period from his recollections and correspondence. Portraits of Great Americans. Many of them unpublished. In connection with this series LUffSSnif i'i.te,,,1dlf,0.publl.r.h 'P611 biographical studies under the general title of MAKERS OF THE UNION from Washington to Lincoln. Pictures of Palestine. Specially taken under the editor's direction. Stories of Adventure. A serial by CONAN DOYLE, In which he will use his extraordinary taleut for mystery and ingenuity which have, in the "Sherlock Holme" stories, given him a place beside Poe and Oaboriau. TEN FAMOUS WRITERS IAN M ACLAREN, All the fiction that he will of two conr.HknMnnfl to anottia. . . 1 . 1 ! I - --- ... . ruuilu,uuu aonearin McCluhk's Maoazink. JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS. A series of new W a hhlt" s nd rha 11 leeiA u Tki a RUDYARD KIPLTNO. Besides "Captains Courageous." Kipling will contribute to McCmjbb's all of the short stories he will write dnrinir the nnmlng vau OCTAVE THANET is preparing for the Magazine a series of short stories in which the same characters will appear, although each will be complete In itself. Anthony Hopa Brat Harte Robert Barr Frank R. Stockton Stanlay Weyman Clark Russell will all have stories in McClurk'b for the coming vear. These are only a small fraction of the great and 1897, the subscription priee of which is only . One Dollar a Year The new volume begins with November. Subscriptions should start with this number. ' The S. S. McClure Co., New York. A Campaign Of Education , How to Get it Mtliiitiini UNPARALLELED summate skill. Such a paper Is a great popular educator. It should be in every borne, The subscription price of Lealle'a it pe ntmm. Wa make the unparalleled offer of a copy of Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi Weekly one year for only $5.00. No such offor was ever made before. No such offer will ever lie mada again. These two papers make a most acceptable Christmas or blrthdav gilt, and will be constant reminders of the giver's klndnossj fS Remit by postal order or check to the ;!Tv' $ Heppner, Oregon. W The WEEKLY MONTHLY Outlook s Published Every Saturday 13 Astor Place New York The Outlook will be la 1W7, aa It baa beeo dorlof each of He twenty eereo yeara, a Uietory of Oor Own Tiroes, Io its verlooa editorial departmeota Tbi Onllook givee a compact review of tba world's progreaej it follows witb cars all tba Important pbllentliroplo and to d twl rial anovemeDte of the day baa complete department of reliiflooe oews; dsrotee tnoob spare to tba interests ol tba borne; renews eorreat I iter al ore; fnroiebea cbeerfol tabte-lalk aboot rnee aed tblnge: aod, io abort, aims to give treeb Inlormalloa, crigioal obeorvetioa, and reasonable Mterlainmeat, Boginoloe; with tba fifty fliftb folome, tba paper will adenine tba regular mega tins eiaa, whiob will add f really lo its enoretiionfle aod ettre livaoewi. The OntUx k is pottliahed every H .totilay (1ft to lanee a fear. Tba first issue In earb moatti ia an Illustrated Msgstine Nember, eontainiDg abont talca aa msay ia-4 aa tba nfitinary iaaito, logelb'-r lib a large an to her uf pklnri. Tba prieeof The Outlook ia Ihrne dull are a yeer la advanoa, or lea then a rl4 a dev. Head lor a special e'ipy aad iiluslrat I protetis to Tba Oatl'iok, 13 Alr plana, Sew Tt Cit, write during the coming year, with the exception ... V. I .,1. .nu 1 t" . 'l, i ' n ii iv, i. long vugnKOU 11U1H 1111U lOUg ago, Will " 8 ' animal stories in the same field as the "Brer ti i lmnortant features of Mrni imi1, Mian,., i. i$5.00 To be educated one must read the best literature. The best literature Is expensive. Lealle'a llluatrated Weekly. Published at 110 Fifth Avenue, New York, is full of the best things! Its Illustrations are superb; Its stories charming; and Its literary departments are edited with con NOTICE OF INTENTION. AKD OmcK AT THR DAI.I.F.H, ORROON, I J Aug ItW. Notl. e Is hereby given that the following. mined srttli-r Ra filed notice of his Intention lo ti.uk final proof la support ol tils rl.lm, and that mi l prool all! he made before J. W. Morrow, dranfy f.lerk, al Heppuer. Orvgon, on Oi tolier It, Ik7, vis: TRI'MAM ft. RICH AKDHON. .nd rt.IJo.M0l for the KWI4 Bee. t Tp I 8 B He names the fntlnwlr.g witnesses to prove his con I In nnus rrd'lenra upon aid culllvsllon of said land, vie Thomas K. tlrahain, Anrtrrw I'rtterson. both of (K.rry, Offrin, Mt. yanns Wright and Andrew VY right, U.th of fclght Mile, Oregon, . Jas, r. moorr, Kegltler. SUMMONS. IH TUB i I'HTlrR f'Of-RT fOR THE RKCOND I Mslrlct, HUte of Oregon, for Morrow Coun- h. fnskeep, risliitllT, vs I. T Mlllev, fiefendant To I l. Miller, the ahrve named defendant. In the naieeof the mta of in,on; Yog are herebv reiulrd to appmr before lha un1r. signed, s Jmllre of th fear. In Kwoml pte lelrt In said eounty and sute, ou the Und day f tolier, inv?, si the hour of on o rim k In the aflarnonn of said dav at my ofltr In said dlatrlii lo anaeer Uia oomplelut irf J. M lus kep foiiiidnl upon an liisirniwui of wrltlna; and wherein he demands Twenty lsllar l'l lib Inlemt from Mav IS, I met. at the rale of lea per rent per annum aud turn rata ami ilia iMirsnieuta of IliU kIxiii The duVuui, will Uk.nollre UialUhe falls lo anawer IIm enta. plaint herein the elaliiillf will laaa Iniliinant walnrt him for Tventf x.llar n4 uumt thereon al the rata id Ian pr tnl per annum from Mar la. 14, and costs and duhurauiants m this a. Hon. fuhllahe-l ljr order of c. r.. ;oire. Jmtloa nf the rW for the eWotid ltirw- In Mormw ooiinl, Mate .4 Oregon. txtad arpt. ath, l";. toa 'l Tba (Jaselte will lake (HilatoM, a plea, Uf or batter no snl.snrlplwti am-eecta. Aoy ooe oau.g Ills cAlr-M aellla lbsir araoqote ia thie manner i sao'l do it Inn amin to ami n. 1. A. Cntrst. f -rnfl i l I'eadletoa, hae rtwf l np a 15 el tierlwr slip la the i.l I aland in the IWtlnrk torear. Work strkrllf first etsaa. Call aa him. 811 Tba Hop Ootd keg bear al tba Wel- rome. Uo ia, ;to iblrsty dteee, aad att the hnj$, f LOOKS LIKE A BEAR. DlmlaattT Animal That Yoa Can i Find la Water. , He really looks very much like a bear, though, you must put him under a pow erful microscope to see the resem blance, eaya Tid-Bits. The extraor dinary thing, however, about this liny creature is that he is found in the flut ters of houses, where he ic at one time dry as dust and scorched, by the blaz ing sun, at another active and full of life under a refreshing shower of rain. The water bear is one of the Rotifer animalcules, and is of all of them the most capable of standing any extremes of temperature without giving up the ghost. He may be left dried up for months, even years, and yet on being put into water will expand and begin moving about and feeding rigorously. Although he cannot stand boiling wa ter, he will live in dry heat at a far higher temperature, even up to 260 deg. Fahrenheit. One has actually been kept in, vacuum for 30 days with sul phuric acid and chloride of calcium without losing his capability of revivi fication. . . As for the reason why, it seems the little , beasts' bodies are chiefly com posed of albumen, which, it is well known, will stand a very high tempera ture without losing its solubility. Then, too, they are provided with two skins, one over the other, and these skins are wonderfully tough and elastic The water bear -has the scientific name of Tardigrada, because he takes life so easy. He is always fat and plump, and spends his waking periods in constantly grubbing with his four pair of legs among whatever rubbish comes in his way. Having eyes, brain and a nervous system, he is much ahead of his tribe, and is altogether one of the most interesting and amusing little ani mals known to science. FLOAT HOME FROM SCHOOL. Boys and Girls Clamber Into Pnate and Pole Home. A description of life in the ferblevn swamps, Vendland, runs as follows, eays the Century: "School out" at the village school of Burg is a pretty sight The substantial brick building overlooks the ever mur muring (highway, and the boys and girls, instead of stringing up a dusty road, tumble in to punts and pole away for dear life the boys much like other boys, but the girls reduced to fac similes of their, mothers and elder Bis ters, clad ia bright but short raiment and . visible afar off through their strange mob caps with wings. As on moves down the stream from Burg by Lnipe to Lubbenau these wings grow smaller and collapse, while the aklrta tf row longer and more resemble the or dinary dress of women. At a dance the Spreewalder knows instantly, by the peculiarities of her costume, from what villuge a woman or girl has come. At Leipe the multitudinous akirta of alarming girth are no .more. The gown reaches the ankles, and the cap fits clone to the head Instead of resting on a fre mework as in Burg. Thus the dress In Leipe is perhaps mare oraceful, but It la more commonplace. It no longer itestifie to that pride of the pewjiant hi ther or husband which la shown by the cumber of yard In the ekirta of hie womaa folk and the varietr of their caps, by the rich nee of their dreea aa well aa their Jewelry. THE LONGFELLOW STATUE. rutins; Memorial ot the Poet at Port land, Ills lllrtbplaee. One of the beet Initlances of what tha etntue of any great man abould be at any rate, in the reftpectof it situation. Ite p.iective with regard to other wnioriiua ana the local etimtkn1n which it 1 held le. the statue of Long Mlow at Portland, aaya the Atlantic, It is a dignified seated figure of the pout in bmnre, oemipy Inge conspicuous site In the best part of the town, in the mid dle of a square which ia known a Long fellow square. The aUttio waa raiami a f-w years ego by a fund aollcltw! through a wide field, but chiefly oh talned in Portland. The aeulptor waa rhoaeo through that curious local spirit which ha affected unfavorably many of our architectural and oibee- monu Dnl. H waa avowedly aelerted tie Miiee he was a "Maine man." tlxrugh ha had never en the port. However, the reeult In this ease my ma to Lave bren happy. Tha erlatue has much beauty and the llkrnea U said to be-excellent, Thle etattie stands In the poet's native town, aa I entirely proper. It may ap prl every day to the eyes of Umtuunuls of young pmplr, born very much aa h wa bom, who should ere In It the eng. JPeatlon of pruexlhlllty for Uietn. Tort Irally it make the atrangrr fWy tha genlua or spirit of the man atill linger ing among the (wenes of his yotHh, and It symbolic the klUfartUir whMi eey man feela to have hie name re-nvi-mtKTM In hi native limn. Aval Paddiaar. rare and alie Urt apple about a quart. Take two rupa of dry bresvl erurnlas, malt oim Ul.lex,nfnl of but Ur and rub through thrui; then rub In a iyiwiKi.iiif.il of .wdeml riiiniiwn and a small rup nf granule tl or brown aisjrer. I'arlml the apples u very little wwi lay idem in pinMiiig tl.ah u rover lb lx.1U.tn; tdm a layr .f tha breed emmlm, aod a alternate. I'lar a few bit of butw on U.p. Ilaie about half an Jiour. It le.Uln-lo.ia serve.) with crvatn or lain, ev.l.i nr hot. fit, Ivtil Ciiolaa-Itrm.M'rat. Maaltlaa the tafa peaallr. Our sYatlormi Law bar rvfaine-l mtsrb of tb merit of U.e rolotilal fwrM. and rrva-rlU I ll.n death taJty f.r a kargw n..u,U-r of t rkliesi. A bill b larn atard by i,i. grea whtrh auUUluura bard lalr for tba WlU wtamlty iuaJI but fl r!ar of rrini aud rrulU the ej suUtitu tkm even In certain of tbe claaave wbn tha Jury In Ma verdict direct that tba tw-aaity ebJ U "without et.i Everybody Says So. Oasoareta Oandj Oathartio, the most wonder ful medioal discovery of.the age, pleasant and refreshing to the taste, sot gently and positively on the kidneys liver and bowels, oleansing the entire system, dispel colds, oure headaohee, fever, habitual constipation and bil iousness. Please bay and try a box of 0. 0. 0. today; 10,52, 50 oenta. Sold and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. tf Dave MoAtee, Jerry Young, Gid Hatt and Julius Paul retnrned Wednesday morning from their tour ot the raoe oir ouit. Tbe boys all did well thev re turned without any horses to winter. Tbe Southern Pacific railroad oompany has deoided to sell tiokets from all stations on its lines in Oregon, at ooe fate for the round,' 'ip. In view of the fsot that our people have been favored with abuDdant oropa, it ia confidently expeot- tbat the state fair at Salem will have better attendanae than mar . vrira and in order to give all an opportunity to visit this great institution- of whiob tbe people of tbe entire state have rea sod to be proud, this popular line of railroads has reduoed the fare bo as to table all to see one of tbe graodeet HDlava avnr evhihitarl at Salon, Tk. Fair open Sept. 80th and oloses Oct. 8th. D7U-M Jack Lake is off duty for awhile in order to properly nnrse a felon whioh is demanding more tbao neual attention. They Are the "Mustard." Meadows & Hatten. tbe pioneer black smiths, have made aome eleganl im provements in their establishment and added a large stook ot iron, horseshoes and other materials essential to tbe happiness ot those who need aoick re pairs on tbeir wegons, bnggiea or any aiuu oi maoninery. , Tbey have ex tended their room so as to aooommodate everybody io Ibe country who ia in need ot repairs. . Wben yoa want a horse aliod, maobine repaired, tire let or any thing else in tbeir line, yoa will find Meadows ft Hatten to be tha bovi that oan do it and do il tight in abort order. tf O. W. Rea left for Portland laat Wednesday night aooompanied by bis grend-dangbter, Oladdyi Oohn. He will remain below aeveral daya. 8tt of Ohio, Oitt or Toledo) L.TJ0AS COTJKTT, j . Frank J. Chenav mi Van nh that ta Is tba senior partner of tbe Arm of F. J. at w-i w uueney s uo aoing Dtisinesa In the oifjr of Toledo, connty and state aforesaid, and that laid Arm will na II. a mnm nf One Hundred Dollars for each and every onse ot oaisrrn ihhi can on t be onred by the use of Hall's Oatsrrb Cure, Fbamk J. Chinky. Hworn to hafnra ma and inhiniihAil 1m my preseooe, this Utb day of December, a. v. iryvj. 1'- j A. W. Qliasoh, ai. Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Oura ia taken Internal! and acts direotly on tba blood and ma ooue anrfHoee ot tbe system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cbene k Co.. Toledo. O t1T8old by droggieta, 75o. Preaohing both morning and aveniua on Sunday at tba Christian ehnrob, bv Elder Jetkiue. All are invited to at tend. Bible school at 10 a. ni. The "liioTolIrifs Beet Friend" is a familiar name for DeWitt'a Witob Haael Salve, always ready for emergenoiea. While a ipeciflo for piles, it also instant ly relievee and curee eots, bruises, sail rbeam, errema and all afreotinna of tba kin. It never fails. For Bale by Conser A Crook. e Trade is nol all going one way. Of course nol. E. W. Itbea k Oo. are get ting their ebare and are Bailing lots of goods every day. Tbeir prices are right. la Cere Coast I patios Forever. Take Caeeareta Candy Cathartic 10c or 2.V). If C. 0. a fail to onre, drnggiaie refund money. ( Jee. Johnson and Tbomaa Oilfllloo were In from Bolter eaeek lha Bret of tbe week. Tetter, Halt .Ilneum and Krtrma, The Intense Ik hlng and smarting, lnct dunttothmedlaoMiw, is Instant ly allayed bv atiplylng Chainberlalu'a fcye and Hkln Olntinnnt. Many very bad cases have been permanently cured by It. It ia equally efflctunt for llxhlng pile and a favorite remedy f'dr aora tilptl4, chapped bands, chilblains, frost bltea and chronic aora eye. M ct. par boi. Dr. fadj'a C-ndiUen I'awdera, are Jnat what a horse iw--1 whon In bad condition. T'.nlo, blood purifier and vermifuge. Thev ar not food but ma-lli ln and the lieat In naa to not a bora In prime rxuilltlon. Prioa 23 cent per package. Dreee op yonr bora. E. W. Khae A Co. bare jaal lb etylee to Bail. Tbe beet display la town. CATARRH LOCAL DISEASE ee Is tea eseee) af eaass seal ''ass skawtie aaaae. Il aa k Mtr at a t . I rwrfr waa tsa,.i,iiad 4k. rotif lei l axMrtia. Ka Ely's Criarn Balm tsarewmiadM; la ke t4 a4 ear fv, aft. d I llasd aa Har '- af a. ii .. r anaal i eaafT.a. Wave pala a.S ..UmmU, o-i, 2 -' U"m ..U, M.a u.e r-. s "'""'' "" tHn.f)M,hIM.i M MtnaaKMWafr-aoaaIa. atr'sV POVDER Absolutely Pure Something to Depend on. , , Mr. James Jones, of tbe drng firm of Jones k Son, Cowden, Ills., in speaking of Dr. King's New Disoovery, eays that last winter bis wife was attacked with La Orippe, and her oaee grew ao serious that phyaiolana at Cowden and Pen a oonld da nothlna. for l.p Ti mi,A " - wa. ,. BBVUIQU W develop into Hasty Consumption. Hbt- . TT a T rv ihk lit. riing s jwew uiscovery in store, and selling lots of it, be took a bottle borne, and to the surprise ot all she be gan to gel better from first dose, and half dozen dollar bottles oured her sound and well. Dr. King'e New Disoovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is guar, aoteed to do this good work. Try it. Free trial bottles at Cooeor A Brook's Drug Store. See Driekell is baok from tbe trail where he went witb Laoy , Broa. and White's sYTeep. He left the bands at Weiser, Idaho, and shortly afterwards was attacked with rheumatism, necessi tating a visit to McDoffie springs, Grant connty. He comes home in fairly good health. Eternal Vigilance Is tbe price ot perfeol health. Watoh carefully tbe first eymtoms of impure blood. Care boils, pimples, humors and eoofola by taking Hood's Saraaparilla. Drive away Ibe paing and aches of rheumatism, malaria and atomaoh trou bles, ateady yonr nervea and overcome ihat tired feeling by taking the aame great medloine. Hood'a Pills are tbe best family oathar tio and liver tonic. Gentle, reliable, tare. v J. M. linger has returned from bis trip below, TheGeaette, however, waa. in error ooooeming bia trip to San Fran oisco. Ha went no farther than port land. It Bares the Croojiy Chlldrea. Seavlew, Va. Wa have splendid ale of Chamberlain's Congb Remedy, and oar castomere oomioa from far and near, apeak of it in the highest terms. Many have aaid tbat tbeir children would bava died ot oroon it Chamber lain's Congb Remedy bad not been given. Kellam k Ourren. Tba 25 and 60 cent sizes tor Bala by Conser k Brook. Jons Brownlee, Albert Ballanca and Walter Brown oama in Wednesdsy from Long Creek for freight It yen bava ever seen little ehlld in a paroxysm of hooping congb. or it ton have been annoyed by a constant tiok- ling in tbe throat, yoa can appreciate the value of One Minota Cough Oure, wbiob givea quick relief, gold by Con eer k Brock. e , Tba Pendleton Republican is a lira paper and ia improving right along. Be nol deceived! A congb, boarsoeea or oroop are nol to be trilled with. A dose in time ot Shiloh's Curs will aava yoa much trouble. Sold by Conser k Brock. j Coxey look second money in a five el. lite raoe al Spokane lael Saturday. Backles s Araica Salve. Tba Beet Salve in lha world for Cola, Brnisee, Sores, TJloers, Salt Rheotn, Fever Horea. Tetter, Chapped llaode, Chilblains, Corns, aod all Hklo Erup tions, and positively core Piles or no pey required. It ia guaranteed to give uerfeot eatiefaotioa or money rafondsd. Price 23 rente par bog. For tela by Cooser A Brock. Those beavy, fleece llaed eoats al Rbea'e ar jnsl Ibe thing tor wel and windy weather. Cheap for eaeh. Curelbet congb with Hhilob'e Core. Tbe beet coogb aura. Relieve eroop promptly. On million bottle sold last year. 40 do for 25cta. Sold by Con- ear k Brock. r Read E. W. lib A Co.. ad. Trad witbtbem. Ia doing tbla you will b bappr and satisfied. Karl's Clover IUxit Tea la a pteeeeet lexetive. Regulates tba bow ale, purlfiea lit blood. Cleera Ibe comptsxion. Easy to make and pleasant to take. 23 eta. Hold by Cooser A Brock. j Oa lael Wedoeedey moroleg Irelabt train waa partially ditched two miles aaal of Arlington which detayeJ tb train aom boure, delaying lb Heppner treia aoeeUerably. Tba damage ee ol greet, w care being ditebed. Ilie. take tba beat. If you arc troubled witb ronelipetkm, eallow ekla, aad llrexi feeling, take Karl'a Clover Tea, II ia pleaaaat le take. Bold by (Josser i IS roe k. f Mr. liqeiekar, if aod children ar In IUpposf sad may loeat bare. Mr. Hnoe, tea brnthte of Mr, C C, H'aBl,N" ;.