s ajmaBl ST TltllTTfcmi mi ...LJUW.XJ TO TUB amts iaa ohoicb Of : Two Transcontinental! GREAT NORTHERN Ry VIA Spokane MINNEAPOLIS St. Paul OREGON SHORT LINE. VIA Salt Lake .DENVER Omaha Closed August 31st That Schillings Best tea ' missing-word contest closed August 31st. , We shall announce the winners and the word at the first possible moment. A $2000.00 missing-word contest begins at once. N Schilling's Best baking powder and tea are 1 J htr.nuse. they are money-back. What is the missing word ? Every ticket taken from Schilling's Best baking powder or tea is good for one guess at the missing word. Send your ticket with your guess and Chicago Kansas City jname and address to w MONEY-BACK, SAN FRANCISCO. - LOCAL 8QC1B9. Wm Fenlsnd is back from MoDuffie Springs. Congressman Ellis baa returned borne from below. If president McKinley thoaght the work of bis monetary commission, or in any other way, brings about internation al bimetal ism be will bave performed a grand service for the peop'e who depend on tbeir labor solely for snatenanoe. If an arrangement can be entered Into be tween tbe great nations and silver coin age reanmed at a fixed ratio tbe greatest era of progress tbe world has ever wit nessed would be tbe result. It would open np opportunity to millions of men and tbat would mean plenty to thous ands and thousands of famines now Buffering for tbe necessaries of lite. Un doubted)? it would also bring an era of speculation, followed by all of its draw baoks, but in spite of it tbe benefits would more than offset tbe evils arising from inflation, debt makiDg and over capitalization. East Oregonian. A FOBT ON WHEELS. THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE. An Express Car Tbat Is a Perfect Arsenal . . . . One Trala That la Saf from h At tack of Road Aatents A Safe Carrier of Mil llona of Dollars. LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Sbiloh's Consumption Cure oures vbere others fail. It is the leading Cough Cure, and no boms should be without it. Pleasant to take and goes right to the spot. Sold by Couser & Brook. z LONG TK0CBLK3 AMD CONSUMPTION CAN US CUBED. An Eminent Mew York Chemist and (Scientist Hikes a Free Offer to Onr Header. Ooean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. A N. For full details oall on 0. B. Agent at Heppner, cr address W. H. HTJRLBURT, Qen.Fass. Agt. Pobtland, Oregon. quios tijvxu t TO San. Iroixoisoo And aU points In California, via the Ut. Bhaata route or in , Southern Pacific Co Th groat hiahway through California to all point East and South. Grand Hoanio Route of the Peolno Coast. Pullman Buffet Hleepers. Beoond-olaas Weepers Attached to express train, affording anperior accommodations for seoond-olaaa Daaaenser. For rat, ticket, deeping car reservation, j to,, call upon or addr I R. koEHI.KR, Manager, 0. H. MARKHAM, Gen. F. 4 P. Agt, Portland, Oregon USE YOU GIB EAST? If bo, be sure and see that your ticket reads via Tie Hortlwesteni Line ,...THK.... CHIOAOO, 8T. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IS TUB Great Short LiQe BETWEEN DULUTIT, St. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Their Magnificent Truck, rnerloas Vestlbuled THE OHBOKICUS rank wrta th tiI I aawspapers In th DatM state. THK UHBONIOLB ba a qnat en th FaetSo Cout. It lead aU In ability, nlwprlaa and im THK OUIlONIOIJfS Tetegraphto Kporta are the lata and moat reliable, It local Nw tb fullest and sptolest, and 1U Kdttorlals trom Ui ablest peoa In tha eoantry. THS CKRONIOI.E haaalwars beea, and a) wars will ba, the friend and champion at th people a against oonMnatlone, clique, eorporatlona, or oppresalona of may kind. It will k ladapaaaeal la avartbiiig neutral la noUilng. iili Condon Sports. When Condon sports make op tbeir minds to bave a little sport they are go to have it, says tbe Condon Olobe. They decided to have some horse raolng be fore tbe raoiog season closed and called a meeting last week for the purpose of eleoting officers and preparing a pro gram. J. W. Barr was elected chair man; T. O. Earbsrt, president, and P. H. Stephenson, secretary. Tbe board of directors were elected as follows: S. B. Barker, T. G. Johnson and Ed Dunn. Judges: W. L. Wilcox, J, W. Barr and H. 0. Strickland. There will be two days racing. Won't some kind friend please whisper in Harvey Soott's ear, and tell bim to put up his gun. The people were on tbe point of forgetting Sylvester Pennover. He whs about to lapse into a soothing state of innocuous desuetude. And here comes along Mr. Scott and soares bim np out of tbe bushes and goes to bang ing sway at bim. Now Pecnoyer is s swift runner, if be oan only get anyone after bim, to make it interesting and profitable. Mr. Scott will run bim into a warmer place? than tbe Portland may oralty if he keeps np bis raoket with his blunderbuss. Statesman. A Bare Thing for Yoa. A traossotion in wbiob you oan not lose is a sure thing. Biliousness, sick headache, furred tongue, fever, piles and a thousand other ills are caused by constipation and sluggish liver. Cas oii rot s Candy Cathartic tbe wonderful new liver stimulant and intestinal tonio are sold by all druggists and guaranteed to cure or money refunded. 0. 0. 0. are a sure thing. Try a box today; 10c, 25, 50o. Sample and booklet free. If Th Chronlel Tlalldlna Dining and HIimmiIiik Car Train, and Motto: i ALWAYS ON TIME ha aivaii till road a national rrimUtlon. I'laaan of paaamnrnra rarrieat on th vesllbi train without eitra rhara-a. Hhlu woiir Irelaht Ail egeui I . flillUtlon. All th vesllbuloit and ireviil over thl famuui Hue. hav tickets. W. If. MEAD, F. 0. RAVAOK. Oen. Asent Tr. A P. Aft I 'ta vtaatungtoii mi., roruaiia, or. CHICAGO IwaM St. Wy This Railway Co. Operates its trains on tbe famous blook system; Lights ita Iraina by sleotrlolly through out; Uses tha celebrated fleotrio berth read ing lamp; Rani speedily equipped passenger trains every day and Bight between HI. rani and Cbioago, and Omaha and Chicago tha the: daily By Mall, foatag Paid. Oflly$6.70akr. c The Weekly Chronicle Tho Creat st Wce.ly la the fomlry, S1.50 a Tea (Including noatage) to an part nt lb United Mat l anwla Mid ileuuu. TltKWKKKI.V CHHoNICI.K. U.e hrUhtoat and mnal oomplete Weekly Nawapapaf la Ui world, prinu riiiaiiy at ediiiana, or twal.e 94, at Newe, Literature and (leneraJ laformev Uouialaoa magalSranl Agricultural Department, SAMPLE COPIES SNT FR&E. Old People. Old people who require medioine to regulate tbe bowels and kidneys will find the true remedy in Elentrio Bitters. This medioine does not stimulate and oontaina no whisky nor other intoxicant, but aots as a tonio and alterative. It aots mildly on tbe stomach and bowels, adding strength sod giving toDe to the organs, thereby .aiding restore in the performance of the funotions. Electric Bitters is an excellent appetizer and aids digestion. Old People find it just ex actly what they need. Prioe fifty cents and $1.00 per bottle at Consor & Brock's Drag Store. Hon, T. T. Geer will not accept the land offloe offered bim by tbe Oregon delegation. He does not propose to be shelved in tbat way, and bis friends are of tbe same opinion. Tbe delegation From the Klondike. Jubn E. Latbrop, formerly city editor of the East Oregonian, writes an inter esting letter to bis paper which was published in a recent issue. He con firms reports about lbs bad condition of could do nothing less than recommend the trail and says tbat but few will get over. Tbe letter was written on Aug. 28th, sod be wss tV set sail from Lake Benuett immediately. No doubt John bus reaobed tbe land of gold ere tbia. Small precantions often prevent great mischiefs. De Witt's Little Early Risers are very small pills in size, but are most effeotive in preventing the most serious forma of liver trouble and stomach troubles. Tbey our constipation and headache and regulate tbe bowels. For sale b) Conser & Brock. Mr. Geer for oollector of oustoms, or turn bim down entirely. An overwhelm ing msjorlty of republicans in this state are behind Mr. Geer and tbey are a toroe the Oregon delegation will bave to settle with for disobeying tbeir request for Mr. Geer. Baker Republican. Jt is heartrending to watoh tbe hired mourners of lbs dead and damned tree silver issue widely olutohing at tbe air for something to wail about, Tbe Even ing Effort ories out in agony because while the price of whsat has doubled in a year bread bas advanced cent a loaf: tha baker City LVmncrst abeds teara became, on at count of tbs tariff ou wool, pants are to be out oarroer tins )ear; tbe poor, broken-hearted Husebnrg Review groana dolefully be cause the Eugene Register talks pros perity and prints the delinquent tax roll- as tlmngh rticb things bad not been printed ever siuos there were auob tilings ns tsi' S, and tbe Halt Lake Tri bune oootrlbutes ita compliment of gloom by printing Illustration of the Inifiau (amine bnrmrs hesids tha reports n dollsr wu-at. Pendleton Tribune. What Dr. A. K. Halter 8nys. Buffalo, N. T. Gents: From my personal knowledge, gained in observing tbe effeot of your 8biloh's Cnre In oases of advanced consumption, I am prepared to say it la tbe most remark ablo remedy tbat has ever been brought to my atten tion. It has oertainly saved many from consumption. Sold by Conser A Brook., v x Mr. Bryan cancelled moat of bis Kno- ssa dates, the farmers of that stale being too busy cancelling their mortgages to listen to bim at this time. Statesman. The best guarded treasure treJn in the world la made up of eight express cars and an arsenal, which la a roll ing fortress. This train is run ae a spe cial between Chicago and New York, over the Michigan Central and New York Central railroads. No attempt baa ever beea made to molest this train, which pulls out of Chicago every nigbt at 9:25, carrying canroea of currency, gold, silver and valuables that generally exceed $1,000 000 in value. The "arsenal" car haa been a feature of this express train for six years, and was build by the Michigan Central to the order of the American Express company. The "arsenal" is hooked on behind the messenger local car, which ia next to the engine of the train. The crew of the arsenal ia composed of four men, who carry strapped to their per sons six-shot 48-calibar revolvers, and a belt with 50 extra cartridges. In addition to these, each guard Car rie what is known as a riot gun, being a six-shot repeating gun, discharging cartridges made up of 12 buckshot The car docs not differ materially from an ordinary express car in ap pearance, but it is of special construc tion. The idea is to carry in, this car a guard for the entire train. Tbe car is bullet proof, lined with steel platea half an inch thick. There are doors at either end of the car. There ia in each of these n "peek hole," through which a gun can be ranged and fired. On either side of the cor is a steel pro jection a foot wide and extending from the level of the window-sill to the roof. At each end at the sideof tibia arrange ment a port hole is provided, so that a rifle may; be used to Bweep the aide of the train, front or tear, or to shoot from the side hole in any direction. There is again within1 tho car a bomb-proof chamber, to which the guards could re treat in the event of a determined and organized attack. This bomb-proof room extends above the roof of the car, and in the eupola formed there is room for two men armed with riot guns, who, through ap ertures made for the purpose, keep a constant watch upon the top of the train. On racks built In the bomb-proof car are six extra riot guns, a small caisson containing ammunition and a rapid-firing Hotchlciss gun, which would, when brought into action, annihilate a brig ade of train robbers. The engineer, fireman, brakemen and conductor of this train and their crews are men selected for their known bravery, and they carry heavy revolvers and cartridge belts. There is but one manager on the) train. All the cars are sealed except the local car, which contains two safea that weigh 3,000 pounds each. One of these safes can be unlocked only at one place between Chicago and New York. The other, which is called the local, is opened at some six or eight important cities en route. The valuables are placed In tbe safes at Chicago by an agent, who locks the safe and then re.mo"es the combination dial. At the points where tbe safe is to be opened the local agent appears with a duplicate of the dial, and works half of the combination. The messen ger knows the other half. N. Y. Jour- Tbe distinguished chemist, T. A. Slo- cum, of New York City, demonstrating bis discovery of a reliable cure for Con sumption (Pulinonary Tuberculosis), bronobial, Inng and obeet troubles, stubborn coughs, oatarrbal affeotions, general deoline Bnd weakness, loss of flesh, and all conditions of wasting away, will send THREE FREE BOT TLE9 (all different) of his New Dis coveries to any afflicted reader of this paper writing for them. His "New Scibntifio Treatment" bas cured thousands permanently by its timely use, and be considers it a simple professional duty to suffering humanity to donate a trial of bis infallible oure. Science daily develops new wonders, and this great chemist, patiently experi menting for years, bas produoed results as beneficial to humanity as can be ol aimed by any modern genius. His assertion tbat lung troubles and con sumption are curable in any olimate is proven by "heartfelt letters of grati tude," filed in bis American and Euro pean laboratories in thousands from those cured in all pBrts of tbe world. The dread Consumption, uninter rupted, means speedy and certain death. Simply write to T. A. Slooum, M. C, 98 Pine street, New York, giving post' office and express address, and the free medioine will be promptly sent direct from bis laboratory. Sufferers should take instant advan tage of bis generous proposition. f lease tell the Doctor tbat you saw this in tbe Gazette, published at Hepp ner, Oregon. July 9-7-1 yr. FORYOU! Now Prepared to do Any Kind of Printing Don't Send Your Orders Away 'TIM You Get the Gazette's Estimates Heretofore the Gazette's job depart ment bas tried to do no work other than plain printing. However, this shop is now prepared to taokle anything in any line and will meet prices of any person under tbe sun in tbe line of druggists' supplies, blank books, bank work, oounty work, or any sort of book bind ingwork tbat yoa have heretofore sent away to get done.- Tbe Gazette shop is not a obanty concern but it you will give us a chance we will see that you are satisfied in every particular. Buy your goods at home. Remember tbat Abe Linooln said tbat when one bought goods away from home tbe foreigner got tbe money and we got tbe goods. But when tbe goods Were bought at borne we bad both money and goods. This is good dootrine. We are willing to abide by it. Wben tbe printing drummer cornea to town, re member it and call up 'phone No. 3. 560-tf Hiok Mathews and V. Gentry, under tbe firm name of Mathews & Gentry, are associated together in tbe barber business in the new stand, two doora south of the postoffioe. They solioit a oall. Shaving, 15 cents. tf. NOTICE. All persons indebted in notes and ao oonnts due to Noble & Co. are requested to come forward and settle same as soon as passible. We still continue in business and will sell goods as low as can be bought anywhere in tbe state. Noble & Co. Heppner, Or., June 24, '97. tf. Thb Bobs Fkbd Yabd. The first teeS yard tbe teamster strikes in Heppner is tbat conduoted by William Gordon next door to tbe Heppner Gazette ranob. Mr. Gordon is accommodating, bas a good yard and abundant facilities to take care of stock in first olass shape. His prices are very reasonable. He bas bay and grain tor sale. Has lately added a car load of baled timothy. tf. A good bicycle, snitable for either lady or gentleman, in fine repair, new pneu matic tires, for sale cheap at Gilliam & Bisbee's. tf Now is tbe time to get tbe Weekly Oregonian, the greatest newspaper ot tbe West. With tbe Gazette, both strict ly in advance, one year, $3.60. No better combination of newspapers oan be made in the state. Notice of Intention. LAND OFFICE AT THE DALLES OREGON, Sept. 11, 1897. Notice li hereby (riven tbat tbe following-named aettlerhaa filed notice ol bli intention to make final proof in support of hia claim, and that aaid proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on October 27, 1897, viz: MARY OLSON, Hd. E. No. 4689, for the 8W Sec. 29, Tp. 8 8 R 24 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Jacob I. Young, Wesley W. Brannan, both of Davidson, Oregon, Olof Berg strom and Erek Bergstrom, both of Ooosberry, Oregon, jas. r. UUUHK. 79-590 Register. Corns to tbe Gazette offioe and get a decent lot of envelops printed. Government envelops look cheap, and besides you cannot get your business osrd printed thereon. tf Wbat is Hop Gold? Best beer on earth. See ad. elsewhere. Put a quarter In your pooket and don't spend it till you get down to Low Tillard's. Finest liquors and oigars. Near city hall. a See those new Russian Tan shoes down at Liohtentbal's. Latest styles, best quality, reasonable prices. Yoa cannot do better anywhere. tf Notice of Hearing of Final Account. IN THE COUNTY COURT FOR MORROW County, Htate of Oregon. In the matter of tbe estate of Win. Cecil, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that Peter Bauern flend, the executor of the last will and Un la ment of Wm. Cecil, deceased, has filed his final account in the office of the clerk of aaid court In said matter, and in pursuance of an order of the Hon. A. O. Bartholomew, Judge of the above entitled court, said final account will come on for hearing and settlement on tha 2nd day of Nov., 1897, at 10 o'clock a, m., the second day of the November term of said court, at tbe court house in Heppner, Morrow county, 8tat of Oregon. On or before aaid time any person interested in said estate may appear and file bis exceptions, In writing, to said account, and con test the same. l'ETER BAUERNFIEND, Executor of the last will and teatiment of Wm. Cecil, deceased. Dated Aug. 23, 1897. 73-82 do you want the CHRONICLE Reversible Map? Chicago, Milw&ukco St. Paul & A Wo operates stoara-heataj vsatibuted trains, carrying tha latest private eoropartroeot ears, library buffet smok ing rare, and palace drawing room sleepers. Tartar oars, free redlining chair ears, and tbs vary best dining cbalr par service. fur towsst fates to any point la tbs I'nllsd Htates or Canada, apply tn agent or s.Urees O. J. EDDY, J. W. CARET, General Agent, Trav. a'ass. Agent. l'ortlaod, Or. MIIOWINO The United States, Dominion ol Canada and Northern Mezioo OK ONI Ml DM, A Am Iks Map of tho World OK THIS OTIIKH It& Mn4 $a and Oal lh Map aacl Werklf ( nronlcl fW One Tmi, pwaiag prfpal J on Map aaid Pag Certainly yon don't want to suffer ib dyspepsia, constipation, sick headaches, sallow skin sod loss of appetite. Yon bavs never tried DeWitt's LiMIs Early Risers for the complaint or yon wnnld A Dotanlcal Trto. On of tbe curiosities of nature is known as a plaint atoL There are but two or three of these known to scient ists. This atol is made up of a circle of growing planU. They are found float ing on the top of ponds or lakes. Thsj form a hoop-shaped figure and are loosely tub t ted together at tha roots, vhlch make a sort of cup or basin, to which more or less vegetable matter falls or floats. There Is a sufficient amount ot nutriment m this to keep the plant growing. As it Increase, the roots become longer and larger, and la Come in and subscribe for the "Gazoo." Now is tbs time. You don't want to miss a whole lot ot good, bard reading tbat Is now being published in oar "Only." Any person wbo is interested in British Columbia sbonld writs to W. H. Horlburt, general passeoger agent ot tbe O. R & N for a copy ot Pat Donan's lit tle "booklet," "Tbe New Booawaland." II la wsll worth tbs trouble. . 60-tf. WANTED-AN IDEAoT.frl'p". thing to patent T Protect your Ideas ; tbey may bring yon wealth. Write JOHN WKDDKFt BURN CO., Patent Attorneys, Washing too, D. C, for their lluu prise oiler. bavs been cured. Tbey are small pills but great regulators. For sale by Con- time the plant may anchor itself in the asr and Orock. Catsrih cured, a clear head and arret breath si cured with Hbiloh's Catarrh Ibmrdy; sold on s gnarsntos. Nasal ii'jrctur tree. HnlJ by Conner A Urock. I Jus (Jibson laat wit. was duwo to L lir.gton As awfal Aeei4rnt Mr. L. L, Hbelly, of Mayvtll. Gilliam Co., died at tbs hotel in Condon, tb reanlt of an aooident be met wllb al Cbarley Fit's new barn Tuesday even, ing of last week. It is said that begot down from bis wagon and drove tbs team under tbs sbd, and lo doing so hs was eanghl between tbs building and wagon In snms way snd snnld not stop the horses in time to savs himself from being very badly injured. soli at the bottom of the pond. Theas rings, after many wars of accumula tion, and growth, make what appear to be amall IslamM. It is tho opinion 01 certain scientists that islands may bavs been formed In this manner. Tha roots catch all floating vegetable or animal matter. Leave collect and form mold, and af t-er awhile birds may drop plant or trea aceds on the little pod that floats an the toDot tha w ater. Tbeas take root and further aosist In th growth of tbe little island. It may taks enturta for the plant to come to any al, bus ith nature a thousand years la bat as yrstcrday. N. Y. Ledger. flBB Caveats, and Trada-Marka obtained snd all Pat-j ;ntbusiMia conducted loc MeosnaTS Fits, i Ou Omci is OeeoeiTC. U, a. PaTtnv orrie t and caa arrure pa lent ia leas Urns (baa louse rtnK from Waahinfloa. baao mooai, drawing or pnnro wua oeaenp- W ad' (chart. Our let H Sua till patent la aacartd. a raaewitv, "? patentable or swt. Ire c4 II patent H aacarea. Obtain Patents," wild tk U. 8. and turaiga couatnaa Addreaa, c.A.sriow&co. Sh. art nv Ornet. Waa-maTo. D. C. NORTH PACIPIO Rural Spirit (ESTABLISHED IM UCt.) Published Weekly at Portland, Or. DEVOTED TO Agriculture, Dairying, Live-Stock and Turf. Worth Its weight in gold to every fsrmsr and breeder in Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION: 12.00 FEB YEAR. Hsmpls oopies frss.) lUral Hpirit sad Oasetts both tor U50, oasb, st this ofDc. KW tbst ootmu! Tsks warning. It may lead tn onowumplioo. A 2jc b.l s ot Hbilub's Cor may save Jour lir. Mold by (Vn.fr A IWk. AfepasMs At. It. el YOBNtf, a r. r i ! . aaai saasKnuacax Flic IWalor line" XI "Diuts cm' avcxRsj AK0 -niQULATOH' Oansewif lllatory. Granting that the origin of tbe niauiu fact lire of gmiowilrr bt In th r . - . l I, I. V .. 1. . 1 t . . Kngliah monk. lt.grr IlarH.n, was the Tbt Ptfcs, IVilits1 i Morii Nivigltioil fi flrvt to stitnrrt its u In engitwt o death. Boon after bis time Om ng giUon was tatkim M' and gun ron ainu tfl. tlit flrat by binding Inm ban tgtbr with h to form a lube; thru by rsttlng a tula out of br. w It t on end cliwil. Mom- nf suiubl sin wer uawl frUnt, and the jnm.rrwai abnvrlrd In at lb lininle. In spite n the ilnwWka, vrry larp gurm wrri built. MuliuiiM I II. atfainal lite tirr.-ki la Oh? ai.ee ft lMit.inMi'.e In V1 uMiig a gun thruw luir awn) t.iiiwl alnn S tulle - I'liila.l. Ipl.la I'rvav UavsTbs Dalle daily (eieept Htin.la) l MS a. M, ! I'uflUs I si 7 A) a. m. Wbas on go li FiiMland, st'p off at Tha ISillr and tat a trip dowa th Otilnnibis; yoa will vejuy it, anJ ssvs nu. W. O. At LA WAT, Oeonral Ageet Tb flaitta does not question lbs booeaty ot any petans, bo I It Is Soro plld to lasts! apue th ssb-ia advsa plsa ol snbaorlpttoa, wbstbir lbs sub seribsr b Cornelius Yasdribill or lbs as an wbo tsros Lis brJ by baal lU. W cstibul rss lbs tr ttbr la. II Vanted-ftn Idea f aa re ta' af t-m 'k iinji'm li.i'iM.t an atti, rkM, a !. , wai4 aa IN lv i mm m . rwai ,i,- t iav f 1 as pna at 4 Car fn Hilloaa folle. n'onr,8oifo (X.O. I bavs been nbj"et In attack of billons colic to several yesre. Chsmberlain's Cotlfl, Coolers sod Diarrhoea Remedy (a the only or relief. It ae's liks a rbsrm. Ons d rl il gives relief alien all other ramedlea fall. O. D. Rbsrp. For sal by Ooer A Hmck. SOUTH S URBAN GROWTH. AttornovN cit Lcvr, AU business attended to lb a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK t t t EEPPNER, BCILDINO. S THUOIH1II CARi. TO Hr. PAUL MINSK AIXlLtK Dl'llMU FAIUIO Itt'TTK. HKLtNA Tu kets iimI lo sll pnlfts Itt tbCsitHl Hiate snd tnl. W'mTrtt-TatittaiiaTUT r at rut II fniiemea ne l1iea KUnol t Mia. it.la, e.tal.Utl.e.1 tn. In tvr-n ai.."iM, t.1 " in. Ialtltn tlealf S.lr m t r .m ail a l lti a, I atarai-t ein-. .Ike tl4v to.lerr. lnSt I I kh-af Cllli ... Allolllrf Ostui WaaHimiTosI ImiIbI I Kssass (1TV Itstrtaosa la lb VHr.Jo.trs Ns YokS I Kl and t. Uu ia Hvrrtut J twbeast (H.T"S t'skte IWiitol roasrolloes al Ht. rul. Mianespnl Kaftaaa tMr, Oroal.a, Ml. Intji an I oilier pmrel Oei.l (i.iaU pacssc ebectsd Ibmagh V ositasilon ol lu let. Tbrnusk tit lets to Jspas and China, via Tatx m and .N 'fttietB Tea Ills Mm sbip OottiQ's l.n For fall inffosatli.o.tltn afJ,n, licketa, tie-, ll ua or wnl W. C. Auivii, A D Csltm. i A- N I' ll. At.Ua ra.At. 1 lkPall,0t. rortlaad, Of Mr. F. A. Cerla, wba for lgbl r ba ten msnsglog sditor of lb Oregon- io, baa tvrtl bis sonnectioa with thai paper soJ goes lo Nw York Uk editorial cbarg ot lb Ortmmrell AJ- Mir. Of Nr. Csrl' tility as s writer tber i ao dooM, sod yt bis departar from ttrsgow is Orgna 't gsia. Carl I svldeatly a djspvpttr, and bi work sbnws it tls bas frbP mors DClld U t sad aaosraHly as kind Ibints of sad eooeeroieg Oregns labs lhaa lb batanc ot tbs Orgra nlilors. Al least w bv be a given to ooderstand thai Mr, Carls was lb au thor of I hs srtirlas Is ahk-b wsallsd. W bop alongslds ot RotUrmilk rbao dI b may Had a aw eook, asl uk. Is ..n.nne, a bHghlf iw ol lit. -Th 1I1m Cbroalcl. Karl's Clover Hool Ta, f Coa4ipa- tios It's lb bl aad If aftsr oicf It yoa doa'l say so, ralara aarkag ad g4 yosr saoaey. Hn)4 b Conf A Urock. i WHITE COLLAR LINE. Her Raral Dltrtl Hav H Pr r rrarlatlr Th rural south, especially ta tbs oldrr portions, is, ecoootnlcally apeak Ing, far from progressiva, and what was one tbs single occupation of tb south ern grsitlcmaa is now tbs lat that h would voluntarily awuma. Ia tb rich valley and on thegTatlng kand of south aett Vlrgtnra, la iarts of Georgia and in th blue grass rearton of Teainews farming ry fairly, owtng to lbs great er thrift of tb inuanitaala and to tb fertility of lb soil, but, on th who!, lb rrrogrras of tie Dew south, likathat of tha real of'tb country, certainly bas not takra tbia direction. It la through Its tsrban dewelopmrnt only that tbs arrtloa bas Justly earned tu Sohriqurl. Nrw cities Ilk IVauiok. Vs., bavs sprung tip no ground that SO years ago was parceled nto '4rma- Ant-tllura tlllagv bava Ucotn larg rltlr, as In t he ran of A t ran ta and ( batlaanoga. Old tnwn Itkaa Naahvill and Rlrbmond a... a. a -t a a nav tsaen irnn iraaw o. in. m u. rl.nA ) rna rtlrwt to tlmmm. TWee .M T),ar.t.T, a com rich and ptvtgTtwalva. Arewrall-I UTallaro WtUue1af at4 rrldav al 1 S) a. U. Oa S.Ut aVi mad bas mal U rorttsn ol ibi ruaca. ORKOON Golumbia River and Pucret Sound Navisation Co Q , Stfiaers TOME, BAILEY G1TZET AND OCLtS WIVE. Lasting Aider Rlrel Ik, Tortlsod. for Astnrls. II son, Lnag Beaeh. (Ws 1'srk and Nabcotla. Dirl onosetioa wllb llwsao aUamers sod rail road; also at Young' Uy with Fe arbors Railroad. Tuijiirxiorcii Lmvs Portland T a. M. Dally, atrepl Suo4.T. UarM mtUmit 1 p. M. d4jTi . I(wpt XMA-XTAtair OATZBTAT lie' lOrtU4 r. W lll, sit.t Sonnaf . aalttMa I,M, 11 Ml SIS A. U , sr.,H san4.r .M 1B,I.. " 7iHtXrH ' a new tettil or other Industry ba rawd th growth of that. And all this progr baa ba due to tb aboli tion of elevwry nd Ulh dealntrUoo of rrorrty caud by th civil war. Tb outherneT Of tb last 10 yvara bas simply bad lo work la rdr to live, and, bkih rs preferred lb town Atlanta, lar i taht at I r. M. for Salety, Spexl. (omrurt, fleMore, Traeel I he Tel.ion. SaUef Itatiert a ad tWa. !1lt-tatsToTnT P 4iTtVt! miKiMa M MM innl W mix. elhl. aaUhileaaH kM 14 tan Stonlhlf luaiiM irie) r"M etMdr, e-l-e- twl a. I a I le I Hanftnv Ik tvaoiakia I ivr) vf. 1 kKa9 r'Sl'K THE PALACE HOTEL BAK a to tb country- , illVs J. O. HQHOHlCllS, Prop. m -JiKccps the Finest Wines, Liquors and d'tvart 1M .IE. J. La (ilhaxra b lka lb J'oe' h art, or stand sol doe f od hm al toDUf title. IS Seats sbsvte U SaU kairtsttlaf