S g rof u I aS welling On the Neck and Creat Weakness Caused by Impure Blood -Was Constantly Crowing Worse. " When my son was 5 years old he was in very poor health and we could get nothing to relieve him. At the age ot 7 years he began to complain of Boreness on both sides ol his neck and soon lumps be gan to gather on one aide and grew to half the size of an egg. We then became more uneasy and began to doctor him for scrofula. He gradually grew worse, how ever, until at the age of twelve years we had lost all hope of his recovery. He be came so weak he could sit up but a few minutes at a time. My wife saw Hood's Sarsaparilla recommended as a great blood purifier and we sent and got a bottle. We began giving our. boy the medicine ac cording to directions and it wbb not long before we saw he was Improving. He continued talcing it until he was in very good health. He is now 13 years old and is well. We recommend Hood's Sarsapa rilla for all troubles caused by impure blood." S. M. Silveb, Grouse, Oregon. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is sold by all druggists. $1 j six for $5. Get only Hood's. Here and There. J. 0. Hart has an attack of "ager." Mrs. John Rasmus is on the sick list. Car load of oysters at Cobs. Teffts'. 9-tf. Taffy, out of sight, at Qreen Mathews'. tf Taylor Thompson is over from Baker City. Herb Bartholomew and family are improving. Everything at Teflt'g first olass and all white labor. 9-tf Families wishing rasters by quart or gallon, see Tefft, 9-tf. Ranoua is still on the turf donig a lit tle carpenter business. tf Submit your plana to Ranoua before giving out your oontraot. tf Mrs. Geo. Junkins and family have returned from the valley. A. H. Steadman, representing the Banker's Life Ins. 06., is ia town. Bruoe MoAlister and Tom Barnett were up from Lexington Saturday. The only plaoe in town to get wraps for tbe little girls is . W. Rbea & Co.'s. 801 Statements for the Famous Simple Aooount File printed at the Gazette of fioe. tf. Geo. Oonser, Ed. R. Bishop and W. A. Currsy are ont to tbe newly discovered mines. W.T. Hatten was kioked by a vicious borse last Saturday and is laid np for repairs. Tbe well known DeMoas Family will ds nere ins &iu iosi. concert si opera house. 1-82 Joe Potter and HileOorbin have taken up quartz claims in the new mioing aietriot. Fesobes, watermelons and all frnits of tbe sesson arriving daily at tbe Orange Front. 64-tf For sale a splendid residence pro perty, good location, very obeap. Call at Gazette office. 78-tf. Hod. W. F. Matlook aod J. M. Bent ley ars over from rendlelon after some timber depredator. Any oos desiring lo build eitber a bouse or barn will make money by call iog oo tbe Gazette office. 67 tf Uoole Nelson Hwsatsrt It bere to visit bit chiMreo . lis is on bis way from tbe valley to bis borne near Athena. A. N. Foster, wbo bad bis arm badly mangled reoeotly. will toon be able to rstoro to bit borne at Haystack. Best accommodation aod oourteons treatment at tbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh aod Wash. Stt., Fortland, Oregon. The DeMoss family bave Jaalljr canted tbs tills of "lyrio bards of America." Tbey will bs bers oo tbs 28tb lott. 1 82 For sals Good sheep range with plenty of running water. Will sell cheep. Enquire of L. B. Wells, Eobo. 78-85. Fresh lot of tomatoes, peaches snd frspesjait reoeived at Mathews'. Fi nest that Sf sr bit tbs town. Call oo blm. It Cross A Black well's fancy pickles and eaonsd goods, reduced prices, Oraogs Front, odd. City botel. Cor. Malo and Willow streets. KMf F.l;jb Adams' Uara ran away on Main atrsat lesl Heiarday, almost osmoiian lot tbs Itotvadsrs porch. Tbs damage to lbs onlfll was not roocb. E. W. Rbea k Co. bsvs a spUodid ItOSlfbnyt, mens sod lsdlS BOsrlia toabt in tbs wry leteat it r Is. Now is tbs lime to boy these goods. HO 1 F. U. Coorttr, of Eight Mda, Ibrhd YXn bnthrls of wheal, machine measure, off of 64 arras Ibis season. Ilia eatsh' bor. J. H. Naoaotaksr. bss I1,0)Q boau Is of stbeal. E. L. MalWk Is eerrylot rrtel U ta a alin. fisaretlvaly stwaltnf snail bo let I all a rT larf wnodao ball doo at I he alls acd Mr. Matlock's too got lo tbs war. For Gastipefioa taks Karl's CJoar Taa, Ihs (real Blood fondir, tors baadsebss, Nsrsoaaoaas, Eroplioat oa tbs face, aad Bakes lbs bead as eUar as Ml. Bold by Cesser k Brook. I Osorf tlefTird bat Cos hall bfd Clalt boika, oat ol Uttito aa wbkb bs wishes to sell at reaena ays (liirea. Us will m at V. U Mat look s corral about rWi L 20 Call on him. To beat lbs krokea aod diaaaa. tie. ( soes, to aoolhs lbs IrrllaUJ sarfaw, lo taslaatty relievo sad to pemaoeatlyj at is Ike miaetos of DsWttt's Witcb llaeel Pairs, tmt Hals b 0eef k Broeb. Fraak MFel4 b bea appotated Speoial Mat ol TM taitsWs lift As saraass (' of New T"b. It strMceel lo taa aU. i'eeb sarplus M pol bekters of over 44 taillM itolUra. IWt tabs iaearaae wtltl seeiag tb M picas 4 Ihs trailer, laeorea ta-41 sl at safe rets. "'f Hymenlal. On 8unday evening. Sept 19th.. at the home of the bride's parents, Mies Iva Swaggart and Robert L. Beard were united in marriage, CR. Haward offlci ciating. The bride appeared in a beautiful dress of cream brocade silk. The bride groom was dressed in en attraotive suit of blaok. After the ceremony tbe guests were invited to a sumptuous repast, prepared by skillful fingers. All ex pressed themselves as passing a most enjoyable evening. Tbe following persons were present: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Conser, Mr. aud Mrs. J. W. Rasmus, Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Borg, Mr. and Mrs. S. Meadows. M. and Mrs. R Simons, Mr. and Mrs. Wells. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Howard. Dr. anil lira. MoSwords, Mr. and Mrs. O.R. Howard. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Vincent, Mr. and Mrs. R. Neville, Mr. aud Mrs. E, L. Keenev, Mrs. Stevenson, Mibs Emma Stevenson, Geo. Stevenson, Mrs. A. Mo- Atee and family, Benj. Swaggart, Misses fcthel and Maud Swaggart, Jaok Mills. Ike Vinoent, and Miss Elsie Ayers. Below are presents and names of onors: Mr. and Mrs. MoSwords. China fruit set; Mr. and Mrs. Conser, China pie set j Mr. and Mrs. Borg, silver syrup pitoher; Mr. and Mrs. Rasmus, silver apkin rings; Mr. and Mrs. Meadows. silver fruit ladle; Mr. and Mrs. Wells. oake stand; Mr. and Mrs. Neville, damask linen napkins: Jack Mills nnd Pihro waggart, silver butter dish; Emma Stevenson, silver salt and pepper boxes; Mrs. Steyenson, silver butter knife. An axe and stone churn were also presented by nnknown parties. On Sunday last at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Minor oocurred tbe mar riage of their daughter, Ada, to Mr. W. R. Irwin, one of our most popular young men. Tbe beautiful and impressive ceremony was performed by Rsv. J. W. Jenkins, of Hood River, iu tbe preeenoe of a number of relatives and friends of the contracting parties. After the cere mony, a most sumptous dinner was par ticipated in and enjoyed by all. Tbe bride was beautifully attired in a lovely costume of white mousseline de sot over white silk, white kid sliDDerB and gloves. She carried a bouquet of magnificent La France roses. The groom wore tbe conventional blaok with white kid gloves. Those present were, Mrs. E. Minor, Mrs. jTred Hallook, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rogers, Mr. Hal Minor, Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Minor, Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Minor. Mr. Jesse Stewart, Miss Eva Brians, Miss Bertha Gate, and Miss Cora Rbea. Tbe following is a list of the presents: An elegant set of table linen by Mr, and Mr. W. O. Minor; a silver berry dish, Mr. and Mrs.C. A. Minor:salad set. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers; oarving set, Frank Roberts; berry set, Bertha Cate; silver fruit dish, Eva Brians; silver berry spoon, Mrs. Tbos. Rhea; set of silver ooffoe spoons, Cora Rhea; set of linen napkins, Jesse Stewart; cracker jar, Willa Minor. A very prettj silver piokle stand was also reoeived. After dinner music was indulged in nntil a late bour, CELERY KOLA 6IVES REST AND SLEEP A True Nerve Tonic and Blood Restores Vitality, Renews Strength, Cleanses and Enriches Regulates the Liver, Bowels and Kidneys. Purifier the Blood, NEW DISCOVERY; BEST CELERY PREPARATION ON EARTH. iiv be had oivrY AOT e Heppner, Oregon. ei-octu Bay Brauett Dtad. Say Bennett, a well known sporting roan, died Friday night at Tbe Dalles of dropsy. Say was well known and had friends all tbe wav from bis old boms in Illinois to the Peoiflc coast. He was a man tbal respected bis word; was hon orable, kind-bearted and obaritable. Poverty in his last days may bave pre vented bim from meeting obligations, bnt bs wss never dishonest. Hs was his own worst enemv. But bis fsults were few, oom pared to bis virtues. Tbs editor of tbe Gucetts was oos ot 6sy's fritnds and knows Ibst tboassnds bsvs lived off ot bis boaoty. His friends will respect bis memory. His final rett ing plsos will ool bs neglected. He leaves an aged mother in the east and two brothers, Joho aud Harry, resi dents of Ibis ooast N misery. Mrs. L. J. Elites bas reoeived ber fall and winter stork of fatbionablt millinery wbicb will bs sold very cheap, 1 82 lbs DeMoss family uis 41 musical Instruments at saob cntertsiomeot. See Ibero al lbs opera bones oo tbs 2fttb insL 1-82 Evsry new sabscriber of lbs Osxette from Ibis d.te, May SS, IKfJ, will receive ss a premium a book worlb alono tba price of tbs subscription. tf Dr. A. L. Bsatis, of I'eodletoo. will bo at tbs Palsca botel for a few days, begioniog Hundsy, Kept. lb Tboeo wishing dental work dooo sboold rail. D. A. Grteowood bus leased Vinsoa's tlabls so I feeJ yard. Wheat bay, per spaa, GO Cents. Celt oo bim. Handy to warehouse. Best ot car takeo ot stork. 81 tf Tbs DeVfte Family ars composers of Dots. Their soes bsvs been compiled lo lbs "Baag ot Jesus," aad tb "Co lombian ftnavealr soogs." Sea tbeco oo tbs 3itb lost 1-81 Dr. J. F. Adklna, Ihs deotl.t, will bs bere shoot Oct. 1. Tbees wisbtog say thing ia the Itas of dentistry sboold call oa blm as wwa as bo arrives, for bis star ill bs a brief oes. 79 3 So maa or wnnao caa enjoy life or aeoomptteh mtcb io tb orIJ bit snffensf from a torpid liver IfeWlu' Witrb tilde a tit, todbe, streegtb- as sa t beats. Il is lbs gresl pile core. For sal by Oosef k Brock. al.mMKiU are oselse if lrille.1 awav at Ihey are danger ooely waaM if oa nmJ l delay lo ce a her Oo Minat t'oogb Care ""Sid Irfitg imi dials relief. To sale by Gneser Itmrfc. Circuit Court Proceedings. 1QUITY. In the matter of the assignment of B. S. Cox Si Bro., order made permitting assignee to sell notea. In the matter ot the assignment of J. J. Mo- Gee, assignee required to make report within SO days. The Solicitors' Loan & Trust Co. vs. C. W. Shurte, continued for term. In the matter of the asslgnmant of Fell Bros., objections filed to final report with affidavits. Twenty days allowed for reply, Julia E. Farrel vs. 8. I. Gerklng, et al., con firmation. A. B. Bennett and F. P. Mayi vs. Chas. Klmsy et al. , confirmation. H. Wade vs Nancy Wade, decree. In the matter of the estate of Eliza Ann Plun- katt, deceased, case remanded for re-trial, no costs. Morrow Co. Land & Trust Co. vs. Ed. C. Allen et al., confirmation. Wm. Fenland vs. Wm. and Mary Doonan, confirmation. In the matter of the assignment of 0. W. Swaggart, order upon Nels and Jas. Jones to further set forth In full nature and amount of their claims. Henry Silver vs. F. C. StClalr et ux., default and decree. W. P. Lord et al., vs. Nye Bambo et ux., de fault and decree.f 60 attorneys fees allowed. W. P. Lord et al, vs. J. B. Sperry, et al., de fault and decree. SISO allowed. Oregon Mort. Co. vs. Beu Poppen, et ux., de fault and decree. Ed. Rood vs. W. L. Baling et al.. default and decree. $25 attorneys fees. Louisa Matteson vs. Ben Matteson, default and decree. W. F. Matlock vs. Mary Drlscoll, order direct ing present sheriff to execute deed. Luclnda Hales vs. J. D. Kirk et al., sheriff to make deed. T. L. Dorman vs. Geo. W. Junkins et al., sher. IS to make deed. The Northern Co.'t Inv. Trust Co. vs. G. W, Stewart et al., sheriff to make deed. Clara A. Cobb vs. Morris D. Long, conflrma tlon. LAW. Jas. W. Smith vt. G. I. Robinson, continued for term. D. E. Gllman vt. W, B. McKlmmey, motion to strike out part of the answer denied, reply filed, bond for continuance, set for first day next term. Robert L. Toplits ts. M. Ls Ballltter, settled and dismissed. Star Brewery Co. vt. Robert Krlck, default, Judgment order sals of attached property. Rothchild Bros. vs. Robert Krlck, default, judgment and sale of attached property. D. E. Gllman vs. J. H. Jones and sons, settled and dismissed. W. E. Kahler vs. T. J. Merrill, settled and dismissed. Simon Newman vs. Dick Beaman, continued for service. D. E. Gllman vs. T. J. Merrill, continued for service. Knapp, Burrell t Co. vs. J. 8. Young, W. W. Brannon, Bruce Haines, et al., settled and dis missed. CeiMIBAL. Bute of Oregon vt. Eugene Jonea, continued for term. Mete vt. N. Dickson, dismissed for want of pmterutlnn, twocasea. BUte vs. D. C. Beech, ditto. County Court Proceedings. Wednesday, Sept. 8. County court met in regular session on the above date with Judge Bartholo mew presiding, and Commissioners How ard and Beckett present. Tbe following miscellaneous bills were allowed: E. L. Matlock, $100; J. W. Matlook, $166.66; G. W. Wells, $166.65; A. G. Bartholomew. $150: J. W. Morrow, X); John Zollinger, $20; 0. H. Hams, $40; C. E. Miller, $23.60; J. W. Morrow, $17.20; A. 0. Petteys, $1.88; The Irwin- Hodson Co., $6.20; J. P. "Williams, $23.83, Heppner Tel. Co., $6;. F. 0. Bartholo mew, $1; Ulaes & Jfrudhomme, 4.bl; Parker & Gleason, $47.14; C. 0. Sargent, $42.60; W. L. Baling, $24; 8. W. Mead ows, $27; W. P. Sorivner, $26,25; N. A. Leach, $3.60; J. R. Simons & Son, $3.75; Gilliam & Bisbee, $13.65; H. A. Yooum, $20 ;T. R Howard, $2.35; Frank Gil liam, $8333; J. H. Wyland, $46; J. W. Shipley, 102.10, allowed $101.70. Out ot tbe 5 per oent fund : J. B. Simons, $10 ; W. J. Davis, $40; W. L. Maliory, $112 45. Thursday, Sept. 9. Miscellaneous bills allowed: W. A. Richardson, $3.95; E. L. Matlock, $6 50; W. L. Maliory, $10.25;R. O.Wills, $20 80; T. R. Howard, $17.85; Conser & Brook, $10.74; W. M. Haguewood, $6 25; Lee Moorbouse, $15.25; Boys and Gjrli Aid society, $10; W. L. Baling, $129; Blooum Drug Co., $21.50; E. R. Huolook, $50., allowed $40; J. H. Allen, $2.40, Jas. Hams, $3; ). H. Royse, $3.20; J. D. Allen, $2 40; Wm. Howell, $3.40; J. J. McGee, $8; W. J. Davis, $11 ; J. L. Howard, $14; J. W. Beckett, $13; Patterson Pub. Co., $14.60, allowed $12 10; Frank Lnndell, $15; M. A. Alden, $4; F. M. Oourter $3; Luther HuBton, $3.20. Jurors and witnesses allowed a total amount of $274.30. Road application No. 146, viewers re port acoepted, road ordered opened. Road application No. 145, report ot viewers on damages aoceptei; damage $15 allowed acd road ordered opened. li lad Diat. No. 13, Alex Corrett ap pointed supervisor to suooeed Wm. Douglass. Property bought from J. W. Morrow tor $300 near oourt house to be used for county poor-house. Matter ot building bridge bo roes Rook oreek on oonoty road was ooutinued for farther investigation. A epeoial session was held yesterday, Judge Bartholomew aud Commissionrr Howard preaeut, and warrant for col lection of all delinquent taxes was ordered placed on roll. Died Last week, near Lexington, the wife ot J. M Bker. Deceased had given birth to twins but a lew days previous, ine emiuren oia not live. GOING OUT OF BUSINESS. B. C. Wills Has Decided to ( lose Out His Large Htock of Merchandise at Cost. The Gazette is informed that Mr. K 0. Wills, the merchant, has deoUed to go out of business at Heppner and now Drocoses to sell everything at cost for s Dot cash. This sale will oootinue till Ibe whole stook is disposed of. Tbit is not a bogus "dosing out sale," end Mr. Wills desires the poblio to know it. When he says "oost ' be means "ooat." Come in and look over his im mense stock of goods and pick out your winter outfit. 79tf Wants to Sell. I want to sell on long tyne my Eight Mile ranch 400 aores in tallow, 1200 aorcs good grass, water p'enty in three seotions, all fenced in one body with three wires; 2 camps, sheds panels, water troughs outside for 2000 sheep. Title direct from government oo io cambranoe. If not sold will lease on favorable terms. A few tons of bay on ranob. for particulars write me. ' O. E. Full, 80 3 Pendleton, Or. STOCKMEN, FARMERS, EVERYBODY ! You Don't Expect Goods for Nothing! B TJT YOU DO WANT LOW PRICES groceries and supplies ; yon want sub stantial gents' furnishings. Yon oan find what you want at T. R. Howard's MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED I ID. Howard Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. THE Ml OF BREWING. Was Perfected by the Production of Those who desire to build should not forget tbal C. E. Ranous, tbe con tractor, is ready to make estimates at any time. GUtt And now the entire world Knows this verfect vroduct As the Star Brewery beer Did you know (but E. W. Iibea A Oa. are oooopyiug five turif s as much floor spaoe ss formerly? It's a faot. And our stock fills this extra spaoe, too. Tbls is alto a faot. 801 Mrs. A. O. Teal, of Lower light kills, Is 111. The bl Brers mill at Penillntnn burned rrs- tfirdar tnornlnf at an earl bour. Loss iao,Uuu; Insurance ,uuu. J. M. tlatrr hat turrhd th Hennner Out. nttlns Co.'s sUx-t and tin snm to Han Fnn- rlsro for nw goods. He will rarry a lares suirk ol foneral nerrhandls and In this the (iaulta wlilm him sucrnai. Mr. MrFarlaml, the retiring merchant, also baa the Oaxetta'l lood will and bnt wtshee. Hood' Brat to take aftr diruwr; sjs prevrtit distress, aid difra- Ut I I tf Ik, eurs coast Ipatlon. I I I rnnlf . 4n trip sv m caM tola- SoM hj all tnvflm mils. frr4 emir kf C. L HooS 0 Lew It, Maaa, Tbsro will bs a colt show to Hspposr Oct. 2. Tboes bsviog good colts srs re quested to bring tbsm lo Willis Btc srt's llvsry bars Id Heppner oa lbs data abovo-asinsd. Compsteol and impar tial jadges wilt decide. 81-4 BISHOP SCOTT ACADEMY. A Boarding and Day School for Boys Under Military Discipline. Tie 20th fAaronrisr the praeent manaxiimont twirins tfcipt. 14, 1W7. this institution is Itiorauiihly i"uiil lor lh mriilal, soul I, phvaiuil ami moral training of boya- Tliortnuch miarnt on for any rollcg or rinntlho achool. Om.tiMta at iirawnl In Halo, Wat Point, MaMuuiho-M-lt Irrtitnte of Tnchnoloa-y, hlala L'niveraituw of California, Mmtroti, l'"iiylvania, Stanford anil MoUill. During vacation vlitor walooma from H In li a m. For rataioinia and oilier information, atilrrai tha 1'rinrii), J. W. HILL, U. D., 1'ortlaud, Oregon, f. O drawnr 17. Sl-rMit. II. (C r r. As a. lO BStiRESSlVE mix I On draught at all popular saloons STAR BREWERY COMPANY, 203 Washington St., Portland, Or. BIG BIG CROPS PRICES GOOD TIES GULLY. Yoor wifs has stood by yoa faithfully in yoor adversity. Now, 1st ber share io yoor prosperity by baying ber a nsw sewing maohioe from O. 3PII0MI?S01V GO,, Nsw stook Jut! received. Prloes from f'25 to $60. inspect Ihslr lineo. Call aod sroKiNE fails mum NELSON 4 FORT SIIEPP1RD RED MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS Tba Only All-IUIt IW Wilbool Cbsnga of Cars Iltwao ripokans, floaalaod aod Nelsoo. Also ttetwaea NelatiO sal ImmIsoJ, dsily sicept Huadty : la. Arriv. i 4 . H..Una . I' II ill A al . . Ii.l I as r , H . IWI.I tutmm ... iBMI, ( .aa aar4i. at MaUua Hk WaaUMrs fo to. aaH all aur'nul ka taunt I'kii nm f.iadii kln aa. mt 4rf l M mmr al Narras iUt ataaa da. if .0 I lrf It horlhand Biiii (Ollfitrl:. You can Wager Your Sox that You are Always at Home at ... . THE T Welcome THE i SKMki 1.4 l r'-a iAjrrri-TfrrwriitTMy aivi 11 . nti.ni, .f la.Ua b, tta.al uf M.a li.i. aaialMlinM taw la lr'.a. M.nilhlf a-.. J i4 l l-ialtloa tmmif lr mk, InrUm al( ft-l'ia 1 mmt4 aa. k y. lt, Imu.ii.ihu o.i-u. pVi LliWast ft Do You V.mt a Ritf ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team? Arc You in Need of a Saddle I Iorsc ? Alt tlifso caa n jTocured at 1unx)mm k Hious, Ixiwcr Main Htrcft, "Ibaa rnllma ara wmW arnar'tMl alia 'Iraot. Hrnr. Crrwk. nilMam snd oilier rrtiilU an1 raa as awinaf and Urn la aakliS thm s;ltout ailh Iraiallnf aiu. frkaa la kalu la UtS Untaa. THOMPSON & I If .II rt ra'i- Oo Ualo Htrset, lo Cify DoUl Daildlnff. BEST WET GOODS in the MARKET. Tbey try to please all. Fins olub rooms lo eooosctloo. IOW TirVIO, Prop. FRANK BOO EOS I. i. POICBTS Rogers & Roberts, Contractors aod Buildert.- Flans and Estimates Given on Snort Notice. All Kinds of Repair Work Done OFFICE HOUKS-Day and Night Leave your orders "Any Old. I'lace" and Ron. or Jim will cct 'em. o o o o o o o BOOTS AND SHOES' TMf PLACC TO OITTMIM f f H kat aar'riliif la this Una llal fnu ar Aaalre ami fim ra dtpaad oa II ro l4 a lo-l aill. I Ma4 tuarauia,, L ' SHOES IN ALL THE LATP3T STYLES. OI.J &nf Main ?wtt, plrtnf tf Vif