Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 21, 1897, Image 2

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The papers all over the country
are agitatiDg the "savings bank"
question, contending that their
establishment would result in
much good. The Gazette would
be very remiss, as well as entirely
out of fashion, if it did sot fall
into line and give its mite towards
the good cause.
Man is largely swayed and con
trolled by the influence of exam
ple, and this characteristic of hu
man nature makes the postal sav
ings bank a benefit and a blessing.
One of these banks being started
in a community, the thrifty few
begin at once to make deposits.
Their example stimulates others
to thrift and economy, and thus
the benefits are soon carried into
a large portion of the homes.
Eight per cent of the depositors
in savings banks are in New Eng
land and New York. Some BO-
Most people in our state have
heard that Hon. T. T. Qeer has count for this preponderance by
declined the office of register of saying that the people there are
the Oregon City land office, or more economical and thrifty than
rather, declined to be recommend- in other parts of the country. The
ed for the place, as his decision truth is that when the American
was made before his appointment character is reduced to its final
bv President McKinlev last Fri- analysis, it is found much the
day. It is presumed that he will same in the west as in the east.
allow the office to go to some other But even if it were true that the
person, thus becoming, in his esti- people of New England were thrift-
mation, a great republican martyr, ier than the people of the trans.
Most people and most newspapers Mississippi, that would be all the
have commented upon the action greater reason why means should
of the delegation in appointing be provided for the cultivation of
Mr. Geer to the office of register thrift in the newer sections of the
of the land office at Oregon City country.
when' he desired to be collector of Throughout the United States
customs for the port oE Tortland. mere were in io'jo but IU1 sav-
Some condemn the delegation ings banks. In Great Britian,
many are reserving their opinions where the population is only about
until later. half that of the United States,
The Gazette is of the opinion more than 10,000 postoffices re
that Mr. Geer is a very lucky man coive deposits as agencies of the
to have succeeded as well as he postal savings bank. In Belgium
has. Mr. Geer has been spoken of alone in 1895, 379,418 deposit
as a very great laborer for the books were issued to children.
party. "lis true. Yet last year It has been often said, and it is
before the June election when he true, that if the people of the
campaigned Eastern Oregon, and United States, with their superior
last fall when the weeping willow resources and indomitable energy
of the Waldo Ilills toured the tad the thrift of European nations,
state, he was not only paid his ex- they would soon be the richest
penses but money besides. lie people on the globe. It is then
made so great sacrifice for the the duty of statesmanship to pro
party at that time that calls for vide wise moans for the cultivation
any Bpecial favors. of the virtue of thrift. To this
Mr. Geer is a man who has few end there is no better influence
friends that he will tight for in than the postal savings bank. Ex
the little preliminary party ukirm- perience exery where has proved it,
ishoB. He prefers to sit on the The postal savings bank has been
fence. He is not a man who Will adopted by nearly every enlight
live or die, politically speaking, ened nation in the world. It is a
for a friend, unless that friend splendid snccoes. It is in no sense
happens to be Oeer. an experiment Opposition to it
Last wintor when Mr. Geer was is narrow, bolfish and unpatriotic,
sent back to Washington as ono and emanates either from icuor.
of the successful doctors to carry anco or a jealous fear in the minds
the election returns, as proscribed of capitalists that it would bring
by law, ho iutoudod to stay several opjwsition to them, lower the rate
provisions row in camp will Dot last
through the winter, and unless the
steamer, which was to have left about
the 10th of this mouth, lamia the pro
visions she oarries in time to set tliem
through, the hardships of the approtioh
ing wiuter are going to be something
(amble. There is nothing left at the
camp at the preaent time but bacon and
beaos. Fortunately there is lots of
game bo J many of the people are busy
hunting. The mining is all done in the
winter time. A great deal of money
changes bands in gambling. Oaa large
saloon and gambling house takes in on
an average $1,400 a day. Six other
saloons take in 8300 a day each. All
drinks and cigars are 50 oents.
The Canadian government will find
itself in trouble it it tries to take every
other claim. The people intend to fight
this proportion. This will not affoct
most of the people that went in early
last winter.
There are 5,000 people now on the
trail trying to get in. Doubtless many
of these will die on the road from
starvation, and a large number will be
come disheartened and turn back.
When be went into the oountry there
were 1G9 men, women and children on
the trail before him. Ha left twenty
dogs at Skaguay to be in readiness for
him upon his return and with them will
take a quantity of provieions over the
trail to the camp. From reports he esti
mates that there will be 25,000 people in
there the coming season.
There are no idle people in the camp.
Nor are there any petty laroeny gentry.
The laws, whioh have been made by the
miners, are very strict, as a consequence
there is little fear of depredations being
committed. It oau be positively said
that there are no bums in the oountry.
This is explained in the faot that suoh
people would not risk the hardships that
are to be endured in get ting into the
oountry even were it possible to bum a
subeistenoe during the tryiog journey.
Lumber is very soaroe in that oountry.
It cannot be bad at all without going
from 15 to 40 miles for it. It is a mis
taken idea that fish are plentiful. They are
not. A fish weighing five or six pounds
costs 85.
There is stored at the present time in
two stores as mnob gold as could be car
ried by two freight cars waiting to be
shipped out of the oountry but it will
uot bo brought out this year.
During the summer the people are
obliged to use gloves and oover their
faces and neoks with mosquito netting
to protect themselves from the gnats and
mosquitoes The lutter are so bad that
they at times stiug through buokskin
gloves. The enats are even worse than
the mosquitoes.
The news pertaining to that oountry
s greatly exaggerated by the press and
particularly by the Hun Franoisoo pa
pers. As an instance three men were in
terviewed by newspaper men upon their
arrival in the sound. They told the
scribe that they had $5000 among the
three of them. The papers came out
next day stating that they had returned
th $5000 each.
weeks. About that time the soua
toriai iigui uflcamo very warm.
His piofpsriod friend, John II
Mitchell, was etriving to be re.
elected. Mr. Geer runhod back
frantically without taking the va
cation that ho intended,
himself into the breach for the
purpose of helping T. T. (Jeer,
Why, his lightning rod was up so
high that it could be seen plainly
before ho left Washington. Mr.
Goer never went near the friend
that he claimed to think so much
of. Ho thought lightning might
strike him.
However, soino members of the
delegation were vory thankful to
Mr. Geor for past services, and
before they departed for Wanh
ington at least one member prom
iaod him support for tho Oregon
City land office. Later on his
clothes grow too small to tit him
of interest, aud afford the govern
mentof the United States and the
various states competition in the
sale of their bonds.
AltltOYA, who attempted to assas.
threw Liuate President Diaz, of Mexico,
ast week, was stabbed to death by
a mob. uiaz is a great favorite
with the Mexican pooplo.
V) sat a Keturnlnc Minor Maya of lbs Coaa
try-Kara Ha0rln( Will Ka.ue.
Leo Peterson, editor, msuaaer and
owner of Ilia Coramwroia Itoview."
printed in Portland, who was io the city
yesterday gleauing facta and figures re-
II aft.. I . . . ....
Kruiug wurai crop or umatiua
county, related a most interesting inter
view which be bad with a gentleman
who wm jail returning to his home at
Hillings, Moot , from the Klondike,
while riding on the trin between Uma
tilla and this city, says the Pendleton
Tribune. Mr. Petersuo failed to learn
and he put tip his persimmon pole Klondike's name but from biro
for a bigger place, a positiou that l,'ri"H"unr ,r ,ul 'bm country
man n uau rutieu irora an me new
w un,, j. jD, following are the principal
..:.. i- n... :. i ! . ..... .
iuh m mo vnnu inu luiuniuiug twu innsm or m mrorniaiion which was
per ceut is by all odds the Urget oouvyd lo Mr. IVterstfo: The retaro
tmrcotitauo for its Mtimatoil bizh. ,n" Aionaner iwrul tb train at
"In a . 1 1 L : . .
timn-rSMllv. tl.at Ih ,1 v...m. u.v.ug cm. ,uuln y ,n. way
" I - uf Hntikaaa. ! VI....
il!j ululit AIHIP BSW I..
tuia HI'"" ""l "". 1,11k. mitllilr In M.rol. U.I I...I
, . . ... . ., ( . VM. U U ,11 1
n, i ......I.. .. ... ... . ....
juu unf.i no pjM-reaa iui linen l lunaioiy man b niiaies la Dot taking
ami no ono cUo when it says that UP "7 olaims He started Io lb saloon
Mr. Goer is very fortunate to gt tium m . U
. . n. . n..- "n or noma n Dougui an lo
, , ... ., .. , , ' wret Io valuable claim and Mjwols to
uiuuu. i rum win Bmuu4Hiiui ,,Jt aometutnn big from the i.rotrt..
01 party services and that or UD-1 The whole Klondike river is takd
dt ing fealty to friend, Mr. Geer out on both bauks fur Uwity miles, but
has many auiorinra ho have and 'm ,oJ cUI,M '!
-ill ..V l....r. ..t II... I ,..., .1..t.. "" river, lie i.m miae.1
gatloiiv. huh will havd to b re- tl.lU bul never, Io all b.e travels, saw
Iuhihl Uellier alt. lieer accept anything rich as the Klondike
or not, i a small matter to the k'try.
people of Oregon. Tbero are "'! r bigh. He paid
..!.... ..r ,..1 ....... it... . 'or f10 ' tenderloin of moose
IIm Many Honee,
I'rohably the empress of Austri
epnda more than any otlicr womai
In Kurope on horses for her own riding
A reully first-class hunter command
nlnioat any price the owner likes to aal
for it, but k"t it once heeitate at a feno
or Hhow signs of tempor and it Is nevei
ridden afrain by hcrmajenty. When th
empreas is hunting' and th meet hap
w-ns to be from her residence she gen
(rally drives to within ashortdistano
of it in a brougham, wearing ordlnarj
carriage nttire. With her majesty an
two Indie in waiting, whoee duty I
it. to aee thnt everything required f
the rniprea' wear on. hor'ba'k li
brought by the clreoarra, who follow
ai nnot her ourringe. The coachman hat
orders to drive up to any genUeman'i
iioiiHO which hoppens to be In the neigh
borhood of the uiert, when the footmai
alights and requeU that a room ma;
be placed at her majesty's disponal t
drewi In. Naturally a good many peo
pie have Wen somew hat taken oba l
at thus Ix'ing eiuldenly asked to ac
romm(lot an imperlul guest, and thh
wad reiieohilly the caoe In Ireland whet
the PinprcHS wan hunting there fev
years ago, for they were not aceus
tomed to suoh an honor. However, ht
did there a alie always did at home.
ChU-ago New.s. (
Advertisement does not Appear to
tell you about a Bankrupt
or Closing Out Sale.
Are Not Doing tlxnt Kind of Business.
rE shall tell you about a brand new, bright, clem stock of goods that will be disposed of at live-and let-live figures. So here goes. Your attention is
direoted first of all to our elegant display of LadieV, Misses, and Children's wraps. For elegance of workmanship and material tbey can't be beat in
the city, all olaims to the oootrary notwithstanding. Observe display in front window 1
Boys' and Youths' Clothing,
Men's Clothing and Furnistyog Goods.
IN the above lines we are easily the leaders. This is getting to be an acknowledged faot, and the reason of it is that we handle what the people want
at reasonable prioes. This season our stock in these lines is larger than ever.
'HIS department of our
anything in this line?
store has
We have
been greatly enlarged and we have added a stock aeoond to none in the oity. Do yon want
A COMPLETE STOCK. The latest patterns and etyles are represented. We bave a surprise in 25 cent
grades. Come and see. Oar stook has been greatly enlarged and made complete in all departments, The
addition of more store-room now enables ns to oompete with any house in the oity, and this we expect to do.
We invite the publio to call, see our goods and get our prioes. We bave no shelf-worn goods to show you, as we
. bave made a complete clean-up of old stock during the summer. Your patronage is soliolted.
E. W. RHEA & CO.,
First Nat'l Bank Building,
Heppner, Oregon.
Y5r Caxwflx
ELY'S CHEAM BAT.M Is ponHlveenre.
Apply into Ui DMtiilB. it l quickly hiorlil. M
eonta t Drnirsim. or by annil : mmple. Kir. hy mill.
KLY 11HOT1IKH8. 60 Vi iirrco bu. New Yorli t'lir.
Jnat Think or It
Only one fare for the round trip from
any point on the lines of the Southern
FaoiHo to attend the greatest state fair
ever hell in Oregon. Opens September
30, closes October 8, 1807.
Every department and building will
be filled with the ohoioe.t txt Ibits and
displays possible to be soeu. Every
show ring will be graced by the finest
types of the various breeds of animals.
On the raoe track anJ io the amune
ment park, trotting, pciug, hurdle
jumping, novelties, special, saddle and
harness olaHsei. New features and
new attractions. A r.ch program for
every day and evening. Only one fare
for the round tnp. Popular adinieoioa
of 25 vents.
Timber Culture Final Proof.
United 'Btatks Land Offk K.
The Dailen. Oregon. Kept, 13th. 1H97.
O. Keithlv. of Hard man. Oregon, ha. nlef
notice o( Intention to make final proof befora
t. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at hi. office In
Henoner. Oregon, on Monday, the Kth day of
October, 1W7. on timber culture application No.
Vil, for the N K of .action no. li, in town.nip
No 4 aouth, ratine No, 24 eatt.
He nnmiii u witneuea: Frank Moreland,
Jamea 11. Allen, Eil Moreland, and Oacar Keltb.
ly, all of lUnlmau, Oregon.
ilAo. r. jviv;ic,
79-90 MeKlater.
Commencing Sept. 22 and oontinoiDg
until Oct. 1, Inolnsive, we will sell ronnd
trip tickets to Portland and return at
one fare for the rourd tnp. Tickets ex
pire Oot. 3J. This is for" the manu
facturers' fair. The admission to the
fair is free. J. O. Hart, Agent
Bottled Up!
Due of tlii'tii will t it.
Cit.r AT llulTAlN fa Laving a Uot
tuna with lirr rll sul'j octal io
not much biggr tbaa bis baoJ, and
l.'jtl tor l rolUte of tuv. m
aliul impoMibl to live there f Im
than II Ik) per day. The wag are,
lulnere, I3 a day; fur ordtsary laboring
The pwpU are poUitrf up with all
kinds uf bardhli in that oourtrv.
"My boy earn bom from sobool one
day with his band badly lasoerated aud
bleeding, and suffering great pain," says
Mr. E. 3. Schall, with Meyer 13 rot
Drng Co., HI Louis, Mo. "I dreaaed
the wound, and applied CbaiuberUiu'e
Pain Balm freely. All pain ceased and
In a remarkably abort time it healed
without leaving a scar. For onnd,
prains, swellings and rbenmetiam
Whether in the form of rill nowdet 1 M B0 "dioln or preecrip
or li(nd. the doctor's preacription lot lion equal lo it. I consider it a boon-
1-io.Hi uiara.es la always the same- bold necessity.' Thi 23 and 60 Oeol
...crcury or pma.n. i nrac drugs tH,ttlt .. . ,r .... i)t CMUt. l nrMk ,
np inn MiiMtn ana nry it up in thr
yicm, lut they al.i tiry np the marrow
in the bones at the same time.
The euppleno and elaaticitv of the
uiii r. in if a it n li t linn l nil i nir w
ml ty virtu, ul an in'iilmn ami on-t
rrulrl iMiinl nut n in. rlrrult enurt
nl Ihf (lata ul ir("ii tot III eoiiuly uf Murrnw,
ami hi in. ilirvruMl anil .rr.1, uiaui a
Jiiilami'til rvn.lrrp.1 anal enlvrwl III mI1 mtirt
nn tli. lh i'r of tVtlrmlr, Iw?, In lTor f
ihtrati Mri(a I iintHi, llmiUNl. a enr-
tirall.Mi, pUlnll ami Horoml l"l-ti ami
lla I'i.ii, hi. all., ilrlrmUuH fur Ih
rwot.ry nl ll. urn nl i.v ; tiihir with
Inlrraat thrrona fioia th. wh day of Hpirinlrr,
lnv;. al th. ral nl a pmt Mnl wr annum, and
l"r Hi. .ma ul I vi albirn.y. U-r, and for Ih.
lurtlior .ma ul V'l rita, and a nraa by aatd
lulirniriil t a a. oM.nsI and l)ul(l thai th
InlUialng dwrltiv.1 Ml (r..itl w-att: 1 h
.Hilti umI Quarter nl Ih nutti r. quarlvr.
and Hi. auuik halt ol Ih fcmlh at quarwr.
and Ih north rmi quarlvr nl Ih anulh atl
rv... 'iuaHr nl M-iina I., loa nalilp 4, ai.ulti ul ran.
1 II ..a. , 1 I JhouHnl Hlmll m.rlitiaa. all In Mnrn.a
II1. . u mercury I r.,ui,tr. Or-..ii. h auhl l aall.fy ald jud
iHHiir upuie rxuaon, I mni, r.u ami a.Truin ixwia. i am on
Hut It always lireakl Kalunlay. lb. d day ot U Mmt, IV;
hmiM ! r In H
(lie auppicnra anu eiaalicily 01 Itit
Joints give way to a atiflneaa, the rark- K0T1
Ing pains of rhcumalUm. The form ,Tiii
Rtmlually liends, the honra ache, whilt
ilrrrrpltuile and Iirlplraancas nrema-
turrly take poaarsaion of the hotly, and
it la but a short slrp to a pair ol
rrutihra. Then cornea failing ol
ttte bair am! decay ol the bonri, a con
anion truiv nnrrtble.
Contagions Blood
Poiaon the curat
of mankind is tb
moat horrible of all
uiaraaea, and hatal-
T. ways baffled the
i diM tnra.
. in in aval i
lorth ak'ain altark- alla'rl.-a at. nl aald day, al Ih. mttrt
f'ia. ! all Ih. tuht, nil and Inlvml n In.
illacaa. It is iuar-
' aaaaaajaaa- tnjrT( j,olt rgt
talil. aodonc thotiaand dollar rrwartf It
o lined for iroi to the eontrarv. It
never fail lo rare Cnnt.gtcn rvlixnl
ISitaon, .Vrolula, Hi nia. kheumatiam,
Cancer, or any other dixrax ul tht
Inir a. mi ildlrti. J1 1 Brww. Morn, eouniy
. i.Mt. Milall Ih. ri.ht. Iltl and lnlrl .
oikbb, iruentiy drl.iidama, Hrad l-fP" "d Una
the mouth and "rpn, d i.i th. iim riM irn.
throat, nlhtiffthrm ") ' p"',"" aucimn Ut th hi.t..i aud b
.... m., UIIIIIB lurm K,,!,,., l,.lln. 1. ruh la l..n.l Ih. i.nl.
tin eating aorra. ih.,. H, u ariiid m it. Mii.ia. n,n ,4 ..id
S.S.S., Is tht only .. utlua aud all enttaaad aTiuiniiww
k nown enrt loc tht u u u . .! K'
Patail tlM da v4 af t,, lan;. 1 )
A Klondike Book.
TheChicngo Record's book for Gold
Seekers is now ready. A reader of this
book will know more of Alaska aud the
wonderful Klondike district than he
could learo by months of personal
olervation and reaearon on the ground
In comparison with other works on the
snhj -ct.it Is tbe "Webster's Dictionary
of Alaska," a perfect and peerless
volume, at onoe the model and despair
of rival pnblisbere.
It tells uf the richest and most eilen-
S've gold nelde tbe world baa ever
known How tbey were discovered
FielJs yet nneiplored Ten years'
work already in sight Where is the
Mother Loiis? Tb fortune already
made The millinu to be taken ont
ueit year Qow to get them It. H. fare
and other ripenaee from all points
Medical Uinta Climate Official Maps
QovemojuDt reports 411 land aod
water routes Projected IUilroads Min
log laws-Oustoma. In brief, all thai is
known of tht wonderful loU of fabu
lou wealth. It is th only antbeutlo
practical book, official fnd eodorsed
About (100 pg, haudaomely bouod in
art oaova. Price, ll.M
Agent are wanted to handle Hi
valuable work. It I a ebano of I if
Km. Eipenenc is not necewsary, a
full InslrnotHiD are seat and tb whole
peopl are elamoring for th book. K
port I mm agent Ju.l started snow
wonderful snooes. Male mo a high
as 3D book an boor. Big commission
aod taloabl premiam r llod
Credit i given and fralght paid. It t
ao opportunity to gain a eompcWuee
io a short tun. Th book i not ld
tbrongh etor or newspaper. Com
pleta eaovamiiig onlflt will be maitad
for 'JO oehU, lamt. To placa wbr
w have no ageota a full copy ol tb
book will b evfit raatomef. prepaid, oo
reelt't of price. i
Addrra eiactly. UOXitOE 1M)K
CAOO. 67H. !
Vrtlf.u, f.. !. .11 al - ' '
. ' . ' . . tlng only ah at balf a diio ablit lo
rWDrleaus oU'.l l Otbcr jvlDll U,.a Tb people are kot pmpsrvd
IB tbatUlb. M tta) wlnUr. Jl i( ,uoB thai tb
1,1. kl II k.iu K... a l.l.vl ,1 .....
may ar nearly mi living lo lent, tber take a rewedv whu h will not tnlure yon.
Htwai ol tiieicuiy; don't da violenc
to tour ayatem. lHn't get bottled apt
Our book s sent free lo any aUdjca.
Saiit S;cita C., AU0U, Ca.
Mary ftoftatttaav
It was In tit 8um1avrbwd riajta.
"What U o wine hibhrrr Mk.Nl tb
W of th Utile Iota.
I wentliiil Mary's bap.!.
"Welt, Mary r
"( flck It la a man h.t dHnka win
if bib on ai'a he arou't .poll bis Die
i,J.c.--4TKvUB4 lUia IXtlet.
AMES M. HAGER, Merchant
May Street, Herreo Building.
Dr. John W. Koran, of tb IWdlwM, 1
ha krg bear on draught llu Hop '
Ould IWt i f Ihiiioi and etc a' io
stook. If '
Eastern Oregon
State Normal School
Weston. Orcoon.
LoraUd oo lb O. R. A N. lUilway
miaway miwmo I'ndMnn and
Walls Wall. fSindtot admitted ol
all time of lb year.
First-Class Training School for Tcachc
Total aod IotntoetJ Moat Uo.ht
by oomtwaMil iMttrnetor. A era.),
a of lb Doatoo OoBaarvalory baa
ebargo nf lb lnslromnU depart-nieot.
Tlio InclIoN' IJonrdlii Hem
It thorangbly Kiairr-d aod Bn i.
olle I anwmioxMjalioo at reaaooald
rale. Hand for tafalogna.
A..., M O. lOYAL, ealt of fM.M, , p A wfli
TON. eUnr Be4 of t..ni.. 0"TMINO.
' ..wn, wr.
AT TlttC.
?iTi-TarrriaTiiY nt attivg
" (nlonwa a laia. a !.! M Mini (
i't, aaia.itanaa aua in i ria tn.iaiy
a ill r4 .i.iw Ivaiiina i--l y. Mi.r
i" l!iw a.1 MnaM tiiw4 wtili a)
tb PvsubaiB Way. UlN Y ibMat"
mti, from $1t Uo.
aU, teoen tS.60 U.