Portland Library SOTKt PAPER OFFICIAL FIFTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPT. 21. 1897. NO. 581 .w rr SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. rUHH8HD '.' Tuesdays and Fridays BY j L - THE PATTERSON PtJBlisHiNS COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON. Editor and Bus. Man. At f9.60 per year, $1.25 for six months, 75 Ota. tor three moncns, atriotly in advanoe. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. THIS PAPKB ia kept on file at E. G. Dake'e Advertising Agency, M and 86 Merchants Kxchanga, San Franoisoo, California, where oou raota for advertising oan be made for it. 0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD. Leaves Heppner Jnnotion 8:40 a, Tram leaves Heppner 11 p. m. daily e: Bnnday arriving at Heppner Jnnotion 1:30 a. m exoept Wa.m. and ar- Going East? IP YOU ARE, DO NOT FORGET The Lancashire Insurance Co. - OP MANCHBSTBR) BNOlrAND OTIS PATTERSON, AGENT. . oo q tt, Bet World Three Important Points- riven at HenDner 6:10 a. m t Spokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:45 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Jnnotion 8:15 p. m. and Umatilla 9:15 p. m. Portland Express No. 8. from Spokane, arrives at Umatilla 5:05 a. m. and Heppn r Junction 6:10 a. m. aud ar ives at Portland 11:45 a. m. Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9 p. m. and ar rives at Heppner Jnnotion 1:80 a. m. and at Umatilla 4:40 a. m. Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umati'la 12:40 p. m. and arrives at Meppner Junction 1:47 a, m. and at Portland 7 :CC a. m. For further Information inquire of J. C. Hart, Agent O. B 4 N., Heppner, Ore. OmCI-Xi DIHECTOET. United States Official!. Ptejident William McKinley Vine-Vresldent Garret A. Hobart Secretary of State John Sherman oeorntaryof Treasnry Lyman J. Gage Seorntary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss Secretary of War Bunnell A. Alger Secretary of Navy John D. Long Postmaster-General James A. Gary Attorney-General Joseph McKenna Seoretary f Agriculture James Wilson State of Oregon. Governor W. P. Lord Heoretaryof State H. K. Kinoaid Treasurer Phil. Hetsohan Bopt. Publio Instruction G. M. Irwin Attorney General C, M. Idleman " . (G. W.MoBride oenatora J J H Mitchell J Ringer Hermann Congreasmen 1 W. R. Ellis Printer W. H. Leeds f R. B. Bean, JnrWae IV. k. Moore. C. E. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District Riranit Judge Stephen . Lowell I'roeecutiug Attorney H. J. Bean Morrow County OOieials, Joint Senator... ... - Ilepresentative. (!onnty Jndge A, ' Oommissionere J. W. Beokett. " Olerk ' Sheriff " Treasurer.. FIRSTGo via. St Paul be cause the Hues to that point will afford you the very best service. . SECOND See that the coupon beyond St. Paul reads via. the Wisconsin . Central because that line makes close connections with all the trans-continental lines en tering the Union Depot there, and its service is nrst-class in every particular. THIRD For information, call on your neighbor and friend the nearest ticket agent and ask for a ticket reading via. the'; Wisoon sin portrait, of ereat Americans Central lines, or address McClure's Magazine For 1897 SEVEN GREAT SERIALS Jas. C. Pond, Qen. Pas. Agt., Milwaukee, Wis. or Geo. 8. Batty, -General Agent, 246 Stark St.. Portland Or. A New Life' of 6rant by Hamlin Garland. The first authoritative and adequate Life of Grant ever published. (Begins In December.) Rudy&rd Klpllng'l first American serial, "Captains Courageous." (Begun in November.) Robert Louis Stevenson's "St. Ives." The only novel of Stevenson's still unpublished (Begins In May.) Charles A. Dana. "Recollections of War Time." Mr. Dana was for three of the moBt critical years of the Civil War practically a member of Lincoln's Cabinet, and is probably better fitted than any other man living to give an authoritative histoiy of this period from his recollections and correspondence. Manv of them unpublished. In connection with this series of portraits It is intended to publirh special biographical studies under the general title of MAKCita ur thb union irom Washington to Lincoln. Pictures of Palestine. Stories of Adventure. Specially taken under the editor's direction. A serial by CONAN DOYLE, in which he will use his extraordinary H. W. Fall, PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO, ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. & Q., C M. & St. P., C. & A., P. Ft. W. & C, and the C St. L. & P. Railroads. RATES a.OO PKH DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton St., CUXCsVOrO. ZZjXu WRITERS talent for mvsterv and lneenultv which have, in the "Sherlock Holmes" stories, given him a place beside Poe aud Gaborlau. TEN FAMOUS r 1 XT Hf . T 1 TU .11 L ..H .1... V, til i. - A . ., .V. , . .Ith AAnnfnn iUnifUAMiU. , Ail ,UO UUbiUU I1UBI1 HO Will VV 1 1 bC U U 1 1 11K tillO UUlUlllg fCnij m.U ,IIC .MjUCMUII of two contributions to another publication which were engaged from him long ago, will appear in MCULURE 8 MAGAZINE. JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS. A series of new animal stories in the same field as the "Brer Rabbit" and tbe "Little Mr. Thimbleflnger" stories. RUDYARD KIPLING. Besides "Captains Courageous." Kipling will contribute to McCLOax's all of the short stories he will write during the coming year. OCTAVE THANET is preparing for the Maoazini a series of short stories In which the same nKaMntAM n- til n - .,1,1..,...,. V, ill W A.nl. 1 (....I, t iiiiitiau;iD ii ... nxi, nivuuuju touu irm uo uuuificra in ibooii. i Robert Barr Clark Russell STOCK BRANDS. Anthony Hop " Brt Hart Frank R. Stockton Stan I ay Weyman will all have stories in McClubk's for the coming year. These are only a small fraction of the great and important features of McCmjrs's Maqaziki for l7, tne subscription pnee of which is only One Dollar a Year The now volume begins with November, Subscriptions should start with this number. The S. S. McClure Co., New York. While yon aeep yonr subscription paid np yea I oan keep your brand in free of charge. Bora. P. O.. Heppner. Or .-.Horses. P B on left snomaer; came, same on ierx nip. Cook, A. J.,Lena,Or. Horses, 90on rightshonl orop oft left and split in right. der; Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark square I G Hnrveyor.. Bohool Sup't.. A, W. Gowan . J. N. Brown . Bartholomew . J.B. Howard ..J. W. Morrow .E. L. Matlock . Frank Gilliam ...A. C PetteyS .. J. W. Hornor Jay W. Shipley ..ti.V. Vsugtian ' Coroner tDHii fnv. nermann. u - . . . Thos. Morgan n....nilVnan"!l Geo. Conner, Frank mil..,. Arthur Minor. E. J. blooam, U. . L. lvl T U Uimnna uzzszrr. .. ..t...w. a, Richardson Trewnrer lK"ii",!J. u A. A. Boberts Precinct OfBoerr. .i.. .v.. e , W. K. Richardson ?r.,.hT:":' ........ ..n. b. wheuton. United States Land Officers. fill, n i T .1 WM ql a as a atfiB na. B.F, Wilson !fi?I J. H. Bobbins. .Beoeiver Bzoitvr soci-ariEsi. HAWUN8 POST, NO. IL O.A.B. .( InnHKi. Or., the last Hatorday of rt month. All veterans r Invited to Join. n Ml 14.ll, . C. M. FDUDA. Arflnlant. tf Command-. Domrlaas. W. M.. Galloway. Or. Cattle. B D on I right side, swailow-fork in eaoh ear; horses, B D I on lert nip. Ely. Bros.. Douglas, Or. Horses branded ELI on left shoulder, cattle same on left hip. hole I in right ear. Florence. L. A Heppner, Or. Cattle. LF on right hip; horses, F with bar onder on right shoulder. Jones. Harrv. HeDnner. Or. Horses branded rf J on the left shoulder: cattle branded J on right hip, also nnderbit in left ear. Range In morrow eonntr. Johnson. Felix. Lsna. Or. Horses. eimleT on left stifle; eattle, same on right hip, ander half Drop in n"t urn split A lert Rennr. Mike. Heppner. Or. Horses branded KNK on lefthiD oattle same and eroo off left I ear; under slope oo the right Lenhe. J. W. Heooner Or. -Horses branded L and A on left shoulder; oettle same on left I hip, wattle over right eye, three slits in right I ear. Minor. Osoar. Meppner. nr. ttle. M D on I right hip; horse. M on left Morgan, 8. N., Heppner, Or. Horses, M ) on lert snoniaei oaute same on len nip. Oshnrn. J. W.. Donalas. Or.: horses O on let shoulder; cattle same on rignt hip. Parker ft Gleason. Hard man.Or. Horses IP on left shoulder. Pioer. J. H.. Leiinatiin. Or. Honaa. IK eon. Beoted otileft ahulier; eatuo, same on lef hip. I under bit In eaon ear. tUntnr. J. W., Meppner. Or. Horeas. JO ot leftshoolder. Cattle, 0 right hip. P perry, K. G- Heppner. Or. Cattle W C left hip, empeff right and nnderbit In left year, dewlap; horses n von iri anoniuer. A Campaign Of Education How to Get It (Ttr A A -For 4) J.UU Milium UNPARALLELED mi l li l l IT B left shoulder: settle. 2 on left shonlder. . I I Turner K. W. Heppner. Or. ftmall eapltal T I rir P R MfSWOrClS. lft sh.mlder.horM.; oattle same oo left hip w,. . v. i wiin split in Doto ears. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Offloa in tbe Ciy Drug Store, nesr City Hotel. D.J. McFaul, M. D. UEPPNER, OREQON. Offloe hours, 8 to 10 . m., and 13 H 2 p. m , at reidoc, Mrs. il. W lob's nennart. and 10 to 12. S. ID . tO 2 tO 5 p. m., at offlos in lbs rear of Borg't Jewelry store. First National Bank IIEFFNER . Praaldant Vloe President Cashier Aea't Caahler Watten burger. W. J.. Galloway. Or.i homes quarter eirrle JW on right shoulder; cattle I quarter circle J W on right hip and right sirte. crop and hole in left ear. Bange in Morrow ana L mauila eounuea. Notice 0 Intention. Lako Orru b at La 0 bauds, Oaaoow, it..,.. 17 i imtrl OTK'K IS BEhUBY GIVEN THAT TUB lollowln named settler has filed notice of I his liiteutUm to make final proof In support of te maae OK vis: To be educated one must read the best literature. Tbe best literature Is expensive. Leslie's Illustrated Weekly. PubHsned at 110 Fifth Avenue, New York, Is full of the best things Its Illustrations are superb; Its stories charming; and its literary departments are edited with con summate skill. Such a paper li a great popular educator. It should be In every home, " The subscription price of Leslie's Is H pe nniiin. We make the unparalleled offer of a copy of Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi Weekly one year for only $5.00. No such offer was ever made before. No such offer will ever be made V again. These two papers make a most acceptable Christmas or birthday Q gift, and will be constant reminders of the giver's kindness p Remit by postal order or check to the -e' Heppner, Orotron. W CHANCES OF LIFE OF OLD MEN. Science Bays Age la No More a Disease Than Childhood. Dr. Adolph Bloch read a paper the other day before the Paris Society of Anthropology, in which he ridiculed the theory that old age ia a disease, con tending that it is no more a disease than childhood- With precautions an old man w no more exposed to maladies than Is a younger man, provided he has not taxed his strength too heavily. It is difficult to say at what period of life old age arrives. There are many causes that bring; on precocious sen ility. Sometimes one man is very old at 30, and another presents all the attrib utes of a second youth at 60. It is more logical to describe old age as tha t period in life during which a man dies natural ly, if he does not succumb to a malady or an accident. Very few old men, as a matter of fact, die of disease, however strange this may appear. A great many of them drop off. from simple exhaus tion, without leaving the least trace of any malady. No doubt, there are mala dies that attack old men, such, for in stance, as congestion of the brainy in flammation of the lungs, and arteriul atheroma, that is to say, a degree of thickness, more marked in the tunics of the arteries, which become as solid and brittle as pipestems. Many deaths ot ld people are attributed to these causes, but we must not forget that they do not suffice to explain all. Bichat came nearer the truth whea he said that we die in detail, and continue to die until the day when we quit this earthly scene altogether. Dr. Bloch shares the ideas of Bichat, and he cites statistics to prove that they are not wrong. He secured from M. Jacques Bertillon the Parisian record of the deaths from senility of both men and women during a period of 11 years, taking the age of 60 as the average. From these figures it appears that mor tality among old people is greatest be tween the ages of 80 and 85, while it diminishes suddenly from the 90th year. That is to say, the malady takes a light er hold upon an old person who has reached that age and passed the critical period named above. In other words, an old person who reaches 00 without accident has a good chance of becoming a centenarian and dying of old age only, The deaths of old people in whom no disease can be discovered are always put down In statistics under the name of senile debility, senile exhaustion, senile cachexy, and senility. Now, the natural death through senility is not known, according to Dr. Bloch. It has some times been noticed among old people in the hospital of Sainte-Perine, but the anatomical examination In most cases revealed no defect, and it was natural to come to theconcluslon that death was due to progressive weakness. Mortality among the old is variable, according to the periods of the year. It is highest during the winter months, without at all being assisted by pneu lnonia. It Is also variable according to localities, as can be proved by consult ing the statistics of the departments of France. There are some regions where men live longer than they do In others. For instance, Yonne and 0 iron do are particularly favored in tbla matter. ilow this is nobody con tell, but it ia a fuct duly observed. J. Y. Sun. Everybody Says So. Oasoarets Oaodj Oatbartio, the most wonder ful medical discovery of .the age, pleasant and refreshing to the taste, abt gently and positively on tbe kidnejs liver and bowels, cleansing tbe entire system, dispel colds, oure headaohes, fever, babitnal oonstipation and bil iousness. Please bay and try a box of 0. 0. 0. today; 10, 52, 50 cents. Sold and guaranteed to care by all drnggists. U BakiiiG joe xoung, "rreDon Joe, wbo was recently released from tbe penitentiary at Walla Walla, is now a member of tbe salvation army at Walla Walla. FOVDEn Absolutely Pure ine aontnern racmo railroad company , : A BAD ACCIDENT. has decided to sell tiokets from all i stations on its lines in Oregon, at one oha Carter, of Long Creek, Hurt on Big fate for the round' Hp. In view of the fact Wall Creek Hill. ' f . that our people have been favored with Yesterday while going down Big Wall abundant orops, it is confidently expect- oreek hill, on the Long Creek road, John " ed that the state fair at Salem will have Carter, a freighter from Long Oreek, met better attendance tban ever before, I with a severe accident. One of the front and in order to give all an opportunity to visit this great institution of whiob the people of tbe entire state have rea son to be proud, this popular line of railroads has rednoed tbe fare so as to enable all to see one of tbe grandest isplays ever exhibited at Salem. Tbe Fair open Sept. 30th sod closes Oct. 8th. B7U-H E and Mies Myrtle Wade, this county, were united in marriage Sunday evening last by Rev. F. L, Forbes, at bis reel deuce. Tbey will remain for a time in Pendleton, and then go to Idaho. They Are the "Mustard." Meadows & flatten, tbe pioneer blaok smiths, have made some elegant im provements in their establishment and added a large etook ot iron, horseshoes and other materials essential to tbe happiness of those who need qoiok t- pairs on their wagons, buggies or any kind of maohinery. They have ex tended their room so as to aooommodate everybody in the oonntry who is in need ot repairs. When yon want a borse shod, mnobine repaired, tire eel or any thing else in tbeir line, you will find Meadows k Hatten to be tbe boyi that oan do it and do it right In short order. tt COSTLY INSTRUMENTS. N1 WEEKLY The MONTHLY C. A. P.HCA. T. A.RHCA. GCO. W. Cori.cn, 8. W. SPCNCCtt, his clslro, and that said proof will before County Clerk. Morrow County, Oregon, at Heppner, uregoo, on oi l. sum, isV7, ' SAMUEL L. WILSON, H . R. No. HTCO for the BWW HWi Hec. 77, MS NWend NWNE'iBw:, MTp. Is. a. 91, K. He names the follnwlnc wltneasee to prove nis I continuous resilience upon and cultivation of I sa d and. vis: F.llhue Trier. Mrwl w. sera- ley, David O. Justus, James D. Brown, ail oil Heppner, Orefon. B. r. w l isrr, tin Kctstr. Assignee' Trusaeta I General Banking Easiness. EXCHANGE On all parts of the world- Bought and Sold. gS Sate Of Accounts. Notes and Outlook Pukllsked Every Saturday 13 Astor Place New York CoUerUons made oa alt points en reasonable Terms. Surplus and andlvldsd ftoBU, lsl.WM.0O. Notice of Intention. t . tiwwtrm 1 l.i (iaistiB. OasooK. net Jnb. U"T. VOTH'I tfl fURFlT OlVlfW 1HAT THE X f,.!lnlnf nemed settler has Sled eoiwe mi ! inL-nii..n in make Snal em In eiiiirt J lika rl.ln. end thai aetd in III be ade afon i. W. Mom, lHit I'levk, at Uefpaer, Urr, o lrtol 4. law, vis: BKMRT VASMSHrooL. n. am. I"f the Vi V end MP ttttti and s a- nirimpi Heaanea the .Mi'ls uee Ills mnilnomia MHtn mi and iuliteilne) A L.. .ia una VlMDB. liafH fra'af, Ten ralineef4 lUih Titer, all at Ufpur, Ornim. wiljanl. nat Nottr Is hereby liven that the nndentaned easifneeot the eaUie ( tot Hna . lueolveut deliUira, still on ealiiMar Uie IMh flay o( (o lutwr, twi, at the rourt llniiae door In Hep- nr, Oregon, sell a the hltheat bl.Mer for nun ill uie feie ena a,-rounu o, sua in lata, remalnlne nnld on said data. mala fare value of sail nmea anl arnninta la Ii.Miuu.eaMl a full Instwuoa of aaote ran be ha.l at tbe ofl.fe of tills I'Ualps at any time belure said sale. Aasicnee of Cos Hros.. lueolvenl Debbira. The Ontlook will be lo 197, as it has been dnrlog eaoh of Us Iveoty seven years, a Uietory of Oor Owe Time. In its vsrioos editorial departments Tbe Ontlook fives a compact review ot tbe world's progress : il follows with care all lb important philanthropic and in dost rial movements of the day; bae NOTICE OF INTENTION. J AND OrWK AT THE DAI.I.KH. ORFOON, J Alls '2K. 1WI7. Noll, a la .arrl,v ulven ll,.l the followlna llainnt aettler haa nrit ni,llra( Ma Intention to niake riiial iroof In sntiport o ma riaim, aim llial Bi.in iinnil will Im) Biaile before J. W. Morrow. ConnU Clerk, at Uennner. m vi, wwjijer iw, vis: TKl'MAN B. KICIUKDiMlN. Rd f . No. Slot for lha N WW Km. t Tt, S B H it K W M. Ha names the lollowlr f wlt' eaars to prove ip ii,,,ii,iuoiia reainenraj i iki ann eiiiiivaiion ot aam land. 'Is: Thomas K. (Iraham, Andrei rrttrraon.'hoth of (mwelM-rrr, orefon, Myl- ranus Wrlfht and Andrew VirtKht, lmh ol tiKiit Mile, urexou, JAS. F. V'MiHrT. K-"7 Iteilator. SUMMONS. IN THK JfHTfrE COtTRT FOR THE hKCOND Ulairli t, KUle of Oreaon. lur Morrow Coua- Yh. Inakeep, I'lalntlff, complete department ot religious news; Tbe reg-nlar sobscnpfion prioe ot tbe I devote mnob spar to tbe inlereateol Ssimi-Weekly Oaaette to 12.60 and tbe I tbe borne; revieee oorreot liter ala re; rearnlar prioe of the Weekly Oregoniaa I fare tehee cheerful table-lalk about oiea to II. 60. Anyone eubecribiag for IU I end tbloge: end, in short, aims to give Oasette and paying for en year il freeb loformallon, original obaervatioo, Lam ftork stage avee Ueppnsr at t o'clock, a. tav, Toeleve, Tbur.lae, I )og h .tae will rake connrtiot) mixtt advance raa ga both tbe Oasette and Weekly Oregoniaa tor $3.60. All old sot- cnbers paying their inbecriDtione for one year ia advance will be entitled If the same lietinner to rndle'ro via II p peer' F.eba Htate Ldn. I'ereoae deeiroae of vtatliag I'eediatoo eaa save time and moaoy by taklog Ihvs tool. 11 T ae qaalnllng tbe scant the pravlnos even- and Ralardeye; arrtvee al elnek, p, as., Mondays. Wadatwlaye eed Prida;a. Will asake oonaecttnsj with branebtrala wbeti tfeeired. rare II. ah way Fralahl U ! tf pOWt'U i. II MWabmck. Trop. Offte at llsrry Warrae'l drtig store. t n'r lord train at rho for rndl4on. I Office et Oily lro( Btore. W. IK Lumo, Feottriaaar. and reasonable entertafnmeat. Beginning wlib the fifty fliflh volome, tbe pa;er will aasume tbe regular ssaga tine sii, which will add greatly te it eoutenianne and allrertivaoswe. The Onllonk to pnbli'lied every Halqnlay fifty two leeaee a year. Tbe first Issue la eaeh tnoeth ia an Illustrated Magaciae Noojbef. Ctalaining about twiro as ruasy page ae tbe ordinary iaeue, together with large number of pirtnree. Tbe prieeel The Outlook to tbree dwtlare a yesr la advance, or Ires Ibae a Walt. TbpeA rune stage bet ff mnaat aa,t ntafine&Mit. arrtvitiat arrarv day eic.pt Monday aad leevlag every d'7 day eseept fiaadajr. Hbotteet and ebeap-1 Head for a apimn Cipy eej il In "If el- tuihe down at the Jo see' barbae ebop, ' eel mot to the lei nor. rv i, feloeas, et. proepeotus to To Uotloor. 13 hv't saaeats. OrvUleJet Baneaer. U lN&i- ' FUe, New Totk Qitv, I. l Miller, Defendant. To I U. Miller, lha aliove named defendant In tlienaiaeof the hum of nn.iw V.hi are nerer.v reiiire ut Brar Iwlnre tbe unner alfned, a Joallre nf I he Vr, In eerolii Ma lik't lu aald eniintjr and auta, on lha t.'nd daf of (h'Uiber, lie7, at lha hour ol oneodo k In the aftornmiB of said day at my orhee In said 1l.tr li t b, answer lbs complaint ol 1, M ne keeelwanded iiimn an Inslrnmenl irfwrltlnr: and wbereluba dstuaixls I wanly xllara llJ'l won uiierem iroin Ma ia. Iwa). at the rale ol ia par rem per annua and II. r.ia and die luminal,! of Ibis aetlon Tb defrawlaiil will laaa iionre thai II ka una In answer the eon. plaint herein lbs elalntie Ml take luilsmeiil asamat aim Twenl Poller and Inb Ibereoa al tb raieot law twr eetrt ta anann. from May la, !"(, end rusts and dial. lira in. nl or una e Hon. fubliarMal bf order of r K JONVa intlUt ot lb Peer (or lb Herond M.lrVt Morrow eaxiniy, etaie of unn'M. lMId Nept. Milt. lm. V, mi TbeOasetie will lake Main, f plee, egye or bailor no itliaerptbro ervonnta. Any one owing Ib.e offlearea ewitle I hair erennote la Mm m.nnr and can't do it 'M Skxaj, Ia ami ns. II. A. Cutm, f .rmeftf f IVn lirloa, ba rptied op a 1& etit Wber elxrfi la in DM B'en,i n the MeiirtoK rorear. Work etmllf fleet e!ee. (Wll kim, 8U Tbe Oasettl bee m eobolerablp fof eale, good for one arjhool year at Biebop Ho'Ht Acajerby. lrop lo ted about Ills U yon be b- y U edaeaU. tt eavW ( the rieeee for Daad tse Ar Very Eipeaslve. The writer was recently acoorded the privilege of a pep Into the mutteum attached .to the factory of on of the hu'gest firms of brass instrument mak erg in London. Here are to be type, fac-almlles and models ot every kind of musical instrument that tbe mind of man ha ever devised. Invented or produced, says a correspondent. In the corner is a duplicate of what Is believed to be the urnst contly pro nation cornet ever produced. It was made to the order of the lute czar of Russia, and to ofanterling silver, richly graven with various device, among wblrb the arms of the Imperial house of Romanoff figuro ronaplcuotisly. Tlan whole of the oni anient at ion la of beaten gold filigree work, and the "bell of tbe fcstnmwnt Is thickly incruatnd with rubies and emerald. Its net valias Is a trifle over 2,000 guinea. The private band of th IUo of Cutrh cost originally 0OO, and renew nvmt of the Inxtmiiirnts every four or five years. TIm- tlgerakln urd by the Rao big dnirnmi-r. whVh was sent over here to be prepared sikI niounteal, vtaatak from an animal killed by his lilghhi-aa, and measured ovrr seven fret In length It Is lined throughout with heavy eon ed crlmaim silk, oi.'l the brute's eye are simulate! by a t ulr of big yellow dja momUs. Another vrry fine bend wa male three years eo to th order nf the let shah of 1'rntla, All the liwrtrumeuU were ol pure silver which. Iy the way, doe not give forth so good a aound a brass, braiile Wing far lielrr U handle Inlaid with gold. Tho total of thl bund de luxe was a trifle under 3.0"" gulnewa. A tery el Iff -rent bind ot lesrwt vtaa that made I tint year, by the aame Ann. for the MirnkUh Imliarta, a trit of aaiuf' living near Alert ly, In HrlUjdi f'oliiriilila. Tbe band t near ly all drum, at d the nKiitbplrsisof iba brass Inatrumt-nt ar t!jiieit vth In dia rubber, toobvlatc tbe Innonvenlenrwi of applying mHal lo the ia in a tem perature of some 30 or to degree t low sero. A curious order was rerelved a abort time ago from the emiror of Motorro, It ve fur aortsrWini for on tatnd. A the Inafrntnenta In fiieaim wer all In one key, it to protnkblw that they ri to be played In unlwm. The elTert upon an averagvi nan of ai Imrid rlsrloneie blown slmultanmualy would tar rret In blra a wild delr to take Vt the woods and laMwrti almrigln. Even to unaf In eurh an wr jnerrirg romblntea avis one's tympanuui eulTeting. for Vm Ariawem. Tbe IlopOold kag brt tU Wei oiae. On lo, ye tblrily Js.issos, and MS I be bo. tf wheels of tbe wagon broke down, throw ing Carter out, breaking one leg in several places and otherwise injuring ' him. I Tbe horses ran away, one break-: . ing its leg. One team is still oat with . the harness on, while the load ot mer- , ohandise for Murphy k Oooper osme in ' ' for its share ot the general wreckage.1 O. : Charles Sevey, ot Heppner, Two stoves were broken so badly ' as 10 be rendered worthless, while tbe whole load wm more or less damaged, Dr. Miracle was oalled from Long Oreek to attend Mr. Carter at Monu ment, where he had been taken after the ' aooident. The doctor had tbe patient ' removed to tbe letter's home, arriving ' there this morning. It will be a close ebave il the limb is saved. E. O.i J. H. Durham has returned from Heppner, where he reaided for sev eral months. Bomethlng to Depend oa. Mr. James Jones, ot tbe drag firm of Jones k Son, Oowden, Ills., in speaking ot Dr. King's New Discovery, ssys that last winter bis wire wse attaoked with La Orippe, and her oase grew so serious that pbysiolane at Cowden and Pant , could do nothing for ber. It seemed to ' develop into Hasty Consumption. Hav ing Dr. King's New Discovery in store, and selling lota of it, be took a bottle : borne, and to tbe surprise ot ell sbe be gan to gel better from first dose, and bait dosen dollar bottles oared her sound and well. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is guar anteed to do this good work. Try it. Free trial bottles at Oonsor & Brook's Drag Store. Stats or Ohio, Citt or Toledo) LtJOAS DOUrfTT. I Frank J. Cbsuoy makes oath that be Is tbe senior partner of the firm of F. J. (Jbeney ft (Jo., doing business lo tbe oitjr ot Toledo, county sod state aforesaid, and that said firm will pay tbe sum of One Hundred Dollars for each and every oase ot catarrh that cannot be oured by tbe nee ot Hall s Uatarrb (Jure. Fbark J. Chinky. Sworn to before me end subscribed in my presenoe, tbis Oth day of December, A. V. 1SH0. . . A. W. Qlbason, seal Notary l'nblio. Hall's Catarrh Cnre to taken Internally and aots directly on tbe blood and mu ooiis surfaces of tbe system. Bend for testimonials, free.. F. J. Cbeney A Co- Toledo, O, nTooId by druggists, 75a. Fste Carson, of Kalama, was stung by a yellow jaoket last Saturday, inside ot bis atomaab, asva tbe Bulletin. Carton wss eating dinner, bis month opened; Mr. Tellow Jaoket saw there was "an opening" and got on the "inside;" then tried to bore tbroogh to where be ooold see daylight. Carson said it was jaat like beiog blown op by dynamite while a brick boose is tailing on yoa. A doo- tor relieved bis sufferings by giving him something to make the yellow Jaok et tired. J. P. Looey and John Herbke, with Joe Filklos as a witness, mad proof oo tbeir ranches before Clerk Morrow yes terday . The -Uioyollat s Best Friend" to a familiar name for DeWltt'a Witch HsmI Reive, always rsady for emsrgencie. While a speciflo for piles, it also Instant ly relievea and enrea onts, bruises, salt rhenm, eczema and all affections of tbe skin. It never fails. For Bale by Cooser A Brook. e Frosi a Washlngtoa Uaa. "I was tronbled with beadaobe and biliousness and was very weak. On day I saw testimonials from people who bad beeo cored by Hood's Sarsaparilla and I deoiled to try il. Wbeo I bad taken tbree bottles tbe headache and stomach trouble bad all disappeared." Edward Melleodt, Brookflet J, Washing ton. Hood's Pills are tbe best after-dinner pills; assist dlgsstion; oars beedeoh 20 oeoto. Mrs. niodman, nee Miss Effls Grif fith, Is here from Baker City. Dr. McClalre left for Portland on last Saturday. lie will probably return to Heppner io Ibe near fotare. Te Care Coaatipatloa ferever. Take Cescarele Candy Cathartic lOo or Vto. It C. 0. 0. fall to oure, druggists refund money. tf It "eves the Crospy Child res. Beavlew, Vs. We bave splendid sale of Chamberlain's Cough Kerned, and oar customers oomiog from far and near, speak ot it io tbe highest terms. Msoy bsve said tbat tbeir ebildreo would have died ot eroop IfObamber- Iain's Cough Remedy bad aot bees gtven.-Kellem AOurren. The 39 and 00 ceot sizes tor sale by Cooser A Brook, The Heppner teachers made trip to the opal region, near Peter's Butte, Bat- orday, returning Sunday, Tetter, fUlt-llhewia and Roseto. TTa In avss Iti'li I 1 r u wiA at ma I n tf lt I , m I" eu mimw svimbsb aw' a a , , - d'titto thndleaje, to Instantly allayed by applying CbatnWlalire Eye and Kkia Ointment, Many very bad case have bawn permanently enrtMi by it. It to equally eflh knt fur Itching pile and favorite remedy for sure niptiie, chappad hands, chilbUlna, froat LIU ana thrtnilo sore eye. 33 ct. per Dox Dr. Cadi's UadilUn I'ewdi rs, are Inat what a horse ne-U when In bad condition. Tonic, blud tmrinrr and vermlfng. Thry ar not food bat mexlbin and tbe beat In tta to pot a I bora In prim ooodlilon. Irio li cent per pa kag. Tb grand lodge, K. of P., will meet lo Portland oo Ot t. II T.-M.: E.M. Bhutt, editor of the An telope Herald, arrived Ibis morning from Pennsylvania, where be baa beeo visit ing bis parents the past month. It yea bave ever eeeo o Utile child In a paroxysm ot boo plug oongh, or If yoa bsve beeo annoyed by o oonstanl tick ling In tbe throat, yoa tan appreciate tbe valneolOne Minote Congh Care, biob give qnl k relief. Rold by Con eer k Brock. CATARRH Ise LOCAL DISEASE sew la tk unit ef fjsTAv1rifi Aes)sSBa) tM 4tsAfl0tteB ll eaw kw re4 by a ei.aa.el M ad wk la avi'iaai a. imiy im im amrna. sva laf' k iy esiikit give Eiy'sCream Balm Is rnea1adad ta) be Oat baaall atana, l4 la H4 a Hay 1m et sal eiai4na, II ajaeaaadahaaiaa tbe aaly aiastia, S-aire aa e4 M.Samaau,a kwaw lb Sana, peaa e i tb aaaaawaa Iruea w4s, taaavra la 111 Ml ef . 4 Prte.S'w eilniswwkya.L, U.I kaUlaViXa, e vtsrrea , Ii rJ tWwBtt tMWS faf T-M : A letter received by friend from ei Recorder Phetpe, who recently went to Heppner, stetee Ibst he baa foood good baalneae opening and is well pleased wltb pro peels la Heppner. Mr. Phelpe bee formed o partnership wltb On fr man Elite, and the firm to nils A t'belpe, atloraeft at law. erklea e Arek aeJve. Tbe Best Halve la the world tor Cole, Ilrotoee, More, Ulcere, Bait Ilbenm, a. . at . rr . . t . I 1 , I - yevar norwe, teiver, vuapowii ii.hw, Chlll.latna.Cone, aad all Hale Kroe tione, eat p.Hlvlf rare Pile or ee pey repaired. Il to guaranteed to riv rtt4t satkafaotloe or moor rWuoded. PrleU eeoi pr boi. For sal by Cooser A Brock. . L, SI LET! Kg, l.lwr. I ETTEM Avr RTIsED AT HErrMB Ml Rob.rla.HI f M WakaSeid. Arthur. We. W. Ml. Ihsee Imh tlaaa say in , eepi M, lav'. fm.itherlr J an. a J, kt.i..nt. IfuntS. Preaaij, t. Wli,i faillef fwf 4'WH4.