s TO THIS GIVES TUX CHOICE Of Two Transcontinental; GREAT NORTHERN Ry VIA OREGON SHORT LINE. VIA Salt Lake DENVER Omaha and ; AMD- Chicago Kansas City Spokane MINNEAPOLIS St. Paul LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For (all details call on 0. R. 4 N Agent at Ueppner, cr address W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland. Obeqon, THK CKBONICIJC mti with Ifee frsalast aewspapers In tbe United states. THK CUHONICLK hM no equal en lha Pad So Cout It leads all In ability, ntrprlM and new. TUB CHKOXICLBS Telegraphic Reports are the latest and moat reliable, 1U local Newt the fullest and spiciest, and tu Editorials from Uie ablest pens In the country. THEOHAOIflCLK ha always been, and always will be, the friend and champion of the people a against combinations, clique, corporations, or oppressions of any kind. It will I la everything neutral In nothla DEVOID OF ANIMAL LIFE. A Ceaseless Straggle Between rir Water In Antarctic. The antarctic is a continental land unique in the world. Its desoiate shores, rarely approachable undermost favorable conditions, are laved by am ocean, the richest on the globe ill its marine life, animal and vegetable, says the Ladies Home Journal. Seals and whales in incredible numbers abound in its waters, and countless sea birds cover with nests and eggs the few fa vored land spots which are free from snow d urine the briefcomfortless sum mer. It is a continent where abounds no land animal life, either mammals, birds, insects, spiders or reptiles. No mammail exists within 600 miles of it borders. It is also devoid of land vege tation (except the lowest forms of cel lular tissue, lichens, which have beeu LOCAL 8QUIB3- J. B. Coe, representing J. K. Gill ft Co., is m to wo today. Lee Kilbourne and Clans Johnson were over from Goosberry Monday. WASTED BY WAB. Devastation of Cuba by the Con tending Armies. Back From the Grave We cannot come, but we can often stay our progress thither. Disease, like everything else, must have a begin ning. All chrooio maladies tend to shorten life, and render it a species of martyrdom while they last. Muluria, kindoey oomplaint, ohronio indigestion, rheumatism all have small beginnings, correspondent by Adolph W. Waldmann, Rain of the Tobaeeo Tr Ml Deetrmctlon of Haasei and Property of All Kinds. A special dispatch from Havana to the Evening World gives a detailed ac count of the devastation which has been wrought throughout the island of Cuba. It contains a statement made to the THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE, LDNG THOUBLKS AND CONSUMPTION CAN BE CUBED. Aa Eminent New York Chemist aid Scientist Hakes a Free Offer to Oar Headers. Jns, Cliques, corporations, or , . v,;.t;,. nnnroilnni n tn. kind It will ha lzuUumWnl fOUIKI in TWO U1WXDUU1VI, """'"5 er ferns, flowering plants, snruos nor trees. Here, however, nature displays her forces on a scale elsewhere unknown. Over the millions of square miles of this austral continent ceaselessly continues a titanic struggle between the opposing ancient elements of fire and water. In vain the volcanoes pour forth streams of molten lava and shoot upward pil lars of fire. Welcoming the lava as a protecting, non-conducting covering of its lower strata of flowing glaciers, the continental icecap resistlessly ad vances, certain that in time, when the processes of erosion have lowered the elevation of the volcanic craters, its countless, tiny snowflakes will quench the apparently unextinguishable fires that now shake from end to end the con tinent of Antarctica. quick: Tiivria i HfS and may be stayed at the outset with Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. This ex cellent tooio and alterative is adapted alike to the prevention of disorders of the system and their removal, and its early use cannot be too stroLgly advocated. To reoew appetite and insure tranquil rest, there is no surer nod pleassnter means thsn the Bitters. The effects of overwork and exhaustion, mental or physionl,' are oonnterActed by it, sod the busy mer chant, the tired clerk or operative, sad the brain weary stundent, author 01 newspaper man derive from it present relief and future energy. The Chronicle Building. JStin Fronoisoo And all point In California, Tie. the Mt. Hhasta route ot the Southern Pacific Co The nreat hierhwav thrunnh California to all polnte East and South. Grand Boenio Route ofthePaolfio Const. Pullman Buffet Weepers. Beoond-olaae Sleepers Attached to express trains, affording superior anunmtnndHtlnns for second -class nassnnffars. For rates, tickets, sleeping oar reservation, eto call npon or aiiareas R. KOKHLEtt, Manager, C. H.l MARKHAM, Gen. F. A P. Agt, Portland, Oregon HUE YOU GOING ERST ? If so, be sure and see that yonr ticket reads via He itbwesteni Line ....THK... CHICAGO, BT. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IS TUB Great Short Lir)e BUrwEEN DULUTIJ, St. TAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. THelr Magnificent Track, Peerless Vestlbtlled Dining and Hlct'iilng Car Trains, and Motto: "always on timk" has given this road a national reputation. All classes tit passengers carried on the vttstllmlt-d trains without eatre charge, Ship yonr (relxhl and travel over this famous Hue. All agents have tickets. W, II. MM AD, P. C. rHVAGK, lieu. Agent. Trav. P. Ai P. Agt. It In Washington HI., Portland, Or. CHICAGO iwaiKeB&sijPaiiiB'B This Railway Co. Operates its trains on the famous block system; Lights lis trains by eleolriolty throughout; Uses the celebrated electrio berth read ing lamp; Hans Speedily equipped peneetigur trains every day and night between HI. I'aul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago; the Chicaao. Milwaukee & St. Paul Also operate etaru-heatl vestibuled trains, carrying the lalrst private eompartrueot ears, library buffet stunk lug car, and palace drawing room sleepers. Parlor ears, free redlining chair oars. and the Very beat timing chair ear service. For lowest rates to any point in the United HI aloe or Canada, apply In egetil or addreee C. J. KMY. f W CKL'T 1 1. ....... I a ......I Si. v.a.i.a, rsaj".i, Trav. fast. Agent, l'ortlaud, Or, A CIRCULAR RAINBOW. A Singular Phenomenon Witnessed In the Mountains ot India. " One of those peculiar atmospheric phenomena, circular rainbows, was ob served in India by Lieut. W heelock about the middle of August, says the Chicago Journal. Mr. Wheelock was climbing a mountain spur at sunrise. The atmosphere was clear, but there was a heavy log hanging over the val leys. As the sun rose a rainbow, round as a circus ring, was seem in the fog which all but obscured one of the beau tiful lakes which are so common in India. Mr.' Wheelock is a trained meteorologist, and was not at all aston ished to see a circular rainbow, know ing, as he did, the conditions under which it was found. But what attracted his attention in particular was the presence of a bright spot in the exact center of the circular "bow." This spot was so intensely luminous that the observer thought it might be a bush fire some distance away, but this supposi tion was soon dispelled by further de velopments. Slowly and regularly, and n uf niuv 4hi hrin-ht pen- - -r,nt. wn.np. nnrrounded bv circles ened my whole nervous system. I was thk weekly CHKONiOLK, Wis brightest 0r radiating light, each containing all troubled with constipation, kidney and THE DAILY Br Mall, Postage raid. $6.70 afer. The Weekly Chronicle Tho Greatest Weekly In the Coailry, $1.50 a k (Including postage) to any part of the United suites, Canada and Mexico. Miss Julia Hart writes her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hart, of this plsoe, that t'uo has been speudiog (he summer at Port JeffersoD, Long Island, with a sobool friend and that she bad a delight ful time. Miss Julia is now in school again and hopes to bo able to return home nest year. Free Pills. Send your address to H. E. Buofeleo & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their metits. Tbene pills are eay in notion and arc particularly effective in the cure of Con stipation and 8iok Headache. For Ma laria end titver troubles that nave ueei proved invaluable. They ar guaran teed to be perfectly free from everj deleterious substance and tobeiirely vegetable. They do not wenktn by tlieii action, but by giving tone to stuDsacl and bowels greatly invigorating tb system. Beguler siz 25o. per box. Sob' by Conser A Brock, druggists. Beppiier'a business men have had bard strr.ggle to weathpr the stnrm of the pnet fnur years, and now lfali'tb prosperity should come their wny, it if muob nreded and nothing more thar they deserve. Dreadfully Neryons. Gents: I was dreadfully nervous, and for relief took your Karl's Clover Eoot Tea. It quieted tny nerves aud strength- and most complete Weekly Newspaper In the world, prints regularly H4 columns, or twelve pages, of News, Literature and (leneral Informa tion ; also a magnlnuent Agricultural Department, SAMPLE COPIES SENT FRiE, of the primary colors, in fact, eacn I bowel trouble, iour lea soon cleansed was a perfect miniature circular ram- my system so thoroughly thBt I rapidly DO YOU WANT THE CHRONICLE Reversible lap? bow. ThiB wonderful phenomenon last ed for about two hours, or until the sun had risen to such a bright that the reflection sank back against the moun tain side. Mr. WheelocK waicneu n until it faded away, pronouncing it the most beautiful and wonderful Bight he had ever beheld. " BASEBALL IN THE DESERT. regained health and strength. A. Sweet, Hartford, Com'. Conser & Brook. Mrs. 8. Sold b 7 W.E. Pryn arrived Ibis morning from Hillsboro and will take 'Gene Ploonm't plane with the Heppoer Light & Wider C., whilo 'Gene is sbcect on a visit East. u s TUKOUmi CAK.S. 0 tAPISJItNOl. ! arMm J 1 -e4 TA0i MARKS, 'rif omen. Imwim sne swihm bmv esif mmMn, frwe. .hMhN an im.ihmi i s.m.s.im.ii), ih.imi esm'f f'.MMvei r-k' -nte I 4m K.e a aal.i I't m 1'a.aaM lakaa) IMwsjl Mau ! reeMsej foal hm la Ike SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. taiewiralit lllMrl4. lural emMM nf s. itmiw t--rat iwlr.weMt'w a rr ! s -.(i. e.HiUa P"'a va I liKTt wm4 liwm. ail.lress MUNN A CO., , Ml HreaAea. f er. 1 SHOWING The United States, Dominion of Canada and Northern Mexioo ON ONK BIDIC, And the Map of the World ON TUB OT1IKH SIDE. He nd 93 and Get the Map and Weekly t hronli le f r One Tear, postage prepaid on M ip and t'eyer. ADDnnts M. II. rte YOU NO, rtoa1etar M. W. Ohsenlelek AH FRANCUM, OAlb 11 l)V The Bedonlns Were Hadly Frightened by the Hall. Jimmy hit the bull, a slow one, ond simply sent it out of sight. Away over tol I'orttit s head it tlew, as triougn Wind for the middle of the buhara, (snys the SportHinain'M Magazine. Two hundred aud fifty yards Irom tue in field squat ted the Bedouins, still chat tering and gesticulating like crazy tnein. Whether or no they su.w the ball com ing I know not, but tliat one of them will never forget his introduction to the league Inum-UsII, however, I am cer tain. It struck bun squarely npon the top of his black head and ibun bounded 40 feet Into the air. The blow was, of course, a hard on. but the twror it inspired we far greater than the shock. An unearthly howl broke from hiliiethe BwlouSn followed the bail Ireto the air and tbe U'dlnma that Instant4y broke hwwe was rxeenled only by tlte aeene in front of oir liotel that morninir. llaxl tne A Bare Thing tot Yon. A trausiiotiou in which you can not lose is a enre thing. Biliousness, sick beadadbe, furred tongue, fever, piles and a thousand other ills are caused by constipation and sluggish liver. Cas osrels Candy Catbartio, the wonderful new liver Ktimnlsut and intestinal tonic are told by all druggists and guaranteed to cure or money refunded. 0. 0. C. art a sure tiling. Try a box today ; 10c, 25 50c . Sample and booklet free, tf of Chicago, a very observing and con scientious German-American, who has just completed a trip through the prov ince of Santa Clara. "I came to Cuba on January 1," said Mr. Waldmann, "to buy tobacco. I found only 80 bales in Havana, all poor stuff, and decided to go to Santiago de Cuba direct by boat and return slowly by traveling through the country where I could, so as to pick tip tobacco if there waa any. Let ma say; there is none. "The trade in the states is utterly misinformed on thiB point. I have been two weeks getting, 49 bales and have searched the island from one end to the other. The crop coming up has been de stroyed. There is a little patch here and there around a town, but the fields are laid waste. I can safely say that east of Havana there hs not enough, to bacco gathered or in sight to keep a small factory in the United States go ing for a month. The reports of planters to the west of Havana are such that it would be useless for me to go there. There is three times as much Havana tobacco in the states to-day as there is cut or growing in Cuba. "As to the revolution the situation looks to me after studying it with my eyes to be this: The Spaniards seem to be satisfied if they can bold the towns All the country belong to the rebels And the rebels are slowly destroying the towns. If they bad a few 12-pound cannon only the big cities would be standing in a month. Nothing could stop that. "As it is neither side can win. Un less a change comes Cuba ia certain to be made a waste. It is pretty close to that now. I did not see a farmhouse, except there were soldiers in it for fort, standing in my whole trip. I saw hundreds upon hundreds that had been burned down as I passed through the country, often with hsHf-charred sew ing machines, cradles, furniture and im plement! strewn about. There is not a home with, the family in peaceable possession in the country so far aa could see. "When I was In the city of Santiago 3e Cuba I got acquainted with some of the Spanish officers there. They were very polite and nice to me. They took me up in a tower and with a glass showed me the earthworks and fortifi cations of the rebel strongholds. When I asked them why they did not attack these places In plain sight they said the troops could not leave the small forts, f the soldiers go out they are shot down. This was the reason they did not go out. "One of the officers who seemed to be an inspector examined the guns while there and told me that the whole war was on a rotten basia and was an out rage upon Spain. Another officer, a general, afterward expressed the same dews. He said be was disgusted and was going to resign and go home. They are angry because the other officers sit around cafes in Santiago and did not lead the troop to the field. It was just the same in Trinidad, Cieniuegoa and in every large city, "Between Colon and Matanzae the whole country ia burned up. All the villaires on the line are destroyed ex- Tbe distinguished chemist, T. A. Bio oum, of New York City, demonstrating his djjoovery of a reliable cure for Con sumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis), bronobial, lung and chest troubles, stubborn oougbs, catarrhal afTeotions, general deoline and weakness, loss ot flesh, and all conditions of wasting way, will send THK EE FREE BOT TLES (all different) of his New Dis ooveries to any afflicted reader ot this paper writing for them. His "New Scibntiflo Treatment" bBS oured thousands permanently by it timely use, and he considers it a simple professional duty to suffering humanity to donate trial of bis infallible on re. Science daily develops new wonders, end this great chemist, patiently experi menting for years, has produoed results as beneficial to humanity as can be olaimed by any modern genius. His assertion that lung troubles and con sumption are curable in any olimate is proven by "heartfelt letters of grati tude," filed in bis American and Euro- peon laboratories in thousands from tbose cored in all parts of the world. The dread Consumption, uninter rupted, means speedy and certain death. Simply write to T. A. Slooum, M. 0., 98 Pine street, New York, giving post- office and express address, and the free medioine will be promptly sent direct from bis laboratory. Sufferers should take instant advan tage of bis generous proposition.' Jf lease tell the Uootor that you saw this in the Gazette, published at Hepp ner, Oregon. Jnly 9-7-1 yr. FORJTOU! Now Prepared to do Any Kind of Printing Don't Send Your Orders Away' 'Till You Get the Gazette's Estimates Heretofore the Gazette's job depart ment has tried to do no work other than plain printing. However, this shop ia now prepared to tackle anything in any line and will meet prices of any person under the sun in the line of druggists' supplies, blank books, bank work, oounty work, or any sort ot book bind ingwork that yon have heretofore sent away to get done. The Gazette shop is not a charity concern but if you will give us a ohanoe -we will see that you are satisfied in every particular. Buy your goods at home. Remember that Abe Lioooln said that when one -bought goods' away from borne the foreigner got the money and we got tbe goods. Bat when tbe goods were bought et home we bad both money and goods. This Is good doctrine. V e are willing to abide by it. Wben the printing drummer cornea to town, re member it and call up 'phone No. S. 560-tf Hiok Mathews and V. Gentry, under the firm name of Mathews & Gentry, are associated together in the barber business in tbe new stand, two doors south ot the postoffioe. Tbey solioit a call. Shaving, 15 oents. tf. NOTICE. All persons indebted ia notes and bo- oo tints due to Noble & Co. are requested to come forward and settle same as soon as passible. We still continue in business and will sell goods as low as oao be bought anywhere in tbe state. Noble & Co. Heppner, Or., Jane 24, '97. tf. A good bicycle, suitable for either lady or gentleman, In fine repair, new pneu matic tires, for sale cheap at Gilliam & Bisbee's. tf Now is tbe time to get the Weekly Oregonian, the greatest newspaper ot the West. With the Gazette, both strict ly in advance, one year, $3.60. No better combination of newspapers oanbe made in the state. Thb Boss Feed Yabd. The first feed yard tbe teamster strikes in Heppner is that conduoled by William Gordon, next door to the Heppner Gazette ranch. Mr. Gordon is accommodating, has a good yard and abundant facilities to take care of stock in first class shape. His prices are very reasonable. He has hay and grain for sale. Has lately added a car load of baled timothy. ti. Notice of Intention. I AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES OREGON, J Sept. U, 1897. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make flual proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on October 27, 1897, viz : MARY OLSON, Hd. E. No. 4689, for the 8W1 Sec. 29, Tp. 8 S R 24 E W M. He names the following witnesses to Drove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Jacob I. Young, Wesley W. Brannan, both of Davidson, Oregon, Olof Berg. strom and Erck Bergstrom, both of Goosberry, Oregon, jab. r. MUUKK. 79-590 Register. Come to tbe Gazette offioe and get lecent ' lot of envelops printed. Government envelops look obeap, and besides you cannot get your business osrd printed thereon. tf What is Hop Gold 7 Best beer on earth. Wee adrelaewhere. Fnt quarter in your pooket and don't spend it till yoi get down to Low Tillard's. Finest liquors and cigars Near city ball. a See those new Russian Tan shoes down at Liobtentbal's. Latest styles, best quality, reasonable prioes. Yon cannot do better anywhere. tf Notice of Hearing of Final Account. IN THE COCNTY COURT FOR MORROW County, State of Oregon. In the matter of the estate of Win. Cecil, deceased. Notice is hereby given that Peter Bauern flend, the executor of the last will and testa ment of Wm. Cecil, deceased, has filed his final account in the otlice of the clerk of said court In said matter, and in pursuance of an order of the Hon. A. O. Bartholomew, judge of the above entitled court, said final account will come on tor neanng ana settlement on the 2nd dsy of Nov., 1897, at 10 o'clock a. m., the second day of the November term of said court, at tbe court house in Heppner, Morrow county. State of Oregon. On or before said time any person Interested in said estate may appear and file his exceptions, in writing, to said account and con test the same. PETER BAUERNFIEND. Executor of the last will and testlment of Wm. Cecil, deceased. Dated Aug. 23, 1897. 73-82 Come in and subscribe for the"Gszoo." Now ia the time. Yon don't want to miss a whole lot of good, hard reading that is now being published in oar cept two, and they have double stone "Only. walls around them ana are wen pro- WANTED-AN IDEAoThM0rn.,.fm,Pni. thing to patent? Protect ronrldeas -, they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WKDDKK BUHN CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington, D. 0., for their tlM prize oner. C E. Rhuous has been awarded tbe contract tor building the Hook creek bii'lge and also the lone hotel. Certainly oti don't a ant to suffer with dyspi'I" constipation, s'ck headaches, sallow skirt sad loss of appetite. Ion have mvrtrifd De Wilt's Little Early Risers for lin-a complsiuts or ou would ,.i.in h..railf i-.harired into our midst bat Uu ouied. They are small pills Tt) Hr. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS M'l.UTll FAUOO miTTK HELENA Tickets limad to all points In the United Hiatus and Canada. QUICK TI U K TO aef Chk-aoo "1 All other WaslllNilToK I points lUt.riMona v in the New YoHK I F.aat and IWrrtui I Hnutheast Omaha Kansas City ISt. Jwiril Ht. Ltns Hontor Union 1Vmi connections at Ht. Paul, Minneapolis, Kansas (My, Omaha, Ht. luis and other promi nent pomli Baggage checked through to destination ol ticket, Through th kete to Japan and China, vis Taenma and Northern l'aoiflo Hteam bip Company's line. Kof full Information, time cards, maps, tickets, tto., call on or write W. C. Am wT, A. 1. CiitaLTtiN, Atrt N.P.lty. Aset.tlen Paea. Agt. The Pallee.t r. Portland, Or those whlte-roled desert angels could not have become more panic stricken, iwid when, a few m-nornl latT, Ned llanlon plunged into their demoralized ranks after tha boll they fairly howled In thMr fright, and tied la ever) direction like frigh timed children. Within 30 seconds thwe was not an Arab in alght, nid tt mm fully test mln-ut-t In-fore they plucked up courage enough to sl.tvl around the edge of the farthrat sand dune and take up their former posit iona. nations Lifeboat The big ocean greyhounds will soon It U thought, lie culpprd with life x at hami'jmrd to balloons, an aa to be practically unaiiikable. Cylinder tilled wiUi omiipriKMHl gaa will be pliu'rd In oouiiartiiwnUof the lifeboats, and from theae the balloon, which will he hurnesuM'd w lib rortU to a hollow mast connected with the cylinder, I lnlUIM. The iiiiiot, which I Iron tub ing, U al jtmtalile, ami, w hen turnsM for- ward, the big lieJIoon arts aa a aall.oan proving iitit unnwtwary. The com t liialion 1h1 will doulittcM prove of t l.o grrateat service n saving people far out at era. In arrvent tot It waasihnvin that, even with the boat filled with water to the gunwale, the lifting 'er of the balloon prevents! t lie craft from ilihrr sinking or Uartting, Cincinnati r.itt!rrr. bat great regulators, er and Brock. 1 ha Osteite pot mixtion the bonealy of any ptm: bsl tt la otn lulled to lestst opoa lb eaah ,a rxlvsaee t ie of sotMeripHoa. hethr the st teriber be Corosll.is Yaa.lnbilt or tbe Kan b tares tits bread by boaeet toil We eaaaut run the ier ta other tie. A Ulgealte fear Tree. A famoua pvar trre, which had livrd nearly sis rrnturirs, pear Toulon, was ilratrojrd rwrutly by a violent wind stortu. The trunk waa nearly 13 fed in iirll 111 fpPlnM f f tlAKAIt 1M Iht ht mm I HUiria ,MHUlt(l U prlrtorof the rrouod on which the tree stood, after corrrmnding with nearly fill I) J I ' " I Hi' iu;i ii liiim ijih' For sale by Con- Mrs. Dan Horner was t kk"ti to Port land on Hittnrdsy's train to be treated tor appendicitis. Karl's Clover Itool Tea ia a pleaean' Illative. RegutatiM tbe bowels, purities Ilia blood. Clears tbe complexion. Easy to make and pleasant to take. 25 cts. Hold by Conser k tiro. k. y A. G. Bartholomew was elrcted aob ol direetor for Ueppner dietriot, vice W. A. Kirk, resigned, on last Saturday. A Care for Milloas Cullr. Ileanure.8oteveoCo.,Oe. I have been subject to attacks of billons colic tor several years. Chamberlain's Oollo, Cb'ilrra and Diarrhoea Remedy Is tbe only sore relief. It so Is likt charm. Cos doae of it glrss relief ben all other rsmedirt fall. O. D. Hharp. For sale by Oaser k Urock. tected by troops. Every farmhouse waa a ruin. There ia not a thing growing nor planted. On tho ride from Matan zaa to Havana it waa just aa bad. There waa only one town, Jaruco, standing, and a portion of that ia gone. "Around the ruin of every town were lot of soldtera and a crowd of poverty- stricken country people. Some of them were absolutely naked, all were nearly so. I saw any quantity of men wearing onlv breech-cloths. I wondered why these men did not go and Join the rebels. I would rather die fighting than etarva to death as they are doing. "I can give you no aderfuato idea of tbe wretchedness of these people. Weak and naked, they are living, or, rather dying, under piece of bark placed leaning arainat treea. They crawl un der this and lay in th mud and dirt- men. women and children. Iluts In Africa are nalaces to these holea. It waa tbe moat horrible eight I ever saw and there were miles npon mile of It. N. Y. World. The Belts at the 117. When the sultan waota to see play he sends out for a company ami attends the representation In his dining-room. Hcfore the performance be ha nil the manager aonie original Joke of hi ow n to be added to tbe dialogue, ao the troupe is at least sure ot one epjirecl- alive ltatrner. IVtrolt Free Tress. Any person who is interested in British Colombia should writa to W. H. Horlbnrt, genersl passsoger agent of tbe O. K AN, for a copy ot Pat Donan's lit tle "booklet," "Tbe New Booaozaland." It Is well worth tbe trouble. 60-tf. r Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all fat-! ent busineaseeaducttd lor Mootaavc fits. Ous omci is Oftositt, u, . Pavt-vorrier and we caa arrurs patent la Wat laia Uaaa Uwac remote from Waahingtoa. be no mooru drawing or pnnco., wh orcnp ln Wi adviaa. U oatrntable or But. irte et charge, 3nr fse got due till patent la tecarrd. . ... "How to ObiaiaPat.au," with coat ol eajaein the U. S. sad (uieiga cuoauiss tent Ire. Address, c.a.snow&co. t am a met. WftwMinTon. D. . NORTH PACIFIC Rural Spirit (ESTABLISHED IN 1869.) Published Weekly at Portland, Or. DEVOTED TO Agriculture, Dairying, Live-Stock and Turf. Worth ita weight in gold to every farmer and breeder in Oregoo. SUBSCRIPTION: t2.00 PER YEAR. (Sample copirs Ore.) Rdrat Hpirlt and OitiMte both for 13.50, cash, at this office. Attorneys ot Law, All business attended to In a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. L. Robinson and R. tfrenner are bfre ftr the pn rotate of opening op a store. They have leased IbeUarrignee bail ling. Hmall precautions often prevent great mischief. DeWilt's Little Early Risers sr vr small pills la sis, tnt are most ffVetive In preventing the ou st serious forms tf liver IroQble and stomach trouble. Tbry ear constipation and headache am! regulate the boeela. Kor aala t.s (Innae A ttrranh. The I sahrell 4 Ryltr. In Hindoostanee cards, the ditln gutahrng mark of the king ia not the crown, but the royal umurella, wtriicn. an every public occasion, la displayed over persons of royal or noble tank. Albany Argua w a Trala Iweepa Ale Ale. Interesting' reult of an Investiga tion of the effect produced by a reismevi j OFFICE IN NATIONAL HEPPNER, t t i BANK BCILDINO. J t OJIEOON WHITE COLLAR LINE. Dll rt VAiinrl Y! o 0 Staatrs TELETHON!, EAILtf C1TZMT AND OCEAN WIVE. pAlnmmn Dirnnnnil 1 UJlllllllJkl lUU'hllilJ 1 a tlVII VV tm,n on the air through which It move i. A,,,w streel IXk. Tortland, for Astoria. H.aeo, Long Beach Or. wer prraerstrd at a rw-ent mceUnr of vk ,,, k.,, 1)W) ,nDct.o. with ilwattoTtWe", aad rati tha Ft Uul Aca.lemy ot Science by road; also at Yooog'a Uay with Sea bore lUilroad! tTxuuini DALttS Cin" AH0 'HGUIATOK' tv The 1)1U daklf fsieept Hnnday) el Fl 4.1 a. tu. Leave Porllaod at JW a. m. all the laManlcal anrlrllra In r"tiroi ctmlil learn of no ar tiw rijnnl !n sir and age to thl one. -Youth' 'tm panion. m rw rViften a tableanooDful of butter tit w'hee yon go Pottlaml, tp t.ff at I a creamy eoisalaterwy by working It with Th IHtllce aad take a trip down the IV.Inmtus; yott will e)y it, an J sets Binrtey. W. ft AI l.AWAT. (leaeral Agent. Vanted-ftn Idea 233 ar HIM .Mik ant !, t I' ia-w Si siee .4Vt I a. wM kii laaaStaMM - a fork; tarat tbrr earir to a froth and add Uietn to the butter; eM a level teaatoamful of Malt and alt UWIraapoon- ful of flour. Ileal all Iheae iiigrvMirMa togrttier until they foam, then put them into buttered ewrtben cop or small tin ana, and bake In a hot ovra for half mV.)ir, or until tbey are cooked through and nicely tarowoed. Kt V. Ledger s' I SiW aTU j salt. Mr. and Uts. H. R. Reeve hsv lskn barge of the Kagamor bote! la tlaker cur. Care that cough w lib bhlloh'a Cure. Ttt beet eoogh tar. Relieve eroap protnplly. One million bottles Sold I set year. 40 do4 fot 2SclC Hold by O la ser A Lrock . y Wilhelra llutb baa the tbauks ot this offlo tor a sack ot prist potato. 'Ari-TSl TWtUTMT AWD AlT1V M fftime nr ta.ll Si traial hit raeim) .11. 1, llir. lawtia It Or.' Wnnlhlf tartOS ad . i ,h.mmi rieliMa .faafty S.fr ne Km-t.aayai.a4l4r u I Stemi-a4 awt lae. the iHWISMSIMaWI, . Sln ts M rrof. F. E. Nipher. It appear that mo tion la communicated to the atmosphere many fret aw ay, so that a Urge amount of air le draggnl along with the train. A prt'ullar danger ariava near a awlft running train from the tendency of the moving air to topple a sron over, atvd at the same time to constTiunlcate a mo tion of rotation to the body, which may rait It to roll n ruler lbs train. Youth's Companion. TEIillPnOND Leatrss rortlaod T A. M. Dally, eaeept Sunday. Leer Astorta 7 P. at. Pally, strept Sunde XtA.T.Xjt'mTr OATZBTIT t4vt lorUn4 S P. M IWIIy. esrent Sunday, Haturdsy BIM. 11 P M U alt v A. , ssreft suewlay and Monday. Sunday Blsht, J P.M. OOBAN WAVE I Lw Portland and ntns dlirt Ui tleam, Tueolay and Thoraday at t A M att.M..-.i a. Leers near WMnseiiay an Friday at ; m A. M. On Sunday eifbtatt p"l" hspt ttxcitl la EiHrcii Dtiliulioa Botk rfhfi Frtt if Ejpfn.se. Per Safety, Speed, CoanlorV, Pi ensure. Travel o U Telnkone, Hnr. Oalsert inA i, - - , w BT ' A limelt Ta k. fvmi of the ollc esptaatas arts bravo tnett. 1 avl on of the bra teat what w ih rsardesH Vb b ever had, Vi which he replied: "tUipitng a pet fight." Thlnklcg to hear aa account of rtoi- oua p Pocreil rTv-a, I asked f'r the d I Uila. "Oh. tti ere ain't atiy," he mk. "Ther w-amt nothing disturblnc atamtt It. Tks trevbi was w,ta saeesvt Iw-aatsal THE PALACE HOTEL BAR, J. O. BOHCII3CRS. Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. ..Uat. as ml taisamsasT . ti LteLsV-V