Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 17, 1897, Image 3

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    Impure Blood
Rheumatism, Kidney Trouble and
Sick Headache the Results-Doctored
for Years Without Relief.
" My blood was out of order, and I be
gan taking Hood's Barsaparilla. It has
purified my blood and relieved toe of
rheumatism, kidney trouble and sick
headaches. I have been afflicted with
these difficulties foe years. I am now able
to do a good day's work. Rheumatism has
troubled me since I was child, but I am
now entirely well." Miss Pheobh Bai
ley, Box 445, Pasadena, California.
" I have suffered from the effects of Im
pure blood, boils, pimples, etc., for five
years. I have tried various remedies with
out relief and finally purchased six bot
tles of Hood's Barsaparilla. The boils
and pimples have all disappeared since I
began taking this medicine. I am now
entirely cured." Louis Thomas, 1412
11th Street, Oakland, California.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is the best in fact the One True Blood Puri
fier. All druggists, si, six for 5. Get Hood's.
Hood's Pills SKS
Here and There.
Car load of oysters at Oh as.
was in town
was in town Saturday
were np Monday from
is down from
John Buesick
last. '
J as. Doherty
Beitmao Bros
Jake Wattenberger
W. W. Bran con was in from Eight
Mile Monday.
Everything at Tefit'g first class and
all white labor. 9-tf
Families wishing oysters by quart or
gallon, see Tefft. 9-tf.
Ranous is still on the turf donig a lit
tle carpenter business. tf
Dr. MoFaol and E. E. Hewett went
down to Iods Monday.
Heppner Outfitting Co., in the old
Herren stand, see adv. - - a
Submit your plans to Banous before
giving ont your oontraot. tf
Beu Swaggart was np from the boms
ranob the first of this week.
Born To the wife of Bert Akers, at
lone Monday, daughter.
Albert Ballance was over from Long
Greek the first ot the week.
E. W. Rhea k Co. are right in the
posh with ladies' capes and oloaks.
The only place io town to get wrars
for the little girls is E. W. Rbea k Cc's.
Statements for the Famous Simple
Aooount File printed al the QsEstte of
fice, tf.
At Rbea Co.'s yon oao get silver
ware for nothing. Come and see it you
oan't. - 9 2t
The Hop Gold keg beer at the Wel
oome. Oo io, you thirsty denizens, and
see the boys. tf
Feaobes , watermelons and all fruits
of the season arriving daily at the
Orange Front. C4 tf
Money wanted by P. G Thompson Co.
If yon appreciate accommodations, don't
wait for a personal call. 4t
Tboae cloaks and wraps oo display at
Rbea k Co.'s art the leading attraction.
Tbey are selling them, too.
Any one desiring to build either a
bouse or bars will make money by call
ing oo tbs Qszette offloe. 67 tf
Beat accommodation and courteous
treatment at tbs Imperial Hotel, Seventh
sad Wash. 8ts., Portland, Oregon.
For sale OooJ sheep range " with
plenty ot running water. Will sell
cheap. Enquire of L. B. Wells, Eoho.
Dyspepsia cored. 6bilob's Vitalizsr
immediately relieves eonr stomsch, com
ing op of food distress, and is the great
kidney and livsr remedy. Bold by Coo
ler k Br-vck. y
Ladles, take tbe best. It yon are
troubled with conslipatloo, sallow skin,
aod s tired feeling, take Karl's Clover
Tss, it is pleasant to take. Sold by
Conner k Brook. y
Walter A. Dogbee, a son of Jobody
Dogbee, of rcndletoo, was killed by s
falling tree oo last Toesdsy sear Msseb-
am. Tbs senior Ha ghee is s nephew of
Joe Willisms, oor postmaster.
Oeorgc Hofford btt some fine hell-
, breed Colawell bocks, oat of Meriao
sees which he wiabes Io sell at reason
able figures. lis will t at E- L. Mat
look's corral oo about Bpt 30. Call
on bio. 79: f
To bee! tbs broken sod diseased tis
sues, to sooths lbs irritated so rf aces, to
inslsatly relievo sed to permanently
ears is lbs mission of DsWili's Witch
Haul Hal vs. For 8 sle by Cooser k
Brock. 1
Frank MeFarlaed baa bee appelated
spoeisl seel ot Tbe Eqaitabte Life As
eorenee Co, of New York, the string!
is tbs world. Cash snrplus to pItcy
baUlrre of over 43 eslllloi dollars. IWl
lake insareeee wiihnal seeing tbe ns
plane of the Equitable, Insures both
ie st seme rt. 77if
Frank Sloan Is In from Butter creek,
Anton Wright was In Wednesday last.
Ed. Bollowar was In from Douglas yesterday.
Joe and George Beck are over from Hamilton.
Chai. Sargent returned from Portland yes
terday. C. D. Robinson was in from Lone Bock
Isa Jacobs called on his customers here
J. M. Brown was over from Lone Rock
J. W. Brlstow visited the drug trade here
Walter Keeney is over from Long Creek for
Miss Maggie Horner has returned from a
visit to relatives at Bumpter.
Miss Elsie Jones has returned from a visit to
Independence, Or., and vicinity.
John Carmlcbael reports a pretty fair crop
down on his ranch near Lexington.
Geo. B. Tedrowe returned on Wednesday
from Bumpter. He thinks well of Baker county.
Jake Carter and other residents of Grant
county left today with merchandise for Monu
ment. Mrs. W. E. Brock returned home from Bump
ter, where she had been visiting relatives, on
Sunday last.
Ben. Mitchell was among his friends Wed
nesday with the view of selling a few more
"wet" goods.
Jake Young was down yeBterday from his
Eight Mile ranch. He will pay everything he
owes this year and have money left.
8. M. Teed is in after a summer's experience
as a mutton monarch. Bam says he needs rest
and will not likely herd this winter.
Farmers report but few grasshoppers left, ex
cept some very young ones and the cool weath
er and frosts are doing them up nicely.
Smith Burch has heard from his uncle, Oi
Burch, who is now at Juneau. He will certain
ly not try to reach Klondike this winter.
Three cattle buyers from Nebraska passed
through here the first of the week. They de
sire to purchase 600 head and left for tle in
Geo. Ely, who has been living in the valley L
for some months, was seen on our streets yes
terday. Mr. Ely Is stopping for a few weeks
at Douglas.
Rev. Thos. Briody writes that he is sick and
cannot be here to hold services on Sept. 30th.
He hopes, howevei, to be here in the course of
a few weeks.
0. B. Loomis, representing the Portland Tele
gram, and C. H. Mclsaac, who is getting up
hotel registers through the Northwest, were in
town yesterday.
Word comes over to Heppner that young Bob
Stanfleld is contemplating making a leap Into
matrimony. Bob Is a worthy fellow and has
the beBt wiBhes of all.
Rev. W. E. Potwine held services here on last
Tuesday evening, leaving for Portland on that
night's train to be present at the opening of
the school at St. Helen's hall.
John Powell, of Baker county, recently pur
chased 82 head of fine thoroughbred cattle from
people in this vicinity 27 from Bob Stanfleld
and 6 from Mr. Maris. He ships them from
Echo today.
J. W. Moreland, who with his brother is run
ning a threshing machine in the Hardman
section, came In yesterday to get a new cylin
dar shaft, having had a "breakdown" the first
of the week.
Evans Bros, raised a fair crop on their hill
ranch this year but the "creek" place below
town did not pan out owing to the ravages of
grauhoppors. The bunchgrass farmer la
verely in it.
P. Cohn, of Heppner Si Co., informs a Gazette
reporter that 40 bags of wool remain In their
warehonse Instead of 86, as reported by 8 port
elsewhere in this Issue. In any event it beats
the record ot all former years.
A. N. Foster, the man who had his right arm
badly injured while working with a traction
engine recently, Is rapidly recovering undor
the care of Dr. McSwords. While the arm will
not be "as good as new," yet It will come out a
pretty fair arm and better than none.
Ben Patterson arrived home from El Ions
burgh. Wash., yesterday, and left last night for
Portland, where he goes to have his eyes
treated. Bis father. J. A. Patterson, accom
panied him. Mr. E. Morgan is on the branch
as engineer during Mr. Patterson's absence.
A True Nerve
Tonic and Blood Purifier
Restores Vitality, Renews Strength, Cleanses and Enriches the Blood,
Regulates the Liver, Bowels and Kidneys.
Heppner, Oregon. '
Dr. Bat flairs still Hr.
Dr. Del Mas Claire ts subtly edJr.
Isf I erg a ea4nre at tbs tpere too
like bearers btve all ba !! enisr
lain evxt bats iine4 oiocb velasble
Tbe oWW will Utters loan It so J
inmnrrom aiM, aaJ bae tomorrow
afUreeon will (ire eeobr eJJma to
Wise ets!nsili.
Green Mathews bandies home grown
finite, clean aod fresh. Consignments
received daily. 78 If
Fine new lines jast opened np by E.
W. Rbea k Co. No old, sbelt-worn
goods to work off. 9-21
Those olosks aod eapes at Rbea k
0o.'s are going fast. Too shonld oome
esrly before tbe best are all gone. 9-2
Rbea k Oo. are offering special in
ducements to easb trade. It w.'l be to
your interest to trsde wltb tbsm. 0-2t
E. W. Rhea k Co. are second to none
when it ootnss to displsy of boots aod
sboee. No bsttsr stock io tbs eitr. fi-2
Remsmber that you can get 10 per
cent rebate on all dry goods yon bay (or
ossb at tbe store of E. W. Rbsa k Co.
A beantifol lioe ot cloaks, capss and
wrsps oo displsy st E. W. Rhsa k Co's.
Tbs prieee will suit yoor pockstbnok.
Cross k Dlackwell's fancy plokles and
eanned goods, red need prices, Orartgs
Front, opp. City hotel, Cor. Usin and
willow streets. 63-lf
Oreea Mathews has everything io the
grocery lioe floor, vegetables, stspls
sod fancy groceries. At tbe new stand,
City hotel boilding. 7Hif
Mle Altba Loach beerseelvsd hsr fstl
sad winter slock of ministry, Hbe Io
riles tbs Udiee to call and stamina ber
stork of sample bats. Q.KQ
I. L. (JibsoD baa tskso tbe Jones'
berber stand and does good work al
popolar prir, 13 etoU sbsring and
ft cents haircnlllog. 7-tf.
Every Btw eoheeriher of ibeQeaxte
from this date, May 25, IKH, will receivs
as premiom a book worth alone the
pfWs of tbe subscription. tf
Dr. 1. E. Adklna, tbe dentist, will be
kre about Out. 1. Tbee wUblag say
thing in tbe lioe of dentistry shoo Id call
oa him as eno st be arrives, far bis
stay w ill bo a brief oee. 79 ft
11 tbe way, have yon boy or two la
the fsraili f Bring tbm doen to Rhea
A Cn.'i and Si Ihsm eel They have
the floe I line of boys elothieg ever
broagbt to Hpor, 9 ;n
No nee or woman can enjoy life or
aeeomplisb mesh la like World while
aflWlBg frwm a torpid liver. It Win's
Wit.li flaite Salve, It enutbae, stresgtb
et es t beela. Il ts tbe greet pile Cur,
fat sale bt Cor.ef A ftmrk.
4 Few Facts With Bnt Little Fiction
Spokane Races.
Tbe races np at Spokane are in pro
gress this week. Tbey have not been
essentially prosperous for our Morrow
county boys. On last Monday I-Don't-
Enow took first money in a balf mile
raoein 0:48. On Tuesday Ohebalis
made 2:07 against time and Red 8.
took second money in tbe quarter dash.
On Thursday Joe Cotton won tbe five
and one-half furlongs in 1:08 an! Red
S. took tbe three eights in 0:35.
The town . authorities have thirteen
licensed dogs on record. There are
thirteen hundred more that should bs
similarly reoorded.
For dogs that howl aod maks life
soaroely worth living Heppner takes the
F. H. Johnson took Hilas Wright's
clip of wool on consignment and ad
vanced 11 oenta per pound on it. This
is tbs best figure for Morrow county
wool this year. It will net not less than
12 oenta. Yon oannot oonvince Silas
that we ought to have free raw material
in these diggln's.
8am Wilkeoson bought tbe Corrigall
oup. opori tDougtit Mr. Jobnsnn got
it. The path of life is mightily check
ered by these little errors, sod we bops
to be forgiven. It's no onticle off any
body anyhow.
Geo. Swaggsrl is baok from Montana.
Geo. doesn't oomplsin of bBviog gotteo
rich up at tbs rnoes. In fsot bo look
liks a roso who eonld erjiy the bounte
ous table of tbs boms rsncb. Hport hss
had some of tbe same sort of f xperienoe.
8. M. Chafe, better known as "U. P.
Sam," dropped in on us Hsturdsy and
regaled tbe populsoe with soma of his
songs. Hs is sn old-timer like tbs tune
be siogs, bnt he's ao entertainer oo
doubting that.
A runaway team on Main street Mon-
dsy in which tbe biggest ons of tbe
horses was a muls was stopped by some
lusty hogrsiser who yelled" Whoa P two
hundred yards away.
Geo. Rader sold two Long Creek clips
Mondsy tor 11 and 12 cents, respective
ly. Tble wool was stored io Deppoer's
warehonse, aod leaves bnt 36 baits on-
sold. This beats tbe reoord and 8 Dar l
will gamble oo it.
E. W. Rbea & Co. have a splendid
line i t boys, mens and ladies mackin
toshes in the very latest style. Now is
the time to buy these goods. 80 1
The last beard from Dr. Beetle, Jas.
Jackson and Jack Latbrop was from
Lake Bennett, at tbe bead of tbe Yukon.
This will be tbe last letter for tbe season.
Tea is " good" when you
like it; not good when you
If you don't like Schil
ling's Best, the grocer pays
you back your money; we
pay him to do so.
It is a good tea, well
cured, and fired in San
Francisco not in Asia.
A Schilling ft Company
San rrancuco
Wants to Sell.
I want to sell on long time my Einbt
Mile ranch 400 acres in fallow, 1200
aorrs good grass, water p'enty in three
sections, all fenced in one body with
three wires; 2 camps, Bbeds panels,
water troughs outside for 2000 sheep.
Title direct from government no in
cumbrance. If not sold will lease on
favorable terms. A few tons of har ou
ranch, for particulars write me.
Also, I will exchange mules for fctoa
posts. Sps John Stanley, of Gooubcrry,
or TboB. W. Avers, ot Heppner.
C. E. Full,
80 3 Pendleton, Or.
Tbose who desire to build shonld not
forget tbat C. E. Ranous, tbe con
tractor, is ready to make estimates at
any time. GUlf
Did you know that E. W. Rbea A Co.
are oooopying five times as much floor
spaoe as formerly? It's a fact. Aud
our stock fills this extra spaoe, too. This
is aUo a faot. 80 1
ttniMcW m mm
IVU 11.1 UbJi ifWSHRC
j-t 'it- v i ' - it mi m m -ji rans s
f'MfiQV m fi r i i ariw
You Don't Expect
Goods for Nothing!
groceries and supplies ; you want sub
stantial gents' furnishings. Yon oan find
what you want at T. R. Howard's. ...
IT. IS. Howard
Main Street, Heppner, Oregon.
KTew ITorhL Tailor's
Suits, from $18 Up. Pants, from $5.60 Up.
If yon need a winter suit or overooat, give ns a call and gel a fit, Main street,
in Natter's building.
t r;v. r. AvwAlTi ,y s.ih Vnin ull St
Tbs Ultra Creek Hlalag Coapaay PrepariBg
to Urvelop ths Keesal rind.
In a recent issue tbe Oszstte called
tbe attention of ita readers to the dis
covery of what appeared to be ao im
mense ledge of gold bearing qoarts,
some twenty miles from Heppner. Ao
inspection of tbs find shows fine (jnarli
oroppings for 6130 feel, lbs ledge being
from 20 to CO feet In widtb. Asssys on
tbe rock show vetoes from 6 to f.V) per
ton. & mill test will be msde in lha
near tutors.
A company will be organised as soon
as possible to develop this prospect.
Those interested in the enterprise al
prsssnl are Ed. R. Bishop, Qeo. Cooser,
W. A. Curray and John Leforgie, tbs
latter a mining stpert of many years'
eiperieoee. No doobt many Heppner
people will assist In tbe development of
tbe Sod, fur it it proves to be bait as
good ae II appears, It will not only prevs
to be a bosaoaa to ita oweers, bnt will
make Ileppner a moch better town than
It is and ths whole section boom as It
never did bfre.
. ......
sa omen is are useless if trilled away;
aad tbey ars dangerously weeUd if ee
tamed by delay In eaeee where One
Minnie Cough Core woald Mag imme
diate relief. For sale by Coaser A
flrnek . e
A Boarding and Day School for Boys Under
Military Discipline.
The 2tih ftmr nmlar the nrownt itmniiavnimit lsin, HtiU H. lm7.
Ttii In.Mtnlli.o U lliirH (hlr riui.il lor llm mmital, social, iiliyaliwl
aiiri D'ural irHMiu.f i.f rxiya. TUunxwh rianiimi fur any min ur
arianlido ai'h'Kil. irwluala at iimmii . lair, Waat I'uint, Miwmw lm.
aiIU ItatilnlK f lo-hnolrHtr, Hiaia I'moralnra if ( aliumiii, Ur.n,
l'ai,aWtmn. Hiiuifonl ami Mmiill.-' l)unn; vamliim Tialum walnt
fr .in V in U a. m For ralaltv" aril n'lior infiiiniatlim, kVlmi ll,n
l'nri-iil,i. W. II1LI. M. I)., 'ixtland. Onfin. I'. O dianr It.
Rogers & Roberts,
CoutrnctorN ami I!uiIJrB.'
Was Perfected by the
Production of
And now the entire world
Knmvs this vcrtect nroduct
As the Star Brewery beer.....
On draught at
all popular saloons
203 Washington St., Portions', Or.
Plans and Estimates Given on Short Notice.
All Kinds of Repair Work Done-
OFFICE H0UKS-I)ay and Night. Leave your orders "Any Old.
l'lace" and Rog. or Jim will net Vm. o o o o o o o
fat salea it Undid riJi tr
pan. d lotettn, very cbep- tVll
at Oetstte efSee. 4-4.
The Only All lUU Itoale U Mbo.it
tbstise of Cars IWtwvea HkiIu,
ltaM!aad and NrWoo. AIm Ui
'!"0 aa! Ktlo4, daily et(.t
riailsy ;
h.aJ I w r, M
am A
! AM
' ' ai-. a M.I- v ia naimt f.
ia-K u4 mil la. aaia
f aMvar imI'Rmii. kl,w I H. , ,.-
" r- m.. W n.. ,..a ,w 4. I.
e-.ii Mf kj - - Al .-4 f4 I VI r.l.na nt U.l Io tr.. f.-.n
M L'7f.vrr. It 1 1 -m t-.-.h.., iiT a.f.
TLi company carries dry goods, groceries,
hardware, boot and then, Lata, gents' far.
niabinRH, ta Large bipment of new and
aocond band furniture, which is being sold re
gardloas of coat Tbey have also hardware,
wall paper, carpets, louDgns, springs, tnaU
tresses, all tbeae at balf price. Look for tbe
Bitfn at Ilerren's old stand on May street, next
to i'alace hotel.
F. K. BarH0LOV. VV, Alanatjcr.
lit tH aoftlilni In lhl Una ll.al fmt mar d.lra mn4 roil ran 4tiai on II uu M a
il antri aha Mai f iiaianiM It,
Olst Slansl. Main Street. SJeselrleit tpeclelty
Do Ynn Want a V ?
f t. t; in ti
mow t You Want a l'lace. to
Put up Your Team ?
Arc Y
I Iorsc
V V I r t . .
ou in iLTU ot a bac ( c
All thea cao be procun-d at Tbntnpeoti k llitnie, b. r Main Min i,
ileppner, iin n.
Tlw tmnUnmmm n v.ll ritallw1 ! f.fn(, llarnaf . frwl 1,1 li.ni ati4 Ml..f ruitit,
tt4 im aa.a aun.f u4 Umm la MilKf Umh m fl a 1th lraaili a .i..
rrWa IS av4f ia Ik tllKM.
At the old staod, hare tbe usual
spring outfit of
Besides the thousand odds and ends tbat are too numerous to mention.
Kail Dnnr to ftrat MalloDaJ Sank BulMlne
You con Wnger Your Sox that You
nro Alwnys nt Homo at ....
F Welcome
Us Msls Hlrset, la City Dntel DaiMiac
tbey try to tilseee all. fiee ateb roane Is eaectlos.
r.ow miayrv-.viijif prop.