Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 17, 1897, Image 2

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Of Interest to Women Because in this
they Proceeded from an Ailment
Peculiar to the Sex.
TIig Mottier ol a Youna InTant Interviewed.
"Because it is my deliberate
judgment that the prosperity of
America is mainly due to its sys
tem of protective laws, I urge that
Germany has now reached the
point where it is necessary to inii
tate the tariff system of the United
States." Bism arck.
"Tbe benefit of protection goes
first and last to the men who earn
their bread in the sweat of their
faces. The auspicious and momen
tous resnlt is that never before in
the history of the world has com
fort been enjoyed, education ac
quired, and independence secured
by so large a majority of the tota!
population as in the United States
of America." James G. Blaine.
The Gazette calls the attention
of its readers to the excellent con
dition of the banking business in
Heppner, which indeed is a true
index of the business affairs of our
community. The transactions of
the First National run all the way
from $50,000 to $125,000 daily, and
the deposits of cbbIi belonging to
Morrow county farmers and stock
men Lave piled up to the amount
of over a quarter of a million dollars.
"t!nii nt the Bank of Kng.
u in requiring uun-u... .
reHorvo to be in silver is a good
Bign . The worlJ'B great trade is
increasing the demand for the
universal niouey. The bank Las
use for the EU- it decides that
silver shall take its place. If the
commissioner! sent over by
McKiuloy to negotiate on inter
national agreement do not succeed
under proBeut conditions thoy can
never do so.
From the Herald Democrat, Huron, S. D.
A few year sinoe, J. W. Kelly come
to Huron, South Dakota, from Osceola,
Iowa, and purchased so interest in tbe
Huron City mill, an immense strnotnre
having a capacity of 200 barrels of flour
per day. Boon after bis arrival Mr.
Kelly's family removed here and some
months later they were joined by their
son Elmer and family, he Laving pur
chased an interest in the conoern, and
tbe firm beoame known as J. W. Kelly
& Son. Sinoe tbeir arrival they have
built np an immense trade for their pat
ent roller floor, and sbip many carloads
to eastern and other markets.
When they oame to Huron, Mrs. J. W.
Kelly was in very delicate health and
the change of olimate and conditions
seemed to benefit her. But tbe relief
proved only temporary, however, for
after a few months' residence here she
lapsed into the same infirm physioal oon
dition that bad been her lot for then
nearly twenty years. Her ailments were
those peculiar to women, and wbioh wo
men alone oan best understand. In ad
dition to these troubles Mrs. Kelley was
a sufferer from acute sick-headaohe. This
would come upon her at intervals of
about two weeks, continuing for two,
three or four days, much of the time
compelling her to keep to ber bed. Be
cause of her Affliction she was quite tin
able to- do her housework, visit her
neighbors, or attend church. This wor
ried her greatly for she is a devout
christian and lives acoording to her pro
tesBions. As Kev. li. 11. iturtt. pastor
of tbe Congregational oburcb, to which
Mrs. Kelley belongs, said of ber one
evening at tbe dose of servioe:
"Mrs. Keller is indeed a true mother
in Israel ; she is conscientious and earn
est, faithful and devoted a christian in
tbe truest sense of tbe term."
In replying to inquiries touobine her
case, Mrs. Kelly said:
"1 am sixty years of age, and was boro
in New York state, where I lived for
fourteen years, then removed witb my
parents to Michigan, living there about
the same number of years, then went to
Iowa, remaining there till we oame here
some four years ago, or more. I have been
troubled witb weaknesses peoullar to my
sex for the past twenty-five years. Dur
ing Ibat time my husband Lbs expended
6.lW&A?o"0 "I money feeing phyei
The business of the postoflico
department is an infallible indica
tor of the busiucHS of the country.
The business of thirty of the
largest postoH'ices of the country
has been fouud by long experience
to fairly represent the business of
the entire department, and the
business of those thirty offices was
. figLt per cout greater iu August of
this year than in August of last
year, and five per cont greater than
iu July. The Htoflico otticiala
nro all ready to testify that pros
perity m right here.
wnmo was oadiy disarranged and no
permanent rolief could be afforded till
the change of life bad fully taken plaoe.
To add to my other trouble a headache.
pelnmlly aiokening, would onine upon
nie about every two weeks. I became
quite disoonraged and fur a time oeased
octnring almost entirely: 1 had Inst
faith in tbe scieucs of medioine, both of
the old sobool and new, and oared to ex
pend no more money in that way
"About a year ago my son read in some
oewspHper an advertisement of Dr. Wit
mum rink rills, and urged ma to try
them. I hesitated hecauaa I had tried
so many patent medioinea without secur
ing the much sought and long hoped for
relief. Hut be insisted so stronuly that
i finally deoided tn sire them trial
Almost from tba first I eiperieuoed re
net, ami arter osing tbe Urn I Ikx
ehsngn for the better was so apparent
that I look courage and continued to
ose them strictly sooordiog to directions.
nnlil a short time since. I am so much
heller, as any one ran iw, that I have
gradually discontinued their use. I take
them now, but not regularly. I am a
Hrm believer in Dr. Williams' Pink Tills
and have no hesitancy iu recommending
them tn any who may be similarly
nlllicted as myself. What they have done
for ma they will do for others
The statistics of the cotton crop
for last year shows it to have been
8,757,'.XVl bnli'H. It lms been sold
for aUiut $:i:0,(XH),0(K), or some
thing more than tho total vol quip
of the greenback curreucy. This
is rnoro than fivo times the value
of the annua) silver product of the
country. What folly is it then for
cotton-growers to think that all
their prosperity depend upon "do
ing something for silver," when all
tho silver produced io the country
would not buy one in five of their
cotton balls! -N. Y. World (Don)
Activity at tho headquarters of
the republican national committor.
is a new thing in connection with
ptato campaigns, but it is oipwtivl
that the results lu several states
this fall will ehnw that it is a giod
. . a a e. m.
Ibtng ana thai it will hereafter
continue, rilit along. It is cer
tain that the lineaments bow being
circulated by the) national pom
nntteo can I IiainlliHi wiin more
advantage iu ValiitKtii lha
a ft a
an) here else, aim u is neeiless
to say that the machinery of the
national committee, makes their
distribution easier and mora thor
nugh than it would others iso l
The national committee is not tiav
ing anything to do with managing
tho state campaigns; it is merely
looking after tho proper dislri
imlion o literature l eating upou
the national policy of therepubli
can party, leaving the management
delusively to tbe stat Committees.
An Interesting Story told Under Embarrass
Ing CircaniHtancra.
From the Expresi, hoi Angele, Cat.
The interviewer e lives sometimes rail
in queer places. People who are to be
talked to may be in all sorts or condi
tions and frames of mind, bat one oan
not conceive a much more embarrassing
thing for all parties ooocerned than an
assignment to interview a mother of a
two days' old infant. Some things are
too sacred for even tbe cations news
paper man to ignore. But Mrs. CO.
lieeder had a story to tell and this
p n per wanted that story. The baby was
asleep, and the mother expressed her
amiability, so the reporter was ushered
into the room.
Mrs. Keeder need to be Johanna Rink-
er, and lived for several years at River
side, Oal. She was a domestic and
worked very bard. Perhaps it was tbe
toil, rerbapB the climate, at all events,
she fell siok. Dootors and medicines
did her no good. Her appetite vanished.
Sleep eluded ber at night, always and
ever that dreadful feeling of lassitude
and depression, so familinr to women,
made itself apparent to ber. And then
she began to imagine things. One oigbt
while driving across a bridge that she
knew perfectly well was there, she oned
out in fright beoause she could seen
nothing. The dootors might call this
insanity, but until tbe hallucinations
and delusions grew to be a menace to
life and peace, not much beed is paid to
tbe imaginings of weakly girls
Last spring Mrs. Reeder, for she bad
married in the meantime, oonctuded to
visit her old home at Daleville, Iod , and
it was while tbere that ber mother, Mrs
Caroline Leaser tcld her of tbe wonder
ful properties of Dr. Williams' Pink
Fills for Pal6 People. Mrs. Reeder be
gan to take tbem. Wbeo she started io
she could not walk the three-quarters of
a mile to tbe post otlioe, she was so
, weak. In about three weeks she took
I acoording to directions about five boxes
of tbe pills, and at tbe expiration of that
time 0'iuul go down mto town and come
back and do a big day's washing over
the tub at borne. Her blood oame baok
into tho pale oheeks, sleep once 'sgain
refreshed her at night, tbe cold sweat
left, and she could eat and enjoy all tbe
pleasures and diversions of life where
before she ha 1 b- en averse to society
and amusements of all kinds. The aw
ful notions and hallucinations left her,
her brain sgHiu resumed its normal
functions. From that time to now she
haa taken no medioine and she is well
in nil respects.
"Hee my baby, Ood blew its beait,"
said the proud mother. "It is as strong
ttle relief. Physicians toYd" hti"lA "Wl')RUelltu.V any, baby ever born. It
its lilt ts pink fiSts" cliuolWb,'Yyvyfol;?A
thnmtis, its little eyes pnotered up in
sleep, a bun file of pink, satiny infantile
lovliuess, there oonld be little doubt of
the physioal health of the parents.
Mrs. lieeder lives at a cottage num
bered 407 'a East Pioo 8t., Los Angeles,
(Jul., and ttie last words she said were,
"Ob, you are perfeotly excusable. I am
j'lstits glad to endorse Dr. Williams
1 ink Pills as yon can possibly be to hear
my story. It all Buttering women only
knew tbeir power and good, there would
he less siokuess and misery io the world
Pin sure, Hood bye."
Dr. Williams' Pmk Pills for Pale Pso
pie oon tain, io a oonrieiised form, all the
elemeots necessary to give new lite sod
riohii"ss to the blood and restore shut
tered nerves. They are an nofailing
speeiQn for such diseases as locomotor
alalia, partial paralyal, Ht. Vitas
dance, eolation, neuralgia, rheumatism
nervous beadsoha, the after effect of I
grippe, palpitation of the heart, pals and
sallow complexions, all forms of weak
nest either in male or female. Pink Pill
are sold by all dealers, or will he sent
postpaid on receipt of price, 60 cents
or six 'or WiW (they srs never
"Id In bulk or by the WO) by address
ig Dr. William"' Medietas company
rVheiieolaily, N. X.
The populists in the Farmers'
National congress were badly de
puted during its session. "Calam
ity" Weller, of Iowa, introduced
a resolution for the restoration of
reo coinage of silver. This was
reMrted unfavorably aud rejected.
Then caroo a resolution favoring
the prohibition of "private monop
oly in publio necessities," even to
tho extent of tho eierciso of the
right of eminent domain and tho
acquirement of such necessities by
the state. On a call of states a
tliree-to-ono majority against tho
resolution was iluveloiwil. Anoth-
This Advertisement does not Appear to
tell you about a Bankrupt
or Closing Out Sale.
Are IVot Doing: t licit Kind of Business.
WE shall tell you about a brand new, bright, olem stook of gioda that will bs disposed of at live-aod-let-live figures. 8o here goes. Tour attention is
direoted first of all to our elegant display of Lad;ei', Misses, and Children's wraps. For elegance of workmanship and material they oan't bo beat in
the city, all olaims to the contrary notwithstanding. Observe display in front window I
Boys' and Youths' Clothing,
Men's Clothing and Furnistyog Goods.
IN the above lines we are easily the leaders. This is gettiog to be ao acknowledged faot, and tho reason ol it is that wo handle what tbe people want
at reasonable prices. Tbis season our stock in these lines is larger than ever.
THIS department of onr
anything in this line?
store has
We have
been greatly enlarged and we havs added a stock seoond to none in the oity. Dj you want
of tho resolutions, and then tho
congress overwhelmingly sustained
its committee. New York World.
l'rodtcameet of Mas Who.. WhI ried
with a Thlof.
One d.iy 1'itrly s young man want to
0 drntint'e office In hannueUty to hav
a bridge, with oonw ts-th latiging to it,
ntiurlu-d to his iipiwr jtw. lie rule to
Ilia building i.n s bicycle, which he left
la the tin II. niul Bocrndrd to the fifth
fimw in the delator.
The lcntit" chair ftced a window
which looked out tin (irand avenue.
The drntii.t had filled up his mouth w It h
cement and was prrnwiug it up Into the
rum with k fliurrr. Ih victim ws
COMPLETE STOCK. The latest patterns and styles srs represented. We have a surprise in 25 oent
grades. Gome and see. Oar stook has been greatly enlarged and made complete in all departments, Tbe
addition of more store-room now enables ns to compete with any house in the oity, and this we expect to do.
We invite tho publio to call, see our goods and get our prices. We have no shelf-worn goods to show you, as we
have made s complete oleao-up of old stock daring the summer. Tour patronage is soliolted.
E. W. RHEA & CO.,
First Nat'l Bank Building,
Heppner, Oregon.
TliU Is Your CiMrtunlly.
n MiMiinl nt tj.11 f nlltM. CHKh Or RtntlTH.
.. 1 .-,...,ln will V,e imiilofl of the !. entuDimiea noiike in ureson. mommy
mimt DOimlnr UUmt,. .-.i u.n - liBnOmid expemei. Potltlon iteiuly. Kelcr-
V scntlemcn or mate, to travel for retpon
(Ely's Cream Unlin) RnfBoient i H.mon
strate tlis gi oat innrilit of tho touiwlj.
ELY llltOTHEl'8,
6l Wurreu Kt., New York City.
Bev. John Hoid, Jr.. nf fin nt Falls, Mont.,
recommended Ely's Ctosiu Halm to me. I
oau einpliBKie bis ststcuu-nt, '"It is a posi
tive curs for catarrh U u-cd sitnirootoa.
Hv. Francin V. I'oolo. Punter CeuLrulF'-cs.
Church, Helena, Mont.
Ely's Crenin Palm Is tho acknowledged
cure for catarrh nml couinius no inercury
nor any injurious drug. Trice, 60 cents.
Ohio Politic.
1 apprehend not tbe slightest trou
ble," said Senator Foraker, "In oarrying
tbe stste of Ohio for tbe republioan par
ty. Tbe business revival aud report ol
good times from all over that section of
lbs oouutry has helped our ctnse wou-
dertully, or at least we believe it bits ,
and think it will aid us in sweeping tbe
"The republican party will not o irrr
Ohio, however, by lbs large mnj'irities of
tbs pHSt, fur Instance, like iu 1W5. when
onr msj irily ran away np above 100,000.
We will osrry tbe state by s good mir-
gin, I Ml eve, but yna understatd tbs
issues sod conditions have changed
great deal during the past few years.
Tbsn, being tbe party in power, we will,
of eourse, bave to snswsr for s lot of
supposed sins, as Is always tbs ease.
"I will be Io Ohio ia time for the open
ing of the campaign, and mske s speech
Io Oioolocstl tteit S.lordsy night"
Tbs senator is is eioelleol health at
present, and declares that he feels fully
espable of tsklng an sctivs part to ths
oomitig campaign. Washington Poet.
Eur. lone Mt-iKlclreiwcd .tamped envelope.
j, in ....... vJ.....,- r. . v 1'Mn.irn
Timber Culture Final Proof.
United Btatss Lakh Orncs,
Tho D.lle., Oreson, Hnpt, IHIh, 1K7.
C. Kelthly. ol Hnnlnim, OreKnn, has tiled
notice ol Intention to make final proof before
J. W. Morrow. County Clerk, at hli ottlne in
Heppner, Oregon, on Monday, the '25th day ol
October, 1H'.I7, on tlnitxr culture application No.
Hl.tt, lor me kk ol ectioii no. a, I
No 4muth. rmne No.24eaat.
He name. M wltneue.: Frank Moreland.
J.nifl H. Allen, Kd Moreland, and Oscar Kelth
ly, all ol liaronian, uregon.
4 AB. r. nwinr,
79-90 HcgUter.
Oommenoing 8pt. 22 and oootinniog
until Ooi. 1, loolnsive, we will sell round
trip tickets to Portland and return at
oos fare tor the round trip. Tickets tx
pire Ool. 3d. I his is for tbe manu
faotarrs' fair. The admission to the
fair ia free. J. O. Hart, Agent.
er Cnaucial resolute was similar. ! "ut T" K VT1 Uh ' UM"
iy uis(hwm oi auer a snoti uihcus
sion to avoid filihustorin, which
had Ih'cd resorted to ty tho ptpu
lists. Later in the day tho ixmui.
ists were again "ttirmvl dowu" on
tho final rejKHt of th rommittoe
on resolutions. Ilemilutious were
adotvl cotunietHling the secretary
of agriculture for his r (Tor Is in l-
half of the dairy industry; favor
ing government itieection and
grading of Imtter for fioit, aud
the reduction if ollirial salaries;
providing for a committen to re
Nrt a plan fur cvijrration le-
tweeu tint states for ths proven-
Hon of tho spread of contagious
diseases among domestio animals.
llesolutions introduced by Mr.
Louols favoring th lntome lai,
government ctitio of telegraph
and telephone, tbs prohibition i.f
corpiiate ostiership of laud for
spvculativo puriHises, aud the initi
ative and referendum lad l-eeu
tunnel down in committee, and
Mr. Ix.tii ks Lad mad a tultiority
rrport io tvarh cas. Hs as al
lost! to sjwak Io snpHit of tach
Suddenly tlx vlrtim Struggled to grt
liU brad ay from the frwwp of tbs
Tgh. tig-glug, f higtig-liyftnuj-giitf."
be wliouted. in tuuftlr-J Vote.
The leiitit ttMiught tbe man In the
ilmir was h.tving a til, and fearing that
he inlgtit swallow tbe cetrwnt, u Mr
hi'tbltig of srveral rmrerlslit Wlh
luekvt with fTld, and several hours'
hard laUr, he kept hie flpsrr In the vie
tim'a mouth, and a hilent strupgW took
pliu. The n..n In the rhslr trlel to
riw; the drnti.t, who Is scmrthlug of
sn slhWte, stmrc'cl to keep hlmdowaj.
1 hi. Mrt of thing went on fur Mtrra
Ininiilr. until the itenti.t rould ferl thst
the rrliwnt had hsrdrnetl. Then he
t.k his flngrrout of hU victim's Otolith
and let hint II I V
"Iwi.l blame you," shcutnl the Bngrv
lcUtn. "Why In Hstn Hill did yo hold
tne down that wsy fort Didn't I 11 1
you I wsntcd to gt tip?"
"I thought )oit were having a fit," ea
rnr.t the .1. nlUI, atlogelleally,
"fit noth rg." said the victim. "I
sw a ihwf going up the trwt with mr
bicycle. I knew It by the color and the
wsy tba lord Ug hurg twhlnd asl the
r.blwine e the handle sr. rving up
five tor lee U h.nli.wp rnoiigh with
' be'lns a Wigsod like yo hoMin
nie now n wma i,ia nt in my thmet."
Kshsm City titer.
Tbere will be regular preaching servi
ces at tbe Cbri.tlss church, paoJay,
Kept. 1'). bv Klder J. W. Jenklus. Morn
ing eeivioe st II, evening service si 7 A).
411 members at the coeg rex alios should
be present si these eervloee, and a gen
eral Invitsti in ia rl tended to ibeee not
worsblpisg elsewhere. Ths Monday
school meets promptly al 10 u'clm k io
tbe morning. Yon will be wrloimeto
this service.
kUr full, rervlar artme mbsx
ol UK bnwefe So not ere IB I I A
Ule nt InSame. tmt tr.r. I I I W
ail SeibwM h.wii m w7
iwl tm pntm im4iu, TV On. S rH.
rvM4 tif Viu i. Me a i, uv.u,
Salt Of
Nottt and
Nnlr w fcflif sl.a Hot the lin.ier.lfnH
wl.neo4 Ih. vtl H il Sr , tnM.ltetit
4l..r. alll oh route,!.; Ik. I.lh d.y l
II..UM A"t In llrpp-
nrt. Hi4, wll to IS. Kl.hrat tIMrf fr r a.h
tnlvr, IW7. SI IS. nurl
In k.i1 all In. nataa .! aemuHl. nt mM In
'lvnl m.i, rvm.lnlbff ntt4 en Hl.l a.t.
Tk. .peavtm.t I. tftlu. nl mi4 .'! .n-1
eenuni. St M .Mpw .n.l . lull I. .n a(
mm enn kc liM .1 in inW v kill. I'h.ip.
ol .nt tt kvluet nl-t mto
r, rm.
SinlfTie. nt ( n " . n..l,ent nM..ra
A Klosdlks Dook.
TheChicsgo Re.ord'e book for Oold
Keekers is now resdy. A resder of this
bouk will know more of Alaska and tbe
wonderful Klondike district than bs
cnu'iJ Itsrn by months of personal
obeeivation end researob no tbe ground.
Iu comparison witb other works on tbe
uhj-ct it is ths "Webster's Dictionary
nt Alaeks," s perfect sod peerles
volume, st nnoe ths model and despsir
of rivnl publishers.
It tells of ths riohest end roost cites
s ve goi.i nenii tue world bsa ever
known Uow they were discovered
FielJs vet sneiplnred Tea years'
wotk slreadv In eight Where Is ths
Mother Lode? Tbe fort noes already
made The millions to be taken out
neil year How to g.t there-It. 11. fere
sad other ripens from ell points
Medical Hints-Climate Official Mape
(Jovernmetit reports 411 lead snd
water rootee rvjeo'ed Hsil roads Min
Ing Isws-Oostome. Io brief, all Ibat Is
konwnif this wonderful laod of fabu
hm wealth. It is the only aoiheotio
practical book, iffljial anj eudoreed
About 000 psgne, handsomely boned in
art en ovens. Trice, 11.5a
Agents are wanted to handle this
valuable tft-k. It le a obanes of s life
lime. F.ipertoece ia Sot Beceoonry.
full iDstruettoea are sent and tbe whole
people are clamoring for the book. He
ports from ageala Jul starUd shn
wnndotfol sneeeee. Mslrs ron ee high
as 2l) hooks as boar, lllg eomiul.iits
and vnlnnhlo premiame sre etloeed.
Cretlil ie gives and freight paid. It ie
as opportnelty tti gala a eomrvletteo
In a shrl lime. The bk is Bit eohl
thMogh etnfs or new.pa?ers. Cm '
plete csovelii ouirlt it he oiaiV.t '
for 3) Crete. s'SRipe. To p'scneehere
wsbsvn t,o sgeots s full Sopy of Ibe1
btHik will b )l eMtmere, prvpnlJ, o '
reeelpi of p tee. 1
Addieee ei.tlv. MOXKOR U)K
company, ir.rr k. 231. cm
CA(H. 67 lU 1
nu who tarn Lis bread 6f fioeoe.
V. u J mi
tUt be d B St the Jutes' berbof ttxi,
Vt Sft. OfvUleJoets atassier, tf
...i t ni.i h. s . r -rM, 'jrttM" - ;o..mi 1 UtMtl
I. Juha W. lUetn, t f the lU-lheM
has keg tieef dfaughl tbe llosi
Oold 1W of li p..re et ngere
Eastern Oregon
Stato Normal School,
Weston, Oregon.
Located on tbe O. It. A N. Railway
midway between Pendleton and
Walla Walla. Students admitted al
all times of tbe year.
First-Class Training School for Teachers.
Yooal end Instrumental Musio taught
by oompetent inetroctori. A grsdu
ste of the Boston Conservatory baa
ohsrgs of ths instrumental depart
ment. i
Tin Iciclles.' Boarding IT fill
Is thoroughly equipped snd offers ex
cellent scoommodations si reason able
rates. Bend for catalogue.
Addssss M. G. ROYAL, President of Fseulty or P. A. WORTHING-
TON, Secretary Board of Regents, Weston, Or.
A few Words to the Ussette's Dellaqaest
Klbnrrlbem A Chaaee te Krlara raver
On Aug. 1, 1806, the Osteite made s
ralioal ehaogs in its maooer of doing
business, having given previous notics
thai all tubeoribers who were io arrears
most pay op, snd sleo in advance for
ths lime tbe paper wss deeired, io order
Io receive lbs sams soy longer. Moot
of our patrons failed even Io acknowl
edge receipt of this drooler letter, moon
lees Io settle arrearages. We sdbered
to our plea sod many papers were
etopped. We were compelled to do this
to ssvs ourselves. We bad serried oar
pstroos as long as possible.
Now tbet limes are Improving ws bops
Ibsl tbs oli subscribers who srs yet be
hind will show their gratitude for favors
encoded io lbs past by paying op sll
srreersgee ss soon as possible. We
would aleo bs very mooh pleased to pol
your 0 ernes beck oo lbs lial as cash
subscribers. But pleane do not sek os
to carry you for ubeoriptiooa. Ws do
ool wish to do il. Several thousand
dollars ia sabeenptiosj to o an Is thst ceo
sever bs collected Ie tbs thing thai
teoght os oos vslosbls Imsoo.
Drop io soil give oi 1130 fur s year's
Tss F.TTsaaoa Ira. Co.
Ths interior of ons tbousaod of tbs
most attractive bomee in ths United
Slates rises beeo photographed by tbs
Lsdies' Home Journal. Ooe hundred of
tbe beet of these pictures will bs repro.
dueed in tbat megnioe. Tbs first srtL
els of tbs series, -Inside of s II nod red
Homee", will eppnar In tbs Ootober
Journal. Bed chambers, receplios tod
dining rooms, bathrooms, halls sad sp
partments of every kind will by pictured
Just ss Ibey srs In daily nee. Each pie
tare sooteios doieos of suggestions.
Every women is interested is tsklsg
peep Into tbs most stlrsctlve bomee in
tbe lead, to see bow Ibey ere foreisbed
sod srrsegsd. 8 be wants to get prsett.
csl blots end oew Idese for furoUblsg
bsr own. The booses pietured by tbs
Jooro.l srs those ooonpled by persona
ofmodereU i acorns, tbeir Interior or
rsngsmenl shows what perfedl teste ceo
be aoeompliehed wilb a hills moeey snd
the loorb of a womso's deft finger.
MaTe?,';;": UU ' b.Unio0-from
r .C',fo7M-s phoiogrephsd
for Ihs .oorcsi't oo'qne sod oUfsl
tmn at llln la t-ntel tut ri-n-
,'t.le, i.l.lli4 ntao In linpi, M.-ntlilv
I Q j m il ,i ii lnn.pMMwi.ft
1 1 k. tt-rtnluMHl lonpj,), 1 lm"
II m n,
H. C. Wills Mae tWetSoS Ss I tan. Oat H
lArge SmrS of MortkaaSlns al feet.
TbeOsftteie ie formed tbat Mr. R
C. Wills, lbs merrbeet. bne deeUed Io
go out of beeiseee st II p peer sad sow
pmpeees to sell every thing at ent for
epoteasb. This sale will sostlsas till
Ibe whole slock Is dispneed of.
i Tbis ie sl S bogus "elmlng eat eete,"
sod Mr. Wille deeires tbs pablis to
keow It. Wbea be ears "enei bs smsas
"soet," Corns is as J hxk over bis ire
meeoe storh -f goods so 1 pkk owl yoer
later eatSt. rif
Baes skk mas (or
Bl b siomseb
Why sot be well? Hick stoascb somes
from poor food, pnorsi.orisbmeBljmeess
poor health, poor eomfdfl Hbsk.r Di
gestive Cordlsl m.sns beeltb sod a well
If we eonld ,,,,.,,, MnrtMh
osld Mderstsod why It lelbel so Mile
HI pat It out of order. p8l, ooIm ..
srs doelore, .. novo, ee. wt tlimttk
WeosMjt. W. would f-l it tees
Bbaker Di..
etomachd,gMt ell th. oonrisbi.t food
os eel, r.ll.rns . Ih. ,tBl,fnm, of w.
0'SWiob, seu as a ot is Mj M,fek
oa w. and stmsg tUo.
.Jk,D,,,,?0' Ihe is yes will
rt ef yoar elomaoh,
A -ros-rsle. TrWUbottlslOeesls.
We sewet tea Us. pei
1 o. w. -
,. , , 1 s " r .i.-...ln sail e - . . I "
Itw- -