Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 17, 1897, Image 1

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    OFFICIAL gB3-WIEHat, v
Tuesdays and Fridays.
BT !- C
OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man.
AtS.B0 per year, tl.25 for an months, 75 ots.
tor three moncns, strictly in advance.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
TH.pAPi!:BiBkept 0ntil8 E.C. Hake's
"""if Agenoy, 64 and 65 Merchants
fciohangs, fen Franoisoo. California, where oou
ract for advertising can be made for it.
0. R. & N. Local card.
Train leaves Heppner 11 p. m. daily except
Monday arming at Heppner Junction 1:30 a. m
. Lieaves i Heppner Junction 3:40 a. m. and ar.
rives at Heppner 6:10 a. m
a Bpokana Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2-45
F;J?1rTand,"XeABt HPPner Junction 8:15 p. m.
and Umatilla 9:15 p. m.
Portland Express No. 8, from Spokane, arrives
at Umatilla 5:05 a. m and Heppn r Junction 6:10
r,d r jw at Portland 11:45 a. m.
. Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland B p. m. and ar-
uZillaOJPanmJnn0tin 8:30 m' 8nd 8t
.rSu No' 1 lea7e' Umatilla 12:40 p. m. and
United States Officials.
Vine-President )
Secretary of Slate
Secretary of Treasury
Secretary of Interior
Secretary of War
Secretary of Navy
Attorney-Qoneral ,
Secretary f Agriculture"
..William McKintey
....Garret A. Hobart
John Sherman
.. ....Lyman J. Gage
...Cornelius N. Bliss
Kussell . Alger
John D. Long
... ....James A. Gary
....Joseph McKenna
James Wilson
State of Oregon.
Governor W P Lord
SooreUryof State .7. H'. K. Kinoald
h T ' i V Phil. Metsohan
Bnpt. Publio Instruction G. M. Irwin
Attorney General c. M. Idleman
Senators 1 G. W. McBride
Jj. H. Mitchell
Congressmen i 8inRer Hermann
. . I W. R. Ellis
Printer W. H. Leeds
, . ( R. 8. Bean,
Supreme Judges J F. A. Moore,
C. E. Wolverton
Sixth Judicial District.
Cironit Judge Stephen . Lowell
I'l-osooutiiig Attorney H. J. bean
Morrow County Officials.
Joint Senator... ...
........ A, W. Gowan
J. N. Brown
..A. G. Bartholomew
J.R. Howard
lonnty Judge. ,
" O imminionersai
J. W. Beokett.
" Clerk
' Sheriff
" Treasurer
" Surveyor...
Mohool Sup't...
'' Coroner
J. W. Morrow
K. L. Matlock
Frank Gilliam
A. 0. Pettayl
J. W. Hornor
Jay W. Shipley
B. . Vauglian
hipfvib tows ornazas.
Mor Ihoa. Morgan
O mnfttimm . fii. J Vrtuik
Gilliam. Arthur Minor, E. J. Blocuin, 117
l.inhtAnih.l anrl J. H. Himona.
U.ruT.inr W. A-. Richardson
T'-aaanrei.... L. W. Brings
Marshal A. A. Robert
Precinct Office re.
.In.tinanffh. Pana W. B. Kichanlson
foustable N. 8. WbeUtone
Halted Btatr Land Officers,
rat nAf.i.n. OB.
J. t. Moore Register
A.R. Bi neoeiver
I.k SkiNDL OB.
B.F. Wilson Register
J. H. Kobbin..' lUoeiver
O. A. B.
w r at Lexing-ton, Or., the last Saturday of
. L . II . I
err mon.a. oil TimwH an iutivsu k pnu.
(J. W. Smith, C. i. F0(jCA.
Adintaat, tf Commander,
Dr. P. B. McS words,
Olli Id the City Drug Store, n"ar
Uily Hotel. tf
D. J. McFaul, M. D.
Offloe boa in, 8 to 10 e. m.t nod 12 to
3 p. m , tt residence, Mrs. 11. WMab'
propMly, tDi 10 to 12. m , to 2 to 5
p. n , et offloe la lb rear ot Borg'e
jewelry etore.
First National Bank
Vice PreeJ-ent
An t Ceehlef
Tnssadj I Genenl Biding Imtst.
KX Oil A.
On all parts ot Ui world
Bought and Sold.
Collection Made on all point on
reasonable Terms.
arpliM end undirtded Prod la, j.(XIO 00.
Notlct of Mention.
Lahs Orrti I at La Usmi. rtaarmii.
antud , n
Mlnwtnf naouKt miirt has fi4 ltr
o( Ms Int'Rtton to auk Snal rkI In suptmn
(tf his risim. and thai Mil pnnf wilt b ms
ImIom i. . NmM. "'inty I iri. at H(r,
itrfu, e Urtoiwr . Iswt, vli .
Hd. E. Jin M tnf the u now ant '
w aM -m IplS H as K W M
Ni mm turn Iniiowint; wiitims e m
SI fnnilaiHMis ri liM- apna 4 ro il.aiir.n
ftt aaiil ta4, ts. (im Vinson, IwirlH Prty,
Tmy I klfpisnd Maid Tylsf, a.i of M.ptwr,
i. r. whjm.
n 4 Mitcuir.
Loos IWI stsw Wevae Uppnf si
7s'el"k, t Tolys, Tljara-laji,
Mt4 HalarJsje; smvee si e't'k. p.
m., Moedsy. WJsew.lys s4 fiiJa.
Will Make cttoetloej with brsnebtrsio
bra difL far ti. rb way.
rwigbl pf pound. J. II.
P!lBarlL Trop- Offirt si Ilsrry
Wmse'i .iref store). tf.
Balbe dwS tl lb Jot' Ubf eb'ij
li at, OtttU tMosger. tf
Going East?
Three Important Points.
FIRST-Go via. St.. Paul be
cause the iliues to that point will
afford you the very best service.
SECOND See that the coupon
beyond St. Paul reads via. the
Wisconsin Ceutral because that
line makes close connections with
all the trans-continental lines en
tering the Union Depot there, and
its service is first-class in ftvnrw
l. J
THIRD For information, ca
on your neighbor and, friend the
nearest ticket agent acd ask for
ticket reading via. the Wisconsin
L-entral Iines( or address "l v
Ja"-C-Pond, or Geo. S. Batty,
MnPa"-,Agt-,. General Agent,
Milwaukee, Wis. 246 Stark St,
V Portland Or,
H, W. Fall,
Of the Old Reliable
Gault House,
nair diock west of the Union Depot of C B 4
C. M. & St. P., C. St A., P. Ft. W. & C
m and the C. St. L. 4 P. Railroads. '
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton 8te
While yoo aeep your subscription paid np yon
o aeep your Drana in free of oharse,
Borg, P. O., Heppner, Or.-Horses, P B on left
, wiuv, wulb on ien nip.
Cook. A. J..Len.Or. Rnru. annn'i..i
A"3"ir?0; mark square
DonfflaflA. W. M . Osellfim n n-i. nr.
right ide, iwmlow-fork in each r; horsec. B D
nn I Aft hm.
Ely, Bns., Douglas, Or. Horses brantl VT.v
on wri snomaer, ostue tame on lefthip. holt
Jonee, Harry, Heppner, Or.-Horses branded
$ l?w th, Uffc ,,hon ttle branded J on
right hip. also nnderbit in left ear. Hangs in
. . j .
r i v... w
'infin, rein, Lisna, Wr. Hiipsm
leftLStjQf.i.T" m-tt T,,cfa"P' "der half
m ii Kim auiib .a ien ear
Kenny, Mike. Heppner, Or.-Horsea branded
KNY on left hip cattle same and crop off left
tar: under slope on the right
Laahey, J. W. Heppner Or. Hone branded
Land A on left shoulder; settle same on left
hip, wattle over right eye, three slit in right
minor, usoar, Meppner. nr. t, at tie, at D on
Mpncftn. o. H Mppnw, Or. Hqivm. M)
Atl it ft sihnrilHAB ntt I u.. tu '
Oshorn. J. W., Douglas. Or.; horse O on let
shoulder; oattl same on right hip.
E"?" ftu, Hardmau,Or,-Hors IP o
i" i v wiuBiurrr,
Pipw.J.H., Lexingtin. Or.-Hnrse. JR eon
l."", n ,h,"ul1ri oattia, asm on laf hip.
Itato J, W . Heppner. Or.-Hf.rses. JO m
left shoulder. CalU, Quu rUht hip.
Brwry. B. G, Heppnar. Or. - Cattle W (1 oe
left hip, crop of right and nnderhtt in left isu.
dewlap; horses
W C on left shouhW.
Th(iiniM.Mi J A II n. k IT
left shoulder; rattle. 1 on left shoulder.
s loo
Turner It. W.. Hannnar fl a.n.n ..i.-i
left himldr, horwis; oattl tame on left tup
with .pl.t in both ears. "
Watteohargw. W. J.. Gallowav. (P.I Kt-lfsasla
ti. W( ajiiijiv m jj un riant mwmmmti
rrop Rtid hoU in luft UtBgt in Morrow and
fUtrifT t'UIUH sj TT OH
Notice of Intention.
Land Orrit at Tmi Dall, oio.
ilia ilk luikf
A.1 fnllOWInr-named sattir h. ei Mn,i.
of hi IntenUou to make final proof In support
of his claim, and that said proof will tie niad
belorJ. . Morrow, comity clerk, tt Heppner,
Oregon, on . aotb, invf, vU:
Rennrd entry John Lou. Hit Inm
lor th l Hee. i Tp 1 1 K E. . M.
He name th M lowing wIIii.-m to prnv
blscf.MtliuH.us resWenc nu snd cultivation
n said land, vis: Joseph H. Fllsitia II. nr.
rilklna, John A. Hart.k end kdaard UullcL
way, all of Uuugla, Oregon.
m Keg liter.
Notice of Intention.
Laud Ornt s at Ts Daixcs, Oateow,
Altar A lul
htalntenUnn to Disks Itnal r.a,l in
hlsrlstm. and that Mtdpraul will l mad b
for J. W. Mnrruw. tounly t'lerk at Ilsepoer.
Oregon, oa Sept. j.nh, lU7, vis; '
I:it,l3f V " ,h f Ts. 1
II namai the fnllnwln Uua b
his rniitlnnous It-slueim upon end rnlUvsUon
ol ! aaM lawl. U J..,,h H niklna, M.or,
fill Hi. Win V Lour, kilau.l i..n..... .ft
of iuugtaa, Oregon. "
J A A. r. M'HIRg,
TTi regular stirworiptioo pria) of tbe
ffemi-Weekly sstl is 2.50 snd lb
rtgtilar print) of the Weekly Ore oo its
U 11.60. Anyone: abexr1blti for tbe
Ossetlw o4 psyie for on yew it
J) est tl both lb OsmIU m4
We-k!y OrpfoolM for 13.8a AH ct4 tab.
wnhmn peyinf tbeir abecription fof
one yew ia M ranee will be stititled W
tb am
MebMier to I'enillelnn tl
Eobo Htege lAum. 1'eraoh dMtrnos of
vialttsg 1'tsdWkia tee time sod
ony by taklBf ll.w roat. lit so-
qualtitiog lbs tgente the prevent eve-
Ittf toe ctag w ill Bake rnoitiiM with
- rlacl train aj ln for lVn.llw..n
Offleo 4 Oiy Urof ntr W. i). Uisd,
WslL Toottipsna fit. ela bet wees
Heppowr ssd MooaOMOt, srrlTlnc srefr
4sy tiiwpt Monday sad Uavisg ev.ry
Jsy oifjept ioodsy, Mborteel sol tbesp
t rwatw to tb liwn.1, E. Joo,
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
' " buv 01 oranr dv hammn nm
Grant ever published. fReeins in iwSL. V " u"uu nQ aaequate Life of
Rudyard Kipling's first American serial, "Captains Courageous.
"MBegWa W180"' "St" Ivel' The only novel of 8
recollections aud corresDonriVnn. K".
Portraits of flreat Americans. Many of
: 01 "destine. Specially taken under
stories or Adventure. A serial by CON an
laiennor mystery and inirennltv ,hinh
a place I
5 beside Poe and Gaboriau
I Gaboriau.
appear in MCCI.UBB'8 MaOAZIN.
cnth?nif llop Br Horto Robort Barr
wma'n f , r0" st,niey w,ym-n ci.rvR;:
will all have ttorlet in McCloer'b for the nnmin.
These are only a small fraction or thiof.n
1897, thi subscription briee of : wfi eh i.".r1'ur""" Ioalalet 01 Maoazihi for
One Dollar a Year
The new volume begin, with November. Subscription, thould .tart with thl. number.
The S. S. McJCIure Co., New York.
A Campaign
Of Education
HOW tO G6t it (TPAA
tummate skill.
Such a paper It
s great popular
The subscription price of Leslie's
" roaae tn unparalleled offer of a copy of
Leslie's IJlustrated Weekly and our Semi
Weekly one year for only $3.00.
ro siicn oner was ever mails before. No tuch ofler will ever be made V
again. These two paper make a most acceptable Christina or birthday U
gilt, and will be constant reminders of th gtver'i klndnces f A
Remit by postal order or check to th
y Hoppnor, Oretron. W
Published Every Saturday
3AstorPlace New York
Tbt Outlook will be la 1H97, m il baa
beta during taob of lis twenty terte
yr, Uietory of Oor Own Time. Ia
U Tsrioat sdikiris tlepsrloaoU Tbe
Ootlook fives s oonpsal review of (lit
world's progress; tl follows With cart
sll lbs Important pbilsntbroblo sad 10-
daairisl mo vara en I of the day; bss
complete department of religious ;
eTotes mneb prs to lb Inter! of
tbt home; rsvtw aorrwol Irtetstare;
fsrwlwhes tbewrful table-talk about m
end tblngs: sod, la thort, simt to give
fresb lelnrmsfloa, ortgiasl obeervtlioB,
sb4 ronll vbUrtaiameot.
Bglooleg with lb Cfty fliflh tulnme,
petr will aeetims tbe rgnlr mag
line sit, whirl) will s.l ! grretly to lie
iviMriSe St.. I sitrsrliveoave. Tbe
OoUotk U pUllel every Htnrly
ftfly iaeuew year. Tb lesite
It) Mb asoktb Is an lilaetrelrd Magtgite
mber, vtsiMsg aUnt twine se pitny
Paiea e tbe f hiMry ban, IngMbnf
Mb a large aumbwr uf p Urw.
Tba pnsa ol Tbe OatluA ia three
4lsrt a year la a lvsnse, or tree tbts a
rant a dty.
BaJ for a tnlaaa apy sad l!ln rt
m. prwWti w iu uutiooy. w As' or i
r ti,. n. . .
"u " nlst0'y It period from his
them unDubli.hed.
the editor'! direction
DOYT.k .in Mh k m ... u..
h.. 7 iC. ..Ml r, r.".' u irairainar
"","u'" "oc aoimet" stories, given him
..-.v-B-5w nuiu mm long ago, will
1" the Me field a. th, "Brer
contribute to MoClcb,
-torie. in which the same
. ' f
To be educated one mutt read
the bett literature.
The bett literature It eipentlve.
Leslie's Illustrated '
PublUned at 110 Fifth Avenue,
New York, it full of the beat things!
Its Illustrations are superb; It
stories charming; and It literary
departmenUare edited with oon-
educator. It should be in every
it 14 pe
f akd nrrirr. at THKDaM.KN.nRr.nnM
Xi . y"1 !,f "
hefiilloalng.h.m,,!.,,!,,!,,, fllw, ,tc,
Ms Intrntlon In mall I n-1 pr.f In tni.taMt ol
his claim, and that :.! pn.it mill U ms.ls
bei it. j. Morrow, ( ..limy I lets, si llvpuiier,
I in-sf list sift lliiliil. la i,rf i
..-..,, .... """T n, ,, Tit;
Tkr'JIAM.B. f.H:MARl)WN.
il K W M an. I T I I R
Hansnia the followlrg wtlnetsr tn prrev
i , . I . uimn aim euiuvsllun
1. ' '"""l ,,: I noma K. itraham, Amlraw
latiarami. brilh of ,Hawlirry, uraaon, K.
l.:.J:,n':"1'""1 A".lrw Wright, both of
r.taii, mum. uragon,
.. t. MOORB,
tn,J.V "' T for. TBgsgtf.MD
1 Ulstrfc t, Wat uragoo, for Munow tnn-
. tt inskeap, PUIntlg,
l " Xlil. rXaa.l.nL
-L": "' "smad datr-Klsnt
In th ti.nanf Ih. kuia o o,..B otiai
''t. ra,,nid i at.wr Ulnra II. a m..1.r.
..TT7 m ma r-Mwa, In nr.,nd In.
j.L. M."-,F M.MUMlr
ll.,r-,Mfl , ,h. hlm, olnUwi,l
HZ'l '''!"" " ' dav at my olhr. in
dlatrki In anawar th ruuiplali.l H In.
- i , i apq
r'-'" na,m ii. t lal.illfT . u JiHlamai.t
M" " T.anly II ,n lnUmmt
h"-"-. at th, rt m l- ,,, .,,
-rM."."'"4 .....
Kailisiwl y eriU e(
t. -., . ... . , I.. K !.
JiisiiMHftiMrWe l.w il m. w,4 11x1,1.-11,,
tla4 "aj,!, ail,, ).;, y,
The Oalell will lakp..take, s(pUe,
f :;a r hu'trr a tnlweilttna arania.
Aay 1. .,hii g if,i i,mfso til their
" In Ihie mnnrr eaA eaa't do it
no-i to tut tie.
i. . On, f-rmrtly nf I'ea.tM.,
bee opatied np a IS etit l,ftr ehof la
lb M tae. hi IK Msllurk rr,
Wo strictly Bt n'sse. C'eJI ea bm.
Tb (Isaatu baa a "b;lasliit for
ele, goo4 for nae nhm4 year at Biebop
4t Ats4y. Iro la aad m .t-,t
tblfyoa bsva a a y t swscata. tf
so im.ii ..m.iil i.iarlll
. . " o""ds larniy Ih.ll.n iIj.i
7.1. '"w"7 I. I" .1 II. rata ii
ia .f rani a.f iiti and In. r.i. ,
jHirsiMiniaa 'tt.1 artioe 1M rtaln.l.nl will
aha fKrtlra lia , K. I.li.
"T Representative Iluve Won
Celebrity by Limit Power.
There is always some ooe member of
the house who possesses a voice far su
perior In depth, and volume to that of
any of the other members which in it
self serves to give the member possess
ing it a certain reputa tion. - In t he pres
ent house, says, the Washington Post,
this voice is: possessed by Marriott
Brosius, of the Tenth Pennsylvania dis
trict, c Mr. Brosius has a faculty of
talking so foud at times that the rwonl
in the galleries cannot distinguish what
ho says. ..Another Pennsylvania! who
possessed a similarly powerful voice
was .the .late W. D. Kelley, commonly
known as ."Pig Iron" Kellev. Tn hi
day he held the voice record ae-ainst all
comers until Charles II. Van Wyck, of
New York, who was af terward a s'en-
wr irom. jxeoraska, appeared on the
scene.. Hib voice was even frrpnter iv,on
that of Mr. Kellay. "Back iu th. nM
the greatest voice known to conmrww
was that of the late Willinm Aiin
Ohio, whose statue now stands in
Statuary hall at the capitol. It is told
of Mr. Allen, when he was in the house,
before the days of railroads t.Tint
his colleagues left for his home in Ohio.
The day after he was gone. Allen
lamented the fact Vint ! hni
his departure so soon, as he wanted to
consult him about
had come up suddenly. "That needn't
jrouoie you, Allen," said a fellow-member.
"He hasn't trot aeroaa th Aiwt,
nies yet. Just go out on the balcony
and call him back."
- - vMvnrw
Hoe Method ot Ilnntlng- Seen B
for Rabbit Only.
The Sua recently told of
hunted, rabbits With a hrvu nut
them. The Snortsmen's 1.11.
how other men tried the same scheme
n a Chicago suburb, and whv nut it
them wishee he hadn' t. TllA WAV 4j
hunt rabbits with a hose is to nush t,h
hose down into the rabbit hnla, .nH
have men guard ell the exits, while
eomeDorjy yells into the hose.
n. mail nemea uutler doubts fh.
efficiency of the method, aocording to
ui ieview, Dut a man named Von
Lengwke said it would work, and ha
w ouiu prove iu A party of hunters set
forth arfter the rabbits, and cam in
raoDii noie. Cutler guarded an en-
vrnce, wane am Klelnman dlrl th
tvit. .
xno raDDit went out of the hole
over Cutler's head. nl
- - t.nuog, ui up tv 11 in 10 fry
. -L t 1 . . . ...
kj cion . raDoit, ana, pointing to
hole, said it looked likely.
Aa before, Kleinman yelled Into the
noie. cutler got close to the hole, sc
that he would be sure of the rabbit this
ume. He sw a beast coming, and
with both arms clasprd It tightly when
n stuck nis Dreast.
rm i t -
jiw oniooKers Heard a
muffled veil.
uon as a nau-cnokea man might utter,
and saw Cutler roll over backward,
Mirowmg the beast from bim. Instead
01 a r&DDit the beast was a scared
oldest race name.
Dlatlaetloa Beloaaa the Calaeie,
or Moaaollaa.
The population of the glut mav b.
said to be primarily divided Into threei
reoea; the yellow man, the whit man
and the black men. Anv other ra
cmnpared witih these. Is unimportant.
and may be oomildered a modifleatlon
of one or more of them. Ankron says
that "the yellow mn have Imnwmorial
1 occupied the greet ornt rej and north
CMberu plelna of Eurasia, ami are
therefore celll Monro! or Turan
Chlneae, For count Iraa cemturhw thrv
far aut-numbereci all Uie rest of the
world, and even now the whit men In
Aala form only a Unith of the popula
tion. From their number, powiUon and
Other consideration, they apjieor to
have first exlalr.1; tbn otJirr two riu-ra
baing deriveid frwn tluwnby riiMirratlon.
change of climate and moile of living."
The) writer then fxn on to my latrr:
J nua the itrm grrat rarlaJ t vnra niav
have sprung from the Mongolian
stork." Itawlioaon arena to nmflrtn
this view, and in that ease the Kgyptlan,
for example, la vt so old s the Mon-
gl. Tba term MongrilaaA d)aw net
mean, aa baa lrn eupptwd, Uutt Utm
ra orlglnul In Mongolia, but only
tiaai the ibyh aJ characters of tbe rare
art iwmltamily duiplayMl In tlw Mon
golian, t'tir this raviK.n, therefore,
U.I rwj twilila to the aiwUml nawna, Uia
moat ancient among many.
Thar Are Maae ta Oella-t Afrlaaa aad
Othre Savaare.
Strang aa It mtr aptirar, flintWk
muakeut are not merely a rrt of by.
rotra area, says the t, Iula V,Ut
IkYnurnsl. fn a$ no fwwrr than I.K20-,
oOQ f unfliiile wrra prrarureat at Ui
Llnghratb mine. firnWo, RuffoJIi,
Kngland. Thean fliate are rhiefly lode
light Afriren aiwl other aaara, who.
bavlog lt so lung tid to flioUorks,
are rrUrUrtl to give them tip.
Tnm tnetltfid of manufarturing thaoe
fn ninie Is very IrrWawUng, la the
owatiwrt of "flaiiking" tbt worker
lll fahe a "iiuarlar" ia hi left UaimI
atwl plarlng II on hia knee, arouinl
whira a tmitarUng lieinl of trainer baa
ba wJrnd. gently tap the flint a id
hatnmrr, giving It rr h time a vyll
rerted lihw. At every tap a flake alt.
a bee og and one la a whle falls into
bit hand Sixl, If a rl one, ladeptMlUd
In a pail by bia 1I, all bed onee being
liararded. Tbe kaetiprr sink theaa
ftiai wHh hammer Mb Wmg, tbia
brail, often tt,ade of old ilea. tro.
taely etriktag the etrtp of Rmt on an
Iroa a ted la their bene he.
Ralaa Ustis la ( alaa.
Tb Awir f;ett efalea that th
rflloew gtnrrnmeot baa mml It ao
I n'nry f-f all redrta In the military
ftd naval araehli la China U learn
Everybody Says 80.
Casoarets Candy Oathartio, the most
wonderful medioal discovery of the age,
pleasant and refreshing to the taste, aot
gently and positively on the kidneys
liver and bowels, oleansing tbe entire
system, dispel oolds, oure headaohes,
fever, habitual oonstipation and bil
iousness. Please buy and try a box of
0. 0. 0. today; 10,52, 50 cents. Sold
and guaranteed to oure by all druggists.
- - . . If
Messrs. Roberts & Rogers are makina
extensive repairs for J. L. Ayers, on the
property recently purohased on Chase
street. They are also making some im
ptovements for Art Mmor, and will also
build a hoose for D. O. Justus near M
Liobtenthal'e. Tbere are now improve
menus Deins made in Morrow nnnnt.
and Heppner this fall than for any year
sinoe 18SM. Ho much for better times.
Tbe Sontbern Pacing railroad oompsny
uas aeoiaea . to sell tickets from all
stations on its lines in Oregon, at one
faiefor tbe round.' ip. In view of tbe fact
that our people have been favored with
abundant orops, it is confidently expect
ed tbst tbe state fair st Salem will have
a better attendanoe than ever before,
..uu lu uiuertu give an an opportnnity
to visit this ere at inntit.ntinn nf hi.k
tbe people ot the entire state have rea
son 10 ds proud, this popular line of
railroads has reduoed tho fare so as to
eiiuoie an w see one of the grandest
displays ever exhibited at Salem. The
Fair open Sept. 30th and closes Oct. 8th.
670 -tf
Henry Ridnonr, Fred Miller and Fred
MoUumber are bera from Dallas, Guth
rie Co., Iowa, for the cattle reoently
bought by Ridnour and Geo. Roberts.
They Are the "Mustard."
Meadows & Batten, tbe pioneer blsok.
smiths, have made some elegant im
provements in tbeir establishment and
added a large stook of iron, horseshoes
and other materials essential tn th
happiness of those who need quick re
pairs on their wagons, buggies or any
unci 01 machinery. Tbey bav ex
tended their room to aa to aooommodate
everybody in the oonntry who is in need
of repairs. When you want a horse
hod, maobioa repaired, tira set or any
mingeise in their Una, you will find
Meadows k Hatten to be tba boys that
tin it
Tbit is no dream. E. W. Rhea k Co
are tbe leaders in furnishing goods and
lieck Bros, are expeared fn very toon
with some Long Creek dipt wblob will
meet with ready sale.
Statb of Ohio, Cm or Toledo)
Lcoas Cuuntt, f
iTrsuk J. Cheney makes oath that bs
I lbs teuinr nsrtner of the Arm of V 1
uneuey Uo., doing business in tba city
of To!:do, connly and stats aforesaid,
ana that said Orm will nay tba snm of
Hue Hundred Dollars for ascb and every
oaee of catarrh that osnoot be cured by
. - a ft ..1 . '
me use 01 nan s usisrrn Uiire.
Sworn to before ma and sobaoribed In
my preeeooe, this Uth day of December,
a. V. lono.
A. W. OtiASOM.
" J Notary i'ubho.
flail's Catarrh Cure fa taken Internal)
nu ci nireouy nn I tie blootl and mo
... . . . .. .. . . :
oona sorfaoea of tba system. Send for
lettimooie'e, free
F. J. Cheoev k Co.. Toledo, n
tfTBold by druggists, 7io.
John Murphy and C. Oeteo snd family
wera over from liaystack this week.
Tba "Bioyolist's Best Friend" ia
familiar name for DeWitt'a Witob Hscel
Halve, always ready for emergencies.
While a tprcifio for piles, it also instant
ly relievea and cores eots, broiees, salt
rbenm, tcsrma and all sffretbina of tba
kin. It never fails. For Hale by Copter
A Brook.
Oeo, Nobis reoently porobated a band
of tbeep 0 umbering
Te Care Ceestlpatlaa Korrvrr.
Tasa Uiacarets Csody Catbsrtio. lue
or Via. If C. 0. a fail to cm, drneuiala
rfuod moory. f
Julio Mcllillaa and F.rot Piper ware
in towa Hatorday laet.
ler, alt-IUrtim bih! tU-tema.
Tha Intetiae Hi hlnir and martin' nrt.
denttotheeediaoaeea, blrurtantly allayed
v applying V liaitilierlaln s Kya and
klo Cnnttnetit. Many Very had raaea
have been permanently rarwd by It. It
vioaiiy emi i-tn fur IU hlng pilea and
faviilitjf ramr.lv fur aura nlnt.tM
happed hambt, rbllblalna, frnat bltea
aud tbronto aura eyea, 84 rta. par bos.
tr. r4ra CaodllUa 1'awoVra. are
Jut what a bore newia when in bad
coodiihm. Titilo, bbw4 purifier and
vrrmlfnga. They ar wA fund but
rnevlkina ami the beat In net to put a
mra In prima condition. Irk 2i
tnU pr py k age.
a4 It r eMM ef eAt
It a aa lM M auaaaaA
fw4f ka I a,. ,a4 4m
l" l ! Uia tm.ua. Ma.
"! t M.s M glass
Ely's Cream Balm
' aAa4 U M !l.a mm tkwMrt (Wf
-II aia..!.. 1.-4 M He4 a llaf f
, 11 mtm aa fMaiM ilia
eiaia kt 4 Waawaa, aaaia i
Ifca aa,taa Irmm am la. M,
f Maa4eMil. f rVmm afWawa
a. Avisiu,HSiriM,,wl
a f
NO. 580
Absolutely Pure
I ;. v J . it 1 .
1 ' , .. .... B1 Crops. :i ' ,""
Thia oonntry of ours ia certainly a
favored one when providenoe extends
helping hand and gives ns immense
orops and high pnoes. Thia touches the
botton and the energies will do the rest
10 pring on flnah times. There ia likely
o be a plentiful crop of something else,
if, as predioted, we have a wet fall and
oold winter. The weather oonditionp
would be just suoh as will give a orop
of pains and aohes, rheumatism; neural-'
gia, loiatioa and lsmebaok. With it sll,
many fine dsys will keep un outinas and
field BDorta. and with the.
of sprains and bruises, soreness and
stiffneeu. We may be thankful also that
01. jsoobsoil will always oome to the
renuue wnn a nrnmni ann narfani
for them all.
Th Tru Remedy.
W. M. Repine, editor Tiskilwa. III.
"Chief," says: "We won't keep house
without Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds.' Ex
perimented with many others, bat never
got tbe true remedy until we used Dr.
King'g New Disoovery. No other remedy
oan take its plaoe in our home, as in it
we have a oertain and aura sure for
Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, eto."
It ia idle to experiment with other
remediea, aven if they are urged 00 you
as just at good as Dr. King's New Die
oovery.. They are not at good,beoaue
this remedy has a record of oures and
besides is guaranteed. It never fails to
atlsfy. Trial bottles tret at Conser A
Brock's drug store
M. . uarvnoiomew and '
two "oh'ildreo are down with malarial
fever. Tbey have been moved over to
Fred Bartholomew tor treatment and
nursing. . ; , , ....
rrom a Washlagtoa Maa.
"I waa troubled ith beadaoha knd -
biliooeneas and waa erjr weak, Oua
day I taw testimonials from people who
bad been cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla .
od I deoiJed to try it. When I bad
ttkeo three bottle the headache and
tomaoh trouble bad all diMpp.ared.' "
Edward MelUndt, Brook field, Washing
ton. Hood's rilli are th bett after-dinner
pills; astitt digestion, our btedsobe
25 oeota.
Mre. E. W. Rbet it tafltrirg from aa
attaok of bilious fever.
It fsyi the Creepy Childrtt.
fleavlew, Va. Wt bava a tplendid
la of Chamberlain's Congo Remedy,
sod oor eostomera oomiog from far so 1
pear, tpeak ot it io tba higbeat terms.
Many bava said that their children
would bava died ot croup if Chamber-
laio'e Ctmgb Remedy bad sol bees
given. Kellam AOorren. Tb 30 and
60 cent lurt for tala by Ooirr k Brook.
M orrit Mack waa over from Loner
Creek tba first of tba week.
If you bav am aeea a Utile ebild in
a paroiytm of booping otmgh, or If you
btveUen aoooyed by a eoaataot tik
Hog in tb throat, yoo oan appreciate
tba vaJn of On Mlnot Congo Core,
bb gives qnltk relief. Bold by Con-
ser k Brock. e
Born-To th wife of Waldo Wtlklnt.
ear Ueppner, latt week, a too.
Bt not deoeivedl A coogh, boartoata
or oroop ar out to U trilled with. A
dote ia time of Blulob't Cora will tat
yea moch trouble Hold by Conaa
Drotk. .
Elmer Beamao baa aafferaj a relao
of fever.
My boy eama bom from aobool one
day with bit band badly Iaeeratd and
bleeding, and tuffcrtng great paia," aay a
Mr. E.J. Hohall, with Meyer btxm.'
(rg Co, Hi Louia, Ma. "I dreeeed
the woaad, and applied Cbaasbtrlala'a
Pale Balm freely. All pel oeeeed aad
remarkably thort lime pealed
wlllioot lavlo a tear. For wooods.
tpraloa, twelllegt aad rbanmalitm
knew of at melioiue or prtenrlp.
hoa rooal I it. I eoeidt M a bote,
bold aeoeaelty." Tba 33 aad tfl teat
brittle for tala by Cooeer A nreh.
Mile MtKeivey aad J.
J. flroiikt ar
ever froua Wagner.
aakleae Ar.ie aaive.
Tb licet flalv ia th world for Cole.
lit uie, More, Uloer. Melt Rheum,
Teltar Cbaprl ifaade,
Cbllblauie Cwna, aaj all Mkla Krap.
tmna, and p-sntivaly core 1'ilae or ae
pay reanre.L It la aaaentea.1 la
1 1-'" Mtisfti(,a or maney reftolsd.
Ilrle 88 real par boa. Far sal by
iaaer a) alreek.