Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 14, 1897, Image 4

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    ol U ftKL
to the:
Of Two Transcontinental
1 1 miiiiiiuTiiiiiumAv -.m
Salt Lake
Chicago Kansas City
St. Paul
THK CHBOKICUI ranks ta srts
sewspapsrs in tb Celled State.
THE CHUONIOLX hs no equal on tM Pacta
Coast. It leads sU In ebUtty, ntfprise end new.
THE OHBONICUPS Telegraph! Beport ara
the tateat and moat reliable, tta local News the
fallen and spiniest and lta Mttorlal Hon tba
ableit pena tn the eoontry.
THE CHRONIOLB nasalwarb,andalw7S
will be, the friend and champion of the people aa
against combinations, cllqoea. corporation, of
oppressions of any kind. It wUl be tedsoand I
In ererytnlnf neutral la noUklBaV
nnann Steamers Leaue Portland
Every 5 Days For
Vnr fnll details oall on 0. R. N.
Agent at Hoppner, cr address
Gen. Pass. Agt.
Portland, Obboom
A. L. MOHLER, Vice-President.
Bcirx Fronolsoo
AndsUpolnUlnCMifonila.viaths Mt. Bhasta
route Ul wm
Southern' Pacific
i rret
Dint Ki
It Is Vested la the CMwi In EB
laa. The copyrigto in the Holy Scriptures
ia vested in the crown, and in England
there are only three authorized print
ers, says Chambers' Journal. Oxford
and Cambridge have, by royal charter,
the right of printing the Bible and" the
queen's printers are licensed to print
the sacred books during her majesty's
pleasure, a license which may at any
time be withdrawn by an order-in-coun-cil.
In, Scotland anybody is at liberty
to print Bibles, but no edition, may be
lawfully published unless in naa Deen
read and licensed for publication.
All this, however, refers only to the
"authorized" version of the Scriptures.
The expenses attending the Tecent re
vision of the sacred books were very
heavy something like 20,000, and the
queen's printers, who were invited to
contribute a share, preferred not to do
BO. In two great uiuvcibiuicd muuc,
therefore, have proprietary rights in the
revised edition' of the Bible, and all
editions of it emanate from Oxford and
Cambridge presses. It is a remarkable
fact that, although the revised Scrip
tures have now been before the public
for 15 years, the old or authorized ver
sion is still the one in general use. The
revised Bible was produced at im
mense cost and by the highest scholar
ship of the day and no competent judge
is likely to dispute that it is a more ac
curate and, upon the whole, a better
translation than the authorized edition.
Yet the Oxford press still annually
prints at least five times as many of the
old version as of the new, and Cambridge
does practically the same. aS,;v .,
C, J. Andrews ia over from Lone Rook
County court proceedings in next
issue. .
Fre Pills.
Send your address to H- E. Bucklen
& Co., Chicago, and get a free sample
box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A
trial will convince von of tbeir merits.
These pills are easy in aotion and are
particularly effeotive in the oure of Con
stipation aud Biok Headache. For Ma
laria and Liver troubles that have been
proved invaluable. They are guaran
teed to be perfectly free from every
deleterious subttinoe and to be purely
vegetable. They do not weaken by their
action, but by giving tone to stomach
and bowels greatly invigorating the
system. Begular size 25o. per box. Sold
by Gonser & Brock, druggists.
We understand that Hon. R. Alex
ander, of Pendleton, grand master I. O.
0. F. of Oregon, says an exchange, is a
candidate for the office of state treasurer
to suoceel Phil Metsoban, whose time
expires next year by limitation. Alex
ander is a name to eonjure with in Uma
tilla county, where he has lone been
known as an honest and upright man.
and as he is a hnstler and in the field
early, we will uot be at all surprised to
see him walk off with this juicy plum.
Each Occupation Has Its Peculiar
Aa Exoeptlon la That of Brain Worker
Whose nu, it Is Claimed. Arias la
Boat Instance from Baa
Aa Eminent New York Chemist and Scientist
Hakes a Free Offer to Our Headers.
The Chronicle Bnlldlas
h. - hi.hwM thronsh California to all
nnfnta East and South. Grand Hoenle Routs
Of the Paoifio Coast. Pullman Bnnet
Hleeoera. Beoond-olass Weepers
Attached to express trains, affording superior
4. .. fi,p uvutnH-fllfisa Daesenaere.
For rat, tickets, sleeping oar reservations,
t.t.?P0.I!.or.,1. n w MAttlfHaM.
R. KUntlati, ur, v. ... . .
Ben. f . 4 P. Agt. Portland, Oregon
If so, be snre and see that your
ticket reaus via
TIB Itoiliretein line
Great Short LiQe
Their Magnificent Trans, reerlwn Vesttbulad
mums; aim ni.w..,..,, v.
Trains, and Motto!
has given this road a national reputation. All
.ritv"r0;';ri.;r. ..... -
Ueii. A.-iit, Tra. r . P. Agt
iit, W ashliigton ft, Portland, Or.
This Railway Co.
Cerate Us trains on .lbs .anions block
Lights Its trains by sleotriolly tbrougb-
Uses lb eUbraUd slsotrio berth issu
ing lamp;
Rons Spdlly Kjolppsd paeaetitfef train
w? day and aigbt between HI. I'sul
and Cbtosgo, sad Omaha and Chicago;
ChtcAao. Milwaukee &
St. Paul
Also operate steam-litaltd veatilmleJ
trains, parrying lbs latest prtvstt
entntHtrtnieBt ears, library buffet smok
ing car, and patsr drsamg room
Tarlof ears, f' redlining chair feri.
and tbs vary btil dining cbatr car
rvr looaat raUs lo sot rM im Iks
I'nltsd rtlstes or Canal, apply to
atietit or tddreM
0. 3. EPDT.
3. W. CANE?, Usnwat Ageat,
Trev. I'ast, Agt. roillaoi, Of.
Br Malt, Fonts Paid,
$6.70 akr.
The Weekly Chronicle
Hid Greatest Weekly in flit Country,
$1.50 a w
(Inoludlng postage) to any part of"1ha United
States, Canada and Max loo.
snd most eomplets Weekly Newspaper In the
world, print rugularljr 8 columns, or twelra
pagM.of News, Literature and General Informa
tion; also a magnltloent Agncullural Uepartmsnt,
Reversible Map?
The United States, Dominion of
Canada and Northern Menoo
j And th
Map of the World
Pond $3 and Got I ho Map and
Weekly Chronicle t On Tear,
poataita prr"' M D'1
rtetaw s V. O let,
Table Appointment Trolr Elesrasit
on Sach Occasion. -
The cost of a state dinner at the white
house runs from $500 to $1,000, accord
ing to the price of wines furnished, says
the St. Louis Republic.
State dinners, QiS a rule, are uninter
esting, aside from their picturesque
nsa. The ecene, however, is one of
beauty and sumptuousness in effect.
The walls of the large dining room are
banked with tropical flower and
plants. 1
The table i gorgeous with gold and
silver plate.
The center of the table, which, accom
modates 38 persona, is adorned by a
large mirror, representing a miniature
lake, which is aurrounded by a bank of
The mirror haa a golden frame, and
was purchased by Dolly Madison.
At either end of the board are goiaen
With additions, the table accommo
dates 60 persons.
The president's place 1b at the center
of the north side, the length of which
extends from east to west.
The wife of the chief executive of the
nation is seated opposite to her hus
band, upon these occasions.
The wives of recent presidents have
obtained large grants from congress
for the purchase of costly table furnish
The spoona and the forks are of pure
gold, and some of the china la almost
priceless. ' ' J
The cups, for Instance, could not be
duplicated for $100 each,. . . ..
A Bare Thing for You.
A transection in wbioh you oan not
lose is a sore thins. Biliousness, sick
headaohe, furred tongue, fever, piles
and a thousand other ills are caused by
constipation and sluggish liver. Cas
oarets Candy Cathartic, the wonderful
new liver stimulant and intestinal tonio
are sold by all druggists and guaranteed
to care or money refunded. 0. 0. C.
are a sure thing. Try a box today; 10c,
25, 50o. Sample and booklet free, tr
Hebrew News: Miss Gertrude Holmes,
prinoipal of the Holmes Business Col
lege, returned borne from a very pleas
ant visit in Esstern Oregon snd Wash
ington. Miss Holmes oombined busi
ness with pleasure and was the recipient
of much attention from the hospitable
people of every city she visited.
What Dr. A. E. Salter Says.
Buffalo, N. Y. Gents : From my
personal knowledge, gained in observing
tbe effect of yonr Shiloh's Cure in oases
of advanced consumption, I am prepared
to say it is the most remarkable remedy
that has ever been brought to my atten
tion. It has oertsioly saved many from
consumption. Sold by Conser & Brook.
' Tile-cutters in England suffer much
f?om lead poisoning, because they cuti
the files by hand, resting the hand on
a block of lead. In the United States
files are cut by machinery, and noth
ing is heard of lead poisoning, among
the craft.
Hatmakers are exposed to the aanger
of mercurial poisoning, a bom cna-
tressing condition, popularly known as
"salivation." In the manuiacwire oi
Viata a. strong solution of acid nitrate
mercury Is used to promote the felt-
ine of the hair or fur, ana me woriuiiea
i,,i,la enrl ahane the felt are eer-
llliv ju " r
pecially exposed to the danger. Mer
cury is volatile at ordinary tempera
ture, and the mnaiauon oi iu
dust containing its salts, produces
increased flow of saliva, sore mouth,
ulceration of gums, loss of flesh, tor,
mors, vertigo and other ills.
Prevention in such cases is difficult,
because the workmen will not take tho
necessary precautions. The methods
are the same as for lead, prompt re
moval of vapors by exhausts, good ven
tilation and scrupulous personal clean
Arsenic produces most of its evil ef
fects in trades which employ colors
which contain it, either as an essential
constituent or aa an impurity. Some
of the aniline colors contain arsenic.
The chief arsenical pigment? are
Scheele green (arsenite of copper) and
Schweinfurth green (acete-araenite of
copper), but they also occur in some
dull reds, such as red-striped bed
ticking. . .
The trades in which chronic arsenical
poisoning occurs most frequently are in
the manufacture of artificial flowers
and of fancy colored glazed paper for
hnxes. nlavinir cards, etc. Dyers are
also exposed to much danger from this
most distressing form of mineral poi
soning. The use of arsenic for coloring
un.ll turner seems to have greatly di
minished of late years, and although it
can still be found in many papers, it
is probable that in most cases it is an
accidental impurity of the colors used,
a fact which does not, however, lessen
the danger to which the workman w
subletted. The same is true of certain
of the employes engaged in the manu
facture of carpets, and dress-goods
Tinat. heoomes a serious source of
The distinguished chemist, T. A. Slo-
oom, of Mew I on uuy, aemonsiraiiDK
bis discovery ot a reliable oure for Con
sumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis),
bronchial, lung and chest troubles,
stubborn coughs, oatarrbal affeotioDB,
general deoline and weakness, loss of
flesh, and all conditions of wasting
away, will send THREE FREE BOT
TLES (all different) of his New Dis
ooveries to any afflicted reader of this
paper writing for tbem.
His "New ScibDtifio Treatment" bas
oured thousands permanently by its
timely use, and he considers it a simple
professional duty to suffering humanity
to donate a trial ot bis infallible oure.
Soienoe daily develops new wonders,
end this great chemist, patiently experi
menting for years, has produced results
as beneficial to humanity as can be
claimed by any modern genius. His
assertion that lung troubles and oon
snmptioti are curable in any olimate is
proven by "heartfelt letters of grati
tude," tiled in bis American and Euro
pean laboratories in thousands from
those oured in all parts of the world.
Tbe dread Consumption, uninter
rupted, means speedy and certain death.
Simply write to T. A. Slooum, M. 0.,
98 Pine street, New York, giving post-
office and express address, and the free
medicine will be promptly sent direot
from his laboratory.
Sufferers should take instant advan
tage ot bis generous proposition.
Please tell the Doctor that you saw
this in the Gazette, published at Hepp-
ner, Oregon. July 9-7-1 yr.
Now Prepared to do Any
Kind of Printing Don't
Send Your Orders Away
'Till You Get the Gazette's
Heretofore the Gszette's job depart
ment bas tried to do no work other than
plain printing. However, this shop is
now prepared to taoklo anything in any
line and will meet prices of any person
under tbe sun in the line of druggists'
supplies, blank books, bank work,
county work, or any sort of book bind
ingwork that you have heretofore sent
away to get done.
Tbe Gazette shop is not a obanty
concern but it you will give us a ohanoe
we will see that you are satisfied in
every particular.
Buy your goods at home. Remember
that Abe Lincoln said that when one
bought goods away from home tbe
foreigner got the money and we got tbe
goods. But when tbe goods were
bought at home we had both money
and goods. This is good doctrine. We
are willing to abide by it. When the
printing drummer comes to town, re
member it and call up 'phone No. 3.
Hiok Mathews and V. Gentry, under
tbe firm name ct Mathews & Gentry,
are associated together in tbe barber
business in tbe new stand, two doors
south of the postoffioe. They solioit a
oall. Shaving, 15 cents. tf.
All persons indebted in notes and bo-
oounts due to Noble & Co. are requested
to come forward and settle same as
soon as passible. We still continue in
business and will sell goods as low as
oan be bought anywhere in tbe state.
jnoblb s, uo.
Heppner, Or., June 24. '97. tf.
A good bicycle, suitable for either lady
or gentleman, in fine repair, new pneu
matio tires, for sale cheap at Gilliam &
Bisbee's. tf
Now is tbe time to get tbe Weekly
Oregonian, tbe greatest newspaper ol
the West. With the Gazette, both strict
ly in advance one year, $3.60. No better
combination of newspapers oan be made
in the state.
Thb Bobs Feed Yabd. The first feed
yard tbe teamster strikes in Heppner
is that conduoted by William Gordon,
next door to tbe Heppner Gazette
ranch. Mr. Gordon is accommodating,
Notice ot Intention.
coal has a crood yard and abundant
i JH. m,, no-ri in handlino? i to take care ot stock in first olass shape,
fine coal firemen, stokers, coal paeem
Burial Bervteo
by a Fhono
l'ffiFIC III
Tickets Utitsd lo ah points in ths United
Males anj Canada.
Chicaoo All other (Omiia
WasHiNtmm points KNaCiTi
lULTtwoaa loth HT. JorB
Nswli.af I Kt and j HT. Ins
lWrriLO I hoatheasl illtTO
I'litttft IViH.t eotioeotiims
IHt. I'sul, Misoeapol'".
Kansas City, Omaha, Hi.
biok ami other pnirul-
D arci checked Ibmngh la destination
ol th ksta.
TbrnngB (I. Ms to Jsras ami China, via
Taonms anl Northern lVlfio httl
sbla Company's Una,
Is Head
The latest kind of funeral i ene lni
which the burial service is read by a
phonograph. At Gravesend, near Coney
lslaud, severul funerals have been con
ducted by pltonograph recently. Cler
gymen are very few and far between in
that section. The undertaker of the
tillage, saw that something bad to be
done to aupjrly the want ol a ciwgy
tuun, and, briny a man of inventive
genius, hit upon a phonograph aa be
ing the Ix-Kt way of solving uu prob
lem. I
He persuaded a duly ordained min
ister to read the burial service Into the
cylinder of a phonogniph, and also se
cured ciudws with appropriuta
hymns and prayers. A hug trumpet
seres, to i n U-unify the sound and causes
the voice from the phonograph to ba
both loud ami distinct. When . the
coflin has Wen laid benkle the grave, the
phonograph, hlch sUrols where the
mlilatr ordinarily would be, ia start
ed, and thai' ceremony begins.
rirt of all, a portion of the Scrip
tures la read, then a quartette renders
the hymn "Nearer. My liod to The,"
after whith the lord's Prayex ia re
cited. The phonograph voice' then
reads solemnly the buriul servlse. Com
mittal of the dtwd l foiiowea ty an
other prayer. AihiUm hymn J aung
and then tli phonigrll pronounce
the henetfcrtUm. The e Beet U very sol
nn, fur th far-away poumi of the son
orous vok a terms somehow to intonal
fy the tiM-nivhig of th arrvlrv.
No us. oCW than a rellgloua on.
Is ever iirrmltted vllh th photKHf raph,
and its big U-iiin"- l1 wer ground
cut popular ballada. Th undiwUker
takes a really aertuua ttaw ot the In
Wept alri
Hebrew News: Hon. McK. Mitchell,
ot Jervias, Or., was in the oity this week.
Mr. Mitcbsl bas many friends who are
sorry to learn ot bis failure of appoint
ment to office by onr delegation, and
hopes are entertained tbat be will ds
raoognized by tbe administration for his
good work done in tbs lasl campaign.
Certainly you don't want to suffer with
dyspepsia, ooDstipation, sick beadachss,
sallow skin and loss of appetite. You
have never tried De Witt's Little Early
Risers for these oomplaints or yon would
have been cured. They are small pills
but great regulators. For sale by Con
ser and Brock.
W. W. Union: Henry Blackman, col
lector of Internal revenue for tbe dis
triot ot Oregon, Washington and Alaska,
with beadqusrters at Portland, wss in
ths city yesterdsy. Mr. Blsckman's
term of office does not expire notil next
January and, as ha Is considsred an
efficient offioer, it is not probable that be
will ha aaked to resign until bis time
Bbilob'i ' Coosnmptloo Curs cures
where others fail. It ia tbs leading
Con eh Corn, and no home should be
without it. ricasant to take and goes
rlnbl to tbe spot. Sold by Conser k
Brook. . 1
E. O.: Tbe resignation of Sbsriff
Hooser will not ba presented to tbs
coort until ba receives bis commission
a United States marshal. Therefor it
is ooliksly tbat any appointment will bs
made at ths present session.
A Car for Milloss Totle.
IUsours,8oiveo Co..O.-I have been
abject to atlsck of billons colic for
ssvsrst jssrs. Cbambrlain, Colio,
Cbolsra and Diarrhoea Remedy is ths
only sor relist. It ads Hkfl a rnarm.
Go doss of it gives relief when all other
rsmedies fall. O. D. Sharp. For
by Conser k Brook.
w- mm a.
TtaOl ,
oiatc as.
COViomt Aa.
m eie a. a
!. urn S i rMi
t emmn 7
m , tmm a twm i
in l unnMliM a Hi m
MUHN 4 CO.. (
11 R.eaSaei. I eh.
a tleeorvua ra tnd deja-ndliif from
th flaring irtnitprt.
Th InhaHtaiit of (.nreod have
bavom qtU trned U the pbonivraph
and aay It la just the thing for them.
Soms of th older lllafr, who maka
a point f attending all funeral in U
tkliilty. aay that a funeral would ro
seem Ilka a real funeral without
Abe's" tua hli)e. Abraham Piillwell,
Qa oHrt oat.tr ot tba klea, holds that
thera Is tKithlnf lnpprnriaU In ths
Idea, awl aeerJ mioMa have aa
sured him that they fully spprovt ol
It plao.-JI.'Y. J.mrnat.
Th rawlaiTla taUw
la an artltOa on tlv " Kamlna la la
In Ut .North Arnrrtfaa Ttrtirw,
kr I'dwlrt Anml l slate that US.Ooo..
. nf pnfiil In that vsat country Af
IrtaT two arsMHtrrs In tb year, if It fala,
Hsbrsw Nsws: Mis Stella Alexan
der, daughter of Hoo. and Mrs. R Alei-
atul vhen not In u It Is .nd.r. of Feodl.lon. till .nomy arr.va iZUnlM
galds th family IHwiU L t ki. . i to r om. her .t.J.e. at th. J'ii SSjR?
and coal dock laborers, etc. the coal
becomes deposifled in the tissue of the
lungs, producing what ia known as
miners' "lung,' or antbracosia, while
the similar deposit found in the lungs
of those who inhale fine particles of
iron or steel is known as siderosia.
In grinders, file cutters, potters, glass
polishers, wood and cotton spinners,
quarrymen, stone cutters, liine burn
ers, millers, brass finishers, copper
beaters, aluminum rollers, gold beateia
and burnishers tissue changes in the
lungs are usually found after death.
Micro-organlsma cause a very con
siderable part of the diseases which af
flict men in any occupation. While
no occupation specifically produces
these organisms, yet some trades make
the workmen much more liable to at
tack than others. The bacillus ' of
tuberculosis, which causes over 12 pen
cent, of all the deatha which occur its.
the United States, mainly affect thosa
trades in which workmen are herded
tiMtheir in ill-ventilated rooms. One
consumptive careless about his expec
torations may infect his fellows. Hence
the large proportion of oasea of this
disease among printers, accountant
and clerks, and the dressmakers, seamv
streeeea and clothing workers, who are
crowded into sweatshops In the large
The preventive is in proper ventila
tion, disinfection of premises and cua
pldora, in open-air exercise and the
avoidance of positiona In which the
chest la cramped and constrained.
The special dangers to the health of
brain workers, that ia, persona who
use their brains rather than their mus
cles in their occupation, are due first,
to exceaa of emotion, especially ana-
let v. worrv. etc.: second, to irregular
habits aa to eating and Bleeping; third,
to excesses in eating, drinking, smok
ing, etc., fourth, to want of physical
The dlaeasea to which brain work
ers are most llabU dyspepsia, in
somnia, liver and kidney disorder,
nervous Irritability or prostration, Ir
ritable hart, apoplexy and psraiytia,
te, arc by no means peculiar to them,
as they are seen in idle loungers quirt
s often. They are due not ao much
lo excessive brain work aa to bad hab
its of various kinds,
Generally the patient feels flabby,
the secretions am diawdered, he feels
aa tf ha needed more air. Th cause
His prices are very reasonable. He bas
bay and grain lor sate, naa laieiy
added o car load of baled timothy.
Sept. 11, 1897. Notice la hereby given,
that the following-named settler has filed notice
o" his intention to mak8 final proof in support
oi his claim, and that said proof will be made
before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner,
Oregon, on October 27, 1897, viz:
Hd. E. No. 4689, for the SWH Sec. 29, Tp. 8 8 R
24 E W M.
(i. namp. the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz: jacoD i. loung, neeiey w.
Brannan, both of Davidson, Oregon, Olof Berg-
strora ana JSrex uergsirom, oom oi uuuouerrjr,
79-590 Register.
Oome lo tbe Gazette office and get a
decent lot of envelops printed.
Government envelops look; obeap, and
besides you cannot get your business
card printed tbereon. tt
What is Hon Gold? Best beer on
earth. See ad. elsewhere.
Put a quarter in yonr pocket and
don't spend jt till you get down to Low
Tillard's. Finest liquors and oigars
Near oity hall. a
See those new Russian Tan shoes
down at Licbtenthal's. Latest styles,
best Quality, reasonable prioes. You
cannot do better anywhere. tt
Notice of Hearing of Final Account.
County, Htate of Oregon. In the matter of
le estate of Wm. Cecil, deceased.
Nntlne is hurehv ortven that Peter Bauern-
flAnri thn exnnntor nf the last will and testa
ment of Wm. Cecil, deceased, has filed his final
account in the ofttce of the cleric of said court
in said matter, ana in pursuance oi an oruer oi
the Hon. A. G. Bartholomew, judge of the above
entitled court, said final account will come on
for hearing and settlement on tne una aay oi
Nov., 1897, at 10 o'clock a. m., the second day
of the November term of said court, at the
court hoase in Heppner, Morrow county. State
of Oregon. On or belore saia time any person
u me ii is
interested In said estate may appear an
exceptions, In writing, to said account and con
test the same
Executor of the last will and tostimeut of Wm.
Cecil, deceased.
Dated Aug. 23, 1897. 73-82
Come in and subscribe tor the "Gazoo."
Now is the time. You don't want to
miss a whole lot ot good, hard reading
that is now being published id oar
Any person who is interested in
British Columbia should write to W. H.
Hurlburt, general passsogsr agent ot tbe
O. R. & N..for a copy ot Pat Don en's lit
tie "booklet," "Tbe New Booansaland."
II is well worth tbe trouble, CO-tf.
BURN 4 CO., Patent Attorney, Washington,
D. 0.. for their $1,8(10 prize offer.
ICarest, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat
(at business eondaeted for MoesasTC rtts.
Sou Owes is Oeeoiv U. a. f ".T?,r;e.
Sand wecaastmr pel.nl in is Urn toaa UwscI
(rcfflot from Waslungwo. , '
i bead model, arawiag w yimo, wnn w-...k-
Inoa. atlvue, u pateniaoi or mm, re w
. -I- 1... Im Ml BU. till tieiSD. IB SCCttTCQ.
ieoet oi samei Of V. S. and torwca nwMnw
Mat tree. Address,
t,Jl V aVW'A' 1 " a asasj
Rural Spirit
Published Weekly
Portland, Or.
and Turf.
Worth its weight in gold to every farmer
and breeder in Oregon.
(Sample copies free.)
Raral Spirit aod Gaietts both for
13.50, oasb, at this office.
Attorneys at Law.
Alt business attended to ia prompt and satisfactory
manner. Notaries Public and Collectors.
BUleleos Hall.
for full Informal ion, time cards, rasps,
liekeU, l call ia of rita
W. O. Awsast, A. P. Cat.Ti!i.
At r,Ky. At,(lei Ism, All
nslall,Or. 1'ortlsnd.Or
Hmall prscsntioos on en prsvsol great
mischiefs. DaWiH's Llttla Early Risers
ara very small pills it sis, but ars most
ffeeliv (a preventing ths most serioo
forms of liver troahl and stontseb
trottblea. Tbey ear (wnstipstloa aod
heaJaebs and regolat th bowsle. For
ala by Ooaser A Brock.
ter and a cloudy sky. LwJr tba cir
rurrortancea there Is nothing to do but
to drop the work, but avoid asUmiuaot,
u Francisco txammer.
t l I
Hie Regulator LiIlC,,
H m.4M.
'emit art" io
Oo. IX asd Mrs. Fell Uft SalorJsy
nlgbt tor Pradlstoa, tbelr bora.
It raves th Crf 1 Ctildrva.
feavlsw, Va. Wa bavt a splendid
ssU of CbanbsrlalB S Congb Kentdy
aad oor CMtocnor mnisg trom far aod
sear, speak ol it la M higbsst terms
Ussy ba said tba tbelr children
would hav died of eroap It Cbsmber-
lata' Gugh Recosdy bad aot l
git B.-KIUra A Ourrro. Tbs 23 sad
M rest sue tor sala by 06sr A Brock.
Tba Oatt 4 sjwtttn let
koawly of aay itmw, aal It
fUmi ta ImK apt lbs ia adrss
I las l sabftft, btb th
stfflb b &llu VssJeibUI or tb
na b sitm its t4 by bal Ml
Uav Th UIW daily ipl Kaaday)
all .. I'MtUsJ at I ft)
a. tn.
Wba rsa g to rtllaJ, si'- off at
Tt.s UlWaad tsita trta dwa tb
Udaatas; yo will y It, aal savt
(teaeval A I eat
Wanted-Rn Idea Sr5
- - w-w, , r t "-r
n. im. it wbw
thera ta a failure) ol rrn nt en
tire arwa. la this onuntry nn dnmgbl
envers tb ftUr roiutry; there It
a.m. r.'iually IsterraUir trt US is U
fvarther stahtwtrct that Jl IHa fol
rToutMl baa hnm taken, p ra ln.li a
fart hlch should si!w th fr at
bt grower tbat In.'.ta ha many
million of ttaeultlad wbrat Isot.
ltral.W, th rustotn of th people pre
t, lnr al better rutuatia. Th
drmrr norm a rntnl a a piy,
as tl hi srtreeuws .' jear gS
4 tCt sMttjr a wrnrh IwiJ a rmm ! j pay rtrL ll ki
eswiiiy swat hed front bis Ulr rel- , r-tlert lkfrUoa
a, .xtK aad ine. by b.s Ivte r.at rr
s; ans satU ,
Mr. SssiTtllard sad dsagbtsr, Orael.
ara v'aillog frtsds hi ra4lto.
iskt S Arste !.
Tba Bast Sal la tb world for Co to,
Brai, Mors. Clr. Nit Kbeom.
rv Hnrvs, TetWr, Chsppd Hd,
t'KilblaUia Ours, aad all Hta F.rp-
tMw. aa fmtHtvely far rtie or
ta gasraoiead so
or fonv Tofaaded.
bos. by
taM A Jir.
r.sllek Mea aaa Wea Taa Tfcl
Pleaear Bertvaelr.
A faney-dreaa ball In London la alow
Tba a tree U around Convent garden on
a lanry-dreaa ball nitfht ar aa solera a
a fWtland iUelf. ays Rcribner'a. A
few hxurlM LotMVner ar kfi at
rriertful diUnr by tb police, wbll
a prorewam of carra?ea goea aiowiy
etrder th an bey and depiu aerioua
merry-makers, dresia-d a atove, lht
hottse, monks, lamp and vegrtaWes.
01 nT to the aorat dliHfuiae th
Journey pt th ta-ket ukers and to
tb ballroom Is slow. On the ball room
floor raelals. totally void of a aen ot
humor and dreamed in blsu k velvet and
eut steel button, keep tht center of Ui
floor clear, apparently for their ovra
and atamt ready to ubdu any
burst of ligb. heartdna tbat Inlgbt
appear la tb rlrrl that U kept movlnf
about them. Th general oroer ar
"keep movlnc aSon. Tbe nun who
tnaoagea tb errIigbt, from an ot
lb top boiea, probably rnjoys m oan
tb tniwt. Ha certainly ooe more u
help It. Tb renter of Interest Is
a berrver b will ba It. II ran mak
a dull to am fcrigbt and a srnr
pssrty la on of tb bo proud; and
be ea alreoO rtnvov th gloom au4
f U tlMAJ ta w!t4u
- Columbia River and Puset Sound Navigation to
Leaving Alder Htreel IXck, Portlsod, for Astorl. Ilwaeo, Loeg Beb, Ocaaa
Park and Nsbcotta. Direct aonoeetioa witb Ilwaoo staarasr aod rail
road; also at Young's Bsy witb 8abor Railroad.
Leave rortlsad T A. M. Dally, rpt Sunday. Ue Atturt 1 P, M. Dally, sseept Naada
Uas rortlaad S f. st llly, esrep Snndsv. iiiMf nlthl. II P at, !mm Asfairl la
all t A. at., lp dr and Monday. Sunday bight, ? P.M.
Leave PnHland sad runs dtrert to tlam. Tuesday and Tfcareita it t II aatnrdir! I P. at
iM.es iiaar nsaaseaaj ana mamj mt i .m . m, va uniay at(t at r. m.
Bire Ckdt j It fofad Dtstiuiioi IA Itvln F m 4 Irprtst
for Safety. Sed, Coealort, flee u re, Trsfsl ss lb TsUphone, Biif Ostj.rt sad Oreas v
J. C. 13OH0II3CRS, Prop
Keeps the Finest Wines Liquors and Cigars.