Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 14, 1897, Image 3

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    Marvelous. Effects
System Broken Down and Hope Al
most Abandoned Health Re
stored by Hood's Sarsaparllla.
" For fifteen years I have suffered with
catarrh and indigestion and my whole
system was broken down. I had almost
abandoned any hope of recovery. I pur
chased six bottles of Hood'B Sarsaparllla
and its effects have been marvelous. It
i j . . . 1 -1
una uiauo me reei iikb a new man. l am
able to sleep well, have a good appetite,
ana 1 have gained several pounds in
weight." James Wilder, Oroville, Wash.
" I had a scrofula swelling on one side
ot my neck and ulcerated sores in my
kostrllB, caused by catarrh. I also had
small, itching sores on my limbs. I
bought three bottles of Hood's Sarsaria-
rilla and began taking it and the sorej
soon healed. My blood is purified, and
me scrofula has disappeared." O. D,
McManus, Mission, Washington.
' Sarsa-
isineoest-in fact the One Truelood Purifier.
HOOd'S Pills me nausea. lndiEestlon,
a IJ hi linn on aqq ok nunto
WWUMVUU.JUS u tflsilhls
Take Notice.
1. The sum of five cents per line will be
wmub ui umuKH, -resolutions 01
PAHnnPT. Mat of vraAAim nAnnt- i -
and obituary notices, (other than those the edit-
TaF an all himaal f 4a - M
w. iidii SiVO an B uiniwjr ui U8WB.I ana
nnr.lOAflnf nnnnlal maatlnn fA . -
2. Notices of church and society and all other
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
xuUvn a uood luioa mil ue Biricuy aaaer
Vl FA In otrarv Irtaannn
AdvertiBinff rates reasonable and mad known
llnnn annllnnHnn
Now that the great political oampaien
is over and the winter season again with
ns, all will want an adequate supply of
fresh and varied reading mutter for the
long evenings. Cognizant of this the
Gazette has made clubbing arrangements
with a number of periodicals and now
offers the following to all new and renew
nl subscribers:
The GAZETTE J2.50 and Club Rate
Woekly Oregonian, $1.50 $3.50
" 8. K. Examiner, $1.50 8.75
" N. Y. Tribune, $1.00 8.00
" Inter-Ocean, 11.00 8.25
" 8. F. Chronicle, $1.50 8.75
Thrlce-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 8.25
Webfoot Planter, ftOe (. 2.50
Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 5.00
Bandar 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school
10 a. m. Classes No. 1 and 1 at 12:10 n. m.
Kpworth League Devotional meeting at 7 p. m.
Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8 p. m.
'The Spirit and the j.-Ha guy. Come."
The paHtor may be foond at the parsonage ad.
joining- the charch, where he will be glad to
meet any wo may desire to consult him on
reliaious, sociul, civic, philoaophio, educational.,
or any other subjects.
J, W. KLK8HKH. Minister.
Here and There.
. W. Iibea 4 Go.
New ad oext issue.
We are out to do job work tbia fall
Loq Howetb is back from Portland
See the new ad. of the New York
Car load of oysters at Cbas. TeflVa.
It, H. Robinson and wife are up from
Look out tor Rhea k Oo.'i new ad. in
next issue, 9-lt
Everything at Teffl'a first olass and
til white labor. 9-tf
Families wishing ryeters by quart or
Ballon, tee Teh.. 9-tf.
E. M. Wingete is np from The Dalles
for few days visit.
Raooui It still oo the tart donig lit
tie oerpenter business, tf
Heppner OutOttiog Co.. io the old
Ilerreo stand, eee adv.
Submit your plane to IUnona before
giving out your oontraet. tt
Easiest way to make money: Bay
your clothing at Minor k Co's.
Iliaor k Co. bave the best line ot
boott to be foood in Heppuer.
Statement for the Famoot Simple
Acoooot File prloUd at the Osctte of-
fiee. I'
ll rs. Ed Dey of Galloway, arrived
laat Tbnrtday aod ie viaiiiog ber folka
Onr entire line ot ladiea' eaoee and
I ark eta are now In. Call tod examine
Minor t Co. t7C 79,
The lion 0"ld keg ber at the VVal
Come. Oo to, n thinly dtilzot, and
ee tbe ti) . tt
robe, watermelon aod all trails
nl the season arriving daily at the
Orete Front. 6tf
Tbe neit faiic will come lo 1010,
Prepare for it by buying yoor groeeriee
f Miaor Co. 67S-79.
I. H. Barton, rpreeoilog frell,
Oemnod, Kirk k Co., ot Ht. l'anl, e Io
Heppner IhuI werk.
Morrow aty warrants are paid np
to Jao. t, 1W3. Ore 'uaty U gradually
getting oat of debt
Money wauled by P. CL Tbnmpeoo Co.
If yon erprelt eeeoramodatioo, don't
wait for a Dersocsl rail. 4t
Aey ooe dtrio Wi bail! eilher a
bona or bare will make money by eall
log oa tbe (l.aMie ffi. 67H
aorom(vlailxi ad eenrUmoe
treat oiont Mi Ir(rtal loM,Hrnlb
and Wab. Hie., Portland. Orege.
For eal-Ood ehp range with
plenty of lahftlnt waif. Will eH
!tp. Ejiare ot L. D. W!U, lha.
T Ri.
A Few Brief ThonehU Picked Up Aloe
the Line.
The evidences of better times dropped
out very materially ia Heppner last
Saturday. Everybody seemed to bave
money, and the sounds ot revelry beard
'way along ia the dead watches of the
night, proved conclusively that sums of
it was being spent. There was a steady
demand for all kinds of merchandise all
day, the saloons oomiug ia tor their por
Most of tbe farmers ot oar country
have raised good crops and having a
good market for it oan't help having
moDey. Wheat today is 72 cents per
bushel at Heppner. Tbe market is good
and stroDg and may go a great deal
The' Spokane Review publishes tbe
following in its oolumn of raoe notes:
Cbehalis, after a preliminary warm-
up, was sent a mile in 2:12 with ease,
his owner and driver, Mr. FrHzer, easiug
him np during tbe last part of the mile.
II was the general opinion of tbe
horsemen that had be been driven he
oould bave made the mile io 2:04. Dur
ing the wuek this horse will go (or tbe
world e two-mile reoord. Ohebalis is a
ooal-blnok, and his exceptional beauty
wins the admiration of horsemen wher
ever be appears. His owner, Mr. Frazer,
drives him and looks after bim as care
fully as it he were a baby.
Frank Howard has tbe celebrated Red
8 , who holds the world's reoord for
three-eights ot a mile in 34 seoonds.
Frank Reed has 1-Don't-Kuow. This
horse holds the Montana reoord for five
eights of a mile, made this year in 1:01 J.
Mr. Reed also hci Amerioan Boy, en
other celebrated goer,
D. 0. Reynolds has fonr horses. Do
tell, Aqnorn. University and Joe Cotton.
Joe Cotton, one ot the horses at the
traok. has n?3ed from Washington to
New York and has never failed to win
pieces of raonay. This horse beat every
thing io Ran Franoisco at the races three
yenrs sjro last winter at five-eights of a
mile. He was then taken east and
showed bis heels to tbe best sprinters at
D. MoAtee has Latah and Qeneral
At Rbea & Co.'s yon can get silver
ware for nothing. Come and see it you
oan't. 9 2t
Messrs. Meadows & Hatten have been
making extensive ohangee in their blaok
smith shop.
Qreen Mathews handles home grown
fiuits, clean and fresh. Consignments
received daily. 78tf
Fine new lines jast opened np by E.
W. Rhea & Ci. No old, shelf-worn
goods to work off. 9 2t
John T. McAlister and family will
movft to .Lexington for the winter to
obool the children.
John Bennett arrived from Tbe Dalles
this morning and will take bis brother,
Say, below for treatment.
Rev. W. E. Fotwine arrived this morn
ing from Pendleton and will hold serv
ices this evening in the M. E. ohurob.
Tbe Qazette acknowledges tbe re
oeirt of a complimentary tioket to tbe
Spokane races, in progrese this week.
Those cloaks and capes at Rbea
Co. s are going fast. Too should oome
early before tbe best are all gone. 9-2
Rbea x Co. are offering speoial in
dnoemente to oash trade. It will be to
your interest to trade with them. 9-21
E. W. Rhea k Co. are aeoond to none
when it comes to a display ot boots and
shoes. No better ttook io the oity. 9-2
Remember that yoo can get 10 per
oent rebate on all dry goods yoo buy for
oatb at the store of E. W. Rbea k Co.
A beautiful line of cloak, raps and
wrapt oo display at E. W. Rhea k Co'.
The prloea will suit your pocketbook
"Jli- tf?
A True Nerve
Tonic and Blood Purifier
' 'a-.-- '
Restores Vitality, Renews Strength, Cleanses and Enriches the Blood,
Regulates the Liver, Bowels and Kidneys.
5 H AP JtrV AT'
M3ii)i3r, Oregon.
Dr. Del MacClalre's Series of Lectures Well
Attended The Dr. an Interesting Talker.
In connection with the vieit of Dr.
Del MacClaire, : representing the Ori
ental Syndicate, of San Francisco, the
Qazette is reminded of a very compli
mentary notice which appeared in a
reoent issue of the Astorikn ooocerning
the doctor and wbioh io the judgment
of the Gazette scribe seems to give bim
no more credit than he justly deserves
It is as follows:
Tbe popularity ot Dr. Del MaaClaire,
tbe learned scientist, increases with the
increased attendance of the best classes
of oitizens of Astoria. It is seldom that
the people bave opportunity to get so
muoh valuable information relating to
the preservation aod development of
physical and mental health and strength,
imparted in each a pleasing and oou'
vinoing manner. The gentlemnnly con
duct ot Lr. MaoUlaire during bis so
journ in tbe city, as well as tbenmm
peaohable testimonials he carriee from
eminent oitizens in other places visited
by him during bis long and nsetul career
as a pnblio lecturer, is a euffloient guar
anty that all who have dealings with
him will oarry away tbe satisfaction of
baviig met a gentleman ot soholastio
Those who have met Dr. MacClnire
bave found bim to be very muob of
gentleman, and certainly his leotures
bave t :en profitable as well as enjoyable,
Tbe attendance was exoellent on Satur
day, Sunday and Monday nigbts. This
afternoon a leoture was delivered to tbe
ladies, and tonight tbe dootor will talk
to the men. Tomorrow night botb
eexea will bave tbe privilege of bearing
tbe tubject, ' Brain and Neryout Dis
' Expects his Commission boon.
Sheriff Zoe Houser does not expeot
bis commission before next Friday, but
thinks by that time he will be United
Stabs marshal ot Oregon. Zoe Is not
in tbe least oonoerned about Mr. Grady's
reappointment, whioh he does not view
as a political dodge but as a matter of
of necessity. It will not take long to
find' a new sheriff when Mr. Houser
leave", as there are several active as
pirants. E. O.
Qeorge Ho fiord hog some fine half
breed Cotswell backs, oat ot Merino
ewes which be wishes to sell at reason
able figures. He will De at E. L. Mat
look's corral on about Sept. 20. Call
on him. 79tf
Moments are useless it trifled away;
and they are dangerously wasted it con
sumed by delay in oases where One
Minute Cough Cure would bring imme
diate relief. For sale by Conser &
spokane falls & northern
kelson" fort sdeppard
red mountain railways
The Only All-Rail Route Without
Change of Oars Between Spokane,
Rossland and Nelfon. Also between
Nelson and RosBland, daily except
Punday :
Leave. Arrive.
8:00 A. M... ..Hpokatie 6;40 1. M.
1HW A. M RoBHland M J. M.
8:10 A.M..... Nelson 6i5 P. M.
Close connections at Nelson with steninori for
Kaslo. And all Kootenai Lake nointa.
I'liHsennerB lor 'Kettle niver ana nonnu&ry
Creek oonneot at Marcus with staKe daily,
On last Saturday night, while playing
"blaok man" at a spelling school oat at
"House Log" aohool house, on Balm
Fork ot Rhoa creek, John Medsker sat
fered a broken right olavicle. Dr.
MoSworda patobed him tip.
The present state of the
tea-trade can't continue.
Americans drink the worst
tea in the world, and pay
double for it.
J Or., Sept 13, 1897.
Smshlemer, Ben
WiUou, 8 E.
for these letters please any
J. P. Williams. P. M.
Bally, H E (2)
Elsworth, E E
Whon calllnit
To beat tbe broken and diseased tie
sues, to soothe the irritated surfaces, to
instantly relieve and to permnoently
cure is the tnisnion of DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve. For Sale by CoDHer &
Ni k t. b ,"rl1
fttriMt Wnrth t,t Blffinill bUb
ill h . 1 l ffb buyers ia q-ianUt.M
Rural Spirit: Cbehalis, tbe Oregon
pacer, baa tet a mark in Montana that
will likely be ebot at for some time to
Cross A Blackwell'i fancy ploklea and
canned good, reduced price. Orange
Froul, opp. City hotel, Cor. Main and
Willow atreets. 63-tf
Oreen Matbewt baa evervtbiog lo tbe
grocery line Door, vegetables, atapie
and fancy groceries. At tbe new stand,
City hotel building. 7Htf
Mist Altba Leach bm received ber (all
aod winter ktook of millinery. She in
files tbe Ihdiee lo call and examine ber
stock of Mm p'e hats. 9-80
J. L. (iilx'in ban takn tbe Jones
bar tier stand and does good work at
popular prioe, 13 eenta shaving aod
J.j cents bairtutllng. 7D If.
Every new subscriber ot the Oaxotte
from ibis date, May 33, 117, will receive
aa a premium a book worth alone tbe
prire of tbe eobecrtption. tf
If yoo run't abide by statistic, yon
ean ekip tbia. With the exception of
five light vehicles, Minor k Co. told one
(all cr f weg'tne week. 57H-TJ.
mm" dix-uneed. Thursday eOernnnn
a IrcMre will tm delivered t tbe ladiee,
eommeurieg at 8.30 Oiher announce
menH will I male by the doctor from
Itine to tun.
Mnrkott rising and everything la look
ItigUIr oore more, ion ean bow get
your wife a brand new cloak. The fioeet
line In HePDner Bow on sale at tbe
lea J.ra. Mini I k Co. 67-79
Vt. J. E. Adklns, the de0(M, will I
bete Shout Ot. I. Ibeee wlehlnf aey
thing la the line of dentistry eboald eall
oa him aa eoit M be arrive, for his
st.y will be a brief on. Ti H3
It the way, ba yon a Icy or ! Ii
II. familj ! Bring them do t Roe
Oi.'s and fit there eat They be
Iha Aaeet line ot bits' Clothing er
trntil H U pner. 9
No manor .ton ran tjy lferr
eornj.i.h Baneh lo thh world wbU
i(Tr io fftto a t'irj14 liver IWWur
Wilcli lln'e r-alf. Il o"lhe. atreegtb
et an I beala. l I lb great il enra.
fat ' bf l'"lef A Urnek.
Hnmmary of the Taxable Property of Mor
row County Kindly Famished by Prpnty
Assessor Haling.
Deputy Assessor Saliog furnishes the
Gazette with tbe following summary of
taxable property Id Morrow county:
No. Value.
Acres tillable land 70,214 I l.'7,ni
Acres nontlliaoie land S07.H4O 3 H H. S
Improvenients on deeded land HI hl'2
Town and city lots W7 M.3J7
mprovemeiiis on lota Ir.i.OJO
inprovomenU on land not
rtewl.l 10.IS3
Ilea railroad bed 60 Zll.Hn
Rolling sUick in, 1 l;l
eiernpn ana UMephone lines,
m-ies, s B.071
enliaiiill,. - 81.310
Farmlni Implemanta H4.C16
Btoamboals and sutlonary en-
Kim i a.a i
otes and arrounta. 97 A'A
Hliares of lo k ,'I0 :ol
Household lornltnre ....
Horvi and mules i.X'A HV.i.jm
attle 4..1I7 47 s
Hhtep and gnaU lOH.IUH JIM a' I
Heine l,m 2.MU
Proof: the
your money
don't like it
A Schilling Company
Best is the
grocer gives
back if you
gentlemen or ladles to travel for respon
sible, established house In Oreuoii. Monthly
(H5.00 and expenses. Position steady, Refer
ence. Knclose self-addressed stamped envelope
The Dominion Company, Uuut. 1 CliK:an.
You Don't Expect
Goods for Nothing!
grooeries and supplies ; yon want sub
stantial gents' furnishings. Yon can find
what you want at T. B. Howard'a. .
T Howard
Main Street, Heppner, Oregon.
Blew "iT orlt Tailor's
Suits, from $18 Up. Panta, from $5.60 Up.
It yon need a winter suit or overcoat, give us a oall and get a fit. Maio street,
in Natter's building.
F.I.VS CKEAM IIAI.M Is posltlTeenre.
Apply Into the nostrils. It Is quickly absortxd. ft
esnta at IlrtKvlsUi or by msll s samples Inc. by mrtll.
RI.Y UHU'l llKim. M Warruo Bu. New YorUCI;;'.
OroMraliia of all piopertr
tiorapllons .tlUK.Xn
Total lanahla proKTty
ha. ol polls
(iOINd UL'T OF BI HIrs4.
Wills Has Deeldea to Cloee Oat HI
Lrs rlorK of Mrrrkasdls al Cost.
The Omit t iDformed that Mr. R
0. Wills, the merchant, ha decided to
go oat of business at O -i poer and Do
propose to sell everything at est for
spot cash, Tbia sale lll Oootioa til
lb whole stock 1 disposed of.
This ia oot a bonus "closing oat ale,"
aod Mr. Will desire tb pnblio to
know it, Wbeo h ears "0"t" be means
ent." Con la ad look over bis Ira
meat tok good and pick oat yoor
li.ter oaiflt. 7'J;
TTOTTXTDltX), 1070,
A Boarding and Day School for Boys Under
Military Discipline.
TSe 20ih year on. lor the present nianaxeromit bKina Hopt. 14, lmr7,
his institntion is tlioroucblr uilinil for the mental, social, nliirsloal
and moral tralnms or hoys, ihoroiuch irai arafon for any eolli'ae or
This institntion ia Uiorous
and moral train ir
ri online whiKil.
lu'lta I ml il ol of livhnoliitty, Hiate tniversilm of t'aliforina, Urein,
fnDsylvama, Hlanford ami MHIill. Ilurtna: viiralion visitors wrlooine
from V to l'i a. m For cat Joirna ai d othrr infurmallon, a1ilma the
l'rinril, i. W. 11 ILL, M. I)., rortland, OraKou. V. U. drawar 17.
SI Ki.l. II.
Was Perfected by the
Production of
And now the entire world
Knows this verect product
As the Star Brewery beer
On draught at
all popular saloons
Am Beady fee Raslaeea,
After aboat 8 weeks of labir la build
In i and enlariog their stnr R W
Illie A Co. hv at last got ready for
lb fall trad and bav opened np the
most eitenaiv stork of goodf displays I
la Qeppner fir many a year. Tlie r
tor hi heea empletely arranged and
cow presents a very tasty an t altracli,
appearane. Ia tb neit Usne of tb
UsielU will b preeenled It nor readers
tare display a I. that ill call your
attention to few t.f tb aiecial lines
this inre bs to offer to ! public.
fyk nut I r it ll
Frank MeFarland has bea pptole.
sp-cisl rgenl of Tli E-nitalle Life A
arane C'o of Nw Y"fk, tb irmceei
io tb wurl 1. ('sh sarplu .to p-Atct
holder of over ii eailllo . dollar. o'l
take liisirsnee withnat seeing th ne
bUri if th r.aailaM. loanre Utb
e arii fatee, T7tf
Th Capital ol Crete mm4 of Be-
eet Troekle.
Can, or Klisvnla, aiooe 1841 the cap
itiil of Crete, ami lu principal anaport,
Is situated on the northern coaet of tlie
Island, ami about 25 otUe trom it
wrwtern extremity on tlia iathmua of
the AkrotLrl te-nlnnuJa, whkili Ilea bo
tween the Hay of ( a nets and th liy of
KmU. It U on the ait of the ancient
( ydoula, ia Uie rlnci(Mi commercial
town of the Wiuiil, with a population of
alxiut 15,000. It la cloudy buUt, r-
reiriilar and owcrowdrd, awl eur
rounded by a nnuiHlve Venetian wall.
Of lat yw a few of the atreeU ha
been wklened,
Ilia onllnwy building are of wood,
though a few of Uie more Important are
of mitro aolw material. Thre) are
axnne (irwk cburche. a Bumlier of
Turkih moequew, a Jewiah aynagrjjnie,
a luiliUry hospital to an old VeibelUut
building, and a sulastantially conetrucV-
l uriaoii. The faM I Laid out la
Thieve borrowed a wheelbarrow tc
cart away a wtoli-u stove at Toroutoand
were arretted jimt a they re.-schexl a m-c-ond-hand
deaJer'a aliop.
More eyea uiuat be dnmngeil oiMust
than most people auppone. Two mil
I'on glaa eyes are lua tin fact u red every
year In Germany and Hwiterlntul.
A religion sect In the Ilengal pre-
Idency worhl Queen Victoria aa their
chief divinity, fthe I a I ho an objis-t if
worahip In one of the templeaof Tlliet.
William If. M iid son, the sailor who
carried Farrntrut aehore on hi back at
thii siege of New Orlean, dlinl at hi
home In York, Me., the Inst of Jstmnry,
A Cliiiiainan advertiai-a In ni-wapn-per
of the City of Mrxieo a flrst-rlai
Amerk'n realaurant where frrah oy
ler will le tiplled whenever ollrd
On slat 1st Ira furnished hy the pluir
tnayiaf It I eatiniated that there ar
In I'ari alone at lenat SO.lKiO vli tims of
the morphine habit, among them -T),-
203 Washington St., PertlansJ, Or.
Tt.- wt- deelr. t. ba,l I sheatl Chjll'rUlUM
Ii, Is
ft. '1
garrlen; public ganUn lv tiren coo- 000 women
trurt ouUlde th wall and arlelat i Many tiervon fall Into the error of
well have been bored by the gwern- uppilng that all fish la alike whole.
eotue. Mackerel I one of the moet oily
mrnt. The harlior U l.S'ci feet long, i
fimiwl by an aurieiit truoaverae mole,
IndM-ated by a liehthoiuie and prOtej-U
el by a fort. Tim harbor U ajjillow,
but afforiUi safe anohornf fcsr erl
of 30 Urn.
Oil, soap am) wax era th pritunpal
eewtJi; ahlplmildUig on a truaJI aie
I earrHMl on In th port, ami ther U
c-otteiderwbl tiMnufrtur of leather.
Th town I th et of the (ireek
bsabop, uffraYai to Ui itietropollUn
of Caiedla. It U aleo Urn oflruU real
iUih of th F.urojn eon'il. In
the town suffered severely from aa
nb'iiake. Tolsoia lUwl.
tt'aTrii TRt'el WofcTlty !tl A'TIVg
1 ..,i!i.ni,f U'll Vi fra.wl Mf fsin
f.itu. xely Klr-
Th (Jsirlt de Dot quetton tb
buuealy of any pro. tut It I aoiu
(lied to lesuit apoa lb eaeb ie df sue
plan ol atieerli'Uoa, hetlxr lb tnb-
seriUr b (Viraella VnJerbilt or tb
a to who arrt bit bread by bonet toiL
W tuut ray tb pr oa aay other
of fiah and th most difficult todilteat,
and slioiil-l Im entirely alastwlne! from
eireit hy Mrti In the tieatof health
Whiting I th mowt wlwibwome and di
geatibl fish, and neat to that uniiri
New Virk eiirplii of titrrsnll
might find a more roityrn 11 fleUI In I .In
eoln, Ne4i., where out of 50 tarkct given
out by tb ThwrfsoiJile! aMiiely for free
ujsjiera fli holdiT of only fmir pre
errted them for rnesja, rvi In th first
hour of a free dinner served by IlaJUtig
ton Ikeiih'a volunteer only four er
in ram to petk of It,
The owner of a (rvwnlt quarry In
Frankfort, M., tesifie iht h ell
tumpg for granite at rWht rent
cubic )rd for itinirnMin alone and al
ii ertita for grout, firout granite la of
Irrerular abaiie, and all ir from
taiving toi tin. Csavl, rVI eeril a ruble
t srl, Ini lnding ttumpag. to get dlinen
Ion gTiit from fjuarry to wharf; 60
TLi Ofimpaoj carriei dry good, grocerici,
hard warp, Ixxita and aboon, Lata, geoU' fur
niHliitiR, rto. Large ahipmcnt of oew and
Bftcond band faruitarp, which ia being aold re
gnrdlnea o( conL They bare alao hard warn,
wall carpota, loungca, atirioga, maU
trnHMoa, all theso at half prion. Ixxik for the)
aign at Ilcrreo't old ttand oa May atreet, Doit
to I'alace hotnl.
good ins mm.
Ynr wit ha stood by yoa faltl.folly
In your adversity. Now, let her abar
in your proarmrtty ,j buying ber a aw
emg Dchina from
New stork Just received. I'rlfles from i3 to .'sX Call aad
tlliecl Iheir line.
You cun Wdqcp Your Sox that You
fire Alwnys nt Homo nl ....
F Welcome
Ou klala Hi feel, In City UnUl Building.
tbe; try to pleas all. fio olob rooma la Coiattoa.
IOVV OM2Ie,VIitl, Prop.
se,,,. t r, t. ..k. f:rji?rrh
ay tin. M
I ! ei
t lh'
Uy. 1 l""lni"i i ;-ss7 lv-
plan. tf
tt cent a yard fur grout.