. tariff upon products of France, by a commercial agreement between the two countries. The articles upon which he is especially desir ous of getting reduoed duties are brandy, champagne, still wine and vermouth, and will average about 25 per cent The president has authority to grant these reduc tions without the formality of a treaty, whenever, in his judgment there are satisfactory reasons for doing so; all that it needs to put them into effect being a proclama tion by the president The Ding ley tariff also provides for recip rocity treaties, but they must be ratified by the senate and approved by the house after they are nego tiated, before they become bind ing. This is the first time that the house of representatives has been rpnormizfid na n. nnrr. nf iha trout v. Yellow fever is prevalent down jg machinery of the govern- ment. BEHIND PRISOX BIBS. SUN MCNTUEVYED1filiirRI I5ATI on the Gulf of Mexico. The returning ships from the Yu kon are not bringing out a great deal of gold. WHAT OUR EXCHANGES SAY. Those wretched Ohio editors will not Btop talking about John "Mad as what?" you say McLean's gold bond. Ex-Senator John U. Mitchell hag re turned to Portland to reside perma nently and resume bis law prautioe. And Harvey Scott is mad as a wet ben. Don't know. Imagine be doesn't know himself. It's just Harvey's way. Mitchell is the red raff to Harvey's bull. Crook Co. Jour- The Sumpter News has come nB' out in an enlarged condition, and is much improved by the change. Word comes down from the Yukon that provisions are scarce The New York Herald has been one of the most conspicuous newspapers in tbe oonntry in opposition to the Dingley bill. That joornal is foroed to say edi torially in an issue of last week: "Pros- nprirv in riintrihilfinor ta ViHnnfila amnno and that much suffering will be thousands of New England mill hands, the result Yesterday many factories that have been idle for mouths, or running cn short The farmers are rapidly getting schedule, resumed operations on full back the $80,000,000 which thev ,ime. thereby stimulating business lost in the value of their sheep under free trade. throughout tbe entire seotion." States man. Umatilla county warrants are selling at par. Morrow county warrants should be just as desir able for investors. Hon. T. T.Qeer came down from his Waldo bills farm for a brief visit last evening. Mr. Geer has not deoided as to his coarse in connection witb bis reoommendation to tbe land office at Oregon City, bat the probability is that be will relate the place if tendered him by tbe president. Statesman. Argentina doesn't like our wool tariff, Jack HarabUt, AIIm Bob Cbllriers, Alia Bob Grant Captured la Hostaaa. From the Grant County News. Tnesdiy's stage brought Sheriff Liv inB'oo and bis prisoner, whom be ar rested for Jack Hasblit who, einoe tbe minder of Ben Qammay in February 1S94, bas been eluding tbe officers. The story of the pnrauit ot tbi men qnie interesting. Grant, as be was oosrn in Biis". onma there with J. M. Box. a man named Hirpan and a woman ud a little ttirl. Thay had a band of some 30 horses witb them. While there Gr.mt was arrested od the charge of tftnlirig n bridle. He escaped this chnrije, but immediately afterwards the flicprs refl"ived wnrd that he wbb want ed for murder in Orsgnn. He was arretted and lockei up. Chief Frauds wired Sheriff Livingston for a description. 'Ibis was font but did not fii the OHse. Grant, for instauce is six feet, 6 inches tall, but the description gave bis stature five feet, 10 inches. Grant was turned loose and went to Silver City. Io the meantime Sheriff Livingston had received positive infor mation that he was the man wanted and deputized Carlos Valade to go to Boiee to identify him and bring him back to Oregon. When Valade trot there Grant as located at Silver City. Governor Lord, however, refused to give Sheriff Livingston extradition papers, setting up tbe remBrkab'e reaaon that it waB be cause Urant was noi under a. rent. Valade had to be reoalled and Grant disappeared. It transpired that at Sil ver City or DeLnmar the party broke nr, Harpan took all the horses but four and tarted for Oregon. Tbe others, with two sorrol work horses, a sorrel racer, and a sma 1 sorrel addle horse left theoountry stutiug that tbey were going to Montana. Grant was supposed to have rejoined Harpan n Oregon. Sheriff Livingston finally indnoed Governor Lord to issue the rtquisition papers. He then went to Boise, secured extradition papers and he and Deputy Blair, of Idaho, started out cn the long chase the 14th of Angnst. The trip, whioh was made by buckhoard, covered a large scope of country in Idaho and NevadB, 873 miles all told. Grant, bow- ever, doubled on bis track and beaded for Oregon. The trail was lost in Cam as Prairie, and the officers rcoeived in formation that he wag in Pine valley, Union county. Ibe sheriff was prepar The democrats have laid aside their usual cry about increased prices under the new tariff law. and protests against it. There are peo They see that low tariff is no lone- ple Bbont PP0" 8Dd Prineville who or nrmiilnr Avar, with iboJr " 11 "uu BIBUU "P "r .-wregooian 1 . A flashier of a bank at Qennnnr ntutn.1 me otner uuv mat na dp nveti nverv l'EOI'LE WHO are wondering what farmer that owed a note in bla bank the democrats will find for an issue would pay it off this fall. It will be in in 1900 should postpone their wor- ord'" ,or Roer. Fennoyer and others ry, as there may be no democratic ?f ilk lo 'V lhJ" ,a Dot 'T' !? ? , , , . . i mriuora are mil idu i. ever win De party vy iubi time, vue way mings to pay tbeir debts.-Plaiudebler. are going. able A WOMN MLNEE. Rheumatis Fame and Fortune Won by Her Courage. ' Is a blood disease and only a blood reme rha Widow o( a Former Army Offl- , , .. . ..I er Who Knows How to Take .u n. ou iuuy ycuii.c lua. tbe mistake of taking remedies wnicn at best are only tonics and cannot possi bly reach their trouble. Mr. Asa Smith, Greencastle, Indiana, says: "For years I have suffered with Sciatic Rheuma tism, which the best physicians were un able to relieve. I took many patent medicines but they did not seem to reach my trouble. I gradually grew worse until I was un able to take my food Eastern Oregon State Normal School, I iai' a '. r vvesion, uregun. Care of Herself Her Work lu the Mine. . Bloomers have brought about the for tune of at least one woman. She is Mrs. Arthur Bigdon, of Pearl, Idaho, who owns the "Woman' Bights Claim," a mining ledge which has proved a bonanza, Mrs. Bigdon is the only woman in the camp. The "Woman's Bighta Claim" was secured by Mrs. Bigdon by location that is by "staking off." This claim is 1,500 feet long, 600 feet in width, and ia the most valuable piece of property In that region. Mrs. Bigdon secured it five years ago. The "croppings" were plainly visible and at the time there Wfcre comparatively few miners there. Experts who have examined Mrs. Big don's claim assert that she will be a millionaire in a year's time. The for tunate woman miner is the widow of a British army officer. She is highly in tellectual and has made a thorough study of mining. She was left a widow seven years ajro, and it was then that) she conceived the idea of putting her knowledge to some practical use. Her decision to settle at Pearl was made after she had visited several other western mining camps, and as soon, as her claim was "staked" she had it re corded. Then it was that her hard work began. Day after day this strange woman. may be seen descending into her mine, only to come again to the earth's sur face covered with dirt, but always with a face glowing with enthusiasm. When the report was spread about that Mrs. Bigdon was wearing "trous ers" and working) in the mines like a man the women folk of the surround ing country were shocked, and many were the stories that passed from lip to lip. Now all this is changed. While there is much jealousy over the rich find in the "Woman's Bights Claim," there is at least one man who is delighted with the widow's prize. Ho is known as "Creeping Jim," and was a short while ago one of the biggest bul lios in this section. He was shot into better manners. This happened over a year ago. Mrs. Bigdon was about to lower her self down the. shaft of her mine when Jim approached and asked permission to make a descent. Mrs. Bigdon con sented, and the two were lowered to gether. Hardly had they reached the ONLY STATE SCHOOL IN EASTERN OREGON or handle myself in any way; I was abso lutely helpless. Three bottles of S.S.S. re lieved me so that I was soon able to move my right arm; before long I could walk across the room, and when I had finished one dozen bottles was cured completely and am as well as ever. I now weigh 170.' A Real Blood Remedy. S.S.S. cures Scrofula, Cancer, Eczema, and any form of blood troubles. If you FBANK ROGERS have a blood disease, take a blood medi cine S.S.S. (puatanteed turelv veeeta- tabled is exclusively for the blood and is recommended for nothing else. It forces out the poison matter permanent ly. We will send to anyone our valuable books. Address Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. Located on the O. B. A N. Bailway midway between Pendleton and Walla Walla. Stodenta admitted at all times of the year. First-Class Training School for Teachers. Yooal and Instrumental Mnsio taught by competent instructors. A gradu ate of the Boston Conservatory has charge of tbe instrumental department. AFlie Iadies' Boarding II till la thoroughly equipped and offers ex cellent accommodations at reasonable rates. Send for catalogue. Addsess M. G. ROYAL, President of Faculty or P. A. WORTHING- TON, Secretary Board of Regents, Weston, Ore. J J. J. ROBERTS Rogers & Roberts, Contractors and Builders. Plans and Estimates Given on Snort Notice. All Kinds of Repair Work Done- Many lawyers nowadays utterly dis- OFFICE H0URS---Day and Night. Leave your orders "Any Old. regard honor and honesty in the means Plopp" ond Rnrr or lim will rrPt Vm a r. n n n A aklVV AWCL VA lilU IT Ail VAAA. J J J V V bottom of the shaft when Jim rushed at ing to eive him another chase when be the widow and attempted to overpower received a ti;1e;rnm from tbe Idaho Unexpectedly The Dalles las got left Hi'ViKTvn nf thn "nrnvih rF t Kain. lbs oity bad a candidate for .i , U. 8. marshal, but tha enterprising peo- J.,,..... . pis of Tendleton played the top band me rocent foreign Bales of Amen- Dalles must et a move on itself, or it Can tin AS duo to their non-pro-1 will get knocked out by its more enter- toctivo theory? prising neighbors io business m well as in poimos. 1. 01. WHY don't Professor Dobs and O. P. Iloff. of Irving, baa been recoro- Lis associates Call on tbe Cramers mended by the Oregon delegation In CDtiR'ess to the United Htatrs oonaulate t Copenhagen. Mo better 1ation could hiv bi-en made. Mr. Iloff's ap pointment is aavued and bn reonm- mindatioo was mad by the delegation at tbs hearty rrqm-at of republicans not onlv of Oreiroa. bat Washington and On, by tho way, liavo the Obio California. Ha is especially 0lif!l for the position, and is a man of sobrie ty and honor. Ilia appointment will give iatiMfaotiun to all. Kugeoa Itcgit ter. sheriff informing mm that Ursnt was nnder Arrest At Dillon, Monlaua, held for the sheriff of Orant oountv. Sheriff Livingston immediately started for Dil'on, atd arrived here safely witb his prisoner lu due tiaie. Grant domes that be is Jtick Uiimblit, and before be oun bd beld 00 the charge of ranrder he will bavo to bi fully iden. tiHod by parties wbn knew Hnmblit cn K iok ore, where the tragedy of Feb ruary 11, 1381, ooourred. Tbe i reliint- nary n imindti'in will be held before Jantioe Hulleon a soon as witnesres can he procured. her. Mrs. Kigdon always oarriea a re volver. Quick as a flash she stepped aside, and in another instant she had sent two bullet into the big miner. He dropped like an ox, one bullet hav ing penetrated his brain, the other hav ing taken effect juat below the right knee. Mrs. Kigdon was hoisted to tbe surface, and later Jim was hauled up, Since that time he has been one of the widow's most ardent admirers. N. Y Journal. . by which they elicit evidence or invali date the testimony of those opposed to them, in illustration of which we need only adduce the following specimen of cross-questioning: Lawyer1 Mr. Jenkins, will you have the goodness to answer me, directly and categorically, a few plain questions? WitnessCertainly, sir. "Well, Mr. Jenkins, is there a female living with you who is known in the neighborhood as Mrs. Jenkins?" , There is." ' "Is she under your protection?" "Yes." Do you support her?" I do." "Have you ever been married to her?' (Here several jurors scowled gloomily at Mr. Jenkins.) That is all, Mr. Jenkins." Opposing Counsel Stop a moment, Mr. Jenkins. Is the female in question jour mother? "She is." Boston Post. XTTANTKD TRUSTWORTHY AND ACTIVE 11 irpntlpmpn or Indies to travel tor reipon tble, emnhllnhprt house In Oregon. Monthly ICS 00 nnd exponiii'i Position steady. Refer- enre. hnelose self-addressed stamried envelope. ine nonunion i-omr-any, Dept. 1 tnicaKo. 0 0 B OOTS AND SH0ES!., ,THE PLACE TO GET THEM IS AT M. LICHTE 'THAIv'S He has anything In this line that you may desire and you can depend on it you get a good article when Mat guarantees it. SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Old Stand, Main Street. Repairing a Specialty to.folMly Tribe FUOU DYE A. Whut a Itpsponnllil Krsldrnt f Dyr Hays About the Trip to Yukon. Abt) Jones, whom everybody iu llepp Nlesrsfna't Klectrle Bash. A plant, which shows decided electro magnetic properties, the Phytolacca elcctrica, was recently found in Nic aragua, If one of the branches of this plant is touched with the naked hand a chock Is felt similar to that produced by the discharge of a Ituhmkolii coll. The influence upon a magnetic needle deviating from its proper direction. This influence increases as one gets nctrcr to the plant, and if the magnetic Timber CultureFinal Proof. ITnitko Rtatks I.ANn Omen. The Dalles. Oregon. Hcnt. l:Hh. 1ROT. NOTICE I HKKKRY OIVKN THAT JAMES C. Kelthly. ot Hardman, Oregon, hat tiled notlreof Intention to make final proof before J. W. Morrow. County Clerk, at his onVe in Hennner, Oregon, on Monday, the 2Mh day ol Orolir. 1H97, on timber culture application So. for the nk of section No. a, in townamp No 4 south, range No, 24 east. He names aa witnesses: Frank Moreiann, .Tames H. Allen, Kd Moreland, and Oscar Keith. ly, all of ilardmati, Oregon. JAS. e. Jiminr., 79-00' Keglster. FOR Farmers and Villagers, Fatfiirslfl Mothers, FOR Sons and Daughters, FOR fill the Family. of tbe Wilnon law to help out tho miners? It was clearly tho reduc tion of tbe tariff that caused the reduction in miners' wages. and Iowa and Maryland and Ken tucky and Nebraska and New Jer sey and New York democrats for. gotten about the tariff? They seem to be btrangely silent on the subject. HIS rr.KT HltOKKN. 1'alntel Eiperltsr of a Hub I'aweagrr as the I'llot of No. I rmra the I. O. Friday night, on train No. 1, Portland bound, tbs train bad paaatnitpr. lii nam 0"Uid not be learn!, bat it Is known that he bailed from Will Walls. IVrbaps ha would have been sju'rra(ul in besting his way to Webf.int bad nn n accident happened. Trior band nf bnrsHS on Ih track bryon re mashed into Ihera. Tl.s animal ot lleah and blood could not nithsland the collision, and wr cattrnd right and a eomtilaiut lelt, HI led and niairusl. Ou was hoi.t- A P.niTlMH freight steamer, Gletiloby, is now at Portland load ing IL II iron for Prussia. It is tho lariat boat that ever entered the jort of Portland, being 13 feet longer thau the (Ircat Uepublio which was wrecked on the bar at the mouth of the Columbia, near ipp,,fr Junction, sod tl.s iron bo Astoria, alniut fifteen years ago. Sale Of Accounts. Notes ner knows, writes an luterestiog yWbuihhwittwuB.Mteiily fle(' i rum iu i.uooi.., iuu...-i..B m.u a circular movement. The, ground upon of a letter writteu by Mr. U. o. Merron, W',iich this i.lnnt thrives does not show . . I nnfttmfttiter of Uyea, o Mr. U. J amen, even ft trace of Iron or anv other ni?tal- Notion in hereby iven tht the nndenlirnixl nf Clmttanonta. Teno.. and which he tfc sul.tnnce which would b. likely to bItcs ths (latctta anthority to publiah. influence a nm(fnctic ncvdk', therMore totw-r. w, at tin Court House door in Itepp- there is no room lor doubt itval the In deference to mado by the Swiss minister, Secre- M " iHt ! otio.ld th i... ci....... I,.. .lii.n . hobo pmrngft, llolb bla fret wrrs ifllj HUl-'fttJllu urn tii!u M tH'i i A . t .. 1 trnln, ml bn m ollirwt tirnl.1 the following provisions from the room AfinB,n, mhMm tl iMl treaty In tweeu the United btates nanls lit was aulT.riog m.ioh pain and Hwit.erland: "No higher im tHjst, under nhatever name, shall urnj it4s4 ium t or.g,, sui ' ... . , fair. M tm trt S. be ei acted of tho citizens nf one of .... ... by sol attend ths slats tslr when the two oountriM resi ling or es- ,o0 , . t1 k,t for 00. lar. roqod tabliitbed in the other thsa stall trip, from soy t"lal s tb rU.atbero b levbnl uiHtn the riti.ens of tliel IV ifto lioea In Oreg.m v.nntr In hieh thev reside, nor Tbs Or..oo tl.U Mr and ladu.irlal . . . --- 1 - . any contribution, whatever, to which the Utter shall Dot tt liable." The KU minister claims that Iowa ha laid ft tax upon (he premium income of Kuropean insurance) companies greater than tha tat imposed up. on the premium iucome of Ameri can insurance coiupaiiies, aud that the same is a violation of the h'l'l s-U.-uhi sf 23 eia. treaty rights of Swil.i ilatid. irll'no will ritut SBitanally tins elbibits and sttraMiotit In addition t ths gmrit tr k fttra, ail situl Inst rnntitnf raeea, wild 1 VI NU to lower his reerd of 2oH f r a pari of 1 1V. Arrsngrmentt sr lrln mad ff lbs lntfid irll s of many S'w stlran It'icia U lutvreat an I pla all wit attend. Viilir nay tepr to b royally tollslnetl. IHia fsrw ftrf ths ronnd Inp, M-. Uerron la the manager of lbs firm of ilealy A Wilson, packers and dttalnr in general inerohandlas. Ths a.lrioo that bo gives Mr. JaniM is valuable to any person bavin? In mind a viait In tbe Klondike. Ths latter dated Dyea, Ana Hi Mi reads a follow: "Yonrs of Jnly 2fl:h to bund. Ths two routes nor ned to the Yukon mines art the f-kaifiiay, or White rsa route, which leaves ths ooaat about Ore miles from tl'is plsoe, and Ids Uvea trail whlrh leaves ber. Tbe only meihod of trsMmrttioB from this place Is pi ok h ir", while mn and Indian pvner. TUe e el of transportation from head of Oiv: iti.iu In Laks Bennett today is 35 Oi'titt (ier pound and raiding every day I eipeot Io see It 50 eents per pnun l in 10 dH. There is at present oee email imill at Lake llennrlt where lliy are biiil lmi: boats of alt dewrititlm. I tn,!,." yn a map of Tukon ditrlef. 1 would liot think of making this trip be tors kpritiit, when gnoda la quabtitv ran rw tie. I. led qilt eheaply. 1'l.e lrddln( iHminnera alx-ut the Aral of March. Yuk m or I,e U river nMn ab-'Ul the let of June. A faW ps'lles Ihn nh with small en'fl's and dsj teams lo winl.tr, prlnt'lpally mail trips. 1 hers la talk of a sit-in Mai from this lac to l.'.k" Uenaett. The dislanpe fmni )yea In t.ak I.ln l-rniao 121 mtlee; aero l,-ke Liolermao I t lake l'.rnnrlt is fnor mile. ' l tl.lnk of makint lbs trip nil-ili-r any nrinmslaoiv Iwfor spring. V are now lu the Ihroes of the biggest etampel Ihe world ever saw sol I here II be muil enfT-ring. and fhsp raany frita l death thi winter, for Ibey eannot, la Ihrtr penl altls of iiUmhl lis eiiei.l thit the winter trip lmprtietle. list l are seee'sary for sprit g travl." tier, Oregon, sell lo the hlfthest bidder tor rash In hafxl ull IhA iwl,.a an, I aenn tttH fkf ill. curious plant really posaesttes that pe- solvent estate, remaining unpaid on said date. culiar protH-rty. The inU-nsity of tho Th l l;roximate ( value nl aald notes and 11 ' . . .'... I arroiinta is I i:A .) no. and a lull Inspection of iiiit-iniiiriiiii avruia iu tirjirini riiiiiri; I same ran tie nan at the onics OI tills fc I'll tips vpon the time of Any; during the nlrht any tune Peiore aaiu sale. It rraxrs aitoKiiner, vluie the luaxi- Assignee ot Cox Brnt., Insolvenl Debtors. mtini or the t-lei-t rii-nl Lntliiencei oci'ura I Tv-i. nlaiut two o'eloek of the afternoon. If the weather is stormy the magnetic- clrctJ-lcal miMTtiea of the Jihj tiiluor are consiilrrably IncrwuHxl. N. Y. Times. With the close of the Presidential campaign TUE TRIBUNE recognizes the fact that the American people are now anxious to give anc 1 their time to home and business interests. To meet thvs condition. politics will have far less space and prominence, until another State or National occasion demands a renewal of tbe fight for the principles for which THE TRIBUNE has labored from its inception to the present day, and won its greatest victories. Every possible effort will be put forth, and money freely tpent, to make THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, inteiesting, instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each memler A kloadlke Book. Tbo Chicago Itooord's bunk for Oold Seekers is now ready. A reader of this hook will know more of Alaska aud tie wonderful Klondike dixtrict than be conid learn oj mouths or p?riiiki Usees Victoria's Oaf Draws. The qutvn had always a liking; for gay colors, and a tuy who was pre sented to heron her first visit to IVeaide I ob rvalioo and research on the groond, gives tln following interesting account In enmphrison with other work on tbe We turnlsn "The Gazette" and "N. Y. Weekli TriDunc one year lor J3.00. ' CAMII Address all Orders to of the quern's dreas: lt,cr majcaty wore bright blue ailk dress with a great number of flmmivs of various tli-pths. ra-h elgrd with liarniw black velvet over a not inconsiderable crinoline; almve this very brilliant garment she wore a royal 8tuart tartan shawl In all Its raJnWm colors, a w hite chip bonnet trimmed witb pink rosea and blue rits- bon bow a; a w bite veil stid Ie lemon colored gloves completed what could hardly lsr railed a quiet coat time. She carried In her hand a small blue silk parasol with a thick fringe of the asms hade snd with a whit ivory handle and stalk. -Woman. t Since the Invrntinn of lnntr-ranire rifle mns the fortrrae of (ohraliar, In every sense of the word, controls the entrance io the Molilrrranrnn, for at the liar- I? ADVANCU. THE GAZETTE. Mk. rmM).hr,tbo I'rcnih am. basaadot, baa ln eonsulling with FerreUry Mirruao with i w lo curitiii a reduction In nme of tU dutieo iK,,K.d I, IU Dingleyl" u",,u Vt. John W. Itwmas, of lbs lUJlmhl a S a am. a nas leg ier o iiraia'i-Ui nop 1.1 1 IWI if li.iiinrs and f'.'sis B alock. If Hood' Pills ubj-ct ills ths "Webaler's Dictionaty of Aluek," prrfcot and prerlns volume, at once) 'he model and d of rival publisher. It tc'ls rf tbe richest and most vc got, I r.eldt t'e world has knowo Hiw they wero dicov a..e -, -jlL2UVL f ,rX&?-t'lnifr V.-.-- d-" Wa . . i Ytr . jZ: !. )n:..t I t r-N a r t r a a . - .0 . i . . r ,v A . . .... .1 . . . . iiii . t a knowo ine luey were macoverml f s OIinCvr AM Uoibrr Ide?-The fortunes already I iJl LsJi T J made -The millins In be taken ont J ill 4 oexl yea. Mow to gel there-It. It. fare tVi2J? VS II Uj-J -fO, sod other wprrees fr-m all p..ints- W l-L-2r iirJ Meid'cal lifts-Climate-Oincisl Uspe X 'Mfill YL'r'A -Oinernmet.t reports-all IsoJ sad X r $7kX& r -', 1 if Ol ftl I LH wsterruotes-pMjeie.nUilroada-M.r)- ' VJ-A24r It0lVlA 1 fH ?ovo I si k rev, r- . log lsws-0 Mtoms. la brM, all that Is known ot tuts wooderfttl lacil of fabu - . . . ... . I b,Ht. . I. -. - I I .... I - f.Wa. IBS aS M 4 ' I. . 11 I si 1. u,.... ft r4.w 1 III" I r V . -wsv " 4 .- 4 sV tt. . & I . t ' """7" V . , r prsotical book, offlolal and w,dord. IV i'-V U 'IVv and the guns of the fortreas cn dejiver . . , , , . . .. W" Sw,i-"t-"If J 1 S M ft V?i-jrwT-' ') rti.ua sml Mis If n-sry on ti.. Ab,,ut ftK) I" b 'Undiu jYJNSOT X IVCT7" African shore. Tbe miliury authort- ' A - . X- j'U j " ' J, lir"J ties of t.ibraliar. bowevrr. notde. Aeni are wat.td tn handle) Ihl. F CniUS! bTfOV ' V J f I 1 1 iPfT prml uia.n the guns of the forlinc.v voluaMo work. It Is ol.ano 'fa life " . yBCCKkf ff in'KJt-hitvAV ' ' ' 1 A V -fvP tiona for blorklng Ihe Meliterrsn-wn, im, Kltwrwneo Is ant wecewsary, s V A' wrJvjndV UtitirVAM 'X'C7 for at lill.rsltsr thr-re la aJwavs at a- fuil in.wnet.,r,s wee seat and tbowhok- Q I, 'mitvhin. &vidf) t, lW '?torf r r.n li u j.t , v cf,f,,Ci,!:;;!.1c4v.1l1 !!, f ilrrrn.lui atrait aifmlnal tha WatBLl l' j " ". J - I . forrwof f.ei.mt-,wrr. w..t,..,r, ,cres. ia.es row ws M,M r'' '-, ' '-.--vJ ,i I l.'IU IU1, 1 ' L i r '"S u" ri-i i,,,,e . hM-a arl Us- lrt r.iiy tlK-m In e.l e- . ' SmA . .' f I l-w. MMb. S-i. Ifca im an4i ( trlMS Wailvk ii ........ a... .1...I. .1 - , . , ,,.., .m,, ths Kills r tiUl ti". 1. lr ,-laie, sill !! lusr.l ; t .n.k. . ... Ir. Iflpti. k ta t. 1'i.rllanl and rim all tnotjeys. and are wot Malty M- ...m. . II.,. T...W..I. . S. t I I - ... k. tk.la I. I - ' . ,- - - - . - ,i a. r-, , , , , II ,r. I , . I I , V I bj I', f sat -a (ImuI.J real let c ft ( ,lr t et, 31. ll.ls ia M ih m.fi .-l.n,-lr r ky. Tbey are wrv petty, I.TSli.d. very a.,.. , fiBr.a" t t. It s sdimaat w ,' the, '". t o U If. jU.rl.ffM J, C llaST. AaSel. J r,t"' MI I Baslly lraol hf X War. A Hamburg yii-g inai has Juat twd bla asnlty prr .y the lirottfrn rajs, lie dn lwr.il lea )eara sgn ttial he ba-I a bullH In hia besMl. which he flml Into it trying to rmnilt aulcNtr. lie rm. laltie.1 of !, ami, aa he attncketl his Leria-ra arid the ikH'Utrs cuU fltnl ! tr-e of a wound, wa n-krt up as dangrrona lunatic. Tbe Rtgii r) he now sixmo, tlw evarl p!re of the bullet. ii..t..f tul Saw HalM Inn ha lnt sa 1 b-nsa ait boor. Ibg e TifiiU'i t e an I aluibl premlitis ar a!loi1 Cre lil is fciien as I freight pai l. It I aa 1 1 p."liii.t'y to gala a romtwlettee In a V-rt tini'-. TUe Ircx.k is not s'd i ISt'tth et"i or n !.'. t'o-w-plete ci.vi w.w liltll Will b itiiJ f r 21 e t la, .t.t. Ti p'r-s where we li .v i o ivus e full e-ipy of Ibe ttmk -M ke ""t Cltett e.s, t( recti-' v' im l'f.r.RY-ArVVw. A I Iimm ..!.. ViiMlOE in ts L I v rfi i i MrY. n::tT k. ut. rm i-niM-rP Do You V.int ai Ri Don't You Want a Put up Your Tcan Arc You in Need of Horse ? S All throe can W procure! at Tlornjmo k Itions, lx)wrr tll1lh ttl attt.ivf UV t .M t ttt'tf mm. . . . .t . . a . . . . t M ... si mi, 'lawsje arwi f ; sTie"4 rm w fr nm I n sun vsj-n. jv r-wf mms ; t a n i - . r i iewi itw ntj M,9 tttntf 4 tit, ! ptlP ll.t ti.r it, lr.viti g ft, ( im wm in b ws caw iin aw. THOM PSON Sr. HId 7M.04ri waj wrrw s sa. it 5; . tcto I ;xlle reef, - unities a'-t 1 I .-iiti .i, ai..if, k--.r e . I n- I e h-l i l.l ri., .1 . .1 11 t..A..Mp 1 m l,m. ,,, a 4 Via II.W 1 t a i