PAPER FIFTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPT. U, 1897. NO. 579 OFFICIAL SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. PUBLISHED Tuesdays and Fridays BT THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COM. OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man. At fS.BO per year, tl.25 for mx months, 75 ota. tor three muntns, strictly in advance. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. r- THia PAPKB is kept ontUe at E.C. Dake's L Advertising Aaenoy. oi and 65 MerohanU Exohangs, San Francisco, California, where con tacts lor advertising oan De made tor it. 0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 11 p.m. daily except Donday arriving at Heppner junction l:itua. m Leaves Heppner Junotion 8:40 a. m. and ar rive. At HetiDnar 6:10 a. m. t Hpokane Express No, 4 leaves Portland at 2:19 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junotion bus p. m, and TTmatilla 0:15 d. m. Portland Ex areas No. S, from Spokane, arrives at Umatilla 5:05 a. m. and Heppn r Junction 0:10 a. m. and ar lves at Portland 11:45 a. m. Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 8 p. m. and ar rives at Heppner Junction 8:30 a. m. and at Umatilla 1:40 a. m. Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 12:40 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junotion 1:47 a, m. and at Portland 7 :Ct a.m. For further information inquire of J. C, Hart, Agent O. B 4 N., Heppner, Ore. Going East? IP YOU ARE, DO NOT FORGET The Lancashire Insurance Co. OF MANCHBSTBRt ENGLAND OTIS PATTERSON, AGENT. o q t t World Imoortant FIRST Go via. St. Paul be cause the lines to that point will afford jou the very best service. SECOND See that the coupon beyond St. Paul reads via. the Wisconsin Central because that line makes close connections with all the trans-continental lines en tering the Union Depot there, and its service is first-class in every particular. THIRD -For information, call on your neighbor and friend the nearest ticket agent and ask for a ticket reading via. the Wisconsin Central lines, or address McClure's Magazine For 1897 SEVEN GREAT SERIALS FXXCI-A-Ij sibbctobt. United States Officials. .William MoKinley ...Garret A. Hobart John Bherman Lyman J. Oage . . Cornelius N. Bliss , ....BuBsell K. Alger John D. Long James A. Gary ..Joseph MoKenna James Wilson Jas. C. Pond, Gen. Pas. Agt., Milwaukee, Wis. or Geo. 8. Batty, General Agent, 246 Stark St., Portland Or. P. esident V:rw-Presldent Secretary of State bee rotary of Treasury Secretary of Interior.. Secretary of War Secretary of Navy Postmaster-General. . , Attorney-General Secretary f Agriculture State of Oregon. Governor W. P. Lord Secretary of State H. R. Kincaid Treasurer Phil. Hetsohan Bnpt. Publio Instruction G. M. Irwin Attorney General C. M. Idleman ' J G. W. McBride Senators Jj, H. Mitchell ,, I Binger Hermann Congressmen W. H. Ellis Printer W. H. Leeds IR. S. Bean, Hnnraina Juliana I V. A. MooTO. ( C. E. Wolvertoo 8izth Judicial District. CironitJndge Stephen .Lowell Proseoatina Attorney H. J. Bean Morrow County Officials, Joint Benator - A, W. Gowan u..,.,.i.tW J. N. Brown County Judge : A. G. Bartholomew Commissioners J . K. Howard J. W. Beckett. " Clerk " Sheriff " Treasurer...... H. W. Fall, PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO. ILL., Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. & Q C. M. Ji St. P., C. & A., F. Ft. VY. it C., and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads. HATKN 98,00 PER DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton fits., CXEXC.A.3-0. ZliXi. A New Life of 6 rant by Hamlin Garland. The first authoritative and adequate Life of ; Grant ever published. (Begins In December.) . J -J Rudyard Kipling's nrst American serial, "Captains Courageous." (Begun in November.) Robert Louis Stevenson's "St. Ives." The only novel of Stevenson's still unpublished (Begin in May.) Charles A.Dana. "Recollections of War Time." Mr. Dana was for three of the most critical years of the Civil War practically a member of Lincoln's Cabinet, and is probably better fitted than any other man living to give an authoritative history of this period from his recollections and correspondence. . Onrtralta of fire at Americans. Manv of them unmibliihed. In connection with this series . of portraits it is intended to publirh special biographical studies under the general title of makekh OF this UNION from Washington to Lincoln. , Pictures of Palestine. Specially taken under the editor's direction. . , Stories of Adventure. A serial by CONAN DOYLE, In which he will use his extraordinary talent lor mystery and ingenuity which have, In the "Sherlock Holmes" stories, given him a place beside roe and Gaboriau. . j - TEN FAMOUS WRITERS T 1 VT .WhT 111.1.. A.Mn ,h. U ft 'mII. J.h. 111. HAmln. nu. with tlia ATiianHnn il AVUAKDL. , All UIOIIUIIUU U1U IIU IT1U nilWUUUIIB UIDUUIUllig ;CBI n 11 u. VAUVtluu of two contributions to another publication which were engaged from him long ago, will appearn mccluke s maoazink. JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS. A series of new animal stories In the same field as the "Brer Rabbit" and the "Little Mr. Thlmbleflnger" stories. RUDYARD KIPLTNO. Besides "Captains Courageous," Kipling will contribute to McCLoai's an oi tne snort stories ne win write aunng tne coming year. OCTAVE THANET is preparing for the Magazine a series of short stories in which the same characters will appear, although each will be complete in ltselt. Anthony Hop Brat Harts) Robert Barr Frank R. Stookton Stanley Weyman , Clark Ruaaall will all have stories In McClubk's for the coming year. These are only a small fraction of the great and important features of McClors's MaoazinS for hot, tne suDscription priee oi wnicn isoniy ; . ... . . - One Dollar a Year The new volume begins with November. Subscriptions should start with this number. The S. S. McClures Co., New York. DOGS ON THE WAGON SEATS. Surveyor....... . School Bup't.. ..J. W. Morrow ,E. L. Matlock , Frank Gilliam .. J. W. Hornor ..Jay W. Shipley ignan , F. Veugh w . RirhnrdHon L. W. Hriggs A. A. Roberta ' Coroner -ww ivuvm nvwirmns. "rr" Thos. Morgan R5Vr ..Geo.Con-er, Frank Gilliam, Arthur Minor. K J. blooum. LiohMnthal ana . . o"""-; Kxxmler T-eaeorer Marshal Praainct Oflloer ... W. K. Kiehardson Justlceoira i-aao. N B. whetstone United States Land Officers. . wa am. .... TB" " Hagistar J. r. moore Baoaiver 'T w 'iT?" .rUoslvar . MX. iwwuM.'."' - 0oat3BT BOCIXTIKB. BAWLIN8 POST, NO. U. G.A. B. Meet at Uxiorv. Or., th. h Jn"r of -err. month. . AU " Vwi v..,,r Q. W. BroltB. Adintatt. C. O. KduUA. Commander. BTOCR BRANDS. While yon aeep yonr subscription paid np yen I eankeep your brand in free of oharge. Bora. P. O.. Heppner. Or. Horses. P B en left I shoulder; cattle, same on lert hip. Cook. A. J..Lena.Or. Horses. BOon riffhtshoul der; Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark aqnara orop off left and split in right. Donahue. W. M .. Galloway. Or. Cattle. B Den right side, swailoV-fork in each ear; horses, B D I on left hip. Elv. Bros.. Douglas. Or. Horses branded ELY on left shoulder, cattle same on left hip. hole I in right ear. Florence. L. A.. Heppner. Or. Cattle. LF on right hip: horses. F with bar under on right shoulder. . . - - I tf J on the left shoulder: cattle brauded J on I right hip, also nnderbit in left ear. Hang in .orrow county. Johnson. Felix. Lena. Or. Horses. eirnlaT on left stifls; oattle, same on right hip, nader half I nop in n ud split u lait ear Kennr. Mike. Heppner. Or. Horses branded KNX on left hip oattle same and crop off left I art under slope on toa right Leahe. J. W. Heonner Or. Hones branded L and A on left shoulder; eettle same on left I hip, wattle over right eye, three slits in right I ear. Minor. Oscar. Heppner nr. Cattle. M D on I right hip; horse. H on left shoulder. uiiniw. K7. ' D I' V' VI U'nMW, at I on lett snoaiaei o&uie seme on ten nip. Osborn. J. W.. Donalas. Or.i horses O on let shoulder; oattle saina on right hip. Parker & Gleason. Hardman.Or. Horses IP os left shoulder. Piner. J. H.. Laxtnctoo. Or. Horses, JR ono. n sated on left shoulder) oattle, same on laf hip. I onder bll in eaon ear. Hector. I, W., Heppnar, Or. Horsas, iV ot left shoulder. Cattle, O on right hip. flnem. K. O. HeoDnar. Or. Cattla W 0 on left hip, orop off right and nnderbit in left year, I Htm lert sootuaer. A Campaign Of Education How io Oct. ir For Faithful Canine Guardians of Their Masters' Property. One of the familiar sights of city life in Chicago is the dog perched on the seat of a delivery wagon or with his head protruding from the rear of the vehicle and barking lustily at some supposed intruder. The sight has be come so common as to attract but little attention from the pa6sers-by, but only few years ago its rarity would have demanded instant attention. Take it around the big wholesale grocery houses down-town and the majority of the wagons that are backed up to the curbstone have a vigilant four-footed guardian in them. Most of these dogs are shaggy-coated terriers of one kind or another, without any claim tojiigh breeding, but with the merit of inces sant and wiry watchfulness. Let any one but the owner lay his hand upon the horse, wagon or contents and at once the dog sets up a savage and noisy protest, in which all the dogs in the line of wagons join. One of these truckmen, when asked why it was that so many of them had a dog on the wagon, answered: "To watch out for thieves. You see," he con tinued, "we carry many small pack ages, and maybe before I get rid of my load I have to visit a dozen places, leav ing my wagon and contents unprotect ed while I go into each house. There are always thieves watching for just such opportunities, and before I had a dog every little while something would be stolen from my wagon and I would have to pay the loss. Since I have had my dog I have not lost anything. "How did I train the dog to stay in the wagon? Oh, that was easy. I just tied him there and kept him tied for three or four months, and by that time he was on to his job. Then the dogs de velop generally great affection for the horses and stay nights with them. My dog Bleeps in the stall with my horse and the animals are almost Inseparable. I have tried to take the horse out with out the dog once or twice, jusit to try him, but the pup set up such a racket when left far the barn alone that I was glad to let him out." Some of the big express companies are now putting dogs in their wagons as additional safeguard. One noticed yesterday had a bull terrier of most ferocious mien on, Pity the aneek thief who ever attempt to filch anything from that wagon! lie never will get away with it. Chicago Chron' icle. Everybody Says So. Oaeoarets Candy Cathartic the most wonder tul medioal discovery of.the age, pleasant and refreshing to the taste, sot gently and positively on the kidneys liver and bowels, oleansing tbe entire system , dispel oolds, care headaohes. fever, habitual constipation and bil iousness. Please bay and try a box of 0. 0.0. today; 10,52, 60 oeots. Sold and guaranteed to care by all druggists. If ill &AUI.I0 POYDEn Absolutely Pure Cass J. Matlock, once a Fendletonian, is in tbe city, from Bandon, B. 0., where he has been engaged io tbe hotel business with good suooesa. Mr. Mat look thinks now of disposing ot bis in terests at Sandon and engaging io simi lar business at Bkagaay, says theE. 0. Tbe Southern Pacific railroad company has deoided to sell tickets from all stations on its lines io Oregon, at one fate for tbe round' 'ip. In view of the taot that our people have been favored with abundant crops, it is oonfidently expeot ed that the state fair at Salem will have a better attendance than ever before, and io order to give all an opportunity to visit this great institution of whioh the people ot the entire state have rea- arm . rx Kn npniirl Hi i a nnnnln tin. r t railroads has reduoed tbe fare so as to J " ooa as vr. .rung's ew dis enable all to see one ot the grandest oovery. They are not as good, beoanae displays ever eihibited at Salem. The this remedy has a record of cures and Fair open Sept. 30th and closes Oct. 8th. besides is guaranteed. It oever fails to 07U tt satisfy. Trial bottles free at Onnaar Brock's drng store. The True Remedy. W. M. Bepine, editor Tiskilwa, HI., "Chief," says: "We won't keep bouse without Dr. King's New Discovery tor Consumption, Ooaghs and Oolds. Ex perimented with many others, but oever got tbe true remedy until we used Dr. King's New Disooverv. No other remedy oan take its plaoe in our home, as io il we have a oertain and sure cure for Coughs, Oolds, Whooping Cough, etc" It is idle to experiment with other remedies, even if tbey are urged on you W. K. Oorson oame in from Monu ment Tuesday and left immediately to acoept a position with Joe Woolery at lone . Stop that oougb! Take warning. It may lead to consumption. A 25c bot tle of Shilob's Core may save your lite. Sold by Oonser & Brock. x $5.00 UNPARALLELED OFFER Dr. P. B. McSwords; ' PHtSICIAN and SURGEON. Store, OflVi to the City Drag City total. oear tt dewlaDi hon Thompson, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, t, on I left shoulder: cattle. 1 no left shonldar. Tarnsr n. W.. Heppner. or. HinaU oapltal T bones; oattle same on ten Up I ooiB ears. Wattonbarger. W. J.. Galloway, Or.i horses I quarter cinite JW on right shoulder i eattlel quarter circle J W on right hip and right sine. I crop and bole in left ear. Hangs in Morrow ana Umatilla oounuaa. D.I. McFaul, M. D. UEPESER, OREGON. nrnnSf. p, m-tt offiot in jewelrstors. , tbe rear of Borg's Notice of Intention. Land Orrirs at Tms Dallss, Oaino. Aur. 4th. IMI7. NOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVKN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice m rmnre.S to 10 a. DX. od 12 to lot his liitenUon to malts Bnal proof tu support v.- - u7.inK'a I oi his claim, ano. irtal saia prooi will he mane 1 o. in at readeooe. Mr, tt. "0 J before J. W. Morrow, county clerk, at Heppner, Sun V IO l. ui . w v urvgon, on eepu una, in, vis; JOHN P. VOVt. Rerord entry John Iuy. Hd. Entry No, tOA lor in N Wit Kec, w Tp 1 8 K 24. E. W. M. H names in mi lowing wnneaw-s in prove his ennttnuou residence upon end cultivation of eald land, vis: Joseph H. Flltlns, Henry Putins. John A. Harlik and Edward Hollo way, ell of Douglas, Oregon, 4AOt r. H0 Register. To be educated one must read the best literature. Tbe best literature Is expensive. Leslie's Illustrated Weekly. Publlsaed at 110 ' fifth Avenue, Hew York, Is full of the best things Its Illustrations are superb; it stories eharmlog; and 1U literary department are edited wltb con summate skill. Buch a paper Is a great popular educator. It should be In every borne. Tbe subscription price of Leslie's la 14 pe nnum. We make the unparalleled offer ol a copy of Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi Weekly one year for only $5.00. Mo such offer was ever made before. No such offer will aver be mad again. These two papers mak a most acceptable Christmas or blrthdsy gift, and will be constant reminders ot tbe fiver's kindness. Remit by postal order or check to the GAZETTE, Heppner, Ore con. WEEKLY The MONTHLY Firt Ndional Bank 0F3EPPNER PreeldentI Vlee Preele-ent Ceshler Asa't Cashier C. A. ME, T. A. ME. GEO. . CONtH, Trull I Gtnl Basting E&iiiiesi Oa all paj ol the world BouVitvnd Sold. s2 J I hi. (wi tin (action i oa all points ea rueanee Term. arl4 ondlH Profit. IS 1,0) 10.00. Notice of Intention. Laud Ornc s at Tns Daixss, Osiook. Aug 4. IIW. Outlook Pukllsked Every Saturday 13 Astor Place New York XJOTirE IS HEREBY OIVf.N THAT THE lv Inllowlng namMl settler has Sled notice ol hlslntrntlon to mak Anal proof In support of hlsclaim, and that said pmof will be mad be fore J. W. Morrow, County ( lark St Ueppner, Orgn,oa Sept. Hh, mn, U: JOHN A. UARRKE. H I. Entry Ko. for the WEta, See. K, Tp, I K M. s the following wltna tn prove U'his rtilenee npnn and riilUvallnn nf said laud, vis: Jnat-tih H. Pllklns. Henry rilkln. John P Uiuy, Edward llnlloway, all of iMmglae, Urefoa. Register. (c o)lntentlon. . .auxr AT Ollllll OSSQO. A. lith. lf ..vrira atREhilVrX THAT THE IN ollg awdll.r ha Bled eotlre hi mu. to w.akM.1 pt l ' , Ll. ria.nd that will hm aiad tllorel. w.wrow.'r lk,sl-fa.r, tlRfRPOU n E rV4. U'j and SK't He " "" P" kwcnUna fwHM.sM .Mill.!!" Hi i amid lanU: Rian. laH fraly, Troy lht('P4 H '. Ail l Hofpner, lcm. f Wllf. Ta4 u1 NOTICE OF INTENTION. IAND OPKICK AT THE DAI.I.KH.OREOOH J Aug , 1W. Kotli Is herrl.y given thai the following-named svttli-r has filed onttraof his Intention to male Dual prifln support of his claim, and that sold proof will ( mailt Iwfor J. VV. Morrow, Comity clerk, at Heppner, isrvgim, on tx-ioiier is, iwi, vis: TRl'MAN B. KK ItARPHON. Rd. P.. No. Aim for the KWU km. I Id I I k nr. W M. M.mim the Io lowlr.s? wltnesas In nrova nis rontitiuotis roslnonre iilHin slid cu Uvatlon of said land, I Thntnas H. tlraham, Andrew reliersnn. Kith ol Oonerlierry. uregon. rl vsnti Wright snd Andrew Wright, both of eight una, uivgon, JAS. P. MOORE, 575-A7 Register, Tbs Outlook will be la 1W7, aa it baa beeo darlof eaob of its teeoty ssrsa years, a History of Oar Owe Times. Ia its various editorial departmeets Tbs Outlook giTes a eompaot reyiew of tbe world's profreas: it follows with ears all tbe Important pbilaotbroplo sod id dastrial novwineDte of tbe day; bas a complete department of religious news; Tbe regular sobeonptioa prioe ot lbs I devotee maeb space to tbe iut-reataof Semi-Weekly Osteite is 12.60 sod tbe I tbe borne; reviews surreal literature; regular prioe ot tbe Weekly OrtgoDiea feratabee cbeerfal table-lslk about aiee is 11.60. Any one eobeohbioi for tbs aed tblngs: eod, la abort, aims to civs Oaselte and paying- for ope year ia I freeb lolormalloD, origieal obsf ratios, adaace caa fl botb tbe Osteite aod I as J rsaeonable eoUrlalotneol. hi. li. n I.. I..I1UI AII.IJ.L newaiy urriwiss ir '."'. u .w .w eu.lanla- .l.h the flfl. ft.fft, Snlssu ennbers paying tbeir guWriplions for owe year ia adranee will be entitled W i-" wu u" tr earn l(lnesiM( whirb will add greatly Io Its Oooteuleoee aod etrrarliveoMe. Tbs Ueppner to feodletoo via ueppaer- w. u....j r.h.NU.s fjna. I'.raona l r" '' o..i-y vtailieg l'eedltoa asa save time end money by tektnc thie roate. Lir ae- qaalntina tbe aeeote Hie previous vo tef tbe stage will make conneetioej wltb 1 a r lock train at rho for reedMon Unf ft ilagwe utppner i le'elook, Tsye, Tnorwdays, . tt.laru- artai a a loos, p, - . .... I f .1 llm lU.a tS7 11 I. .an " ...... w-.k s-i- sprieinr. Walt Tbompena rune state betwewa Ueppeef aad Moaomaot, arriving every day tiaapt Modiy aad leavieg every day eiewpt flaaday. Hborteet and tbp- fir. el W - a ,ha dew . S l way .i.kt a loona. i. u freii UIWnbwk.rrop.e Verr-e's dneiore. et Ilarry tt. tutbe 49. Wrber sbp, I ewt roots to tbe Isle nor. aieeate. OtIVs ''tager. tf H- fifty t0 laenee a year. Tbe first issue la eaeb montb is aa Illustrated M agasias N amber, eooUioiof a bunt twin as tuaay pagee aa tbe ordinary iaeue, tngattier hb a large aombef of pH-tnree, Tbe prise of Tbe Outlook ta tbree dollars a year In advanse, or Ira tbea a ewet a day. Head for a Sie)a epy snd illalrt C J. f beam, I propetos to Tbe Ootloar, 13 Astor Kott AeaUeiy. Drop la aad ee aboot O I Pina V.a Tmi Pilf. luia if Leva a bo I aJaraLa. If COLONIAL RUINS IN GEORGIA. Bom Stranare Reminders ot an Aa. svuuoss. IK THE jl'snt'E COt'ET POR THE SEi'ONO Din r li t, Male of Orrgoo, lor Morrow Coun ll. Inskeep, rUlnUfr, A . I. ft Miller. Defendant. Te I l. Miller, the above named defendant In thenaiaeof Ids uu of : loaar nerel.y miulrel Io appear liefore lh nii'lir. signed, a Jisit( nf lh I'aara, In Sat ond lls- tiii I in mki roiiaty and siaia. on th Wnd dsr M Ortubar, l7, al Ih hour of one o rlnrk In Ih afternoon of said day al my oAtce In said dlslrlft to answer Ih enmplslnt iii I. N In. il loamlnl opno en loiriimnl nf arlllog ni wnemin n neinanis Twenty ixtllsrs (IJ'I won I u lamas I nun six IS. I't. al lha fate ot tan pr rent ar samiai and in mala and dia- hiiramenla nf this arilon The defrmlanl will las nolle that If ha tall In answer I ha now- tilalul hrr.ln Hi Hal Ml ff will lata iMngmanl walnat aim lor Taanty Iioiiats end lulereal as Uia rale ol tan r rant f annum ftom May M. !!. sud call and dtslKirsaoenw of this a. tlon. I'ulilisiaxl by ovdaf of Jiiattre nf ha Pear for th hnuM InsirVI Io Mormw etxiiiiy. Mate nf tmon. ImUI nrpi. mli, Jivj. fiT wl Tbs O ! will lakepnlatoM, apples, eggs or batter os eahssriptloe eoroanls. Any one owing Ibis oflWrea settle tbeir areoonl ia tbis manner and aaa'l do il too eotia to soil as. Stranare Reminder ot dent Settlement. Near the town of Lexington, in the eastern part of Georgia, are located some of the moat Interesting and lil toric ruins that are to be fount! in the south. The pen of tbe hUtoriau has failed to record tbe adventures of thoae to whose' handiwork theac remains of ancient fortifications are attributable, and the story of the nnclent settlement has only been preserved In the tradl tlons of the community. Away back in 1770, five years prior to the declaration of independence,, six men snd their families dwelling in Wyoming valley in the colony of Pennsylvania, gathered together their effects and with their families started on a long journey toward the south. They were Scotch rresbyterinns, and, not being In touch with their Quaker nelghliors In Penn's colony, they decitled to try their for tunes in the wilds of the lands of tbe Clie.rokees. Through Maryland, Vlrglnln, North and South Carolina they took their way, and not until they had eroiuied t lie 8a. rannah river and were beyond the juris- diction of the lords proprietors of the colonies of the CaroliniiM did they make a halt within the liorders of the vnst snd fertile territory claimed by the Cherokee. The Indians had St that time become Involved In a quarrel with the white colonials at Savannah, and a desultory warfare was going on w lilch deterred the travelers from proceeding further southward. They rdrcted the highest bill in sll that sect Ion sea coign of vantage, v. here they count ruclcd at first a rude blockhouse, surrounded by a tall palUtadr, ami then cleared the slopes of tlie trees snd iinderhriioh o th savage foe rould not approach with In fsnwahot without Iwlng diaenvrrrd. The corner atones of the old fort at III remain In their plocen, huge flint Uiwl dera thst iipii-d the ri:V' wulla, tbe storw of which arcarntu-red on the barren hill aow around the old m-MIc ment. I pot. the rtioesy rrrin utonr sre rudely Inscribed the niinxa of va rious members of the six nriginnl fam ilies. Newton, nit-hnrde, llaltlwin, Lait- drum, Martin ami (ii!!uim. Many are the legends snd trsdilioria tlint cling about the environ! of the am-lrt.t set tletnetit, and tlw alrangc sdit-nlurrs of the valiant piotieera have been banded down from aire Io son. Ware tbey collected they would make an entertaining ail. lit ion to the history of the early settlement of tblarotintry. n. T. .'uel. In a reoenl bioyole race np at Tsooma an aooident ooourred in whiob at aver, the oraok man, was dangerously injured. They Are the "Mustard." Meadows & Hstten, tbe pioneer blaok smiths, have made some elegant im provements in tbeir establishment and added a large stook ot iron, horseshoes snd other materials essential Io tbe happiness of those who need quick re pairs on tbeir wsgons, buggies or any kind of maohinery. Tbey bars ex tended their room so as to accommodate everybody in the oonntry who is In need ot repairs. Wbsa you want a borse shod, maobine repaired, tire sel or aoy thing else in tbeir line, you will find Meadows ft Hstten Io be tbs boys thst osn do it aod do it right In abort order. . tf 8tati op Ohio, City o Toledo) Ltjoas County, f FrsDk J. Obeney mskes ostb Ibat be is tbe senior partner of the firm of F. J. Obeney ft Co., doing business in tbe oity of Toledo, county sod state aforesaid, snd that said firm will pay lbs earn oi Ons Hundred Dollars tor each and every ohss ot estsrrb that oannot be oared by tbe use of Hall's Ustsrrb (Jure, FbaNK J. CUBNSY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presenoe, tb's (Jib dsy of December, V.1HM. -, A. W. Olbason, seal Notary l'ublio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is tsksn Intern ally snd sots directly on the blood and mo. oons surfaoee of tbe system. Bend for testimonials, free. K. J. Cheney k Oo Toledo. O IJTHold by druggists, 730. A few dsys ago sensational speoiala were senl out from Tsooma, Io tbe effeot that Sandoo, B. 0., was depopulated on aooonnt of a plague tbat was raging, people fleeing for tbeir lives and aban doning tbeir property. A speoial to tbe Ledger, tonigbt, saya that Bandon baa been particularly free, this summer, from plagues of any kind. There is very little ilokness, and only one or two oases of typhoid fever. Practise Economy In buying modiolus as in other matters. II ia eoooomy to get Hood's Sarsaparilla . because there ii more mediomal value in Hood's Sarssparilla than in any other. Every bottle ot Hood's Sarsaparilla contains 100 doses and will average, taken aoaording to directions, to last a montb, while others last bat a fortnight. Hood's Fills are tbe only pills to take with Hood's Sarssparilla. Easy and ' sffioient. ' Obss. Horgsn, ot Ssnd Hollow, one of oar most exsmplsry yoang men, de parted Saturday for Portland and will enter Holmes English Business College at onoe. Mr. Morgan is to be coogrstu lsted opoo bis deoision ot ohsrsoter wbioh prompts bim to tske advantage of opportonitiee offered. He oould not . bave aongbt a better sobool than the Holmes. Qrent County Nsws: Vsrnoo Lodgs Knights of Pylhiss of Ibis city, wbioh aa no lodgs room, it figuring closely on tbe prot ositlon ot build log a ball. Tbe "Uleyollsl's Best Friend" is a familiar name for DeWitt'e Wltob Heiel Halve, always rsady for emergencies While a sprciflo for piles, it alsoinstsnt ly relieves and enres eats, bruises, sslt rbenm, ecsema and all sffeetions of tbs kin. It nsvsr fails. flroek. e I). A. Currsr, formerly of rs.lletoe, be opened ep a 18 eel barber ebp la Matlock rorner. . Call on binv. lb oi l t. on tbe Woik itrirtly first eta. Tbe Oaselte bas a ecbolariblp for sale, good for one eebool yssr al Uieboe tt antes a llwaaa. They wire jm t i l'stn!T up Uie real e tale d'-al ami Hi-r an wboslways want ed eonietliii.g t'.iinn In to make s f iod barrtiin spfa-ur'd io ln-it1e. "Wbal'll )u throw In7" -Wbatll 1 tabatr "WLat'll ion throw In aa a sort of boniuiT' "Oh, yea. of rourw," aawl the real ea- M ftim. "How at u, iid of me! Why, tb fa t la, In our line of business we sre not In eatly In Ih" habit of giving prlrea, but, In this rase, just to OisUe li tilnding. 1 don't mind tti rowing In the bark tatea." "MOW yoq'rw talking tMialieaa!" rlalmed lbs would lie imri baoer. "It at ai pays for s man to sti' k out tt M rlghu." It was wily sfler the Irsnsfer wse frikU tluil be ft arovere.1 that lb bak Lssee were pata)4e by snd not Ui the ewtaer. 4'hkgo l'w4 If yon bave ever seen a little obild in a paroxysm of hooping oongh, or ityoa bsve been aonoyed by a constsnt tick ling in tbe tbroat, yoa oan appreciate the value of One Minate Cough Care, wbiob gives quick relief. Sold by Coo ler ft Brock. e Cards ars out announcing the mar riage of Miss Lillian E. Hamilton Io Mr. Bart W. Johnson, botb of Oorvsllis, on Wsdoeedsy, Sept. Ui, 1807. Mr. I Johnson Is sditor ot tbe Corvellia Oa selte and is highly esteemed by all of bis trisods and tbey are legioa, all of whom ais lavish in tbsir wslbwUbss. Catarrh eared. A olssr bead and sweet brestb secured with Shilob's Catarrh Remedy; sold on a guar id tee. Nasal Injector free. Bold by Comer ft Brook. x OranlCo. Mows: Miss Eva Brians. For Bsle by Conser af rjsppuer, dsagbter ot Mrs. B. F. Vsagbso, has been engagsd Io lake Hen. I.onatrMt was r.a.nll. marrbw! 01 n PHmary aeparimeul 01 IDS to Mlea Ellen Dortcb, of Atlsnts, Oe. Oen. Lnngatreet is 75 ysars old while the bride is less thsn 35. Csnyoa City pablle school. Te Cere Ceestlpatlus Porevrr. Take Caaesrels Candy Catbarli& lile or r-o. If C. O. C. fall to otiie. drnauists refund money. If Tbs denes Friday was well attended sod muob enjoyed by all. Trtter, Halt-llbeum and rVxeme. Ttia Inlanaa 1 1 . ' Vi I n r. nil .mirllfitf I r, r-1 - dent to thnan diaeaaee. Is Instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Eye anl Hkln Ointment. Many very bad caeee have Iwn permannntly enrol by It. It Is equally efnrlent for Itching piles and favorite remedy for sore nliitdne. chapped bands, chilblains, frost bitca and chronic sore eyes, eta. per box. Dr. fadr's Cendltloa I'ewdVrt. are jtiat what a horse needs when la bad oowlmoa. Tome, blood putioer and vnrmiruge. Ttiey are not vrl bnt mei Ins and lbs beet In nse to pat bores la prime txmdltlon. I'rb 11 cents per pes sag. "My boy oame borne from sobool one dsy with bis bsnd badly laacsrsled and bleeding, and suffering grssl pain," says Mr. E.J. Bchall, with Meyer Bros. Drog Co., Bt. Iouls, Me. -I dressed the woood, and applied Chamberlain's Paia Balm freely. All pain ceased aod In a ramnrksbly short time it bested without leaving a soar. For wounds, sprslns, swellings snd rbsamslism I know ot do Bieillolue or prescrip tion iqael Io it. I coosider it a bones bold Daeesslty," Tbe 25 aod 60 seat bottles for ssls by Conser A Brock. Tbe Dalles Cbrooklsi Mr. E. U. Piper, who for several years bas bald tbs position of elty editor on tbs Ors goolso, bas gone to Beattte to take charge of tbe Post Intelllgsnoer. As Mr. F. A. Carle baa also severed bis connection wltb thst psper, there Is to be a decided Changs In the edltorisl staff. CATARRH M7AlsAU localVisease Sa4 1 Is fS -aWt a eats, as) Il cm k earaS h ill ill Salt Wave a 4 At. aa.y lata lea anawtia Ba EJy'sCream Bata Is sStMwMra4 le he tf sa1 irroayS f fi haaeii atanii. IW4 la Ilaa4 sa4 IUf faa af s i Karl's Clovsr Hoot Tee, lot Coaetipa tloa It's lbs beet and if after Being il yoa don't say so, retoro psrksge aad get your money, Sold by Goassr ft Brock. I mm s4 Hi aim laa aaas 1 1 s i , soars taia 4 laaaaaO., has 'I lea am, pn ytt Ua swaii-aaa ttrm aa.4a. laianas taa nans f 'ailt"l raa an. at lmr(iauw ay awit, glf kauyl altka, a W areas euaai, Hew !, Orant Co. Nsws: Mrs. B. F. Vsogbsa, wbe bes beea visiting ber boebsod while ea bis trip le tbie valley, departed for ber bme la UppBr last Monday. For Oonstipatloa lake Karl's Clovsr Tea, lbs great Blood I'urlfisr, carts beadeebee, Nsrvoaaeaee, Eraplloes oa tbe face, ssd mskae the bead as clear as a ball. Hold by Conser ft Broeb.